Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1915, p. 2

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669018 porschoolsupkbkp strong appeal to county budget op 738i3c0 ktihuinat ll oi moly ana- hooolvoj in jrn nnd iae iwio pwttissi- j canadian patriotism au ui r estlmatenscnkjlsbd wot 0ui v thb wiws cmmlwi iste oeortfe heott ajrod hi j earn l llie rcflular monthly meeting of tho hoard of bluoatlon was held mi monday ovonlntf motnhorti prewmt t jrto kenuey chairman uoll hoott a c ty might k twlmsntid john it kenuody tha meatlntr wu cil uuuusl importaitoa liuwmuoh u tits refill iremeiil of the school for the year wera under careful considera tion ill estimates of ths reoeljiui and axiiendltures heintf presented liy tlie com mitted on itinaiioe these were finally confirmed as follow i it ix 1 1 it ht rrtwa fr quests tiiurh1av alkjiiht i j 1 01 editorial notes it is llmnnmii tliat oakvllle u to have shop ilcsuw cltlssus of 1 fallen will sincerely hokj this will not be oonkutnnuit j ifalton county lias not heon cursed with shop license for nearly forty juin ws can ffot along very wall without the harmful introduction of such tltl dato in tlia history of tha county tiik mil itia dutuyuumr ita aholulied tlie insulation by wlilch tt hian was prevented frow ttummau liecsuso his wife or parents object and in future no man can change ills trtlnil and moum lila tllacluuo from overseas imiuiioiih by pay luff fifteen dollars this should open ttta way for numbnre of suehodled young men au was eviumu the norrls flovem- went iwept tit oountry in tlia general election in manitoba lait friday hon mr norrls baa 40 supjiorterm while the opposition is lift with only fl inamvra premier norrls assures tho oountry tint legislation will ha enacted to oloes all lar rooms club and liquor stores and tliat tha investigations into uia scandals left by ute itohlln government will ha most utorough ami tha guilty parties brought to justice walton la proud to own premier korrls aa no of ita hotiored aona ilia fathar reaped for niaity year at outagti naar 11 ii too tula will be ltttrloilc vaar at ota caoadlan national kulhltlon and our dlraotota dtelra that all xhlblton will ndaavor to gtv eftvt to ua patrletla hla in tlta deooratlon or their hootho thla a paragraph taked from a elrcular teat out by tlia inhibition oatcula to all exhibitor and la in keeping with uia garterm plan laid out for ua year th ida li to tualta tha whola exhibition a laaaon in loyalty and ewplra patriotlati and every avhlhitor who gala anaoe will be riulraj to have a llrltlah rag or union juk jwoidltmntlydbpuyad tha fair at toronto thla year will b one grand patrlotld plotura iejuutlva tlrant to continua tion uohoo v r2m ieguiativa lrant to public hohool isuoo county crant to continuation hchool ffiioo tfeea 13100 continuation ftcbool fcooa 07500 vrcnn municipal awmuunent 0mw afi0o if klcikhlhti mm fhilarlea eaooaoo vual 321w ttepalru loaoo 10000 mapa lrurnlturo wnil library m00 cohtinganelao baltons mmjn the war sdl offjoai aud hon bashjuthrougti th 20th hofft- aloilo all wobk of home otflcehs tike following intatvlog lattar waa tent to tha gaoratown herald but week by motgd koua it ahowi that thla eodnty u doing tta fair quota it aupplylng taed for tha froat asd that thy are eooi- jmai dy lutrvpld atul eouraoua ohora nmvii aug sni 1018 iw bin as waara bearing tha abbiverwuyol tha outbreak of hostilities with oamuby it uay ba tj iat lo your readers to kaow aonethlag ol what has bead doos by oar local ragtewrie towards furulahlng uad aaj wiiris for tha carrying on ol tha war within two waks altar tha declaration 6l war wa had aeaibid 171 eosrs awl bid ready to ba wouhiad at valoarilar aad altoelhar wa have raoruluj aed eeot brwaid subodoooiuuaload oaoera aod ued tad 8ftaa ooera this work has uu aooudjuhd ehieay through tha evtselthsdjkwot twkttpaay ofioars at lfeel ooipany hmhuarura- no epaalal raorultlag ottoar hs baan apatad and thrs has been no chirtrs u tha jwhllo od uoount el thla woik kolwltheuudlng tua aluta of tha vor- oftto papers