Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1915, p. 4

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kht rtnii frte press i ninihkw hi ii i ini it mm a u1t ofslhtimlnt uliu ill liu i with h i i 11- fi llutk imlr iwiit niiiitiiiliiinnt unil vlul tin re ifu iiiikiou uu ltt i and i am 1 1 ilfo i t ilni it uhaiifhnililu ami uwi nri i direct my fniitwltp imiuci iml fur rout tint coiium with nhjiil i at tho lisle alio nlwuy meet nie lnvoi ma in liar ifimiry way anil i qulto fort ilia lmrli words tlmt t it id in tntml to say alwayn wtlont tlmt ami faithful helpful ooimliiiii true i i vow ttlift la worthy anil 1 lova her hlios a splendid houuln oow mattbr or opinion mary i father vulca rolltwi ilovii tlio stalra anil into tlm dim and client wrlar yea ppa i dear ask tlmt young in a n if ho lias tlio llmo a moment of silence ye flearge liau ma watch with liun then aak him what la tlm time ho says its ii 4tt juipa then oak him if ho doemt think it about bedtime another iiiomaiit of alienee ha uya papa the silvery volos announced luiper tonally ha nay that its rawly toeslobed befor i hut it aaems to him that it la a matter of personal preference mervly and if ho were in your place- ha woutd jjo now if hsfeltstaepy children ory for fletchers o astoria fars sign an irishman waa walking atontf a road haaida u polf linka when ho waa suddenly htruok between the shoulders by a trolfhall tho force of tlio blow nearly knocked him down whan ha raoavored lbs anxious golfer woa hy his aide aro you hurt asked tho player why didnt you get out ol tlio way v an why should i get out of tlio way i didnt know tliera were any assassin around here hut i called tore i said tlio player and when i aay tore that la a sign for you to get out of his way oh it is la it v natd im wall thin when i aay volvel its a sign that youre roiii to ret hit on the nose volvo i war weak and run down could mot stum the least excitement when on nets weak ajul ma down tha heart becomes affected the uervc become unstrung mid the least ttdle meat auwi feltilg ot utter lulitud what la needed la to build up the heart aid strengthen the ahaky turves by lb uu of lueb a medicine as jjubunirf heart am nerve 1111a lira j a williams tulaoawtftf out write i cannot apeak too hltfajy j milburn heart and nerv mil x suffered greatly vltb uy nerv and was so weak and run down x could not stand the least cicllttuetit of any kind x bellav your heart and nrv del1ttlih0 your owh heritage i hlirdly think you will nuro to loontii in tint mwilloiinf tho ally uuld n ynuiij uimniii to it friiinil who wnu ul nut to mubit liifhiiiun in un mmturii f if v limy mi nlou liuiukii pooplu ulin continued ml roiiuluuly lint ruthor moll onllnury you know they tiro i lie uort of folka who out tlmlr oun krac it iiuiut not ho hiiphwed that lha huiakir waa u niirokeutntiva of tlm looul four hundroil onn of tho tiriotormtlo few whom leant iimvo la olirouiolbd in tlio kaolety column on tlio ooutrury aha waa lha dituuhur of av mail oil h ainnll utlury oooua tomeil to plain imntf and rlyld eoonomy hut alia had acquired fue aumlanlm to her mind tho hum who uutl hlu own lawn mouer on tho tiny yrs plot kwaili1a in a oroudotl city ii id o at a haorllloa of hlu mutlul atitiidiuk v homo oun linn reniarkoi that tlio mndem dm id of carrying n mcuuo homn from tho hhopt lm not n llttlo to do with tho itljjli ooat of living it a not ho many yearn ago that tliia touilouoy woa eonaldoreil laiighalila tho fatliora and mother of bomo of you ynaii luwipla will reiueinlier a liumnroiih cartoon apjieariiig lie fare the day of crlnollno went oul the ahopiier a much runted udy with a treiueudoua hoop bought a taper of pllia and onlerwl it no nt- tlm proprietor gavo tho orddr tamea taka tho truck and the art lot ohoaa to repreaeut that aeeno the lately ahopperrt tittle in adtniioa while liehlml hit a grinning porter follow with ida truck on which la displayed tho paper of pin that waa oouaiilercd a joke in the autlea of tlio lost century hut in tho twentletlt century it hoa