Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1915, p. 4

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itljc rrqu jrrcc prrss tilurhiiav aimiml llltlila a h sp i ri4iuintbmih i wi i cwl tlm llctlnuiiry t iin tfould to udl u luiy it njwiltiiiu write ami mother lu too itunv illlit t hlio navcr ij4ii tiiknliito to milult whether u lartm ulinuld noy or nay whether m uvn i llo l ty hour ctma up uml wllherod in an owr or tint am aiijhnw i triifh it not corroot or even ny 1tl ilka to 1m h savage thalr id ttavar iiood to ki1l aren 1 ehe pound out how much 1ib made a rorultlnit borjpwttl telli tliu story of tits wif allowance from tho employer in till wu no sooner iimi tho llomrvlab hushand left for tlw front tliait the wife roelvdueieroub invitation to call at tlie employer ollloa each week far half wajpu tli cashier found no wasoii to comidaln of any want of nromptltutlalnlierrmnotito ha handed liar a lum which uum1 lier to ask hlra in surprise if ho luul hot riven liar too touch he a4iird her that aha had teati paid exactly hall how lonfc has my hushanil heti romnir vatt site inquired ior ahaut flv year wu tho reply th rejolnad th irtdlknint wife he 1m mora to fear from mo uian from tli flemuuw tub himo op tilt mbtal ghiitit lor in runjf on tlm ooimtnr of ufa mid itiuiuil u4 uoiiih urn liy tliu fliif of lite inttiil llinrii uull flit ilitiweiiou liiiimlii iihlu iwtwouii tlio riitu of hitl roiirujfo mid i lint of lliuirojfuith uluiit ixiiiktiijr of hi fo4rluuiiaij a iiml ilolhtr tlimih not rliijf more fnlilj than tliouotitimnilttliut wiuiioh toolulm nil tlio whiioj of lom wllli nonoof ltu tuuirllliw it in only lnwimiwi ikaaplo m in u linrrry tliut tlio culno mid ooiuurfnlt mua iniihtor knoticr or luttir tlio coin r ii u0 nnd tlio rlijr of tlio metal ontuhllijuw it uk bold orullver or imlrujiilts wortlili maud cahvbd we buy clothespin by tit dosans mul one i ao ilka another tltat nobody could ull tfiadlftorono uutwlien we want a beautiful ornament for th drawing room we clutoeo wnneuiing imnd uurved uotaa utinwltb ndlvldullty fhe eharaoterm we ulmlroere not ihue wltloh ere iililie u ciotbetplnluit uvo eort wlilcb bevelweu fuhlouml by elow end plulig prooew m into beiluty end aymmetry ohildren ory for fletchers c yhouoirrs von tub dav it a one tlibiff to allow h men utet ln h in error and eiiotlier to jwt lilm in po ion of tho truth locke- it it futile to attempt to live in aeotlona mpanttfnk bualneae from rollalon and work row faiui hugh ihacli the lieat of man end tha most earnent workirs will maku enoiih mutakae to make them humble tliank lod for iufe ukee and take oourtfte iwt rivo up on aocount of mlatakea 1 wight u moody a rfted gentle patient valiant human aoul which bufcu ite way through the blllowe of time and will not drown tkoujjb often in danger cannot be drown ed but conquer ami leave a track of radlanoe behind ft carlyle if we are going any wltere and have any thing to do after we get there let a make atart- sometime ftlngle blewtedoeaa u a greater failure than marriage had a lame back roi a lomq hue somttim cmild havclfy turn in bd wbefl the bock vet bo bad and aefcu like a toothache you may kit aaiund that the kldaeyi m affected in tout way oa the flmt aln of a backache doaa kidney ih1u ahould be taken and if thla im done lumtidiattjy you will save your- mif many yean of eufferlajf from eaioua kidney trouble mr j w lrar truro n wdtu k have had m lame back for a ion tlm sohetlmea i could hardly turn over in bed but after taking ilx boxc of doauri kidney pilu i find that my back hi u atrong u ever i cant pfaue thtd enoujfb doane kidney miu are ooc per boa 8 boxm for hi mi at all oeiun or miuj slef receipt of price by the t m ilium co limited toronto out when ordering dirwi tpeclty dohas ha no much eulor to talk of convention tlm it it la to omnifont oourteny tlio truo ami of a literary education im tomakon mrtu and not tin eiicyciouodu a inoua toiiuun o in tlo hoiiia tarrllilo imnl klukn in lifounkohi mon and womon to day era no himy loop lug tho wolf from the door tlitlt they have no tlmo to let in tho augela he lower ollmbu to bnavan who in uu willing to coma down to ourth the charm enluuicod by perfect phyi- tba aorperlenm of mothetboodl a