Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1915, p. 3

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dohh mt into ill in uinlitli on tuiiuluy fulj j7lh him toltnv ituil mm c 1- mu inumh u win htlll itorn marrilkvmat tin mulornlly ifoaplul modloluo hut aumrtu nn thlirwliil kuly mill to mr nnd mm r l maitltoww alhiitlitor marlon lltiltoiilh mannied wiuuis limnal th molhndut ir nanaim lfiwuiew nit tuowuy trd au nut w iuv v v r lilily xi a father or tho bride iwltuj by itov ii w avlaou m a it 1 anion hrother of tho brl it oil- wordmi o wlnnltoft to marunrnt bnuurj v hldy died him l aiu in 1 quowi on tuedy july 27th lualtml hlnahlr uloved wlf or gilbert hlnolalr ajred 73 ymn ffilic ritm 3fr fires tiiuitblfav auuusto 10ib editorial notes gioav iliirruv in taking her pert in tlio kreateat war tli world haa ovor aeon yt hereupon trad in tun waa only kit her cent lea titan it wan u year aao before the war wm declared baa power ih a wonder ful thlntf and tlreat hrtulnfi factories taking full udvanlag or it now tltat ituvala he atari drlnklttf vodka th uvinica banua ar ttuffed with money hy and hy it paaaattta will develop a laate for utter bout and furwl ture and thua dupoe of the former vodka money for which thy now itav o little uu that tluy hank it glob we uu now invito people who with to bring up tltelr children free from tit temptation todrluk lo laal their home in alberta an between ui bottl and u hoy th world will pleaae note that alberta t taoat valua on uie hoy alberta liaa hoya to fight the enemy hut none to wu boo fih t in f edmonton bulletin tiik hot provincial treasurer elate that lb revenue from th war uv of ona mill mpoeed hut tewon of th ontario leglalatur will be eppwulnialely 1000 000 whleh it la expected will ha paid be- for tha end of december next hon mr uooerry further intimated that th war uk will remain in faro during next year and probably in 1017 a vmu eulogy la paid ttir ilolwt mor den in m brief akeleb appctarliii in land and waurf ona cannot trb to- il iiua tohuunhian of uia uonli tyjw um wrlur note that uia urltui rmnlm awta lu aolldarlly todaybin wlio hava dollnj to adtnltthat any ooiuulwatlort partuial or humjuta can outwalgli th ultltnauqood that lay ally and faltlt to a pujjrwl word hrlng wltli thau aix th allan 6ntnim in tlm budhury dktrlot who art out of work w to b nunil wliat la tha uatur wltli ukln all th aluna not of bndhury aloiia hut of othot dlurlota and hitting thou to work biaklrigprtnannt roaja tu roada ar liailly mldad aad no out of work um alua oolony bhoutd u hanging around uu but ahould u glvi thjr boutl and bad td work or it worth day ft cm vnatourftt- paofja wholiav glakany thing ilk oatajut eoualdaration to tha ri tloal pojtioa of tha allua la tha v-j- with flarmany ar ohllgvd to oonflujdj that vry hiao 0iywlly fit having no d pandiu and not wgd in tha waking of uualtiona of war or working ou a farta ought toanllat for ovwaaaa fcrvta ar aaally on hundred t of fcuob pbriooa yt rvtualalng in oataho and quahoo vuuaviivwilbmbg of rod and oua in ckaada pohluhajd at woojatook oat hy w j taylor llwluj boakgood radin fortjh aportauaa ila atari of bunting anj bhlttg and ua tbar uihpilui of varhmtfotiuogi la ckndua wood w m ganadlaa wawa ai la una with th vam uoa iminit atad tha uatfajiin la ta wu wartb whiu tneklag lata tha blab or dan sag big wbai mttiag oat on tha annual ufasnuir vaoadloa rkfokta frort all paita of oanada injlfl at that bad la good crop twwpwu tucwdlagty aatuiaetory both la kaatart and waura canada and thaw appaare to b tou of tnonay eikuhuing in many una buunaa la htlur than at any urn alao th outhraak of war a yaar ago anj thlargerdara for war ulpnttt whuli bav bd auurad by canadian flruj ar taaklng tbatnaolvao fjt travatur rpr wnuitg big wbolatal houoi wport that oonditlona lu tha rurj maliona of tb oountry ar avoaltanl coluotlooa