Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a laklotc autjohtmicnl imuoica iiicadomahlic glvo us a call hakiniaott kilounaita 1sbuud geo i1yjstds jbwoiisv wild vnnoif oaodm aoton ontauio real estate farm far utile in ii nit on 1eol mdd wrllliiufon 1 ruruitt tor uatr yry ulxc if you witlti n iksfit writ f uir for nf tilotnif ok ii you wluli to mfll or vvdintiitfl writ tut wc lime c y futility for tkuiihiirtliitf uiihliieuh to your couplet ft uittlmrurtloii horre- kmudth o nollrltnl j i uvvmklcjiim h uriu hellluu hiierlullul ootirctawu sir cton jficc vcss thimttlku octoiii 11 ii hub brief local items methodist aiiuucrsnrj mirvicos iioxt hum ay william well nnd ti row wollicr enlisted lion this week the cdtiitda temper meo act for hal ton la ago in u ihoijuc tion damea moor o unit formerly of aclou has enlktcd rit dnlt the count j iulr attracted a laro attendance from acton an i vicinity yesterday i lcnilforot it to morrow dooaiil exist lion t morr to day la tioro use it crowda of acton pc iplo attended tl o volt fairs at oorgotoun and itacuwood hut thursday millridnj tlio lolshinan orchestra will liol 1 w halloween assomlly in tho liwn hall or vrlday evonlnir 1ttli ima lr aldorson osteopathic physician will make bin uanal calls in acton on turn days and friday 4 to h p m cltluus liad dlfliculty in docldi ii yesterday whether to tjo tlio lountj fair at hilton or tlio i rln hhow mr harold b mculiii c i is at tl o vim man installing u ayttom of water work and filtration in tliat town a rood many local nhnruua wore out rabbit ituntlnu on tlmnuyuinir ha fihome well filled lnif uoro secured neortfelauii rutouirx carried tin liy law to loan tlio l is dnrdun hull icrx co wo ww hy ft7 for nnd ifl nalnht i- i iolio hns been uppointc i collector of laxos for milton nt n salary of 975 lie ha jiut commenced hu dm ion tho re was irlnrio i autumn weather for thanbhjflvlnp hi i very one wh oould spent the day out in tlio bright sun shine rend the tin i iltun to jour uluuint son or daughter or friend t tho end of tho year in canada or the ilrituh tosses ions far 21 cento tito conproiiatlun of tho ilaptlut church will attond thcannivorsury services in tlto methodist church nest hu iday morninn and that of in oi church will attend in tho evening mrs manual al orn hu old her homo on main rltrtel mcarlhur mh aliorn frlanda at wallacehurir houaahold offoeta h nuc afurnooit vhu i nit to mr will bm will rcldo with hho uillull her ion on kuturdav eaqueilhff pair vory sucoossrul tha vail loir at joorjctown lout wwl oteday ami tliurtday was faorod with umlunt weatlicr aodgita comhhiod with tho olyoru of tho prcuhlent i mooro tlio ohparltinoctl bccrctnry mr t a toy snd tho iktard oflhrocton rwultwl in h gratify i ni ly rucceaxful fair tlio hull oxltltlt was qulto the wjual of uit faint in mobrovpacu although aa in other falra tlilo fall tlioro woa a notlceahlo altaonco in samo claaooa auch aa jwtatws aniiloa dairy products etc tha ihftwinjr of ttoob u vor pood and attractwl a urgo atteiulanoe tlio trlau of apoul waro howaver hardly uortli tlio monoy rwt on thaia tlio ahow uould not miftor if thoj won omittod from future foaturoa tlio utrlotlo fund hliuuld roeoivo a wood round uum ottlho iirofiti of t10 fulr uoro to lo thuadovoled thankbfflvlner entoftntnmoitt tlio old tlmo tea moetioff of tho iraahy terlan church on thank ugivlnu ovenlny proved very auceouful and iiltuaurahlo tha atlondntioo was uohi a flno aorlea of lantern alldoa illuutrntinu features of tlio war uero ahown ly mr a t iliown wlioaa aucooaa in iihotoroy and the mauu faoturaof lanurn viowa ima lioon provloua ly demonatratud miuaifnowm tooloj of frgua won tho audlonoo with her bftundld elocutionary