try- tngona to moat women and marie duv unctiy n epoch in their live not on woman inn hundred la prepared or tin- deraunde how to proper taw for he elf of eourmi nearly every woman nowaday liea medical treatment ataucb umea but tunny approach the experi ence with an organum unfitted for tha trial of etrongtli nnd when it le over her eyeum ha received a knock from which it la hard to recover following right upon uifa come the uervoua atrain of curing for tho child and a dlatlnct change in the mother reaulta thero fi nothing tnor charming than a happy and healthy mother of ehudrert and indeed childbirth under the right eondi uona need ba do hazard to health or beauty the unaitphunabla thing hi that vrlth all tha avklenefl of abattared nerve and broken health raw ting from an unprepared condition and with am ple time in which to prepare women will peralat in going blindly to tha trial every woman at thu time ahould rely upon lydla hnkham vegetable compound moat valuable totuo and invlgorator of tha femal organlanl in wany homea once chlklleu thara are now children ba- eaum of tha fact that lydja e link- hama vegetabla compound makaa woman normal haalthy and attotitf it you waat taaclal advlo write ta lyeja k wakhaw vadlelae oa al 4tlal lyan ma yaarlatufwul aa eaaauw read aad auawerw w a d aal la atria eajuuaaoa worse than a submarine to llo imitor drink h doing more duinugu tlnili nil tlm ltrnimi ttiiliumrlmut put tiotlnr uliomililtlnitt ikvit 1 tlmliullli ikh unooltor of tlm i1muar ifo lu ii tcnijkiinii fniiilln hut ii nool liouikil utu inmi umuiklig from brvuid knnwiimlge awl liihtilo lnformatlfii and whut im nld u lllorally uml aialutlcrtlly trim of luglawl and tha luimo prluclplo nppllou to our own ootintry the uulmmrliieu ura limited in tha mm and to a narrow range wllhln tlte mk biilhtrong drink goaaaterywharo over twmt ami inn i through the ulr und kteau into the liomo4 of tha peopla it can hllp into tlio mot hidden uml iiaoura reoomea wham a mother thlnke lie lnu liar boy oafe and sult him an a uhmhio hiijui midor tli nail mul ouplndnti iiuliiht the nlda of a fchlp hulitimriimh lira mwroi und mul thy enenilwi hut not hulf mi miibtlo mul decoptho an fttrong drink hulmiurlnrh emi deutroy only u fow uhlpa worth a few million mi dollani hut tlrong drink daulroya more propertythuu ull tho 1miuiiiii and fire nndflooda of tha world huliinnrioe can kill only a few men but btrong drink alayf them by oountleiui thoumnda ami liaa filled more graven than nil thovurm of the hi lory kuglitnd cannot utop larman auhnurlmm but uuoala hun topiai btrong drink what iluula can do canada can do and if we are aa wiao and progreanlve and oourageou na tho und or tha cur we will elear our ooabu and country of tlil enemy tliat la doing ua more damage tlun all tho submnrlnea of tlie world could do ua put together ii arnott m 11 m o 1 8 alaskan rich vuuk11bs ii u saith codmualoaer of the united bute bureau of vuherue u rt- daavoring to intareat akubin ruherwed in tha ultlliuuion of many valuable food uh utile uaed at praunl one variety known aa tha llolly vardea trout o awndaat aa to ba a uuhrfaoa aad harmful to tha tal- uon apiwu uakba a palatable duh the atka uaakerel hu almjuriuafejuiiuea nearly 29000 paraooa are engaged lu the aufckan flmhariea which tvpiimnt an luveated capital of more tliao 9311000000 tamlug out produota vilued at9l9 annually children ory ror rltrcmehs c aw airhoratata ttxt a hule boy who tuul reached tha age when boya feel that a watch la tha one thing that make ufa worth living waa told that for the pmoat a watch could not ba given to him but ledward continued to uaid for one until tha whole family were wearied then hi father altar explaining that ba ahould certainly have a watch wbaa ha wu older forbade hlta to mention the eubjeet again tbanant bunday tha children aa waa their euatotn rapaatad bill verae at tha btatkfeattabl whan it waa ikdwarda turn ba aaioauhad theu all by aaylng i what x aay unto you k wy unto all t watch i u raaraiibq tobbttauatb a long haired chap who walked into tha gaaetel atora at arvada aaked ilo you eellalauagg ua laid tha grocer with aanilla but rvagotadoie well fttva m6 all youva go tald tha atoaugar the grooer aa ha bundled up the egg