w good railway tawing ar improving and oanulu ktuanufaatnr at mtthng ivar- tnaunt 4aeaa or thalr outpnt la lb drltub uarkat ktradatrmu htohibltniw will be fitthahfimt ihtaussia matiorinj sitvlnga have oroatly ia- tttmua klttm uw woht la vlnano ulnutar bark dclart that in aplt o wnttuu war expanaui kuwa bad auooaadad la finding aafucunb fdiwl not wlthaundlatf th ida of rwnu oauad by tb prohibition of tha sal of liquor the ux upod whlb formally yuldad 1000000 000 roabua tfl00000000 annually ha atatad that tb war avpanwa of kumu at th and of 1010 will amount to 724 j 000000 rouuaa 19621000000 to cover whkh tha wlnutar iaprol4otlbgaaarlofcrdltopr- atlon lopruob war aard of auooeaav m b a national aav nginr4aadlf00a0uroubui ftwo 000000 which pvd that tb nounuy bad aunuatreaouroh 1bhiwiduthtiiinu tar inalaud eollwje to tb tauparano of tb paople and be auartad prohibition mtlat bt ualntaluad evan aftar tb war be oauae of it aalueary abbot upon the natlou newsv notes 0m the war tiotmnti bostroyornndtrnrmportart vlotlmuorklrltliiti submnhnos and also twotulkislf c hafts uumihiii tuny nlmixlnn wnrwnw but htudoiitu if hktory will rocnll thut tlwy ulno nhuiwh nl moicow mul tlum jiav wit i n wuy for wntarlno arrlvuuat all bum from cnnulinitlitoilo rivort tlmt 1o0o luilldliik inoludlntf tlto lermnii ikmilul iiiimi with woundwl wliltoru uoro ilentrnyod itut wock by fire a ilujuuh from atrogrftd laab night taja i an olllolal ooimnunloatlaii iuiimi on monday xaya that a hrltuti huhmarlns liaaitunk a larga lennan trnuniort in th llultlo ban tlierrj havo hooti no ltnuirtantkotloiibi on either alila in the loiit fortultrlit on tno 1r1iiu1i 1dniimiila pven tho llrltuh iwimlmriliiuiit of tlto turklali umitloiih law leuuinotl nonalilenil ly lu iln hi tenuity ivueo talk la tho worut ttliul of wur tojtli lanoo must not 1m oonoludml wluraxwijl utterly void of regard for protnlaea or pladgea ruoh a paopta utuao not la left with tower to vlolat pladgea niiooaajifully tho hrltlkh ailmlralty announced yhtr day that a llrltuh auhmaln had roturnttl and reported tha hlnkiug of a oarman torpado hoat dentroyor liallavod to lu of tho o 100 elau on luly 2fltli noar th lrman ooant ampla proof li now in pofcacaalon of tli alltft that tho kalaor oaiictlonotl tlio alnk ing of tlio lubltunla a lettor itaa lcn uoured in tit ltitperora peculiar iiaml writing urging tho toil of a friend not to tall on that voami if hulgarla aliould parmlt larnian troopa to oroaa liar territory on ttalr way to tlw dafenoj of conalaiitlnopla bits will auto- uatloally daclaro itornalf a fjemiaii ally aud ltatweaa iter fats and the ft of tur key tliar will ho llttto to ctioo lii vim admiral commanding in tlta eaatarn uaditarranmn raporu uiat one of tit iliitlth auhmarinaa ow rating in ttt baa of marmora hu torpodool a large ateanur of sooo tona off uia uudanu pier which had aavaral vatuwla aaeurl alongtlda mleliael vlaillulrovluhlrolklanko th prealdant of tlv cltambar at ivtrograd in oonvanlng tits uulon or tha duuia uld on monday tli mors urtibla tits war bofiama tha uor ttuula waa imbued by th ann and uaaliakahls deiartnl nation to luring it to a auooeuful luue ttia kalura adilrea to the peopl at oeranaay on tin annlvraary of tit war waa tha auhjocb of unftliy ami aaroaatlo ootnmnton monlay in tha vrenoh prew tb lertnan ktnitvrora awkbrtioo tliat lte did not want war la characteriittd with lib manifesto is a luue of lua vvhluui auatrooeroiaruioontinu to tlgbtau lit wingd of tltalr grvat oaaleru hatuofrorit with auoocwj at itoth extretnl tua including tha oooupation of mitau r- paried officially hy rarlln tlte altuation bafor warsaw proper ramaina unobangad and objure tim vaouatlon proceeila with utuiout ordir tb journal dea luhau remaikai ko body not even ute uut neutral of neutralu will uluve tltat uorbla threat ened autthai that ilelglum plotteil to humiliate owmibj