Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1915, p. 4

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ihllhhw khhhu7 iply two hkakons ip htitwl llko 11 lu nr to day cuiwi tli wind u ti i knou and trd lu until a 1i inut muim lluuriulox in mhool u4intliu t and humr uttrjurj mourn uu dovo oauim iluliiiuioufoiu off in ilia wur t anil luby xnitrlu ifbn u iwadht dog nobody know ulmt for i and my do irct d illy ban lout tin oyo her sawdiiht u ruuniuu nut ion but i imifcl iwi marry m tnnrry can bo ttald dear llttoinllie loo for wo couldnt stand another oroaa itoast in thlaorln nr cmnkum on lap in ray uu n i trk to day ort1ii air in nlar mid nool and fcrd in idlllto tut a orlaknt causo ifa had the iwwt urado in solmnl i and marjory alnua liko tiluhllnah cuuae johnnla lu ordarwt ttoina anil baby in luooksu nkltlau causa a tiuimhi naw tooth lias oomo hut im in compound fraotiotii now atul lltftyw snarly as ansrly tan m laysdaarrtttla wv uttu llolllo w vt i mut 1m cltaarful you u n innwt not have n slnula crou lioafct a thu happy rivanjurarla visibility op colors william churchill a scientific spaclallit in lli fuld of lighta iid oclora atata that rd u uulvonully unad as ft danfiar si una haoausa i can 1m aotn furthav than any otw color and aooordlno to tha bcuntlflo atoarlcan no matter liow dlatant rad nt iimr to took rd tlil not trua of olkar color tltough ft good hmwu fairly ajpoltrwu it yallo- llult ift vlslhla much further tlian thadutaiw at which its color can i dla tmuuishad and la eaally takan for aigh1orn light la normal wtatliar a bug rwl light if ld high tuough lii vitlm at a duunca of thr and on half loll yallow on and on half i urho ttu utllai and bluaand purpla uir quuf ol a ull t snj ft vtrluy known m lunir wlilta two jul oitiilf mlu your choice k atunu constitution lu tliitdvlc uilvftll voflera vou yountf utn or taljtdu d laon or oklar mn liod iwt tka not of tlta fcluna of tliatlnibaandmaka up your tulnda tlmi in dili day ami gnra tlort it u your drink or jourjoli oa uuiy oowprotdik uilh jour conwuino or liuylt at tk ortwuur tlniparnnoaoratoru i utyou cdaiuit fool uia nun with jour jolt on liia lthr nolliinif emntlondl nothinp laalojrubiatio alwut tlia onwanl march of uuiparftnca f rom tlila kiuro it lajuutli bold logical ooioino bus in 4 rguuint udu lv4 b nun tlia alurnatlva titwin hla potfttlona ami hi petition tti rail rd4i ufchsrvi in the ara for miilft ru ho t1m crusid lim prud from vocation to vocation until it noliula about avry ttulor uoana of unit 1 no a llvallhood ohildren ory for fletchers c thumb was ilawajan ftnlant lovar an irult lovar auvl pnaotloftlly paunluulovar it waaut wtrlok dty t in hla hand ha bar a pot of fm irtah aliajarocl thay war raiaed in tha ould od its mid a h praaauil tha pot to iliddy i mimj id tha ould aod of olrauod t fihura now murphy triad tha lady in tuligut bow ralay awat of y it la i how pawact anil how frah i bhurd i do btlftv thar liuu daw oa tbttd yt t uurpby flaabad illghtly baftorra i know thar la b oonfoatad j but pralm tha lord itll it pakl toworrow i tlle dauqbl of ovrrconfidbmce mi nolliij bdd th inuu who ktm hlunyi iimii llnl it i tint food uuint mi ru who nro iiiimt lllit ly to drown llibi- i plenty of food for tlmtiuht in llirit xlmpln million it ik tin tiwwl uu itn inorw who hro iiiohl llltuly to nt ilrownrd mid nil iktiuimi llm ncotijil rlukii tlmt tha indlirimnt tiwiidiiiar miiiiiii notcr tltlnk ol tukliilf ihoroiimlniimicuhnftilronhtliiimy ih it iuhj ttiht uu tho nkllul hwlnihiur vontiiroh too fnr from nhoro bo muiiy u youth iuy wltli torn jilwt loo iwciuw hi foluuiifo