Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1915, p. 4

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tilullhikav auuuht 1j iuia a botmower a woman wlioiviilly miiko mo groan la tlii fit who livm urtut door i htm borrow mcirythliin i own and i linn hiia t in hub for mom win itorrown irt it bilking i in huo iiftkt rmpilri4 11 libit hlia t tin 1 1 anuiou iwnu im it driving lutok or tt lwr of ituidltiui hho imirruuu u win or a pun or u fun or uootipluiif irlji potitloak a ooobtiry ihhiu or a button boob or h tin of i ho tt toiiiutoom hits ltorrous tt trap to mlch a iodum aud hltaw lllioly to nob to i w r row the lloum nmiwuwt hot i told you imfoi lot i yon wt well now why ilin lnul lorroud a frank it walton raleighs nephew it is generally agraod that tho tiiotdlu tlnguuhlng characteristics ot a geiitlomsif is not so murli lilu olimirxunod of the re qulrettwtiitu of etiquette- un iiih loyalty to the hlulier principles of omirteuy and sometlirioa while ijului unconscious uut the oocotlou 1 anything crltioal young leopla sliowta the olttmtrvunt looker on thslr true status a young man holding to strap in a crowded city street oar one afternoon wu quite unaware that its was the subjact of anauitiiatad ooiiveraattor in a rear host thats iliibigha nephew tlta young bun renwrtad to lib companion ko hot that one the broad sltouldsred fl low in the gray suit tim girl looked steadily at tlui uncon ulous ohjoct of iter sorutlny i think i like lila too uutt retaarkod am then aa l4r companion indulged in an almott m pifipttlu shrug of ha tliouldsr site turiwl toward bun why dont you ilka him y alia abked point blank ive nothing against hint of oouir cxcpt wl i u jain y nglidi he fcwtria anything but a gviitleioai how do you nvaan r ob it isnt wsy u eipliiti but lharei a mouthing u u u this follow gvioi unoomcloudy bla tons bj tooosm uniawtiat uitenpiuottj dit butka lilm oa on who knowa jlltla aato tlu car atoppd vllntly oa tl fcltfuj oj a wotiian avldviiuy a fnoi wto iuitdiicuy uck of it yoou tdaa wlo tarvwl bj a topic of coflviuoci- tit wteunrdtoker fft wltlt a httu dlffl culty uciuu of ui uwi tukt auadliiff id frot of ht til cayloj a baby d lar unl auj a lad of two at urn yara of ajj uojplwd ua boat tkla br ittfp lively jom caiuj tb ockidihj lor witb tba taas of amiiid ftuwi bouoobb in uioa futt6tjotajrla ovar ut uut jouy tka youajf iuib wbo wu luuitfb a apliw turnod a sd dlaaovor- j tka lltua woouii wltli tlia two eliiurto aad uia big market bukat in au initaat ti bad ulan tlia utur out of b liaml 4kad up tli boy witb a ftoilla tbat w- idovhi iba uttla fallowa faua that powbly ha waa uln kldnappod and laid for tt iiaot a oarloij of latiwtl ajooutora aaw tiiw dpcjjt bukat and obild on tha etb taka off bla liat to tba taotlwr aa if aba luul baen a ducboma ad tban ivgain tl4 plalforoi wltli a running juwp tba drl on tito raax aaat lookad at bar eooipanlofl and a spot of rd bbowad on altbar cbaok im going to dlnor from you aba aald htt young man may bad a ilttld poluji i dont know anything about tbat but lb u wujly aen tltat iiaa a fiatl- iwterest inf fkljfojmlo pliwiwmxl itown broajloaut ni llio anow lit koutborn lilnl uf uprln uurnilnntix wbdit llm utinw httdtml and mh muiiyun wuiy uttla troo- woro oountod to tlio wpiikro fool willi tho completion of n now rullroad in womtorn afrlaa rly iinvt your it will lni mmiiiia to orowtt tlia lurk canllnont frtint tba atlatiko to ibu itidlnn oooati by rail and rlvor rftiniw after xtnulo vnhirlnieiitm two kn unit diiohi1u liino kirfottted uuljjiitr dyoa uitb ulilolt it ih pofulbla to color wooitllk linhip mid iitltor 1liru luitlufiuiuirlly utid oooilonioall in tlio riltrlut noar wiiiiiimk tlinro in imiii to in riliililutitwl tlto iiiomi foil rnncli intlmutnld rrom ml to 1mt of llo aul iiiuim io a found in tlio korlli will lt pro- aurml to tturt wild iwjklrlh tf ttlitiiilmiui into tlm ittluxl luuu ilurjmr hio lnul bulf of 1im4 tot id tnatuki or 8ru2l7 low tluii in tu llkn torlod of iiiit tlio rooolpl front oorntmiiy