Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a laiiou alihotllmicnt khioics mcabonadllio glvo us u call makltllaou ilioionellfo iuuukat geo uynds jaujllaiv nttd fhnoy qootlo aoton ontaido real estate vavmatitv hiiic hi iiiiliwu kvtil and wtiumtimi loo lunuu lor tialn mio hlzt ii oii want u iuurtuiitf nut for ruriilotcuc or ii you m mi tu ull oi- chiiiiu write iik ui hnvn ii rj turlllty for tmiiniirilim itinliuiis itijour complete hiitlhnuditii 4orreu ttoutltllm m i itll ml j iimoijinti 1 mi sell inn simtiiim ftmirirwoum ffihe crtjw jlrei ijrws thursday auhuht if mitt thl rapidly 1 huh j our fin iuuii onowcdt if not ronow run on llio haiiuo bora inly mogul i it ix pol brief 10cal items tlio romphcrry soumin i over acton full fnirhoptonihor jjnil und mr j bouforlhh iuk mto in lo n year thogmid old uiuiucr time i waning only luo weeks ninro of hit miner lioliduye local gardens aro now producing iip tot not w tennis touniantoiit ami lea hulmdiv afternoon dust oiio moro wodncujiiy half holidm tills uollkou well llio dog day n hav ciit lwxii ovcr ly dot litis oar the duiiinicr of hi i cannot 1 rccmdcl an an ideal fu miner ii icuwon you tin man lu jou hour jmir country call for jmir urvkii cnllm ho no j prndorcisiitiy tlio utalhor thu summer hut iwreu vorj poor fur tlio honey crop tlio park haunliy afternoon tennis tea yourro invited accost the invito tlon fiotno rain cut moro tlutti tuo weeks ago lion not yt lieen lit lu bo taken into tlio barns lurjfo ipiunlithu of groin woni into the farmora hams lnjrtii turn tu during tlio wfklu tim luw foundry ul hrumpton hu machinery inutnlkd fur inuuuiiioloriii shells tho continued rains imvo wtinlttil tlio sand ami gravel olt many hill ami rough roods ww ul t just keep huilling 1 tlio mini w r ucm to bo about over ami tlio crops tiro being housed good moriiln subscription boon n toduy douse carrying clillili of blayclou la not c tlvely dangerous now stock of buttor wjior he it quali ty just lt leave your or to dny at ilia irau pnkiu omco attend the toniiio clubs tournament ami mtrlotlo ua in tlio taru on kaunla afuriioun at 4 10 oclock tim prite ua tor aottm fall tnir iu in tha luinji of tlio iirlnuro kjicchil prlon taufct b in within a low ilnj tlio a orwlhia electric juttouon tlio new eleclrlo road imio reafliul u jiolnt bo tweea dally vanlen end acton ntit handsy unlieni in hultou county wtriatlo wovb aro ou raad to do your lilt to imiko it a siicoomi tlidrd are tlirco klouiii cnyiina on tlio ootutructlon uortiu of tlio ckoirio rouil lelwoea acton and ijioii milu now evoty oitlicn uliould imvo a idiaro in tka county counclln jmtriotlo cumuian wliloli owtu it m t fliinility jiul liikt tlie wlartan itecard buu nuaponded publleitloii for the ucond tinio another cam of two pdtcra in a one jupor town kttwindrlel ilomelluard lina over z160 men nrollod now uml tho liavo wicnrod unlfofmr cot wayliny in in coininund a toronto wlfo lieator iiuh boon ben uaoed to laiprikonmont and ticullim with tha uuli imt to know how it foolu it is rumored that coal will bo hlilior in prloe the oomlnu winter thla noun catoab from the fonnoylvanla coul llolda auother mo ucro fttnn at oakv llio i to liiuhdlvlde4l into iota tha first uunoy will b taailo in flvo and ton aoro iiarooln vw bolus inlonlcutej whllo drlvinjf a uotor oar in idiietangueuhono a lort uanlchol man iibb been lined j3 and a water tank lias imen oroctcd on tlio new electrlo line near fairy luko aro they uiho to run tlio lino by ttani or oleeuiolty t luevd hymlt was in milton on mon day oveiiluy altonilliiir u mtmlltiy nf llio county council 1atrlutlo fond campaign committee tiiom doinfortulily fcltiinuwl nt hoiao bouful nob forget tlwt our bolillcr must bo phpuivl for uuolhor winter amipalgn in the trenches are you doing jour bit in thin tro- toeudoue empire trujiilot and nra you sure it is bitylhliiu llko on blu iit as might nsiwnauy lie ovpeotod of you r a wlito poet