nonh luimihtom in an dm on saturday ihid onlow in mr and mr john it llvluifiloiyi it koii 0 tln acton haturdav ihlli hei umlier in mr and mn john cole aon curllu mnlnm died lltiwht at lliloi milk on prhlay ul ootoliar toll 11 umumy in iiih olat yea if ku 1 at tho home of her parent churoli street anton on weditoday tftttli hfliitemlhir klhel hunter wifeof ueorgo hall apd j year mini ii month liiimiiutit in acton nn sunday 3rd ootoher infant win of mr ami mi taint it llvlngaton inmiimouiam m u piiliuioh iii loving memory arohd xlaoplieraoit who died ootoher ut inn if auoh a friend you have not loat tim 1 1 1110 la drawing tilnh 1 when you may weep a wo now weep ami nigh ft w now nigh 1 ami feel tho lonalln we felt thaday our fatw died n til fcau1iy thursday optohhil 7 ioltt editorial notes at llm meeting of lis county council hut week lleev ilyiula lutroduoed s reso lution that the allowance to lie paid from the oounty treaaury to the wive of soldier from tho oounty be increased to 910 tier month beginning wltli tlia first of movent- her the resolution reeeived tit eitdor i4al tli council iv sou rutfkiim the war hav improve employment condition in canada titer are 170 plant lit canada working oa mi itloua alone not to mention thom prodi ing manifold or other war material eoor of concerns in w tiled many million of dollar of th public money ere oveat ed are being pluoed on u mura financial bails a the direct result of the war many wheel have lieoti t going wliloli hail bean ilia municipal accounts passbd tho commit use on plnanoo tiooom- mondod payment of tho ltut dolow fie erjoineeirsaxiartymcnease tha fallowing hoooiiuiu of tho jutwod mon hi went ordered to l paid 1 uimiui amu sth 1 a x macklunon voter lut ai tealr anton tunning cti miiiplle anton vrmt pre printing to t crulif tuiilnif town hall tluno munnlmt worhl aunjillaa n huuli work on ktrmt k mormow work on ntrot knlit htoray do win ultohla tin w it millar do john tturvny da win taylor do no hitohla do jlna ilarvay aul aco ilolic- ktoray at caitielary w0a7 ului miut i in rt00 100 hm 400 ik 4m aw axomdiugly intaraatlntf ituuhar from m canulian atandpoint la the ootobar canadian uagaiina tbar ara s nuwur of unusually attractive oonlributlona waatarn canada hy a- vrnon tliowaa 1 kortunaand emlarhy hy mra arthur murplty 1 chrut awl 8oor4laa ly ii ooldwln hulth r tha ok hy llrluou 11 cook i liuratur and ufa hy harou fjayuat uuok 1 tha curloua cum of lua- jawlu mat hy irving k htnith u wll bji tiuuhajr of rood fchort atorud ay rim hflionloa of th wcrtotiu p0d tlkoujt wemana auffraff would ha on of th laauaa which would drop out of ajorht for aoiim tlma aa watui rj ft how- vr ui movatoaot u bjlttff frouod npldly tba alltru ffovrduitt hu nnounoad utat a wooiant auftraa hill will la introduoad at tha coating wa a fejuiur hill will uo u inuodudkl u um flrr iii of th nortru oowartibuttt in uanltoh and tba uaua u ueodjug a wy batioaaiu 8kauhwu with proapaotj of aotaj actio vwy aooa whan tha woated of tha thra prairi province hva full provlncul riht of voting and whan u la ubaly thla will autaj to votaa la 1rn almtloiia far provincial tlita aia umj in both ooout agwat lupatua will la givtd to tba uovoat tar wooiarta adf tn id tha proviso whard aicoart at pvattt daaa not rtj max for tha woa j aa prt of tha oououy will oot want to h duerftaloauj agalau u oooipajml with mwm in othar pjvlnta ia tha uld of fural u wall aj pmvloul polltloa if vitun yt utuh aixfli st t ifydroiartrlocont lampa 94104 jamoa hymon kuppllaa x7j tamoa 1um innjkootor 1 1 ati movfld hy alav uftll taeondad by w ii bmlth hat an inoraaaa of 110 ita mada to tl salary of alex kun andlnaor inoroam to dato front march ut 1018 carrlml aknininc pactorv proposal tho wollaooburff knlttlna co will hemovo to aoton for e consideration thev wawt 10000 for 10 years mr if it hwaokhamar of lu wallaoa burg knitting co wallaoahurg intar vlawal aeton council hut ak and wad a propoaal