Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1915, p. 3

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iiaimtj wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a ilatlora auaolntmbnt mlloks tluaaom ablu givo us a call maitmaob lrobngiiee 1bsuud oeq hynd8 jewellery and vmnoy doodi aotoh ontaitlo real estate vntmtt for ruita in uulloii mbd wellington loo lurum for ulle every hlzn ii ou worn u fakni wrl inn for iitu1nuue or 11 you vtlalu tu urll or rxclittuati write tie wo tiuvti rvrrj fudllty for triiiiaiirlliig buulurtm to your cohplrttt utitlufvirtloij torrs kouitif nullrltoil j i wiidloirciitiy thruihrllluu hirlultit jeorutiowti news op local import personal and travel motes kite ictdtt tl5s tiiuuhiiay aviiht 1- 1015 brief local items wellington county rata in 1 hi mills mount foroitu to rnto this your lion bt4n fixed at 12 mills new markets rato thin cr jfl mills two mill lower tlmll lout j oar it i devoutly hoped llio now moon wlilcli a stared on tucsdnt in u dry one counterfeit american y100 hills are said to to in circulation watch fartliom tli contractor aro lifting and liallant- ingllta trucks of the electric road through town tills wook tlie many drowning accidents througli out the country emphasuo the necessity for teaching tlie joung to swim tliero tlio 11 iii surely m no ol weather to mar tlio fall fairs tliu jear alter all wevo had during tho hanost last friday one of mr robert hprowls eowa ran into a barbed ulro fonco and was badly lacerated on tlio shoulder arthur rudmau enlisted in col hal ln tines lattallou on monday mb wife ium ton will romaln here far tha present rev father doyle tha now pastor of tit josephs church has purchased a motor ear to facilitate bin work througli out tit parish a placard appearo on all livo stock cam now patting through liearlng tills state taent it la a violation of ilia law to boat or abuse slock three rinks of juelph liowlore placed friendly panic on acton green inst thursday afternoon tlio wore wan in favor of guelph fourteen officers from tlio iktth rat- talloa of helton will attend tlio provision- si school commencing at niagara on august 4th and smth miss dartlo smith who in home from toronto on iter holidays bang very sweetly tba tola my tusk in the methodist church on sunday ovonlug sunday mornings thunderstorm burn ed out two or tlirco transformer it gave electrician dualiliall a busy day putting tbem in kliaio for tlio availing cant ttona ft harbor of the corjui of ouuim who la now at niagara camp haa boan womoted to major and v- ill gu with tb7fllli ijout col ilallantlnos lultalion to tho front ii orald car with flro in tlio woods in tlio groatott proeautlon rwiulred of carner uwl aporumon before leaving area fmuflpara ijiould ouuro thoinulvoa tliat no 11 vo triuka aro loft to tcatter with a favor- bio wind when leaving town with a train of prayo on sunday morning to fill a hah oat on tlio oloetrlo road at ifuttonvliu ths totidr of tlio engino ran off tlio track tn tho ttuimry yard it required an hour or fio to wpjaoo it iimvo ifynds clorti mackinnon and maura hauurd and huuoll havo boon bowling agalnnt noino of tho craolf rlnkaof tha dominion tournament at toronto this woob and havo hold up tholr roputatlona muiukahly well itather dangerous a gontlomnn vlnlt log acton the other day w tailing to boo our municipal offioer on a matter of liunlnoaa lukod oltluu when la tha lbt time to htrlka harvoy v when ha lit not look ing wa tlio prompt rosponm js tha hip rain laht wook flllotl the panda f mid flooded tho waterway huo a aprliig- tlms fhilittt tho amount of wator which foil wu abnormal many ganlona uaro mora or loaa inundated and floworn and vegetables were oonsldcrahly tlamagod mr joint drown rooolvod from her son knglnoet warren hrown on tueulny front otter camp england a lurgo num- bar of ntorentlng euapuboth and vlowa of khgluli aoonory hattlohhlpmcuriipgroiindh etc ulilcli ho hail tukan lnoo leaving boitia tliorank growth of uocdn on vaoniit tot li froipifiittly a caino