become- aober reality kvary day overy largo more in tho country dolivera hundred if not tltouaanda of artlotea as inalgnldoant aa tho paper of plnai thamoat aarioua aide of tlilu queation however la not tlio inevitable inareaaa in tlio ooat of living it a tho revelation of the tendency to look down upon manual labor kooua object h to carrying a amalt iuroel hecauaa of ita weight those who ara unwilling to do it have an idea that it btatnpa them aoitiehow oa inferior to lha genteel otaaa who never carry anyiliing mora hurdenaoma than a pocketliook a young woman recently referred to th working clou in tho auperlur tone auoh u aduoho might uao if aha was audio lently fool ah nor father looked at her witli intereai well what about the working cltuaeat i want to know what you think of them for im proud to acknowledge i lielaug in utoas honorable rank a tito girl stole m glance at iter fatlter and found ita was inearneat hut i mean the people wlio work wltli tltelr luitija papa alio aald quickly hath your grandfathers were farmer my girl th money which wisely hand led has made ua proapsroua was mode on a new england farm and tlio years x pent on that asms form turning my hands to a dawn different kinds of work in m day have counted as much in my sucae as a university education when you speak of the working olamoa you mint speak wltli respect or belittle your own heritage if young people make the idle rich only n smalt fraction of our wealthy popu utloa by the way their deal if they fooler the feeling that to work with ones hands oottiee near to being a disgrace ami that the independent laborer is far below the pensltlo son of a wealthy father then utegynitae of our nation is endangred no true patriot believesthlo powlble vet every one of us neads to guard agelaab the dangerous tendency of the uines good manners uuburns heart and ntrve xhus ore kuc per bos 3 hair for 1 2fl at all deaura or mailed riirtct rn receipt rf price by the t illimco uuilttd toronto cut usst blarrotirtalcarr uttle uurul flw into the baum flauj oh uotherl she cried dont aooll me for blng ute for ua far ive bed eucb s dhmjhialnlmmil a bae fell dawn and they eeid thy were going la aeed far m bone doctor so of oaurae i waited he faaue and oh i uouor whet do you think t it veodt a lone daotor at all wu oely man castor i a w infuu tit cuuim km roroimr 30vm wueakoyouuvkf tbe ate only two kinds of people he the wotu the roije who live in the ahedew and glooai ami tlioae who live on the ub side of the out theri euulowj enee are kuuetlniea celui pwwua i fcowe tlmee people of uelsookoly tetnparehueot i wdotlmee they ere celled duogreeeble people i but wborever they go their tliohouruuo u ihu their ahodow elwoy uevale on before theu tbee people never beer their own burdens but expose all their wounds to olhere they are al aa busy looking down for pitfalls and sharp tones and thorus on which to etep that they do not evsu know that there are tuy atare in the sky thee folks live on lve wrong aide of the street and yet tt u only twenty feet to the other sidewalk bem sunshine always lies i ilav n i hii1u bbihpfl it u aemlsr to induce a man to accept a favor than to take a jok why u ooe favorite barber always buoy when one u in a hurry devotloo is the hut love of women belal evremond ifany a wan has let a rood job get away from hint because be harbored the delusion that no other man was atnart enough to oil blipuoe the average wife thinks she hi ber husbands guiding star bub meet husbands refuse to be guided we cannot bleue a man who leads a doe life if be growl- bvnipmihy la more often misplaced thaa lost by addition ef magnets and an oxide an extremely elaatlo rhus hoe been brought oumupronoe tbst oarmau village of kemhora bos a linden tree which is nam to be more than i20o year old this womans sickness qolcuyyaeojewjtolyjuel kttthawle vejffctsluet conipoiixicl itejtimorev lsl i aid uore lhad kind to uu what lydu h ilnkhamoi vegetable conv- bounj did for mo i hjtfrl dreadful paine and was vary invgulair x bimie sdojrnied auod