lio will ihi morfl ilmnu inalch for it thftro would it few drunknnlu if ovary itoy werti not hiiro tint liu will wan htrontt or tlinn than tha jvownr of alcohol or ootid icnco in tha in vino i lil aliens of your lroiilth may l our iroatot uoaknwia your hroutof t dhir hard nitd aoft woyu corn cum antics of tumbleweed um mid otrlnli wnn lioth yiold to hollo which la antiroly wfo to und hutiafnolory in wn uro ioor not imcauuo wo hnvo iiavnr mail a very much hut horaua the othor follow win uioro olovor tboluut way toowil4fn to iomopmplata to knock them down flrnt aifd toll them why itaforo tbey rot up wubm voub sulf cohio ih whan ahlp eomu into port with rich cargo comparatively few paopla ar tnur mtaj thaw la aom on to whom tb ovtjfo la ftabignad om oo to whom ita ootdlag tnaana profit and proapahty rut tha mu who ha takan no riaka and uaad no roraalflht la not uoefltud or if at all oaly indiraotly walt till my ulilp oomea in you aay to yourlf by way of bftaplng up your hurt but what ablrt liav you aant out t what invulfiiftnb liftva you mada for which you hava riaht to enpaoi ft rloh ratura t castoria la utu for ov 30 ym woman suffered ten years from fenuale iu ramtorrx to hcalll by lydlm el pinlluima vegelnblo cotnpourul dlovllui k actidaitoctorj for u yn far fomala troublua bim did not but well i tmj in uio papr ftbout lydift e- riaklimfl vceoubla compound anil docidvd to try it- 1 wriui now to tell you that i aw cured you ctinuhljah my letter a tfifltinionlal mm suvumi uaiiwc bollevlll kovb bcotia canaiu atiotlit-h- wotnan llvcaver aubum n yi huff rl from norvoubikas for un year and hftilsuch oruanlc pulna tliatftorriourrieal would 1u in 1 1 d four dayo at ft tlmo could ivot rat or akt pond did not want anyone to talk to mo or imlhor ma at all sometime- i itould buffer for aovn houra at a tlmo dittt rtut doctor did uwbat tlmy could t r me until four months ego 1 iwaai i l in i ydln e plnkhama vffiubla nihiiind a trial and how i am in good lit lltli mrawlulau ii g it i no 16 ill iinnt 3trot auburn now york tliu obovo a only two of uia thou- antlaof uruuful lottor which aw eon- bluntly liolna rvceiv64l by tho pink ham mliiihiio company of lynn mat which allow cloarly what fivnt uilnic lydla e rinkhania veatablo com pound doca for thou who auffor from vomana ilia if you want apt clal advtr wrllff to iydla plukfaau mllloronh dbludlyuuttfat your lttir will be 6pb4 read in4 unwrj by a wo- wan and bald is triet mnthlaa th curloua duahy orowth i th clown of vdtatlon 1 boil jilt muru twillti tullu about coy oto4 mid prnlrlu liu unliiml which ii lookori far but roirmt to uny i did not uab ho imioriii tliu til in bio wood tin- moat ciirlouu tlilnifnnhiinl vouorulilo or mini nil llml nouuod my vlulon nu i crouuod tho plnln i cmuiot uudor uiniid why murk lunlu did not men tion tliu wood luvcnuuu lio mimt imv booh it utid it in nut huvo do lab tod lilu with itn comlcnl uyrutloim tiimblouowl lu n buuhy plant which crown to ti boliilit of iwrbopa thro foot mid hna n iiinuu of uttlo twlori and hrancluu wliuli uintio ita wlinpo nlmoat porflttly round rortunntnly far tb muuuiiimmt of luntiklnd it hnx u wonk ii tii it no tlmt wlinii tho plnut drlo tho wind britnui it orf nt tho bottom mid then prmoodu to roll it over und oor ricroua tho loud i well romombor tho tlrat lumblowood wo uuw what on ciirtli u that thliiff crlod my companion suddenly pointing out ihrotiqli tho car window i lookod bo mo dlntnnro nwuy u atraueo buff col ored ahapo wnu uinklin a aw 1ft un canny prourcau toward tho oaut it wasnt crawlluir it wamit running but it wnu trfuatlntr fast