Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1915, p. 2

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uti it amon ii monday with hop eml o mratiil mr john i martin nuiiulhrlloiitrlomiilrwlkllciilmitli married air inltn at tlin nbldeiica of tit hrldou lumilllu mjcoiki linn erin nu wotlmiliiy mud hciitmnw by hv goo av hintlltnrmnn john allun uoh of willlnm alliiu trt myrtio daughter of jnlm mitii all of ijrhi diavvhiiiomi at i lid homtiof thtthrid luiroiilu tlilril dim kwiiioalng on wed nesday jind huntniiitmr by hv j c wiuim ii a etereu denny won of jnlm denny to hnwy ihiiighterof llolwrt hprowl nil of enqueuing fliilniiisutis amu ioiiiv at tlio residence of tlio hrldoa innitp acton on wed nesday hcijluiulmr wttil by itev 11 w a son ai a i i gold wit bhenrlng- ton of ilrunlford to mary a daughter of j run on u anderson acton watwivhi mt at ilia homo of the hrldei iwninta leka avouuo acton 011 wed nawlnj mth hapieitilier ly ilev h w aviaou m a it lhmrhy wataoii boii al itoltort watson fourth lino kuiueing to kinhia daughter of w t hurt mini u aiiimmiw at ilio raldetioe of mr inmoi h anderson brother- in lw or tlio bride mill htreat aoton on wulilwday heptoinber iiud by hv h w avimhi m a h samuel j millar of ham 1 1 ton to mis ama j ailnmoau liuiuut mattiiiwh on wednesday september inili iois at tha paraonoge htllaburg by the itev j i htepuns ada may youugt daughter of tha uu ivur xlatihaws to frexlanthert ton of it 1 laiuurt of erin township mtuiui ti iik k on tuwly 12flli bap- itmur iois iy luv t ii iveoa utor of tit bride auuj iy luv t alurt moot l d father of tlio groom nt tlio rwidanoa of mrs walur ira in ire grandmother of tu hrtde ijaut- harry n muoro ol the montreal llally hur editorial huff to ml- aunia bed dick ohiv daughter of itotmt lujdlek m d of winchester ontario died iuptii inguelph onthurlayhpiad u wtfo of alfrwl si yar llav leniber hi george a i lin in li ywr iii m ml iii krln towntlilp o uartdftv bdpuuiur jto hiidofl liltinu tfj tw yfar kntli at tli boam of bw fillvw lujrdiuora cmit aotmi louu iaatltaai wif of alfaaxa nodwl 31 yra ilitku at mlml moiiitou oaeutuhldy udpumluur lktlt mr clarity miaow itimii luu tuunliurcf ilsuujoliuabd littler yiituimtatit ajrwl 7 y- ffilje rtort yt tiiuilhdaw hkitkuiiku m 1015 editorial hoteij ih mi tus alx uoatkujl juu sotb 1015 uiirty elflu rurmn wm kilui and thirtyfour wm lnjord on uk grbd trunk itallway wliiu ttaapualu oa itfl ryoparty in canada all but a mxtill par oantagd of audi portona wr cltlioaa of of tb oouttiunltlaa in whlob tby wr klllad and injurftd ixulnaw taau uborors mad paopla ginirtlly otitig th oowpanys tracks and yardi aa walk vaya far tbalr ovn convenlanoa in the dluumion on social probltm at tha mooting of tha toral synod of the angliclancliuru in toronto oa saturday luv v carrutltara of edmonton fd it i tlm tb cliurolt bail only oua opinion on ooolal and moral jiroblonia it wu ikooauw tlifl otmrahm ooopanat in atltartu tbatwe werabl to carry prolillil- tlan if wa all got togttiwe w would won itavo every 1rovlnoo in canada dry if man daw not liko tlte report of tlt social and moral reform coiuuiltuw ba should stay away or jfot out of tbs cliurcu wul not hinder tha progroat of rafomi uniting in their missionary interests an interdehomlntlotiftl banquet to ba hold in aoton on october 26th poh tub hem of thb churches a very inlamatlnrmwunff of tha ulnuv ten and hnreaantatlva layman of tha ohurchm in town wo held in tha oohool room of the luptlol cliuroh on monday evening to oanaldflr tlio holding of an inter tlanoniuatfoiud banfiuet here mr ii r moore wa elaoted oltalrman and mr j l warraa secretary mr ii k caakey ueneral beoretary of tha ijiyinonn mtulonary movement to- ronto waa preenland in vary inureattng word explained tha vatua of tha coming together of tha men of the various oburohee at a liamiuet from a