of llro when th weoda hocoino dry a lightod inntcli or bunting elgarolto thrown into them will mum afire to utattand run rapidly until lb oomet in contact with it wooden fonco or frame building wlien unioui promptly evuiiguliboil groat dainaffa may ioauil miicnt hew post oftlc clock e marehand jouollor has tha clock in tha tower of tlio now pot offloo uolng very ootlafaetorlly tho flntt trial of tho clock 30hotir uiowmi a timo keeping quality wbloo turprlaed ilr marolianil tho varia tion being only 80 eeootidh hinoo a iuh- hequetit adjuitwent tlmro lmu lieen no varuuort worth mentioning mr mar- chawl iim full oonndouoothnt tlio clock will prove to bo a durable reliable anil 6ry aatlafaatory tlmo plooo it atrlken on a large ull tho fine clear ami mellow tone of which given great fjituduotian to tho people of milton champion deafmbfis oahkot be cured by local application aa they cannot reach tbo dlaeaued portion of tho oar there la only one way to cure deafiioaa and that la by eomfclltutlonal remedies deafneut la oauaed by an inflamed cotwlltlon of tho kuoooui ilnlng of the kiiataohlaii tube wbaa uila tuba it inflamed you havo u ttimbllag aound or imperfect hearlngand when it u entirely oloaeil deafneu la tbo reanlt and unleaa tlio itiflatntnauoh can bo taken out and tola tube restored to it ttormaloondltlorj bearing will be destroyed forever i ulao caaea out of ten aro cauaed by catarrh which la nothing but an in flamed condition of uiomuoou aurfooe we will give ooe hundred ikulare for any oaee of deaf neu oauhed by catarrh that cannot itt cured by hall catarrh dv1muu u uuiuu care rend for circular tree v j ciikmhv tt xtoledo o bold by dntgttlata 7fta take ifalla faoilly 1illa at conulpa- tho methodist church koxt sunday itov mr avihom iu nujaying h conpln f uooks httliihiyx xln hunduy mr norman xiuti if tltilt n bright jftutig lay ifouclipr of ihut city will oooupy tlta pulpit morn ing nnd ovoiiing foot sovoroly urulcod mr jamoj it anderson hnd lilu right fikot luiinfiilly hrulhml one day lout weaki whlluaulmtlug in ruining a tlmlwr ut tha roialra to mr n lutumona farm in kuiuuigttweyii the timber alipkxl uud foil ncrobs lilt inwuii flight arm lftoorntod while gunliig n large blet of gluns at new ndlco of mouurs henrdmare jt co liimt i imrwlay nftortioon the pane brake in two nnd thonpvcir urtiou foil with con- hldurabla farce nu tho right arm nf mr w l wordeti iullloting a painful gaali it roiiilroil nine stitche to olofte tlio lacera tion another proo probscrttdiratoerilutod the fid i ruisj has jutt iearnl that nnolher of its graduate la among cauadan holdlora enlutod to fight for king and empire krneat xvllmin mil of mr to uilaou iu now in france with tlio second contingent ifo graduated from tliu ollloo several year ugo and wnul wottt he la with an allwirta regiment lou modrinos comrmny olvos oun the first machine gun for the canadian exited it louary forcji from her ii n won con- trlbtitoil loot week by i mcltrlne co ful trunk and valine manufacturer the firm boo been fairly busy ou warordera during the peat year air boufa mohrlno head of tho company wu a resident of acton for noveraj year and married hla u ho here rev j c wilson enjoying holiday itov j c wiihoii pa tor of knom church iatinjoyingu few uuka holidays and u visiting at various ointu the pulpit la being mipplied very acceptably by kc mr mclood of pennsylvania formerly of lioluood mr and mrs mcleod are enjojing tholr vocation at tlie liomeof mra mo lewis fatur mr u j kerr mimosa dams struck by ughthlng during the thunderstorm on hunday morning tlio lm f mr alanui worden second lino wan ctruob by lightning a fow sbtnglou ware knocked off and tlie purllno plato pplit hut no other dumaga wan dona to tlio building tuo colta w badly stunned and have since been quite doaf tha turn of mr l atkinson fourth lino wau also struck but onli trifling damage waa sustained tho baptist sunday school plomo tho pio iilo of tlie hahht bundny which was iotpon6l but wednesday owing to tho rain waa iteld