Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1915, p. 1

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txt jwijcw sttt tt 11 kvtry lluliscrlnllmt i nl1 iii atlihi acton ontaiuo tiiuiisday mouniwg 8151tmmwch uo 1juk aubcitti krm l0o itramuuu singtjk oopims trntinc cknts tin nuiditri acvfcw our oi4 li upu year jiolnllolm nlliiu iclilliny la irlcli m towlilotim iw mholii- uullri- latxi i raiiapiit a wcrtlia arull dim far nl inn liti i noli duimb t ilutlny a ivartiaa sb ctrwloru dc u mcgill l aitaaciatiou lire setouout- ah duictus ontario suriuary cnllrjiu lltf hcluuro mill lit n lysluinuiw ovxtu fohvbyawcjia h iif yoiau llluk llu lnu arxiclal bllru boauuiowh cmllahvoos lualiiuunurlo wiiuajdi sum of kit alma muto t our yduhulrtl incstaiullybamu lhioo- liouuhkr p uocus uaiuuahh lltbubbs wowuakm ftqulraj laauaj ia vaulug tfra lr a dtde 010n iaa of iveluini n ii all on im i ilttiaellv o fituili m wliti aainfjuii end opou i- to ulmuun v u or calatlon unooli eiuut uluii willi urn u hamuli u tilbmhanilailvdr u orlon ml at lsrh i m a ill rie if in mfcluu aluulllou ibhitvlu lot najnlvuiulty u llxur savage co la tab hah ml 1040 jfcwillui outlpi the old and reliable watchmakers and jewellers savage co guclph out lifelike photographs visit camatthews studio utll aumt auhonc oppclta ihjhit chuhh 1 iii latksthtvlis rnomlt comilition op work me instrument lly which tho vuluo of alt alhor musical instruments ia mcaauid lex nivjfin bvibtllvluioni jliinu ro- oucrlptwmu it utprlnlu utc at4aforptirlliuurt ami wort- hurvojn or ai liltuctu pull- tl municipal conuilln druln- torto estimator dc hant3 bank bltjo prtattb idc4 out uooit mnult bant w oullbont- uassblutlouiinliluuilobin lovurs aiuial in tpm oti hides hymn oilier liooki out ruouitli 11ku0utuu 7 a beautiful complexion how to insure it tho rcrular into of ijfobuoy boitp inuiiriiti a hoalthy clean elow- intfbkin and becauuo it in healthy yourcom- ploxfon will bo clear and volvot hko tho mild carbolic olor van ishes after uno lonvlnp n uaiikoot uttorcloanlltuiaa lifebuoy healthy 5dap ftaetrp a towo tw if n ifnlunlat uiiudt k hfitteiitot tot to lulk etrt tho tot notilil toiler ouultt tlia hottodhtt uit tn lx tutiultt lo bh nuuht or uuuulii or wliut ouylit to ite utulflit itort if lo itool uml toat n ifottniitot tot lit tuuulit uy ii llottciitiit tontr hlimilil li tout or til imt if tlie holtadlot going out of linoleums htncli all rtduced to utll opaco want a for ilnnlwaru line- inlaid linnloiim dnwn to 75c iu yii no 1 quality itnwn o 60c nq jil no 3 yuolity diiwn 10 50c nq yd no 3 quality tluwn in jot wj d oil cloth down to tc rq yd juut wliilo our iiluik iubih the bond hardware co limited phono io 1 3 tenywlve qudtph guelph bubiiioss college our lalltiilm lwfclno hopl iat wo off or llntcliika fucllltleu in every de partment thorough instruction and trnlnlrtjj by t each or of lung and bucccui ful enperlciico iniuru ttiu very beat rc- nulti h00u kilning jhulnca practice commcrilal aritimiblic rapid cnlcula tionulaiiohrapliv tyrkiwritinjf punfr- a cor irouirlil moat approved motlioda and prenoli are tliorouirlily taught hy tho moat approved motlioda our trained graduates aro in kmund they arc malt inn kcmki every wiictl all act pocl tiona comii dirlcttottiocolugo oflicu 137 upper wyndlium strict or wrltfl to day for full particular malcolm maccormack ba prin glasses- plus ttila i tlic mciiii idiiioiib irartc mark in tliowaild tliu well known and world faiuotift innlrunicnt la cold hy ua in all it dlfffsront ilua on jiaymcnts and ternn llmtevcrylvxlycaumeot 2d to ousipiib vlctos btokk cw kelly cq son 33 lower wyndhura st ouelph ont millioan wan a well ctiiilprwd moat shop at the corner of 1111 and voutior btrcetu attoji tho ncconil