Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1915, p. 3

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jlltv fprrlullut h ris 111 ii 10 loltt tems ot fjffll day a putting on joj renewed n iiiadaliaahuou sun lit of piito ii lis front atiowulghtq plants and o monday u ng recruited is aclon music for tla u hoan struck r nth five par paldtaxhilla khoacouteu iojlit church anuuiiclng at 1 rl tho iun i if hu ruo lltl caukag d purcluwd o of tho late mrionca mr i nought llio branchc lusters of rijio kamlnl ami is curmulus iter ii hlinp- pli mercury iio avcnienti tell chamber clock on in h elver- all tportamsn to ilcial law has tlio uliootlng of bquirrels un- in which tlio fulr ilia work tod and there is g on every win- school etudonta wrote on tlio for entrance into ran oil a pass in tlie town- inform secretary anco of tlio lanco at school kwuoalngiair a who left now cliftrgo at district albert on worshlpp- alrcmly succeed- put inpropar- church noi uitl th itoj fn st albans avoiilng ooto- if lummoml ntsrlo will lie scouts has torijf alllliatod with tho r hum mo ml of mating tlio un u one of hoout 1 tally nt and lu ono of ultli llio can ho an inter- of bay scouts in jiiijfloud id tlinir will iio o t board- to the public diild3 un ptinoakoh in tnt thorn 1 mcas tlie i cnn now cab lint lucsd lino f clbtnitn in- uoiwinmullntho ox til aiden meal sud inn n ncd o 11 fo mlul is sold uitil j j tltuftjjation of luanim put to foil jlmln fiii a great hood il ft local romuiloj arid mo utlli loom il inoi ndilo in 10 b f instll- biro rrmilr soon- c itorrh units i clni fcco v cotihtll ttotlrt laltolllhli lially loud nml i uoous tlioy nfi t ono hm it laitst 10um louliiivni km kyi rf co aliiynl la kyi of cnuti utlou news of local import fwurth longtio mo social tmt tnil lli pumpkin mo social to liold in tho hmiility unhoo rimm of llio ifltliodkt church iiomi tuesday oololmi th iindor mimjiloomof cpwnrth fuuut a od inijratinno linn iwum arrutigod mrybndy wolcoiun burlington bowlora tlont doth i rinut of ha ilnrlliigton howling lull went to aotou luht saturday and filter lrlniinlii llio lumlort up titer liy u ood rnurjjlti oallodub milton mid rkatod iloa to tlio iooai how icr- well jl iodrjraca in iio luutten liy tlio llurllnuton wlora uoformer foatli of mm hodwoll tlionympnttiy of tho oommunit lu roll r mr alforuo nodwoll in tlio doutli of ifo on tnoaday mr and mrr kwl oil removed to aotou from iflhuliurff inut last nprlnu tlio funarul will iio hold to morrow morning tt iiiiin ooloob afur on lea in ht fomophtt cliuroli tho oorttfo will promhl tooufctlo forlntckitient homo comlrib to tho pair alayho homo to you lu a iiiaiinioii maylv its a ootluifo liut itu wuit upot full of old time itumoruhuul kwoeler hy llio pmlnff jear tltu umlir wntl- mout wought hundr4u of former rwldatits liqinoiliirlnu tho var tho huppy tomt lna ami recounting of old auooitloha uiado tho utlt ploabdiit oven if toorea of in i ion wtte traolld to at liain ajiln for a day or tuo enarlno caplxod at ooorffotown on momlfty inorainj c n it ooni-truo- llon e ii i no no ioahwm rutinlntf ilown tlio toronto huliuruan lino from aot04 awl wlmti approaching lcriftawi a aoft njuit lu tho mad wua otrucli tlia angfna toppl- od over and fall clear off tho trcl on hor aide tlia oiihiiisor and amman aapml any wrloua injury tliouflh 114 tatttr bpmln6d hi foot it took forty glit hours to kt tlio uina on tli tmcw mln actons fatrhottitri vlda sprad tlia ifelly timujournal or vot hil liam uja tu llttla ton of aeuxt onu with a imputation of two thouund lia rccootl pullml off a iatrotlo fund cam- ulgu whtcli rubuiteil in tlia rulilng of tli00 for tlio cuu tliu tiiooay