wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a ilakiau auhoiitmuny rillous iwahonaltt glvo us a call mamiilaoti liaundlcu ibou1cd news op local import how niimob for war babied i many whi nanus have iwen given in aiding tlio atfrloiiuural fairs lw lu mt n war winwl hut nu al tho uiiitlj co moll hn1 uoik grant nf tho most miillur mill ut thti wino tilno ofsfhiuiifi undo in tho cuuiily fulr mid liiioinutltig wuhliiiku ivud liy mrn jiiimoii 75 umh to anton ilurlfiigton oskvlllo j wlfo fcrod inlwm of woodblock ami rtiioiiig km i ru gko iiynds jewellery wlitl vmtav ootwlh acton ontaiiio real estate vatrwu for hhih i ii itl ton peel and weilhiigfon ioo tartua lor ualo iwry h ii uu wuut n form writ r mi far ililitlouue or 11 you lnli lt wll or rxruimgri wrl uir w lmercry facility for truiibiiriliiir buhltieuu to your cobtttlrtn mitlwfuitioii torrcs kottdu4 txkolu lied j i wsxmsltlllky iurtu mrihm rc lull sit ticurtcetowii fllic retail jfra press jlumtho octolll it 7 lilh brief local items thuiugiving lidliiln not morning rwiioflhii patriotic lair nt joorgo town to da cheap foroa uil i o given on the rail ways far thankving milton rntojmjcr will aj a tnx ruto of ih mills on iho dollar lhuoir tlio molhndiatlliurch milton han fix d the salary of uav i hraporatcujm per year mr prunu mayers now sjiarta a fluo new seven taucnrcr itlkl model htudo baker car tho turnip crop i lailiig marketed the price thii uouk ia eight cents per bushel ol lilt pounds frlii tulr noil tho di middled mis day promlui toccllho nil prov lous records orangovlllo hand will furnmi music itov mr porter of toronto preached excellent sermon in mm iluptint linrch but hunilay ho will nccup tlio pulpit again noil huudn corp john u monro of tlio 31th luttallnn london tioiiil tlio methodist congregation with u miio thy lluht of love on h j ml ay night a censored card from ilia trenches in wanes utjmg i om l w1 utw reclevcd ity luevo llviidm mondaj from his ton plo dooriio hjmk 1ro rnan allcrwjii ouoojiathlc 11ijloun oflitclili ulllwtarlonoorj tualay anil hatunla from to h m lib ofllco la ut ho inlnioii hotel tlio uuplca in lo wwl lin to llaunt in trail and rwl mid in tlio elm ilia lira lfrdiinithwiiboinpty oicrlioaif ntij uo suuniradnna j mimnmr w dono again flarot w f loloa lto lia wen lurnrwrltwl for car tea u oimcumi homo from tli liwpiul in i nund tin wwli lira colon aiul majjjur friio will accoin psny liim iwrttfot lr u ii time ol lumll toil iift ttcm iwl u call lo ll n trorntlown luptiut umreu hr lino l lilily bpokenofandttill u ciiiiliullj utuomtl tlw thirty tlilnl annual cu iuru of uia salvation army in tannin will u luld in toronto from tuoftilay odolwr ijili to wejnailay ottolmr null ltt coinmli idiut iticltanla in com mm i ilov mr atlwu jircailicl iho flnt of m ftrioa of urmoiia on tlio lml 1raar in tha molhoillt cliurch uiat hmday biomlmr tlilu flnt winun uf tlio eorlca wu ry lnlerotiik and iid1 fol a rood many hold i f i ui uwiioji worn draochodly tiliu ninv nln ulicn tho min w ulioui rulv t it ml l tlio farmer lmvohiinuh mcniluud ulthtlila yar owlntf lo tin fn i ml ml mr latici itih of tholifih line uu purchowlon jh immlfatm ut hi ocoruo and will rcinovu li family tlurcto ihia hionlh midi nuict vill filt in thin locality at tho removal of llila family l1 ai oiouulinuly iiilrrclli tf unit tiatpful rally luy wrvlco wuh hold in tho irahy- tehan church a weeh oun sunday tha cimrch wu mtut urtisticully ilocoratcd with flo wore plant x oiidfollauofiom vlnoa and lrw tlio mlihllo ww uoro filled wlthhrltflit faoftil tmjw and lrl with tlio uaohere and olllccru of tho uahluith ucliool vroni tha ohlot uholar to tlio very younoatttio cloaont uttontlon waa manl timttil and each claua miulcrwl lliclr iart of tho aertloo oaccptlonally well a duot rvtuurl hy mwra w jowily and i k lolulnnhiriuj uaa grrully onjnjcd tho roparinttindontuuildrofca rnlk tho uhol aratattdoamofalllifulaoiilloramiilorclirluta ootnraaiid a llstonod to uith inanifatt inukmt hy all uov it f cameron tho paiwr preached a thrilling nod liutruo tlvo aornion on tliu antijtnt for tho day biakliig it altogether u wirvica loiitf to n mtnantuinul hy all who woro priviloawl lo i jirflaont crewons connkrs tha continued wot wcatlwr ia hlmlurlnir tho famiera llniwhliik iholr huctiwhoot liar- vest mr lkmialdaon and llttla arond