oacla kuiuirialnt and tlio irippiratlon which engendered from praotioal addreaim on mlaiuonary tlienua by men of experience it wan decided to bold a banquet on uomlay availing lulth october it will be held in the mothodut kchool room and two prominent apeakem will ba eeourl a oommlttea on orraogemeat was ai- polntetl as follows i john r kennedy rapreaeittlng tlio iveahyterhui cburobi j 1 warreu tha ilanthit churoh ohos a moore tlio anglican church and ii moore tha method lt church tha following werarepmoenutlvea who attemled tha ueetjug i anglican ohurth lev a o e smith m a and mr obas a moora luptlat church jamea l worwa metliodut church llev if w avlooa m a a n j a coleman a t urowu and ii 1 moora ltahytarlan ohumhitev j a wji- son u a and john r keunajy massaoaweva lb was vary fitting that tha apleodidj patrloljo fund oampalgn by whlob kanaa- gaweya led tha towaahlpa ol tha county by htulug over 96000 oltould ba followed by a patrlotlo gatlierlng under the auaploes of tha womans iiwtfluto ol tha townohlp on tueulay evening u highly latormtlntf and iery enjoynhla event was held in tha towuhlp hall at urookvllla tha progiramtiia whlob won lengthy and oieelunt won presided over with couauu- uaiaaklll mud ability by mra vtetobar lvdenb ol tlta iithtltuto ootuprd wealth of plendld huuiber by tha motho- i dlot sunday hohaol orcheatra aototi uitt mia mawxi mlu may wildguu hiu i uaour awly frank kir w dowdy limehoum mr iwiy kltohlng uiah marauall and otltero mr loorire htvilt wutrlot baorury of tha iiittltuta ami if v moora j 1 g brief iatrlotlo ij dreoma mr john mnrditdl ihwl in ucll- wordad tertno uin tbauku of tlio intiutluiu of thelimtltuut tull who hud ukan mit in the iwuttodltig tho iiiliirimiiitiiiolloii conclude wph lhmrui t r farewell to rev s howartu tho congrogatlort of thu baptist churoh did an affootlonntooood- byo to tho if pnotor phesentatioh to mrs howartu a kofllaloveuiiijr witn kjuiiii on monday nt tlin homo of mr und mm faititih i wnrron mlllhtroot togle tlio oanurll t ion of tlio llapttbl cliuroh nil opjwrtntilty of amiidliig a farouell hour or vn with itev and mix ifowartli prior to choir rdmoiul tomuakinaucity midi an iitardftlnit prokraiiiino prooadiml the nerving of rofrtilmioiit kindly woulu of appreolatlouand rirowell warn ujioknii by rov ii w avlaan m a ii 1 rev j c wilson ii a ii i moore j v and mr t l- warren at tlin nlobe of mr warrenu ronutrks a piiru of money wan premiiud to xira ifowartli on boliulf of tho congregation mr wurrenimd it wu with genuine re- gret ihecliurch here wan iaying farewell in tliapuaior uho ling givo mich faithful andefllclont uiiriioe during tlia jwt two year ln mr howarth tnado a vary fitting mply to tha words that had boon ajioken lie rfrttjl iftavlng acton wliere the friendaln the church and out of it have tteen to uniformly kind to him and to bin family me hail enjoyed tils maldenoa bar in removing to a irgr tlin ol uufulueu ha felt tliat ha was hontly following tha gleam and bo hopd for 4uoea in hie new held ma thanked lie eotigrtation for their thoughtful remem- hronoa to lira llowartli end oald tliey would alwaya rvtitemlter tlia many kind frurtda they are leaving in aoton tha proceedings of tha eteulng wor inunparvod with coloa and duats by mr 1 t mouuir aiul luv and mra how arth an hour of pfeaunt aocial intaroourma waa apmt ami dainty rafrwiuienu wr arvad at the chuj a most enjoyable concert the pajf night undo a now hooord pjr suooou sflendid taint pleased all there waa ampla manifmtation on tfaarvday avenlhg tliat tlia leopta of title oonimunlty apprecfato first claaa talent whan aecurad far a publio funotlon tba voir kight couotrt hod a record atund- aooa aud tlia ootawitue in charge have tha gratifying svperianoe that they provld- ad a highly enjoyabla evenings entartain- uent and at tlia uim time eulianood very appraclably tlia uet