to lupfvul upon tha puhlia that tha vourtb battalion of tha vint la- faiiuy dwgada was ooaipoaad ohuay of tteti ol owialu yorooto raglaaattu this baiuhi auo bad a latga nutabav ol toad tad four bttoea frou tha 20tb ifalida klaa that tha quality ol our ued was fully up to tha bt is ajwpjy proven by raeulta aad wa hava bo ilouht that tba omdoca and uaa who ara oil in training will prove then- wta fatly equal to tha oeoaatod whaa tha xkifiuttlty oaara capt o a cuaa ajjotit of tha aotb llagt and bow with tha signal oorpa la wauoa writing altar tha idttla of langhurch eaya i perhaps tba people is canada woudar how uoeh that lias use said about tha ckbauhs is tafty and bow wuob la ral but i cit tall yii apaaklng frou tha axerunca of ada who has nevar yat flrad a shot and ho ehlaf wotk baa bean to band wires that tha cauadlaaa uaad take bakwaur fra mthtag wbaraum bosera bad tha uton will follow aad tha oodara have lad and will uaj sjtywhara ko ooa 6x1 realtsa ha tnagaluda of thh bfthiel atrtiftgla tint wa will ultimate ly win no ona doabtsv tt tooubload wlth of britain avanoa ilusau and italy must ha mora than a uatoh for oarwaay and auatrla and it fa wealth that counts in tha long run yours tally autv u tfoblii lr-ooi- o amthragt m60o1h tha secretary was tlibrafora liutruoled to requltltlon tha munlolfial council to ralae by taxation for tlia current expeml turea for tlia year k000 tit estimated expenditure is only iho over that of 1014 the covernroent and county granu being reduced by 80322 owing to tlia war tlia amount requlrwl front local texee la neoea- aarily inoreaaed tlia council provided ftuj0001aatyaar uil year tha aikionnt the following aooounta wars pamd meorge llyndi examination paper ato w04 william urlggt books for library a jo printing teupbanlng kxpraa s03 jamea bymon paint eto hvfl tiie clialrmait ruuj tliat ha had ordered a uew 61 foot lag pola ue one on tlia tower being now out of oomibwoo and bng tha oauaa of leakage through tha tower duribg wt weather thla pola will be removed sunshine chances prospects altar continued wat weather made lhuvcit look very blu it miatit have btew much wohsk tueoontinued wt weather during tlia but half ol july ami tlia flrat week of tha ptewnt month raurdad tha work of tha fartners vary eerioualy and tha crops wara badly dauagvj asa result of tha continued raja a few tlaya ago tha proapeets did took gluu indeed much hay was etlll la wind- rows or not yet out i oats and corn down and drenohad wheat and rye wi ahowlajr signs ol sprouting f o tha ahaaf a few days of warm eutuhlay weathor has however gfsth improved tha eppaaranos of things and uttered conditions tnaurl- slly large aeragea of hay wheat and rye hava bead bouaad and tnufih ol tha fallen oat crop and tha corn have begun to aeeuua tha perpendicular eftaln it fs relreahlng to observe tha cptlinuuo lew now expiwued by rnany ol tha car ta tha dantaga is freely stated to be law than was at flt thodght and the urger crop of tha yer will go far in oom- fieaaatlag for tha damage wrought by tha wet waaiher and tha big wiadatartn of wedoaaday baxlufapao ur fcved bloclair who has apant tha hue two weals aoualph for medial treat uanty has returned much henesttad in beeith alias jennie itoasal has returned home attti spandlag a month in toronto ur and lira vvad cooper and ur and bfre lowery war tha guests of ur and mrm john barftos reoently ur wm uarding of duudalk spaat laaa week with his uncle ur r uardlug ur and uia it a walker ol huls- btirg tpanfc the waaknd with bauinsiad hua ur and ur joaaph 1i1iu khn wara tha gueata of ura stephen rtoatal on clnaday ur and ura itabart bennett ol aoton and ur and ura isaao bennett oloeorge- town visited si ur ira veattattets last nasi uui mary vannattar is anandlnw aoua tinea with her aunt ura oonorac at krladala master roy thurston of toronto and uiua mies alma unraby of korval ar holidaying at ur i roaaela umssar itred gauphalh of toronto la holidaying at ur a oawphalls ur and mr wm harvey and utile daughter doris who have been the gneeta of mr spears for thai