for tha rawotal of hla oootpany to aoton tha company has an outfit of si 1000 wortli of maohlnary which hay ar willing to ramova toaotoitandaractaknlt ting factory liar to auploy a nuuhar of hands if tha town will pro v id for a loan of 9 10000 for un yaara tha council imu haan looking into tha proposition but than u lack of daflnlta iiawooooarnlug tlia matter up to uila data undar aallifaolory oondltlona wall oparaud knitting factory would ba a vary daalrahla aoqulaltloti miutarv guam on ontarios panama iutoniunc uttof from pit junta v taylor or 44th regiment tati0meo om wellawp camal tunut ar rrowlag algus that puulo opjaloo la oauria u biglaaliig to efjriul hu a luf aauoourf 10 tha liquor umo in tdjituo to lot of wlsor aitauoaj fo ttisa apwjao fomii th u aio aptaot u airaogw flla that bow la th unta to wi cjt tha lquo utaa altcihw hikl bot to u atubl with any qbahi way btr tha ihorodghbmi of tha wt wha tha ulk hi not about w- dtiohig tha llcomi ly 10 w t but whra th tothm jthr uim of buufd putaj u tha eomputa wlpliig out of tha tto la apradlag to odurlo a fw paoplattaal to la proild if tha prbdtwo 0 100 lioma in oduho uay u mduwd aood to about 1000 but kdmi puhllo eplrtlod piutlmutlyduiliigthawar utuit llkaly to u aatlaful with tha pmuaoa of io0o lloaoaw 0ta of tha djiu aupa fo ptohlutlou wu ooarmooa halj lo twa to with taprmaoullv of twva dlowxtt orgtiutlona at whkh it waa douaj to uumii a caupalgo for tha rxohlbltlod of tha iiwv uoa or at any rata for a rfor- aojuat oa tha qumtloa in addition to rwmrtufjv4 of churchaa and unip- aso otanlutioa this tdovoiwt hu tha 00enarailom of a nutobar of uadlng bual tuaa uan and it la thought it will dtiop grt luportauoa ivoiu lfutat gava a urgdtupuutloa whlfih akad for frohlu- uoa laat imday a vry saoourajflug m- piy 05fbin0e a vary auoojul bally llay wait laid oa sunday in tba pvwibyuriab churoh in eoo- ttaduoa with tha biinday hohool tha putoi- rav mr- lindaay va m vary fcpproprlata urteoh for tha oooiulort a utaalistfmutf mrvlo will l bald but buoday in tha fvaabyuhan church hare a tavg nuuhar of our young ma lait our townahlp oa llooday to join tha via batiallod at loodod uf aod mr will nohartaou aualpb road vuluj frlaada la tha vuinlty of oaoa- ut john alutea ami family pat sua- day afc tha how of mr idavid itohartaoa mr john suwartt of kraaoaa apaot subday with ur oaorua nobartaoo mapla orova faroi air aiul mra john uooutohaoo of ifrtttoaa vtaltod ur ahd un tttomajn uarok of tha third koe lfr wt uolaau of tha royal city raturood hotoa on bunday aooompaalad by luuotw um jajnoa mouah of oa- phaga our fawnari a boay hwvtallug thajr root drop in thl vlolulty tho huro of aavora auau and uolloa thraahlbg oalflt ar to bo heatxl at proawt aiuogour buoy alba in thla eouuuttlty ut william dowdy buuagt f tha fofoeto lima co uomjiooj haa par eluuad too aoio far it kaquaalug towiuhlploioiiglbgtoum uiu dobbi ba vaat wd by j- a wulotighly klaorgaiowtb tla following lattar front ita j n taylor fomarly of aeton pranla a uw phaaa of ckuuva tatllltary aotlvltlaa grow ing out of tha war 1 lnwm vuia pukaa iwr air t will you allow ua a word of approoutloa of aa aitlola appaarlag la a ront uua af your journal r a ftyhg vult uada by you la tha niagara fwaauut tba ajrtlola waa pahlouurly appraolatad by ua uoauaa tha paat nloa uontha of uy ufa bav haan apit in hi uajaatytf ar- vtoa auodg kotos if not most of tha fuoad uaotiooad and alao baoaum of your kindly uaotloa of tha troop who kaap watoh and ward in haaa puoaa i found uyaalf ragratung that you had not axuedad your j itiaaary furtbar to tha aouth and takao lo tha raally attaotiv cuotry around iwt colhorna paaaluy lb la no nwa to you to ba told that tha aoldura on guard oa ontario fajtiua u walland canal frota battalion known aa tha walluul canal protactiva koroa la eowpoj of 000 tingaata froos tha 10th btoalharisaaand tba 44th tlnoola and wlbiad itagltnaau wilbbaaduartayaatbloatharlaaa un bar