says i tiiojo forty duys wll soon be oer tha sun willahino for forty wore i well ffuther in a goimlly ylvld from lisydsuil aud from ktornt tntnotl hold mr nornuin zlnii of flalt proaohod arnot kornioiiu in tlio mothwlibt church an hunday ho wax utislkud by mcsro ilraidwood nnd connar in tha wrvicon deafness cannot be cured hvwc sppli oul inns an llioy ciuiiuul reach iloeilikaskcd uintlan of tha cur ihero is only one way tooundoufnetm and uiut is by oonititiit lonul reiuoillur itoufnokh lu mused by un influmed condition of mm tatueous nttlnu of the kutuchiun thihj when tlili tulo lx inlhitued jou inno u rutnblinff aound or iniperfeet htiurlnjr u when ituentlwly d1hoi1 duufnusm iw tlio result uul unleut the iiifluiimtulloii ran ho ukett out and this tulio rostoretl to its uornul oumlitloti iioshhk u hi be d cult oj fed foraver i tiluo mui flut of ten aro rjuuwd by otturrh whloh in nolliliiu but tin in- ainei aiu tthm of tlunmicouu tnit-fuoui- wo wilt i vo oi0 hundred dollms for anyasmiof uesfiiemi cuumid by ratiinh diet oiiinut lie ounxl by hull cuturrh cam head tnr olrflulnm free f j ciiknkv co trthhln o buhl by vtuuufobt 71c tbp fall- futnliy iiiih for umulpa- lou news of local import fifty yciiiu uro it fiosldtmt mi oenrcohtonurt if wlinlum up ft thii hcoii m ihu homo of lux iiiiolu rimlnmutot muttliouii mr htownrtwiimi alotkof mr mnhlinwj in uu pouiillcoiuid ninro liftj yuurmiiro rinir iny dufinir thu fair if tho rtiioilon of anton full fair ooiimjiiltlh wfiiimnoltiulluuiwiii hold u 1 liir mil on the iiroond tiny of the fiilr llio piomodu of uhloh will bo devoted to wilitllnj oonifiirln for tliiiutllau uolillora a doluyotl trnlrt snturiny anornoon ilinjjt tniln on haturduy uftornoon hih htiillml nt fonijtolftwn throiih thn mowlnjf autof nrrowu tulio in tho hoi lor it uuu liunrly fmirochmk when tha train ulthn milihtitiiltml aiikliifl reauhod acton methodist schools honor roll tho honor roll nf the mcmura of the mcthimllhi hanihiy kcltonl who linvo enllut- l for service in thn unr now numbers do un ninu of thona ttro grtitlimtoh of the priinurj dopurtniont nf tlio nohool the other two nro nimiiliorn of tho church death of another austrian hill ltolt h un amttluii who wan on ifiolo hero wan tnkun ill innt week and uont to inulpli ifoapltnl he died on tlwrmln uud wuu hurkdan friday mr l hhko iiriunjwl for the funeral thin in thn hcunncl atihtriun on pnrolo har to din tluirir tlio smith trophy tournamorit llio minimi huuljn tnurnninciil for the hrnilli tiuphy will ik link on acton haul ui trocu noxt wimlnopdni suh inat thacluhi coiituntinp will lio aclon llrin llrniiiilju mid iooriotou n ieargctouu humii tho tropli nt present bavino won it nt innt yoaiu tournament pulpit chan ffco noxt sunday in the uliwjdco ofltov mr aiuonon itia uicatlon hew h llounrtl im kindly nrriiijtd t occupy the putilt of tho mcthodii church noxt hunday inornliiq nnl omoiim thu hirvkcx in tlio lliiptbt t imtili uttl he lonilmtoil by manure 1 i hi arrow uml ii p monro 1 p jno llnmeay cq critically 111 alio ji tlio miilillonr innt uvtk mr folio itiiiimuy tlio pitrlnrch of ijloi milu who ricuiitly rdolirutui hi i hlth blrtliduj wm htrlltli with parulnln ono nido l wirioiii ij alluctnl the old jfcntloiniiti in in n prlcimiih cjnlitlon ifo m at thu homo of h itilmrt filijr arthur htrmt 5702701 for fjoorflrotown schools at lnt intutfiiir of tiotyiitoun cuui lliu public hihool liiwril uhlwi for a fin for tho prewjtii jcar of sim for curriut nulitimih ami the 1111 he i tool i lard uhkcd for jj7 ih far it malntoiiance thh i u total of nchool axon for joorgo loan of s7uj71ii aclon kfurcl in worry- iniriiluuu- with sahk to u ruined by tho count l ot hihoul riltih mothodlst eduoatlonal anniversary i ik idiicutiuiuil a unwr of tho motliodist lhuicli u ill tiohchl on sundu ith hiilluibor itoi mr avlwin hauleou uucllhilul in hecuriiitfan llio pnuichor forth occttmon itov llnjdhmith m a i hoii of itov