with a rolling toajilnir cnrcouluif motion ilka a bar- rol half foil of wulaky coltitr dowu hllb now it ultnl onn way now nn- otlier now it allot owlftly into aoitt llabt doprcualon in tho plnln but only to como bodiiihiiu liqbtly out aiiolu with nu nlr indoocrlbnbly cay abnu- donotl and nnus loou wo taw another ami knottier tboy bacamo mors und moro commoa ou wo went nlotio until prcmutly tboy wero ocruhoto curoiuluif in their maudlin conno acrow tho pralrl and pllwl blah iiinluat tho fcuc alonir tha railroad a haut of way ilk crat cotunmtlna mtowdrlftit tumblowood bi tbo clown of v0 etatlou nnj it haa tha air on it rolk alone of iwlutf conacloua of ita coiailcab icy llko tb sin art conic bo in tu dot hhow which coca and oyrtarua tha baakat bohluj tlio trultiera hack or tha clrcua clown v ho ruua about with a rolllutf eolt tripping turning doublo and trlplo aouioniaului rulus runnlntf ou trlppluff fallliiff und turulns over and over oho hx jullfl u btrt la gol- llitr wwkly water and light js2gs abblters of our own destiny if th irlitaa of nuoo art rlchar tolay tluo ftvr bafare uuyy demand mora oompatltlon waa tiavar ao kaan ha now dub that ahould not oauaa rtfrat to tlio fttahltloua hoy mo on can bs sura that ba will ba fortuna favorlta hut if auoua dapaada on tho thoroujjlmma of oova pr paratloo and hla peraavaranca aarnaunaaa twd aotlvity each bocomaa tlta arhltar of hutowa daatlny how iv 19 00mb tha young kaatbhla wlfa aaya a wrltar la tb naw york bun waa proudly ullluu uia aaitlftuunt worker of bar buabaoda flna naw job awl how much ha waa making and what a h dolnfrv watbafland y inquiry jiaa karlnfi warm holw in antlqua fur nltura over bar in ifourth avaaua and baa goiall ba en do waa tha delighted ra pan tr baouany volbktaus boldlara i what i hava to oifer you la faijtfua daagr atrugata and daath i tha ofclll of tba oounlftbt in tha fraa air and batubdrtho burning aun i uo lodgliuw no wunltiorik no nrovlalotut but forced harfiv tlaagaroua walohpoata and tha eoatutual fttruffgla with tha bayonat afilaat bftttarioa thoaa wbobva freedom aod tbalr bouotry uay follow tna oart baul uaay paopla tnaau wall who do nob do raforot llb obarlty ahould lagln at boua intuoialon u prooraatlnauon flolay a tbo watchword of tha mod- ru bualaaw world opportunity t la id knock but onoa but a paaaluut kuooka all tbo tltaa tiibw1ph la man tha child of borrow and do aflllo tlona and dlatraaaaa pour tbelr hlttarnaaa into hla cupt how ar hi trials allaviat ad hlaliha aupprauad and hlo corroding thoujthtbdlulpatad by a wifo of chaarful naaa and love fa ita overwhelmed by dlaappoliitment and mortified by reproach there i one who can hide tier ayea vta from hla fault and who llko her father in heaven can forglva and love without unbraidlng and whan ha la alokanad by tha tubtletiaa and deception of tha world when lia become dueatiafled with hlmaelf and alt around him bar plaaiant amlla bar undiaaamblad tandar i her artlaaa almpliolty rettora him to hlmaelf and pour awaetnoaa over hu m entire family stricken with cholera youageit chili dial the chief ayntptomi of cholera are vomiting and puraiuu occurs cither almultaneoiuly or alternately anil arc usually sudden and very violent and the matter ejected by tlio stomach has a bilious appearance mid a tiaaty bitter taste on the flmt rymntom nppcadnr dr lowlera hxtnut of wild btmwbcrry hould be taken and tho trouble cured mrs it made 371 loaait ave toronto out writes when i first why on can baa dp into tha 8a whan high abav it tha roou why uuo hi ublo to soa to a grualor depth lu water when bo u at a cousldcrabla hahibt