Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1915, p. 5

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t rtoi ttt fyxtss thuiuua auih bk1wueth htailt huiiimm no tally liiw litul titown wut muitih ilia iwn h llbo lwt uo klngkuy bwlt tr kuivimum no cimukh- ullll tlio rt huiikv tin worlil liul niir learn of orumh uitil itu ul dumutm tlm oleier itoliltntoni had not baoii wkoicwi lit styl huimmm tha world wa hmll mi yoiitijf man hud no tlinujflib of ltoobn t hdttom tluin tr no llltritirlm no outy reilnur itoolm tjuikiwma i liul nol ana to hohool whan 1 w very w tut 1 1 1 haniom i know no 1ltlat ami could not rail al all bumtom it l too lorrllia tothlnkltmlulitutrua on winy iiavm miici wliiur ultfltu what ooulil n itllaw la i alibi harwell urowii the uah w tk eyes a woman lay 111 in a liummfc cotuffp in wlnjor fortfct fib wa el f tu tk llttlo oiilkliwt xu cluuroj boat iw wftbun ami twulntr tt poo woman yumo1 tot sow t aps word of tjomrorfc to bw il b brllulrltlown uirotigl uv to to hmkuimlntir bat lb wlauw wmm nob u to aoeoottmtiy tb blui to br bort uwl kb liiirrl ufik urimufth u wood- duoooaoifcu abs bt a ah hormluk ton wiui kindly untf sod utmlr sya wltb ebluui olmplwly aad frift pw oooy ul into lil w boflttirta hl to boo bom vlu hat to pray wllb ur skit buiw v said tb iptuut bormfdau i will com at out- bo tby wt lek to iu utu ootua togatw looking down at th bub wowatt ik oaa tkwftki god us ul to km l i4wrnlnla tar w and b bnwl by ui oot with tb cklldfm around blw awl pyd for bar wvl fortuoi udfcuuknlla by tl not b ulkd to lb woman in uj voloa wotblutf br comfirtlo b u for k art fbl-ttu- hujrtwp bf bonamwl y0d into lb yahl attd fcd iaaaloitiabtontau aow ufor uwt tu tbay waltad quuuy wltb uwvwd baada tl faun wa iaotfc lb tbll of knftlatid tbat wa aa aot tj bobu blajtllnaaa uul would uv um prihojy ia ay toaa kuant or mbu un of anotbar eallur biywartbcwwri and uar tb utba lufa it u iu klnllmw la lb baak bl tb uaa wbloli auiuprf bin bltttf cr aarf i castoria wat thlmmf tud chflib talfaa rr ovmsoyaara orulililutf llaitk olrrk xvnlo vnrar k-rtlm- lni r it ifrn uki homn intni mllns atnrlo or ittiintrl w hinvlco bo cutiailun txint wlioho ttoitkh ot a uour- iioiibii imvn uibtlo blm fernou bo wo it nvor ntil wliu l dolns bl bit for llio tcmblro hm a motor driver la trannn tfaoao troubloua daya at twnnlyono to tho liorror of my barontu v kicked ovor tba tracoa and brcclpltntod myioir vio lently into dm wild wit that l bow mr horvlc tilmknlf rutom hi tttlgrutlon lo canada which ocour- rd urinr ho had hmnt omo yar ah dork in m imnk in aiaacow llnvlnfr rttchrd yrarj of dlcr lion iin ay i ho rout i no of th odlcif borim to pall unon inn l aflnnied to una my ilfn an ondloaa vlhtn of drab day and myaau krow- ing ha hi anil natittchy in halo or tixpoe ability i lobnlled i wanl- cril color aft ion ctiango axolti- iiint with ihn ihrlll of not btiow- ltr ylmt waa round lb cornar av mr tffrvleu gat it for aftr trnvollnw tncrako a an omlcrjtut ho inntletl n vancouver wllb exaot- ly in hi pockot and had to it r work by nlcklntc aton off tb aiirruco of a- fliltl dnatlnfj for lur- 1 nlpi trcliopliitf fmrmlnir i chool fahln uowattabar rport- 1 liiir indian ratlin and varloum othpr mlnepllanaoum oecubatlooh fol lowud imrora llio kipllhk 6t cauadh canio to the conclusion that tiarfliita worn right and that th work of u bank clerk wu hu fort t waa tired h any tt blnv ktrkd iihout from ollar to pfit arid oneo mora i aought a altuatlori in a bank i win latard down aud than i bad a atroko of luck that ehauudd my who de iny vor at tlio hnlkbt or th kom ruab i waji arnt to the yukon by tb bank which ctni1oyd tn ahd rraa1ad thre ror elubt yoarm th vatraor dlnary vfrlllly and color of tb ilf inado ril improjg on on ta and it waa