Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1915, p. 1

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wht jvttxrw sttt ft vofjuancjcm- no iq kftvui acton ontakio thvllsmy mottkkko septemilmll 1 loltf ik singlm oop1bsthkm1hj cknts at jlrtol ifrrc jjncss 11 ill ullll uy hlh uio atom otyr luitinmouailahar pa yelr ii j i tut icrlbora in i ii b lnorl tlol lllbafllllluuxl wl cli tl ay 1 sve 1 too n lil i 1to in ul tali nvsry tilmtrllt- i c u tl usllrwtulml wllsh till fjllli llutlllli 1 tldhulmlln mkvkmiimmit i tua mutant slvortls uta uxintatir hi i moll lino or tint erilo 1 1 i o c lu c lli for unoli uud- mil inwrtlan gmilrsd llu uy a ivadlwt u jajio uf lueliui i on jur annum 10 mu id u nun i oniiitnl llu uy 1 slit foo 1 lueliui i or ur sui ihulmrlieiililimrll u yoirlyet lion will be li tililvarlli ii nli- 1 ist ti iij m will bo clin1 odu taeli i var el i bj afuuer llisu m ilia extra botiiumlilou uiusl jfauur riu jiollooioj woallily j ii i uoouu editor toil fkoptuuht inifls dindo try jay m i c m mcgill kf mlisauy lluucll um p aetou h- ouurlo liuaycptrouil y allauied i j ujtnnon liaam uaucmm coavhtawc orsuujfitrml lo l jrrjuia niofik mm ku luau wool duualoa sliisi icuey to 1 a i uti i n iiiulil siuu lud i lious iiy i tlwlies connr ull ij preiurul trai a oiujitb o tauau- 4 atlieto tto4 rcjxljmo0fi twalkutj jtunan j tdiwilluui fiojln of all kinds met 1 la afhaol ugknbko ww uoouu itmvim cf laauiaa licensbjl iwivdwomna s wlinatearequirfr issued hiummlduo hsulim pra pies oav town iavctioii1ihi1 i a j wei hoc ton iii4t im cutllyol oulili i wkli satuttouou tuts upon ijuosal 0 oifcujiu vrli coniiseiion vltb lb r tiuiasjltjvr st vun fkad illata wumlau vt aotou auol lotuuy vtii oumiwllm la i tnliiiliti 3x1 iexniv wllvlull- pianh llte- ittoiih llltteprlntfljitc rimrcllcnt and irt cyiifnrhuiuoeib ii- icfiial ujaciu tin utlnmtl etc uic nihifbr it oult el oovam 1 jlmurofl eo j uiblm uyii knd allitr llnoki t wonu ruoumi ftictfourifo the old and reliable gktilto and marbjo dealers vmof ll miuol uouuidkiiuund u5 mi tmhwlm uui haviiik our eualotncil pi tr w hitv- li ii iiilu savage co inlabllilitici iu4u jlwlli i k guu ill the old tmd reliable wnlchmabers ahd jewellers savage 6 co- ouclpli ont iirclike photographs visit camatthews studio u1ii tta aotohorit optwmlu batuc cburab 1i1llat1 stbtvllb prompt comply rion op work instrument uy which tho vnluo of all otlior musical instrument a it rauasurcij till a lu tho iiini t riumib trailo mark in tho world tiiir well known and wotlil fumoub inrtnmnmt ii wjlil by uh in all lt different alien on payment and tormi that evorybntly can meet lfr9 to tjhot gulpii ti victor stork c w kelly kl son 33 lower wyndhm st mekts k millioan ilau well equipped meat iliop at tho lonior of illll and vouud btrctn acton tho iwcoud brick bullillnft from tlia otk croaalutf i and wilt uunph ml kiiidtjoffrkstl and cuu1sd mcatb of beat at rcajinahlo prlccn j delivered to all ciutomarti eromntly plrntclaka refrigerator imp onait uvury oveulno 1anmr tradu ohneclally uillclt- oil illgliuet caili prlcofcpaldforegka i and jkiultry r millioan hhhiiiihaaaunnauanadiihhmhu excelsior bakery q oorse slmthnra ckurabt aelu ituuur llmdltmw bou 9 imalla umu i rt from 1 mi wl orrlititbuilntliiriiui whroibrt 1 uviulu iii rlr trt willuat wl rt kui but tuwh of uriu i r iat tli linn r mm tl t uy tbr dmll iaituy i mabattlm omlr 4 4h lamilton sotjil 0v i wiluliuli utu iobii tliolmkcry liuiliicu of t htnllinm bon lu acton which linn been conducted for tho put thirty yoarn iioh heaa iiurcharcd by georca stalhani and will bo conducted in the tiamo flmt clawi maimer an in tho pokl all biiitlu 0 ii read oaken pastry wed ding cablh and clirlit man caktu will 1m tup plmltotieini of all ctihtoniom oko 3tatham acta 0uri you feel safe whon youvo wnahod with lifebuoy sonp no matter how frimy kotn hnndb no mattor ow kormiadori thoy may bo fromtho days work lifebuoy cloarita and anforuards your akin tho mild carbolic odor quickly vanishes but its bonoflta lingor all quooims lifebuoy healthy sdap jotttu full linc or guns ammunition tor sportsmen hte venn double ttud sidrio barrel hhnt gum from 4tjo to jm dominion and u m l cnrtr ldat8 call or write we llavo wlmtvou want tho bond hardware co limited prions lo i 3 tntwve