a i hrnltli ii i a former uitnr hc mr hnillh iwlrijt ono of our dikuboa uill ito nciordcd a cordial uol couio an tho ccaion of hl i init poor applo crop this soaion aclonlinp to tho government bulletin tho applo crop is practical ly a complete fuiluro in ilrnnt ii nice ond mlddletek couutltn with on hlinhtly bettor report d from huron where there is a light crop of ifooil irailliy tluro aro a fow early applin but later tarietioitaru very tcaroo hullona crop l null to bo only about twunl utr coul of the uunl yield basoball haujh lost saturday a komuwhut intcroatlim thourlt o io billed aiiio wan ployed in the park on saturday m bet u oo ii tionrirutnwn and acton oeorkctovnt plucra ware weak in their lioldinifund coiimxptoutly acton soared more fmpiutitly und cuuio out victom tho konre wnu ii to 2 ihitterloa i aclon edmund and fotatori joorgetnwn hhootoj arnold ami clarke a broach of tho poaoo aiiout h w hat unlay evening hurry htutliuiu and w hmith had an encounter on tho ii t it platform ono carried a boautlful black eye und llio other a swollen facouftcruurd iach luld an information aiuhimt thu other chary inn him with au bault tlmavidouco nun hoard iiicourton tuoiulay evening boforo h p mnoro j p the avidonco adduced incriminntod ono about oji fully an tho other judgment reserved ton n is tea in aid of hod cross tho members of tho ten ni a club purpoo lioldinp a tournament and tennis tea noxt hatunluy afternoon august 21nt on tho club courts in tho park au interest- itilf tournamout being arranged and 111 coiumoiico ut im oclock a oollao- tion will lio taken in aid of tho rod cross tho roolul com ml i tee request tho members of tlio club to provide a plo nlo lunoh ton will lie served at 0 oclock tho mjlilio are oardlally invited to attend a jar or prult or our soldiers at tlio district annual mooting of tho womans institute held nt milton in june a rosnlutlon wan lunsod asking each institute inouilior and us many others oa will kindly to ho to contribute ono wine quart jar of fruit far tho canadian sold ion those oon- irihuting from tlio country will losvo their jats at mr kopora store any time between now and ootnlur ht there will bo furtliur uotloo us to tho day of packing when fiooplo in town con send tlioir dona tion to tho council chamber where tlie packing will bo done thoro am oven- sis hundred institute members und it in desir ed to secure not lou than i0oo jura of fruit to lie a ulfl roi tno wtiiuana institute nf if alton county interesting- line fence case an interesting curo was hoard by j- a owoim j p in tho town ball tloorgo- town on friday last hulton hi ok co wore tho plaintiff ntid john fltokca jr tho dofendaut mr htokoii wh vhurgetl with doutfnyiiig n fen no tho pmjkjrty of the i ltd ton hrlrjk co the fenoo in ques tion was eroded over twenty yearn ago by john townsend tha owner of tlm jtro- porty at thai tlmo nni or near tlio cent re of a hhud road running between lot 2tt kupieslng and tlio adjoining lot in chin- giiaeuiuy which was then owned by dr webster tho puiuthfouliawi tltut to ito thoumwlon lino fonoo and as lite former owner of tho property luul hullb tho fenoo and roulied it from thus to tlmo uiat lb wusnow the property of the kaltou hrick co tho defendant now llio tenant of tho lidjoinhiu lot claimed that fho ftnee w us not in tho projier place and that it was unt a legul fonoo and also ho hail a right to douroy it 1 ho jumioe thought tlutt us it hud lioon n ronnnlnoil fenoo between die owners fnf years hut the tenant luul no rljrht to dotroy it aud howl tho defendant 1 uud cost w i dlok nf milton up- ikwitnl for llio plalntln ami j jiijilhi of ilrumptoii for lidofoiibint iflrnd personal and travbl notes soolal und pomonul itoms of inter- out to frou prufld roiiuurs gleaned dunlno thc week mr doe hinilh was humo from whltb over hundiiy mr kaboit voih lolurnetl from luolph houpltid on monday mius ivn ifurlloy of milton la lulling