Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1915, p. 2

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litli tt mr iili kiini in 1iin on honda huniiiul kit i iijrnl 77 vow hi ii it al lt iij 1 iijr i dipt ihwil i- hi hull co id j mi 41 jilt mll hj jour mdhiminat iflliid rbur mi monday ithtmuur inlin mnjd liifuiil son of ito mid w m molnimhl agod i wetsun mill idnjs ird on to bur ui october 1st formerly of iihiuj anton flic a 3frcc gtass thuhhltay oitoillu ii 101ft editomalnotes c vii is uoollau nillla lira now working mi u hugi oi ill r rum tho italian govern incut including llkmh blanket nnd tlthmnw woollen uliiilf tin contract in won 1 1 ci km kh most of the underwear caiiipauloa of the country have ikmsii work lug to uijwciti ntt various roiornnioiitand coniuiervial orders many or ilia larger canadian industrials have been able to rodiico hank nolo and other liabilities on account of active operation or various governments during ilia past year tli find of lli war should koo them in a proa parous ihinnolul position om oi tiii lmiirtm tlmt llio war la deatroiiig ii tutnyth that der man chll dren have a keener sens of patriotism and national sacrifice than tli children of other nation i when statistic in gathered of tha pat hot io licllvitlea of canadian chil dren it w ill i found tltat th you iii of our country have long ago valuuurlly awl eothuilastically given practical effect to theprinclplea of national service innuw eralde hod cross contribution have com from cli i dire n tha ingenuity of young canadians has iton unfailing in davlalng unkjuo sources of noon and patriotism la manifaatcd practically by them in al most evory canadian community till on sn ci ut ii at its last inaatlng ied a now license uw for pedlar nan resident isdlar will py a follows i uolor truck qimooi twobors wagon 67500 i one hart wagon too t push cart 90100 carrying pack or basket 62500 parties wlto have hwn coounuaue reeldouts for a year previous to th iaua of license will pay i motor trucks 40 00 t two bora wagon tiooo i oo lort waon siaooi hioi cart 500 carry la tack or luket 5 00 tltia dy taw will uot apply to any rural uia11 carru wlto ulld at dallvera ltrod along itu null root pro- vitloil uid linuil ia carriil la thd vliicu u4d ly liitn in delivering id null tltd penalty for violating tlta ly uw will ua up to 8j3 with cola or twantyoa days in jail balance to credit op 90000 aftoinluiizobuhd tho eltpdnob of oporatloit or aoton pull fair nro mot directors con temp i ate improve ments it wni u iikwl linntw1 uiiiilo of nullw fiiotlon tltnl irusltldiit havill worn ultonho look tlioolmlr ut 2 10 ooloou on tuojhiiiy ttfmniwjn nt tlis moating of tlm ohioam and dlrcotorh of aoton lu fair and iie4l- wl llooto ifynilu to prwmant tlun report of tlio vwroportitlflri tim rwretary rotid tlio following tuu- moiil i itm iiitu iuimiioo from 1014 ilratiutlovt 81w county j7 aoton ho ikinatioiia meitiluini tiokeu lalalloolpta not protlu from joiioori htanila anil concflllona iutiy voaa hjwftial prlut money paid to tho tramburar ui 00 j1h71 stoort 125 00 jflooo rti117 oi 10 ah an 44 7a sergt coles home from war vntorostlnir exporlonooo sirico ho loft aoton in august 1014 cordially welcomed home again 81lwlllh pax ui tit irlm inoiioy awonlwl j 170 00 hpooialprltaawardl 2x00 8uclal attraction j15 75 labor gatakaaiwra oonitahlm auppllaa 1 hi ii nor tiokota and juiljii a paiiaaa jo 40 oftlod atationary and poatago 1t20 printing wlgaa ato h17a tranaforrtht to uavlnga aooount in ipring 0000 flrant to canaillan patilotic fund 21 00 1014 prlw monay mid 7 00 paid hecralary on aooount 21 00 tiobata in lianda ol diraotora 10 00 nat ilalano 2w 04 st albans boy scouts entertaining and intotniauoria atldrau by sdautnuutar uambiond th paruli half wu wji