dropiml from 9 10tiu 1ofriib7rt tlio knropaun uurliu aerlounly alfoctod lliodonmnd for ctitioillait lolwtarw abroiul and in fliibtipumna inormmml nlilpmeiit lium leon muda from nova hcotla to tlio united hutw within umi laat raw monllih moving a ilock a dutanoa of a mlla from on iioum to unotbar in waycroa oa- caumd l to lojiuina work afwr it bail iain idle for mi von year jtwatlar luul failed to btart it going but ilia jolting muooead ad tlio houtli afrlodti com crop it i atatad be aoclonuoua tbiayear tliat noltlmr dm railway nor iba ijilpping faollillaa will ha ablatooapa wltli it havau million ba will ba available for ohport tu jitn tb wont ooinea mm wo ara told from hmiu it in tlio mtrml mang for a nickel wlilob again la tlio bandy ttatno for urn unltod huua flvo mnt ooln mrol it wn u jltiwy liow tlto inovloa wltli a flio fxint luttnliutlon too big amutiomont for mnall mutiny ttioit a brilliant itihpirutlou oamo to wmtoonn wbo bad an imuikwl motor nur unit wbo oaw poojilo nt tlia rimb bourx wuiting in for lorn bunrjliotint iboalroot uromlnga in tlio vain boimof nndliiuttpliuxi in tbo it1ruly oororowdtxl urooi cam wliliuing by why xbouldiil i pick tltoto pwijilo up in my motor and carry tliatti for u alreot oar famov why not to im uwl and pronto wo liino tlio jltnay uhlcli bat ntultipllod luitiiiuo nf our olinw liko llm lllouof fgypt till ut tho tuili baurx tbo main utrmtm urn tilled with them thoy aro imiimikmily iwipnlur tltami jltimyi for lboynanuumel tits ordinary hlhwl car und tbay vastly underbid tlio tuulcub lit utm tlia tuklculi i a nillllonairo veltitilo the jitney la tint crowda and in conocueul6 iha jitney lu likely tolmoomon gooil paying projhwitlou t for tlio aecret of monay making ofun lieu ih dlaooverlng aoinalhliig tliat oterylwwly wanta ami uaeda and dovling a way tj fur lulling it to him at u smull jhica tlia foundation nf hi now jitney tralllo a truly tlta 4d tlmo motto i hmall irollta uiul quick rttuma ohildren ory for fletchers castoria ifopa for tin clironlo lyiiptio tbrougb uck of coiibulratlon of ubotiy ndi many perwuta allow dlordr of uut dlgvhiva apiiaratua to atulura uatll tby baoouia cltroulo llllhg day and nlgbta wltli au6ritig to t a a oour of lvrrttaloatf vttfulu 1h1u u t66ir4bituud aa a tut aiul iptody way to kfialn baallh ttwd vilai ara apeully eootiuwadod to oombat dyppu awl tbo many ilia ibat fallow in u ualu ad tbay ara tuooaaa- ful alwaya har nervet were so bii tbonital she mteim go out el her mill a niou hlli yxilii castoria voir ioiabu and oilmr iii um rr owmt 3d yars alwm bau aw houbst jamlyor a janitor in a nalgbboritig aohool threw up bla job tits other day wlien ukad wbat iba troublawaa h tald t im honest and i wont atand for being tlurrad if i find m pencil or handker chief about tho soltool i hang it up kvcry uttla whit a teacher or aoms ono tliat la tooowailly to faoo me glvaa inaaalur in what way i aiked tho offloer wliy a uttla while ago i aaw written 6a the board and tlia common multiple weill i lookad from cellar to garret and i wouldnt know the thing ii i met ib on the atet what nulla me quit tuy job iautnlghb in big writing on the black board it aald and the gteateet oombuhi dlvlaor wall i uya to myaalf both ol tbm uifng are loat now and ill be blam j for awipln em ao ill quit wawsrokhattohs op wa1 here la a litu picture of tlm tranafor- tattlaaa of the war two unl forma approached one auotkar in alraeb lu england the right ana in the uniform of tlio private aalutetl the uniform of the moond liautenant 1 two m6n in uw uniform talkej loan pejmod on aa be went bla way the private saluted again he was an epftiuh- uaaolaome iunortance he look4 the tubkuntul middle aged man of affaire who aaked bla friend waj rite young offloer you saluted ao reapeotfully v he is answered the private a lieutenant in the british army ha was m little while ago my office boy ouhoaytoks btwn tla groat tblnga we eauuoi do and the small things we will not do lbr u grvat tlaugv hist we fcliill do bathing tbw are not a few