dtuh- tar of lnineunir vuiumi tit mr j ilurn ildda lt wu mr jab oarahlound mrt ii ianli nd iulmuponthumloy with looriotown frleltda mr a damon toronto la vlultlntf tit mr ii h wiinalinroufllia mr ra llanipar draro and too of oiprlngt vultod at mr 11 hampers thin wflil mr awl mrs altjor criprw are moving to aolon thla wmii wo bm vory aorry to loao ihlw rwpular young eouplo lioin liora 100 hbward 9100 oailuranf thlap to learn that thoro lam tho wailoraof thla ilwr will l iilrowxl ut lea ono dreaded bttoot tlopitlra koaoasnky a few imihi uf jruvnl uro imdly hkmiwi on tho iiimlwiiy on wlllou htroul npimiiilto tho iiilro iuliuliitinii tho ralna of ilia miniiinir hnvo wnulied ilnop rnta und iho uroxliia ifoth at tha power hniibo oniranoo und at llivor hltoot pratruiln lit n manner dunoroiia to pnuiilnyrlua 70 tit amilvcttuirywothodlbt churolt tlio flrut motliimllub cjmroli in acton u u o hi nod in 1ki1 iho hovontloth annlvora rtrj of tliluoent will imoluwrifmloii hinday l7thot with norvlooo of a very intoroo tlnjf ohiinidlor rlormniia will lw p reach w i liy lioi c 1 llfflper of milton tha lata poatorof thecliiirch hpoolnl mualowilllta rondareil hj ilia t hiilr llout j no hontlorfion visits old homo muni toll n ilandoraon tr of tho fllut hattnlian vliinlieg apsiib n duy or ao tlila wool at tho liomo of hla y rand father 1 uonileraon m i f leut hendcraon haa hoen inllnjc a bjkoioi conrao at tho aohool ol iniiiuetry it hochclliro ottawa ho loft to join hln hattallou at winnipeg on tnofidiiy the llout h a natlvo of acton john affiiow away ton ycaw in reuowlnjr hla fhi i im mi auhacrlptlon mr john aiiou ol hnrtney man aaya slj how time lliea it will ha ton years nokt djirlinr lnco wo lalt acton tlio fin i lrtuui la till a uoloomo visitor every uooh we could not icry well do with out it crom hava liocn vory goad thla jenr all well kind rcrarila to all old friend 1 old tlmo thnttkefitlvlnjr toaafootlnr an evening cl ooclal aiilbrtalntueitt la luiliiy nrrnureil for tlianuajrlvlnp night in knoi church tlia program ma of proomd iiia will inchula lantern vleuaof iho war miua ague m tooboy oiooutlonlkt of 1- orgua in flcnuuh and patriotic mlcllonh mua may wil igust knox church choir and tjuarletto and a itountlful aupmrfroin 1 to ho clock woman inetltuto prult shower hie fruit holng donauil far tho canadian hospital and aoldlera at hlionicllffu knp lund will a pacled hy tlio cammlttsa of tho womano institute on monday 11th octolmr all intending to conlrlhuto fruit for thin itniiortantahouer will plaaao loavo their donationa at mr tleorgo sopors storo liofore that data wine ineaauro ipiart laraaro dealreil rill loavo shortly for england carp john it moore of tha luglo la ml it tha stth lutullan lomlou who hail cn with a compan at tlia fair at lall oil t riilny cams ho ma on a thort furlough li aajb that ireparatioia aro llng rajjj lytcomplotrd lor tha departure of tha llth fa i ngland llndoaa noteipact to liave anfithor opportunity to visit lioiaa hafore hiilwltlloii icavca th olfls club waundaj a tea in aid of roa fumu will ho hold in tlio lud unlntf ilooiiia shovo l c ituaikella an hatunuy october otli afternoon enlng it will lio in cliargfl of tlio orymiliwt uir cluh afuumoon p imi nerved for ida homo tnoilo 111 imionulo evaryloily la linit ed tat attend and lilp on a aood cauao inthotlon corvlca in sl albonichuroh induction hun leo will l uu in ht ia cimrch on friday avaoing at mgh vhen tha vanarauio archdaacon of luaijilt will formally induct ihojoi ch i hinlthm a sa itoctorof ttiero will u full choral ur icolnd at urmon ty arcluloacoa llavldaon whala ho iopular ami woll tiuown that it la omctud lliarowlll ha a lrgo oongioga tiaufiron to hair him prwach on tlio oc coalpo of thla interest i rg oarvinony all prjmiji aro cordially invited juigt boyd booolvet whlto glove allon auuua uoro uu at milton lat uou chanoaltor hir john a iiod uaa profeuttd ulth whlta lil glotes ai there uchjt no cilmlnal catce thcra woa only onolcuil cjm a nonjury action lt11 ia hukjington tio plilntiff repmuuutivo of iqo owner of mi tain land ad dad to tlio corporation of hmllngtoo cawo tlmo ago liaiv apjioalod against their ataaaamont which wan con firm i hy judgo llllott i dantiff auoi for an injunction oirainat oallfutlon of uiea eiwl that all hy uwu in contact inn llwrawllh lio