lent foe lydla fct hnvhame vegetable coed kound xtookltreg- uuhy until i waj without h cxmmp oa pejn and felt like tulolhr peredd it haa now beu alx tuonlhe fclnoa i took any medicine at all i hope my little bote will qdilst you la helping othey wo fawn i uow foel barfocily well and in the bmt of bealttl mr avouvt w kowowtaf 1u3 llolllue uuwt 110- uiuon ud lydla u ihnkhamii vegetable com pound mad from riatlve roou and horbe conuine no nakotie oa harmful drug and today holde tho rrecord of mng tha uoet auicoeesful tmdy for fiiniala hie we know of and thousands of voluntary toatlmonlale on hie in the rinltham loboretory at luywtv ifasa wm to prova this fact lajir thirty yar it has been the atand- aid remedy for female ills and haa ro- ntorod uio health of thouoantle of wometi who have been troubled with such ajl- ftienta as duplaeementi inhammatlotrg ulceratloii tumore irreguiohllos eta if you want npeelal atlvl write la ilydu irl ihuuimm mm lcluo co eorilldettitlnl kiyuri mtuui yaurlotterwlll baopemed read antl aiuwred by a woman nud held lu etriet eoutldeiioa uother t raves worm en terminator will drive worms from lha system without injury to tins child because its action while fully eflbotlve is mild children ory for fletchers castoria watte are unsightly butnlahes and corns are painful growths hollowaya com cure wll remove tbatu some men would soon gee rid of their self respect if they had to pay takes oa it almost every merchant has a euatomer whom when his book is turned he calls old tight wad quick temper in an illumination in honor of wounded self esteem ap excuse is the only thing thats easy to bud when youre looking for 1l ieople wlto havent anything else they nan spare can usually give advice the anan who pays as he goes usually has enough to purchase return ticket little acta that bpeeh aloud about m finsiii tjrdlij it lu uhviiyu tlm miirout trifle rolhof hum thii big tliliigi of hfu which lu- dlciitu tlio luuimoru and tnatcii of tho uxtinigo potmoit iinye n wrllor lu th foiidau olimnlclo a ulurlng noclnl error u purtlcularly rudo nctlou or tnctlosm uimiticu nra hot tnudo wltli too uroitt roquoticy but otlur tuuu obtru- alto fuiillh nm oftoti commit tod aama times uololy throiinh ignorakic or wniit of tlioimht it u jimt au urtia a mlataka to ha too polite n to imj ubomliinbly tito tlio pnlnntnkl niily potltfl iwrsoti is very trying to encounter far- extreme often meet mid ho gonernlly succeed lit bo- inir iictiinll i iiwhi tor initnncc thcim lu nhvnyu llio limn who lu tho ntlutiikni idtn tlmt n womnti should nlwnju rtict do lilm nllowu imr to fight hor wny into n crowded train descend iinnldtl find unlk iwforti lilm into a rostmirnnt hint in rnthur full itamovlug his right alovo befora ahnultig limids wltli u wnmnn raising libi lint wheu ho often it dniusnl hist tmiiit in a cor carefully pllallitg hie fair aompimlou ncrobu n crowdwl street walklug on tho outuldo of tho pqvo mont nlid rofmlnliig from ulltlug when tnluing to it woumii lo linppomi to bo atntidlng ire oil inotiincthi of thoso llttlo things which mark tho good breeding nnd thoughtful nose of a uinii un fortunately in somo ensoe thoso things do not como by instinct but rather throtieb tho linnl school of ex perience on the other timid n woman requires to be just am careful of her manner it lu vory exciting no doubt to talk loudly nud initiate casual hearers into the mystcrlom of an inltmato conversa tion with niioltior woman tjufortu uotely the lis toners nro only contemp tuously impressed with the fact that tho speaker is incapable of controlling bcr own voice it is usually either nervousnee or thoughtlessnejm that prompts a woman to duptay her worst sldn to tbo world 8ho will tako n seat that is offered to her in n crowded car without a word of thanks or olso will innko tho chival rous person foel still tnoro etnbarraae- ed by a quick nnd emphatic refusal to profit by hie gcnoroalty or perhaps eho will rush througli awing doorn without bothering to notice if hny on is likely to bo caught in tha rebound