or that the trlpla entent trapard tea yeara for war for which in ute beginning they visibly wnre lacking in ute very arma ewiitlal it la reported via bulgaria uiat uia galaia bridge liaa baa blown up by a tub- uarlne tlte oalata brtdg oonnu conatanunopl wlui ute asiatic ekore and rvata a ute only ueana of traneporung troopa frotd um turkuli oapiul to tha ablatio bide of ute iterdanallae whence they are frrud bfiraa to ut ialljpjli hainan i codtaatingojt ut kaiaera addrte to ut iertuan people uaued uet baturday uie milan 8odo ieya t to tb imperore oath of innomoe kurope aoj ut whole civilised world already have replied that heunottelllngthatruut hiatrooaibavbo far been ooaqaartng beceuu of their super lor preparetloaa he eeouaae europe of preparing ten yaare for war while gatnay for thirty year eharpwiad ite artj for aggr inn a kw york world ejitos thu week aaya i hid adulral uabau lived to aeethe brlunlrigoftbaeeooad year of tb world war ba would bav found lu ut evnl of u tlrbt ynar ut tuwt blrlklnp vlndleatloa yet reodcdwl of ut lubueno of aa power upoa hlatory lucept or ut ilrluah navy oertnany today would be biatar of tb world oermanya marvelous prepared neai ooniblned with bar unparalled ullltarv reeourmat gave um teutonic alllano a commanding advantage uiat all tb real of europe oould nothav wluutood had bind warfare alone bean ahl to determine ui reeull out for ilrltleli domlnauoa of ut baa ut war would h or aud elvlluatloa prorata before triumphant leraaji mill tarimd neld cb cortfo it qlutla helion won lirat priib la thfl cowputlort fok haltou volloulno are tb winner in tit bald crop compautloti for barley held under the aaaplcee of the halton agricultural society t ivlnu imu 1 h ouua hu mc1 j h wllwn hu1 1bm lit oil e a uol6u m iaoo 1u lvtunoo as klulluj l loo u a eiuabu bl 400 hough b llatacliara out yute uloa etc dont die in ut ilouao iso and cja at drug and country btare russia satisfied with allies tho ftoport that sho complaltiod tho dhtloh rtiol prcnoh arrnlou wore inaotlvo la denied fosltivelv no ill eeeliho exists inndon anp 2 count alexandro c llanckendorff tho it ihuiuii aoiwwwdor to unwit llrltaln imuwi in london today n fcutemont ta lowing uuitl u mwllon altar a yoir or war laying itroum on um identity orultnanr uiuula aud jreat llrltaln and ohmcrtlng that ww oo wiv initojilhlo oxonjit nn our own condition commenting on tho report unit ltula waa dluaubftod with uis efforu umt ute untenta all lea wero mnklnr in tlio watt its bdldi it haa heen uahl that the hutntan ptihtld hoted for a atroug oltenulve in tho weat while tho nermann wero making thelrontet in the cunt tliu may 1m ua but not a trooe of hi reeling halt boon mnntfouud and the tolier view whloh oonnlderu only mill tary itoulhllltleh haa alwaya prevailed nowbem lioa tho oolooaal effort of great llrltaln and itrauco in ui lurdnuelloa been mors appreciated thai in huwla a malicious beport vmltor vum lnuui i dearblr8inoe my huibaiwlhaienluted and gone into training at niagara i have been exoeaalvely annoyed by a mallclouall uiat haa been circulated hy earn evilly die poaed peraona to tlm effeotuiathehad laeti arreatad and interned at niagara camp aa a german apy the faueneu of utla can ha proven hy ute military auuiorillea now if the baino young men luul a spark of patrlotlam or true maiillrteaa in utonf they would l9 endeavoring to help defend their king and country inetaad of circulating ilea to hurt and annoy the wife and little children of one who la not afraid to do hla duty thanking you or apace in you valuable taper i remain your truly hum juuujk lamix it it no 1 aouui july iflui 1016 lettersprom our soldiers engineer wutou brown expects hie corta win shortly go to theeront in a utter to hla mother written july ibui from debgate camp kngund engineer warren drown write i wear to b inapected hy ut king and outer dlgnlurlo