quoslbod judft mottt wom taervi do4th of hrt oeortfe hail after o long per lev i of lllnaaa ktiicl hunter wife of mr learo hall posaoil a w4y at the homo of her paranta ur aiul mr irw t hunter mill tltroot lobt wojnoajuy hliowoa in hr twenty fourth yotk until aha wan overtaken with tho fatal ailment whloh reaultod in her death mik hall prwldwl oier ihelr happy homo hutivlien nolongur ahlo to get ahout alia woij homo in her mother who with har hoarl hrobon hudiand faola moat keonly tho heavy bereavement which haa coma to thoui tha funeral wo hold on friday ufternoon and interment tooli plooa hi fair itehcemotory xbfl dontiyspvowl huptiau tha homo of mr and mro hohart hpfnwl flrd una iquealtig wu tha aoana offtnoktromoly pretty weddliin on wed- tumday hejil tfjud when their eldojib dughur hunlo may became tlio udlo of mr kvorett william itenny son of john lieiiny ijuj of uio fourth u9 thaoere nioijy was performed hy rev j 0 wltaon a of aoton in front of a pretty arch oaf ovorgreena and lowers erected on the lawn tho wide who wan given away hy her father looked charming in dainty tfown of cream satin trimmed wilh vurla and litco with white milk veil and punbune ilowora uho carried a bouquet of ihlta roaoa ami oarnitlona mian nora detiny alhterof tlm groom waa hrldearaaid h1m wore a gown of pink utln trimmed with laco anil bouquet of pink roeu ami cam tioua mr o w hprowl brother of tlto luldo aasutwl the broom the wedding iiium1i wuh played hy miw margaret thouipflon ol aoton after the- ceremony fiomo joil gueit partook of the wedding dinner whloh wu oerveil on the lawn tlio hrldaa trtivellliig bulb wor of blue kergo wlih hat to match tha happy oouplo loft hy way of leorgetown hy the tho evening train for niagara fwlla and now of tlio lllh ihiltullou ut tootlon tutting tho llrit ultor nf the moro imjwir- tniit of lhu of thn aiiioh vlx i 1 niimn uitwilu nilnud llelglum and itnli ith hau clirlutoncml her baby irl t mill tho fotato crap a ralluro tho ulmokl ontlro aliaenoa of iotatoeh at tho fa fair lml uook in a pretty uira indication thub tha crip u mir thla yaar in thla weotlon in tidditlon to tho aoalaly prlxoa lliare worn uttraotlve mpoolala for kiga of vurlouu varieties hut no ontrloe throughout western onlarln tha crop haa ihwii aerlouuly offuctul nud la quite a not ulilo failure in tho euuteru tectlouaof thn pro 1 1 noo however the crop la uld lo lie a rood ono there la not llkelv to lie any mirioua ucarolty of polatoea during the winter intordonomlnatlonnl mona banliuot tha cammltteo of riraouliillvoa of thp cliiirchou hi town mob on monday oveuing in the piruli hall toadvanoe tho prepara tlniu fur tlio lauquot of thn men of the churcheaona date to lie fined during tho uwk imigliinluu octolier 01th tlio uwl crouu aid hociety hojiacceptel the worlruf providing tho menu thlii hi a guarantee that it will ho ualinfaotorlly executed tlio missionary coiiimltteeaoftliacliurchea will on to ml iiivltutloua iieraoually to the moo of their roapoctlvo congregat ioiih and nupply tho banquet tickets provision la being mado for 1041 gueate tlio oddrouea of tho evening will bo given hy eloquent and experienced kpeakera whoao meaugeb are exiectod to thrill the hearers and give all a now v klon of men b opportunltlaa and prlviligea a dangorous corner a serious if not fatal accldanl wu avert ed on monday afternoon at tho turn from tho deviation to the first line ut the north went corner of mrs u a hteuarla pro perty through the preaeuoo of mind of mr frank havrs mr havers wabpfooeodlng hameuard in hla new car and whan aliout to turn thlu corner a oouplo of men in a ford car reached tho turn without notlco aba ratlling speed mr ha j era at onoa took tho ditch and oter a pile of atonea crtlng a collision which would have heenacrlaoa indeeil thla is a very dan geroun corner and tie pa shouhl lo taken llntaly to remove tlio danger hie municipal authorities uhould for o con aliloratlon nrrango with mrs htawart to havatlta troes bonuring tlie fenoa bo trim med that drivers of conveyances may boa approaching vehicles titaroadway ahould im widened eight or ten fet so that tlio comer may id safely turned if drlversmt lure tho hydar howat olova contboiiy ursra cdwani uydar and lohn mowat both exporlenceil gloio men liavo fonoed a rurtneruilp ami commenoed this week tlio