on thursday the members of the school under leadership of itov mr howarth ami mr harold savjh buporlnlcmlent proceeded to i look wood by tho afternoon train a delightful time uim spent on tlio rocks and in exploring the caves and tha haviie well and in other pastime when tlio call for su prior was given everybody was ready and tlie good things provided were elijojed with avidity methodist lawn tenuis court tlio new lawn at tlio methodist church lias been completed and the youog people will aoon commence their teunt practice there the club la under the auspice of tho kpworth league with miaa hertle bpolght as president and kmeat brown hocrelary treasurer much credit la due members of tlie kings orderlies lllble class for their strenuous uork on tlie sod ding of tho lawn and preparation of tlie courts under the direction of mr r ii jeer the work has been prosecuted with igor and aucceaafully consummated two or hoove ilynda sons iu camp mrs eov ilynda ha kindly loaned tlie fiikk 1iikhh a splendid panoramic camera pliotografih of tlie company drafted from tho 34th hattallon for reinforcement cf the princess patricias their son george ono of the men ohoaan and la now in camp near sliomcllfto he allows up well in the picture and looks every inch aob dler ilia brother itouert wlio la a tnem- bor of the band of tlie second contingent is in camp about three mlloi from him very interesting letters haio biett received hero from tiotli of theae gallant roldlar another new minister for aoton those aro evidently tha days for pastor al change on july 1st kev h w avlaon m a ii iof cuelpli commeno od his pastorale in tha methodist church- on august 1st rev father uoyla came from st haallu church uranlford to take charge of 8t joseph church here now the announcement la made that kev h ii wilkinson m a rector of fit albana church has been appointed to harruton and itev c ii k umltb m a of fergus lucomeu rector of st albana tlie people acton cordially welcome these new pastors civlo holiday well observed tho weather lust wednesday our an nual chic holiday uaa like many of tha proceeding wcdnemlaya his summer tint propitious for holiday outings tha soak ing ralu of the previous twentyfour hours ami tha preiaillug mlsly atmosphere rendered plo uloklng and outdoor pleasure unattractive many boliday plan which liad lieen formulated bad to be abandoned fvcn tha lawn bowler were kept from an anticipated match at georgetown uie player giving the information over the phono that their bowling green waa at hoove hynds proobuoatlon was however very loyally olieerved uuhlnea placo generally wore closed and u restful lay wan spent by our usually active pop ulace tho red cross and the war in the methodist church hut sunday itev if w avlsou m a a preach- oil stirring sermon relative to lh war in tlio morning tlio history and very help ful acoomiduhmenta of tlio itod croaa organisation from tlio day of that intrepid imroluo florence nlgbtlngaletothepreaetit war were vividly rehoarbed tbia mlnla- ttutionof tha women of tho land to the soldier uhoii suffering from the horror of war waa strongly ooumended the dis course waa baaed ummi the ust i inau- much oa ya have dona it unto one of tho least of theae ye have done it unto me at the evening service tha duty of the christian in ooiinactlon with the war was dwelt upon tha protection of tha weak waa declared to be clearly tha christian duty peace at any price wo declared to be u most nfamoua doctrine it would be ati infamous ieeoe and would eott us our christianity tho defence of our land and empire against what would mean tbe im potence ami ruin ol our oountry is abeo luloly necessary any other oourso would rob our aoula of dignity and battor wo musteet our teeth agalnnt the wrong and tight until vlolory and peace are gained we must be men of faith and prayer splendjqunutyornoblllty a generous supply of sample of tho forty or more line of plain and fanay blaculu and cake manufactured by the noble manufacturing co of eli thomas bus reached