durlnk ibo aolltary walka i uwd to takn af a cure ror dyidbi that i ttrat bgn to writ i bad rd so raauy atoru el tb nortb and f bad read ao uub klplintr that i began out of aha bordom to veralfy kipling faab- loa sir brvlt bowvr tbodfebt id ilttl of bla work at that tlm that th vr whkh mauatd frooa ii makes perfect bread comrobtimq thought a inlul6n worker ullu bow buobed ilt wuritoeiiaounur tbu bit of cynloluui in the bluma tb couvtormtlon waa itolwean two woman wmm marital ufa had not iwon krtloularjy fallaltoua wf ik onaof tbctn of oourta wo baa otir troubla with all of m hut 11 my tbu for my hooand buabnd lta iwtt4r ban hty flruu ilaa in jail ao much that traetloally all i aarn i imh for my- aalf many movkfj ihkar hllaito lu ono rout urt of mnvarhatlon ifa lu not m fool who know whan to hold ma ibnguo william hlllt- cliarnouir in not tlatarmlnod by a hlnjila aot but by habitual oonduol cuylar coaoolt may miff a man up but nvr imp mm up uutkhi t1y wl and tkoy alotut wlto bav not fartnlnir i rivemt a amrlck maar troiblet arn fro wroir juum of he lver voua tb ivf u wkltyi topcsfy you may look forward to tmt huny troubk4 armd iueb at lllioui coo rtipatlort bcartlhirn th rbja fcd touring of food uh lav a tuuty tate in tbd mouth hick l th jauiulk tic uf ifowarj kwomb kicant iur- bor na wvlid i fcv ud kick ldith lll uliooj aud bav lad itabu atr etln and wa alo troubud wjui a luul tutc lu my moutb tvny amlnrf i ud four vuli of yor miuurna lana uwi- islbi and tly hu ban wr thrown into tb bol- i u lu tiu v tbem torn or bli trunk and lay tbr fori iubura lauuvn- mb k iic aotijo tlm on lucky day h6w- ltr vial a vlah frtr si 00 at all dvaura nitiimir trf b1bd amp boys it mutt b awt uut bird and alotf aad uy aafluday no balr to uaah tu dotbw to waar no uittit to pit away bird nvw bav is alt qlu oju nor bum to read in aobocd tbr alway ales jut wbat tby wui witiodt on fcliuju rul rty bav a ood tlm all day lonff i lldb yt x uibsk at clflbt- xd raiw lp la trukt with oovn warm and ufcht ij tlht la a hul boy aad bar wy motltar my tiood ulflht wy uuuijjur ymvbauwd m mucb twuy i imtehksti iwto avauo bu topubuloa of about io000- ttcbtirobcibootlaad baa 1600 miala- urt oofj grow- wild lo german kaat afrloa 1ts dad ha i 100 fofrt ulow tb aiul lwflylvaauluuullat uoaoay ptiaon f or wouaa kurp6 jw buubar oolfi107 by tb aver be came aero tbota and rad hen to a frlaad tkla mead thoukbt they wamnt ao bad for ku matur and augkcaud bat ur brvu nhoud bav adu uf thia print oj and hand lbtn rouud to blu frlnd u cbrlatua card tbl hewvr htruek ua a ratbar fooiub he ay and hap- pnltik to racalv a bonus er ou hundred dolur i took th pluufc abt uy vflrae to a subllahar and told him to no ah ad and print ihatd at my expanap the ral accord 1 1 to ur ser vice rodn like a fairy rtory for th publlaber vn no lmprard wllb tha merit of tho varad that b lualatad on publlahlit them on a royalty baalg and before mr uru ral- tad what a knlua be waa hi vera bad reached the vutb edi tion and they have fca hluk vr vine so it cam about b aayi id hi wh i ma leal faabloa that a vrub- blaif bank clrk rubbed hht yw alard unbelievingly at ebck er four flcurei where before h had tared with eaual dabeluf at bill imiprfcsantln hi debt end wondr- d at the abaurd turn of avnta that ha coueluda in hu couela autobiography i how x became a profeailonal aerlbe and ultimately drifted to parle where i itrew long half develop a far away look and a- hod for freab worldi to oaqner tt t bjilbum co umltcd toiodta rt ltawn lave m nw automobjle k yaa aiwtt you fcud v j watuy tbt i am ihicijluly yw abodld reoio in the aaoc of odw 1 ddat we why md o gloomy wbwl otw paogj ftaujah od yoddoat wall im wowaa ujlor and b atill owa fate for two ftttlu ohildron oty fob fletcmefts o a no