fillad m wd hteilay avaningof uat k witli awbryo boy oouu their paranta and olr grown upa who liaj atnniluj tohaj tliaddsvaa of hooutmibtar ifaaiuood of toronto rav mr buiiih tha rctor oouplad ilia elialr in th unavoldalu abaenaa ol oapt raardfuora ur ham mood apoks moat adtahajnlyof tha booul raovainant ita origin ajua aod axoorupiuliniaiita and abowad tha vajoa to ut hoya in tlia foruatioo of cluaour and itautav ifa datnooauatad vwy vividly bow tka uiovwoant diractad tha tkougbta and provldad for th iwura of ulaun of tba loya in man oar calculated to aid luoi la ta ujul twlpful cltitoa of rool mannara aod trua ida of ufa atd aorvio itav ur smith apokaalroogly ia favor ol llta organicatlon ol oorpa ol itiya soouta for aotoo and ur cbaa b ilooca buaday bcliool huparlulaadant aad 8 gaogd who liu bad cluug ol fit albaaa atoya club anjorad tb wopoaal tba uaw organlutloa hu enonlloat pro ipaota for iumi uhehodsk mr and ur uarall iiolu of naa ugwya lav baan apartdlug i daya with tuir daugbur ura wm oowjy ulaa lftiu hwaokliam- ol toroato la hatoa for bolldaya uua h nawton is vlaiting la harola uua winnlfrl idlkingboriw vlio baa loan apaading a faw waaka in toronto baa rturua4l buna daapaat ayrapatliy la aitatulad to ur and mr j uooill wltoaa littla gnaadaoa juku downing pawad away at tt botaa of tla iartj iimoiiviiu lau fluaday among tlia iwjklay vultora iu tba village w4r i ur and ur r il btoray ur ajul ur w uflla of toronto at uia loom of ur lepouivan ulima k u and winnifrad ivaa and mr j mclallan ol toroato at tb bad of ur and una t v ivana jilaaohvo marshall of tomato vlalud bar pawnta ur and ur il uaraball maura rait and oaoll polklngborna ward iiotna from toronto ur and mr t uaraditlt wr guaata ol ur and ura a mordilh urn coonay and ur prank onell vlaltad tlialr paranta ur and ur j onall ur it llouglity lost a valuaua horaa utu waak tho umahouw flulld which luu iwan bloaad during uw aumiaer was raarganlud ut wadtimday evonlng whan tha follow ing affair war alacted i hon ivuldant rav r v oawarou ivaaldant alfrad uaraheji violvav judd baorataryu uooill trtaabmf nalaori lane lim flrafc mmtlng will bo bald on trjur- dy avattlngof thla wak a oordlaj lnvl utlott la evundad to all 9i0011k tfia traaaurar waa inatruotad to traoafar an additional 200 to saving aooount making tli total mutn on inurwst at tlta unklooa tb aggrgt of priiaa war awardad aa followai hor a fils00 cattla as 00 8lmpas7o0 hog fill 00 poultry sjrloo grain vrult roou44 75 dairy and doni- aatio proiluota ijaoo lailua work and pnaaru100 2 fj j2ia75 paoul attraction 2iil7a to- ul 110460 tb ilrotordiacud tit ma uar of tit rtion olcattl aliada a poultry boua bog pa ii a and bat tar aocoainiodatiou for th publla comfort tliaa mattar will b dsfinltaly daciilad at ut annual uaatlng in january tit raaiunanttlo ol tb ruortry ar vlc for tb yr wu flkwl at t7koa lktteh prom m thomas is at shorriollfft elitf auid expdou to b onlorbd to avanofl soon many wounded back to em 0 land tit vuua pukan raoaivad yatrday ua following utur from pt ifaoljl tltoout of tb i7ui rattary ou ilrlgi c v a who la at tb bhornclla camp tuax bin juitifaw una to tat you know that acton 1 not cjult forgottaa by tb boy yl 1 would ltv llkad vary inuh to lav vlaltad a fw of my aobool day frianda ooo riiora but bualnaa baa kapt um ao oocupiad uiia lau four or av yaar thai i bas ba unabl to do ao i am a you will a twvlng with tb wvuro dlvialoa ol tb canadlao ksphliary vorc bow la england my brlgad hjng tb fifth artllury drlgad w aipit to u for tb traooba within tbaoait isoiiut- thla will not giv aa much tlm to look around thla coanlry w at bapt puy buay tat all ut lira i bav lata down to tltaraav today thar i on thing i would ilk to know about actoa it ia thl i how auny ol ut old sunday school boy hav