aclon friends llilu week mlaa sollio wlllianih und master melvii mavlhitlngindnndulk dipt mid mm w arnold mmnt h und ay with floorgetowu frlondtt mish kutio morria of toront tailed friciidn in town thlu week- minn margaret tliomuii nf ireuton in vlkltlugat tha ilnptiut parsonugo minn ulho unity of toronto in vhiitln with frlomlo in acton anil vicinity mluaoa mnri and margaret watson vlait wl frieudi nt ton a colta lunt week mm thoinni lainhln returned laut week from u vlait with friondn in toronto mm william lfeml of iuolih wan u gucit till wwik of mm uiy llrowu mm itobort ijitio ami mi illy from lime hmimo vlaltad aclon frlenila this week mlus mubcl llrowu of toronto ban txiou fhudlnir tho wock wdh aclon rtlntlveu mrx 1 1 john lawaoii nnd iliiuuhtcrii ujioiit uio ucik with frionln in orangovillc mm i ii nour and bubo of letriot are hjien ling n month or o with relutivcu hero mm hum art of kkrlda was hero veil ing lior brother mr jamoo flnydor during tho week mr lumen hinder who huu imwii 111 fur fotorul wooka wllh typhoid ever in tl t ly recovering mr holier william went lo ilerlin on tuoule to vinlt rlouila thore ho u still on crutt lieu 1 w pdiirou of ulluclturcli haw boon llio gucut of llov h llouiirlh during tlie week muii a mtltoticrli of hi muri mmle uhort viill at tha homi of i out muster halt bo wn thu week john mutthnwr uml ml multh of toronto aro nihiudlng a work or m william drown uvo und mm ilynd- and itcevo and mm hclu of leorgctown llrump10113ihhil1 mr it i iloirunl lullo mi luulih huvo ikoii viilinit br it dinin of ltiklill mr and mm ficd lun and thlldrcn of toronto who ucro hero last week returned homo on friday mm uev itbiruiid mrt i lfutcheon of nuhuigaviaya wcro guctn of mru wm lohiiblouo during tho whl mr j laoiur cuuio up froni how man vlllo fr thu w 00k oud mid mm cooiwir roenmtd w uh him on mood i mr u h wkburu i in iktrint innci lug iiimiltlim inaturlu ut tho plant of tha iv i riot copr ami ilraua milu minn ccrtrudo johns tono who has been visiting friondn in toronto during the laal tuo uoekm returned homo on monday mcmm john and walter houndem of lunlpli njiont friday in town and 1 lulled their fathcra grovo in fulrvfew coraotorj mr ernest drown of the fun punm and his motlicr mrs john drown aro spending tho week with friends in toronto mlft mary a ilampliaw and mim willoincna price left on monday for a two weeks holiday at biarruw fnko muakoka mlus kihol coleman went to milton yesterday lo npend a couplo ol uoeksstuia molliodut uimomign with itov aud mr ihuit uulictin mtilkm dutrhu imi iurtui 1 uml iiim fuviitlla illtiw 1 i11i111 imlt smuukmlluittmliili llili wl 1 ulm liu in lliu iltnti kimx illnuliiu in iimiiv uimj vhfiiiluf 1 owejitii lil u iu now mn ir and mm h i o union and dauahtem of acton uro viulting mr and walter flood light bt woodstock bentiucl itov low ir und mm jumcs midulouh roluruod limt week from u plcnuint vinit tu their sons and fumillun ut orillla they ulso visltol other jmilnth mirth mikii i ii cook und lllui il annia homlumon urrivml on monday from a trip to tho ueit tlioy vuitot at luntf mcdicino hut drdcn ami fort william mm mcduwolluud children of dumlalk la viulting at tho homo of hor father mr 1 plunk main htroeu mr mcdowell motored tho family dawn 000 day laut woek tho mfsos anna maolntoeh and susie young and mr john voting who liave boon tho guosts of their cousin mr m bayers ami other relative have returned to now vork mr tloorgo allon of burlington onnoun- 06h tho enyagomont of hi youngest daugh ter margaret lo kruert wesloy qulnn hurrutor of winnipeg tho wadding to take place this month mrs noll mcnubb wont to hamilton last wnok to wall on mr ileatlio who is vory ill from blood poisoning mrs a manahb nlso oamo up from montreal owing toiler daughters illness rev and mrs fgerton it- m brooken of tlio canadian mothodlst mission in west china aro homo on furlough this yoar and wore guests of iter parents