brick building fronrtlin q tr crotilne and wiltuuppu nil klndx ofprksii ano cuuisd meats of bnt quality at roauonablu nrlccu lttut ilulivurod to all ciutomem jiinmptly plrutclaih rvfrl orator hlmpopiil overy evening purmuia trade cflpoclally roi kit ed illglimt canli pricnpaldforcgfla and poultry r millioan g axl wwv hhhhhitantlunnauqaadtlhwilllal excelsior bakery ocorge sththsm h okvrth 8i ado jj old and unliable oondmarbldoalors s5lof unuumuiju lllwimwu illdlmottnnirouiirririlwltoij lavtf tli lat milli liii ktid hi ivlalttlupmoltil 4 louopar s tool rmll vwmu uvlii twla to tct in u ii i fitalwlm or itaatiitt itutoaollbli y khii dat i wt lllltlftlj ijbw itv lwnll 3i itw l bjmlmttuill ti10 uukory buulnirj of t ututliani ii bou in auton whklthaa hcon coniluctedfor tho jwut thirty your lion been purcliajiod by goorga stntham and will be conducted in tits lamo flrfit claim tiianner an in tho paut all knidu of ii rend cakeu pantry weil dlnffoakeasrid clirlm- itiaa cakom will ta gup- plluil to the anlitifuchotl of allcitnlomerk tho dav wlan you bought your gtauca any old place la uoue preaant day intilllffonco will not permit ou to trlflo or jam bla on quod vision if you need ahatwa you ned tho lnowledffo and ilia ur- vice which ultiiiild go with tho best lura you got just what you want gluuftftplu hoot and toot nt tlio uottautot tutor t kxclimitfa tta jniuily ttrablng love triumphant a d savage ootometrist mfg oplfcian cement k coopeu acton cement contractor for brijc sitoh wnlk floors walls etc alho ajfnt for de laval silo4 st poratortictc hirii frndt portland cem ent for sale boots csr shoes all the latest styles of this spring bamiiron i- sons 1 oko statham aalo oaualo i mmhmwtinaarjadudrjddmmmmaii ttle popular gray cloth top liudles hultoti hontii rular tijso to fjoo now rolnpf at mm they cannot bo replaced at thl price reual shoes for men no mare hatlhfactnry hhoe ou tlio mar ket at any price all chutae of hi104 nt debt value rupuirltik every duy prompt and ciirofnl work kenney bros main st it 1iai ixuiti foluffon all tlteuorhluif and ll uu driving hi in toduuatloi klrnt it had beii low ms and the world la mlno tliat hud uti uirouuu tlio inul inaklnu 1 tlio atainv kajl ln aueptto it waa only lluutiful pio turo 1 end now i dreamt uit i dwelt in murllo ifalu uaa lialnf iiiuia the oood uinlment to tlie oooklnr of dinner illlthe hut relantlaaly tho vole in tlt kltohan fcanr hut of ull iclr4it whatcliarwed me tlie moat ulia that you aa me ttill tlte al me tlie ai ma that you loved 1110 itlll denla a 1 thorp g roar i ami ilunjr dowu hie pen flow could ho bo enptuted to write uitb tlila nolnagolntf on t if only uie woukl finish the butiy thlifl and atari miniotlilng fretdi 1 mlubt uluel mywlf to hair it i bo ft id aloud that you lovod me ttill the al me tlie al me ua pubeil hla chair luick noisily ani atrotle into the uuuu that 3011 loved me atlll tho tamo the ume hs ibouud vltb finality and and rtum lx to hla dan ha closed the door with a lutiiff there was aliened at length deep and hllaaful he j eked up hla work and waa aoott abaorhed in it till souiul of a door auoimlnu in the dlatanoe did not dlaturb him in any way end at tlie mom ent it never ocourred to him to connect it with kophyand her vocal effort a houy lio called and hen again more loudly bopliy t ttiere woe no enawor ami be proceeded t tho kitchen iio glanced around t tlia clove vrsji uivcleanetl tlie linoleum unwaali ed end ilia pretty dinner aervlao undiiat el all tlwe things hie mlaj falud to tako in but lie wondemtl vaguel why it waa it all looked ao dlfldtant that night when p1pp4 lisd put platce all along tlier draar alielves and luul danced ajround tbe rooma euppiog iwr linda ilk the tiadry kbwaj at tbe