paopla waiting for lite opportunity to be iwrooa who in the ueanwhlla are not ordiusrlly uaoful oiu- sans duildlogs are never coiuttructod from um aupou downward i it la only in liva that ropb fancy tltay can bgln at the top without the trouble of laying a foundation entire family stricken with cholera yeaigetl chilj bill the chief eymptoow of cbolurs n vomiting and punlng occur ritber almultaneouily or alurtuuly uid are usually suddtn and vry vlouril mud uie matter ejected by the atomsch bs a bilious appearauce and a nasty bitter lute ott the first symptom appceriajt dr fowws afxtract ot wild 6trawbctry should be taken and tbe trouble cured mrs ii quuie 37d toau ave toronto ont wrlus whu i firtt arrived la canada tteatly four years mgo my entire fatally was atiicketi with cholera from which the youuitekt cblld died boon after a frlena ncorntuettdm dr lowleri uxtnct of wild buawberry and acting on this advice x admlttlitemd it to all who were buffering wltb the tnoat gratlfyluic results buice that first mv uck my children bave beta uiblecl tn stomoxb troubles but oa the first aymptomi i resort to dr fowkra and t always briar relief x have immense faltu la this toedkluc and always beep bottle on hand alio x uever fall to recommend it to anyone who u almllarly troubled when you ask for dr powlerv see that you get it it bs been oa the market for the pest 70 years there la nothing just as good manufactured by the t millhtre co limited toronto ont price sb cents no pav0r3 allowed the story u told in a bootch newspaper of two old anuflouisu who meet on a bootoh golf oourae every saturday after- noon no matter what the weeiluur may be nave la the deed of winter they were all square ab the seven teentb and the loser of the but week had jusfc puyed ms third in the shape of a nlaa approach to the green itsst weeks winner came up to bis ball with grim purpose le had an easy pitch to the green but a number of young sheep were unconcernedly browsing along the edge rln forrard laddie said last weeks winner to his oaddlo and drive awy the lambs ka na vigorously protested his op portent bide where ye be laddie ye cannot move any growln thing that the mid o gowff if a homely girl has plenty of moneyitt an easy matter to meet a wise man who will try to convince her she la a prise beauty ha who seeks truth must not count ton- gue a wish 8tkk0 trooper brown of the british territorials was green ilia horse likewise unaccus tomed to war seemed from its appearance and pensral structure to have been nob very long ago a dray horse bub it was a wise animal and had learned th rough ehperleuoe that to keep ones mouth shut is to avoid many troubles uuchpracuoabsd enabled it to keep its mouth shut very suomsafully and very tight hence the story related in tithits on tits first morning parade in trooper browns drat camp the lieutenant rode down the lines of his company all the men turned out sergeant- major v he queried yesslr said the eergeantmsjdr all except trooper brown hes waiting for his horse to yawn aas he osn slip the bib in i bub the worst of it is sir the brute doesnt seem a bib tired children ott fob fletchers castoria pkllowkd when i cant sleep at nigh t said she i say to toy husband oh read tua one of mydeartnlnltterm sermons and he has not read five minutes when i am sound asleep i the dear minister said of course that he was delighted to hear it although it was nob wholly for that purpose the ser mons were published as a rule one mile of railway takes 1i70 touh of rail london llridge has boon bunted down six times any girl can make a name for herself if ah eeu induce some man to face the parson with her a married mans spjiliaatloji for member ship in a dub way be an admission that marriage is a failure so far as he is eon- earned mrs hollas icuos 4 iirjja st st vobit n u writes i suffered greatly with my uervnt i could uot skj at nlibt nor work and the least uttls thing worked oa my mind and both ins last winter 1 thought x would gt out of my mlud i would wtwdi out kud