mr- nd mrs r ii overland last wook krln advocate last week mr h i moore editor of tho acton im l piiuiii oaraplolod thirty- seven years of continuous editorial service inh record and the poller ha vroducas ore liath mattoru of cotigratulatlonnramploii couservutor mr k j monro of toronto spent tho week ond ut mooreerofu mm moore aud jooelyn who hod been ponding a couple of weeks ut montreal joined lilin hero and remained a couple of days ami then pro ceed wl tortratferd mr chester plank and miss ifminnh who huvo been attending buinnver hohool at ilruoehrtdgo slnco iholf school- wet closed for vacation returned home last week mltw plank will return to mouth itlveramlmr chcutor goes to bundrltlge upon tho 10 opening of the nohooli residence for governor heolbbon tho county couiioll com mil tee on build ings has awarded tlio contract for the erection of tha new residence for mia coventor of tho county teal at milton to david monxltut the contract prloa is 3 hw for tlie oomplotwl building additional buiepleth itov thou jnplin rairoiuiniatu o of the mhnntj mens chrktlnn auaoclatlon in town on tuesday ua oxikwim to ml- dredu tho iwoplo here on tlio liniwrtiiiit work of thouuiociuilaii ut u later date another mlithup ooournwl to u nan- truatlon train on tho ulooirio rooil hatur- dayufghu a running nhuut in llio yunls hero sent a couplo of gravel cam galloping down tho lino toward ilmehuiim the itobl noble limited of nerval aro dnnuting to tlio iatriotia funds umount equal to tho prlco ol a inaohlno gun to imj used to pure hi no a muchiuo gun or put lo homo other uooenuiry purpono doth toanufom and iinitorinta will lie lhaiikfil when tho two mllo gup froiu dublin to tho check lino on tho cacnud lino lu completed tho wot weather turn nmdo it uomn than usual this snmmor tlio now catalogue ol farm uud town projierty for uulo jowl iwiuodhy j a wil- lauuhby tho real bstuta mini oearuetouu la coinprohenaivo mid instnirttw ifo will promptly send jon n toty u ton rtiltut tho ut minion of tlio ciuiucil wauugalu called at tha lust meeting in tho ouneru of motorcycled who still persist in using king north an a hgieedua und chlof mcdonald wiia asked to tuko uction in tho mat tor tlio patriotic loiien who are conduct lug tha red lroau tea room ncur tlio hiuh love bridge huvo so fur forwarded n the red crcjjj fund the magniilcoiit sum of kjuj all mudo slnco victoria uaj ifuu oirtotho uakvlllo ladios twurd a minuouitu lucul juikr onltincjl tha following milii0 ttto otlitr du i ijjvo ihhui lntructul by thu villuuo couutil lo onfurco tha iinllnanco uuiiit tlilclnin running at luryo and 1 id lug ijiljciim on the sidewalk harry hhill lilsga mar shal tlio iulit slurlug prisillion of tho fori i co with l cunadiuu cutoimm bar fultwl lo niu torlu luo instead of thirty thousand am iwing iold in ibo tuilvo mmiih ending july hit hui 1471 ucro dihwidid llio lulittt- oflhouo who wuro until 1 pa ting u shara of tlio ono uml tuo huudrod per cunu pmllm uro ruiilrw the p f a llttlo ovor two wouks nnd thon toronto will not tho pnca the full fuir kuiuun in iiluinsl hero uguin 1 ho following dates will lie of iulereut tu liwrtl readers 1 acton full fnlr hopt ihj nnd lh aliorfoyh tot 1 llrumpton hopt 2h und m ilnrliuuton ot is calednn oct 7 nnd h irln oat ijaud 11 fergus kept ih and ill vraolttni oct 15 georgetown oct ii und 7 milto oct u and in oukvillo hopt m und oot i orangevilla hopt ill und 17 hook wood out 7 uud h htiootsvilla hopt j1 toronto aug jh hunt is watordown jot 1 1 august clearings i i gj offering iiaviiif valued that pave tho way to true economy d sj all fiummcr wcnfablor aro alloctcd by our auuuot clearing movement no rg g3 rood linen arc iiparcd cloaranceii muni be complete and prices therefore muht bj bo deeply cut the following quotations aro merely exemplary ol aupjuut clear- tg s ing valueii jj to farmers vou would not think of letting pioduetlv laud lie idle is your burpluo