manufacture of leather glova and mills in tlio premlaa over caluella machinery warrooma on mill htreet mr itydr was fiorwrintendaut of tha manufacturing do partnient of w ii htorey ev hon limited and iiaal tiean with thofimi for twenty two j cam mr mowat was foreman of tho block cullinjr deiartmnt in tlio same establishment for twelve years and had previously a pant tan jnar or mora in w j nujunans hove works at wlngham failing that with their oipsrienoo end at thslr time of ufa it was desirable to uunch into buslneos for tlioinaalveo llm partner ship referred to was formed tliey hava eicslunt proa poets tor succa and ooai qiouoo majiufactgrlnu with a subtantlal volumoof ordara aa cltiiena thay liava oarnei a reputation far stsrllog worth and industry as men of business they will s ii joy the confidence of the builnaas public epwokh leatfua rally might tlio fpworth league javo a urge aud fence a very enjoyahleovenlngon tueday thn oocaxlon of their autumn rally an excellent pmgramnio uaa given concluding with a drloctabla pla ftoclal ittv 11 w aviaoii m a a 1 hnnorury inuidant of tha fjguo ojlicutcl as chairman tha prngraiiima tncluddl uall rsndard ooloa by uiaa hennia crewaoiia corners miaa ivarl luker mr t mojuli duetu hy tho misms iwnrtla and tlia muua maaan a uplendld reading by ml clara 1 moore a chalk talk by tho hun day school hupertnleaulent and a number of excellent selections by tho orehetr tlia reading of tha fpworth laegua journal by mlaa fthel ooleman woe a faature which provided an interesting revlow of the leagues activities well writ ten editorials spicy pemonals and local hits and a number of trite adiertiaeioenta rev mr avlsongtvoan inttructlieanden co u raging aildreas during the social hour the hui probent were regaled with luscious pumpkin pie and fragrant cofta mlaa ilennott the energetic 1 resident and liar euffof willing workerm deurve credit for the buocesa of tha function social amd persomal mr carlo willhtma ofhaulbhto maria wuh hero ovnr kuuday mr h 11 warden or leorgetown vult tml aoton relatives liul weak mr- j l mocalg filu vllul at mr william leuhmaiix this week mm if 1 lieidaraoiii of flcxirgetowu vlulteil aoton friends thla week miau llattla hmlth roturneil to toronto on thursday to rwumo her studios ito llminan ileiinetl was homo from niagara cmup far a day or two this weak mrs thoniab homervllla haa heen vlnlt hig friends in lwptmlng tho past week or so mr i hou ifenderson of lleachvllle viulleil frloiidshi the old homo over sun day mlaa adabamarvlllohan returned homo after spending a week or so with friends in toronto mr joorge statham was fooling con uldorably weaker yesterday hfscoiiditliin la critical mlaa ulith bmllh of toronto spout a eek in tho old home returning to the city on mnnduy mra john ilrown haa hoeit at concord orlt county tlia past week visiting her father who la ill mr i hendomou m i left on tues duy lo upend a ooiipla of weeks with relatives at winnipeg mra 11 el by and hatia of mapura tultn vlultail aoton relntiiuulaibweek hhawas a gueai at the wuuon hurt wwlding mrs thomas ehlugeand mlaa clara loft yesterday to make a tirolonged visit with friends ut iloverevllla and johnstown n mr will lbhage who bus been here the paht month or ao is visiting new orkand hiiloilelphia liaforo returning to ii u tie montana mr w k j rove of toronto and his son tto allan j roves of the tsth italu niagara on the lake vlslttd at mr j a mowata uat week much sympathy will bo roll for kev ami mrs mcdonald uf uhtok hivep uhote dear little six weeka old luie died on sunday availing the parents artlvad in acton with the remains on tuesday the funeral will lake place at ctiurohill cemetery thla afternoon ab i30 oclock letter from pt wm alger who heaohod england with lli batutlon rour w ago was chased y a ubuabihe mrs tho alger received tlia fallowing letter f row ur second aou lie william algsr last wsk eiiomclirfd england aug i7lh ion dar mottier i we arrived ati1yiivouuiyeuirdaymarti log and cataa through london last night we are now at bhumcllffs wo should hava landod at hover twelve miles from her bub our t rani port was chaad by two submarines which got on our court just off the coast of ireland all iho life ltoate were swung out and we all hail our ufa belts on waitiog for tlia explosion w thought wo were going