child ahodlj be allowed to unv aa hour from worm when wopt raluf daa be got a a almpl but auojr remedy uotber oravea worm eiiterulaaior method vad llnluo fonry in oakiadjt foe ltrl cvmjx tho aotornmont gatu innitny for th war by thn ttlmplo uroraaa or levy- inf axm or floating lonria whnthnr we wteh to buy bullota or not wo am forend to pay our tltho nvory thio wa buy a poatako atnmp iflut tho hod oroaa nrtfanliatlnn which xluta for thn pntaorvatlon of 1 1 to and tlm rcllof of mlaary huu to roy on liuniar iiym- pathy bui invtnntanooiim ronrroalty you can kill men on credit but you cannot heal thnni nkcnt on tho baala of caah down aa a rault the ltd croa workfr in npiwiallns for our voluntary con tribution ban to ixtrnnin u conaum- mate maalnr of paycholow a alanco at tho eoumta of the mnney which iowa into thn cotfora of the hud crow fund and of thn aup- pllea which am drnintrhed ovory wenk from thn cnntral itblppliitf otrtco in toronto alowa that tlm ifod croav for thn aiiponalnft- or hilwm ovlu a tltho on our inturlnuiiit and muicw a joy and pleunuro or charity and humahltarlaiilmn mhlcb ih eminently a it ahould h for wo aro told that heaven llkxa a thiwirful ktvor cbarlaa upuriroon oncn apokn of amoklna a claar or tho klory of the iord hlmllarly throughout cunqda people arn playlnk auction lirldtte ap plauding amatelr thaatrlcala having thejr pal ma rad in atrlpod tenta on picnic grounda hatuulng ta aonge and recitation at cohmhi and drinking tea nnd eating aandwlcha at church oclala all for the greater glory and proanerlty of the itfd croae our canadian theaplana have been particularly active in tbl human harlan work an amateur company in north ftydnoy lina glvrn the box office rrlpta of two piece called rmtpectlvely a mlaflt hero and uy huabanda vlfe in cobalt there waa gvn a drum a called mop thief in toronto the htudente of the conaervatory of kaproaalon gave an entertalnidant conalatlnit of aolec- tlona from flhakcapeare lu another canadian town the cinematograph waa made to wear a hed crow braaa- ard and a photopiny waa th mad- idm far awakening tb eltio gen- eroalty la tbta good work the church haa bn tb wbolebeartad ally of the atage hy bauare concert a tmlala plealca earvlvala ratri lectura and public rrjlbgtf in abort by vry art that it poom of pl4alug the publlr taal and unlooaluk tha public bura it le roalrlbutlug tta quota to had or rvanu in ft br brooks que the boya of huhopa fjolleg gave aa aaaault at- arma far the be tie at of our canadian wounded the young udle in au ottawa ceuvaut ubooi bold ticket for an exhibition of their art work tbua davotlng to the hod cra tblr will la tinting floware u the toy tblr a u illy to awing od paralll bare tbae ire billy a rew ef the way la which tb hed crag worker ru- derd luvnuve by davdtlon to worthy cauw haa davelepod an amas- lag fertility ef raouie la the gentle craft of collating meuy witb every hed craj divisional point u a recruiting autloa tb wo men of canada have moblllxed for tbla work ahd have beeome lugenleua in collect lug the eluew ror their war agalnat pain their chief weapon la tble atrugnl for munition of tdtirty ta a ilmpl knowledge of hu man nature and or tb fact tbat man give bjot generouily wbeu be la amused ahd that one garden party la worth ten eerrrohe toronto star weekly bohetltlhd wr0n0 lla juarlod llttlo tomnty tmji11m wiihih m mreiiita how litter have you imoii golitu lu wliool 5mr man 1 uiiltxl toihllu me ittiiir jnrummorcd tomin well oanllnikhl tho old limn thara i hoinetblng wron with our wluatttlonat uynum if jour jeoiu of uilioallnu bamui taimht you tbnt a imraulto ih u mrwm who urmlnlurlu dont hulmil to aktlntm if nu tultor wltlioub ltopa of brodblitu tha clmlti which bltul joti ilo not put olf anouiar any tho purchm