past weak have r uroed to their bows in toronto tflk palltaifis a uula ovw iwwook arid than torttatd will ftt tb f tha fall fair seaaod is alnioet bare again tha following dates will ha ol intaraat to lual iwadefs i aaton vau italr sept 4 and it aherfoyle oct o ilraubion 8epl2dand0d bnruugtoii oct is oaledon oot7and8 krfa ootlsandls vargua hept 28 and so vreeiioa oct is georgetown oct 8 and 1 uilton oat isand 18 oakvilla sept so and uot 1 orengsvllla kept id and 17 ltookwood ootyanda tuieeuvllla sept 2s twouta augalleptts waunlown oct- fl vvuk sphisfo mc ofiouhos a dallgtitrol bosort for rui aftar hmui outlbff ko other plohlo gvound within ullaa of acton equals that of tha blue springs tha property of ur william murray ol crewaoa cornara it s oonvafltaot of aooeaa and dellgbtjully situated en the shores ol tha famous blue spring which itself has for half a eentury been a noted local phanobisaa towhloh tba venturesome young people of several generations hava from tltna to time nude pugrlusges under rather obstructive dlfaeultlea through tha efforts of ur murray tha owner extensive eoavaalaat and pictur esque ploulo grounds hkva been brettared tha avergrean grove has bean uodrbruah- ad and cleaned out and the beautiful spring which a over an sore in extent is mads easy of aooeaa its limpid waters clear aa crystal and gratefully cold with tha blue coloring of tha clay bouon of tha pooh with picturesque beauty ara seen through tba evergreens from tha assembly plateau fifty or sixty feet above tha plflnlo grounds ara spacious and afford ample opportunity for lee ball football and other games there ara splendid swings ooy nooks ami tiiady comers with rustlo seats and comfortable resting plsoee there are tables and benches for use whan tba plonln lunch s served there is a convenient shelter an open air stove and a safe rook platform ut the edge of tha spring where tha ice cold water may ha drawn for drinking and cook log thiif are arijttlo atone fences and pyramids of ranks and grassy hillsides wary speckled trout in tha spring and abundance of aneoulsnt wsiaroreas in tha oraud luvar a few yards away this attractive spot s located about a wile south wee of crawsona coreera on tha seventh line of rfassagaweya and is on tha una of tha new electric railway it ill undoulttedhf become popular for excursion parties from outside point when tha road is oompleted and its atufotlons ara exploited a number of plenles hava been hold hero already thla mothers and dependants of our soldiers as the residents op halton the tlmo baa oouin whnn ut loyal cltluim of canada our oontrlbu tlona to tits patriotic fund of our oountry taunt lie more general and liberal than during the pal year in many nod tloim there bat been much activity and great good liua lmrt aoooinpluhed thoas eftorts fiavd however beei more or lea aeotlonal anil nol in any aenae reneral especially in tlic rural ilutrlota tlie furuhi raiaetl by theuc efforts are now about ex hausted while tlm needs are growing greater ueek by week in llallon the county council ms with ootnmendlble forealgbt untlertakan to oon- tribubrenerouxly totlio supwrt of tlie wives and children tiuitliara ami otlier dependants of the aolillara within tha bounds of the county who have enlisted this alao while vary laudable in eeotlonal it is believed tliat many pertona in helton who are able to do so wu gladly contribute to u general palrlotlo ktulul for tha support of the above olaaeon in tlioae looalltlen wlieretlioclrcunuitanoea of tlie people ara not ao fortunate as ours in order to give every resident of tlia county an opiortuulty to contribute u general campaign under the awploesof the county council has been decided upon that all classes of the community way be readied an urgent appeal is nude i 1st tn ii mimisrliuiof all the church aa in tlie county requeuing lhni to pm- aent the great need for funds by the canadian patriotic association for tha purpose above named from their rpeotv pulpits on sunday august 2nd and otherwlssto asauitln promoting the cam palgn in such ways as