laughed and aald i gueaa your going to eaa uamut tonight at tha opera honaa ko aald tha atraugar grimly im going to play hamlet tonlghb at the opera bouaa ia inouoethafcyou publuh a vert from tha blbl awry day aald tha caller to tha editor of the newspaper ua your aab- aerlbet ever read lit jahoald aay they do replied tha editor why to moeiof the building without wax year ago the rich men of itoma were building ooatly marble mansion along tha tiber the building were magnlnoant many of them of aluoat priori value tha wealthy roman vied with one another la their conatruatlan the beet of marble waauaed hut aometlmea even in tha beat of marble there would be tiny niche or crack small in themaelvea yet they detracted froj tha magnificence of the wuhtl whoa owner wanted nothing let than perfection when tha contract or who undertook the building of the edifice came aero- block of marble with tiny bit buooked out what were they to do throw out the block but that would cut down thajr profit they had a kind of wax very fine aad lhay ued thl to fill in tha broken pue ao that tha imperfection might eaoapa detection then the block of marble oouu ha tued true tha wax would wear out in lima and than tha saw would ba apparent but it will not b for year tha contractor aald and ao they con tinued ualng the wax but the rich own- en objected to thla so whan they made a oojitrt with a builder for tha erection of a taanalon t word were included line ear which mean without wax that waa to ufeguard tha owner that waa to guarantee perfectloa bine oar 1 it waa not enough tint tha burble ahould appear perfect it waa uot enough that hi wax ahould conceal tha haw bine can i and it wu froid the two word that our word miiiow it coma and it maana that thing aia jutt ua they warn that thera in no hidden linpetfeouoa it mean that th building la without wax t how lightly w write tha word in our utter tilncerely your and how light ly we tpoak of it i am alncara it mean that our building la just what it i t it mean that our aim ourlntan tiona our liopu our affection our plan era jut what wa have eet them down 1 they are without wax bometltnea there at little niche in our character that wa think can ha aafely covered over waxed ao that all aeem smooth and perfect but warning a not uuoirity it will not do tha block of marble with the tiny hew tnuat be ct aalde the building uiul be a nearly perfect a wa can make it blnoare mean mora than juata for mal cloning for our letter every tima wa writ it every time we eay it mora tha eye of our heart ahould eotaa a vivid picture of our building i it alna carat children ory roii fletchers c he would takb ft colo lean give you a cold bit aald tha woman why not warm ib upr aahed the tramp there aint any wood aawed ho 1 wall give it to ma cold when using wilsons fly pads sv read directions s- caqerully and s r them s exactiv gilletts eafslyexht cleansdisinfects just as good tourist you havo an unuaually large aorejge of corn under cultivation dont tlio crowa on noy you a great deal i varmcr oli not to any extent tourltt thata peculiar conalderlng you have no carcrowa varmur- oli well you nee im out here good part of the time myself tl a marvellous thing when tlie cure effected by dr tlioraa electric oh era oonalderel the ieedy and permanent relief it ha brought to tha auffcrlng wher ever it haa been used it inuut be regarded ua a marvelloua thing tliat ao potent a medicine ahould reault from the ix ingre dleut which enter it oompoaltlon a trial will convince uie moet kepticl of it lieallng virtue suffered from catarrh of the siohhi row 8 years ftiltbum tjtiuuvr mm cuirad h3ta mr agnaa gallant rcurva blio k- write 1 take great pkatun lu wntlng you i have been a grat tutfrai for eight yean from catarrh of tha itomach aud tried ievaral to calkd catarrh ktnedu without uiltt untlt a friend of mine advicd me to try u1l burn0 lax ut 1411 which i did and four vial compuuiy cured ma be lure and gt ullburn law liver pill when you aik for lbm a thai ara a uumber of imitations on th market the pric u 25c per vial 5 vial for 11 00 at all dhr or malud direct od rtoelpt of price by tha t uilbura co limlud toronto out complete lu uelf uotherflrave worm exterminator tic not require the