nt btother really thoutbt i was going craxy with my turves it was so terrtbls i would hold my bead snd cry x trud two doctor but tby did uot do tne any good x thousht i would tell you thai today i ant perfectly cured by using three taxes of hllburns fcrt mud kcrve xhlls and i can rccommeiid then to all luffcrere frooi nervous troubles so you can tell everyone that they are the oiil thing that did me any good miuiums heart and nerve pills are aa per box or 3 hove for gl 26 at all dealers or mailed direct ot receipt of nue by the t milburn co limited tifinln out tug ul vakhgn what is a real farmert we use this priou a real farmer often and dsalre to dsflne what we mean a real farmer is a persou who makes his jiving by tilling the lead and who lives ou the land he works f an who own farm lands and live in towns or cities renting their property or leasing it on shares are not farmers even when they claim to be farmers the test is not a teutimantal one but economic ileal farmers live by work alone on the und smart wan may ba tools for a purpose propose to a girl in a canoe and youll have two chances of being thrown over nearly all men are too buy even to think for themselves thinking is bard work bread is ute staff of life and flattery la the butter children ory fob fletchefts castoria twosnake infested countries india and brasll maintain snake farms at which a scientific study of serpents la being pursued the venom from the poisonous ones is ex tracted and made into a serum for curing persons who have been bitten the bru- allien institution near sao paulo is main ulned at the out of 946000 a year beside preparing serums the snake farm tries to spread knowledge aboutsnakesand luduoe farmers not to kill them indiscrim inately a pleasant medicine for children is mother graves worm exterminator and liter la nothing better for driving worms from the system a woman always has faith in uie judg ment of any man who asks iter to marry him a good husband la an asset but worth- lea one lg a liability woman in terrible state find help ia lydu e pmlc- hams vegetable compound owolfcanaxialastmsrchl wsui a eompleta wreck i bad given up all toiw of getting better c living any ungth of time ui wu aaeh sufferer from female trouble butltooklkydl e ftnkherrjb vegetable compound and today x aw hi good health and have a pair of twin boy two months old and growing finely i aurprumd doctors and wilgfabors for they all know what wreck i was nowisjnlumltriybarwaridbflarty and owe it all to lydla t plnkhsma hmedlea you may publish this letter if you like x think if wore women uaed your remedies they would have better health mrs j t cook lot no 7 cape wolfe pei canada because your eaeuadlffkultone and doctors having done you no food do not eontlntm to suffer without giving lydla el pinkbams vegetable compound a hal it surely baa wmedied many eases of female ills such as faulammsv tloti ulceration dlspueetneufaa tumors irregularities periodic pains backache audit may be exactly what you need the xhnkbun record is a pfoud and peeries one it i a ttscord of constant victory over the ob- btlnatelluof women ills that deal out 1 despair it is anas tabluhed fact that lydja e pinkhsms vgtsidecomnound hma restored health to thousands of such buffering women why dont you try it if vou uaad such a medicine jf tub girl wh nev kntiiusbs the girl who uotor inithifcjn lu veiy likely tn rofpml thin hit a roif f mi mi r far ity old j mi hata it good timo thl mi minor t anitioouo uulm lior und hltc relliem ob fnlr and oooina to think him baa haid an miuib uu could iwi omteeu4l nf ltr r another girl who had enjoyed un unicl as site would fulrl beggar ilia iuglkfi lauguago in llnding adjectives to dphorluo her gooil tlmo and ucr glowing fuoo and chining eyes would nuwwuwfully fill any gaps due to tho luimillajency o her nntlvo tongue homo glrn never mm snylumly who ii mors than modoralaly good looking they never iota tliolr frlendu but only libo tlieiti pretty well tltoir eujtiyutoiit ii always of the