their prominence in ue community will enable them to da most churches will gladly contribute tpoclal oollsclloax when tlie absolute ueode of tha funds ara intelligently presented 2nd to viik vauukuh tha war ha enhanced irioes for all farm products and many ol the farmers will gladly contribute a share of tha extra profits thus accruing if given an opportunity to do so 3rd to tux sniooiji or vni couht kvary teachsr of mvtry school of county should take a special orering for tha pt riouopundfrom tlia scholars as soon as the whools raasmimhle mltm hut holiday 4th to ulmiarsi corhtiui bvry member ol aoh of tha municipal councils within the county ehould tike su active and leading part in his oomuuulty in en suring tha sucooas of this campalgd and each council should aho arrange to place tha services of all municipal officer to tha promoters of the campaign sth t sauuxaa avp woujtua insti- mrtea atriciiytrsui bacixnriiui j liwul patttionu socturiks rkd caosa booirriiii hnuk ucuttp oluuwtluvionu all ol which ahould all take an active interest in the promotion of thla important oampsigtt 6th to tiik lftumuiai bncignxd these are wpeoujiy spiiaalad to to call mseunga appoint oomuluea to take part la tha canvass for funds and wherever poa- slbla make grants from their treasuries in tha name of tha society in tha lace of the conditions existing a it not an obligation upon avery oltjaea ol our fair land to make every paeribu sacri fice to bring comfort to uia dependent ones at this time whan our brave soldiers are giving thsir uvm for the empire f they ara fighting the lattlasolthoes of us who cannot go let us show our loyalty our appreciation our ctrutlau spirit of belp- fullnaas and eolloitade by contributing of our means to tha patriotic yam which is administered most carefully in tha inter sets of those whs aa s0fy need the sums bestowed or this aggregate t2400ifi0 has boon caused directly by t wa actonslevv 238050 last year imb8s at tba iiimtfng of tlia county council labt week the ehtlmates of tooolpu und ox- lieudlturcs worn broiiglit down by cxwur ileu llynds chairman nt tlio jontnilttconn finance itwan found nooouutry to levy thro mill for tlie county one mill for the pro vincial war tax and one half mill for tha county patriotic fund tiicmi rates will relbe 971h1s00 as follow i county rate 840200 1 county patriotic vund tljlui end provincial war tax sib 111 theamountiipquire4l to lieuld by tb various munloitialitlea of the oo jnty are as follows 1 cm st kan acton tuwuoo llurllngtoi 3 aw or oaorgetowr milton 177000 oekvllle 4 1 12 ml kaqueiti 11jflhoo hjajmigeweyu ihflh 0 kshtoti x 12 ww 00 vi0200 00 1l vtv mmim 1 car hsu vtahtu win no 0 flslofl hjrlnjitoii 0h7s0 117am tjeorgetowii 910s0 oji od milton 20j0o oakville 70i00 1401 oa vaquesiiig lb7r 00 l7flam i moo kelwui 140000 311000 9m2o10o 423000 flrt40j00 total taku tin cilst tb k1si ukh aoton j230m ilurlington leorgaiown fl2h7ov 704 bo milton 113500 oakvilla fl11b00 kequetlag 1100200 kaeaagawsya fl7h700 nehw 12o4so0 1001100 v73u1sso these suouhu must ha oolucud atul liaiil over to tlia county treasumr on or before the sut lecembr 101 a obituary pa 1 r kehlm tha full puxu repaired tts following ulegram yaaterday morning 1 dryden ont- august i0jj 1ui0 van puud aototi 1 iu1 at uryden august oil lvul ken nedy in his kind iysar aucx kkmvjdv iaul ksrtbedy rv was the son of tha ate paul kennedy br and was born on the old homeateed on uia fourth una kaquaajag now cooupud by ivul h ksa- nedy his nephew mr kennedy was su estee rsaident of kaqueaiug for nearly c3 years whan ha moved to new ontario settling at ivyde to ha with his sons who had decided to take up land there they moved to their new home in 1601 greatly to the regret ol their many fruuds ia ths old home at acton on tha 0th july 1003 paul kennedy and effl motaviafa daugh ter ol tha late uougald uetavuh of hass- agaweya were joined in the bonds ol holy wedlock by the lata rev lsxhlan cumar on of aoton four sons and six daughters blessed this union two of tha daughter died sinos removal to drydeh