of tha foroa point with patrlonabu ptlda to tba faot that tby havoootrlbut- ad upward offioouan to ovh4jcdaua gaata alno tha prdt aluratlona to tba blip of europa for furtbar particular aa to bow tuy aoqlttaj tbacuwlra ut laag- eaarok and st julua b wits it la tba boaat of our ottmh that uo aaay cu eoua into tha country ovw lb kuara frootw or vu tba wlbukl ouial uala lo overwhelming nuwbm tba lotet alahoraia praoauuooa ar takwi aqalaat tha cotraooa of apua tba lotar oaltorial brldswi t nugara sail chlppa- wa vott ijrla and avary otbw point wha aa ituldloua aaawy eould povlhly gala an antfmac ar auhuct to an looamat aoruuay all oowar halng r4ulrd to giv aatlafaotory aaauraoo of paolno inuatloaa and all vabtaua tlioroughly aurnbd for anything of jnchtalnatlug natur all antarliig tha canil imt at lwt oolhorna ar tborooghly uarchad erawa eauohtaaj aud any hanbar of orw of ooauy aauoaallty rotovd and iaumad or daporud wo batld tba uaa of gvfratan or aiitrun mitlooallty who cannot abow u a cluttftjjilp papar ill vlaw of canada la lluiud to ut four wall of our guardroom and tha koowudg that tha flrt falaa mov oa hla part will pk hlai hla choio of oold atoal or hot bull from tha apparently uhoonoaruod uaubar of tba w a 1 v st tb guatdroaid door by prourvug auiot uautrallty bovuiar tb aior buutloaad irahgar withlnl tha gata find nothing wor awaiting hlu than prompt daporuuao is eoneluatoa air allow ma to oooour in all tba alo thing you bavaaald about tha cardan of uolarlo 1 to thank you la tha nam of tlia hoy of tha voroa for your evident appreciation of tbalr aarvloa and to wui uor power to tba editorial elbow a general way vtu jxs tavkob 44th itagluaat port rjolhorua lat out october cod 1018 the british red cross pund appflbla to tho peopvof canada for aid reeve- mynds addressed dy the lieutaoverwon ltwa ifynda rocalvnl tho following tilgltt ifittcron oolnur ut 1 toronto onu oct ut i oik iteovfl llyifla aoton our i licc lo inform you that iird ijnii downa ban mint mo the fallowing cable gram 1 i hg to inform you lliat tha ilrltlah rwl crou hoclely ami tha order of fit john li vlaw of tha great domanda upon their reaoiiromltotli in krano and in tlia eaat batadecldeil to tnakn an aptaal throunh tho kmplr by atreet ami oilier collection upon tlo twenty llrat day of october namt tlia money received from uila apjiaal will it devoted entirely to relieving tlia auffcrlnge of our wounded aohller ami aaltora from home and overeeaj at uie varloua aeata of war from all part of tluj king dominion w iiava already received generoua amlatanoa n our work but with tba inoreaaa of hrlthji and over eaa force at tha front tkero la a oornn- i i w ruling fncreaa in our enpendllur and we aball he truly grateful to yuu ifyou will help ua by organuing an appeal ami mud lug tlia proceed to ua for tba auhjaote whfoli i have named i eliaii ba greatly obliged ifyou will kindly communicate tha foregoing ut your coveriitnant their majettle tha king and the quean and ilermajofcty jueeu alexandria are giving ua tlielr ireolou fiatronag and i truat that you will alao be able lo lea your wy to itatp lanulowne in view of tlia urgency andlntportane of thl flrat appeal that th u other land lie met to ua i confidently truat that you will at 000 organic wltb a view to getting a worthy contribution from the people of your municipality on october 2ul jon h ififmniirk ueu tenantqovarnor ttia lueva reapondi with tha following letter 1 regarding tlita appeal in view of tlia recent campaign in our municipality and th hearty and generoua refipona front all elaaae to th canadian ivtriotlo fund ami tli canadian red croaa bocuty work w do not fel ilka aaklng for anotliar can being mada a atkad for in the might lat ter received from hi honor uut-aovr- nor ileiulrle btlll tber uey 1 aont there buy be uuny who would ilk lo eon tribute to thle worthy oeuh thllriuh 1u1 cnw botuy work u worldwide it touch not oily ui hhtui eokller hut