aalltd t tltiajj r beginning to bapfwo around thu country now tbay ar pitting all th infantry into th bvierf lin tbt uy oa poalbly aour and ar tralalnjf uuui a quickly aa it poiu to do it 1 a grand aibt to to all tb canadian troop oa a klafra iuvuw i wa out to a it a fw wka ago t1ir ww alo torn iwparial troopa tbw tbay may hav a littl biw duclplin than u avr ag guuullta aouur but tbay cannot abow bur rimulta than thmm l ut coionu troop you may uagjn bow ut flrhuag la going od whaa i ull you uot a oarula batullod from ut oily ol widalpag lit bar a w ag today aad iau ol thirty jx bout i aw at laaat two bundrd amoag whom a good taany war iruoda ol tain from ut mm himit crlad frotd boapital train sou of that with ltf and ana oa and aom ao badly woundail uiat tbay will rvr b tha aam man again on young fjbw of paihap twaitty utr bad a tg and ana goo but with a mil on hi fao knowing h bad doo hlallttl bjtand only bl army pntlon which la not a vary great thing la kp bin i will tuv to am sow hoping to baar from you aoon i ramala your truly n viiouai how to cook boafan meal fob- b1dqb invariably u doubt boltar oraotboltw in baalu of boiling water ifav waur boiling iu both veaaalj utat in lanar on aalud to taat slowly atlr in daa cup of rotuau lal tp aaob two oup watar covr aab in outer vaaaal and vr aur ajrain evon wlill aerwnfir- vor aarly braakfaat cook at evening meal and warto rr momlntf uhluff a utu lean hornao meal it a dark nutbrown granular rich porridge it nourlabea better than tnaab prevent indigestion and poaluvely rail oonatlpauott or money back ask your doctor allgtooara looetttaandcooent dbivimo a m ambulamce btitt but interaurut uttcl ivdm nortttam speight or gmwetowu th following utur wa reoalved laat weak by ur tho j speight from bar tan who la in syanc driving a bald motor ambuunra i dear uotbar i well t hub i am off tfielnng looked tor day baa arrived and i am on my way to the front wiui tho 4th 7ld ambulance corr i at not going to the dardanalle a i expected i would but to vranoh and am to drive an ambu lanoe we left bjiorndlne yeaterday morning at 4 a m and have been traielllng praoueally alaady wear on our way to hvtruttiouut which i about three hundred tdllaa from flhornclln we have tweotyalv awhulanc a bunch of ltaavy traoka and a lot of wreck ingoara we stopped at dorking from 1 1 p tn hut tilglit uuui i utn uil morning for sleep and how we are at flullford the ofuoar in charge of my seauon invited a few of u into lunch at th lion hotel flullford you should have seen us eltuuo there cleaned up aa beat we oould dunty never theless and the other ajueat in drew suit for at this hotel every bt supposed to wear a dree suit bub now the boy from tbe land ol th maple take preoedenoo in old england now ull tb boy at horn to come over and help us do not worry aa i am only doing my duty for howe and umpire er rather as the boy say here my mr tbotnas snow of etquealng bit tell everyone wlto asks after m to township baa purehaseda 100 aeree being write how we do enjoy the letters lot number eight in th third eouoeasloei of vt if bfauiiirr no m202 j kitteinp township blonrln to ut 4th yield ambnunco bad oan olv weddarbnni hroa hale wan wad by j canadian ex voroe vronoe a wiuiiimay oeortfetown onl once a soldlnr nlwaya u noldler up pliaa fittingly tn horgt wilfrid colati wlio arrlvoil homo laut frl lay front tho cana dian couvalomooiit uoipitnl ut llroinloy kent co uniund horgt coin wh tbrougli thnhoutli african war and waa one of the iratto nnllat for the flrt oon- tlugcnt from aoton in auguat 1014 ha has arrived invalided and discharged but u now talking nf re a nil ting for home sar vioe he waa given s cordial reoaptlon upon bia arrival the bon of england ea- moially making tlte event on of special attention tho im