dawn when two llrlluh dctroeraliove in night awl escort ed us into 1lymouth ou should have heard the cheering we got from tlio aailorw and aguin frocn the people when we were going through london we are getting our kills tomorrow we are at lie lied to tlia inlanders we are to lo inspected by tlia king some tlmo uiu wk ou slioull have oeen soma of ilia canadians when they saw tlia little roil way engine iter they uld tlie dinky llttla thing would never pull us bub tliey anon found out dlawsnt lb haa bei awujijg to aa tlie boys gttlng uielr money cliangvj itirmt tliey look st tha banker and tlieo aslhenwmvay then at tlie man again and finally go off without knowing whether they liava re oeivad tlie hght amount or not i liava swan our liaulenanb who was with us in lleorgetowu he la now in com tnand cf a machine gun auction i was not a i ll tick on the toat and via hail a diva trip until tho submarines were lighted wo had no sleep all that night and no ona woo allowed to talk above a whisper there are hundreds ol airehipa and lkilthvhiiaall around ua all tlie soldiers here ore frota canada will whla again boon love to all niu fctik est hall clears out rota mloa eto dont die in the house i so and fljso at drug and country star m aaaau a a darj a rj h dlseoho thut hclmico bus lioen ahlo to euro in all ith hugos mid that is catarrh halls catarrh ciiro l th ly imwltlvc euro now known to tho medical fraternity catarrh being a constitutional dlsouao mnulrahamiualltulfniiul iniutlinjlit- hull a o b catarrh uuro l ukon intamally noting bukl0t after their lioneymoon they will dlreellv uimu tho blood imd muoous j ik oll lm llw imjrliw i m k j ttorouiuulloiioy tlio iihmuo ttlnl huiiik lrllo ww htmclpleiuof ovronohuiulrwl tha iwtlollt hlmnutlt hy lullillnf tt tlio ituutlful pmunta whlclt imuu1io tli lilglt ooiulltullnii nil unlotlnir iit m esuxm in ulilob i lulj tli gnotna ipfilszeiazil l ossr oio kllhthiia uilt ol purl it xwhu in cotomroulion uy iukutlukrs vll ii his blsuus lookrt ohl a vsssu to invlborol ll blood s kwjia llllju 0 u lklrrt aililro v 3 oiiknkv ft 0 tollo r 0 i ii lllolk lll o villa aherfoyle oakvllle ilnuniiton mothtri otidwlll help yon tryll i1alt0n patfllotlc fund 4210776 contributed with the town of burlington still to report following are tha figure from tit different municipalities regurdlng tha oon trlhutlons to tlia helton campaign fund inaugurated hy tha county council tha returns front kaquealng are not yet ooto- plate hub 4b is expected tlie amount will lie between oaooo and4l00a burlington for some reason or other has taken no action hi the matter as yet i oakvllle mwxloo aoton 1714 h3 oeorgetown 707578 mlltou sflvitu trafalgar 4m1m nelson 400000 nobtagaweya 000000 etiuelng aay 000000 iua io770 mr wilson wiley of esquestng townijilp has iwrehased a 100 acre farm fuisb of aoton belonging to mr james j moffat halo won made by j a wlllough hy georgetown a word for mothers ufa a cwva tnlshtjto for uiother to tt lect then acltee and pallia ami aulfer in silence this only leads la chrottlo akk- ueta antt often euottetu life if your work is llrlng w your nervea are excitable if you feellanguld weary or depressed you should know that uootta iftiiuulou ovrcouiea just atichootulilioiul it possesses in concentrated foo tha 1 j i i it liaa1 woblo wi om me war this splendid weekly uiblicatioa is per forming an unusually important eervloa to cenoila during this greatest of all infer national ware of tlia worlds history world wida selects and presents to its reader every saturday tlie abuet artlolee by tha etdaat writers la britain and america on tha war situation and its oon sequence it thus reflects the current thought c4 both uemuphertslntheecwtil tlmea kmlnent men and women all over tlia noun try acknowledge its great worth who vm afford to u without it t almost tty articl in altacse every ueueyou feel you would like to put away among your treasure or aend to some friend bubeorlpuati rata 1150 per aauutu or on trial for three uonthe for only 25 oeata bend to jolm dougall ft ban puuuhem witness nioak montreal g clothing gl i an i ii furnishings i hats and caps j i for h p men nnd boys fj the kind tint appcil to s smart drchicrti large fj ntiiurtrncntfl lalcit otylco o moderate pnce j formal displays this week of wallpapers draperies and other