wa uruvly hiaila up ly contribution of uiulr cil tliiim iwlntf only ono ura cfwitrllm llii of w0 from a fliw ol tiiamficturra and a vry lw ofllml krrlhllon6i of aetoti mr jam warren of walks ton who apunt liia early days in aclon commanoad llio uoik of lila profusion a fcurtsyor imro oud prartirod hero guccfully for j car a hia ilinlly oo4ikonlol to wlto for tho fin t vuiu tho ttory ol the arlj dayn of acton tlio flrit chaptar of thmiintarat- iiitf roiuinlicitca aimara on our front luyo tliia wl ami acli buccilliig k ith or to tlta ttory will lw oon- tlnuol a spoolol day in knou chureh ijiit humlay had spoclal fatura in knoh church at tlio do of an irnnr- aitohcrmen hy tho paator at tlio morning ka tho 6acriieiit of ilia lordvhuppr was adminiurol conatdeiing tlia dlamal uot woatlior tlio attendant was vary qood tlio menlng aarvico book tlis form of a unity of tho sunday rfhool tlio cliolr loft wit filled with fcdiolara who tang pecial hymna tlio urvloo was conduct ed hy itov mr wiuon and waa vary in- uroatlng throughout tho baptist chuwh pulpit h howarth who haa li6n tha faithful putor of tho lupliat cliuroh tu umttwo jeam pleached his linal aannona laat sunday in tender gaapel meausea ho eihortod hla pooila to cootiuua faith fully in tho unieo of tlio uaaur and bo uta their iniluanoo for tho irail of his kingdom ha regretted hia ramotal from acton hut folt that lie waa obeying a illvino call noxt bun jay itav w ii iortor u a of toronto will preach morning and c onlnu a lonr list or conviction tho ioorretown herald pubhahad an unusually lofltflut of convlrblons liy magis trate throughout tho county for tk put quarter last week tfiera wera isa oon- lotlona of theao 27 were for being drunk and disorderly i 21 for violation of the motor not i 1 1 for apeedlng with motor cycle i a for riding hioyolea on bha side walks a motor driver at oakvllla was fined flwi und oasts for careless and negligent driving of an uuto and another at milton usb fined v and costs for driv ing a car while intoxl cubed an interesting boublo wedding a quiet douhlo wedding was celebrated lat wednewlsy afternoon september ihind at the homo of mr and mrs jaiuea h anderson aobnn when their ilaughber mary a was married to mr oaldwln hlierrlngtoiii of ilrantford and mra andersons ulster ann i adamson to mr humuol j miller of hamilton itov ii v avlson m a ii ier formed the ceremony nml mlaa lillian williams plujcd oloiiclolwtolms wedding nuroh alius antlorson was given away by her futlior nntl miss adimsnn by her brother tallica w ail am son of iluitalo tho brldoa wore their travailing bulla with enraago boruela of orchids and lilies of tlio vulloy immediately after the cere inony llio bridal part loa motor buoeorge- town whom they took tlia train to tlielr now homofl a pretty fioptombor weddlntf a very happy wedding was held yeiter day afternoon at throe oclock at the homo of mr and mrs william t burt ijivb atentid aoton when tltelr eldeatilaughter emma and mr fihlrley franklin watwo son of mr and mrs italiert watson fourth jlno kwiuoslng were united in the bottds or holy wedlock ito ii w avfsou m ad ierforniod tho oeremonv- 1h bridal parr entered the parlor to the mralna of lolioiigr ills woddlnjf maroh played by miaa vtt ijrowii organht of tla metlt- otllmt clmroh nud a warm rvrtoii- id friend of tho bride mlm iluit was ylven auey by hor futhor hue was tin- nttontlotl in her bridal robes of ivory duclimu paillette silk with veil and orange bloahoms she presented a charming appear- unoo ovary iuoh a bride bba ejurrletl a bouijuet of brhul rosea her golug wy gawu was of navy blue coat with blank velvet hat and white plume vet yean