roaull ttiatwaa tliree bight before use veil ding wea to have been one night before tluitridioulouadlaagreenieat that be owild laugh ut for it a tlteer ahaurdltv ww it not for tlie fact tliat it lied blotted all uie aunahliie out of hla life and the irony of it love trlumplunt bad beii uie cause of itall he had intended to bong it la tlie dining room ah had declared it waa a alia me to put it enywtter but in uie drawing room underlying tlie half laughing ducualoii uim waa a dogged ohelineoy on both auee utat refueed to give way and little by little they had grown more aerloua until something luul prompted plpp to uake that unforgivalda little apeecli you are horrid aha luul uald bal- ibji ilka all uie rel t ahould have thourhttliet after alt i am giving up for you you would have ut we have my own way in little ullage like thte it wu because there waa a grain of truth in uie tpeech that it had hurt him so hb waa aaorlhciagbi great deal to marry him a lukurloua home and plenty of money to speiul on olothee pippa bo luul aald and hla fact had lieeu very white i dont want jou to give up anything that you will regret regratt of course i altall rgnt italh kieryone wye i am a little fool and tluitfjiad been the end of it all bho could liave bitten kor tongue out uie next minute for liavlng uttereil uie word but alto luul been too proud to withdraw tliem and when alia got hla note neut day laying uiat after what fcho had aald be oould not do otherwise than releaw her from lier pronilu alie had aobbed over lb in aecret bub had left it unanawered then he luul gone to hie alone in the little houao ami bojjiy uho luul been engaged to come dally for three and alx leuoe a weak hail done for mm well her reign was over whon week hail paaaed wltlwub the iu i ni t rations of flophy detila reoelved a ahock ua illaooverejl he had used up all the plate selecting tlie leeat dirty from from the pile of crockery un uie utile be held it under the tap 1 tlie oold witar though it splakhed liberally over uie mullery floor made very little imprtmlon on the bacon fat and tile luncheon that ilay was not at all appetlxlng hie heart waa very heavy u he pulled uie front door to after him he waa glad to gt away from the little home he bold hlrnutf when ha returned it wan not too tlark for mm to notloe that eomethlng had hapvatied to uie door knocker the ball too wai vaguely dlfferenb coaler more inviting nutltwoauot until he reached the kitchen that he raallaed tlukt a miracle hod happened the plat aud dlahe wen waklied and jilnlng and once more in orderly row upou the dreeeer whal did it meant h told hlmaelf utat lie oould not udnk of any ekpunatlom yebttlltletimalb hla heart little bird waa alnglng a wild lrreprmlble aong he made tea ami ate hla eupper to th aooow- lianlwentof ila aong and it trilled to i1l in hla drmmh utat night toe next day ab tuo oclock he left th houaa and hurtled down tlie mail kxaotly an hour later he returned and hla heart gave a great bound atoa tho front gale wea not on lui hod left il hn alole mullnuaiy down th aide path until he waa within a faw paoaat of the kit chen window then he atoppd uome on alugltig mfuy i dreamad that i dwelt in marble hallx oh heavenly aound 1 ktevar had mualo moumlod a i miter in ida eare if alepped up to th window and peeped in a lirl etivfpd in u larire apron ktood by the table her aoft arm dp in flour i win altliorjm held hla brealb and gaai intnnt upon bar work plpjia kndh her ilough anil hummed her bong quit tin- oonaolaunnf olarvtlou and it waa nob until thn rriil ahajlow fell aorom tbe door way that aha turned her hoed vhenlje pok hla wort la wer looher- my darling he aald again if you knew how miaarable i hav iteen ahe whlaprd brokenly i oould