home furnishings geo wallace tub if attic it guelph ont mhmwmmndnddtidaaaarjsibimhbia uwhwwmmaauaaddaanaddwuumw m i because ti n 3 the olhtr fellow didnt a fj make a biiccetm of rcpnr- infrjour u itfh or clock dont think fj it ennnut be done ltt ub hive look at n we p know how j 1 foster a th wateh himeulfait 3 oeohoktown out mqdqdddddaadaait llt flruiw to riow in nullotlu no 81 of tho ontario regular series lasuad by the director of tlio dominion kxporliuontal farms nnd entitled division of cereala ru miliary of heauha 1014 dr clmrlos e qaunders dominion car- callit ro co mm and a tbo following var ieties of grain for quebec and on tario flprinr wheat nd fife and white fife fiood aorta but lata in ripening huron uarqula and karly nod fife are earlier huron fa vlgor- oua and productive but not equal to tho others for bread making prelude ir tbo soil la rich and rainfall euftt dent is rcotntni nded for cxtremo nor the in dlstrlcin in bout horn on larlo dluo btem clvra good results ooooo whoat la useful in extra dry localities kubanka makes oxcotlont bread but la not in favor with millers oats danner and llgowo ar food but where extmmo carllneae is dcslrod daulwnoy and eighty day will boat oil tho bill darloy llanehurlan and ontario agricultural coltcgo no si are beat six rowed varieties duckbill cana dian thorpe and chevalier best strains two rowed varieties no varieties of boardteaa or bullosa are recommended but success la early ripening poas arthur for earllqooa and productlvnnrn oolden vino chan cellor and wlilta marrowfat are good and prusolnn iilun wisconsin llluo and euglloh oroy aro rocoinmondod for color canitdlnii aivhltttl llnuored a recent racctlng of tho lloynl in stitute of drlllsh arcbltecta was niada the occasion of a praaontatlon or tha itoyal gold medal for archltacturu to a canadian cltlion frank darling of toronto thl la the flrtt tlmo on record thla honor tho highest to which any architect in tha world can asplro haa boon heatowod upon ft subject of tha overseas dominions und judging by tho approval and on- thunlaaru with w uch it woe confer red thfl recipient may rest uuiud thai tlio rounctlb aelcctlon for tbi venr a award la a limit popular one an 1 la onsuorod woll moillcd von nro cordially invited to vlnlt oi mpcclnl dinplaya nra to he mndo in iiikiiciaiih wiil for intcior decoration a wallpniwr mid ilniiao fiirtiuhlng dennrtm ipaiiurn cliliitxex nnd drnporkn in comhl tint ion for interior decoration will ho shown mi nquuit without any anllcllntlnn to liny tlio iminodluta purpose nf tlieiw display dnya imlng to iiioraam your iinowh go ir iho gomhiom and hlgnefla of luir homur ilirnlftliiiig atotka while doing your holiday whopping this weak wo tlm lovaly now ihlugu or homo lucorntlou among holldy noedta if you have not yet completed your wdqctlonn in autumn wenrnbtuii secure your noedb hi autumn nltlro iwforo llm thniikngivhig holiday satlsfattinii i huaronlecd by exceptional wldonosa in miloclioiis nud among special holiday needs lot us nmke theno brlof note mllllnesry mod- 1 nro dhi tlnctlvely smart imupeaklng origl iml stvle evprosalou cottts und 3ult form ait incomparable rangu of beautiful smart style lltera lielng prices to suit all purses f note oloveta infetartwatmir nnd nil tlrout nccocfiorlon nre in ukchniiw antuirtmaiit affording hluli ulylo values at comparatively low prices cormmlw uncfetrwattxr nnd olhtir iiucei ultlaii am indopoudnhla qualltloa nnd of rollnhlu niaktil conmilt mncdonahla thla week and notidilc moilcralloti in prlcea mstnst tsnei doys wemrnra n tqicclnllty with uu our monu kiofo ia lliu tnoflt n i odor nly equip pad in weul ern ontario our llnua pre cumprohonblvo and nf iiirii quality for tho famous kocloty llrnnil ltnthoa wo nre cxclmilvo iigudlil in thlr vicinity d e macdonald bros gublphs lkading and largest stork y kj iml at j wyndkam mvcdoniael tnrj cttrden slrsrcls guelph ont corifitlnauoii relieved or money back sure cure dr jaoksoua rowan ueal la aold wltli thla guarantee it la simply a most dellolouh food it makes porridge pan cakes and all baked product all way la eaten hot witltout dutreea and nourish belter than meat do sensible at least try it costa llttla only 10 cents and 25 cents at all grocer mr tho wilson of hornby lias purchased a 100 acre form in krhi town ship belonging