nimdioru mho wan romatlly enooml and ilcawl tlio and lancomoodiny mhu may wlldtiuat an usual remlorod her nolon with una offoct tha iiumlwrflof tho church imitotta and tlwj church cholrwero nln murh onjnyul ilo it w avihoii m a ii i of tho motliodhtbclinrclidoliioroduhrioraihlrea itoth tlio spirit nnd dailor of uhich all urcclutcd iuiv mr wfknn the min iktor won tlio chair man 9100 rewa1id io0 thanadoranf tlilaiupor uilltio iihmud to learn thut thora la at leaa ono droadoil diaouuo that boioiioo huu lioon ahlo to ouro in all im atnifofl and tht la catarrh halu caturrh cure in tho only nojltivo aura now known utho niodlcnl fratornity catarrh boliiff a ooiirtltiitlonal diaeufto twiulnui a oonalltutlonal trcatmoiit hall a catarrh oura la taken intornally acting dirmtly uimiii tlio hlooil utid tnucoua aurfaoea of ute ytui therohy deatroylntf uta fauiulatlon of tha itlaumi and kiuiiu the itattent htmtiftth hy lulldintf up tits ooithututlon and allfi 0nu it work tlio twoprletora havo mohjaltli in itoouratlvapowarwumt thoy offer una llundrod llallara for any eao that it fall to oura betid for hat o toatimcmlau addraaa v j oihnlv st co totadn o bold by ull lirurfltula 7bo taba if all- family illlaforeonatliiallon hatttat oa hala out uala mica eta dont 1ia in tlio houw i bo ami 2sa at 1rutf and country ulan some day ull homo day well lie tlodottlnff uiroualt uta ajr without wlrea may ha hub wont lb boom ijuoer to liava an ojterator call lutek lo you and my tlio aliu lmy mow 1 news of local import hoard of education aooountu at tin mithli mooting if lli lhmrd if i 1 initlounn xlnnln muiiii tf thu ftilhiu liilf i ltniiiitu uorumhhcd i holm til rn tu id i now miiu nnd dudka eih00 i t ii htnrd ehull cj 7 i i h oloimu hitidriel i k t monro frolulit mid rtrtuuuei lit halton soldlont now lloutontittts lolhmlnu itm tlm nnnina f ukim wl luivo iaabod tho llautonunta oxamlnatloiih for tha jadi ilnlton itoulinenl at tho trovlnclnl uehaol at n lay am on tho iale i t m chhliom w ii wataou w a crawloy i h ivaooob v c hamilton if i udonouhue c i day a f mo ittio and v j jul mi tim girls club pat hot lo too 1 lift patriolla ten provided hy tha twelve iiioinliers id tho llrla cluh in tha hod cronn aid hdolotja qiihrtera laut baturday uftornoon waa a unlfpio and auocwutful function tlico onerualio joiuio ladlnui hid ft very urutlfylnthucomalonofiatronh x hoy provided a dainty tea and aa a raault ucre ui to to hand or to tha treaeurnr of thu1tc4l hum 1 und tho aum of is m s 0 e hocoptlon to uro colos on irlilaj oven no a apeelnl meeting of ho bona of 1 ujrlmnl waa held to welconm i ick homollro ho rut w colon from tlio front in llundor a lario number of tho luendtora wero proaont and lira cole re canod hoarty ovation un enterlno tlio room llurlntf the evenino a numlier of u were ulvoii hy the member a ilnlton tooahera itistltuto novt weolc tha annual convention of halt on toucher intltuto will he hell in tha nal hehool toronto lie it thursday and trlday jut and od lufcu a vary intcruulinif and wactlcal noyruim liaa boon nrranfloil 1oaturoa of the conven it aftonlwl hy tha holding of tlio fcoion toronto villi ho visits to the toronto kchaoln in amnion to the new teohlucal hehool and other uinta of inter mlsa miunlo itentiett it 8crtary ol tho uiociatlnn runaway with load ofstovoi ioro was an oicltlnu runaway biit tlmrwlay from tho door of bynions hard store tho delivery rijfof tl a houaa hod drtion up to the door with a load of s und tho driver waa called inside a piece ol i4ier waa t lown in front of tha liorua which frightened him and ito ran lown john btroot and then on to tlio una of thatarontobuhurhan llatluay fuveral of tho ttoion woro thrown off all were