abovo it tbau when bo atauda ou o lovol with it u bv causo of tbo obaeiico of pronounced r- fructlou by tlm nwloculon of woter ouo abovo tho uurfuco of uirfoctly utlll water looking exactly downward toward tlio confer of tho earth will koo au object deep in uio wator by taoana of roya of llflht that lave boa rofloctod vertically upwardc thorafora tboro u uo rofractlon or bonding th raya out of thou atralaht coura front object to oyo ijut if you attempt to ao an object at tho bottoui of n lako whoa utanduiff oa tho bank tlio light bai to travorsa a much greater thlckncaa of water which qumicboii a portion or wayba ull of tho woven of light und all not quenched aru uut to qullo a dutanca out of tho original atralgbt lino and tha woll known indux of refraction of light if of ouo kind from watar to air bj 1330 or tbo ratio of tho alnca of angloa of lucldonco and ro fraction proof placo a at might atlck in a boalu and it will appear to no atralgbt oa it really u pour in wator bud tha atlclc will appear to bo bant by tha pbenomona attending refraction itor without refraction of light by glasa for luatauco wo could not liavo tola- acopea and mlcroacopoa edgar lu ctau lark in in now york auuflcan decumt substitutes keep1n0 ruy iho work never golu ull dono up ilnou it 1 tho now day briii in trimij or now dutloa and uo oun never nit dnu it iinl fool tlmt all tlier bunlena imvo fallen from u- hometluim uo et very lired of that but there la julto ntiotbnr iide to tho matter that wo muni not forgot if the work not or all gala post on neither do tho opportun lien i if tltern aro now diitka ovnry day un r tboro now hopen and now ambitlonx or at loaut there ought to lui tliuro lx uo reauou in ho world why wo should not till up iho old recurring iluttom with tlio elixir of uometbiug naw uml frchh and atlmula ting itinaoahav in llio mldnt of nil tho tuke that notcr get dimo to ht uiirhckna ot dull and uunmhltloiiraiu ulf ccntortwl and twitllu down a if tboro woro no now iluya or rfy itawna or froth oiportiiiiltlnii bit unywhera in lifa tho ouo wjy to almnya keep wull and imppy l itil lifo in u koep hoiefully cntltusiantlcully bimy that lie prorciptlon worth uinru tb in mnny your doctor will gio you tbo tbiardlan why not guo youi ty und girl an i opiiortuniiy t i imbutliclrmmju i tlujt tntii and e j rjcdhif olvo tm in tho uaino chhuneato win pro motion and aucorf an tlio lad having uw advaiitago of websters i new ihternatiokal j dictionary in bin lioina thin now rnatlou aimucm with final author- 1 ity all kindiiof puullng qiuatioiui i in litntory gtogrnnliy biography rpclllng proiiiuiclftuojianorti and wunixa earning a qpanklmb a lady who bad company to fen re proved tier uttlo aou svnil utuoa apoaklng bowovor vary gontly at last out of patience aba aald ebarplyt jimmy if you dont loecp utlll ill aand you away from tbo labial yea that what you alwoya da when tbaroe company and tbcra aro not enough cake to go round 1 waa tho reply of tho glftod youthvpoar aona woekly curlaua old laea of all tbo curloua kluda of lace oapa- cully old in co tbo moat curloua lu that which la called point treiae it la very tnro and waa mndo of liumun hair tfroncu collect or any it oxlatu lu tho proaant day onlj lu tbalr cablnula it waa coudnod to tho early part of tu idxtoenth century arrived in canada nearly four years auo my entire family va i atrlckcn with cbolera from which tlis younncst child lied hoon after a fhriul recommended dr fowlers ix tract of wild titrnwtierry and act iik ou till i n ivlco i ndiulnlitercj it to all who were rutffcrliik with tha moil itmtuylntf results