aaaut anoe of any other medicine to make it effective- it dee not fall to da u work it never hard to find a good argument to hack up an inclination unaaay lie th head that wear a frowu th man who trie to buy popularity geuatuog start a noanaal about your neighbor and watch it grow mot all high flier at lotateeted in aatud navigation u0w0b youisktr honor yourwlf take it for granted that you are to act in a kingly manuer and that you daearve tha bt of everything not wealth nor leuira imoattarily not uu by any meana but th bt of ufa th right to do flu tlilnga and to give gaaaroualy and to endure with courage tannyton name self reverence aa on of tha factoni which coo tribute to uvsraign couraga vou cannot do your rightful part la the world unlaw you honor your ml ha0 cholera morbbs so bad could not sit up attack of cholera morimu an eattaej uoatiy by inducttuoa in diet tha ua of unripe fruit and new vtgatahlet had usually occur during the hot mimnwt tnon uu on wie bret algu of thl very wakenl troubl dr powlere kxtract of wud strawberry ahould be takco ura oeorge lac ttuthwn 0i- write i wu taken with cholera tnorbu and it was to bad x could uot alt up any more than fiva minute at m time my butbaud aald x looked a u v had beeu akk a month ha got ua a bottle of dr powlera extract of wild strawberry and x took the whole of it in one day and it completely cured ua we are never without it in the houm for x dont think it can be beat wheuyou uxk for dr fowler ltxtrext of wild btrawberry ee that you get dr powlera a imitator have gone d far aa to imlutd our wrapper both u colo and atyle and havo adopted almllar name auch aa btrawberry compound wild btrawberry compound bxtnct of strawberry etc dr sfowler ha been ou the market for the pt 70 year and u acknowledged by all who hava ued it to ba a aura cum for all bowel complaint lrice3tt cent uanufacttlred only by the t mlttmira oov limited toronto 0t not wanted it louoku aa if tha iliunr drluknr will hava no pluoe anywhere in orymilnl in dui try or in any proftiuiion rulrlu ability ami reputation one after aiinthor great oonoerna are making tola alwtliioiico neoomary on tin pah of thoue wlmni thoy employ the capllul puhluhml ut topeka kamuim naya unit ovary ulented htaio ollloer of that muta ih now n too totnler itecontly the lovornor ijou arthur cupier wmt to the nnwly vlnotcd civil hertloa ctimnifiwlntt u totter in whloh ho gave the following udvlco in formuhitlnu the ruton govomltif tho appoint mon t of fctate enipjoyoo under tho now civil e r vice law i dtwlro to mmaml r your carl loot coon id oration tlio iliwlm hlllty of luonriorating a rule making in ollglblo far appointment to a ntato position any pomon who unea intoxlcalljig llijuora in any form not only whoulil tho rulo aiy to apiilloauta fcaeking hppolntmenta but lion hi provide tliat tlio ube of liuor by ajiy employee la uflloleut ground for dia cl arge from tlie publio aervico bleepleaanea hleep in the great restorer nnd to lie deprived of it la vital to whatever may ha tlie canto of it indlgea tloti nervomiderangemantor mental worry try a oourae of 1armeleea vegetuhlo 1illa by regulating the action of tho ntomoch wliara tlie trouble ilea they will relore normal condltione ami healthful aleap will follow they exert a aodative force upon the narvea ami wliere there ih uurent tlmy bring ret no one can achieve good work who does not take pride in it lord clinton only tho who are btrong enough to model public opinion dare ignore it castoria ifo xaimutm ud cuurflfl in uh for over 30 vmm wart will render tho prettiest handa unsightly clear tlie excreeoenoea away by uting hollowaya com cure which act thoroughly and painleuly 00 and do nr a wan one day asked hi friend how la it that you manage to get through no much bualuea and such a variety of work t i have but one rule wa the reply and that a very aluple one i when i havo any to do i go and do it thla la a good rule for boya and girl if instead of worrying about tlie dlmculty think over th inoouvenleooe sighing over th labor they wr at one heartily energetically with a will to eat about the task dlttoutli would vanish and th work ba dona cast and watt a lilt of ilomanca mr oeorg gordon mooro of whom fow pooplo in thla