more or leii damaged two mi ludly thoy hud to bo returned to tlm foundry mcthodlit seventieth antiworury tha cook rotation of the mcll odlftt church will celohrute tho seventieth anulv orwary of tha oroction of tho llru motluul lot hurcli i acton uont hundav how li tries l drajkjr who was ths uuior for four jcarh jrlor to iho aiointmoiit of uoy mr avihon will preach tlio anni nraary urmoii hov mr draper was tho mlnin tur when tho ostenaivo improvements to tho church wero made tuo jeara ayo ifo i till hvex in tho hruirtu of tho looplo and uill bo cordially vrolc med noat huiula hetitorlal to lata ii a hoophorton tho coin rcuot ion of ci aimers church toronto on hit unlay amemhid at 1roa icct cemetery and uuvoluvl m monument ovor tho uae of tlielr former mlolster hv ii a macphorsou who uusoil away a llttlo over a jear ago tho monument ua unveiled l mr j ii thorn ion a cloo friend of tho lata hot macpharaon nod addrctmh of a inamarlalcharaclirwere inudu 1 tho present pator ilo mr woods ido and iirominont moinliera a tablet utll bo unvuilcd at dial me r church mi octolnjr joth no shop llcijtius for halton an application has been mado to the provincial i icenao coinmioalonara for a shop i icon mi in oakvilla and thero isgomy to bo strong opposition to it being imnted itw a loi g loor time since there was lifjuor shop in halton and it a rather lata now losturt them upatfalii in view of the present advanced atayo nf tho teiuperanoo juostion a liquor ahop will do mora hurm in tha oooitminity any day than a llconaod hotel it ia to tie hoped this application for one in oakvillo will not lw granuwl milton iteforaier halton hai uotton alono ehoeajllngly well for about forty years without a shop lloonto within hor lionlers and there la no need fur auch a inonaoo now goortfutown is doundkia un truants our traunt oflloer la iiusy ttieao days und tho future does nob look too bright for tho hoy or tho parents of tha hoy who neglect kchool oua case waa tried lie furo mugutrutoa owens and near on bat urduy last and the parent of tho boy had togivaa lind f 8 km i to uarantea tha i ay a rrgulur attomlanco at iclionl in future tho law tjovornliib iruanoy uvcry strict any iaicnt uulllj of allowinu a cldld to retuuln uvtay from acliool must ho lluod nob lets tlmul nor more than j0 in lion uf tho flno tlio magistrato may require the parent loglve a bond for 1hi oh a guuruntoo of future punotual alten danco of child herald 920 and coats for following women ale under mcconnell whowandlooharo od a faw wotka uuo from niagara camp fir incapacity upon medical eiutnlnatlon came before if 1 moore j lwbdneulay altnrnoon ctmruod hy mr jumea it ander sun with following ida wlfo anil oilier 1 idle mi tho itreat or tuuwluj evenitm and making insulting rt marks lo them iho oaao wuhflloarly proven tho prisoner waa flood siaand ooata or tuo months lu i on i at hard labor he went to goal the magistrate remarked that whenever charge for thin nature of offence in or in timldallon of women o i the street were proven ha uould impoae the highest penal moconnall aald he uaa drunk or tliboftoiico uould nob liave been commit procontatlon to corp john l hoora corp john i moore of lite hugle band of tha 31tli batl now lu iondtm being at home on a hurried visit on thanksgiving day waa waited upon hya number of tha tnomhera of tlta kpworth league of tha methodist churcli who on behalf of tlie league presented him with an envelope containing fifteen dollars with tha request thut it lie applied to the purchase of auch an article aa lie would moat clierlah aa u memento of ida aaaoclatloti wltb the league here prior to die enlistment tha preeentalloh waa preceded by a few ttartt wl words by uta