sort that neetln nothing ii the wuy of lulica todeacribo it all tlio intense wonln of lite language could bo omllled altogetltor and they would burdly know the difference it may itonuggoated that the girt who eujoya her vacation as fair in reality has enjoyed herself as well sn another girl who had a perfectly gorgeous time but tlio girl who falls into the habit of using tlia least enthusiastic adjective alto can find is llkaly to cultivate a coldly critical attitude toward liar pleasures and enjoy them no more than iter speech would indicate and as fsr as uie impression tjie makes on other people is concerned tlio girl who never enuiuses la not likely to awaken enuiuelasm in others a when using wilsons fly pads ca0 oipectioas j carefuuy and follow thtn txicuy taruidlaii lvlro ham altmrlid lulnr- et nf mllllary iwkh ilio lyi if lldil ihivlm lodkhig ttimrntllh lino by tlm 1 tit it utid 20tli hiiltnlltlih und nlhir inillil n r mm un ml liiti iim dltlouury fnrro in tit- irurtliik kriat ultniillnii ummig inllll- ii ry uin tin tnukliiic hiiivh und uro- hux urn miphurtiitt mi tin uiifo ir tlm link tlioy nr uiud or lhnt tmlhy 10 fuiiki htrnl plutnt rlvnlod tn- litlirr mill mtronijly linn ml hy lumvy fliiuln hiiiii i hi hldn wullri dmihln jin knt d wllli hit ulr hpiu i bo body iintnlns four rooking vemmlii inrh with u rupui fly or if tnrltt1 ksi- intih two for ititlto und two for nltiw 1 ho liro bos in of linnvy ruut iron oiiully roinovublo mid lock d inlo iionhioh unit hiiltiibl ror biiriiltig won miui linn nil roki wood klruw oh l ho ttui u hi l lin itody urn no rtiidaikid lb two or tho rnnkhig vohm1m run imi linuf i liiilnnotirimit or tlm ollmr two ho tlmt two inn ih bollml vlolittifly whlln two tiro inch ly hliuinorlhg mid tbo tiro will truvnl undor nil i lin v imiih i lu urn donrw i loan nut doom utr um nil nmdn or linnvy tttoel fitrotigly rotuforred with iilillubln latfhrih nhd hlnitfu ull inudn nf targtul iron und ull doors urn un const ril el ml mint tlmy run ih lorkml mihk during iraiihporullou tho fojir cooking vessela um imrh ronulrurttiit nf ono plore ci kcutiilehii nort nhrot htcol drawn inli whnlwi und ndnrurred ut tlm upper titlgn by n heavy roin- torcod rod elrflo the vchhois aro then rotlnned insldn and nut and am readily removablo rrotn tbo body of the apparatus tlio cooking vessels ran he nllodwltb fro water and burn ing ordinary iioft wood can h brought to n violent boll in 40 mln- ii tea two home nrv liltrlied to tho apparatus by tho standard knglluli quick llnlcar hurucss tlio weight in 1h00 pounds and tlm timelilno ih properly balanced to bo aa easy as possible on the horses too much to ask mabel i dont know whether to marry jack or limply ho a sister to him ts lie in every way eligible t ediui o yea as a husband but lin sglne having such a boob for a brother 1 corns cause much suffering but hollo- ways cora cure offers a ipeedy euro and satisfactory relief the more the trusts want uie less ute common people get save your money and uie clumces are you will never regret it an idle rumor never spends much uua in the oftloo of a busy man suffered from salt rheum ror many vsars brtmk blmd slum cwsl hsr salt kheutn or xtcxema la one of the most painful of all skin diseases and if bot attended to immediately may be- syine very deep seated give the blood a good cleansing by the use of that irand old uedicitmi burdock blood bitters this stetllrig remedy baa beeti on the market for ute past forty years ami i the best blood cleanser on the market today mrs william ii powlie coles island nu writes i have been a sufferer from salt rheum for a good many years and was to bad i could not tlo my own work x tried a good many medicines but they all failed to do me any good until x tried burdock blood bitters i bud not taken one itottlc until i found a great change and i am nost thankful for trying it i hope that every other sufferer from salt rheum will try b bb burdock blood bitten u manufactur ed only by the t milburu co uuiluj toronto out the mail stttd