lbow people who nro in her way walk on tho wrong aids of tho street or fall to remember that the must nl- way bow first to her men acquain tance beforo they raise their hat ive and m billiard ball tbo lato ifrauk o ivw tho great bullardisr was vory proud of tho pecu liar strength of hi right arm strik ing tho ball with one quick sharp blow of hie cue tho ivory would strlko eleven cushions wblto flying around tho tabic ifo boat wlwrd bchaafer and kugono carter by throe feet ami ulno incite hob fltxslmmons who wa credited with striking a blow that wa com pared to tho kick of a mule could barely touch nine cushion while jim corbet t made about eight yet vwoi weighed only about 140 pound at the time new york journal love life and ttujmlea suppooo tho cugenlst could have their way nnd banish love who would care to llvof what purpose would life havet it woutd have uone there would bo no life only an existence wearisome nud dull the world feel that lovo la beautiful it tees in prac tice that it la true love make the world lovo keepe it only to love shall it bo glvou in tlio future therefore havo poet sung it and story teller told of it flwreforo do eyes nalne and cheek burn for it tberafore it 1 tha soul of art of music of uteratare- atlantic uonthly liu he quorur a passenger in a tftiumaa car wa inclined to be rath- friendly with the porter but bad not a yt g1vui bint any tb w you enjoy yoar poaltlodr the uiu asked a the porter was brushing hi eoal y saby replied the colored fal low x ilka de quarter beau vry kuucb wheo i gits aa harper uagaxloa they cee true vlrat tramp muiogly do you know pard thoy aay dreams uetor com true secoud trampthey do aotuetlmee when 1 was n kid i used to dream of tbo llmo i could wear laag penta i wear thorn now nil right and nobody ever wore theu any longer ilrunoahui washing the dukea aouie of us follow keep boasa at lha fratoinilty home u you hato o wnsh dtghesr wo dont havo to wo havo plenty of candidates for tho fraternity and dlah washing hi groat as an luhutlau ttiul loul villa courierjot rual lt uutuab wham shall wo got kisf visit tho joueeca hut they hnre no children nnft onr wllllo dooiitt ii lit them well it a rtniuloh tbpy tout llko our willie elthur nntllmore american left at the peat be is bnask u wo a loynl rhtployco of tho post- efneo for thlrtyono yonrti faithful to the totter -phlltidel- phla ledgr when tlitr b much lluht tbu shad ws are deepest- ooctha idillettss cleansdisinfects miiy traiblflt jlrbt froa mtrook jtollaii of tie uvdr vnks the liver li working proptily you may look forward to a great many troubles tulalng such as muouaneta con stipation heartburn the rising and outing of food which leavt a tuuty toitu lu the mouth tick beadacbe jaundice etc mr howard newootnb ffeaaant llar- bor ntt writes x have had sick headache been bilious and havo had pains niter eating and wo also troubled with a bad taste in my mouth every morning x used four vials of your lucilburam laxauvtr xhlhi and tbey cured me the best praise x can give b not enough for them mubums laxoxjver pills are stfc per vi j lot tl rt m dealw rosku wltbhhv 11 oulte in tlm fdrnmcmit rank of cclulirltli who nro ahlliig recruiting im inl itnwiliero whoue iopular bieeohi u hitvo ludureil many young men to join tha ootnrti lord hoao borry is a vorj grvattovcr of iiulinata ttnd tlio story poea that on one ocomlon he wont mo far as to rluk bin life for a favorila dog his lordahlp wubiui liounlu atoatnat when suddenly hu dog full overlkitin much dutreusoil ionl llaoahory nked the cuptulu to atop tha boat n reipimt uliicli wun rofiiuoil if it wm u mini nvorlio ird uu id lha raplnilt whj tlmn nf rmiixi oh uthl lord hauobor tlmt tun i eufclly mauugnd end to thj ouplainv anion i di mail t he leamhl oiorbaatd nfur tha dog hlmuir naturally tho bout wan iiomplly stopped u boat won lowered and hoth dog and master tera reroucd nona tlio wares fov their okptrlenco here isf he answenln weesiers newinternanonal itu kifcluxu wosirlbl rvry tliy in your talk ai 1 mmlliyr at lume nnltieatrrtlrcr