money working lor you if not wesujeeitthst you open a savings account with us where but in toed sound dank can your money whether 10 or i0006 be set to work fearttkig tautest and at u10 tuuna time retnald ab solutely aafa and mmedlauly evauabjiir- itt the bank of nova scotia iinip cswtal a uhuuvk vtlhil i torlkuuukcxux ci 13 off tin nil hiil 1 nf summer frocks all womeun nnd nitrrvu hummur oretniou nro limn reduced no t kcoptlntui imj- lug ninde all w and mimici white blouses urn inurllil down lo huv prkoi for inntnnco l fur vtiliiuii to ifisj t 7j for nln ctt o jn small ckuriiig prkth mi nil childrens dresses ir lly tub iikkiliii reduc cdtliun i viitiiuu to 9tno tor rjc vnlm11 to i 50 or 70c wash voiles clearing ol vnliilh lo 71 cotton vdlhii 40 iucliot wide fur ai hl tiiutii cotton crepes ckirlngnf vnlutit in 40c fur i jl cluirniltir rope wiinh fulirltn 37 inchci wide mens suits all the h hroliuu idxcn rnngcii cliarlng nt ru- diaiionn like thlsono 14 7p fdr values to f 3i 50 strlw hats all bitvh nnd munn itrnw litttn nr enuring fit linir nnd itlnthan iialfpkick all thlt hii fti lina wash suits nro nutiltaring nl mlm prketi fm innt mo i vnluo for hot i d e macdonald bros u f 1 gublphs leading and largest store g wyndkara mn clone 1 1 tinrj cnrden slreelt guelph oni f thuwcks at azton cuipli korrl uulou aud iuultl tho tarvla tank took tiro a lira alarm accumiuuiod bv a eolninii of thick black mnoko rising in tho v icfuil of 1 ho t it htutlon cuuwl m mo vicileuanl hi out noun hour on monday ut oakvllla a porluhlu uirvia tank unki uud on ibo tilth liiui riuil litirvnu nt imllcl ovtr un i took lin i lie hjiuiiih m l ho tank and wheals of tha truck wire tot all dthtmtd nutfj eiqueilnp botldottts want hydro mr d a tracy appeared on bclialf of llio roflidenm of the toumhip who hud made application to tho lljitro at tha last meeting of corgotown council tha roava thought that before tho council could act in this matter the engineer d tho ifjdro would havo to go over tho line and toe what tho cost for construction woukl bo auatrians colobratlng in guolph tlio iueljdi mercury saya itesldentu in ht putrlckn ward ololm uml something sliould be dono to put the curb on tha austrian residing in that ward they oelolirated the caituro of wamaw the huu jjj night tho neua waa received lioro and every time since tho herman austrian arnui have gulnod a victory they liao mode themselves obiuuloua to drltishand italian resident unlesa something u dono uc- iiding to a mnn living in the ward there will lie bloodshed tho indiana he sayn intend to stand no more of their non- sence harrlod in el paso texas at the homo of j b medougall ivj1 kast riooruudo btrcet va puso tekau on august 7th when u pretty daughter of ontario and a prosperous sou nf tho unit h tales wcro jolnl in holy wedloek mr frank c itllckenwlorfer was tho groom and misa ilattjod dlngham eldout daugh ter of mr and mrs wm dlnghum alms formerly of frln tho brldo tho ceremony was performed by rev w c raker jus tor of tho altura presbyterian church in tlio presoucoof a few friends of tho oontrac- tlng parties- tho happy couplo havo re sided at morenols ari whora tho groom holds a responsible kwliion with the detriot copjier mining company mid where tho brldo was until recently a nurse in tha hospital of the arlitouu copier company mr and mrs nilokotisdarfer will spend a fow days in tlie city enjoying tlie honeymoon after which they tetum to morencla aria and make their home ospbinoe a ery onjoyablo family rouulon was lield recently at maple orovo farm tha beautiful homo of mr david robertson f luolph road wlien guests to tho number of about fifty enjoyed u vory pleasant aflcrnoon in numerous delightful gamou in the evening u sumptuouu fupuir won enjoyed by all after which a dullglitful evening was epont in inusla and soolal chat miss margaret jooko has retunied from milton after spending her vacation wltli friends uiero