receipts of tlia voll fair traoaury tba otturlalner of tlia avenlng all enjoy wida repuutlon for tha production of blgfa- claaa and at tlia tama tima popular aourtalnmauta mahal manley piokard la no atranger to an aotoo awllenoe 8i10 iuls repeatedly appeared at conoorta tiers and koa never failed to win the appreciation of tlia audl- anoa her clionning nuuhera on this occasion brought out tba axoalleut rjuali- ties of tier sweat and carefully cultured aaprano voloa and liar plaaaing manner won her new friends upon apparanc for her drat number tha voloa of spring her succeeding ealaotlon were moat cordi ally received and liar encores geooroualy reeponded to aiu mlldrud walker hasatso appeared bora before on her previous vigil iter repertoire was much enjoyed and on this occasion her tiumbers were equally appre ciated- her flno voloa la under perfect oontrol and bar interpretation of tlia char acters la tho various sketches preaenled was both skilful and true to ufa her military and patriotic numbers brought down tlia houoe it is a compliment to eddie ilgott that after ida numerous visits to acton lie was still in such favor that tha dlooemlng com mitted felt warranted n making this engagement ha lived up to his alogen 1 something new something funny acme- thing really worth tha money every mlnuta ha occupied tha stsga ha is gen erally dubbed canadas harry lauder and ba acta well tlia understudya port ha has a wide range of transforming costumes and bin impersonations were ex oeediugly well depicted kvery number ha gave was honored with an encore in miss lorenoe mckay wu made vty happy choice of a plan hit and accompanist miss maokay la ajt accomplished musician ami not only execu tsdher parts i n aawolatlnn with the other artists with great ability bub greatly pleajed ibe audiences with bar piano solos 1 marohe mill tare from schubert and tha sextette from donlxaitia lucia the commit tea which provided tills concert which attracted an audience which taxed tha capacity of tha hall was messrs murrey mauouatd william johnstone aud john ii kennedy ruuir news vadll iiiauudit oficil oauultja and preurvlna timt doua all iboufcb sous seed svsti vl ls cwalufct tiias wl iwamrvoil autrielaaj to laal for ar lou i j set wowutly ua not fr ual irm lv fa dallalous aul e uufi afif hbouui br 1 the abalwm for lbri r jlie i liiu ecuilua wluuir rial duioek faaeliaa laiml and on of ilia teal or eauuluy uila iuhi waab if vou aan hill ul a few uiwittaa uk tuam hems rmkl iwuum ara still available do not fw our aoldlara lit t4w s tat ui bhi dnmiuuhleale uiagauadiau cuuli or uad oroa urouob beyond question tho untlrlngeaortacf see hydna and his staff togetlier with the ideal weather whloh prevailed on wednes day and thursday were large factor in helping to make tha aoton fair a sucoeae tfale year tluelph mercury another very suc cessful pall fair largest attendance and gato rocoipu aoton pair ever had the lit op the prize takers cfihilnul ram llgt i two yearold heihtr 1 lealle k lvutren j i molknmld oneyear old heifer 1 is- he tu inumii j l mcdonald hull 1 yean it m hrown lljll calf t imlle a icaren v martin ji moltouatd herd 1 fwlle a lwren j 1 mollouald- asv hhiiii oyhuu tmam llrmiau nu iviiikn awni h cow any ogi 1 w j alexander j i modonah cow 1 year 1 j 1 medonald tmoymfoid heifer 1 w j alnkiirilr j 1 uodonald ouoyoar old heifer v j alexander j i modouam hcifor calf w j alex ander j i xloltonau juaiui lulry cow 1 it k hrown w j auxandar iomy mortlu cow tlirea yoam and oter j i xloltonald lwy martin thoyear old heifer 1 r n hrown ronald mcdonald oneynar old imilfar 1 erneat k crlpjw j no faille haireroalfi j i madaitah llonald mc donald fat beast 1 laslle iwren h n drown firfa iah oroile cow and calf 1 knteatk crlpps iarcy martin silkl lmi kkyfcuoullwioia ram 1 w mullin bon hltearling ram 1 james clark hon raut latnli 1 