us on the flrat of may tbla important manufacturing oouoem waa ukon over by a new company with mr a ii moore toronto one of aotoue successful sous asbuperintendent the sample received are certainly ckobi bmt tbey excel in appearance variety ami flavor the sods aro especially meritorious tha adoption of the trade name nobility ulaeulta was otrulnly a bappy oonoeptiou uud barmonlae fittingly with the company name wltb tbo ktrook men of buslnewevpamrlenoa at the heed of affair aod the local loyalty to the concern by bt thmtuut people there u no doult that gratifying suooee will be achieved mr frank f fllu- of wtulioro baa purchased a farm in naaaagaweya town- ship belonging to mr jamea held hale was made by j a wlllougbliy tlttorg- town ont- f efoolnl nnd personal itonifl of intor- est to preo press tloadors cleaned dunihg the week mim hull kotson im visiting frloiuls in hamilton mlw mae mooro iu enjoying holldaya with friends in toronto mr hay watson of welkmd was home for a short visit lost week mm william brown and mis marion liavo returned from toronto mra h laird returned home last week from n v ult at autubula ohio masterwiiuo hlehmonil of llluevale iu visiting at principal stewarts master jack kennedy motored to whitby with his uncle last week mr c a malthewa of toronto u spending a fewliolldaya in town mra h campbell returned from visiting frlenda at brace bridge en monday mlus mamie masalas la sveiidlngaoouplo of weeks with friends in mu thomas mr a motavlsh and xhas wren vlulted friends in rea forth last wek mrs mulholland and miss annie mub tiolland vlslieil frlenda lit toronto last week miss margaret brown returned last week from a visit to frlenda at burlington mra h a snacklisiner la in tlie host pi lai livguelph for treatment for neuritis mis barbara hank returned hoim on wednesday after a pleasant visit at hamil ton mrs w ii htewartand masuni willie ami robert returned last week from lllue vale mr and mra c i khhage and children berlin visited tlielr frlenda beredurlngtlie week mr and mr william bwaokhamer of toronto are spending the week in the old home misa lily hilton returned from hie bos pita last week hlin la mow i oamahu clng miss maaln scott of toronto was the guest this week of her aunt mrs if drown miss lattlo ilurd of toronto iseguesl at tbo homo of mr thomas ilurd voung htreet miwtjuoenlemorrltt of milton hosbeen the guest during the week of miss lorna kennedy mra john morris and mantar itbnald of toronto are spending a week or so with acton friends miss viola strange of hnrrie iu upend ingaoouplaof wcoku nt tho oj mr neil mcdonald mr william park ami mr harry park grand valley visited miu mamie masabib during the week tho misses martha and lhule graham ol acton ajveut the week end with frlondo erin advocate mr fimor htewart left on tuesday for huddoll bosk after spending a month with acton frlenda mr and mr ttert mason and mis muriel of lliatlmm vlsltod at mr wil ham mason this week mr ed ryder returned from the ho jiiul in gutlph last friday and is convalea- ing with encouraging rapidity mr robt croaa will return from st joaapba hospital guefpli tomorrow ii is a fair way for complete reoavery mr adam stewart and mra chaa w mason and mis eleanor of berlin made acton frionds abrief visit this week mian laura mooro of guelpli has been tending the past week with her grand mother mrs t t moore voung street mr charlaa hlkanbrand nf ptar- borough lias returned boma ml has is remaining with relatives here for a weak or so mra robt robinson and mrs d raid of gait have ieii gueta this week of their brother mr robt scott bower avenue mr ales munroe who waa operated upon for appendicitis last month baa returned from the hospital and 1 quite recovered mr tbomu wright and mr vrauk hanecek and babe of toronto are vult- log a week or so with mrs w turton willow st mr and mrs robt scott and mr robinson anil lira held attended tho funeral of the late mra george uoott erin oil monday mr harold luvia of tha advocate mitchell mrs davis and the