oublph guolph business collogo qullph 0mtak our pall tcrm bdalna sept ut wo offer flrutcluua facllltleu in every de partment thorough instruction and train i off by leathern of lonfr and succcta ul cmfwirkngc iniijro tho very iwit ro ntt iloob ktonlnff lualnouj practice commortlal arithmetic rapid calculi tionhtonoijrophy typowritlno penman ship huaintt corruaponiionc ifngliah and french are tho tour lily taught by tho moat approved methods our trained eraduattit are la demind they aro all sat poel comic direct to the colkao oftlcv 37 upjor wyndham street or write to day for full particulars malcolm maccormack b a phn glasses- plws tho dav when you bought your glanoa any old place la gone present day intelligence will uot ruinnlt you to trlflo or gamble on goad vision if you ncd rjiauub you need tho knowledge and the icr vlco which bliould go with tho beet hero you get jukt uhat you want glameipluo a d savage optometrist mro ophcian nialit at tho pflt oftlc kw lll ullluht 3pis ktohonto cawin c k coopeu acton cement contuactok for bridges silos walkh floors walls etc also agent for do lnval siloi separators etc high grade portland cem ent for sale two dovfl and a cigarette tun irlulil ul tin followa iuimi hurrv ami iii wiro jiil llionjinif ngn and tho uima u until oun il ly in ilinir trutau it nlmnceil tltnl i hey hint a icor little craiture huriiamcl cigar otto tills iimr lltllo erouluro iiiulo frleivda with tlia lioyu and told lliom n 1 1 ry of m luuulltia ioyti hi held for thnir sharing i tell you oil to ho llio uny lo w in iiilynti i lir iailimiijrh mi will litncil und jlehled hut harry held he mid urn beliim im afraid id u well j in not afraid look hero i am he jipoka ha i law out a halo of clgrtt imoka vle yum from tlmt iimetlug uw uietn ffuln the time hid rrlid when they khauld it hot itraiigoly enough altltough harry boy hood ai ull arul as itroug u a tree in the wool poor will mnwul k dwarf i eunktn y hollow eltcek ly awl weak with thumb ami rorfiugr lie lltttaly rolul a clgiirstte smoothing aaeh wrinku arul fakli and tlia cmebe that hi puffed frou hi li i dmuire took the form of dman and rrltirvd frort uie air and it ull i uo tliat wrdek of a nun that i inula of the boasting young fellow who woui t ifrahl mu wlielur wlloox vtlttt yomllu urabiiirj mis 4sul ntuapanuanaaaammttumm maaaaaaaaatsaaamuuumm bbc a usb tho otlior follow didnt make a uuecess of repair ing your watch or clock dont think it cannot bo done let uu have a look at it wo know how poster th wloh sp6lufe okorohttowh omt yhmmhaddtlanciatiaddahiihtwi hi- bouh of the two maklao tltttn htoaba and 1rudenoe hliaw had dumiuled to tliu fromauay back in the yur tlia lu was thrown oterbajrd in tha iluton harbor of court tiiera bad hn tir btwo tliat esctthig event and live uluw fibaw and tltou lialn had lived tlielr time ami passed on tlia property by will nona of thw bod bun rcb- indaid nuwtof tham hod ucii iery poor it wo a big oalanlal lious with ten aora of grouad around it tul titer luul iimo tlma when the place luul been sold for taxei aud would bav luul a new unint liad not publlo uatluotit oorne forward to tiu il the slstera luul a survatlort incouio and had pousd tlie half oaatury mark there were tltohe who coubl remember tin in at twenty fair facd and attractive woman they hod nv tiiortrud bcauu tbay fait they could not mperat and whauaver uie subject of marvlagi or the ul of tlia plaxa camo up tltey luul bath sitcuiusd in cluuraa i but there la 0i garret it waa uta blggt garret for 00 nilku around ha who planned and built ha iuu luul not paid noud atiaatlon to the and lialla balow but lie had provided a garret tliat all who came after blot should lie proud of it was long and wide aud ooatalaad traaur beyootl snuumra tlon in tlia ships of spinning wbaaui aad lieditaads and hureaua arul chain and what not of tlw long ago an antiquarian who caiua one day and was allowed to look but uot to touch sold lo the eldest suur i there u nothing like it under the uo if you will la tua dig bar for waok i will give you a hundrad dollara nob lot a tliouaarul waa tlia reply hut why r decaiuayou would make idut aad iltur when retty lawrence a ooutln at the age of ten had visited tlia illtta huaw and baooraa itoinealck and ahed lean the sitter