mimi hurt inih bean one of the leading soprunos in the clmlr of the uethodut cliuroh her sweet voleo and happy mart nor imvoulways won for tier tho apprecia tion mill oateetr of all mr watson la from one of our pioneer famlllaa who havtj heljiod for aoveral bneratlon to build up this haouom of the county thalm should ho a very happjf hotna the affection of tlielr many friends wu amply testlhel in tho numerous bridal gifts bestowed on highly bpimfoclatad by lha brldo was the token mub by iter fallow- member in th chtilr mr and mra watwn left on tho evening train on u hnneymooii tour to niagara vails und other iwiltilu truit uullfctin 0niilim mini lihviiitt trullh mia hluimt iluiul tint lovr h nlili u i hoii- 5siv ivanlim mtkilll many visitors to the fair numoroub hornooomom and largo contlngontn oroutsldoquobu mr hilton jonnu of fergus mrs dosle orum of toronto mr 1rank malntwli of orllllu mr ami mrs wilkinson of milton mims ml hi red mutthowii of toronto mr and mrs prod amond llmliiiltoii mr ami mrs ii ii word on of tluoljili mr nml mm trtxl if hmltli toronto ks- warden wrlggloauorth of anhgrovo mr und mrs ciiah c aklna of torou- to mr tuul mn john m warren of toron to mr and mra d a trnoy of huwkit- town kitmajor ami mr it k neuoii lifalph mr and mrs deorg kavsgo juoljji wore hero mr adam htewart and mra ifuhtrt hmltli llerllu mr duliii it harder and mr frank hur of oeorgolown mr charles and mits kolllo ilyuda wre homo from toronto mr and mrs john mokarhern and llttto saua of tluelpli mr slid mrs flgar lluraton of ouelili vlitil acton friends mr and mr- william kulu mr ami mrs harr noble toronto ur biki mrs clinton hwackhatner tlblt 1 frleiuniu uamvill lustuesk ltsv if v aviuin sttemul ths fliiaii eul mating of tiuatpli hktrkt at forgua mr and mrs j m farnuy and daujjli lars and mu matfia mattltaws tmoaio miu uoana ausaiuw of i to k wood was tha guat of m lu lillian williams lut wk itai j c iuon u apsiidliig tha wsak st tlia outiug iervica of knos cojug torooio ilav aiul mrs howarth an family ut vnurday for tilr now home at macklnau city mich mr and mrs homars and luby faaulu wra vulbora with mr and mrs mckvoy ovarths fair mr and mrs lumwlu of kault his mario were guata of mr und mrs ii lln natt hut bl miij lldita ferryman and malara harou and litt irryman of toronto wra lwa for tlia fair tha fall fair brought many visitors of whau tlia following caua undr tlta nollos of fitii 1uiut rportrs misa lllancha ttiotupuin lias taken tlis poltlon of forelsdy in the factory of on tario olovo works irlln mr and mrs william snyder hloraand mrs mills caslph ware guesu at mr itobert oihlions on ruturday ij mack en no took a trip down tlia hu lswrsnca and through the tiiour and islands uat week ilerakh ur klford nolsan son of os- major- kel son left this morning for toronto whera iio will attend medical aohool oueliji herald mrs v v kelly end mlu mary of ilurlington who spent tho past weak with horfciater mru will kelly returned homa monday mrs john mctlllt of toronto spent monday with acton friends ur and mrs moolll hate spent tha summer vary enjoy- ably at st andrews n ii mr and mrs jonathan lane and master willie and mrs itohert la no and master arthur and luatrfoe und miss f o scott from limeliouba visited mr and mra wm llall on fair iuy mrs croft and balm of bt rat ford who have been ipendlng tlio month with her motlier mm p mcdonald lakoave will return liojiie tomorrow mr croft hu been here everal times during tlia month dr and mrs hugh a mooall milton announce the engagement of tlielr neloe mabel louisa white bo louis o urelt- haupt ehlut son of mr and mrs l j dreluiaupt iter i in the marrlsge to take