little daugh ter aiwn arrived here tbla week to vulb actou friends mus lillian williams spent a few day hut week with mra m j cock burn and party of toronto on a sailing trip to oak villa and bronte mr a motavlsh and mr and mr voung of brooklyn n v spent few days last week at tha home of mr normau moleod church street mr w r collier and daughter miu annlo havegon on an extended visit to tha sea shoro wltb their utiols t 1 anderuou now vork mra win malona and ohlldren ol stratford who spent o weok or so at tlie home of hor father mr j r anderson returned homo on friday mis ella maopheraou and bar friend misaea edlmv macrae and edna manser of toronto spent a few holldaya but week at tha former homo here muaes gertrude johnstone and lillian williams were at niagara outhslake on thursday to sea pte j f williams who is leaving shortly for tbo front- mr william a coleman of hespelex observed the civlo holiday of his town ou monday by visiting bla mother here whose elghtyflrab birthday occurred on sunday fruit bulletin rmjuhwsitifnstod llr in imil ijoiii uihhi srlv unn ravlv 1 1 hunliwiiru khoulil tasloll fat iliil iiifl luunlnu llrlt kiult hulls letters pr ou soldiers tho following lector from our sold lor boys in the old land have lately uen ro- oelvsd by reeve and mm hyndu t bliornollffa camp england dear folks i g arrival here affvright had a riue trip over a oonvoyniet us on sunday and we reached plymouth neutday tlie cruisers kept going around our transports all the way in watching for gentian submarines when we came into port we saw three big training ships with about 3000 lads on board about joes age they were alt dressed in white they gave us a flue cheer incoming up to bhoriicllfte ve passed throuuh devonshire and kent country we came through impressed us as being woll worth fighting for tlie first day they served ua with our outfit itla line we carry ilnty jvounds and our rlflo our work here is a big change to what we had lit camp in canada there it was llko a plo pic wo are attached to the i lib reserve battery to re inforoe the prlnoot patricias at tlie front it was fine when we reached bliornollfnf woo soldier followed us they soy we are tha finest body of men tliat has come over we are all under instructors and the officer call us tlie pride of canada we will be here about two waekv then off to tlie front mn only about two miles from wltoro nobis i aiqiect to see him soon a i write titers ure three oomphiue flying ixiul ocr m there uro 10000 canadian troops here things uro dearer here than at home some of the atorckeier think dont uiulertani english money nnd try to mako u pjty big iriceu but lie english soldiers dont let tliotn put it over thla is all thlo time dont wonrv well be buck ulion it la all over loio it ull your affect lanstp son luiljl handling camp eimbin i july 30th iiht dear mother i there a not much no wo to tell you thin time but i want to lot y ou all know i am well snow was up to see me on sunday and ha looks line i have received ilia filar weekly and tlie fiat puksu which i enjoy reading lery much i was laid up in the hospital for three days with a lama knee but am all right again i think you will liear something soon by tha way tliey are sending men across tliese days they go over front dovr and folk- stooa and they have to coma through handling station so we aaa a good trwny of them i do not aspect we will be here very long now we bail an inspection by sir robert borden and major general hughe jaat saturday it was a great sight snows battalion was in tha march past when i was down seeing snow i met licit taylor from acton son of henry taylor he cams over with the first con tingent but is back in eogland having been wounded none of the eiifragements in france ha la nearly all right again and pacta to go back to france any time i do not want you to worry about ua well look after ourselves all right- ra- uierabar us to all friends who enquire i relgb im pounds will write again soon your loving son bub in d letter from kargt