of iv l klloatr hatiwdy a trttd will ilrho aw all doulit aa to it moloney tlm aura rnllaf that come u iii oomlioojoti more tbnii aiiyihlnu lliut can ite written whm hlp in utr whj wl frt tliu itthtcliboh rtmedy ii wm uy iliilfr ncrywhcro ohildron cry for fletchers oasxor1 a asuutxiou or hawk itmrefct wld tlw bouthnenui tride grooin after tit weddinu ooremony do you think tbat ill iirove to l a kdlufad lory pnita 1 ob 1 uft youll do all rbt roaowleii u praoucal lirlde i and now look me over and tell me what you think of your captain children cry for fletchers castoria ullus worm 1owdera attack worma in tb atonuuib and ntejna at once atnl no worm oau come in contact with lutn and live they alo oomet the unhaallhy oon ditlooa ih tu dlgajlv oena that invite bl enooaraire wonna batting up rbeetlona that are moat leuilclal to th growth of tb tbili t1y itev atutu tl power in hurmltwhi of cate and at all tibiae are tltorouhly trustworthy llfetdveaueuotblttg lietter titan klmlly d ayupuwtio thought of one aiulber cibtoa no pajn no peli i tu uhmum no hkm t io gall no gwy uo cmwb no c willie lwn wudom u ofumo uiw wln we atoop lluu when w soar wordeworth ivjiee ueemee are ufiuetl to women eab drlvwc la warla tb human family u kubjet to fifty ptf eolpal goveromenta the auortoen coal mlaere couu form aa army of y176 men blaftpc u prohibited from iblpplatf to oiber tbaa brltuli porta iwdgrad will butall a new aewerage kyatem at a ocet of ooooaduq one pound of ffood bread u si uathtlve a 8 iwwtkla of rutatoea h meat eoaumptiod of knfiuad le 119 pound per ceplu annually khef ore tlut war there wert fl000 german wallace attd barlterti la laodeu qblia baa ait area of 1800000 hjuare ullee and a popobtuon of m00u00ua tte oil welli of united stale now in opemtien number alt 16000ft ohildren dry for fletchcr c com cannot xlt wbenllduowaya iota oare le applied to them beouu it go to therootaad kill the rrttrtb voug utilm u un i am my beat for tba take of all man- klttd- uaketbat your rate la life tbe world claim for yov ad your owa soul tolauna foe you your beat ft la an obllga- u6dtotb world you knew bow lllue yoa are tbldklng bow little you are doloff te fouu tb beet meaning ef tbla human ul tbat ilea before you lo forth gad are tba world gad you will know tbat you eattafc b a nobler man a order tbat yo nay aerve it fullyptltllp llroola a florae of aao4b coloa a young toronto reporter engaged in the unpleiaaut teak of vliltlug the relative of soldier wboae nam a bad appeared la the casualty an uouaced bla mluloa to the alater of a private who bad been reported u wounded lie waa lavlted to eater and the girl proceeded ta give blm the information or which be came la mrob but ber girl ehuu who waa preaeat had a grievance agalaat tb pre which ehe proceeded to air what do you fellow meats by put ting la a lot of the atutf you dot aha enquired ladlgtuutly what etuffv aaked the reporter mildly ollly atutf ibe charged hare with a lot of flue young men being killed aad wounded youve nothing better to do than fill up the paper with piece about lord fitratbeeaaa bora being wounded im afraid i dont understand you ald tbe newapaper mau i dout remember aeeiug aaythlag- of that kind la any paper then ill vbow you snapped out the girl i havent read the roollab thing myaelf for i wouldnt waate tbe time but there ibe heading thereupon she displayed before hie yea the front page or his own paper from wbleu stood out tbe blackletter caption 6tratiic0na iiorsu madly cut ul now what have you to eayf she naked triumphantly but the reporter gfaapldg iia hat retreated igaomlul- oualy from tbe enoouuur 11 c number trjo it la shown that the export of log from hrltlah columbia for 1014 comprising cedar fir apruee hem lock pine balmtn fir and cotton- wood