mrs kan nedy and the following sons and daughters survive 1 alaiasdar exmsyor of uryden i uougeld 1 william of the winnipeg sat urday poet a graduate of tha prsk phus i paul kate in chicago kffle tana and and emily married and at peaebland li o mr kennedy was a man ol sterling character a manly man and universally respected lis was a member of tha pres iryterian church and his home was a oodly home his nephew ur thomas kennedy owns tha one farm lie left on the fifth una whan tha family removed to new ontario goo bu soma store ncwii worthy of notice to thin wcclcii nlioppcm ladies lonj uilk and lisleii fjloveu white and maclt scarce joodii isoc to 1m pair ladien iihio and uilk hoot hone black white and tan in great demand jjifc and tfsc miiiqcu white ribhed hile hone all size- itftc pair ladies parasoli extra valuen sior to js0 toadies rain coati ilk finiohed poplin in fawn navy black very ciil sftioo this week in the gk0cekv department preserving orderu now beini filled with first clah uaotln at close prices best granulated ourar k7 jjj to 1ti0 pir too lbs iruit jars at old pricch rubber rings tic and 19c dozen choice tanroon rica kc lb package tuti itic canned iabnon stan dard brands isjc to 84 tin larue range of clirinties fancy biscuits thtn wcok lireah and tempting isjc to 20c lb prompt service and delivery henderson co mm t acion oat fttlv raolirrlirpmduo kaiim hkijimvantisd big fibemens dkmomstfiatlov pohactos st aubaws boy scouts hike a tvajnp to evchijn stdokvood and ttfiturri but w6ek st albans lloy boouta went on their first camping expedition last irviday when whan a email party under tha command of tha rev if if wftkldson and ur h caorgev they left acton at 7 m in tha even- lag an route for kookwood owing to tha rain they weha obliged to pitch their tent and tnakeeajon the first una this however did notdaupsn their ardour or prevent them from sleeping soundly reveille was sounded at 8s0 on saturday morning and at 840 they struck camp and marolied to kvarton where they bad dinner they than pro oeeded to roekveod arriving there at 1143 p tu thaaltaraoon was spent in instruction la aoouuraft swimming eto after aupar uioy started for home arriving la aoton at nine oclock having covered approximately 23 miles during ths day all tha boys oarrled blankets cooking utensils and provisions when marchintrand stood uia strain well mr wilkinsons cooking was excellent tba party had a most instructive and enjoyable tima and another hlke is to he bald la tha near future ur herb anthony of georgetown has purchased a 100 awe fsrm in ksquee log township belonging to ur jamsa hath bala waa made by j a wluougbby georgetown ont j t ifapetslikothesuhtisbrighteataftar dont we in uia house iba and i aderkdsy 1 24a drug andoountry stores uar p118 hiioadej with cosjk hub at uia annus eouveutfoa of uia volun tear firemen of ontsrio at thorold last week uia panusslva eioquenoa ol chief scott and bscretary dr coxa coupled with cordial invitations from reeve ilynda and tha council and other prominent clu- aeos laduoed uia convention to lochia to meet in acton next year this means not only that delegates will be herefrom uts numerous volunteer pfre brigades of ontario hut that a great gathariag ol if reman in their annual dam- onstratloa will be bald here as a climax to uia convention tha meeting is held on uia first week ol august and tha wednesday is devotud to tha demonstration thla day is usually proclaimed as civlo holiday for uia town and is made a great occasion aoton civic holiday this year was on tha data ol uia flremaaa demonstration awl it will therefore naturally fall nu uia aims dsy in loin tha local firemen dsclire that owing to actons central position in tha aecuon from which tba amman usually attend that tho gatbuiajr ban nut year will undoutt adly be tba large that has aver assembled for any purpose a uia town character is not uetarmlned by a single act hut by habitual oooduct cnyler fine barn destroyed by fire mr andrew scotts eutrik batti bum- ad on sunday morning all the ihtplements becthoyed