plana in ootolier miss cook professional nurta of erie ia has been ipendlng a few weeks at the home of her father mr adam cook she litis just rotumed from a vlilb to bha iaoa- m exposition at ban frnoloo and of tlie vaaennlto valley california lira rev ii w avlson atid children arrived at the methodist larsoiiage yoater day bheluu been vlalting at tlio homo of her father at lalt for soma time tha congregation of tha church wll cordially welcome her to tha new liome here reoo flock mrs fleck and children and mr and mrs j m moore and daugh tar visited niagara camp lost sunday coli ilaluntiuo commander of tlie 7ith cry kindly etc rted tha party through tlie camp and entertained litem to dinner ur and mrs william james alexander announce tlia engagement of their daugh ter iteenv to lfenaldajsluwrlght johnson l l son of judge and mra j m johnson kansas city missouri the mar riage to tike phiea toward the and of october mrs ii 0 ilsrlott of llnwood mr and mrs w t btono toronto major orant of oeorgetown col and mra noble of nerval mr and mra james moore and mlssea pearl and laura of luelpb mr and mra j m moora awl ulsa curl of georgetown bally daylnuethodlit sunday softool the rallv day servloe in the method iu 8unday boliool last sunday was an oooasloa of mora than uiual interest the atteu- dance was large and the special pro gramma based on the ideal kfugdom was htliful and interesting the mvlow of tha crnsi tors ioaaoii fchawed that is keen lutereit is tekni in tdbla study by the school tha words of itov ur avlson tha pamor were vtry encouraging the choruses by the school hod a wholesome spirit and were sung with ertlhuiusia ulsa lily aueraon sang very sweetly iluttaroiip itwo and the orchestra ax eelled in theli number tha kings orderlies chun ol men lad 34 present hoot i a ioavny mioiillortlohlnlth imiikii wuiii hnihroldurytuhlotontro piece mill ulx dolllnu i miuuconlingly mu mociilolioou lmtnilore colnrotli mimu leaslo modouuld muu conlingly file oclock tea oloth i mru onna m ins ionian tea oony i miim mocn toll win o ii fattor- unu iuibnildiry uil on linen i mrs ormo mlun molntclieiiii kmhroldory raimuaso bruldi mim nllngly mrs gniie embroidery rihbon werk i mru- ormo embroldory on boltliigcloth i mrc ormo miss cordlngly kmbroldnry shad ow i miss ormo miui j henry emhrol ilery imnlangari mlai cirdlngly miss jessie mndousld emhroldary llulgarlan i miss mocutohooii mlu conliugly knv broldery mountoinelllck i mhui conllngly mluii mcciitolioou emhroldnry oyeleb in llnon or cotton i mm wm johnntoun mrs orma embroidery punch work i mim cordlngly mian m hnwi embroi dery cut work i miaa mccutcheon mim cordlngly enihroldery hoilfilioi mrs ormo miss coniingly job honltou i mrs ormo mlsaconllngly iico point i mrs ormo xllos mccutoheon- law liatleiiburg i mrs orme o it fstbersou iaoa duchetse mrs ormo mrs j hen ry ilrussels uppiu0 lace i mlsacordlntr- ly mrs orma coronstlon brsld t miui xlccutclioou o ii iaturaon tutting i miss mccutoheon mrs onne netting i mn onne miss j henry crochet work irl i mim uccutcheou miss jeule uo- 1 tonal j crocltt work venetian i miss mocutolieoh mrs orma crochet work plain o ii patterson ulas m bopar flutcrocliot work i mlu mccutcheon o ii luttarsoii darnel work i mlu uccut cheou mlu z vorhea fanoy work hagi miss mccutoheon mlu m hopsr collar and cuff mri onus miss mccut choou fancy towsla i mu it alexander mim llertio smith toilet li miss mo cutchvoo mr orma carving and tray cloth i miss jewlo modonahl mrs f halms emhroldary pillow catoa i miss j llanry misa cutcliaon hid aboard scurf t mrs ono mim iwtle hmlth fanoy apron mim cordlngly miss uo- cutcheou hofit pillow urvloasbte i