comforted bar by promising i now detty ehltk up aad ha a good girl and you lluill sea our garret mow at 10 aba waa visitor at tlia old house again and alia had a lively romau brunoa of that quaint room 8h didnt care much far tha antique but aha waa at a rouanua age and endowed with a healthy carlo ty and when ona of tha tutora hod ut drop tha fact that tha old oruuta were full of documents dating back into tha beginning of ut itttlt century aha made up liar mhul to have m look at wowe of them hetty waa determined to ovaihiul that garret ii given half a chance bha dwalb upon the idea to constantly that aba came to believe that souuiwbartflrrtluitoollectlod of musty relics of the past there lay con cealed a document which would hiring a treasure to its finder tilie even pictured herself standing before haratartled cousins document in hind thj announcement on her up i mydoarootulnaibave found a great treasure it la ml your you coo each buy a new hat and new shoes and if you want reel eottee far breaklut aud chlckea pie far dinner you gsm have theta 1 one day while waiting her opnortunlueh to explore uie garret young man known to her cousins called on an errand far hi wether and wsa introduotd to ulu hetty as mr itord klrkwood the following day while she waa out for a walk be turn ed up aa if by oooidenl tbla happened again on the third day and ou the fourth he forgot to offer an excuse for its rather marked recurrence within a weak it hod happened so frequently that- neither aaw anything unconventional in uie mat ter thl rapid developing acquaintance did not eacape uie vlllgant eyes of the ooualua one day uie elder euter observed frankly t i think vord klrkood la a flee boy h dont yon think im rather a nice girl cousin ihioelmt laughed hetty with a ull tola hush perhajm it will be wise for nw to writs loyour utronta then mim ltoebe algtied gently nnd readjusted her glosses f nupmmi i ought to wsrn you against love at hit sight she continued hut an you never loved st first sight or seootid slglit nr any other sight how can you cousin phoebe at till the gentle old woman smiled feebly vonl klrkwood it una young man hut ho has no money she went on dutl fully nor have i papa nilfiht manage tn five roe a oheck for a hundred dollsr for a wedding gift hut it would strain his hank- account to do it then ui rowing liar arras about miss phoebe awl giving her a reassuring kiss she added more seriously i i sliall not fall in love dear cousin 1 1 shall never marry at least not until until wlianlfetly v until i find a treasure declared the girl as if aha meant it hetty did not reveal the fact to anybody utat slie regarded uie prospect of securing ute treasure as a well deflnsd possibility in her soul the believed there was a treasure in that garret but how was sin to take uie first step toward finding it with that region dated to lrt hhs felt like de manding the privilege of exploration lut j still she bided her time her opportunity came suddenly ytiere aemt a day when ui sisters were called away en a mattor of j busl head which demanded their personal attention t am an afraid jou wlllrvkely said uie alder alur syupathetually we sliall ha away at least three hour oh no i i eon take a long walk and then rd awhile after earning beck said hetty trying hard to kwp her voice steaily flcercely was thm veltku bearing the suurs out of sight wha heuy flew to uia garret once wilhla the laruddett tree sure house slie stood far a long five luuue feosuug her eyo thei aha selecud ttt oldest and ifloet battered trunk of uie entire lot for inspection letter and docuiaents 1 why uie trunk waa full to repletion wlui uietn there were deed bills of sola private utura grants and wliat not and uie girl bad only a glimmering of what had one been their legal value thfa hours had gone by and the return of the sluare might be eupocled at any luotasnt whan she tvlocud parchment almost st random re- puceil uu other in the trunk and left the fascinating spot it was not until alia was safe in liar root at night that uie girl hid an oppor tunity to iauln the parch tuanl fihe found vary htue to reward bar the writing waa uiat of an ill i tar t man bad ly scrawled fcoed parte of it faded hope- laeely after pooling ovr it until her eyws smajtad she