ivaator ilev mr avlsoti who eniireaaed uta appreciation felt at the aplrlt of enlistment ami tlia best of good wlaliea for tlielr young friend mlaa hen- itelt iwealdeiit thun temleretl him the gift after a few minute of pleaaantriea hov mr avlaon offeretl earnest wayer for uto youup soldier ida pareata ami uioao who remain to carry on thi werb of the church in vuiiouawaya social and fersolmal mly loin kmilh wuuh iiiidfroni tironl i itutli nouin wiih herii fr un ibiti stinblhaiiksuiviugin ml dilk mr vlouirtlimt toronto muh murgarot llrowu wuh here from toronto mualkilena llayuard wuu home from toronto mr arlof hills wuu homo from toronto this week corp ilulger john i moore waa home from london mbut margaret kennedy waa homo from cloorgetown mlsa m a htuck went to ml vorest for the holiday i miss alice i- lllott went lo hamilton for thanksgiving r btewart of toronto visited at prlii oipal btewarta mr i ddle wtuhloll um herflfromltertln for the holiday mlsa lirauceu mullln spent the holiday at her homo hera mr wm hliario of toronto waa at mr c c bpelghl mr jack cliavnian spent thanutjiving at his hone here mr uohort monro of lalt waa here or the holiday mr riukhkvui wau home from llronto for thanksgiving mis4 a uren spent thanksgiving at her home in hu marys ilegluald cun too of toronto wan here for tlio holiday mite tean itenwicko went to bar boniest halt for thoholldayu mr hartlo mason waa home fnr tlia holiday from berlin liable husband uptt thiulsglv ing at bar liotno liere holen warren was lome from ilocl woo- 1 for llianksgiving mlsa i tlubelli ilaon want horn to mimlco for the holiday mlsa annie harvey of bt catharlnea waa homo for tlie holiday miss lottie a mooro was lionie irom toronto for thanksgiving miuhoraclarke waahomefroui toronto university for thanksgiving misses ram llrowu and lurtle rpjght iwnt thanksgiving in milton corp hoy hur1 of 10th lutury loti don waa here over tha holiday mr uoorge ropsr vlaitatl his daughter mrs livingsloooet mt vcju mrs i nurrlth of toroito called on acton friemla on thanksgiving i rto llarlvn of toroulo sfiant liianbsglvlng at his i mm a her mlsa lllanch thoinpou was home from ilarlln for a day or two this week mjrilo matthowd ol toronto spent thanksgiving with acton frigid a mijm llasal ifurd of toronto norma bchool uus hare over tlie boltdaa id mrs w riy are visited friends in nastagdwaya over thanksgiving mr i ictor coloinau ol toronto spent tlio holiday at liiahotna litre miss pearl ilakor spent the holidays with kov c 1 draper at milton mr lasterbrook of boattle wash i visiting at tlie homo of mrs wm roll mr l it cainhpelt of milton vhludai tha homo of mr landaborough last week dr jna momurchy and ir mcallister of toronto vlsltad at tha lormera home mr campbell of thelunk of novasootia milton spent a day or aoln town lasbweek mrs tlios hwtt and master johnnio hoharuun uient the holiday with friends in halt mr j anderson of toronto rjient tlio holiday at the homo of mr bpeneer hue bam mr and mrs makeclinfe ami children of toronto sjient tha holiday at mr oeo bopara mr ii h warden and frntt uf luelpli spent thanksgiving with acton friend a mrs c w ueecoby of hamilton la visiting her daughter mrs ceo agnew mlllstreeu mr ami mr hunur of toronto wero vlsitora witli mr and mru moevoy over tlia imllday mr and mr donald mohregor and johnny and jeasls were here from ouelplt for tlia imllday mr and mrs ii 1 moore motored to toronto on baturday for thankaglviug re turning monday evening mrs harry voaur and matter clifford visited at tho home of her sitter un w b colenisn hub week mr michael ii else la here from con cord and will spend a few ueeki witli ida duughur mm john brown mlaaea mamarut ilenuett