since that first at tack juy children huvc been tubject to itomocli troubbi but on the first aymptom t resort to dr iowlcrv and it always brliiffs relief i have linmenw faith in tblt medicine ami always keep a bottle ou hand aun x never fall to recommend it to atiyono who is almllarly troubled whet you ask for dr lowlera sea that you get it it baa been on hie market for the past 70 year there la nothing just na goad manufactured hy the t- mllhum co umlted toronto out price 3fl cents htsti pu lota of telegrkli poles aro going up uld wlllla they aro juht no far apart from each other and every time i go front our house to yours grandpa i atop and hub ab each pole thaw are lata of riundaya in hv l aald grandpa and they aro tha same dlataaoa apart ami they aro on tha way to my vathava house every time i coma to ona i atop awl real too the christum intelllgenoer a hualeal paurf how do you llko your now tlatv a1i right oxcept that a fcuow ncrom tba ball hi lonrnlug to pluy the cornot you ought to got a tromhoup i did thnta why ho got tbu cor- nob boston trauncrlpt uef rckeutly accural ceavaauat idlauibohailihamahvaiblaa mt luh ulciktuary 1 heqular and iumk kaplr j bdltiong b wniti for wclman sa ililralioni ii oacmutftijui co zpr janaxo maast a jar to him then you didnt oujoy apclnn rviu grcaa in acaslonv no i did not admit i id tin- iffl cloncy export tboy mnilu wi imiuy unnecessary motions- judgo a true report i hoard you bud n big blowout nt your homm yesterday bo i had two tires nn ni unto burst hal timoro amcrluiu oantl hint lie oneo for all i d mnnd to know who la mnutor in iiiih iiihhi pin- youll uf liuppiit if ynu dont find nit philadelphia lcdger her nerves woro se bai theaghl she weall 6a oat el her mill mr kotlaj know 4k ifardltut st bt john nh writes i suffered greatly with my nerves i could not step at nlihti nor work and the least little thing worked on my mind and bothered me lajt winter i thought i would go out of my mind i would screech out and my mother really tboutht x was going craxy with my nerves it was to terrible x would bold my head and cry x tried two doctors but tbey did not do tna any good i tbotibt x would tell you thai today i am perfectly cured by using three ho of mllburns heart and nerve m1u and x can rccotnuend tbetn wortaa sap the atrangut and undermine to all sufferers from nervous troubles ao the vitality of children strengthen them you cart tell everyone that they are the by using mother jrvv worts tivtertnhf otly lhin tb djd v h alor to drive out the parasite mllburns heart and nerv pills an koe per box or 3 boxes for tlhs at all tratu ii dealers or mailed direct on receipt of the man who la alweya on the level ael- by the t mubura co umlted dom flnda himself up in tha air toronto out a power of ilaown dr thomaa coloc trio oil has a subtle power of it own that other olle oannot pretend to though thero ar many pretenders all who hava uaod it know thia and keep it by them an uio moat valuable liniment available ita uaa are innumerable and for many yeara it ha been prised as tha loading liniment for man and imuuu ohildren ory for fletchers c kverybody is loyal to no i we no soo nor get our clutchoa upon a dollar titan we begin to worry how we would but lab it go heavon aeama a faraway place wliin tho llvor isnt working right being honest la hard work under moat circumstance added to that tho in dubltublo fact that it la poor pay for 7 years was troubled with mar livir illiniums laxallvar pllto cukku her mrs v i burst 01 symhistou ave toronto out urltci i have beeu troubled with m ftomach and liver far the past