on sunday morning altout ons oclock ota family of mr andrew scott fourth line near the 0 t it wre awaked by uia glare ol fire it waa soon dlacovemd tliat the haymow ovwlu poultry hones waa in flames and that uia ham adjoining had ignlud vtfortm were at once made to get out uia liorms and o4hr live stock the team wu rescued and os set ol hemes tavad but three cslvwi wara burned all uis farm imp ware destroyed mr jamsa robs of toronto who is sum mering at the old boas across uia roajl was on ik hoens bsfota the bam waa afire if e went ntsjejkji bsr to sndaavor to save the farm wagon and was in tit act ol shoving it out when lis was eudtuuly enveloped in flames lie sustained painful burns about tha hands face and back of neck and his smock was practically bum doff tha bulldlcg was a fine lank hirti equipped with all mojarn improvemants it wss erected ten or twelv years agov of theseasoas crop only thra loads ol hay had been drawa in tills was of ooura destroyed and also iso bushels ol oats which had hoed brought over from uia ross farm only a day or two before uia fire tha barn was luurd for ffloo tha origlu of uia fire la a mystery but la believed to be uia act of a tramp or tramps about uidnurht when ur uott lena waa proceeding down uia track to limehouee from the dolly kilns where ha bad been at work ha noticed a light in uia chicken house but thought it was uia lantern of eome member of tha family comfort pb0v1dsd fob soldi e us and boiler sent to tha destitute by aoton bed cross aid society the members ol acton red cross aid society hava been most active and ener getic in their efforts in behalf of uia brave soldiers who hava enlisted and la securing relief for uia belgian refugees fcr nearly a year tba accomplish meats of this worthy band ol local women is worthy ol note and the following proves uia euoeess of their efforts i ftuooowae raised for sliomcllffa hos pital 8is2u for the uelgtao relief vund 91000 worth of clothing eto was sent to tha belgians 84200 was expanded for blankets 20 pairs of socks hava been knitted 120 pairs of wristlets 42 woollen oapa 3 sleeping helmets 60 doxen handkerchiefs mode 0 pairs of had socks 2j sheets 23 cholera belts 0 pajamas 1 suit underwear ufl night shirts 1za grey flannel shirts 1 day shirt 14 hospital shirts 10 pairs pillow slips 25 towels h yards towelling s bundles facecloths and wash clouia ftdoxen haudsgea 3 many tailed bandsgea one old lady ol 60 years has learned to knit one lady has knit so pairs of socks tha ladles ara coatluulug their work ull through the holidays and meet every thursday afternoon to work and plan to gether b a garden party in connection with tha methodist church here will be held on thursday evening august 10th in mr george waatharstoos grounds near uia village tha lawrie brothers of hamil ton will be present it is expected this will ho one of tha finest events of tha just opened in hills block mill st acton general repair shop special attention to gavctroughing windmills pumpi furnace and plumbing hot water heating roofing gasoline engines s jas harden son acton ontario for you a wonderful book on farm drainage free do you know you can take as much crdti off 100 acres properly drained as you can olr 2v acres not drained and sate finlf tho labor its a fact 10a you it now that itronar liurnlv ills tlielnam aujtis pulvriiotlojunbln llta waon prvrant nrfari wbihins wts voiir larul uahur ta wokprvvnsilriiiliibrj iscrumsibcqustilllr anj improve he qiuulty ol yourrrofl wkr not hsv miui wm fulay fves o chsrs e rrv lr kllnir hnolikt att this iilijmtt uiuh lu loam m tl in i e frm t nwuct anytblnir that will mt you umw la tin tmttoff pmparilrslnstfe ttusasaa murks tunular ur bank ssesunt lot mvry etts that rwj ikste now snu lbs oavdfman t unds you money ror ikstiu if dmlrso trwis us i ajdh uttfu tils vsuessswsm dominion sow pipe co limited twiikss swiwa ihftw is ihe answwin m1 websfos newbroterational aut mtmaxm wusitji kwy lsv in icwr tnlk sml rmfhas st homo ouifif strrctcur in tlia msm khao tnidarbiwiliau ulrly rtuslkni um mms- his