mlis ella williams of toronto isiend ing her vacation with her oouslp mlis edna roliertaou maplo orovo farm miss ada lament of woodstock is spending her vacation with her friends in tills violnlty mr aberdeen motavlsh of toronto is spend lug ids mi minor holidays with his uncle mr ilan motuvlnh aeoond line mr will alccutcheon of toronto a holidaying with ills friends in this vicinity mr ami un duncan modougall of toronto and their daughter spent a few days at the homo of mr ii it mccutcheou second ii ua hak the anniversary aervlees of kbeneur church will be hold next bunday lit the towtuhlphallat ilrookvllle rov wilfrid why not kiy your i ly und uhlan npimirtiinlly ti i makuuulraix alujj ftwy and i fhivr llvo i tlii 111 tlvn oamo i rliunciatowlnpru i tiuitidi and hurski h tlm lad hav lug tlio oil onugo of websters new international dictionary in hi i imnio thu now 1 nullnnnuivuni with final aullior- ity all kind 1 of puzxllng qiuvtlona in idtory giivgrupby biography 1 lltnjpruimneliliojtajh 411 us vrvrnkulary twrni j ruu ovcjteegiiiaiiraitam totwl rutiz vt ulf altuwuy wttk u uw4i tlio typo matter la equlvauut tothal cf a 10- vol urn snoyolobdi mom hcliolirly arnirat giavilmt lufa ulctlauaxyt keculak and india ramm kditions wnite lor omlnwatuutm hoes via i llolpotw i ii you nsuu tus i 0 c lxmfuh ml i spttlhaflstun hafjl i packer of wilsons fly pads wm kiu mobc rues thin s8wodth or aky stick v i 1 atchfb mora ncnuuiiy n nnj auiluukailv k millioan tlill and c c speight fou uptodate goods silvrwara in tablawar rtiri variety alao ftna cutlery hardware tinware and gran- itawsraln varjaly pandora stovea and ranges famoui haatara small stovaa oh stovaa every article in of excep tional value c c speight mill strut aciob mito u lipilpt nimt li tp ut rt the cornur of mill and vuitng j i fat nut acton lliu second brltk u building from llio 1 th cnwslug l i andwillrmpplyuluindsoiyuubll t ani cured meath of bett tpiality at reasonable prices uiut delivered to all cuntiimcra pnnnptly ilrslchikt refrigerator hltop op4n uvury evening farmers tradu cupwially tol kit ed hlglmst cash prlcli paid for eggn and poultry i h a r millioan r boots shoes all trie latest styles of this spring the popular gray cloth top lad ion button roots regular 93 30 to 400 now going at lummv they cannot lio replaced at this price regal shoes for men no mora aatlufuctory shoe on the mnr- ket at uny price au clones of shoes at dost vnlitcn repairing ovory day prompt and careful work kenney bros mam st aeloa umum arres1ed many peoplo suffer the torlntxa of luiiie iiurllliiilittholilootundrucliniiocehiig v caola of ouelpli wlllpreaoh at ia atlulktuciiiaiiioreacuteuutllvheuutauam am 7 ooloek on tuesday evening 24th inst a harvest home enteitaluniont has invadetl the wliolo aysteui to arrest rlieuuuuatu it la quite as lui- ruuttoiutprove yourceueral htraltliaa purify your blood uml the cod liver oil in hcotte kmulalou is liiittirea great bloodmaker whlleltstmsllcliul nourish ment strengthens theorgaristo expel the impurlllea and upbuild your strength kcolta itnudidon la helping tlmiikniida very day xwlto could not find otlicr r fctduse th aloobouo stulwututca r relief will lie held on mr ii flctclier- lawn there will be a ball match between acton ami kilbride n tlie after noon and a line programme in the even ing 1- lordon fveker son of leorge ioekur hssonllhted und joined the sttlt daltallon at london do jnmj know you con take as much crop off drained you can off 800 and save half the labor 7 100 ocrea properly drained oerei not drained llsa feet da jwm know that pwr naspanstv tlla dralnai ulwuallom unpilinna tha sasiin hjikwvmiruivl lloliur n work in laerssmtlia quantity siulimfirevm tin quality n t j stblils pu1vtli4llounplliifi ilia smsim envrnta surfm- washlnjcmakmvmirbnl llnlitrnwek iivoviililrmiehl rism tba quantity siul imrreva the qui wkyhethavf ussvrl yni tntlsf free uibaikutothfuuwtt mnrl bay