to mr john ii seott bala woa mode hy j a willoughby tleorge- town hold hy oil drugcutfl 7o iv take hallh family illsforcoiihilialluii llfutlouvllle acton and norvol hcoll at uuwnv tmuuio oal suiott ononfo ohtiisto ties a well eoruea repaullom lo sueerlov t haitis budsbotlhaud sdiualleoajiilualm iba muaonis lo ebqlee poelueus cbmn bow uaulneue ires u wj sliuliott phrtolpi tsi yeesw at vouc ttjitwus hta very feu hhrep now tho otbor day i eaw a flock of sheep grtilng on iho roadildo aaya a writer in tho torcnto otobo it wns tha erst time i bovo wltneasod auch a eight in the present summer in deed i can recall aoolug- only two flock nil thla season it would i believe be easily possible to drive for daya in parta of ontario without see ing a aluglo one of tho anlmala with tbo golden boor it was different forty years ago thar it was as unusual lo and a fsrro without its ahasp aa it wan to see a farmyard without ft lot of hens at that tlmo ovory con cession lino was almost filled with dams nnd tholr lamb fooding by the roadways and the roadways were clear of weeds tbo sheep saw to that it la not so now nolthor road ways nor farma are aa free of weeds as ihoy wero when tha woolbearer were evorywbore ono of tho greateat losnoa of on tario agriculture la in tho practical dloappuaranco of ahoep nnil tha al most simultaneous losaonlng of tho paa crop which furnished a larg part of tho rough winter food for tho animals the crop enrlohod tbo und and the sheop materially help ed in weeping t clean pstilt intbllelty tha fruit uaa et tho niagara pan- inmiln re going into tho publicity business it is a matter of educating the public to thn quality of niagara peninsula fruit and to toll hem the rlcht tlmo in buy thoy have learn ed the vuluo of true publicity partly aa a result of tho eat au apple cfttnpalru instituted last fall by tho dominion government it is claimed that it will tnako a better distribu tion of sale in doing this it will partly solve tbo fruit market proposi tion lit tha opinion of mr w ii hunting former president of tbo niagara vrult growers association and oho of tho beatknown fruit won in tho district the association has spent this year several thousand dol lars id newspaper advertising the most correct information avallabh is placed in tha fruit bulletins or ad- vortlsetuehtb tha tho people may uu- dorstnnd tbo situation railway engimks i ik- nvinili ii moil tlilula that the blucir tliu locomotlvv mid tho prontor tho dhiuiotur of itu driving wheels tha faster it will ao und in tbo popular in iml thoso nro tho onb reasons one onaluo can run fnatur tlmd auothor tha lotomolko nthouub ouo of tlia almplmt nud heat kuou of machines emlmullea numerous dovlces not visible to tbo ejs of the cusiinl ohoorvrer whkh nro moat vltnl cloments lo 1b rtllclciicy nud speed ior example much of the power of the blu express end no dcpuidu iqion thn si cam to ives and tho aratea lu the orcbox quit as much as it doca upon tbo mere bljr- ueaa uf tho driving wheels at the same tlmo it lu true that large wheels in ordinary fust miming aro a con venteuco nud in iho ery highest tqtcodu a necessity it becomes nces anry of course to lighten tho load aa tho wheels aro enlarged nnd increase tho speed which introduce tha sec ond phase or tho problem the grate end hosting surface pnat c ii nines to coutlnuo tholr work for n long tlmo ut n stretch must make stenui very ripldly to eccom pllsh this tlio hoot of the are must come in contact with tho water at a en at many point a a large firebox involves n cmle nf in mo orea to admit nlr to tho are a difficult matter since but a smnll dint mice separatee tlia wheels tko width or the firebox being thus limited while tbo length must come within the limit to which tho flrvuinn inn throw bin conl a third fnrtur u tho coun lor balance tho solid ailing fixed between tho rpokes of tho drlvlns wheats opposite tho eomiectlns rods this la to balance the weight or the cranks parallel rods and connect ions and in addition tha force on tho wheels or tbo welfbt of tho movlns piston in tbo cylinder lnculnn this balance tbo wheels would roll too rapidly when the rods nnd con nsctlons wore moving downward and too ulowlj when tiny were movlns up ward thus cousins a jerky motion however as tho influence of the wclfiht te varied by tbo centrifugal