put the uugibu thing la br hand lag with the sleepy oanclmloa nobody but an old pirate could have written a hand ilk that and of ceuree if lie waa a pirate he must have written ahottb treasure i shall ask mr kitkwood to help uie to unravel it when be aaw it vord kitkwood agreed i with hetty that it waa us work of an old pirate but he admitted frankly utat he i waa not an adept at deciphering hleiogly phie it will have to b dons sold betty determinedly before before wby not paatpna it until unul r unul after we are married he finish ed lierolcally hut i have promised uoualn phoebe i shall never marry unui i have found a treasure oh oald with a great atteedpt to batarloua well havent you found me t he aug geeted braunly aud i hive found you the raot precious treasure of alt he added gallantly what do you 8kb i a certain eminent man says that aa a little boy be went to niagara valla with ida father arriving at the verge of that world wonder the father ukad what do you seer aud the boy la great excite ment replied i we a sign keep oft the grew h hut what about ute valler asked the father tluappouted and the boy answered blankly wbitaaluv lie had not noticed uie tavlu which do you tee a you look out into life 1 do you oea ouly leatrlcuveeonibiand mente or uie wonder of the earth and sky do you tug at your chain or make use of every unfettered faulty 1 it la pastille to be ao obeeeaed with uie thing we may not jo thai we fall to realise bur freedom ab a hundred pelnu of court there ore prdilbltloaj t but to ouad atar lug at a iwchlbltumi ineteod of looking poet it to the unhindered privilege and unfor bidden delight which led olwoyi bold ing before us thla i a pity which do you tee your mend a fault orhlseuoellenclett the spoil on the win or the shining of hi glory t the laoatuuua olee of obrutlans or the splendid ugure of ohrietr which do you see u you look out rhrfld to day and which will you see merrowh the answer tell who you qe4fr uke lvcb a ypr now the scalpel nuree aa the herman army surgeon readied acroe the quiet body o the vrenchman he saw the glrla hand tremble dont give up he said genuy i you ahull have a rest after thla operation the work you have done would exhaust any ow i dont mind the work it the mental torture i know we all have hard things to brer have you luul bail newh of jnur own ojes inside i am l turning 1 hhe caught at uie edge of the table breathing loudly my lover is ut vprea tlia surgeon touched her arm my son is at vprea he said tha nurse star ed at his calm eel com trolled feoe it gave her fresh courage bhe handed uie scalpel to him quite steadily and the operation proceeded preeenuy four orderlies entered bring lug on stretcher two wounded uerman whom utey placed in a corner neither uie man nor the girl bending over the table raised utelr eye until their work waa finished then uiey turned to uie unconscious men where they lay on uie root a lie nutee waa behind the surgeon lie did not see bow white her face became while he made hi hasty examtna uon uuddeuly standing uprltiht he turned to her nura i said you might rest but i am going to ask a special favor one of these boys u uy sea they both need an operation ao badly that uier la urn j to save only one will you help to oieratf cjny itoy t bh stood twuung a oomer of her apron so tightly utat it did not unroll when she ut it fell ou uilnk me a monster he said but hes uy only child the passlod of hi lmst word brought a faint i know frou hei lip tlia surgeon leaned toward her id da as much far you if h were your lover hli shrank from him her breast heaved t her eye shifted wildly your tool she cried and stopping quickly began to un button the bay clothing the lurjreoo bent over to help her and together they lifted uie bey lo uie laid he wo slight and fair t ute surgeon wo heavy and dark it did not occur to him to wooder how the girl knew which we hi aoe the op progreewj r4dly the nurse never had been ooour ueer more professional the surgeon told iter so when h had nauhed thedhe turned to rm4idia uie other lemasi too bod be murmured gretfully thi poor fellow is dead t now nuree changing hi tone we must both get sou bleep sound sleep and he added kindly don t worry about your lover 1 y well sir she replied i shall sleep bhe watched