country havo heard la a canadian millionaire hud friend to fllr john fruurli ho liaa just returned to canada attar long stay with sir john in franc whe ther blr john made him an honorary colonel or not mr moor dooa not ay theroln ho differ from other canadians who nro frlcnda of certain high military authnrltlo mr moore uvea tn dotrutt and ha a home alto on the canadian aide he la not hated in whos who or in morgan nor ba bla career over been described in canadian journals vet ha 1 a remarkable man and when ho walkj into one of tho big lay aaclal bout in new york bo i shown into the inside onlca hi friendship with blr john wench la hi latest exploit bom aay be le blr johns financial man agar aul that bla influence with blr john ha causet rurloalt and eon- earn la high official places in an interview publlchad in detroit thl weak be tails of gortuan cruellies aud especially of bow canadian oftl- ceru have bean crucified by being nail d to tha vlllafea crosao ha also pay a blgb tribute to th courage aud valour of the canadian troot who so gallantly held the una tt bl julian a high imca sw atw hon bir wlllau uulock haa navcr posed a an authority ou art hut he aajoy picture aad stories about artist he la responsible- for a story concerning th lata owner of a very beautiful wooded estate or nearly a hundred acre la the uortb part of toronto a fw year ago a cana dian artist painted a picture from a oau tn tbia aylvau wilderness and aaked tba owner of the estate what he thought about buying it to bang lu hi home how much do you want for it asked tha owner tba artist mentioned tho prlca a good ou uobt aald tho owner quit impossible slrl why that tnoic than i pld for tbo wholo estate when i came bar big ejoum prom itutcrt ivsl prom carfu catcuhitlonii mado by 0 qordou hewitt th dominion en tomologist it i est limit ml ttint the amual loa lu canada duo o tlm de predation of i usee t poiita ou hold vegetable and fruit cm pa live block itorad grain out forest producta la on a conaorvatlva eatltuato over 9100000000 j early a vory grcnl portion of thla lox could iw pre vented thu prevention of bla loxa la lurge ly a matter or knowing what innnctb eldea aud fuuglcldoa to uoo when to tray or bow to applj tho pntrlrulnir poison or preventive dlfforont lypci of inaactn ntttk dllfarcnt plnula grain vegetable anil must bo deall wltj lu dltferan way mala originality ob vary unique mode of giving to red oroe fund la that of an alberta farmer he offers to the highest bid der a young bui calf tbroo week old of the blueat o bovine blue blood ir bap be waa irritated at the shower the towel ah owe r tlie jelly and jam ahowcr and ao on whlob i tho invariable femlnlu mode of contributing aupplte and wa determined to prova that th masculine mind la much tho more original anyway ho line mado ills gift and any other male who also wlabea to bo unique aud la tired of buying remlnlnt roaettaa can now purchase a thoroughbred bull calf to bin on hi nt in aid or the tied croaa lmwum in tiii wkut itfwiil imitmiftttoum in lmiiimilmi und tvlgury nru all llcmrdu vor tho kocotid tlmo in idxlnoii ynurm lod moil ton imu ixmn vhdtod by u hood und for tint flrul tlmo ou romrd talicury had u hood at uhnut tlio niiiiio tlmo us lodmontoii uuuully thono two wentorn ltlori tioar tlm hocktoh do hlnifii mi fur dlffothtly nu pohidbln thori lu howflvwr no dlroct ron- hocmoii lmtwonr tlm tlood at culuary und tlm fliwhl ut limmonton culifury tlood cniiif froir tho bow ulver whljh rlimu up unions tho glacial ro- glon of tho south canadian hockloa nnd tlowa into tho aoutli hnukatchn- waii liimdroda o inllnu halow tdmon- ton tho iloou at idmniilnn lu di rectly duo tn th north hahkntrhttwan wil h i oni n tin mnut varlahln ilvom in cnnudu for avoraim depth tho flood hint cainn on flnturdny night juno 2n wu run uml by u rloud hurtit and melting unow in tbo itocklnm it wtttt tho rlvo- rnrly- fiv foot and two tnrhcfi nhovo tlio low wjitor tnurk n moothlng hwlrllug flood rnrryltig ulinrku bouse harna nnd nil ninniio of dehrln on uh crout tho total datnairo and dchtrurtloii hot i to im in on nliii iiliinufartiirllik plant in variously catlmatml at from throoquartor to a million dollar n homo cltcht biindrod funilllcs rtpro- acntlng two