mlaa mccutcbtofi mua m hopor sofa pillow fancy ml- llccutcheon mrs orma crois stitch work i mim cordlngly o 11 iaturson iblroom aipiat mua n hyndsmluj usury fascinator i mrs orma o it ivttarsoii luby sat croclist or knltud mlsa u hoper miss jesu mo- donald tabl mabai mrs wm jolin- stona mlu jeia mcdonald crocliet novelty braid i mlu u ropar uiu mc- cutcltson crocket or knitted quilt mrs cordlngly miss j henry tea cosy knltbsd i miw mccutclioon mrs orma knltud stockings plain i a lvoy o n pattorson knlttwl lockings silk i miss u mccubcheon knitted books i mltae forbsa mu coniingly udias mitusilk alias mccutcheon miss cor dlngly mens ultta woollen a foavoy o ii psturson hooked mat i mlaa j hoory fancy quilt l west miaa e forbu log cabin rjuilt miss ix foiltos mrs j k oamhle 1atchwork ootban uilt mrs onne o d patterson col lection of old ladles work by lady over 70 years i mrs james mattltswa night tallys miss jewle mcdonald miss ilertie hmltli cants slilrti mtsocording ly fancy pin cushion i ulsa mccubchoon mus cordlngly bet of underwear mlaa it alexander mis j hoory fanoy handkarchiaf i mrs onne uluj mccut- cheon filet not ambroitlery i miss e forbes den table oover laatlier hand polnbed cliaris hynds ura orma itrs sad doll by girl under u i leslie ft lear- margaret malcolm collection fanoy work t airs orme mlu jessla mcdonald fink antii landscape or marine in oil miss ii forbas mrs calvert figure subject in oil miss e votimw mra cul vert animal subject in oil t miss e forbes mra ormo flower or fruit in mrs calvert miss e forbes any other subject in oil mus it a qordoo ausm ijertle smith landscape water color t missll a cordon mr calvert figure water color i miss e forbes mrs calvert animal water oolor i miss e forbes mra caliert flower or fruit waur color i o i patterson miss e forties any other subject in water color i mlsa e forbes mra orwa pointing no china i mlu il alenandsr mrs a x maddoek painting on silk or satin sirs orma mm calvert pastel any subject i mies e forbes mrs calvert bepla any subject mlsa cordlngly miss e forbea pen and ink sketch mr calvert o d patterson lvnmanslilp hy publla school tcliour i w stewart margaret moloolm drawing hy publlo school scholar elsie stewart collection of photograplia t c a motthewa mimlmsuiru sruuiji largest and best collection vegetables i mr j e gamble two loaves broad and dozen btina i mlsa b a uoi ion mr j warren l west 5 lbs iioney o k saumlers pair live liens i a young pair dressed chickens i il n urown collection of pigeons i k h patterson collection of plants i mrs j k gamhle apile pie i mlu a scott 8 j looker layer cake mrs w ii htewart mrs w d smith itarrel spy apples t john aiomhlan bar rel spy apfiua john momlllan barrel spy apples i jolin mcmillan hog snow appui il n browh iltrfel king of tompk la apples t john momlluu dorri spy apples i john momuun lurrel spy apples jowf sicmlluu ihurrel spy apples joliumomillan palrdreisfddueka mr a norvle dressed goose i a sw voy palrdreuedducks i mrs a norrle loaf homemade bread t mrs j l war- ren miss il a cordon collection ol amateur photographs i mlsa j henry ross burt mounted skeleton of a flak ulsa uargtmrlle stewnt usurd pie mrs titos boott miss a koott three imiuilal quart jsra fruit l ut wu johnstone largest and best collection of utiles fanoy work i miss ii a alexander lk onions i ti j fjaober pair mens woollen mitts i a liuvoy two iar mens socku i mua j cordlngly eight iwunds honey 0 k saunders pair dressed duoks mra a norrlo best and heaviest 0 doter fresh egg i mrs alex madoaald itamifc oa kata nloarn out luta mice 1 etc dont dlo in tho house i bo and 2tio nt drug und country storou p new wonder