him walk acroa th floor at use door he turned uind he sold shaking finger at her wind thai you suep soundly yea air when he was goue she nennd suddenly to loe her strength bhe stumbled acroe uie room aa if walking la a nightmare at lose she reached the dad body of the german and knelt kesue it uy tuor she whupered my dear uy dear bhe put her head en hie breast uy deer she repeated uy dear uy dear uy dear youth companum too heady wmi explanations i stywld have more hope of young btauwood said a butlnem man toauothar if it werent so easy for him to eiqihun several time t have had omokleu to eeu hie attention to seua intoeureoy in hi work of course he oorteou i tot once but lie alwoy liegtn erue of evplanauoas which leave me lu doubt j to whether he fully vealum that he hoi usde a blunder if he ever owned to having beaa uutakeu x sbeul feel hopeful about mm bub thee ooastant explanation undermine uy con- fldenoe young people who olway have a glll euouoe reedy for a blunder showing how under use clrcu they oouldl uot have done anything else will do well to mqalder the point of view of thl bus man your explanation do not alter the foot that you have made a mistake bat they may shake your employer oonudeno in your ability to recognlu a blunder after it bo been pointed out ia you tbrtathem qt vall suo thoueaud of fjrmrahaveloetlhouaiui of dollar thl year through smut in wheat oat and bailey thl be can be prevented in one way ouly and that i by ueauag the seed be sure therefore that your fall wheat i properly ueoud before being put into uie ground thl fall jthere are two method of treating the seed aa follow i 1 uu onehalf pint of formalin la 21 gallon of water hoc the seed to be treated lu a eoors sock i a broa sock excellent for us purpose aill us sock about uiree parte full and iwmerw in uie formalin solutlou for twenty winutea during use treatment tau the sack up aad dowa several ume in uie solution to lu sure wetting every grain thai u contain i after treaung pread usagreiaout utlu ly oa a cleoa floor or canvas where it can be stirred sad allowed to dry sumcutttly to be sows the sooner it 1 sows after treatmeat the beuer twenty gallon of the sciatica will treat about 00 bushel of groin several tieatment may hi made with ua same eolation i each lot will r quire to be immeteed for twenty uiluula 2 ulv one pint el formallii ulth 40 gallon of water ptaoe the gralu to he treated it a heap tt a clean canvae or floor bsvlnkle use tormalla solauoa over the groin theo shovel the grain over into another pile so a to uu it uutroughly then aptinkle and shovel gala ilepeit uil unui every grolu u wouleaed by the solution i that cover the pile with sacking and leave for s e 4 hour at the end of thl ume spread the grain out uiluly to dry shcvelllng it over three or four ume will basteu us drying forty goltoaa of ut forualla solaucri it aurhcleut to sprinkle betweea thirty aud forty bushel ol stralu suauer ewcunui lu pmporuou vor fdrther informatlou apply to dept of agriculture witovsw umb tin boy who never maks fun of old age ho matter how tiecteplo or unfortuaat or vll it may be clod band real lovingly en ue aged bead th boy who never call eoybody bad turn no saauerwhat anybody call him the hoy who u ttsvev artsol the boy who never ilea uvea white lie leave black spot m the character the boy whi tsever ueka fun of a oomptnloa because of emuohane he could notlielii the boy who never hesitate looey no wbd eeked to do wrung thing the hoy who never quarrel the boy who never forgeu utat clod made bint to be a joyou loving helpful belttg mtllodelphu puulo ledger oua tux the better w do what w ought to aud all we ought to without being told and the fewer mieukee weuakeuil6eanr vltlou weueed twehtyykaris ago prom out itiuo of tha pre kvet of thursday soptmber 10th ib0 luelph electric rullway was opened on tuesday who it is l ringing 12o to iho this week mr f kuaokhmnnr his imrehssed the frame house on the heard mora irrwirty ati i is imvlng it inoied ui to tho vacant lotoppaslto mr h mcijuuh properly on main htrecu mr hainpel kenny of norvul iiuj removed to actoli haung hirohasd tie brick ootuno recently nwiieil by mr tlio porrymon on young hlreet- mr w h rtnrey la laying pipe to con vey steam from the glovo factory to