on baturday it la report ed aa a rule inipecuon by iiu mauaty la the but before going to tit front it la difficult to faven guj uiougli liow long it will ba hefar we are called upon to do our little bit to keep ute old rag afloat aa matter of fact you know aa much about utaa matters at home in canada aa we do ourkelvea i ae by tb paper uiat hlr robert borden kltcltanar and uijorgenera hugltea are in london today aa yt neither of uteui have been down to ae me i beard ralph connor apeak at a v m a a concert but vrulay nlht ue la a capulu and chaplain of ut isrd rett rom wlnnlpnff he baa lived a great deal among fit men and know how to he popular and get along wlui them horry to receive ute aad new of mr itothee auddeo death with love to you all our aseotlouate aoo waaiikv yotm suhheb outiho if you ar food of flthlng canoeing cauplug or la theetudy of animal life aad utcfdooi look op the algonquin pro vlnelal and gua reeerv with loo take and river offering all ute attraction that nature can bemtow v alutude ttmo feet above tea uvi pur and esbillraurtg at- mcapbere tboae not dealrooe of camp life cea eecura epuadld occocnmodallod at tha highland inn or at ute new and novel log cabin camp konunlgaa camp and camp if taueelug thee camp are equipped wth lot and cold watr bath end all tocdn ocnveauucee abandacue derlptlv publication ulling ell aboet it bent fre oa apjlcalioo to c e homing i 1 a toronto ont hassa0aweva a patriotic garden party will be gtva under th auaploee of th women a inu tut on wednbajay evening august ut oa the ground of ix it hutcheoa uuelpb read kaaeageweya arthur ifawkea d toronto d hendeieoa u p aotca and lieut ool j dalunud ix a o and iv nlkoii u v v will apeak th brickwork of the fin new lbeneeer method church la hearing coupleuoa tb architectural hue at ehowingup very attratlvely and t he general ojplobd of thee who have aeed ui new edlno u uiat wbea ooupleted it will b on of tb flneat oountry church to b teen in ut pro vince hufikoka yhb b doyou know tb place if net your pleasure haa buffered take a free trip a mental little journey utrougb ajuakoka by oaklng for uiat bandeom mubkcka folder leiued by the irand vrunk railway bye- ubt it contains a urge map tot of vlewi end a fund of facte tkk ut journey actn evening after eupper with your wife and children then alau the door oa lb doctor for loitt by taking your family on real journey through tha muftkoka dletriot thle bummer vor all itartloular apply to c e horning ik 1 a toronto ont aircraft for jhe world toronto has plunged vigorously into now industry i o rou to will mfii i ii r i tiding iioioplniiri fin hi itmll llilliiln in t king tiulliultt u nipnllrii n dig tly- lng itont hnu h mi hiilll for itunila ipahi linn nrriind iwlvn inacliliioa mid now uu nidi i lu i xporti il from tlio uovnrnmoit of hi jin slnnn of thrr motlmr cuuuhj ii ilitutthlpin liaa yet horoplinin luiuudrontt nl linr own it liokn nit if imll um lo imd the ilnughtor nntlonn in thin dhonllon mi j a mccurdy wnlil ii ftiw day pgo that lin thnuglit cnntidn had at tho praamit iiiomunt nn timlvallod op portunity for th rorniulloi of an aortal aquadror no pnrt or tho do- mlnlonm dofeu eyuloui there would novor ba a butter one lite men tha cqulrmotit thu training or- tianlkatlnn worn nvnlluhlo now mr mccurdy inliitod out that tha canadian curtlui hcliool wnu train ing 53 pup i in u hy ut tlio pro bent tlnu whllo tlio total iiumlior of air alu4utn in all tlin ilrltult hoiioou to talled only 70 ilculimlnu rictly lo ut ruction lin boon irlvnn with tha aid of three wale mid thrco lund ma- clilnna riipnuijnrlty of the ntudtmtn arc training foi tho llrltlnli naval tiqiiadrou whose i icmburii aro on- trualcdavlth tho dnfouco of dritulue nhi en from inmiilnu thmr only baa in irfandorn an krniiia bflng at flilnklrk tlio fnuiu or um good dual- tloi or thfluc yojng canadian uliman