james clark k ron win mullin k son one ewe 1 jan chuksron wm mullin a son bliear- llng ewe 1 james clark k son win mullin sod kwe lamb 1 james clark bon wm mullin it boa coywuii rairt 1 wu lvttorwki shearling ram 1 wm rsllanon ram iamb 1 wu patteraon oa we 1 wm iaturaon shearling lamb 1 wm patter- son ewe iamb 1 wm patterson oxuun mhram 1 h young st son ilruca mcklnnon shearling ram 1 j j kluulou ilruca mokinnon ram larob 1 j o kluutoo 8 young k son oiiaewe 1 j o elunlon b youngbron shearling ewe 1 j j eluutoo s voting k ron ewa iamb 1 j o el union b young k ran ijou h aw nueku shearling raw arthur h wilson ram iamb arthur b wilson one ewe 1 arthur r wiuoo rliearllng ewe 1 arthur h wiuon ewe umb 1 arthur h wilaon imia henkhiiihktt heart ii j kerr roar iois 1 it j kerr 1l h luid haw 1 it ii raid it j kerr sow 1018 r j kerr r ii raid roar and two sows 1 it j korr r ii raid vouumirkii boar 1 a young r j kerr roar i0ih t r j kerr jno las lle bow 1 jna laelle r j kerr bow 1018 1 it j kerr ronau molfenajj roar and two sown t r j kerr a young tamwoktuu boor 1011 j o klun- ton ronald mcdonald bow 1 ronald malloaald row lojfli ronald mo donald j o ellenton door and two aawa 1 roaau mcdonald j ellenton luntiiv orpington cock 1 jasfiddlsr e e patterson orpington hen 1 jos viddler e e patterson orpington chick 1 jaa fiddler w if allan or plogton pullet 1 w ii allan jaa fiddler rhode island rod cook 1 w o hayes h e patterson rhode island red lien i e e wtterson w j alaiander rhode island red chick 1 e e pattarean w ii allan rliode laund red pullet 1 w j hayes nallgilha a c while leg horn ooek 1 jos fuldlor w c ihvenll a c white leghorn hen 1 jos fiddler w a ikiverell b a while leghorn chick jas clddler w a deverell a c white leghorn pullet t w a deverell w ii allan brown leaborn cock 1 e- e 1attereon ceo wilds brown leg horn hen 1 e k lalurean lea wilde brown leghorn chick t ua wilde e e patteraoa brown leghorti pullet 1 geo- wilds k e paueraoa white wyandotte cock 1 e e pettreon a young white wyandotte ben kelt clllles a young while wyandotte chick 1 w ii allan a voueg white wyandotte pullet a young w h allan any other wyaa- dotuoock t e e paitoreon nell amies any otlier wyandotu ben 1 e e petter- eoa nell jillias any other wyuiulotte chick 1 e k peturaon neil uilllee any other wyandotte pullet 1 e e patterson neil nillles mlnorcaoook t joe riddur w ii allan minorca lent jaa vfddler nell uilllee minorca chick 1 w ii allan nell tuiuea minorca pullet t jex fiddler w ii allan barred plymouth rook cock 1 w j alexander w ii allan barred plymouth rock hen t neil 01 iii w j alexander barred ply mouth rook chick 1 a young w j alexander barred plymouth rock pulleti w ii allan a young- any other rock ooek 1 ja fiddler e el ivtteraon any other rook ben 1 nell ulllla joe fiddler any other rock chick i w il allan nell ijuius any other rook pullet 1 w it allan k e ieuereon any other kind not mentioned cook 1 e e wltereou jeo wilds any other kind not mention ed lien 1 a young it uodoaald any other kind nob mentioned chlok 1 geo wilds k e littroa any other kind not mentioned pullet 1 it mcdooald ueo wilds han lam ooek t nell will tea w ii allan bantam ben nell cjlllle e k wttereon bantam chlok 1 e e pkt- tereon oeo wilds bantam pullet 1 e e pettereon w ii allen rouen ducks old male 1 e b fattereou t makeuile tlouen ducks old female 1 e e lutteraon v mokemle rouen ducks young tnale t ronau mcdonald neil ollllee rouen ducks young female 1 percy martin ron aid mcdonald wklddacj old male 1 b e wturaon t mrkennlo pcklu diiohi- old femalnt t mckenula noll oilllc pakin duoks jjintg ulo 1 t rouormin pekiu dunk young fooialo 1 melt ollllw e e pdturaoti indian riiuiior illickh old umlrt 1 e e pattoraon neil ijiiiioh indian runner ilttoku old fomttltt 1 nell ollliea e e pattenton imllmi rui ducks young malo 1 j i elloiiton nell ollllno