thou wind penpln worn driven from tholr home tlm city damages fortunately woro not hcuvy though ueveral of tho bridge wero hcrlntinly threatened and were long in danger onn of thorn long the clilcr medium of connection between kdmonton and btrathcona would have aaauredly gone but for two long train of freight car heavily ballast- od with snml standing upon it for a booi twontyfotir hours with power ful engine attnebed to drag thorn off at tlto flrnt algn of collapse up tlia river several hundred yard stood the 3500000 high tcvol bridge looking down with indifference upon the rag ing flood and wth lofty prldn at th trnfiln from tha other bridge diverted over its upaclou rouds in striking contrast too from tha little building swirled in tba flats below or filled with water to a i depth wero tba 13000000 parliament building and the 12000000 irand trunk pacific chateau the second highest flood at edmon ton camo in 1b08 when tha river suddenly jumped almost in a tingle night nearly 40 feet above low wa ter mark that flood wa ald to have bean caused by n cloudburst in tho nocklos accompanied by vary bot weatber in tho glacierland where the saskatchewan rise it wa ac companied by no heavy ralna in the saskatchewan valley in fact for some year following when heavy rain for month at a stretch mada tbo trail impasxabla and all tha crook into rlvera the big river rose less than half the height it retched in the glacial flood of i860 traveler down the saskatchewan two year later aaw tba mark of that flood thicket of ahore willowa beaten down flat debris lodged in tha crotch on of poplar end spruea and heaped up on the jut of the is land ono of tin moat interesting relic or that outburst was part of tho old saskatchewan steamer the northweat wbtcb was carried down from edmonton and smashed up on the journey tbo wreckage strewn at various placcn along tho bank a far aa 200 in ilea below edmonton stav war nanifh for liable thl war i destined to live in tba memory of many young canadians who will in a few years realise that they have bean given nam of war rior and battlefleld that figured prominent in the world war canadian bablc are being cbrlaten- d in honor of flrltlsb and fyench heroes snd statesmen bo far none ha baea name for any of tha hua- slan or italians lloyd george tba mlulster of uuultlonc is becoming increasingly popular kltehaaar bow- ever i the steady rock of th babies haines ever since tba war began tha babies that pepd into thl val of woo and warfare havo been christen ed after tha grim war minis ur and they are still at it lorraine tba province which tho french era trying to recover 1 also favored but some parents according to general bam hughes and col j a currle aro making a tnlstak thesa canadian warriors sa there was no such battle ai lahgtnartk in which canuckj fought canadian bab are bowavar being named lang march in honor of the battle of bt julian will lb fond parent now huatua their proiay 0u julian- vjrgra aid for thsotwrm an urgent appeal for orgaulxeci ac tios in behalf of canadian prisoners in germany baa romo from ite thomas a gamay in gleucn to ii it canity m p p in tbo ontario leg islature tor uanltoulln pie oamcy is a man of mora than forty who went from th governorgeneral a body guard he wss wounded at ut julian and captured and 1 re covering ha write you doubtlei know more about ua than wa o the outside world is there no mo- omont in our behalf haa no ouo backbone enough to act or urea tba govorutueut t no money tobacco in fact nothing kindly treatment but bill of fa re not what va were accustomed to aud confine ment hard to endure xio something cable and writ grant for soldier a homesteader serving as a anldlcr cf any of the british or allied armlru may have hi tlma aa auch soldier counted la tba reckoning on domin ion lands situated within the railway belt of british columbia tho privil ege wu granted some time ago to homesteaders serving it tho canadian expeditionary foee and has uow been extended by ordorln council to lioniextflidera aarvlug lu the nlllod armies if such soldier i disabled tho patent will isaue to him at once and in the cane of death it will issue to hi legal reireaentatlvu children cry for fletchers castoria i tiih grand