v pnijtfi has been kindly pennlt- toil acoeaa to bargt cohw diary and has gleaned the following interesting jiartlcu inra i incidantaare given of itu enlistment in aoton in august i the mobiuaatlon nt jeorgetowii i tlte training at vatoartlsr camp snd reviews by the iluke of con- naught i tha embarkation at juebeo on september imtli and arrival and disem barkation at plymouth on galotxn 21st hie reception of the canadians by the people of plytnouui is appreciatively re errbdto the march to salisbury plain tha win ter in tb mml and slush tltare i uie visits of his majesty king leorge iu1 kitch ener karl roberts awl as vera i canadian ministers were all events of the stay there on february oui his regiment left on tlte four days journey to wane a grand reoaptlon waa tendered by tb people of 8b nauure after which three days and tilahta war spent in m box car arrived at ut first billets in frano on vebruary 27ut at fitraxeal wher they wr quartered in uie outbuilding wlut un cows and ut ohickao ttt inspection by flen french at hasel brouk on lit 28 ui was an event of much interest a very trying march of 23 mile to annentier mostty ovar oobbuston roada fallowed her they war loooyarda in rar of out firing llu on ttt 20th utey went into ut tranches at tjk biiut being instructed by ute vu ilagimant on march 1st utey war movd to baitly and spent a night in a waiving mill tbay uten proceeded toyiaurbala wher fliiaral alderaoii addrswd them hafor taking ovr their own troche from ut british troop uaroh2od lo24ui watpot in tranche four day in ut trattoh and then four days in bjlut ttt billtle war sbelud dally but during ut stay at yieurbajx ut oasu altie war light only sis men being wound d iu ut trench two skiltary man and on atralcltar baarer killed in ut blluta on march 17th ur was a hsavy arill bwy duel arul about the asm time an no i ting batu in ut air in clear view of uil rgtmoat there a le danger in ut traocbe than in entering or leaviag thu tb oth april thla rgmnt was ordered to buonboord fin lulgjuw whr utey were biluud until th loth that day utey moved toward yprw tb fatefu oeatr of tb auooeful battlo wher v many brave canadian fall tit i 300 man travel ud in 40 londoa motor bus they stopped at poppering until flv in ut afternoon and during ut iaurval haul football gam with a team from a waldt regiuaat at rlv oclock thay taarehed toward ypra aod at ten went la to blllat on ut 1 0th tbay want into ueacba at ypra o u mora log of ut 20th bergt cola we on duty at lteadaahara when b overheard s mning com from the fiald talapbou froui advaaead obaarvatlon pot kftamy la oonoantratlag bia troop on our uft front tb auack wk expactad at ss0 a m but was not dallverwl uaul sla oclock no 3 dompajty was ordared to ralaforos ut mh battalion oi wlalpatf which wu aiuur attack iwiv w faaohad tb uaach says tbedury pt jack uiley we wouadad la ut leg with a bultat by th eaj of th days flbung 25 mad war leab out of ut as la uy platoon i was ut oaly boa- eommualooad cmoar uft on ut third day w war relieved by ut northumber land vualuar aod ut durham lbjht in fantry by this um w war ratmut of cwtadlan ilrluah itreueh aaj algerian rajliuwu all mlxad toother it was hot um and an enparuno i nevar want again to b la we war almoat eautaly without food for ut thie daya being partully aurroundad by ut enemy no sup- pita could reach u tb nola wee deai- aolng and th sergeant ha bo yat wholly rsoovarad hi hearing after uil h wu in and out of tb trench unui uay 22od when bl big gave out ut aitmnt being varlooe velna ifa wu aot to rologaw for fwt uten raturriad to nlepp whar b remajaed la billet unui july 1st ii wu than ant to boapital at rouen and later transfarraj to th boapital at birmingham wher h wu operated upon was la th boapital flv waaks and then