kuhy clark and horonoe llolmea of the toronto bchoola teaching aulf were home for the holiday mr ami mrs d ii smith ami mlsa mona and mrs will mcleod andeliltdren of toronto visited at mr wm haw- uiomoa mm john and mrs w ii vlrtuook toronto gave a thanksgiving dinner for their children and a few friends at uta trout ponds on thanksgiving day mr arohy allan of tha merchant junk who lisa been at willlettutown for sometime was home during the week lie has been transferred to tha branch ut walkertou mr t modulre who has beeu teller at tha merchants hank here for tha last threejean leftou monday totuka a poel tlun in tho hank in ouuooe acton will nilas thla hright young man ba uuisaus aasortmenb of cooked and ourod loeata tub schools uoll of honor result of tlio hut xtuiilniittorm ln oo thu lotitf bummar holltliiys school has lalloi attendance tha following h tho bchool hetnrt for tho wst month i hu i llosolu wooll mil ia1 llailys numimii hj konnoth hondeiuoti lift nell llblionu i ui duff wllm u7 i uoy ulwartla ui lotnl jm jit iv- margaret mntoolm 110 maxwell hell ud btuart morton 110 moreuoe cook 111 horenoe xms 1 00 agnea dobhle 102 total uw no on roll ii m ittv4irr teanher bit ill violet davis 111 alice tames 171 liearga taylor 111 mae cutting 101 david henderson ill margaret minahb 100 bshra nelson i ima cutting llt ju 111r tolniny itolteruon 111 v iolet tlonlet i w carrie irlco 141 willie watta 1m udraboott 111 alea mochrlo 1m total joo no on roll 4d if wniti teacher bit iiminnialllair 10o lalnl ivancey and willie cook h mary blnmkilo hi lllrdlo loulet oj xjrtlo cirnochan hh agnes llhlioiib and tlorgo jiguiuii xi jp h aguoa mann and nora krowe mnrgueriultyderaiid lessia monabh 1iu nellie hall 10h rrnest provost ik marguerite cotelou1 llontrlco illalr 02 total ijo na on roll 17 m mvhu vh teacher bit ihldiioy bmllh 101 walter tuuor 1h0 jeorgo holloway itw hnnaldwinaom iw1 norman lids i7h lareuca lulicock 17j lu i myrtle lljdar 217 lima joultt 221 lyml bmlth 210 madeline masaua 211 mulge itothwll vw mnjfgla ityder total 2hi xon roll il dvihv voimtkm teacher hi j ii u puiuiu ui a olivo coopar aiul matthew tyler loo hearst fred watts dobuo uppln btanloy mackie an i vrank lib boos irancls wills ci kim ilrmiia llttlo i lieu uydor mnn margason mou waller morris htarkman clara bavuge cium cwlklro luil willie little willie llahcnck clisrllo provot m a hi aiu taaclisr jt xiuu iiuvuv bit llmsino joannlo orr helen coxa unlollunn mary btowarl lonton hun nun jean maollonall ju divnuiv jolin bhbona thelitis htrassr haiol tames lvarl baio mar jorle itrwhou ihuiie cutting rflivnitua wiiwiv teacher d the hub now in tha time to order your now suit fur thunkii kivlng olveusjut tunt onkrund jou will bo well lulled wo nlsu maku imlica sit i m luillcs and gents suits cleaned and pressed velvet collars put on irom 7jc up geo f agnew lsultee istul aatit tallot- mill si aeloa onotito ohykhtb ilea a wsllsarta1 riuutlou far superior limldtia and imilliami eitueaileaabdaisr lug sluilsuls id alinlea poaltiaus lommst daw cstsw tt raa w jilliott irvtholtmll til vaug tc vue su l iirlss e a word for mothers kfeadveinlauveforttiotheratoue lett utelr acuas and pains awl suffer la alleace this oily leula to chronla sick- ueta aiul often aliotteua life if yoiir work is urine if your twwa aw xdtahle if you fecfbuftltfal wwyf depreftai you slioulil know that bott ltittulblotiovenmesjustauchcotimuoaa it poiuaflcm in concentrated com the very elements to luvlgorate the blood blreiiktlieiitliotlaauenuourlahthabervsi and build strength bcotts la streuguieulhg tluwaatuu tm inoihera and will help you try it rcell si howim itotoula 0l wohhj lu children if utey ha not at- tended to