not reaiat ue templatloa of walking paat uiahouaetomo bow it looked ami oh denla it waa awful then i crept olong uie path and iid into tlie bitoleii i almjy could not atani ft vnu know i atlll have one of the latchkey a ao i flow round to the front door aiwl luul it open in a moment t end do you know what waa uie flrattiluglduir polubikt1iekhookerthe aald itut aha aliook her heodamldragglhghlnt along the pakaage alia flung opn lit din log room door dramatically love trluiri pliant in all ita glory bung ovr the manlloplecd of couirwo 1 knew that you hail hung it where 1 wanted it tlio mom rit i had gone aheaatd hut it waunb gofog to may there ao i jiut brought it in hare dennla a rod a toward a il if it uilnka its golnu to tty wliere it la now ha vry ucli mlataken be aald then they look ad at oacli other and laughed hero we are juat going lo quamlabout it again cried pippa itea vry apjiu ofdiacortl i know w ii hang it in the hall 1 only dout in hrueh a little of the flour off you tlrau all ahe houatbh imvfcytious tlie phek phiaa celebrated a few w ago tlie ooid plt ion of udry mvii yaara under the preent eilltor they have bn eientful jeara during that period 100 prominent imenilon have leen made wliirh wer entirely unknown pravloualy 1 follows i i ilu- 2 itadium 3 aabaatna 4 turbinea x jmimui air u harvesters 7 antluptua h alrbrekea 0 hubmarioea 10 hkyacrapera 1 1 motorcycles ii parcelapoal 13 las engine 14 automobiles is gas mantle i ft hureoptlooo 17 helsniograpli ih illock alguals 10 phonographs jo postaurliauoa 21 cash mglsur 22 reuectouopes 2x rafaty matohas 21 bcltool garden 2x electric llabtlng 26 moving picture 27 elaculo welding 23 pliotoehgravlag 20 talerjiotscrapliy 50 inieudiatlo tuba jl adding machines sz hot dinner plates 3 hydroaeroplanes 51 maaaurlng pumps 15 steel conatructloa 3d smoksoonaumora 37 smokelesat owur 3h wlrelms telephony 34 kucuto loooiotiv 40 u inforoad oouorata 41 llano playing device 42 puautiuuo sptjunoea 43 hydraullo mboaalng 44 oaut prlnunp prma 43 dirigible gas balloons 40 imluurlsl welfare work 47 houmhold heating plmts 4h kleclrio atrt railway ears 40 miner electric safety lamps tio industrial physical ejuoauon ai mooorall 62 acetylene m aluminum 01 aafopunea as imctsgrapli ao msllometer 7 air purlfurs fih hydroplanes so klnslophoae co klnfuaoolor 11 paper towels 62 ball baarlnga os tekutograpby 14 tulie railways is play grounds ho aaplislb iavlng 07 milk battles aft vacuum bottle 60 maxim allenoer 70 kleculo hasung 71 pneumatic urs 72 praternsl insurance 73 addrassographs 74 lowr elevators h vlreless eoovsr 70 jattney couplsfm 77 chslu machines 70 betuuw oytw 70 klectrla furaaees fia hlghspeeaatael hi vacuum clean to isclur post eards 83 industrul hyguo 84 color photognaph h9 automatlo typewrluml ho imleatrucuble psaru n7 wireless ulagraphy hm iiiduttrui education ho vlrelee locowouve 00 minimum wage scale 01 linotype machine 02 ik cutting machine os uduon ktorag ultsrlsa 04 electric oooklnif ubsnslw 05 iteeonstructed ruble ou pneumsuo mailing tubs 07 autotnauo shoe machinery oh automolvileflrmiulpannl 00 induatrul solaty pjlnea poa fisnltsry dtlnldn enntsjns another very suc cessful fall fair largest attendance and gate receipts acton fair ever had the list op thbprize takers the pall pair uat wednesday and thursday was a moat gratifying auooeeu flood organisation under tho teaderahip of irenldant ifaiill ami kocretury llymlu the popularity of th fair with the puhtlo gen ernlly good weather both dsyu uml generally concerted action by th director vers all contributory lo tlw uuooeea ugainachlovod this year the attendance nearly 4000 was uie hlgheatthateter usied tlirougli tho gates of a fair at acloti and tits gat reoelita are