indian runner duokn young female 1 j 1 ellenton e e lattcrmn oeeae male i iercy maitili noll ihuou oeeimi famala t b j loolior e e 1attcr- son turkey mala e e paturnan w ii allan tmkoy female 1 w if allan e ii paltormoii uuafs whlto wluur wlieat h e iriilln b w hlnulmm rei winter wheat 1 it n rrowu sprluu whoutt s w itluglutm r talliot san largo mas 1 a young nell ohm- white oats 1 a b jriflln w 1 amamder rarlny alx rowed 1 s e criilni h w lllnghsm indian rem h j locker r talbot k son bwoet corn 1 lcullo peareli a ieavay euhlliiuecgrit r talbot 4e bon w 1 alexander whlto lieans t italia k pearen w 11 ilayeu reaus any otlier kiiul 1 eealfn 81 1 car 11 drain in sheaf w uirgham umo it lwen collection of grain 1 b w ring- ham lunirs ami vkiikyauljj ijuly iwlatoea any variety 1 ueo sklnusr h w ring ham late potatoes any variety 1 u w ujngham mr j a mowat long red carrots 1 ueo boper a w ringhani- bhort barn carrots 1 ceo boper h j lacker bweila turnips 1 r talbot u bon lwroy martin heavleai turnlrw thoa p welkins r tuluot k hon otlier turnliwi percy martin r talbot k sou paratiipa 1 r tall tot a hon ooo skinner long red mangold wurlul lea skinner il talbot son uioim wangold wurtaal 1 jeo flkiunar r talbot 4 bon sugar beet or sugar mangold o hklnnar it talbot it ban table beets 1 a lalnloeo skinner cabbage white 1 je aklnner a v vma cabbage nxl coo hk lunar a laird calory 1 dec bkinnar a laird cauliflower a laird jeo skinner puuinklns t ooo skinner r talbot ft bon squashes tabic r talbot k son oeo skinner onloni white 1 oeo skinner s j locker onions red r talbot k son ilea skin tier onions any otlier variety 1 r- talbot a san oeo bk inner- tomatoaa 1 jno it watson a f forth citrons 1 ceo skinner it talbot a bon rtdialiefli a y yota collection vegetables 1 oeo sklnnar mrs j e oamble- fwuit bnow apples 1 percy martin colvorts 1 jna momlllan oeo wilds baldwins t percy martin jna mcmillan northern bpy 1 jno- mcmillan neil gillies king or tompkins 1 john mo mlllan percy martin mann apple 1 j memillon rusoett 1 john aiomhun luiode island greens 1 john mcmillan fall apples six varieties named nell glllleo winter apples alx varieties named 1 neil gillies john mcmillan crab apples neil glllleo percy martin fall pears 1 jna momlllan leslie ft pearen winter pears t jno mcmillan mums lombards 1 percy martin mlas b a gordon plums gage any variety neil olllles mum dredahew mrs f mocallum black grapes 1 mis j e- oauble daihy crook butler not leas than 10 iba 1 a j locker fiva lbs butter in prints 1 s j looker a poavoy hrtciali ten lb pell or crock butter mies a scott 10 lb butur crock miss asoott 6 lb butur 1 mre- f mocal lum 10 lb butter t miss a scott 10 iba butter in blocks 1 john crawsliaw 10 ibe butter 1 mru fmcuallura lolba crock butter t miss agnes scott it lbs roll butter 1 a j locker s lbs butter 1 a j locker 3 ona- pound rolls 1 it n brown 2 lbs butter 1 mus agnes soott douurnc lhopiicn colleetion canned fruit 1 leslie ev pearen mre j e oamble three bottlee hobiamajl pickles 1 leslla to pearen a j locker crape wine home made o it plattftfeon mrs j e gamble luspberry wine hotnemade 1 a poavoy mr j l gamble honey ex tracted 1 tieo skinner maple syrup 1 leslie a peeren a j locker loaf homemade breed 1 w james j l war ren hotoeuede buna 1 j l- warren mies a a gordon homemade tee biscuits 1 mies h a gordon a j loot or pumpkin pie 1 mr j e gamble percy martin apple pie 1 a w bingham mre j e gamble lnycr cake 1 o it patterson mr w hall lemon tarts 1 mre j a mowat b j locker collec- tlon fancy taking 1 a j locker george boper mr j a mowat lvuud home- made candy t a woodhell mre w if stewart piahidexi fuiukjuj collection home puateln pate 1 mrs thoa scott mrs j e oauue fueohla in bloom 1 mrs t hoott mr j a mowat begonia rex t mr thoa scott begonia flowering t c woodhall mre j e gamble mrs j a mowat petunia elngle 