wu teat to tha canadian convalaaoant how at rrouley kent county her great kladnaa waa shown thacunadiaueoldlera they were vlaltad by th ladle of th city war driven out la motor oera and all bind ol ualioaol war tendered tbetn whllehereblrltoheft borden and llajoruanerel ulr saw hughe visited ih bom th bergt uft bromuy on aeptewber 3rd and thea reported at bbornclik he waa examined and then went on n visit to mr cole bom at illwinster and alao to bl own bom at bristol her be met hi brother la law rev j j oooksay who spent a summer with him in acton nine year ago and who had just returned from afrloa on lb 23rd september be returned to bhornollad and waa ordered to leai for canada on th 84th that day be embark ad on ut utsaanabi wltb iso other dis abled canadian soldier thay arrived in quebeo on huntley srd october went be rare the military lvnsioa board and re ceived hi discharge on th vut inst and arrived horns tha next dny bergt cole hu had m great axperlenm he hia don bis duty well and regrets w oeedlngly that ha medically unfit to oonunua in th aervloa ha ba numerous brave deeds to bl credit bub with the in- uata modesty of which ha i poeeeesed he ha absolutely forbidden us the privilege of recording detail um particular of which areherola every oluieu t ftud to ee thl brave soldier horn again and lb i hoped mrs cole and master ernest will aoon arrive impressive induction service tho vonoiabio arohdonoon davidson of ouolph formally indtlotfl rov mr smith as rector of sttalbans church tlio formal imliwitlni of rev chsrlcu homer ensko smith m a as roctor of h alltana church aoton nnd ht dohns ronkmood was held in ht alhuue church last friday evening at eight oclock tlte bnailtlfut and liuprrsiiva induction servloa of the anglican church wa used and al present felt tlte appropriateness and the solemnity of ute proooodingu tlte venerable o f devldion m a arohdeadon or wellington omclatad his sermon was an eloquent discourse very appropriate and caloulatod to cement tlte relations of rector and trlah loners and imbue uicin with seat in the servioe of the master and his church tteoeremony orpresenting the lays of the church to tha rector by tha church wantons waa vry effective the service dosed with prayer and benediction by tha rector a souvenir copy oi uie onmulo order of aervlaand prayers wu presented to each person who attended nassagaweva george wilson while working a corn cutter far rout maalplne who had uie job ol filling tho silo for james cray near rockwood met with snaocldeut tit other day which will cause him tha loss of ute uiumb of his left hand he got bis hand caught in the cutter he bad a narrow ecape frem losing his hand tlte upper portion of air neil pattersons new concrete silo on the john modregor farm gave way week or so ago about fifteen feet of th top will have to be r built mr thompson sherwood has leased his farm end will make clearing sal of stock and implement on lbs ithli lust mother of school girl tuuowlyju1lpinuhm vefpttuua ctimpoiirid rtv blared he d-uigt- w hcatltk piotw jfowsu front email thlu tny is yar eld tlaugbtas had fanud weavflaaa i pofa to thira doctor ftboatltaojtbydu not balp her any lydu 11 iinkhaw vagetable coni- pound had baad of great banefit to ma so i twldod to have iter give ft a trlal elte ha ulfen flv bottle of th vg um compound ao- cordlng to direction on th bottl and sho i cured of thl troubl bh wu all run down wiuti sli atartod taking tho compound and her period did not corn right h wu ao poorly and weak uiat i often had to help bar draa beraelf but rtow eh i rgular and u growing strong and heal thy ura iuurih lltxvia plover iowa iiurvjish of aucfa utter aorpraaalog fnratituuo for tha good lydla tl pink- ham vcgoubl compound haj aocoid- pluiied ar conatanuy balng