conamiuently very aatlmvctory tlie automobile u u growing factor in atuml ano at the pall valm and scores of oars bvought vlaltors from a wide area the admission of cars to the enhlmuoci psrk was a new but very populardeparture and upwards of fifty oars took advantago of uie privilege during uie day through ear ful arrangement and oversight no accident of any kind resulted th khowlng of stock was insgulfloenl in hoim slort there wre harly 2ft entries ttis cattle sheep and hogs class m ware wll rspraarttsd ioullry exhibits mads a record the nw arrangmaot of tbe pris lut for poultry claas liasprovw eltraxtu and tlie aliow of poultry was tli bet iar ssen hsre snd eveelud that of moat similar fairs hi hall p4antad a vry ottractlvs sp- psaranw tbe ladus dapartmwit was sspaclally tdsritorioua thei would be a greater inter however if more enoour agbtdsnt was given lo amateurs as against ui profswlojial putilbitors ttis fine arts were vtry creditable tba exhibit of iiom bsklng was fin th butter aidilutars sssmsd to u mora attracted this year to tli epeotsla than to uie society cusmb but a flu lot of butur was enhluud ths grain ehuuw wr not so full as uiual and potatoes wer4 stmoat uon tit owing to h geustalfsilureof ui crop in this twillon tbs othor vgalsblea liovisver mad a very attractive section of uie ball there wsb a nice allowing of fruit but sumo of th ususl exhibitors were ahsnt atlreouve exhibit wereued by meter ilandsrsan k uo john tone a co james bymon c w kelly raymoad bewleg machine co james martin and others with a re arrsngamant of th hall more of the features mlgbb with advantage b in trod lifted acton cltltens ilsrul in their fin new uniforms discoursed splendid music dur ing tli day tbe etssa of muslo was notice ably superior to much of that rendered by imported bands tit prlxos war awarded as follows 1 itoejikh 1 huvy dasrr hpring colti w w usthsan irs d- vsunatter ons-year- old gsldlog or ally 1 daniel whitley two- year old gilding or filly 1 bruce uoklnooa thompson threeyear old gelding or ally 1 kil oii1u anmultt tut brood mare 1 w w uathsson p a thompson wu prank spring colt 1 it j llorthwtck p a tuoupon john crawshaw one- ear- bid gsldlng or ally 1 it tuck nell olllles twoyear obi geldlog or filly t ilj iwth wick p a thompson 8 w bingtism thrseysarold gelding or flllyi nail ull- ilea oknkiul ptbiodii llrood tnaret loo a wiikji la carry percy marua spring coin 00 currle j u mcdonald l west on yearold gelding or flllyi b j locker twoyearold galling or filly t ashanhurst bros w it allan percy martin ukavy imulm is ilsnwias rpaa of heavy draught mores or gelding 1 ashsn- hursbbro r tuck span of agricul tural tnares or gilding 1 arthur 8 wllsau peter peddle j it watson efpsn of general purpose mares or geldings 1 a huater wm boott k boa u lur- bsrree lioiiv honwucutisiank brood ware 1 a m uofberson donald mclean d rohsrtsau co bprlng colli a m molbsrsaa geo a wiuon d robertson one yearold gelding or illy 1 denial whit ley twoyear old gsldlng or filly ia m mophamon ronahl mcdonald mr v mcoullum rnsirfssuroodmarei manubror jkerfjdmcdoasjd oprtngoclt luana bros jas e campbell j ii allan twoyear old gelding or flllyi w bhaw james kaough lmiiv hosjca iw ilaangss jl osr- rlige 8 yearold gelding or ally t karl wilson mark clivea a m mclnerson single oarrlsge more or gsldlag 1 wm c howard ixioald uclesn span osrtuge nurse or geldings 1 j f huiband j o uoffal threeyear old roadster gelding or ally 1 a l chtmbere n devereeuv r talbot a son single rosdtter more or gelding 1 va uaelop jno campbell span roadster more or gelding v a heaton a ii dolsan b robertson k co bsddte horse mare or gelding t w u besssy w w msthftson whesur k lawson tauuior bntun in the qqo class trot or