1 mrs j e gamble geranium double 1 mrs j e gamble hatlle lindsay geranium single 1 mre w d smith mrv j a mowat c woodhall- ferns 1 mrs thoa soott mies agnes hoott mr if p moore folugee 1 c woodhall mrs j k oamble mis agnes soott ctv fuiukus astera 1 it n brown mr thoa 1 soott mr james symon gladiolus 1 mr ii p moore a peavoy mre j e gamble dahlias 1 a a bing ham mr w d smith mr j ii gamble sweet poo 1 mr j e- gamble phlox 1 mr thoa boolt a 1eevoy mr j e ooulde ivtunle 1 a leevoy mrs j e gamble stacks 1 a peavoy ver beuaa 1 mr j k jamble a w ring- harm a pvoy bouquet 1 mr a thoa ictuttlnitfj cm pajp new fall goods every department in tlio tore i alive thin week with bright new goods the pick o the market in their respective linen nw pall dbcss goods in all the- beut hades and fahricu bourjht early and boufiht right grand valueu in the market io today nw staples including bright and attractive lines of wrapperettcu kimona clotlm flannclettcn uhcctingu etc hns and novs pubnisiiinfis new caps new hats new neckwear new shirts new underwear new hose new suits tweeds and wousteds very attractive linen henderson co mill si acton ont fire fire fire stop look greater rgductkons ti7ute is limited owino to my stock being putlally destroyed by ilro on sunjay morning bcplcnibcr lath um tho balanco amounting to siooaoo damaged by nmoko and water i am putting on milo thlu amount of giooooo worth of hale capo sultn underwear waterproof coulu working shirts ncgllgu ghlrta dreoa shirts sweater coalo overallu odd panu llrucoubandu garteru cuff biittouo tie cllpa collar biiltous silk and wool ttux and many other articled spaco will not permit a complete- euumera tlonoftho numerous lines wo are offering- io clerks wanted thkec pabcel ooys wanted apply at store this stock includes all the new kail wear and it is only bliglitly damaged buy now dont be sure at your neighbor consider these attractive snaps 1200 waterproof coats 130 2000 suits of clothes 008 125 underwear all wool win- tcr weight for 671 75c fleece lined underwear i9 hats up to 250 or 2tt as im dress shirts negligee shirts up to 6e 9 to 80c handkerchiefs reg 10c for t ties regular 50c and 75c will go from 5c to 20c hook on ties regular 25c for l lor sc working shirts regular up to 1 00 39c sox pure wool and cashmere reg up to 75 for is up to 39c odd pants at your own price pale commenced thursday september 23rd and continues until the stock in all sold w c mill st acton deverell clothing and furnishin gs c c speight for uptodatc goods the hade in canada rin sulverwain in tttblwarw vartsty alito ktna cutlery hardware ytawara and gsan hawara in vartaty pandora stovaa and rana pamoua haatara small stovaa oil stovaa every article is of excep tional value c a speight uiii slrwl autos perfect preserves wl claw jelllm in made with lantic auiar became it l pan can ol antra una granulation kept abwlutely claaa and irtt tram dirt and pack by original packaf f iliad at tba military 1 lb aad s lb etuu md 10 lb aad 20 lb ban 100 lb bajp cearmr kraaulallda wlgbt ruarated buy id original packago and look tor tba lantic red ball on each packaga leaiiticsugar llsz seen yew nddreee mu eutal tted rail trade mark tvow bttg or to attal of couiesi and we will tueil yeej book ar 0o saoiml fruit jur lutouprlnte mad ganumed rceuly to peit om um ar attasrtlc htauf fteflafrua uamfted moktsbal qutt t johh n h i grand trunks tmvuuc tkack all vhc wav torontochicago toronto- montreal von chicago lcrwii toitonto floo u in 000 p in nun 114s p 111 dally rom hontuidaid leave to k onto g00 n m bo p in and 1100 p m daily erjulpmuiit thu finest oh nil truim- panama faoivio kxpogirfon rducid fnrtiit to satl pruiiclkto lou auuiilwinnd sun olek- pull pfirtlciilnin und imtiii rtmirvjulcim oil application to agciith i s holme agent paarib no 13

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