recaivetl proving th vauabluty of thie grand old riuady if yu ar til do not drag along and coutlnu towifurdaylnanddayoutbut at one tai lydu rl pfnkhanti ve ubu compouikl awonuaa reoiajy loa wocnan liu u v wht feptftelal ajvtw whf u lydu tklnkhas- mejwn ce ca- vuallymumai- yourbtterwlll he eneaed rvael aad answrvj by a woauu laj lai u strict kmlaate pall winter stock op boors and shoes now complete heavy lines light linen working boots sunday shoes goods to suit all customers of best makes and latest styles we back the goods we offer and make our prices satisfac tory we have rubbers rub ber heels slippers and pump our repairing is carefully and promptly done call kenney bros mala si acton new fall goods every department ill the rtote is alive thin week with hrifjit new goods the pick of the market in their respective linen new pall dress goods in all the best shadei and fabricu bought early and bought right grand valuer nti the market io today new staples ncluding jright and attractive lines of wrappcrcttcii kimona cloths flannclcttcu sheetings etc mens and hoys furnishings new caps new hats new neckwear new shirts new underwear new hose new suits tweeds and worsteds very attractive lineo henderson co acton i mill st mycxxxmxxxxxxxxx acton out an attractive offer c the free press and the canadian countryman special club rate i year 150 we will accept at tho fbki pnrca office now or ronown mi uteri ptionn to uie fsutt pbukb nnd tho canadian coijntrmiin in combination at s so j car ttm regular price of theso papew ruliecribcd for individually would bo on per year tlio canadian countryman ia rccogtiiid aa tlio brightest ngrl cultural weekly in canada it has a net paid circulation fully as greater than any oilior farm paper in tlio dominion just now tlio imtallatlrni of a printing prcu coating ionottu only ninchinu of its kind in a canadian publishing tiouuc ia making poulblo a tuiwtntitlal incrtau in the si of the countryman during the nevt i tar tlio minimum alia will m 31 pages waekly with j6 pages during flva winter munthu this haa otcnod up ttio way to a now programme of editorial features that will put tho countryman in a clatn by iticlf koch week there will be tevcrnl good urong feature articles well illustrated dealing with the outstanding timely problomu of tliu ontario farmer five figuring i such article of a page or more to the numc givta fully uo tuges of feature articles the course of a year with upwards of 500 to 700 hclntcil i hunt rat ions tho wink s reminder s to prvseat practical liiuts for uery wrck in tlio year written by a well known manager of a largo farm under tlio licading of a dollar for a good idea will b published descriptions of practical ideas wntm by countryman readers he ing paid fur each uea accepted practical dltcuimons by practical farmers is a departmeut in which will be given tho ispcrlrncca and vlcwo of good farmers an llio moat important aaasonablo subjects a pigu every wack la to tw dovolcd to live itjiue of agricultural news brlct paragraphs reviewing happening of interest to ootario fanners some otltir special departments being ahtnmuiicd nnd to bu given 1 nlac in the paper whs re thoy may riguljrlv be found nro notes from the coutiluu round tho farm feda and iertinicrs a taut livu htoclr orchard and gar den making poultry pay veterinary advice points of law explained your questions answered our you no iarraom at tomorrow an inmalmrut of a good serial story and a short k uiy as well will appear cvry week the llarlit pages wul le duvelopedto include a column la which questions from our readers with nurwct to their individual problems of marketing will be answorcd a now mailing schodulu provides that iho market reports will close tuesduy afternoon and every eywribr having a rural mall