land theatre kwldav oot i an hour dkpoilk dawn with lmirn tiuwyor ntid lliilly hoy curlnnii monoav dot 4 who pays wkdmbgsdav oot o ephiodo li or kxplollu of elnlno tlio donth ray ooihiho tho annuo girl with mar- giiorlto clark d r l gregory proprietor omtfti ohfrkllo lis wl4inl raiiuislloii iw siipmlar lmlikia iiillflliaiiil luaallonahitiaalii- luu almlsiii to tuloleo ioajilaua tomuiuo tmw ualalotfuu if preparedness our watchword all occasions find un prepared to monttura up to requircmentu in thene early autumn dayn faatidiouu and exacting fabrics find uti ready to meut their ncednwith the best of smart new fall frnhiona in thcho troublou days of war a thifty plcoplc who must economise in cvrry poonihlo way find ub ready to meet their neccunitieti with small prices and tipecial opportunitich by constant watchfulnesn we are prepared to meet all exigencies woaiaas 8 tlu which are not tills seasons mylou worth up to sisoo nnd noo are reduced reapec- tlviy to soo and lt00 mew bsjiis hh4 caalanre in exloptlonnl rango of unmrt utylra and special vnliicu wojuena suits are prlcwl upwunl froniiilmiko womens coatsratigo upward from 1000 all ullllisvylijnt lut heat our now lonfoctlonii are rcprewntntfve of he acasena liest modes and our prlceu compared lo umartncbu of styles arc kiirprlt- iiigly mndorute omr new wnr this season are beautiful and lu rlorir maw brass gooja b1iias coal lags jle in- cliulo many special values in view of prcnent nil vatice in prlc our new glove neckwear and tjrctfli acccurles aro in attractive ntul vxcluulvu auaortmoiit d macdonald bros llralltd guelphs leading and largest store wyndhura mbcdoncll anil cujen stncla ouelph oht what catarrh is it has been haiti that every third pcrhon has catarrh in some form science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of tho bodyi and local treatments in llio form ofsnufl and vapors do little u any good to eorrt catarrh you hiioum treat ita cauno by enriching your lilowl villi the ollfwl in kottn km u mimi whkli is likdldiinl food ami it tiiiilillugtoiilc free frpr nty linruifiil in try it ku uouillfoinutoottt the instinct to save is id fcviy wallbauoted man to itatt a tavlog actount da- lcte a foraslciit thst will be to 1u owner baoafit hi fautfy ways and to slct this eld- suhliahed bonk as tha dsool- toayforyoiitf nuitiey is wc of lound and conservatlvv judtniaot lr the bank of nova scotia totaxhkioocxalejamimls bttawcimg at acton ouelpb korrat uuiod and btreeuvule o cool a summer desserts this is tlio time of year when it la hard to know what to buy for a dessert at moal time why not have gome thing cooling in tho way of ico cream wo will dollvor any quan tity from s cents up our candy department always has a full line of chocolates from so cents to 6o cents a pound in bulk and in packages from os cents to vioo each don t forgot our ico cream parlor wo make a now dlili every saturday our new dish for next satur day is a mary pick fords deasort coma in and try one and alto enjoy some music from ournow qra- foaola harold wiles mill smear s noandoaqnaooasi because the other fellow didnt make a uucxces of repair ing your watch or clock dont think it cannot be done let us have a look at it we j know how 1 foster tha wutab meoulut oicotmavrowh oh odoaoodaaoaaati wpadqddprjadodh hat day r jzz n h h tj the official opening of the h g mens fall hat season jj b war n n wednesday september is n o tho matter of wearing btraw huts after that date has been re ferred to dame fashion and the j verdict hvrecall all btraw halt j afur september is iqi3- j the hue of fall hals being shown here embraces every decree ol iash ian in soft felt and