e g maddock to his mother mra anna maddock a few days ago ha saya t wo are still at sand ling camp in spits of tlie fact that the canadian paper have ua all over tn france we are starting on aoourof training that will in all proba bility keep us here another alx weeks and it will be the first of september before we are moved just received your letter today and wish you would write ma every mall for letter from home ore worth thelrweight in gold to us over here it help a fellow a lot to do ids duty when ha know tka one at home bis wife and mother are doing mora than ha la in the way of being brave and making a bigger sicrifloe than ha is and being canadians tliat ths world wjll be proud to own vou folks at home doot get any of the cheering or flag waving tliat wa gat and none of tha excitement to keep you gob g i but mother you are tha real heroes of this war and after it la oter we will try and show you liow much wa thank you for it and if i have anything to do with it tlio canadian people wilt know who won this war thsy will know it was not won by tha men who were in france but by tha w omen who stayed at home and fought a bigger battlo ami made a more noble sacrifice tluin thsuianinthstreneliea wo had an intiptotlonlhe oilier day by major general bam hughe and sir robert borden tliat might be interesting if tlie fuku ptika would care to have an tooouiit of it ut ma know thanks for all the paper they im oom leva to alb affectionately e win cbiwsoats cohussu tho creeks are all swollen with tlie recent raloa they ore m high as tbey are with tho spring freshets puure haint been o good all summer as it is now tba thuruletitorta oa sunday mowing afreeted tba ottendanoe at tba sabbath school and church service as only cloae to tba church were aide to bo out uhl wh anderson acton visited friends beta last week mlaaes gieoora ness and viola moore luelph are visiting friend here mian isabel walk ins upent a few days but week wltb her friend mis mary maaaua acton a word for mothers it fsagrava mistake for mother to neg lect their oclies mid palna and autiw in silence till ooly lead lo chronic alck- ueas attd often shortens life hyour work la tiring ii your nerva are excitable if you fceflaitguid weary or depressed you sltoubl know that uooua kutulalon overcomes just aucheonditiotml h possess hi concentrated fori tba very element to invigorate the blood atretirthen the tissues nourish the urv ami build strength bootta is atmiigtbanlng thousand mother and wlluidp you try it kceu ik bowtut vatoiito oat acton school again on top five candidates successful out of sis who wrote normal entrouoe three of these won honors the result of tlm mlddls school amemln utlona for entrance into tho normal schools worn announced by ilia loartmetib of education on saturday fu tlio high school and continuation school of the county of hal ion thirty candidate were successful of these nine took honors three of whom were acton students the successful students here were tt fol iowa i m e anderson honors c a henderson honors m j henderson iiooorf isma v mophersou janle a obrien the following were tlie successful candi date of halton county i m e anderson lienor o andrew e i ilcll c g ruck a ii cerr honor m dcnyea m a fleming m b foster f d frcure qihyslcf c a henderson honor m j henderson lionors hepburn honors c hunter chemistry w joyce l m kennedy honors s m kerr j d modermott e h mcklnney cheniutry j a mclennan i v m hieroti i m martha j j martin honor a 1 matthew honors m muuro m f klckell j a obrien e m pearett honor m l stoaehouse r ii stuart ahc hlslt f- a whlttleld hononia if wiuon chemistry a time to save at no period within yenra bii tlio tmctkc of ocoiioiny iwioii more intiimhuiit on thrifty ciiiiiuhiiii iionmu livery day come urgent exhorlntlatm that wo moot our nuedu wliwly mid priidonlly hint wo buy iitoiiomlinlly nnd cnrofiilly that wo aava at every pouidblo opportunity at no lime within yoaro hnvo greater opportiinllieh for saving boon nvulliiblu tlmu nro nftordcd by