trunk railway iaomcncitfii rrtakne iii ruihlnuu1liutlii n hi wlilnli taiiiil ih ii hi nt his iii lnfrtk in u ii i m timp m h jl i hi tlia kind you luv alwnyh jumiglit mid which linn imun la uo fox ovr ito youin imu 1ornn tho alorimturo of t iiml linu lwuni iiirulu under lilu porv iiniinl miihrvlhlou ulncoitm infniuy allow iio inn to twolvo you in thlw all oountorfoith imuntlniiu and yiihtiingooa iit41 hut xxpohmotitutlint trlflu ultli itinil oudunifor tlto liciilfh of kufauu and culldrou uxiwrlonco uuuluut uxixjrliuuut what is castoria cfutorlov la u linrmlhu unlumtltuto for ciihtor oh lnrv- lforlo drops mid hofttlilunf hjrui it in plcnwnrit it contnln noltlior oiilimi morphlim iiuk otlicf jiarotlct srabstanco xth ntfo 14 itn ifuimuitoo it dowtroym avormsl nnd nllnyh fovcrlidiioh ior mora flinu thirty yuw it lius boon in conutaut uko for tlio rollof of conutlputlon lutulonry wind collo nil ttilif trouuim and kinrrliooa it roprulntoh the fitoimirh and ttowla suuilmllutau tlio fcoml ulvlntf inultliy nnd yintural deep vbo children iruuucc xiio blotlicru xtaieutl genuine castoria always tboxa tho signature of 1 wmhmuuananaaaacmndrhw h s grain p u i chopping r in use for over 30 years tho kind you have always bought just opened 1 j in hills block 3 mill st acton general repair shop was troubled with smothering spells wli wtto by wmk inttli 11 qm knuraly cured tut vol n11 write i m uoi much cf a believer la medldtte but i tmist y mllbuma heut mul nervo ihlli uiili htht bom ytvrt ao x wu troubled vrllh uuoibetltiy ntuj in the nlbt x would be hound uleep but would welen up with my breath nil ona and think x nevetr would set it beck x w telllntc a irleud of toy trouble and be advued ma to try mllbuma ileait ami nerve 111b kb auo kave ma a ito which x tried and i had only taken a few of them when x could tleep all nlbht without any trouble x did not flnuh tlie box until urna year after when i felt my trouble coming luck ao i took the rett of them and they entirely cured me milburne heart and nerve hlht ra aoe per boa or 3 hoxee for tl 1 at all dealer or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t mlllliirn co limited toronto oat special attention to eavctroughing windmills pomps furnace and plumbing hot water heating hoofing gasoline engines b well done and jj s quickly at only g 5 cents s b 3 perbagf g b s g harris ft- co limited g kockwood ont s maanannanaaaanau robt noble ltd flour lmorvnl vatlunal kln a ciioilc five korea plymouth binder twine gold mcdnl bikcr bhcaf grclti hhcnf k jas harden son i actom ontaltlo aiexxsc j l warren uanaoktm tylhcillonb ho fresh groceries i how raiulns nuw curranln new dates mew nuts now reels now spices kino ltnorcorfaotlorery pi rot clam lino of fancy cnlicu and pantry freeh every day cooked mialk hamt itacon with the homo liku flavor drund nnd other goods delivered promptly dally actons electric chopping mill open thursday friday and saturday chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done b p caldwell acton ont proprlotoi 7 he merchants bank of canada uiu iui ujelaucam aiceau thrift ie rightly described as eco- nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he naves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhapa more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par cmtpiralfaidup fumcl huotrvb umub amu undividmdiphoim tsu acton branch f a maclean manager j r livingstone buumsor to c b rloac uu1 ttuat aatou boots shoes bubbbbs ft all lines q kootwoajf p eit right prices all men a rubbers at bargain prices xji vioaissaui wsaraaisflaaso si w wiijxjiams mill street acton wcton hii at exvi x akd bus luikio miivliiif purcliruukl thu llvory hunliiliwtt nnd goodwill ol tho ialuti ol tho lai j oka wllllau i resnclfiilly tvnlicit tlio imtroii- ngu of thu luihlic comiortuhlo rifp will alwnyn bo kiiihed at ronrotiahlo charge por tho iircboitt ur cuoma hall who linuhnil tho maiiaho- merit of tho ulnhloit tha paityear will cimtiiiiio in clmrgo he will nlwayit tio found courteous anil owlglnr kf usimstlcra all tiiahnb ambrose mccann mill st acton ont buy madcincanada goods atents ipromptly secured mat f haltlok tkabiom jlluolictiliteslbiafriiitnhiblrcd

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