seven jenrs alo have bad constlpatloit caumu headache hack- aclie and dlsiy spclln and i would almost fall down i tried ull kinds of remedies without oblainiiifl any relief i coui- meuccd using mllburns i axa i ivrr pills and they have cured ik i have recom mended them to many of my friends and they are all very much pleased with the tttults tbey have ublaincd from tbelr use mllburns lasa- liter pills are the original so be sure mil nit miltmm when you ask for them price 26c a vial rr r for 100 at all dealers or mailed direct rn receipt of irlco by tlie t toronto out theso pills cure uuumstlsm to tba many whowiffor from rlteuiuatism atrial of llirnieleoavagetahlelihaureoommonded thay have prouounoed action upon tho liver and kidneys and hy regulating iho action of tlieao organs sol as an alternative in preventing tho admlxturo of urlo acid ami blooiltluib causes this palnfuldlsorder thay must ba taken according todlreetloim ami used steadily and they ulll speedily give evidence of their bauefloial offoota children ory for fletchers ca tha people who are easily fooled arent really worth the trouble iwt worry altout tbo goodnowi of olliar people it is quite sufficient to see that your own is up to tel most men are pessimist before break- fast tba fellow who luunt tlta courage of iiih ennviotlont never gets into tbo gamo worlli aoeut chess is mot s slow tlftaan mova n hour la tha llule in chatnpionahlp qtnas what lu tho iivvlkgu uuiuth of tlmo lital u choiu pluynr lu uu international ihuiuplouuhlji couliut liikou to inovo ainouu morn human pluyom thero ui nmny midltlowi of bow tlicuo pnora of tliu mnilu ticorii lu mnku u movo in lom thin mi hour nay inoro how ttioy uiiuuiiii wholo o iiinuu und oflou- ilim t ibija lu u ulnglo moto ulicli lahii ii ro ilfo in rural tlituu tlnlox now in imrd fact iuluo uupurplny- oru imno moro mpldly tbnii tho nv- midiij dk port ulio ontuuii limit in luti rtuitloinil elinmplouuhip mutcliou hi iiraon movou uu hour it player fulling to gut within thin limit loucu tho unmu uu ni ii it tr how coiuuiaiiillug lilu igni tion nn uinio n r four iiilmiloj to tlio iuno hi i kiiiildiiu d uniplo tinio in dm d win it lupahlunin liullungod ijhiiu foi thn world ii chainplouulilp ito uuii in id in bo jimtlllld in rofualiig luiilaru iindlllmi that iho limit bo uiiglliiihil to twiliu mocu nu hour in thuiiiplomdilp gnincti u cbouu clock in nlwnyu liniilx ililu luiti two diala tinb dim controlled hy n plunger- im nimllnltly nfttr blnrlr lino moved whlto ulrlum bin iliiiiuor whkh utiirta tho liiimli on bin dial roconllng tlmo at tho i ii ii tn nt bo nioicii ho iitrlknu iii j iluiijif ii rn in uniting tho inoclinnliini liliulx then nirlum tlio pliiug r of bl dint hturllnu bli clitcu in turn flio cllnlii tb uu rttord iho tut tlmo each tuiiiiiiiuii lu moituu tf coiinio in prnuicnl piny tho con tintniit gcla moro thnn tbo four mln iitca iho lint ight or tin tnovm nru nlmout nl vmi n 1hou plnju mndo lu wwt limn n mliiulo inch llilu nllowu murli limit nu ircillt on intir mniu ilir- ibomiorc oven ulun libi iiiponcnt in moving a iluycr utudlm lilt own noxt nwno bnucd on tbo proluiblo mo0 of lib opimnmit uut tbu day long or oven tbo hour long moio oxlnpt only in tha imagination of the illngo bam plon washington poet gold nuggets thay wlf blltar and ewpled when haaud ih a buhmh plsma uy what procthju la n nuggot of gold compacted into form in which it u found t bomotlmea a mnsa worth mora limn 1000 la found in an swer to tho qiuatlon tlicro la cited tho attempt of an luvcstlgntor in a us ira i la to noccrtnln tbo wormugu of na tnro in tlila