all uldlar frota th the oveaa douilalooa among whom ar our gallant canadian boy thl la th tint appeal to tha canadian paopl front tb uotbetund oa behalf of tba urltlab red croea rocuty work and it dswervea our ay tnpathy awl aupport- itaad carefully thl appeal and if you feel ilk oonthbuungto tb fund plaei band la your conlrlbutloo totha uiulmlgnej who will ackaowudg through tb 00 man of tb wi puu all auouala and forward earn to tha proper authorllia reaptfully cko ifvmba reeve offloa roav actoo october 4th 1018 obttuitry habsa0aweya ur oharlu uableoaa lltu ion eroaat who bad tb ulafortuna la break hi leg laat week la getting along uloely ur davkl btoreya outfit threkhed for ur nell afaolaod uat week three acre of fall wheat which turned out flfly buahala to tho acre it i a una eawpla of wheat ur btepbett con baa goo to hamilton to vlalt her daughter ur vred llaudev ur kenneth uaeleod hu returned bom altar vlaltlug hla daughter mr ceorg harwood la ifaulltoa uaeara tojahuaa riolher hav com pleted the brick work of tb uw ebeneur church it will be m very haodaom dlfloe when oompleted th lathing u now lu piogreaa dr uotaggah of urookvlll bow operate a flo new motor oar tba work on th ouelph road abov tba aoton una i progreealng when alary ride to town wlthla her nifty oar ah meditate oa bow advanced tb rural dutrleu are and thee thageull tboaghu that charm bar thank good nee ueory in a fartaer jouk luuaar eao dy tba death of tha vaoerabt john ramvi ou tba farm wbar ha wa bora ninety year ago hut july tba county of wellington lot tha flrefc whiu aula pertoa bortf within its beundarlea fltartjy aiter hla notable urtbday party oa the 0th of july uat wha 160 frleuda aeeetnhuj oa tba fartd wbar b wa born and lived for fouraoor year and tea to celebrate hla ninetieth birthday anolvereary ur rau- eayoetae- to acton to rwj with ur and mr rohart lalng oa ahhur street her be remained for nearly tbre uoothe wbea after aa attack of paalyala b kvalleed that hi aij waa nar and tup ad a ueelr to return to tba obi howa to apeod hi uat day ha paitd peaoafully away hut jrirlday evening the funeral waa bald oa toeejay afternoon aod weaon of tba largest ever iu inlhuwction tb aervlo waa oooducted by rev j r dodja of rookwood aaalauj by rav j a wluoa a a and tb pall lwu4ra war ueura n v uady waluo lauby jatnea klikwood john wluou uvorg aaetianduofgn vuber all dlreotore of tha halloa vlr inauraoo company tba rvmalna war uu at reet in th oemetery at ebeneaer church ntuga weya wbar hi father waa burled 00 tba 6tb jusa iftaft wlieo tba aubuot of thin obituary waa ud of aeved year ni mother outliied hla father thirty elx yeura and died juno slat iftoa john rawaay waa tba aoa of joha lubuay who waa bora in county donegal ireland la 1701 awl cam to canada lu ih10 h marrud rachaal cuavr uaughtar of john olaaver of kauon townahlp lu itui after taking up land la eramoea townahlp with hla two brother robert and henry tha year lufore jolia ramsay jr uarruj mary a lxaaula 00 july 8th hub ur raauey pretlosaaed him la 1bh3 leaving four daughter all of whom ar deoeaeed ur lumaey waa not oaly a pioneer but b waa aa intelligent well informed and helpful oltueu ii waa good belthhor a kindly advuar and a advlo waa aought by many ifar over fifty yara h took a hv nuraat in puujo aaajra ha waa elected m number of kauagaweya oounoll n ibos and waa auhaaquantly deputy reeve reeve and wardea is 1800 upon tb orgablaatloa of halloa vomer inaur aao ootapaay h waaaleotad preatdaat of the company which offio b bald for twaaty year if waan boaorary direc tor at tb time of hla death and attended oa of tb monthly meeting in tba town hall aoton uiu auuuer john rauaoy wa an upright man of alerting character and though aomawbeb gruff la bu wanner b waa invariably km and teodarheaited duhng tha but thirty year of hi life b waamlalaured to wlib tender and afleo- tlouat ear and aolloltbd by ur robert- lalug who waa with him until th aplrtt