his residence tit jpeiiere i id in abhestok to prevent radiation and condensation a hlteb has occurred in uie negotiation for ui proioed electric light puut and mr ibluge is not likely to proceed with uie erection of the plant for which lie hail arranged about 40 feet of the stone wall of uie new leach house at tho sol leauier tan nery which it 20 feet high caved in as a result of ute heavy rain ou tuesday night which poured down from uie roof between the wall awl uie smhankmeitt and washed away the earth below th foundation the first numw of th hurlingtcn lleoord published t rurlingtoa iy mr itred u rlliou has been received hev j w its pastor of knox churh ministered to th united congregations of hi own church and the uethodlst church on sunday preaching in uie method ut church in the morning on the recognised value and useful of women to ui church in all age and in knox church in th evenlhg on th power of th ifdy bplrlt and ills value to ui christian in hi effort to do lod s will iuv w hryere ateuted at th opening service strong feeling ha been aroused lu ouelph over uie action of street railway employe in stringing wire oti sunday mr w ii futigfl who ho been on the elaffof ui inter mountain at hutu city montana lb pstflvyur returned home thlwek rev i k howell m a of the math odut church and mr howell returned from visit to rellevllle and newcastle caauansii coitvsohi uswr avm and jaa coleman ult oo tuesday for hufttlo mr u esly moore of llrooebrldge wo tier for a few days mr vlrur avongelut will conduct special service her soon that old thuesijinq c0kte5t ldltar uil puua ikar sir in looking over uie vuns pium of a recent dlj i read an article which took my attention threshing i fifty years ago which went ou to report an exoiung uiieddng match between acton aud mhion macblnea j now mr editor thl la act altogether carted mr itch hoy l a little off in uie foots aal happened to be in actoa oa i day though living lo mlltoo at that time 04 going down the ttb line 1 nouoed quit a rvvji at ur jooiea hobble burn men were ruunlug with polu from pump to to born i thought at that ume some oa had got caught in u bore power 1 drove to uie bam to find what had happen ed thaoylludrrand shsjtlhg hod takers fir aad thy bad lo run for water lo put is out wbea 1 found out what wa wrong 1 idrcv on to milton that evening next uoruiag i but my eld frioed the let malcolm uephrau coming with hi separator to get it fixed at th fouajry we had achat and i told uy old frued malcolm that lb are syd him right if be had bought climax utreahlng machine from w li would not go round setuog fainsere bam afire maloolai wanted toe to stop round unui h put hl horse away so i stood where i woo mr brothel th maker of th machine saw malcolm mcpherson and ma talking and wanted to know what mcdoaald hod to say thl moral ug uoloolm told hlu juu what i said that if he had bought a climax thresher from ue he would not be going around satung formere boras afi re in a short time ur joseph moat came along a nephew of ur rrousor and of ooute threehlag machine got to be th talk and nothing would do but i would shut up or put uooey upon the c4lmx to see which wa really th beet i had faith in the climax and i was not wo tab idunvl ur moat wanted it laughed i away but there were quite number of men around sol told mr moat that bla ume had com now for him lo put hi i money up or show the white feather mr uooteould not withdraw ii luul said too much so we pub up wo 00 each to bind a bargain for a match the match came off as stated in the funk psk only each machine was t thresh wheat baruy and oats is uluuts ol each and only 15 minute to change and lust to thresh an hour frotn th uu use men started to sab bored power and 1l the climax men took uie hand ur moore hid aaksd to his threshing hi neighbor 1 alexander livingstone of hpeytlda who i dropped every theaf and handled ut grain for the feeder sandy bprowl david catty aud george dbvok ware in themow either in use straw or bhe ve th judge were hugh coyne and john uodougall from trafalgar friends of ur brother and ur andrew soolt esquselng who wu the one i appointed and i am glad to know i living yet seudy mann at use creek east of aotou wee there all i have to say 1 utat the climax thretlilngmachlae