rcapott tblu luvcsllgn tor unyo tho hclcnco hirtlnga cut and sliced and pollahod gold nuguoln with tbo solo purpoaa of uucortnlntng juat uhnt was their slmctnru tbo first thing lur tllucovorcd wo that ihoro la ono liirlouu point of ro homblnuco between mmgetu und mo tcarlteh llotfi wluii luilhihcd and etched with ihlorluu wntar exhibit a cryslnlllno ntructuro fn tho cfloo of luotcorllco bo ilnou lima exhibited tm tho ltchcd mirfnco aro rnltotl wldmannluttcn dgurev nnd their prefioiico la held to lio one of iho moat imnrlahlo charncterlntlca of thaaa metnlllc tuulku hit fall from iho nky to uio en rib hut it la not meant to bo liupllod hint gold nug gota huvo fallen from tho nky be cause they oxhlblt a cryutnlllno otruc tnro rccallluir hint or uictcorltea tho rcbenildnnco in apparently only super- flclnl nnd tbo cryoinla of tha nugsota differ in form from thoao of tho uio- teorltes anothpr curloua fnct la that when a nugget la hoatod in n niinaau in mo exploalous tnko plnco on ita nurfaco nilatera aro formed which cotilluuo to swell until they burnt with n sharp re port and bits of gold oro violently scattered about it lu ovhlant that the nuggets contain cither gases or somo liquids or solids which oro easily con verted into tho gasoouu form the ex pansion of which producea tko oxplo- her tribute when mr gladstone waa nt tb height of hla famo n sturdy old tory scotchwoman who detested bin prln clplos hut who waa curloua concerning his oratory decided to attend a po litical meeting for tho anko of buirlug him but that something gudu mlcht como o twn hoium ajient lu ale coin pany aho took her knitting along when tbo next day a frlond naked her opinion of tho grent liberal leader alio goto it honestly jean thgroa two doot ava the monh n wonder ho gnrrod mo drop twa atltcboa in tamuma aock precaution do you think you cau nupport my daughter in tho stylo to which aho haa bocu accustomed i think uo replied tho earnest young liinn uut may bo wod bettor llvo with you a fow year bo that i ean and out exactly what ita llko unublngton btar in on lassen ito your alitor ould aho couldnt dance bkowell can ahot yes i mndo her wo hndnt boon on tlio floor n mluiito wliou i stepped on hir root you junt ought to hava soon bur yonkora bin tea man his eaeolalty ffohba grumble when tlio weather u hot und grumblea whon it la cold isnt tboro anything ho lljrur yea to grumhlor the ttsal yreubla niishnnd you spend nltogether too mutli niniic wife not at bill tbo trouble hi you dont mako enough tlonton transcript nirlilb olthor aerva or botam tb poaaasuor horoca suffered from salt rheum row wuinv vcaihl bmita blmd bilurtcwwl hr salt rheum or ltcxema one of tba most paluful of nil skin dlseoms and u uot atunded to immediately way be jconu very deep seated give uio blood a good cleansing by tlie use of that iiraud old niedlclno burdock blood blllera this telling remedy haa lieeit on tlie market for lite past forty years and is the best blood cleanser on the market today mrs william ii iowlle colea island nb writes i have been n sufferer from salt rheum for a iinod many car and was ao had x could not do my own work i tried n anod many medicine hut they nil fulled to do me any ood tmtll i tried burdock blood bitters 1 had not taken one bottle until i found a great cbnnuc und i um moat thankful or tryliik it i hope that every other sufferer from wilt rheum will try ll b d burdock blood bittern is manufacture 1 1 inly hy tho t mllhum co limited 1 ui oil to out hmrjwlmmmrjtwad jnll m nmlniiilira msm tl tnciirnru 1 t ijuiinlnsiiuilkf ii mu miiiiiiiciiijrmiitlral nornaitcotir jir