intlonflua huo iiiul arluwl vou lllilv nucatbin tlwibuu- lis of soma w wiinl a ffufw adiat kluitiiuilieshinrtnrlinnltii vu smis tlialncmilnnnriweefnrrmnrlhiwenue- rlfiilon oraii uint la wjuimwtf llils hw cttaluin aimwrra ell klnda or utioinljiiiiifir lliilory lunrautv flrllmi vnrritfii uihiu trmlcs alts and kcutimo wjis ttnal mutkru 400jdoo weed motto wbalralloau cmisaooaoa arrooaam- thaonlirnkjuinarvwilh l genius wunrkasuw oa tliln eewriua etred 1 imllalifliwr wha- ntt wal aiul x internally and lxtenully it la loot the crowning proierty of ir thcnuu eo e trio oil is tliat it ceo be used internally far many cam plaints as well as on tern si ij for sore throat croup whooping cough pains in the clieat oollo and many kindred aliments it has ouratlva qualities that are irpoued a bottle of it ooats little and there is no lowi in always having itat hand children ory ror rletchers castoria trial is ineipeaaive to those who auffsr from dyspepsia indigestion rbeumaf lam or any sihneat arising from any da rahgenient of lbs dlgvstlve sysum a trial of parmaus e vsgvtabls pills is reoommend ed sliould the sunorei be unocqiuinud with tlisu the trial will bo insnpenalve and the result will be another customer for this eiostlsot medicine bo effective is th action that many ours can certainly betraood to their use wliere other pills have proved inefleotive her baby had dysentery was 6hhd tv trie uu 6f tm rowlers hxtravct taf wild aurawbesrry la dyeentery the dlochargea from the bowels follow each other with great rapidity and sometimes become lulxed with blood never ueglect what at first appears to be a alight attack of diarrhoea or dywn try will lumly act in cure the tint lymptams by the use of dr fowlers uxtmxt of wild btrawberry lira martin iarruticr doghcrty cor ner n u writes i cutt wry strongly reoomnund dr fowlers it tract of wlkl btrawberry for dyeentery and summer complaints my little girl at the age of two years hail tho dysentery very tod we had two doctors but with no result my mother broiikht me a liottlc of dr fowlers and when iialf the bottle woa used the llttlo gltl wai running mound playing with her doln with great ticllgtit and joy to the family or wc did not think she would ever get better there are a number of preparations on the market today clalnilng to be tlie same as dr fowlers itxtruct of v ltd strawberry aiul uo culled liullar uames boas to tool the public into think lug they are getting tlio genuine dr fowlers is mamifnctured only by the tmilbunico limited toronto out qee that their name u ou the wrapper xvlee 85 cents a low vbick a wounded soldier explained lilsgrlevaiioe to his nurse i you see old smith was uoxt tn in the tranche now tha bullet thai took me in tlie shoulder and laid me out went into lm and tuodo it i it or a dash wound in his arm of course im glad he was not urt hid dub its stuck to my bullet aiul given it his girl now i don t think thats fel id a right to it- id never give a girl o initio a second and bullet ithelms cathedral who never go to thuie onl common sense la anything hut common a mans wort enemies are his fool friend no man is so busy that he hasnt time to make a few enemies no cordaluok maiden elyort does not always lead to matrimony patriotism and politic travel luwd in hand only one in a while illg head is a chronic dlscrus with many a man who wear a small hat opportunity it is said knocks but onoe pessimist knock nil the time vend mothers ierpetuala many of the so iled smart saying of children oppe i but a p vend vhxli locust trees- thy are vary ltsay to raise and vuld valuable tlmbac mo wood in tmiilor or nioni quickly uiown than tlio cominoit tocuut und but fow if ittty klmlu of tliiilhii nro mora vnlunhla to their owner nt tliia llmo of iod hi lumlier ttmt tins n com morclul value curiously enough lociint treoh will grow in nlmost nny woll tliay nro easily ulnrtod and can imi trniinplnntoil without dnnger of louu thoy nluo may bo urowii in out of tho wuy or wasta place whom tho soil la unfit for culti vation nnil they grow