amounted to esflys0b4 feet board measure the total value of unaawa exports la addition amount ed to 11100000 a table is given lu tho report which shows that ablp- meaf or n c lumber cargoes to for olgn countrlo in 1d14 bowevor amouritod to hui inflnlteslmal tnouat of what wint abroal fro wasblnbton and oiecou he who wake truth mutt not count toa- ptea failure has aa eduoatlve value though it la a vary octly teacber luv cbulea la- wood mope u libs tbe ana it la brighu alter adatkday her baby had dysentery had tw tmetor nsnttutt wu ektto av rue an or or roiwlers umct wild stawrimtty la dmmloy th outhuta turn ikt twi ollow cub othmf uii tmt nvw tutket whit at ttt vtw u try will mikly hc in cum lbs bit ytupbmii by tbe um of df vamltrt un mutla fuber dotboty cm nu wrlu- i ui wry umuly doaautui or vomits extract of wild somwbeny fir dytoauty ud w tly utlla lrt t tbe ue of two inn ui tb dyuakry very hd w0 foul two doctor but wltb bo ttaih my motber brotujht nu bottle of dr va uu o ujed tbe ullbi t hi numb round ftoyltu wllb ber tlolu wllb nut juh jjloy to ibe family for we did iot udak ibe would vw better ue rj buuber of prewnlloiu oa tbe uurluc towuy cbdmbut to be ibe uae u dr wowter uxlrut of wild 8trwberry aud lilto coiimi elmlur j to fool tbe public into tblok iu tbeyan wtu tbe ceoulne ijlis inufctured only bylrbouuburacaumlledtororito out dee tint tbelr uuu it aa tb wravaer mot set raata vmsioatllw hlatuu ifr lbrofpo5rtoiti lb lay dauuw you want or bi it bar uooer t jaelt ifowatui auauar obimoiodibaa- diad yardhtfr nirofpaortw you tmt- brlmwa vou kaow vary wii tbat re mr tbregamrtouvvbat tbat got to do wltb ik jack howaaea groat dell air ft debar aw frota tablag oart la any event for money tmi nstul rata i aaupea lb sebi you bunled ar meeum up fm4f i yea indeed alwwtv as fast as oar i belebor oucjtens oaa work coahj lot bail uvi 0 juttisalst mfcioie ur j a tubullccu dauphin man writeai it u uy jrdesiuire to twrita you in regard to rx kidney wlla which i bav beed timing fof some unte for kidney trouble which uied to affect my back o that at umc i could not bead dowanvoixildkwelkstivjgbt kkarti- cd about your pllu from your almanac auad i blew tbe happy hour i ukaigfat of buying this medicine one tjme dnigglat puadcd me to buy g kidney ftlbt saying they ww juat as good in fah be guaranteed they were i yielded to hi i adv m and what was tbe ftault ibadbcejuguwnpltuluuy back ror two days ao i took the bjnce of th ptua unncd to the dniggut and told urn to give me uoaae kudaey fitle bu tbey would atop tbe palm in 19 bouraaittlucrutelde ha told me be was sorry i did not um mom of tbe pill aadl lengthen tbe time to await roult i tcjd him tnere b no need of waiting with doans ihlbt tbey go right to the pot no aubstltule for ntej uoaae kidney nils w mc bona a boxen for ljtt pt all dealer or imuvd direct on receipt of price by tbe t mllbttni co limited toronto ool 000d higbt 0l1xbjiidf ivire elear as a cryatal and as refreahlntf asuttwnlir hrew- ed in the cloud of heaven sod served from tbeltaad of trldenoe la winter it wrap the earth in lu fraeeu frtjuwu and la sunstner it dips wltb dew tba violet path at night it silver tleaaee steal peat the t4d moon and at the aetuur of tbe sun iu tmhaluemtt eaeou paint tb rainbow of bope for bamanlty without it man would wither tbe world would crumble and then you aide me to stibatltuu for tills greatest gift a llcjuld pouon that rob ma of my beat faeaul fool me into imuilriir a fool of myaelf and ub me generally nob in uionuud year i i am not atttart snougb to dhnk anything but water i ilk y boy j t i might remain ut i cant join yott so eood night gauemea i ill a you earfv at the oatoe in tbe momlno nvw cutada arroplaua canada le building a new tyre of aeroptau wblcb will