pace 1 1st j modowell oeo isuwn- da 1 2nd j me blaok bi 3rd p kelloy vlotoru poem time 23lf in th 235 class trot or po 1 ut james ulllls ouslph sidney mack j 2nd j haffy tottenham tborn luh 3rd ii raymond uaj ihrtel time 2301 bruiaui beet team of boraesi arthur wilson best high stepping bo in hamss 1 j v husband earl wlton most stylish horse iu harness t w a howard best lady driven mis johnston best express or delivery ttorei w k beott bon mec a wilson best single turnout t j it hus band john campbell best groocaed i horse 01 grounds 1 wm bnyder best single driver 1 wm synder kovelty race 1 a young w ii allan best pony and outfit 1 leslie as pearw best spring colts 1 a m uepbereou mann bros best and rosiest single road horse 1 it a llsslon beet lady driver 1 mum liven mr w bnyder csrriji ihuliauh cow any age 1 las lleev 1earen j d mcdonald cow 3 year 1 feell sv lvsren j d modonavi twent yea aoo prom our issue of tho proo press of thursday ootobor 3th 1806 judge hamilton mad hla arab visit to acton hub wook in connection wlih the diualou court ac ton im in listo biiotlier lawyer mr a d mackinnon ii a lwruter has d 60 id u i to oi in me ii co tho praatlo of hla pro febalon hero iio will niwn mi olllco above kcpmanu store in uluiutu fortnht children day uorvlce by knnx lliurrh hjlibftth hthool on kumliay uuu largely at ilewt h wrents ard frlonda of the scholars the aiumblys prog raw mo was fallowed b the scliool aud un oildraaa was given to the young poplo by hav j w itauj and ouu latho children by mr 11 p moore about a hundred lxuttlul itouquota of out flowora war contributed which warn tent ncx day 6 the hick chltdrena ifoajilu 1 into mr wm mcphall buperliitendent welded tit jjsrterly itavlw furvio in ui meuiodut flunday bchool but sunday took tli form of a welcome service ss wll and th sotiool room was taxed to accon-mo- latetheattendsnoe tbe reoord lielng 2h1 tliefastur of the urvio was tlie review conducted by mrs t ii couloti kden miiu who la a talented flunday bchool worker revs howell and llrye apeka to a vote of thank a to mrs conlaoti acton chautauqua literary and hountl- a circle has been organlied for its four tli yr to mot eacli vrlday evsnlng frocd oct lit until tlie end of june president 11 p moore i director of programme r urmi kacrbury c h moor- treosurcrmua uttle k bpighl tlie store of mr tluw d coulon kden ull la was sntsrad by burglara on tuesday night or sarly wednesday morn ing of but week and also the stomaof mr btliiaon and mr paumor rockwoal atimv school rkiout mr t t moores room win arnold j jin moor prid fftorey jsaal harvey tzdwin pjancla choa molm arthur hmith italay nlcklln maul iu to henderson fllth nlcklln little ibbjg jan ouruc miss mclliairs roomi miuni art burn ilobona wallac john bauar john arlliurs willie laird msbl bopr ettl uclkiiiabl lluietiardiner mia i k pattersons room iorvill miller wlllu harding brant bwackliomsr plorence hoper jci btepbenaon ida laird alice bescoby myrtl m at lbs w a alio lewis mua m k kelaons room ettle matthewa philip holm jeonla camp bell mabel fdmlatofl angl mccano tillle ningliam waller mcleunau harobi nlcklln carrol mason lnhmsbtituoi mine iambi alloa brown maggie barnes maud wstklns mabel auxan der raima ciiuaron utile mcdonald pranesa townseml jamas mcdonald kelli rrown willi bnyder i j 111 cree- more dolly mcdonald tommy creamor haul jlhhono prl alexander miss j modonald teacher di huh sniom andrew arthurs george wallace willie mullln herliert mclseao chssur wal laoa bert mullln rella arthur minni boniarvllla cossie mullioltand j d keith james carty oeorg rouolier m k btewart pearl somervllle joemulbolland alio keith ethel 0 prowl mabel bwallow leo mtdgely tescbsr bouk hkau in erin u bsptember ewtb to mr