crouiyxmltmaim stuitxt j i if ill mly rurcmvlipi n hinirmiuiikloiitil wuiiifinviillinlrvrn lieaijliilloksossuiv ijcbt j il jl iii i flf tvir rrnt m u ciipany hovtuullmwvoiik mothers know that genuine gastoria always bears tho signature of kluact copy of wrapper for over thirty years gastoria if you fool bilious lioadachy end irritable for tliata a sign your llvor la out of order your food is not digestingit stay a in tho stomach a sour fermented mans poisoning tho system junt take a dose of chamberlains tjlamnch nnd liver tablets uioy mako tho liver do its work they cleanso and wf4unltatwarliorl lnn i awl rlatllgvalua runt vwi 11 faal fiut n ll o mom inn at alt ilruirauli tu ar by icaji inm cliawbtla majklaa comaauy tereata 14 chamberlains tablets gentlgmen iilti on from wlilui tn tiiilirt hint in ululca k will find hundred i piutms m tht ntwtst ic hiktl tliu miicnal fur thui new iwll sun l pim mimini in tin nrt of rrnking high lvirj dltnil is wnlclnd vr in tin most ci inx u i ftlutlus ibittuu faultuhs in t d l inlr ll id u hiiit of cli thin or an ortoit r nude to uur order frumlh t 40 n si it r e nelson m saxes bargain list this week bargains hilt men m- huitm nt ruin co uu muut wurbini bhoir ijiioau io iiu t iwliiuri ftlult 1 iaa siioih umbrulla dll1s iih 11 bargains tom women lnilli uiiiir lit liltlkn kim siiiilh lniltl talty it l hlkich 400 i1h 111 lull swtnlt1 iw lmllo tall ilkh nnd blilrtiiut ii alp ittlci bargains in grocrrics 1 soiijn ull kinds tl fur can in d trihidtt regular toe u for 1 7wv- shxe tho brtor store oppoallo now postoffico fiygiua wanwefml book 100 i do you know you enn tnko mi nnich croit ol acres propcrlv dniliud an sou can olt i ncrtd not iritlnul nnd rno half tin h 1 m 11 fact 1v vi lirw tint rroptr inni umh ll dral n m piikdrutttl n1 nntl na ii r ilnaiia xtroute 11 o iar iknl i lnnvllit n mltll 1 i n i iitnorrv i- ini rlmlnr- irnn i udi u 1 h uuhriiiuiiciiit r uv r irll n hmm ihogimrkuiiitciilaynuitii uy f rllio 1 uu i iluiril mmuulcuiu vjhlln tkul i r jiirwiuullipi domiuion sowei pino co limiti i swamllaowaajo actons electric chopping mill chopping done daily jlioppini nnd rolling both tmlisfactorily done b p caldwell acton ont propriotot tllfi irani trunk ktailwav tajsicnoicii rilalnrj i i i i hitulllll ull i ulll wtllnb vbhialubv i i h ntlsl v kill i i ii l i ht oihll wcnt- h tlua 11 isn wl ms 1 1 u j i imusln nn l 10 a m s i is n ftiil ill i ii m i it- it h i td msiwsibiaqadpddppdodr grain u chopping well done- and g quickly at only ci a i j 5 cents d n p n b ij harris cco limited h kockwoou ont h s mcaaaauuduanaanm robt noble ltd -3- v flouk 1 h it i in j l warren fresh groceries c dj ti c v bptc kine ltno of confctloir5 i- r c is of i antj cake and pa- ri ccrj a lmc 1 mia- llao uatod with t c hmcikl lur b 1 1 uu i ubcr gxdi delivered pora dal j r livingstone buooaaaos to 8 b niok hill ouswt amtoa boots shoes ktjbbers jts 7v r i v o allunoaivfootwedr j at right prices il sj all men a rubbers at g bargain prices ft w witjiiiams mill sirert arton kct0n livbhy and busline havluu purclmnul tho li ory llu inn- it nnd kooilvlll of tho mato i uiu 1 ata john wllllaua 1 riiplclfnll niliilt tho pitrou- iiro uf mil public cnmrorttiblo ri illl nh jh im wipphud nt rnuoniibtu tlmrgm vor tbo jirxi uit ur gaeva llall who hniiliml tbo mnnniro- imnl if tlm stnhlim ihu iintear mil cimtlnik iutlmrjje ilowlll v l f ciiurtiotih and obliijiiifj ouu mcltttl aliitltainbt amilltosc mccann mill st acloti out 1wents ipromptlysecurec mah10k ht hauiotl ullaiiiyjicmsloikruiashaitreu

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