bed taken ite flight au interesting ooinaldenoa la tba fact the schools help day tho sooond annual event hold last friday quito bucoourul the fnizetaktrjo comfetorfj tlin ueoohd annual fcield iay at the puhllo and high flnhnou waa bold on 1fl day afternoon the weatliur wan delight ful and there vera a ooupla of ecora tnoreof vultor preeent tha titudenu of all grade entered heartily into tho plrt of tha oooaaloii which provod to lm very enjoyable tlia hohool auemhletl aa uual at i 30 and left tlia lunch bone in tha varlou room reedy for uututer on after recelt ing iieoeaeary directlona all wera duinlaaed to ui achool grounda and tbadoor locked principal btewart ooiuluctl the hit 0 port which took nearly three hour to run on they ooitkuted of vnrloua kind and aeveral ball game tha ohlef lnlerel oentered in two of thee 1 one between th boy of tlia th in hook v the fourth hook tliefamierwlnnlng and oneiietmeen jjie illaona ami th maple lear boy of tli hlfth s0i100i ui latter winning the high school glru had alao an inter t i tig match the winning ten vamtiuh ing tlia ilea vera at uiaoouclutlonof tliogamea tlie tll waa rung ami ui aludenl again einti ed lit the room whence they were march d out jjjneh in hand to position ihulgnat- od by tlie teaoluni each room making a lunching unll thlallera waa engaged in with veal the vultor being heartily wel comed to tli repeat th event waa vary tuooeatful anjnufltit to ba oonkldcred an eaaaiitlal part of acliool routine each year th atreogthanlng of tli aoclal bond liatween teacliera ami acholara ami the apeolal day for antuae ment in the wliool ground will provide pleamht uamorle for year to come whan teaohera and ecbour areaeparated far ami wld lulow u tli uat of aveot ami tbeea who war tuoerf ul 1 ilaaaball watch rook hi hoy vs hook iv iloya th uotk iii roya war victor loua rook iii clrla raoai vlret alice jamea i beoond vlout louhtt hook iii uoya luot v rt willi watt t becoml vred wanrwa hasaball xfatcli dock i v rook ii th hook ii boy were victorious book ii girl raoa 1 ljrtilirdla doulett 1 rond jean knajy hook ii uoya raoei viratjaxk dru tow 1 hooad ejui coojwr if a oitu iujuuiitu iuavr va tb wiimlrig la the winning 10 were vtetorlou il a roya iuwlll11e hlooa v tb uapl laai tb maple leaf wr vlotorloua hook i olrb rao 1 viret elm loo utt 1 bcotvldoriacuuing hook i boy rao 1 pirt frd young 1 beoondcharlu nutuy br primer olru rao 1 kfrt tuna young 1 beoond haua ucdonalj ur premur hoya rao 1 flret prl btucky 1 boiul matthew tyur jr primer girl raoi virt mary buwart 1 booud ivy llttuy jr primer hoy raoi pirt oordou huaaan i frank hollo way back rao 1 virat willi huffman t beeoml robert buwart tbr lagged rao 1 pirt kul lap pin and curt price t beoond jeul anderaon and viol gooutt- rook iv olru rao flrtemuia llaroa 1 becood oudya hudman booh iv roye rao 1 fetret- lloyd keaaay 1 becood willie buwar new fall goods every department in tlie iitore it alive tint week with bright new goods the pick of tho market in their respective linen new pali dbess coods in all the tert iliadcn and fahricu houjjlu early and bought right grand values ad the market in today new staples ncluding aright and attractive lines of wrapperettcn kimona clothn flannclcttcfj tiliectingii etc mens and boys rilrnisiiings new caps new hats new neckwear new shirts new underwear new hose new suits tweeds and worsteds very attractive linen henderson co mill st acton out crocker land a mvth that tit uu john warren father of our aateemed fallow cluaaa ur jama l warren wa lota on thm day aa ur lumeey tbey apaot many year together fn tba oounty council and both war honored with th vyanleuahlp ur raw eey often jocularly referred to ur warren a hu twin brother lbltefl pbomsebgr harwood u in fihorucu uoaplul thlalahli sooorid uospltml exporiotio would oud be home again tba following utter waa reoelvoj by tb tram poxa on saturday t it uartlna puin bboraolire daabfiiui jut at has