boa should have his paper within 34 hours this will give the market pages much greater value the countrywoman at home la to receive greater attention than ever before and the programme of features to bo provided undi r this heeding will pos ses strong interest for the women folk an the farm in the timely topics section tho practice wilt b continud of offering cash prise for evory idea sent in by women reader that is excepted for publication young countryman and countrywomen u nog for tha boya and girls will contain a gootl story uvery wtwk a humorous pictorial feature a good poem and frequent v a comtietitluii will ba introduced with pnios for best garden plana beat drawings of various kinds etc altogether th csnadfan countryman is making a big step furv it i to a polnr t editorial service shall win for it an increasingly strong ri ird iu the good farm send your subscription for tlio ista pmnj and lue canadian couti iklngo whs re ita editorial srvlce shall win for it an increasingly strong tu home of ontario send your suhicriplli trvman to th fbub paitaa ottlco to day bo suru to got or tho list in 1 1 mo for a copy of countrymans chrliltnas number d a 1 cool summer desserts from england to rejoin him her grand trunk ks bouwjc wack ait rue way torontochicago torontomontreal roh ohioaqo leavo toronto 8 00 a m ft00 i m and n4s pm dally poh wonyhhal leave toronto 0 00 a m 830 p u and 11 00 p tn dally kriulptnettt the fltteat on all tralna rahana paoiwio itkpobiyioh reduced fare to ban initiclsco loa anrreles and han tllego pull turtloular analwrth reservatlona on application to ageuta 7 rs holmes agent phone no ia children ory for fletchers castoria thla la tbo time of yar when it i hard to know what to buy for a dessert al meal thus why not havo something cooling in the way of ice cream vo will deliver any quan tlty fronts cent up our cutnly dopnrtmeut always baa a full lino of chocolates from io cent it 60 cents pound in bulk arid in package from as cents to 9ino each dontforgetourlcacream parlor we make a new dish every saturday our new dlsb for neat satur day i a miry flckfords idesaert come in and try one and alao enjoy aoma music from ouruaw gra- fouola harold wiles miitatmaar oaahal authawaad wjooobrm oaajul veld up 4vtmdjw ttuntlu atraaaw rarmers business and sale notes receive special attention okoboktown branch w n utkty uuw bank of hamilton t b t a n 1 1 s m 1 ii 1 just opened in hills block mill st acton i general repair shop special attention to eavctroughing windmills pumps furnace and plumbing hot water heating roofing gasoline engines jas barden v son 2 ri acton ontario 1 ilrlu amirttgrmniifi mca it i n auction ham- ol houwtchoid ooodm in in mrnii 1 1 n7 f ivh i iihirijillou u in mill maiioallkct aiiici1n mi ii i v j il nh mini ul in r rulliin main i mm hi ah not iff fi ilchiittahfrh a itmluu oh ill mil iii ll ml i hi i till mil niiya ali i t ij tl la liolliui 1m llni hi c lally iu llir tu win i uw klioit imiwitlidmk jrjuv f lilhmltt sriuationwantki iii ii ii il a m hi no1 iitbiibh a situation ss liouis iril iiiiufnft1dral stier jfy poii matk oil ttknt minn llrt ilia lurimcn blnqirln liahl all i is in ionil1 oouiltlldi buluu nswly iloorti am l io kiicccjhful dairy itiihiiicnm poit dalk i all dltrrliiu mv wtl ulattiilii1 rulry lu i- ntit ha wn sa tli anion luliy fortal tforan nl iilb an i all ilia ilmlryius ulsailla toortlur ltli ihannoiwin nl tlj imitnss will lio tolii i a rsanoualila fluura call upon or eciii- cleniiimr iresilne ami ke- gl stirmf vhtiimt llu cloililna neatly elf all ail roaaa i an i ri alrl wliao nnrrkbtrr hf ciiorlaucal lallnrcm caralabau wlill etery orjr urga or iniall nrlara tsllo t ar snt carmts prowrilly ilsllrerait una tl lfittilswa i u ullu ill aden new brick ttbsiuence poii tjaltt