be the moat powerful la uio by any of the war ring hatlons tbe design of the giant machine which u being built at tbs curtlis works in toronto for the hrltlah dovernmeut la based on that or the monster seaplane america which waa intended to uy aeroas tbe atlan tic and which was sold to drllala after tbe war broke out only to be lost la tba north sea sovoral weak a ago the design or the new machine has been completed and the asaenv bllug of lis part will be carried through with all speed it will be larger than tbe america and also differ from it la being an entirely land machine the type will bo known as the canada typ juat as flying boats ilka tba america constitute the amorlra typi the woniter biplane will be capable of carrying a maxim gun and large loads of ammunition and explosives its completion is expected during the present month and of course it will be tested in toronto before being despatched toirlialn where it may bo destined to play lis part in keppelln destruction the first of tbe twelve aeroplanes which aire being aisemblpd la to ronto for the spanish government was tried out successfully at long uraaeb recently ur uorrls was the pilot and one of tbe fipanlab air men la tbe city ascended wltb blm as observer ur jr a uecurjy was also present tbe machine attained a speed of 80 miles an hour over tho measured mile and made an ascent or 7400 feet la good time tbe spanish machines are similar in type and power to those bplag built for tbe hrltlah government but dif fer slightly la the landing device tbey are readily recogn table by the tall which is painted red ycl- i6w and red like tho spanish flag- fuatoma itecelptm increase por the first time for a consider able period cuatouis receipts for tbe month just close june show an in crease over the a me period last year this is an indication tbat tha new war taxes are beginning to uke ef fect cuitoms receipts for june were 7slsesb74 as compared wltb t- s74763ss in june 1914 an increase of 4087m vol the tbtoe months ending juno 30 the total customs re ceipt were isoaors8b or s77h- 03ucs iran than during tho corre- nponuing period laat year when using wilsons fly pads v cnd dirccti0ks js5 capetullv so ibe kind yod ilnvn alwoya ilooslit and whlou haa boon in una lor ovoi- so year baa bornotlio lffnatnra ol jj0 wa ban boon nuulo under bla nor- fxyaawytft onnliipofvlion unco iu infancy au counterfoil imitation anil ruatarmml aro but kaporltnont tbat trirlo with and mlanaor tlia boaltb or infant nnd children ttxporlonca nsalnat liiporlment what is castoria ooalorla la a barmlon nnbatltata for cantor oil pars fjorlo xrop and uootblnir hyrap ktf ploaannt t contain neither opium morphluo nor other narcotic ubatanco ii uo l it rfuiiruuloo it dontroy worm and allay ivevoriebnoa ator rnore than thirty year lb bn been la oonntunt una for tlio relief of conntlnatlon natnlenoy wind colin all teething- trouble and ttlarrhosa it rebototo thn htoranch nnd ilowel nulmllate tlib ikmi b hralthy uud uaturat aloen ibo children ianuoea llio motbor irlend genuine castoria always ara the slgnaturo of tin grand trunk railwa laijimcllt tiiainb whltlll lakrj ii u utut 11 11 til j jill n ini ii vi i iii s grain u j ci n gwell don and quickly at only s tl h i 5 cents perba- in use for over 30 years tho kind you have alway boiifjht b a ollow tmtm ex acttv harhisiyco bockwood mlled maanpnpdnannpnnm robt noble ltd flour kiiiki cihjilc plve plymouth binder twine gold mcilnl h mlicif orccn falionf d a lesson from the clock w clock that strikes is better than a nonstriking clock it tolln us the time through our ears as well as through our eyes it eaves our steps it signals spurs uo on rouses urf speaks tous in the dark and irom far away it is useful far beyond the usefulness of tho