got all uie uircehlng to do u utat eectloti after utat match the match wo colled a draw it waa no draw although etch aide got their money back the climax beat the uutoa machine lo wheat also in barley and wo a ue in oat th climax wen wauled to thresh for w000 before the uauh started they did not bring a big hootebttuui frow west blglu tut a jam afutrey from use township of tucursmlth who did th feed lugalone h waa is clear defeat fojotl milton machine and x had sajatfaff climax ul ur brother thf bld h el modoyalo mlltoo uepumber lot 101b 0 hbaut op mine o heart of mine we shnuldn t worry so what we ve mlsoed of calm vie oouhlnt have you know hat weve met of stormy pflln and of sorrows driving tain h a can lietter meet again if il blow wa hum erred lit that dark i our we have known i when tha tear fell with the showsr all alone were not shine awl shovtet lent ah the gracious master meant t let u u temper ouroonteut with hlu own for we know noteverj i cuie sad i ro forgetting all th wi weliavehad iit us fold away our fours and put by our foolish tears ami through all the coming year lust lie glad james whltcotnli jtlley ooloen weathem or kiohiii htjuir i ililnu i lore itio brm tlutt tluio wo iiiuhi to call rho httlo summer of nil sahitx about tho mlrbllo or th fall tloraus there rll the golden day of hint gold year beside the ao wbn bret i had you at heart will and yod bad your whole will of me it u the befog efurnooa the second summer of the soul when plrtt and a way to reach beyond the sense and it coo trol then eons tb ormamtutal day tb retejtoo or tb year wbed ood bluaelf being well coaterit take ume to wb taper id u war sweetheart oric tolor by wvesy jgii of blade end shadow it tauet b the illll slimmer of all mint lu the ml niitiiinn by tb m itllaelnriiiiu- had utu picteh took an old scotchwomen who had resitted all wjtreall ef bar frukl to have her photograph taken wo at lost induced to employ ui service of a local srtlrt in order to send her liksoee to a soa la america on r rillngtliifliit urtrirseef firt she felled to recognise ut figure thereoa depleted a beself i so card la htbd she set out for ue artute studio to oak if there wa to mistake i that me t she queried v uadau replied the artut aad t it ilk u r she agola oeked ye uodou i ilaaspeakiagllkedeei aweeir slie said resignedly ite buiublln slchl whui voti have turghioir tmiwli to orrkm a uouufocturer of shovel orto sold that he never found it neoeeeary to send out uavellug ben to sell hi good the ciniomer took th lalltouv order com from all ovr us wotu the fact ef the sutler w that tbaa parlkular shovel were so much belter than any other put upcu ui market that they sold th selve a great many salauueu have ihl pre- bleaj how to pefwuade peoid to buy an inferior article in place of a beuer oo but when you have a really superior thing toaer the bt of it kind lu many a all you will need todou to supply eastern sr who circulate among tb people bd edvertu uie worth of us good thl 1 a true of service a of any other commed ity a mibb op tblml a great ideallet never can b egotletla th whole of hi power depend upau fal losing sight and feeling of hi own exist euoa and becoming a were wltdee and mirror of truth but th moo who ha w inveatioo u always eettiag thing in order and putuug th world to tight and u- intf and beauufyiug and pluming blmseu ou hi doing s supreme in all way nutklu a tiaut wad i understand uiat ur fiachpeuay ha beau operated ou forajiptwtiremgk d mum cayeun yea it tha first uri hmmm known to get anything cje0 and avea then uyamfjuojoru him lo get that kmploymei pqtt thlt idle satea olway find work for idle yea repltl tb tout who disapprove of dancing ud fartdueet to iy j wtumami iilaabimbowuyeinwilia lo ib m hli ftuy do you fctuw tohiilhu mury uf ko faub x doat m bow uiy cin rlfanl lhlagi jiul um mtam a viu ttut u priuj uxn lnvo tan uiuy tiui pub upon tb uiulieb ml uru ti upon puulo uuotloo lul nauo it tulura w uag o tb with u mucli uoi ulvralv wlluliruj uh ol tbtatt ku otbmud uulr rol vlu uul lioy moj no rattliu vliwuiununb tlu iss bnvlou llrtnly uuukj ikouhlm la poulotdottti thy without pur lo tho uh ol uml vubb mlu lj3oljuy is sbou lohrfhoiiioin prepertua k jka srwvj

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