tbe oftlee ills honor oeorgo william ilrown of haskntchawan is usually to the front whon jt comes to a public piece of work for wbleh thorn is no sort of pay the latest public courtesy front the lieutenantgovernor of raskat- ebewan is tlm presentation by him self of a portrait of himself to the province tho portrait won douo in england by rlr hubert vou korkom- tr whose portraits aro known in this country maluly through tlio pages of art tnegaalnes it was donn in 1014 the last painting done by von korkr- raer wbo considered it tlia best por trait be bad ever painted it is done in the grand manner with plenty of that impresalvo detail which capti vates the overage- imagination it may be supposed that the artist painted the ordce along with the man but hon mr brown calculates that he was uot so far astray on the man either so impressed was the artist wit i hfs picture of tho man and the offlco that he bad a special frame de signed and built under his own su pervision before tho picture was sent out the picture no hangs in the legis lative buildings o saskatchewan and is probably the finest portrait on view anywhere in ro3lna tlio practice of putting up oil paintings and statues of public tneu 13 only just beginning in that country but is making some very hopeful headway of which this portrait of tho uoutonautaovernor is ono of thu best examples ills honour deserves to be allowed to do tnesj little things for bis country for ho has tlm in forests of his coun try at heart and especially the pro vince or saskatchewan where lie has been a successful lawyer rancher and administrator for many years most of our canadian lieutenant- governors are pretty public spirited cltltens hon brown la one of the bes of them and bis portrait will becomo one of tho landmarks of saskatchewan canadian courier jhrssjjohs iules op conduct never put off unul to morrow what you can do today never trouluvanouier for what you can do yourself never spend your money before you itave earned it never buy what you dont want because it is cheap pride coats more uuu hunger uiirst and cold we seldom repent of having eaten too little nothing la troublesome uiab we do wil lingly it bids pain begone when neuralgia racks ute nerves or lumbago cripples ute back la tho time to test uie virtues of dr thomas ketsolrlo oil well rubbed lu lb will still the pain and produce a seiisauou of ease and rel there is nothing like it asa liniment for its curative properties are great a trial or it will establish faith in ifc if the is a chilly aensstlon about ute lteert read rev 3 if you do not know where to look for ute months rent read lwim 17 marriage msy elutor form ones character or reform it i a mattim or tins i suppose aald thu timid young man when you recall what a handsome young fallow your first husband was you would not consider me f or a miuutel oh yes x would sweetly reeled the widow but not for a second lilme lu agriculture ono of the principal functions of tbo chemical division of tho domin ion bxperlmcntf 1 farms is to attempt tho solution of problems connected with tho maintenance and upbuild- in of aollrertlllty among the many valuable results so far obtained lu tbesa investiga tions is the demonstration of tbo ital part played by llrao lu tho in crease of a soils productiveness tbo subject is treated in an inter esting and practical way in bulletin no 80 of tho experimental parma regular series by tbo dominion cbsulst dr prank t shutt wbo discusses it i dor tbo following heads tio nature or llmo and limestone tlio agricultural functions of llmo and its compounds comparative values of lime com pounds the appllcatlor of lltue compounds the use and misuse of lime sign letter lu pull the postoblee department calls at tention to the fact that letters ad dressed to soldiers at tbo trout should bo slcned by th writers lu full where letters signed by christian name only csuuot ba delivered owing to tba addressees being missing wounded or dead it is imposslblo for tho canadian postal sorvico to