line roacliod tli enre or the urltleh orjiy avlutlon authoiltlcii wliotw re- pro nan tntlvca nro in tho thick of th righting und capt itoie llumn ha btcn aoiit to toronto to ttocurc re crultu for tho itojul flying corna two huudrc i i 1 c m cot them anya cnptaln hi no thu moil will bo tralnod nt iii j luitlui bclionl and will liavs thu coat of tliulr con run returned to tiom when tlin pnhh the nccctsary tenia cup in hi lluiui luia nlicnily ro cotvod the imincii of nix recruit mntiiru 13 mrlnuglilln otlnun it o jolrnc btrntford mid joy van nostrum wltllruin and a knljflit toronto cnp limn uoul to the flrlna lino ii auruht laat but haa re cently booh kept fran active korvlc hy lnjurlcu rccolvod in a forced land ing the drltluli have a undoubt ed auprr nacy in tlio air hu aald tho maiuinoti aeroplane which i being built for llrltaln in ioronlo will bo ready very soon now tha aeroplane which are being con structed for tho ilrltlili authorltlen hi toronto have to ubow a apoed of bg mllee an hou on a measured mile at hons drench and climb s 000 feet in eevati minute there will ba teat flight on thuraday the htrachaa avenue rectory u a hive or induatry and it in undtratood that the military euthorltloh will furnlah a military pitrol to uart 1 from intiuilcre 0htari0 leads in gold product ion she in ahead or alt other nation in tha report at the huron u nf lllnoa foi ontario for the yoar ended october slat loot the interfiling fact brought out thut nmung tlio pro vinces of canada including tho vu bori territory ontarl to day line thu urgent gold output in cold figures it mean that ontario prortucei in geld laat year if 3t 707 llrltuh co lutubla 177 34 yukon territory fmjg ss the marnin uf toad la email but it la plcaalng when ono re calli the celebrated klondlko tuali or tho late ulnotlea the report itself preaonts a core full prepared atatlstlcal review nf mining development id ontario from the 7ar 1801 when tho duiciu wee estahllebod lu a little ovor twoitty years the mineral output lias in creaked from 4 70s 673 to 163 33j 311 in 1013 which la the record o far while for 1014 the valuo of the mineral output was 40 20 060 about 1001 tho iihonomonal growth tart ad when th mines produced metals to the value of 111 8s1 088 end la 1908 the tote reached 3j- 888383 lu 1s01 only fifteen minora sub stance were produced in tho pro- vluce today there are thirty two while the cobalt camp is thought to have pasaed its xenltb cllmstorlo is the word tho metallurgists ua por cupine has becoiuo an ettabllahod camp of the low grade type wltb th reeult in gold above noted according to the ouelals of tb department the mining luduatry of ontario aeems to have stood tb strain of th war well while the production in 1014 fell oft flftss ski from that of tb previous year that was largely due to tb decline of tha cobalt camp although a few mines mutually shut down when the price of silver fell the tots metallic pro duction last year was 133 34b91 end boh metallic 913 060 101 mak ing a total of 18106960 6f this mount 118384701 was distributed fn wages to some 30530 employes after a years trial the law provid ing an elgbthour day for under ground miner has proved satisfac tory and tha minister of mines hon g howard kyerguson looks to the future with great oouadonco wafitua ron jinny little jimmy third day at bchool and be wee ut atarung you werlet utia morning were you not jlatuyv queried hln mother ut noon no maam answered truthful jim my you were not 1 what ware the other children doing when you reached there v tha children and jimmy beamed why they were jus all alttlu till waiuu till i get there b1ckkd this isnt a clean knife jane aald uie young mlatrees to ute new servant well it ought to lie aald uie aarvant for uie bub thing it out was uie aoap goo buy sonne store niwh worthy of naticr to thm weckn hhopport lndicu lonft mile md