force w hlch in turn is greater or less according ns the pcej is high or low it hnpjvene thnt n ruuuterweljiht which la aultnhle nt h speed or forty or fifty ml lea an hour produce au injurious pound on tho rails at seventy ova oillea nu hour it follows therefore thnt tha weight inimt bo homier thun tho rods nnd con ncctlons liecnuso n part of lb offlce is to balance the piston nnd other parts that alldo borhtontully and ara unln flueuced by centrlrugul force aa tbo speed increases tho downward motion of tha weight as thnt past of the wheel rolls over to tlio front makes tha wheel with ita load pre down upon the rail with so much mora force than it docs when tho weight la mov ing upward on the other fclda that tha effect upon tha rail is as k a heavy blow were delivered upoa it with a hammer bo to use en angina nuamosfully at tha highest speed it is necessary to maka tha counterweight lighter than would be correct for moderate speeds tho light weights are not necessarily dangerous ot tha lower speed but their uaa would cnuso unnecessary wear and tear on the engine and tha track and in some cases would even cease uu- pleasant jerks upoa the passenger care for ibis reason fast engine nre seldom built unices they cas ho used in fast service all the time rropsrly proportioned valvo opea- tngbt ore abeotutoly essential to a fast engine these admit the steam to the oppomllo end of the cylinder alter nately ns the connecting rod moves first furwurd and then backward and in n fnst eiirlne tboy must admit a lircc volume of steam vary quickly the valves must be movm so ns flrtt m upon lino rumange and ctoee tho oth er nu 1 thimi uu mpldly hi possible close tho first und open iho second ii will he noticed hy even the most rnmiitl almoner that tlio npeulug to tot iho s ten in out ur iho cylinders into the hiimhortnck u hoveriil times as large an tlm for udmllttuu tho live hteem ilni even with mils it requires n mirthli nihh mumml or power to fnhf ilu htitni mil with aiiftlctont qui huihi4 thu must lit done lu die fnii linn or il heeinul 1 lurt nro iiitiny enrliiesi that con get mtcttm intn the cylinder quickly timiiuli mid i lint nro otherwise all li 1st fur midi uivped hul whhh are ml in iimhltreil lu rit rhl of this au nu uhlili has been used nnd is iid in iho wny it la this rapid ox- pulilnti or hut dead steam hint makes thi vigorous puff nt tho top of he chimney hint seem to indicate thnt the limsimntlve i dnhig a tremendous nmmiiil nf work it should lie remctu bewsl however thnt this noise is not the reaull nf reel work hut nnly of thlm lifter operation whlrh engine hullderx would nvnld there is a class uf htcyiiuotlvcm those armpged on the etunihiund ayalom in which tlie puffs hro wo faint that hie engine would nrein lo he doing limiting nt all whhhlngtoi fttar i imnimni hhmhpm ntiiinon vnnnnnrtr careful housekee should watch this welklv advtriisement we havu the bent asortmont of curud and cooked lieats row this week picbii bpare ribe gunna pioh pork bausago to lbs for tuc tuc bwifts premium wulinro he ring ilologua ihc llama x3c hack ilacon svfc urcakfust llncon myc coukd llcor loaf msc cooked ham 40k hoasl pork with drmuhig lee jellied tonguo urtsiod veal 4k ac gee the in our window friday might russclfs mill street acton ont rinonrinn oaehat autkerlsw sjooajbod dsblui paid iu ucojeal ttulue ursflcs thhirr itho foundation of every fortune la economy put aside iho amounts that other people waste and enjoy independence that goes wltli u dank account our having department will help you nave georgetown branch w n uasiay usasasr bank of hamilton just opened in hills block mill st acton tg tlia fellow who hasnt tha courage of his conviction never gets into the game worth general repair shop special attention to eavctroughina windmillu pumpn furnace and plumbing hatwater heating koofing gasoline engines i jas harden son w acton ontario s scrdrjctatititsadsitsbtrtsbt5btsitritfii no pain no utlm no thomn no hronet bo gall no glory nu ros ut crown 7 he merchants bank of canada luuuuutlu lubmhrtmtoelm thrift is rightly described an eco nomicat management a shrewd buiiinciis man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this banlt all local cheques cashed at par cfptirail iuudup nssbhvb uhh hmd undvi0bdmormi 7mb m p a acton branch maclean manager a