our auguut clearlnga seasonable vvnntod wuurnblun nro niittleiirlng tlicsu thij i nt nmro frnctioim of roguhir prlceti oukstboiowu in prlco but tho untlufnction nf mcomjilliihlng thorough mumiiior clcurniico vours hid saving n prlco nnd the uatlufactlou l uocuriiig wcnrublouof dopoudnblo tpmllty hy theko quolatlonn yon may meamiro the uwlngu uffarded by olhur bnrgninu t all wonionu mlwiea and chllilroirusuitl- mer dreus all trimmed millinery balance of aciiuinu models tloc nnd jno hlaa corset n himiutnctureru npec- lal clearing 300 smart white hklrtu i a off teoo 3 so mripod vollo drcixoii jijj hoyi w10i1 suits to si so glrlntub drcmam to 60c emliroidlry 1luiiiklng to 7jc wuuli voilor 40 fiiclicu to 40c wntli cropcii 37 inthen toinoo mcun sullit toaaijomcnttkiillh 1 ha6sa0awbya vandals broke into corubln metlioillst cliuroh one night last week and desecrated the sacred edillce ami committed serious damagc0 the organ was almost ruined coal oil was emptied out of the lainpa on to the collection plate and tha bible usui in the pulpit drf iced tfire is so far no clue to the rnlrntnrttof it a dsstanlly nutrage but the reside n l h nf the community are indignantly aroused and a thorough inquiry wl be inado by io antltojrltlea uv dr htnlr preachoil in knoi cliureh guetph last sunday warden cimplirll u taking a lively in terest in tho county council rauivalgn ta ralso funds fur tho caiudiun patriotlo fund mr ami mrs frank buyers liav return- eil home from tlielr extensive trip through the korthwct and to tha panama ex umitlnn el ban francuco thy bad a very diijoyatda time legloi weekend i id 71 1 1 33 la the number of other like bargjilim nnd manifold arc the unvingn will you gel your nlmro ililn d e macdonald bros v umlld ooblphs reading and largest store wytteltubitb mmcjonell and carders streeta guelph ont crdebd5brjgbddf3tt another anton boy to the frflilt pte harold thomas son of mr wllllant thomas formerly of a but who re- moved to the north west sevsr year ago ha enlisted and gone to england he wrote tlio fuiit phlsu but week from bharbot lake as follow 1 i am on board tha train bound for england i belong to tba ltb overseas battery c f a in tba 1th artillery brigade i havo not forgot tan the old town yet and if i aver ooma back from tills expedition will drop in and see you alb i will be glad to be remember ed to my classmates in tli old sunday school at acton harold is iu his nine teenth year bert taylor also from manitoba and a farmer member of the same class lias also goo to tlss war many thousand mem required for tho harvest in western canada how about heady for cutting thousand of men will be required from ontario to help in the great work of liar- vesting tlie western crop ami practically thaantlre task of transporting this great army of harvesters to the west will fall to use lot of the canadian laeiflo railway excursion from point in oetario lo manitoba saskatchewan and alberta will be run and special trains operated making tha trip in about thirty sis hour and avoiding any change of oar or transfers j icing trip wast 11200 to winnipeg return trip east iih00 from win nipeg consult c p it agent regarding par tlcubjrs in connection wltb transpw latlon west of winnipeg going dates avni sy lotn awn airiifrom kingston ttchhoma jcl bharbot lake renfrew and east in tha province o ontario and ouabee including inurmedlat station and brandies arms 21bt ak fflhii from toronto bault bto marie ont and east in tba province of ontario including intarmadl- at stations and branches but not east of or including klugston tlohtuma jet sluubot lake or renfrew aimar jutii awn 29nt from toronto and stations west and north in tba province of ontario but not including station on line north of toronto to sudbury and bault st msrla ont for full particular regarding transpor tation west of winnipeg etc tea nearest a p r ageul or write m j murphy district passenger agent toronto parker of wilsons fly pads k dnth or ny s r ica 1 c a t t h r u a brers u millioan una a