and mrs henry near a son oaubik in erin on september 20tk to mr and mr w 0 oambl a ton sruou t in isquealng on september 30th to mr and mrs ilobl bprowl a daugh ter bwac kiiauku in grin on octolier 1st to mr sml mr austin swackhaueason anaiia in nerval on september 22nd to mr and mr w h adams a daughter mahsiiaix in liualiouse on bsptember 21th to mr and mrs richard marshall a daughter dinn maiuiimm at llurhouse on baptsmbr qflth infant daughter of mr and mr it marshall ii gaugod homeutlng las tha and nftnn mora refhiad blgu of man where man ia auigrtil and lewi n traitors mind llfo alone the heart cmi truut nor bribed whor riches clog diving lot for meager cruat all gratefulneax tit dog soul denied therein dlaputa through walla of tlmn id reach ami change this friend from form of hrut and givalilm human ajmecb tituiu inob fuitbfnl gift to man ununoht in itolufouiio part of lloi dlviuomt plnn kxprejaloned in a dog hinalliieaa born of atrlfn forget porglve to lasting end oooducaa taught ty kltideht pet ttiedog n human friend cidch yimtt cldor barruls ululi tho woodshed a frothln et tlio buug hoys with atruws atbeorblu llquld- i wubt that i was young lay in hat upon a barrl tuck in julco today and jou old chum was puupln with tuo cool aud wrt tut clovr botuy f iihcious limpid nlc i luts or quart a f n as waur- cuilt you fl it ckcta and kind o trickle down roar gullet kama ns long ago alii t it fun to think about it joat as if twa sol jab btultb in lturl ifarmaw jure sighs the usual group wu gathered round the stove in tlie corner stor and the folk fell on domeatln discipline i always know when my wifes colng to have the minister and his wire to tea said mr hill glooml ly bauis alf i couldnt do a thing right far days before liend blieu apeak nf the way i brush tuy hair and how im nob careful enough about hruahlng my clothes and what poor table manner ive got bow strange and awkward i use my fork and so on i tell you im ebouh best out by tbe ume she tells me uieyr coming that nlghl my wife takes it out in dusting and scrubbing asld mr bounders and earns to me shes right after ma with dustpan ami brush every wlnuteaml every step i take for days i liavo to walk name a if there was an invaleed in th house for fear my tread will leave a mark some where i dont take a mite of comfort for two or three days slies at me so thats how i always know whan shes going to hate em over to our houie lb new recipes aald ur romsdall and everybody looked sympathetic when ive eat something ive ntvtr bad before for three dsya ruu nlng sometime beuera sotneumes worse mad she tiuestlonr me sharp as to which way i ilk tb best and whether id advise more or lees flavoring i always know the minister awl his wife are on the way so to apeak ive gob another way of ulllog sold mr peter his shrewd eld see assuming an inscrutable look its nothing bo do with tho house nor the table nor me nor the children nor dusting nor any such works well speak out i aald mr romsdell impabunuy dont look an knowledge able for lb tnoren i can lear well suppose she planning to have em for supper on thursday began mr vetera with great deliberation on tues day morning about sight oclock she sets me to ironing while she goes and invites em that lutw i know i bkm1hisc op actoh iiv juih v ahkvv waluetltoh boms urn sgow bsi visiting your town i took a danour by uy sl taking nou of tlie many eliangni uiat hav ukan plc line my boyhood in th village on cross lug th railroad going south on main btrot i remember th farm house in which llva 1 mr john 7immrmh allir- ward owosd by mr auxoimi brows now owned by mr john c kelson on th farm near where tba little k cross tli road uier was a small taaawy which was worked by robert 7liuinrmai in which