i ioiiiii hall rf thai comrarlslils lrlck haaas vvulllnijtoii tlrafit aractad four sdo it is uj m hss als roonia sud istisillllliiiai roar tntt tr in ltulun ran 1a in irani all wall built lul4 i fiioj con lltlnti tlialotanniiillira lis clan arri ins uioi oariu full iraaa rrr iuiliaa ii oanvunlamlv iliualal lu at ant ilaalratila aacllon at il lewn lb and oilier liaillcuura msda btiown uioo callaii io i ii ouku 1 auooil mill ull it f0k sahk b hick r nui with tan ii hani an i tali wair fro 1 1 uh ilollflliu ilontilaiailor iln diald reonj u an i iaulry wood i ml our itajrootua iloiili utulia two callaia wlili urttaa a happy tlimmlii lunoa ani olliar taiul aliiioal nab i r featd vtr iidilmlr ait oalmmt u r lata r ianluurs ap- r ucuu cllcaitliw auction sale fkr7vt stock impliehkntei anrc the nui 4 hl received instruc nn thompson bhkrwood m11 b pub it miction on thopremtua t ai ton in ilit township of noua- tweja i j miles tast of darbyville ilia south if atton on tugydav oototjkr loril 101s a ia jo otloek iharp tht following horblh ui h rw o ears t 1 liih tlx ui ixw lbs orey horst r w eight about ijoo bv hay hoi j j tar aliout 1 400 ha durk grej geld ing j t in old jbiul uolb jcarling til h iv j bnvkl marc vrars alwiut 1100 b j tcdlo be in foal to gros u- 111 ni nj 1 gvml marc filly l b gros ute bard twat cattlrtw reira t aii roan cows tligible suipoitd t calve api i 1 mjj 9 cow supposed to tine- ri ar cow aupkw4 to tat mirth ij to arpposed to calvo mar ai n due novemlwr 1st heitir die november 1st hoifer due ixxtmtvrist these uro a fine lot of tow hciivr years old 4 heifer r aing vcars old 3 ttcera rising 3 year i at ing a years old s spring iblo far regis seven t the pllsilrood ow eligible truwn 0rlsh1r1 duo rov tore piga aunit 100 bs sllhlp i leicester cuta suppoaed loin inhiub i owl about 30 hens hay and gttalnaliout 13 tana tuod tinntlij ln three tone mised hu about 1400 bushcu of cat fit for rtcd 100 lnuhtls of uheat about 300 bimlitlaot harty 100 tuilhela rj c iirn1 ss tvio wit heavy team inuks tn giiul rtjnir stt plow harness m1 siugk hinuaa pir of now high 1m1i1 toll ir am grun working lillir igoml light tolura implkmlsthha loader neatly mw sub iklivtry rake new binder it tnl mimtr ft cut peed drill 11c irlj nm 1 1 inutnltivator stoel land rlur ilisi liitrnv anlkyrako 10 ft set tiltitn barfiui 1 iluiry plows no ai ia irly run 3 cntkshutt jointer plows ptrrln dmi wo- fur row ruling plow uuarly new a pot it digger 3 scuftlen pen liurvthttr fanning mill wolgli scales 3joo ha tnpuity national cream lpirutm- nipimtitv of furnlltiro stock rink pig rate 3 hv racks sling and iny fork turnip sower turnip pulper hioik lniit wliicllurrow grnvel imiv all tin so imnltincnts nro maiwvviiorrla make ilnin wagmj mid box nearly new 3 truck wagons dunincrat ojven buggy m id tart tlirto not bnlvsluighs 1 muillto- lu n lu rlv upvv cutter a wood racks huge furnace ultlo ut bunks 4 acm tbiiibletnis 1 tiickjokta fork hoes inline nnd varimia other nrtictca tort iiiimtrouu to nitntiott roots- alwut firm bushels sugar 111 hiriilds in rnnt hiisu 1 ntro of swedo tuniipit canadian lotus this sale will wt irloii linn no rcwjrvo an the farm ia iulil thrmha1i mimu nf tto nnd under cash ovtr that nmount is months rcdit will bo given m fiirulslilug np pnncd inlin iiiittu j per cent oft for last liny grain roots nnd poultry cash oh a lit tcs m cilawtlkv alton wynntcltrk jnmih auiiih ahst cleik new wonder land theatre phi da v ooy ih a man from moulco fouturliiic jdhii llarrj imiro monday ocy 18 riinr ionl uf llio jiiiikio siwo- lal llrtmilwjiy ktnr tuulure wttdhuadav uot so klilmilom of itsplollu nf lllnlno tli hour of throe couina hmli n mlllo ollcon ullli hnry iltufonl r l gregory proprietor d

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