wellequipped meat shop at of mill aad v second rk creasing i ami wliysupplyad klmlaofpkeii tha corner streets acton the second brick building from the gtk croailii and cukfvo mhatb of beat quality at reasonable price meat delivered to all customers promptly flrttclax refrigerator i shop open every evening farmers trade especially solicit- ul i highest cash prlcespaldforegg and poultry r mlluqan boots shoes all the latest styles of this spring the popular gray cloth top ladles bultou boots regular tjgo to 94 00 now going at ism they cannot be replaced at thla price rbjal shoes for men no more satisfactory shoe on the mar ket at auy price all classes of shoe at rest values repairing every day careful worst prompt and kenney bros mils st acton grand trunirsvtf harvest help ex 1200 to winnipeg wsiihumiih from ftution k1ugtou aad renlraw ami but iu oularlo and qiuboc uoubtlhdd prom union toronto lo norlb by incltulve and hut but not luoludluk klugou ueurrew or hut iharmc auoukt hltmdu praia uuion la onurio north awl wut of toronto but not meludltu line torohto to north day for particular aa to tickets weat of winnipeg etc ap ply to any grand trunk ticket agent h s holmes agent phonal no is c c speight ior uptodate goods eulvetrweura bk tablwaur rtnoi also no cuuaury mudwaurai tbiwur auacl orauri- hewaura in vaurtly pandora stovaa and randan raunou hawalaws small slovam ousutvaui every article in ol excep tional value c c speight iihi slnktl attorn m 11 i jini on saturday all straw hats at half price now neckties for the sport shirt goc italbrlgcan underwear goc value for sc m the new victor colored ablrt oo valtle foroto mens cotton socks d pair for he holeproof hosiery r b nelson tarataaat tmiur maafa anuaiabao oulltlt omt many thousand farw laborers wanted for harvestina in wfjatcbn canada wloima trip watsy 1200 to jlnmireg nmrurm trip uakt- 1800 fiom wlniipefl rnm ultiittan tlfi w-ilar- l omul ooi no datsts auaaiiallsaljistky lloau tl- 1 11 i mulr oat tt1 1ijl in ila rriilwl nj hluitwl uliuuiuhn i wniid1 sulk inlu wotlu ul oolijp o iwa jwik cl tjcalu la leuauiy fei vwiull tumlkultwraysiaiaj 1 u o uuhhv smart young dressers voung men who want swell things who want every late kink in cut and making thrown into their suits come hero for their clothe if we are ever a moment bell in it on a new idea wo dont know it tlio newest styles worn in this commuuity alwaya man a to from thla store for this reaton wo hold tho trade of the voung men of this town our fall and wiiiilt bulls uro stnnnuru oui prices are not high when wc say block or mndctomcasuro suit at tt p to e33 anil remember tho quality that gooa in our voting mens suits george wallace guelph ontario oaphal auuariaa aajaqe bwhal am u m5msw umliu hmuorl audition tjvery man alms to bo liu own tuaiter nostiror way to got tho cnpltnl logother than by blurting a small baviugn account its this rank georgetown branch w n uekey uasogat bank of hamilfon t r i a l i i 1 m i n in i canadian northern 30000 harvesters wanted excursions to winnipeg 1200 through service between quebec ottawa toronto and liitermodltilu points glvlup good conncclloua to tho west choice of destination left to tho okcuniloiilst halfaccnt u mllo from wlinil- eg west to uettlna babkntoon warman swan river cilgary edmonton ett deer taunu and to all other points on the cauadlau northern railway lutu riling liahaceutanillafrontiiu points on c n r to wliinlpeff fffloo from winnipeg to original utartlng point aoiho datstt ausruat hi and im toronto yorker bauiiockhurn mayuootlt kin- mount jet pictou uud all intermediate stations on the canadian northern railway ausfuat fl and fts- toronto and ull statlotia west and tvouth in outurlo 4ltart4iat0ouaty tn tha wsvat tsi avd by tba caaaultan mortbaro ktalleray ntadattviavsllbuatmrmuiwdbsrlw hsavr mud tha wuj hlsch wrlto for homeieewrs and hcltler guide showing 33000 iron immeateadi nwalthig the aolller for full information apply lo usaren c n r agent

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