to ut you know that iaot atlll la tba land of the living lam writ ing you to thank you for tba vuk patau yoa dont know how i took for ft to to whatjegelngan in acton well ive juet bad a vttlt from kd cole aod hla wife iuo their uttu boy they ar looking fin i au india lloapltal again have juet been under an operation bot am doing wvll hard to kill ma lam looking for- werj lo when u aball ba uarolilug iiomo again eo keep tha bom fir burning whiuyourhearta ar yearning though tba boy ar far from horn tbey think of you all tharea a allver lining to dark elouda iofuawubl waa with you all agala the 00th have goo over to franca now ao ouaner gould and gua large have goo with tbent and i wub them tha bet of luob i a acted u doing bar beat in tba way of boy for tba front f aaw red williama th other day h look well hut tired of soldiering but he will get over it and will parbap be fred wllllaua v c yet i bop an sucb thing ar happening nowaday well f aball be glad when i am out of bed again i thought often it would b olo to la in bed all tha time ami do noth ing but eat am auap hut i dont think ao now it i btuerabl after nob knowing what it i to b alck but i murt not kick i am lying bar for king and coun try and i ant aaf aa long aj i atay bar anyhow that a 00 comfort well i bop you will avcuasth writing i an on my hack and it 1 no eaey job lam your truly li el luuwoon lohnfi tba following la lorn b0i100i report for hapuunbar 1 flu iv clara lent alvln ryder 111 watklua jh v oarollna ryder donald mo- dougall esi uoeaoherd jh ill ronald ueeaohern arnold uedottald laure lanthert wilmer wat- klna klmora jobniton ju ilbaaala uodonald jeaala ryder uarl lanta hector uodonald roy jobnetou jk- i cordon johoatou augue uo eaobara catnphell miller puiuku harold swackbamer cum akathuen milter jack uo- dougall laura murrey gordon uodou gall cbarll lambert cium h uary uokaoharu morgan hern n a jaanihki tvaobor be ltuaeelu adveehbteoeebt la thul lo to h a ruaaella for meat hav lb baa aaeortbuat tbey donald ii uocmiiian wrltm from an unnamed point in iri andc ro- lonn n lottor to llm vow voit trl bmm received dy hi n 10 tit in cuprn- hafioit and forvardod by tho lottnr to london tho envelope la post mark oil kjobonhavn may 38 ihi oplor- r n loiter wlilcli la undated la aa follow crocker land roportod soon by poary in 1000 and indicated on tho latent map dooj not enlat i aue- ceodod in covrrlni the wholo dlatauro or 1300 mllca lu 73 days to u atandlng on tho height of capo thoniaa hubbard and for several day ou tha polar flo a tboro waa every anpoaran 0 of an luimanao tract of land evlutidlug along 180 logroo nf tho boruon hill veluya ond anowrapod piak tarllier travol toward tho nortti- wnat rauaoj it to 1 hanito ua direction tltli th rovolvlng of the sun it constantly varied in intent and char- actor and final ij on our uat march oluappoarcil entirely ti10 onpedltlon loft etab on foh- ruary 13 101 ono week hoforo the let urn of tlin aim after proceeding 00 mile nn ouibroak of mump anil influenza among tho knqulmau and tto poor cunokio of hip doge com polled ua to return to headquarters tho rrorganliatto party fod up tho cog on wnlrus moat and left analn on march ii wllli ton aledrca and uu don driven b aoven native k mor kkbiiw rnalgo kltihugti groon mid myrolf ii following the edge of tlin opofi water wo crossed tlmlth round in six honit profllltit hy tho enpirlonco of took and hvrulmp wo decided to crora kiioihih ru laind by way of tho doihiqiii olarlr wo ascended to a height of 470v font tho lowest torn- poraturo rxprrlencod bring c8 do or eon below ton fahrenheit lk- a fht wore ad badly frosted on tho glacier that wnn contpollod to load blin back fr rt tho iioad af llay fiord knalffi oteen returned to hayea round foi oil and pemmlcan and was to jol tho main party at capo tho ma hubtard perfect woatber and sraootb ico in eureka bound enabled ua to cover 00 miles lo thrfo day a large herd of ruuik