stiff hals and caps note the tall tapering crowns j drooping brims pencil curled i edges in shades of blues greens i grays browns lu our soft pelts see our bullet crowu bu4 hats i exclusive smart stylish and yet genteel be a leader get your fall hat 1 today and get it here to assure i j yourself of style and quality return par retuoded on every i ssoo purchase i geo wallace d tiis hayfout j ouelph ont j sifaiishbiaidanriaaacirjaarjhhmmmwi basrui authsriaasl asjofl6w capital hole u tthaomt ouretua otsuua uonisv cmows the interest tuld in our saving department helps the thrifty to acouruulste a good bank account a small deposit will start an account and interest is allowed from tha flut deposit geohgktown bhanch w n lfky uuu millinery opening oar vail ktlalv of dretu ami reaily- to wear hats will be open for inspection to lb ladles of acton and vicinity oh wmdhauioav e tuuhadav aitrv loth hnd wth ui9s m cooper momns bloeat aetou gentle7vten hera you will flndhundrsda of uattema in the newest weayeat from which to uelect the material for that new pell bult t also tailors that ant pott master in tho art ol making high claw clothes hero every detail la watched over lu the moat careful manner to amiurd you of clothes that are faultless in every detail if you have never had a suit or clothes or an overcoat made hy us do so now clothing made to your order ronilh to a bult r e nelson s hahii tolos p mertw stustmlatbes 3 oiuaum omt d esqueslng agricultural so cietv19l5 patriotic year the sixtyninth annual s fall fair to be hgld at georgetown on wednesday and thursday october 6th nnd 7th u special prizes horses i llckt tutly driver t ii rumford 300 a host high jumper by g c mftckay hank of hamilton s 00 3 doit gentlernanti turnout by o c lawrence merchants bank 900 4 best lady driver to hitch up dnve half mill and unhitch hy hairy wright station hotel 5 00 5 best high stepper il p lawaon 300 6 best lady driver eastmans camera d j mat thew- job 7 best 3yearold roadster in harness a poster 3 00 8 best spring colt by gachil e chapman 3 00 9 best tandem pair l ie fleck 300 10 best trained colt any breed to bo shown on line by boy 15 or under j l blandish 300 1 1 bftt spring colt by jares uckenile bros frum season 101 i o la best spring colt by sir ullton uckenile bros from season iqi6 400 13 boat agricultural colt tho coxa reeve 3 00 14 best pony outfit ii a livingstone 1 00 cattle 1 beit grade yearling bull bank of nova scotia norval 300 dairy hi beat and neatest 3 lbs butler lu i lb r d war ren j 00 s beat 1 lb butter made hy person using de laval separator w alexander 1 00 3 best to lb butter in t lb prints w jf paterson 7 00 04 best 10 lb butter in 1 lb prints d livingston 4 00 toultry ai best buff orpiuglan cockerel alive w vornel a so as bust pair dressed ducks e ii ltarnhill 5 00 s3 best palrdreased chickens joe iiewon 300 fruit ai best but bpy apples thermos ut l- v houri- nan 5 00 as best bhl spy apples i cut rocker w hwiiuon 00 u itiistbhl spy apples uuu club for chorlt able purpose 5 00 04 beatbbl bny apples juo ucdermld 400 uj bt huahel boa holes w g back 1 so look for largo list of specials next week our collector ore lata hence delay j 00 j 3 00 3 00 3 00 a 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 9 00 a 00 s co 3 00 3 00 3 00 a 00 1 00 a 00 j a trac esqueslng p o secretarytreasurer just opened i in hills block mill st acton general repair shop special attention to eaviitroughing windmills pumps furnace and plumbing hotwater heating roofing gasoline engines jas harden ft son acton ontario bdibtsbtsbifttftdiibtfi buy madeiiicanada goods

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