or sows msw wopf a nuiui ski 1 ivliut kruiirs himlur liiirlnr van emlr rllflfc tsii ipl t truisre himiir lithunf veu wetk rolluacif lot kalriasorlhe ivoo ru ctjuiutm lit fs vajlsrsao iw cicmiiah answers all klmli of j iilftjn pirtlimvsrvliiitlwlirtiwici aits isncca wjslislsariit cool summer desserts this in tlio time ol year wlian it id hard to know what to buy for u ilcssoit nt nioal tlmo why not liavo rometlilng cooling in tlio way of ico cream wo will deliver any quan tity from s cents up our candy department nlwayn lias n full lino of chocolntos from so cunts to ao cunts a pmim hi bulk anil in packages from 3j coulu to 9too each dont forgot our ko cream parlor wo make n now dhili ovury hntunlay our now luti for next hntur- diiy fs a mary iickfunls dewwrt coinolii ami try one and also enjoy soma music from ournow fira- fotiola harold wiles mill gnrutir acton a ticsurar preserving cane sugar finely granulated in 20 pound bags as well as in the and 5 pound cartons and either fine or coarse granulation in 100 pound bags fruit jah labels fttee bead your andrees and smsji tied ball trade uark frmbuortopeud aj carton and ws will i book etsa bmortsd twit lir hbels txln anstaaed reedy la put en tks jam taw atlatttle sags retlnarie ustlfsd hohtmsat aa lnivrnl onlillrant inirhi lllloo houhlkiikikk ilcatiiiiir ivintjiii and itc- pitiiin i olil for anil i rinaitu vtouptty kltlu h irattiixmft uafu iii ao ion new ihtrfk uk8idenck foh yalu ilulic it la i lu ilt wlr in lulua am will imllii imllllfel ir- tlinitoaimiiaollira- qurllianraii nr inn ttnoa iiuiuo irull lrs ami rrv lli la tjuiivaiilaiiilv hualsf in arjiilut ami ualrlla tootlon of tia own ilolljcrritxioularii mad known uimu ilhlloioiuo acion ami mt mill 113 u li nuuu till lnmutlful rolttticu rorniarly oini1 ly mr llution unllaco wo tu lilslloa ills liouja liai lo tl ifrnally imimrov lint wator haallnu ilmirls llalil ns eiiius iiliimlltia cntivi iilmirca imm ln luilallul llis rooina oto ino and ely willi lilab co in ne j a moil iloslmllg ijoujc h a vary uiourals stii uiuis 1 1 hon tf utce foh lk xjiiick r minco an ml itn iii in htrtl will laras r ui dlulkti aisos klsii y tliuun it ly to tot jiariuula i i- u r uiliu atlou a representative wanted kor old roliablo fonthul nuraorlos to kc in atton and district a clmnco of a llfmmic to do a lila truilu among farm lp in fruit hoik an wlii as good ornnniuitiil buhiniht in tlio town ku iluivu ttrrlltrj hmulwimo fro outfit iiikiiu um ni nuiiuni paid write for turnip stone fl wellington toronto onl d new wonder land theatre piiidav auouayr ia till ring and t1iu man 4partn anothir of llioac bully ho t irlooii- hhuuing the alllcant ihtlrlilht ii nil pobitiff fun nt tlio girmans i part uednepdav auo is kiiimkic 3 if kxplolla of blalrc- iiil twilight bleep r- l gregory kvoprietbr a guolph business college uuiiuh onyauo our tall tikm luglns sept int wu oiyer firiittlaun faiiutlcit in ovory do pirtniont tlioraiti iniitmctlon and ixrtluinj li ti it hunt ui long and succosw- fill eupuriuuo in miro tlio very 1wnt re units llmil uuonuirf huulnuiut practice commonjil arltliniotlc rapid cnlcula- tloti9toiingrithv tyjidurlting penman nliin llutlnod liirrihpoiiotica unflllsli una fruuuli ire tlmro uglily tuughtby tlio nioitt annroiii iiiuiliixlu our trained grailuiitlt nr- ui duimuiil tlioy arc mitkliig tfood iviryuhurv all got prod- timis comi ulltkfrln tho colltjio ofllnr u7 upper wj mill tm blrcetor write to day for full pirtiuiliir malcolm maccontiack baprlti national 13 toronto 1800110 s 1g0000 tatr10tig yeab model mlllnry camp detrlhtlnn uf llultlcahlp llatlku n iiu air mammoth military display uaucii if the allies parm umlvr tlilllvxtloit million ill i itoiuniti goicmmcnt lxlillilu tllltlliing naval spectacle rkview of the fleet lliilltluil art rriuiirea crtorh limtoii iliuiij lllllllct oil mill ioit show wak tuolihes flclj ornln onilietllloii croalcr ioultry nhow aire ot munufuclurc one hiiiusuntl uml one now tiling lo see bkiillcfll railway rates hi0m all points

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