silent clock so with a buslneu that advertise a shop or store that sends out ta tnthuugc to us in the form of advertisement in our newspaper serves ui far beyond lie shop or store that is illeut- that mutt bo visited before ibi service or morchundlso can be known tlio shop or statu that advertises saven our llmo and money etc speaks to tin at tlio right time rouims u to attention ami hiiro us to action wo buy mora aa tho result of advert ulna and wa buy from advertlfmrs j- h warren fresh groceries new ralklim niw cnrrniilii now uatcti nlw nun nowptik nuw siiittfi flno lino of confectionery firvt tlm lino of ianty chiilu nnd tubtry i riih cvlrj day cooltil mtalu ilumt uncon with tlio honit hi ilinor drt ul uud otlilr booiln dtllvorcd promptly tliilj to the merchants of acton pat a striker an attendongetter an arouser a stimulator on your business in other words advertise strike often and regularly by weekly advertisements in the fiiuit pttess answer the call of advertising j r livingstone buooaasot to a o tllok mill btiut aoton boots shoes rubbers a law i a feel koa oiaa 1 u tldaof etaralty xfettrut tray lobe vu u to rum aftar iilvala uo ut jroa eaa do u ulaaull trualanr yo davllllaai 3 barlaeker was weak and hun down coil mot svmi tie lemt exciteheir wfua rata bu weak and run rsokm tha heart beeotuee affected the newt beeorae tuulmiiil and the least kelt wat rauiu lealltu of utter uulirlr what u maded la tn mid up ibe heart attd atntttthen the abaky atrvei by the um of aueh a raedlrlae a alubura heart and ntrwmlla ua j a william- tiuuabiuv sjv i epeak too mhly f afilbura heart and ktrrv fuf i uutered really with ray btrvea wd wa w weak and run down i could pf t ehelleaitttt of any tsr jhev mur jhart and ntrva s to j uable rbtedy for au mioerer front uervoue trouble mllburaa ileert and nerm rill are the merchants bank op canada 1u bmmcus to caaaa thrift is rightly described as eco nomical management a shrewd bnniness man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac- 1 count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par cuemmb mitt ur- wxm hkunva vuhnat and undivided rnoirrm txu g k miluoan 1 hob a w ii equipped meat simp n llie comur of ulll und vouuir h streele aoton the eecoad brick i bulldlnk from the otik crouliiir vi i andwltliiupplyalltiibiofprusf r amd cvwd mbats of bct quality at reuonable prlcea ft heat delivered to nil customers s promptly pintclan refrigerator uhop open every evenluor farmer trade especially aollclt- llghht cash prlcea naldforema umlullry all linos a kootwoej- t right prices s all men s rubbers at j s bargain prices ft iis cv uvs vv vvivjwitarss3 w wixjliams mill strcci acton alter th aorraw ef the alblaa ude tha 5f v hm ho s t furrfratur i t uat i wasa tslsu tttmii totklmtax oat acton branch p a maclean manager millioan c c speight for uptodate goods actons electric chopping mill zszzr sllvrwr to tablawarairiris vhly alao rfrut cuuary hordwairv tfnwturei and oram ltawraln varialy open thursday friday and saturday chopping nnd rolling both satisfactorily done b p caldwell acton 0nt proprletol small btova oustovaa every article is of excep tional value c c speight ulll slrwl aclcr mct0n and bus liki6 uaviiiir iiurclinfiod tho livery illlmilllht4 mill hlwjl fl ttio ttiiti ef llii lai jobh wllllaa i rch i ilitlt iio nntron- io tit mi o luiblk comiortublp rirhuill rtlwajn bo tuipiillatl at riiiminiililo ctiaroh itir thu iriitnt ur oaorc hall ulu liim bail um nianagtj- incut of tlio mablos thu pact year will cotltilmiu iii iliirro ilo will nlwim tu foil n tl coitrkout ond tilillulnjj uubmtcstsvrrt atatvlxawh amhr0si mccann mill st acton ont atents iliwiiiji llltstiix habion it habi0k h velmsltyslxu acmawshatrxl

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