oxen white wolves and carl boa furnished moat for doga and mon at hvltbort wa found a each of milk and pemmlcan left by over- drup is yean ago both were in good condition wo reached the northern end of axal lis 1 berg land ta april ii ensign orson camo lu on ache- dulo tlmo april 11 with aupplle uaaded for tho polar oa dub tb supporting party went back from hero tha main party for tb attack on crocker land consisted of only four two native oroea and myself 1 fund hero two rocord aud a piece or an american fug loft by peary in loot th first tan mile on th polar boa afforded good traveling over a hard rollln aurfaco tha noxt twonty consisted of a chaotic tuaaa or proauro rldgoa open water and nowlyfrogen load wo wro hoi i up twloo for a fow i aura and eroeead thirtyfour lead in all haydnd tha load we ware favored wltb tho very boat of going making twonty aud thirty mile a day wo saw a mtrago of mm lea lapeatedly which graatly resembled land this oxtituled woll around in to tba north ovor icnrya trail of 1900 and at time joined tho north ern ahoro o grant land on april ss wo roachoi tho auppoaod alto or crocker land tbo meridian altt- tudo or lofl 82 east and latltudo 8s 30 tba woatboi waa porfot and ho land waa in sight throughout march tho loads and preaaur rldgot tended toward tha doulhwost prom our last camp as far as tb ayo could reach it seemad on chaotic mat of ico loads and rreasuro rldgoa lutersoctlng without don it i to direction tha general ehar- rctor of tlu lea would ludlcato tba action nf ver strong tides or eur rcnie 01 poftfilbl a largo area brok er in rmsangt over ahool ground tliero wi no bottom at 150 fathom wo arrived hark at capa thomas hiitihard on april 38 nnd retched ntah on may 31 n fow day taforo tba breaking up of bmlth bound i nave boon fortunrto in finding some rorords of pmvlcus oxpodltloni i have two or dr kano expedition of 01 yoars ago and iinvo also com mander naros a record written by captain felldon tho uaturalul waa found at capo lablne our plana fo noxt year tha spring of 1916 arc as follnwat iroen and myself will start on a 1600mlla trip to evploro tlio region south of kllof and amutnl hinges land and if itiimo is plentiful wo will return by way or jones bound leaving an march 1 we should ba back by june 11 hkblaw and tanquoray will explore tbo araely fiord and lake llagen roglon in grant land returning by kennedy channel they ar bath doing fine work in geology botany and aoolagy tliuu far wo havo received no messages bj wireless allan is hero ho has neve lot up for a minute and is 11 till working faithfully hoping tn get results from ono of the outer is lands to which ho baa moved bis whole equipment we havo plenty of food nnd run to inst till august 101 tj the work of the expedition will then ih through and wo will re turn homo in that month if tbo ship ahould fell to reach us frlemlk at horn 1 tihould not worry as we ran easily llv hm tho natives do tint men urr all well up to dulo the made in canada saves ou 9 o to 60 try before you buy at ourexpenie empire typewriter co aiuuui bl wt voflonito out m s axes bargain list this week bargains rou men ma u bulls at ualn coat ueu 1 woiklng blioca iitm i an ilen a h lfenl in umbrolui l3j iuit 1u bargains for women iullea raincoats t lojiicb fine bhoea lad lee every day bhaca ladira hwiatcra ladle pall drcra and hkiruat halt i ricl 1 boape all kltida 0 for canned good a regular lac a far bargains in gbocebies v3 7vv- shxe the brlck store opposllo new pastofisce 0 cool summer desserts this lu the tlmo of year when it is hard to know what to buy for a deport at moa time why not bavd something cooling in the way of ico cream r wo will deliver any quan tlty from cents up our candy popart men t alwaya has a full lino of chocolates from ao cents to 60 cents a pound lubulk and a packages from s ceiituto iiio each don t forget our ico cream parlor we make a now dish every saturday our new dial for noxt