ho mphlly that in n fow year n locuat grove will imvo tree that nra largo enough to bo rondo into poshi for feucliur or liimtier for flirt i turn or ltoime fin lulling lociiuta bonr tlio most tionoy laden tlowor lurried ty ny troo extonulvoly grown in amerlui nud vlioro there are plenty of locusts nud lieea in tho umtio eoiuiiuiiilty tharo will bo o heavy yield of itouoy locust poutn hnvo boon known to re main in tlio ground for fencing pur noses for a ierlod or ulxty year nnd utioii vemowd tho lutrk wn not decay oil mid the wod tvnu ulniost as solid ns iroij tlio intent ttuo for incline 1 in tho mniiufnctura of floo furniture nnd in lorlor flnhlilngof flno reaulences the wooil liuu n nrnln and color not found in nny other timber new york jour- hal two fine shots they wen fame per tha marksman a a lien killer a good story is told of n trading ngout in nynsanlaml iio wa obsessed with n particularly rent horror of lions ono of thcao bruleu began to eat up the natlvou of tlio nearby lltngo doing tr- rlblo havoc the agent bnrrlcadod himself in hi room nnd slept with six nntlve wot chm on un duty in case the lion aboutd try to break into his house ouo night bo thought ho heard tlie lion prowling around and promptly bred out of tho window knocking it hole lu tho government boot tlio fol lowing morning ho wn astonished to ueo what had happeuod that night ho again hoard sound which hoomod to foretell tlio presence of tho hon ho seised hlu rifle aud bred and this tlmo succeeded in bag clnff tho district ofilcer favorlto tuulo at tho first shot a certain well known sportsman who shall bo uamoleua wa bunting in tho district and board tho story ha wrolo to tho agent ami congratulated him on shooting his flmt llau tho agent roo to tlio occasion nnd now al leucos all skeptic by producing tho let ter uo ha since acquired qulto tt reputation am a lion hunter ou tb shsmgtli of this testimonial captain w llobert tforan in american uoy birds eags even tlio samo kind of bird often lays oggs that show n arcat dlfforcnco lu their marking and often this i true of tho samo indlvldunl bird at least ono long infortllo egg la included in tlio clutch of a house sparrow be sides several eggs hint nro of a darker or mr titer shade tlmn each other one may find n dozen clutches that contain soma ono typo qulto different from tho rest tho troo sparrow also lays one always different from tbo other lu tho clutch qomo birds nlwnya lay an un colored igg such as the golden eagle osprey and other ttomo birds egg vary much mora than others in color and markings a result of experience shows that tho following nra among tlie common birds that lay egg which vary considerably nobln linnet rook skylark cuckoo hawk and snipe chi cago herald ywe yre the two navel orougo true that are the parent of all of californias mil lion of washington navel trees are still alive ono of the tree 1 hi the garden of wank u it tars ulaalou inn where it was trausplanted by theodora nooeevelt when ho u as pnwldent the other is at tho head of tho famous magnolia avenue at hlverslda the two tree were sent by tho government to l a ttbbetts hlversldo colonist to 1673 theu followed tbo daralon- tuedt of california great navel or chard lan vranclafo chronicle a bad barnslrt tby say she literally bought the count and now i guess she wish shed bought him on tha instilment plan whyiar thetill ahod have to do would be to atop payment and tbey woutd take bins away h doston transcript pthsr knock- irate father now cuu that young man do n day work after bitting here plsylug and yodollng till midnight marlon iio says four hours sleep 1 all n man uoode irato fattier who told him what a man uoodatnw i ork globe que i oiioer isnt ltt what lr you never hear a man admit that ho n self mndo failure detroit froo rreaa the one etkceptlan mm flubdub you havo never done ii u thing rvnlly clever in your whole life mr riuhdub you seem to forget my dear thnt i married you judge she wan vowlywed my ingot x wish yoel wouldnt palnl lira nofrlywdnow luck have you ever