doatmaklmtaavllijnttthatwinlt uuhwewe lme4vdiaiaaatusmssuinuchaatwndii inytvmrhanbaemniptfoavaryena lhatjro hf haw ai uuevtmtnt uajaxutammty fer tha tlio if vuilrsj wriutatuv uttdimt txuppt ywimji uniting dominion swir pipe co limited nf rlisrrt a wry it uit innt nollilnii t itslp ymi atuw imitu waittuemal s todays specials s cashmere bo for mcu worth up lo 40c a pair oduy per e palrto t uulbrlgan shirts and drawers odd linen tor men and boys h to cluar at iwr curment tttt 3 munu uud lloya uraces very swual tuduy mr jmlr a m doya cot toll jerseys today each 113 b lloioproof lltmiory tnsllk silk lisle aud colton for men uud h woinutil fully guaranteed s r e nelson m htuvlnutt tmuuw s mstnat puvolahaw wyndbsun atrsuit ou1clph t ont ctilui aulhsrtuj m64tp0 capital paid uo luobos lvvlue eawadjboa vii pbotection vour liii ori htnd injure- you iurl nut fimil from want nnl in limn m tk- it j iff si nt sivintis arcuunt in ihih bank ocoroetown branch w n uksy uaaaar bhk of hamilton shed it72 opening wednesday aug 25th and every wedneiday following that is your half holiday liar madam itelleving that you uro interintcd in ltidkn high chum mimtuilorqd tiannciitii we- nro pleiicd to announce lliut wo huvo vvlth uu uguiu thli ueimti mr roijjii lntwofnuw york rcprcicixnting a high clnwi lndfcu tniltiring toneern of toronto mr komii hnii jtiitt retutned from new vorlt ulierc bo 1iih fecured ecry new idea in ludiea mutt tuilored gur- meiitii for thu ucumjti and will bo ul our store ovory wliiiicji dny nfternoon during tltla ccasou with all thu lutcbt fmiliion pluub modi in nnd n complete range of samples lothidlng thin tieainii ncwcit fubrlcn tlila eapurt will jwrtohully nicnmiro und fit every gnr niont mommro one wcdncadav givo jounfillingihcrecoiitl wednesday nnd dolivcr tho third wtdnoiviluy in other uordu jour hiiit will bo dollvcrvd to on in two woekn time thoro isiin grcatorwitliifnction ton womnn than tn ftol hur null u really hnntiilorod with ovory dotull ot cloth cut fit nnd fin luh tight lip to tlio latest london nnd purix nl j lew thin la no experiment lu guolph nu wo hnd this uiuno expert with un nil last ocauon when ho proved himrnlt to n grcfit nuinhor of thu host drcssern in this city to ho nn artful in ovorj nemw of tho word references glndly furnlulicd on rcrpicat our guarantee wo nlwolutoly guarnutoo correct styloii artistic workmausliip and all garmonu atrlctly mnn tnllorcd in tha molt sanitary flliopa our prices aro very moderate aud will during tho spring quote special reduced prices on blacks and bhieu to open thu soawou wo cordially invito you and your friends to visit our store any weduesday afternoon inupect uurnptcu modulo und gut quotations thanking you george wallace 30 lower wvaiaau guafast met boor to c 9 canadian northern 30000 harvesters wanted uuumhmumummiiauhanuuhhktjkle3hrhiitlmuilmmjhuuuwhii excursions to winnipeg 1200 through service ikitwvcn quuhcc ottawa toronto and intermediate polnth giving good ctiuuoutloun tt tho wont choice of dtntlnation left to tho oscurslonlfct hnlfa cent a tuilo from wluni- ivug woht to rugiuu bankutoun wurmuu ttwuu river calgary udmontnii rod hear tunun ami to ull other polntuon tho cunailiaii northern railway returning hnlfn cent a mile from all polnu on c n r to win tiling if 8 no from vvltiuipeg to original starting point ooiho datstw iutuatt bl and ea- toronto vnrkor itaniinckhurn muynooth kin- mouut jet plitou mid ull intormodlutu rtatlontt on tlio canadiun northorn ruilwuy auafuat b wwt en- turoulo uud ull vitulionu west uml voulli in ontario yhsthehsvatooubtirvla thstweait ut ksurvswl by thn cmdlmtt hts4her ttttllwtty tha kmusmud cos mstkvsmiterei stlocisv itai llneai in vary bavwy mksd t ha waatasi blh wrllo for ilotueaoekerv nnd tteltlom guide showing 13 ono free immeattfaiu nwttltltig tho sottler for full information apply to nearest c n r agent

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