satur day is a mary ptckfords deaert comolu and try ono and alto enjoy some muilc from ouruow ora- foiiola harold wiles tiillimur act of c c speight for uptodaie goods sllvrwcirt tn tsiblewirrlne varlty also pint cutlry hardwajr tinwjr land gran ltsweirj in vtartotty pomriorvi stova and rtuifafa ifoimious hatr0 small stovs- ou stovb every article p o tional value ext-cp- c speight mill slrvcl acton ilehi aubcdihttiwiiifl nollci it lit nrkiik am irlollvlorblil bin from iryrf- 1 vhikii 1 it i it l 0ll lite 7tl t wiuik l tj- l illfl 1 lin i hiiiiiiv hi lliowa who nuanlti alioiii l joiih 11 ninhirrr mnialiokmvantki i iiililioii linui lin km 0001 hicki wiikat itkkk nkhldbnoiff vott ma om ttsehr rhlt onnilirulla lnleu rijmee oil it cninxr it kill an i tvellluatnii iuml aotmi i funmen nlnalrle hull a u in npluhilll omiililldii jioldif newly ilecrali oatid of thanks tiilalilmra noill li il ihliol ilnl lo arw tliilr unlm lo llirlr mhiiv iriainl emt tlolr iiinr hviiiimlliy j1 i llm loiu llliii nl ttielr invtml elio ui i swev tlinee lililji eti laytjiptuy will nevtwb sikycnmfiil dairy fttifllnesa voil balu i all off nr ina in mi lit wii 1 hnnl rib lochlirr ulitiil i10 ant i ut reatn 1111 illcatu willi clcnuiinr ivehhliipj and jte- new tin ioih linnia vbr uo klulikil i 1 iieel varmi i i fur id i qarmeula rotutly iuiwk residence von ualbj 1ii1 iialf nt dial eewrorutiu lnuk nn wolllimini drl htoiht fdur li in lu k ui haa iik reet anj lltlnnai rr mil vw lu lilmiui i all wh tulll llouj 1 tle lol uidihm tlk ullc4uiiii la at too auauit toil 1jij mlvalimiej in u af 11 urwd iaitbuow bite fo palfc b llicliau ant lai anl cloaelt ui4li alnoa iujj ytiouubl luro eluiaj new ui tela i i la frul ul la tiarlar dn dlulu reoo ry vtnnlij oyr bvroaa vat fartlaulai k- pubmc fllatement w allan i j anon ontetio 80j idul auixll ulluvtiowiniwmml ll larin nl ur tnu la i orali urura tu4 we j uurtav maba av blu cqilcoiltlld ui4j tulu hlu- nibfji llial ihkih1 oe lw iiianuor inlet w we wahtt niirei oludlaif cn4 lor tb ikq mr uurrar front any lt- t war liav rtou vx ut iai- u 1 uliitih lb i iuuuwi laauy til nu ao aivgrka john i ahw a j 4itumm acloo joiinaiykuu hi un wimitj j ii klmuwood new wonder lan the fiiipav oora margin ritu chirk la the goea girl monday oct ii lhc tiithhtr t who paya tukhdav oct 8 pltim nniu txirn night the linn onil u10 uoiilc a drood wuj st ir f ituru wgdnteuoav a or is lpiwtiloioixphiitsorklaioatba lifu curunl d r l gregory propirfelor a grand trunk wrstf thanksgiving day single first class fare oood aoliilr ootabi hui 101u valid rot iiturn ou or lu only aii d p millinery i opening oar rail dlaelay of drew and ivadylowear hats will ite open for ittiipecuon to tho ladlea nf j acton and vicinity on wkunbbdav es thurbdav mhkt iblb itud tolh ttid eagel ui sleciilng to begin i miss m cooper 1 0ont bjook aaten w since 1832 this lofitltutlon has sue caafully carried oa bul- neaatidltlhwiiequirpd to handle nil uie detailfl of a modera bonklne service its keeervo vund is now nearly double the amount of ka paldup capital tfaeeo facts should la- fluenco you to nelect h your jbank u the bank of nova scotia ess ftaultcibm at atton otiajeam xtorvaj kfutosi and btrebiui vlliur clash ifallid and a tuwo good gonff october o and rr iqm valid for return until october is 101s return tlckutu willlio uuod between all mtntlonh in canada east nf port arthur nnd to nctrolt and pott huron uicli i in halo ii luck uock niagara palls aud siiiipu union iihdgc n v panama paoipio jxtosltiom itcdnccd fnrofl to ann irancisco loo amjckn find hnu ulcgo pull pniliculnra rtmrborlli reservations on application to agents h s holmes agent phone no 13 q the hub a ku in tlio thin tn ortler jour now milt fiirtlmiith- llivinp olvo tmjmii nuxt uriuruikl jmi will tto well 111 1 1 1 1 wo nuo ninku iiulkt hiiliu ladles mid guiitii uiiltn dunned and trihtld volut collars put on trout 75c iii geo f agnew ladle and dent talloa mill si atloa d