seen an angel that wasnt nalntedf loudon uftll csils net bead dews oa jhwasst of bacltiofct mr j a lublnleckl oauphlu man write it is my pleasure to write you lu regard to doans kidney xhlis which i have been uilng for some time for kidney trouble which used to affect my bock so that ut times x could not bend dawn nor could i walk straight x learn ed about your lull from your almanac and i bless the happy bour x thought ol buying this medicine one time a druggist persuaded tue to buy kidney fill sayliig they were just as food hi fact lu guaranteed they were yielded to his advice and what was the result i had bearing down pains in my back for two days so i took the balance of the pills unused to the druggist and told him to give mo brian khliiey pills as they would stop the palti in 13 bour at tha outside lie told me he wa sorry x did not use more of the pills and lengthen tho time to await result x told him there is no need of waiting with domii pills they go right to the spot no substitute for me r hoaiis kidney pills are 60c a bo b boxes for ii 35 qt all dealers or mailed llt on receipt of price by the t mllhiirn co limited toronto out when ordering direct specify doans children cry for fletchers xji6 kind vou iiiivm alwnyu jlonght nnd which hn boon in uso for ovor uo ytaia liuu bomotho nlgnnttiro of v id hnu lioon rnndo under hlu xor- rjjbmjf atiiiinl duihrxuioii slnca its infancy rya j6t444 allow no ono to docolvci you lu this all countorfuith xmltutloiiu nnd jrmtiuigood nro but uxihirluu ut tlmt trlflu with nnd endanger tho lunlth of infanta nud children exnurlonoo uguiiuit jlxnorlniunt what is castoria oastorln in a imrmlch ttnltutltuto for cnntor ou k eurlc lrpa mid kitothlntf bjrtipa it lit plensnut it contnlnu uoltlior opium mornhiiio nor other kurootto siubstnnco xu nao lu ltu rgunrantoo it deutrovm wonust nnd nllnyu xtivorlshncuu xor moro thun thirty yenr it liuu boon lu constant uuo for tlio rollof of constipation xmntuioney wind colic ull tcthliif trouble untl xhirrhooa xt rcgulntcu tho dtomnrli und uowj nkslmllutn tha itimwi trlvlntf lit altliy nnd matural uleonw tlio childreuu ianacct riio mothoru xvlontl genuine castoria always buro tho sjnnturo of wu in use for overo years the kind you have alwiiys bouoht lflxxkx0ooo0o0xxxcn5000oc m s axes bargain list this week bargains tor men men u buitii at kain coath men i working bhoca kiooo yao mon a hweuturu hen a iluo bhoea umbroltub xoh 7 bargains roh women 1 ladko itnincoalu ladlun tine bhoca ladles every dayblioeti ioo luh 13 lndlra hwcatcro ladles tall drtmun nud lulrlunt iiallmrici bargains in groceries f hoop nil ktuduu for i cannwl gaadu regular lac u for tt ilrooms a upiclal lino nt a few other linos reduced 7vf shxe the brtck store opposite new postoffico the mete hunts bank op canada i flmtmkllikii iu4 luimjd ucu thrift it rifihtly described aa eco nomical management a shrewd buttineiiu man is spoken of as thrifty be cause lie saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real liccrct ot his success lien i i the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par 7000000 acton branch f a mactean manager r on farm prainaqefree do you know you can taka as much crop off 100 acres properly drained as you can oft 2t acres not drained nnd srue half tlio inuir itaa imi itfl vui uiww ihalbkfar laaxtutulve hudraliir mhlss htaaaavmir un j llahl tuwmkl ravanlatlrriibl 1 m etaoms lbs qukntliii and liiiprmca llonuailly rf nurtirit way ho havf ua mm yu inlnv fr4a of chanr s vrrr in tarmunc buibbt iui ihla aillijtrl t uimh tt uorn nnil imr l e dont nmut aaylhlbk ll at will halp y hi a row iwii r liir droliuura maana aa riuh aa two ilulti hirtianuaauntfnr avaryrrts itialanot thm now a uttcl4ywsntbrtdymimttty forlmtllaif jejnj wtuutudv ibth tku tnuur yurmliwwnulio dominion sewer pino co limited i awiuwa ftwirjsia actons electric chopping miiilt operl thursday friday mid saturday jhoppinc and rolling both satisfactorily done b f caldwell acton ont proprietor

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