many eld- of good leather vws unned tb custom then was for th far- msr to bring uia whole hid of tli snimsl to ui tannery 11 1 la was tanned the for- msrgaltidg on half and tli unner the other half for bis trouble tli la building lias long sgo disappeared not far from thfa there was a ball built by ui bona nf temperano who in tliea days exerted an influents for good and tli results can still be traced in ui succeeding generations of the families in- terwcd wlio took an actite part in tb temperance question this ball was also used by many for holding religious moot ing in which msny of the pcopl of tbe town took part doing on souuierly uier was a bouse owned by mr alexander grant who was generally known as bqulr j rant belog one of the early msglstratss of uie com muulty or bandy grant not in a dlsr pectlul way but as hi famllbrnam waa known this houea waa a home manva time to the student who preached in the early day in knox presbytenss church near thin liouss mr grant hod a small shoemakers ahop in which lie mode many an hoaeab pair of uioea and boots out of tb leather uupplled by ui former ac cording to the custom of tlie urn tb writer well and kindly remembers mr grunt as it was lie who induced me to study lstm as it was taught in the days on hla making tlie suggestion to ma i told him i had no money to buy a latin grammar ha at once handed me three shilling and nine pence 78 cents and told me to go to mr iuvldson attoro- keeper who frequently went to hamilton ami ask hlu to bring me a book which he did icon never forget this act of kind going still southerly tlier woe a blsck- sultb shop owned hy mr thomas overton in which lie worked many a day making the anvil ring aftercrosslng a narrow lane uier was a house used as a school house ondameeung house this bouse is still standing and apparently in good repair at least out wardly tha writer remembers attending a methodist service there i cant toy now how long ago but i do remember the hearty aluglng from the goad old weslsysa hymn book which lias been superceded but never surpassed next to tbitf there was a lot about which utera was agobdsalcjcuntlon and herd feeling which the writer cannot now very wall recoil tbe lot was bought for ft church site far the piesbyterun church and on which a church was built bub for or by some aaasau a sohoolbouse we bullb on uie north east corner of the lot and was used as such for a long ume in foot unui the neclsus of the present scltool was hulll tlie old church is still oa tha same lot being converted into dwellings hub tba scltoolhous was moved away to a lob south westerly from the railway btstlon by the late ool wu allan and tleslgnot ed alma castle ctuunutj utjtt ttwvjm a woman never feel absolutely sure that her bui bond fia loose habits until become homeught faith may be all right in us plaee but t doesnt enable a man to deliver th goods on acbedale um internal parasite in the shape of worm in uie itattuob and bowels of children up their vitality and retard physical develop menl they keep tha child in a eonstan state of unrest and if nob attended to en danger life tbe child can lie spared much suffering and tho mouier much anxiety by the best worm remedy that can lie got millers worm powder which are sure death to worms in any shape asthma no longer dreaded tli dread of renewed atuckw from asthma has no hold upon those who have learned to rely upon dr j ix kjellogg asthma remedy so safe do they ful that oomplet reliance t placed on this true apeclflo with th certainty that it will always do all that it mukera claim if youbnu nob yet learn ed how safe yon are with uils preparation ab hand get it today and know for your self

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