unlet jlovti whitw mul black ulirot nocli jsoc to 1 00 pair lidics imlc and bilk boot liorir black white and ian in rrcat demand sc and jtoc miiihcii white ribbed liile iiom all sizeh skc piir ladiei paranoia extra valueb 80c fo ko lidiei rain coitj silk ftnnihtd poplin in fawn navy black very bpccial 000 this wctk in tiic gr0ccrv dcpartmcnt prtfbervinp ordero now beinm filled with firat ciihs pjoodi at cloje priccti best granulated urir t sb to wko per loo ibq fruit jari at old priccb rubber ringtt tic and 10c dozen choice tangoon rice tic lb package oitb sbc canned salmon htan- dard brandn llc to h tin lire range of chrnitieu fancy biscuitu thio week frcah and tempting i81c to ftdc lb prompt service and delivery henderson co mill st acton ont flelu 3ulirrtsiirnti d advertisements show where we are welcome a n advertisement m a beckoning hand a token of invitation a sign of welcome a bunlucta uerving the public uhould moct certainly advortlec lieckou wcl come and uhow an eagenioui to urve the nttltudo of a builiteui tervliik the not ono of courtesy or appreciation a bunliicui which usee the expanding factor of advertlalug la on a fair way 10 naui ilii fullcut poulhlo potential dovol public yet which does not advert imj la opemont to the people in and about acton vou will have a better ocrvic- tiot to niy better values if cvory retailer in acton will advertise his business every week in the frgb press shop whet e you are invited to shop a character la not determlnod hy a alngh ct but hy habitual conduct cuyler auj 28 canadian national exhibition pathiotlc veah uajl mlllluy ciu ditrucllati of bittuihlp uuu ol th alt mammoth military display ha1cb or the allies vmai uodtf cuttltioii ulllladl id uuuck gotiudtlc exhibit thbill1nq naval spectacle uview or tae fleet dldma ayt treatur crmitoa vrimoua dj bulut cat uaj oi4 sbo- 1 wait thopmiijis vuu gnlrt cooimllll4tt ctmut inwillty hluw acfm of mamjfctura one thomuttd and one new things la see bedijced railway bates w0h all points just opened in hills block mill st acton general repair shop special attention to ejvetrouglnng windmills pumpn furnace and plumbing hot water heating roofing gasoline engines jas harden son acton ontario 8 irmdraina- an taka u wath ercp off can off 200 do you know you cut taka u t 100 ncrte nroperly drained a you acma not drained and save half wu itnaw that mwear uavneaal uu dralaaaa lllort- hihiltkvnal lb witmdnomu wrhm youruiviiuhtaatawetahiryhulroualittnil uttlty blhl loimrevaj tha uauty ef veuv atept itaaful dy bealft dulvmual wettjrtif l ueraa tha quatti utaawiutehthhiuatt if uh touuohou pf dont uaalmt hhythuir that will hup hmi miiar uairwwml weadralaaamaaaaaamucnalweilar lot vmir bauu aeutint far avery ana tbaliraaf tmar end th0iiwturwrttforutiuul44hl dominion saw- pipe co lmltd cbbws tb mib of th beet week or two bav lalerferred with to itaylogafldbarveeurik- aotne futvltuy to leave tbelr bay to cub their rye fell wheat or barley everyone to wlahlng for nerlod of fin weather now a number from here luunded quarterly mrvleekt eden wile on sunday thle aral oofnmunloo eervio under the new paetor we very intereeung ur a huvenaoo and tittle aowmiuk ere vleltlnjc at mr m oreweaa uwidur liow did you bt tb iu v eldet oh x got hah hied in n crowd nmrrrmmitttmnii ugar gxannlaiea pears when preservint uh lantic butar dacauw it dluolvea quickly it will not aeorch or burn in tb imttla lantic sugar l nllnl from caua only granulated xtra una and come to you clean and buni from ttflnery in original package 2 lb and k lb cartona aud 10 lb and 20 lb bagi 100 lb baga coarur granulation weight guaranteed buy hi original pacfaakes and look for ibe untic red ball on each package laitiic sugar mowtiuial quc st john nud ketfj yoetr addreae end email red ball trede mark from bf or top and of cariotf and we will mell you book of bo neaoried frttlt jnr