ru- turn them to the aendora in view of this ttj public is urged to fully sign all letters addressed to soldiers at the front and in addition to this to indicate tba nam- and address of tho aeader on tba upper left hand corner of the address side or tbo envelope lu this way the return of letters ahould necessity arise will bo abso lutely insured bonui albert crop a conservative estimate by men familiar with crop conditions states the average wheat production or loth bridge aud adjacent districts this year should be from present appear ances at least twentyhvo bushels to tba acr man good ranunrs espe cially whore irrigation is avallablu astlelpato ylolds of thirty to forty buslioli aud in so mo esses higher for 7 years waitriliwilbiiruvira rwlburtvi uhjhuvr pill cuhtatrj hkbt mrs it l hurst 01 synungtou ave toronto out writes x have been troubled with my stomach and liver for the past seven years alto have bad conitlpauon causing headache back ache and dlxxy spells and x would almost fall down i tried all kinds of remedies vlthout obtaining any relief x com menced uilng mllbums lava liver pills ami they have cured me i have recom mended them to many of my friends and they are all very much pleised with tba results they have obtained from their uw milburns lata liver pill are ih original so beurc ami get milburn e w licit jou usk for tlirm pile 2ftc a vial m ft for 1 00 at all dcilrrs or mailed direct on receipt of njicc by the t mumim co limited toroulo ont castoria for infanta and chllflron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signal of i till grand trunk railway iausrcnoteil tiiainb l ii iuiiiii i 11 o linn mi wlilcli amr i i iii ii oh i i li v jl 1 i i i n in i i sn it miti atnnpnnpannnodr in use for over thirty years g exact copy of wrapper grain chopping well done and quickly at only 5 cents per bag h f harris ff co lidiiled bockwood ont nnnanannaacmaah robt noble ltd actons electric chopping mill open thursday friday and saturday chopping and rollini both satisfactorily done b p caldwell acton ont proprlotoi mvicvkzvvk plymouth binder twine gob mul i 1 shnf frctn shtaf j l warren fresh groceries niu ktmiih vv urrint nl dltls niw nuts new pnlh ntt hplllri flno lino of confaotlonery i irt l i iiik i i aril uikct und pntr i nli ttr l i i ohm i mi i hums hjh011 with tin floiu liu rlnor un 1 in i other imhih delivered prompt k ilj j r livingstone uuouocaop to u o nice hill street aoton the merchants bank op canada t im its thtli u csu4 jnrthrift is rirhtly described as eco i nomical manaicmont a shrewd bunincgh man is spoken of as thrifty bc- caunc he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his succesi lies in the principle of oavinc one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par capital paid up- wkdhhvw vumdh and umpividkdphoriyv- 17000000 acton branch f a maclean manager bargains at m saxes this week good lot of mens suits at 1sm punts tweeds and blues nt ltjt big lot of mens shirts to clear at 60 some of thoso cost i 350 per doz wholesale mens raincoats 1500 for vx boots shoes rubbers vi rf r r r r r as ani 3 all linos w footwear j at rlcfht prices 0 all mon a rubberts at h barcfaln prices h vivy sv wx v uvwaadaiicw w wiiiliams mill strict acton a ladies waists reduced to ladies middies 110 90 7t shxe the brlck store opposite new postofflco buy madcincanada goods kcton xjx at jlilxv jl and bus liki iliwlng purblinimd thu livery lhltiuirui mill gondivlll of tlio l1 tatu f tliu late jo wllllaws i rtiittitfiilly tolitlt tlio niitrnti- ajo nf mio publiu coiuforlublu rignwlll nhvujh lu mippllod nt rciiuniiiihlu clmrjtoi pur tho prmuit ur george hall who iiti lnul tliu tuiinago incut of tlm tttrtbkn tliu past year will cuilllmto in thnrjot- jiowlll nhwiuilia fun ml toiirtcoim and obllg1ii nusihuarti all tiiainh amrr0sc mccann mill st acton ont atents i promptly secured in1 mwt fbreur imvektoic advujer whul wlu b mfll rrw habiomahanion molunliteitcocaciuirimsthaotrtu

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