lnbele printed med fceiamted ready o put ou the jar atlantic sugar reffnerle limited yoljnfl mkn wantkj iandiuk mouirovtile ml to mob ileal ai wamtalea bta lrxtkl poel- nitui mrtulilneluriilmhedl n brln i orfui1 nluo mpeolau uev fayment grand trunk ivifus summer service lo llljlilantls of ontario from toronto 3 05 a in dally or lliukokn lnhcfl dally k4eit bunilay for lnkn of hnyh algonquin park mngatietawmi ilivor amltlmukawl bake noliite ais a m dally except buiulnj tor ooorfllan hay iabe of liayu and mao netauan ulver rwlin is oi p m dally except sunday for muukoka lnliea lake of llaya nnd algoticiulii park stfahsiiip express luuavwf toinutto 1118 m akvlva nhwu whwso thta uaeli uihdy walhm4ay aitdkalunuyiinn ttmilo willi n n cni palatial tmlil tor uuu ilia ura paii arthur voii william au i uulutll m hi hoh vviiijatti willi it t 1 luiiway irtr wluuftm and m1uu lu wmuid clauada ooaahaa lrmrlrlbriy tiu att i i rloiftlt lluftat tut ltwreti ttroulo aurt naknla wliatr kuirihar tkutlealara ou at tillmllou to lratil truak ttoaial bah i claiiiiiir pivwiiis anil ko- pairin niiara lallvarot vyorlar i art or amall allnl tor aiil tmrtil irouii1y fr saiie rpmi uulirul rll4i lormarlv own i liy 1 mr id i ol wellana narl t u liuilou tj u 1 ntian lia i n qraat y lniurava1 lint walar tinallikt alootrlo llahl ai 1 ootaiiltl 1 1 i il ii oniivanlth ana 1 iv t md ua tile ooii rs urea aiil awy villi tilflli a mod laalratla i oinr at a vary uiojarala iieo yar full rarllnulara aa to illoa aul urtni 1 1 ly lo mno wu llaeww i liau taii aeloil foft halk jirloliai la irnl in ior un llnliiij roout hllnlioii ai 1 ai try on j bin j four lkjivooiiia biileloasti ui jjlrit iwn callarii wllli lurtiam alao a ua n if ti uul i ilai on nn olhar furtll imw t l for iiarllsuli llylo jtf pall twllu ofknm bukt let vmi i rii tow oh to ohtmnio oom not aak tor a uilir ra uuilon il au i altjy miw44w we o- uiltlona1 fr lilauy hu m utli alafuiuu wj hvlilioty hvtrteltml 731 voi u hi touflaaultnailfialll a representative wanted for old reliable fonlhtll nurseries to sell in acton nnd district a chancu of n llfotlmo to do n bin trado amonp farmery in fruit uti cu at ucll aa vnad oniamcntul hu irilhi in tlio town fit climivo territory llntiiluome ftcc outfit hlnhcit coniml uloiu pall write fur tormn stone oq wellington toronto ont new wonder land theatre n milldav auoubttj mistri sm ni ll in thin ctiohrntnl ilrutu i or tho dak of thu uny klnir clmrlra ii iiahv picufoui plays the title role nf prclt ntll tiwyn and owen moore an king clmrlco monday auaubyo ho pays wudhb80av auo ii the hturt of the ci n i uud mnal picture rtif i xi loitb of ulaini thin in a dcucluo burlul anil cl timed to tw letter than the tlilllon d ii ir myittrjr by tho fnmoui iatlie playuru r l gregory proprietor mr auto owner vou i haul i mmt to ilnndft guelpli for a presto ucctrlc searchlight yon nctd one for night tunc turps night ihndkancf9 night uo ads light tfllllutil compact economical uml just rlfllt fur nnj unforvwicn delay singlo iluttur price douhlu huttcry pilcoglrjuo ktici dm ttm ls oltad coveni tstt chllil i be it ta thcrmom fiottlea i ho up the bond hardware co limited phono io l3tantwlve gublph 0 h s holmes agent phone no 13 cool summer desserts i hu u thu tltik nf year uiilii it in hnrd to know uiiil to buy ar n dctwirt ut nit llino why not ii no i imiithinir coollntf in thu uny of ico crcim wo will deliver any quail tity from 3 contnup our cimily hopntinant nvuih imi n dill 1 1 no o cliocul itm frtun 30 cuiite 1 1 fn cutitu a fmiliml in bulb nnd in pitlnkni from 39 ccllttt tnljiinn t all doll 1 f it nit our ilo cnnm inrlor wo miilto n nuw illolt ovuj halurdij our nou tlihh f r next mntnr day in 11 m iry ilctiforda ilcmtrt coinoln mul try nnu mid ulso enjoy nnme music from ouruuw gra tonoln harold wiles uiu arttoor u- a

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