cause oouvulalous and often death mother oravea worm knurmlna tor will protect tha ehildrea from thaaa dlstresslug antletlona here is the answerfin websters new intermatiohal vw htafiuh mtstlfll kvrv day la your talb ami tjuit a mttaeutteatrolcur intlieeavc slia0 aitdsf heel eu likely nucatuinuiaiurati- rpier er aeua aaw word a frund aakst vvutbukrahierlurtinntciir vmi aask tha uvcalloaoriwa mmiltat tlienreaiui- rullen or jumiu i litt is sli thu new oealuin answer all kluds of utteivliinbiiiis iiulwv uwraphy plfuenkorrvi vwv trrnlca a i la and beuocea stjia dual tuuatfu jfi arooi tbaeiilvdlfilnnarywuh c actttlsrtl as abbolu oealua uitwerrjillsai crewsohs corners tho bully day servloea hero on hominy ware well attended mr oroen and mlsa grossman two visitors present materially aided the choir with violin musle uldohwav much appreciated mr walter lamb returned hub week from manitoba mr iamb enjoyed tha trip vary muoh althouuh tha season has been very wet a lot of grain la still out mr and mrs boy wanaliorough of luelpli visited frlendo here over the holi ly mr iroen and mlsa crossman toronto spent tho holidays at tho homo of mr wm dennis a mr and mru w aunormati tiuelpli spent several daya with friends here ami in hook wood mr ceorgo burnslde toronto vlsltbd ida brother mr tohn iluruslda tide week mrs m crewson la visiting friends in milton mr iferliert if brown of the itoyal hank hamilton spent tlie imllday at his homo here hwvmawwqananonarjbnawuuvusi clothing and o j furnishings hats and caps for men and boys tho kind lint appeal to smtrt drchgcru lire anortmenth latest ntylro moderate price geo wallace thu ifatyam guelph ont waandoqqadoaom to farmers you would not thldk of ultbui produxtiv land ha idle la your sufplua cuuey watkbu loeyour litiatwesujaieattbai you opea savings attentat wltb us where but id a good bound sank can your mooay wulber 10 or iooo baa to work eartilfl intareal aad at tha asm tune retnafa ah- olulely ufa and immediately available r 111 the bank of nova scotia liieoroomted ism w rjarttax forces baamcussat aetojj ousjpk woij uultod as4 etmetattiu j hhhhusjadddadaaaaaddii because 8 the other fellow didni malec a ttuccehs of repair- j inj your watch or clock y dont think b it cannot be done let fj uh have a look at it we j enow how h foster 1 u tha wauh haelalts m 3 oaorokctowh out h n ti in sn m a on auaa a a aa no m m s axes bargain list this week countless have been tha cures worked by holloivaym corn cure lb has a power of its own not found lu other preparations most men are pessimists before break fast bargains roft men menv bulla ut uuln cnal metift working fiho m ruo i30 mens hwator lien flue uhoes umbrelliai aiks lbh 79 bargains fok women i iulleu ralucuit i ladic 1ltlebhoeh ladles every uaysllac 4ss ioh i as lodlrv rlwealera iss ludle lall drewel and uuiruel haw pkicu bargains in groceries i roape all binds ti for i canned goods regular ioc h for hrooron a special line at a few other lines reduced 2vt skxe the briok store opposite new postofflco hxxrcxixooooooc10ckxwk i meeting the fall and winter 1 i needs of this large community tg gj willi i wearable for men women and children and furnishing i for their homes in ijj c the comprehensive widcneati of ranjjjo that only uch a lir store cm oiler js the reliability of a ycarn old reputation btandu behind the qualuic we guarantee th6 iarfehus of our buying power malcet posaihle tho lowness of ouf price this in a specially food place to do nhoppinp of special importance here are a few jotlingti from thiu htores daily news a sod of plannalatttv nkeu plnco thin u iiur- day offering vnlima llmiled to ono dny only muny biicii sales occur in hi i a sloro during tha wmik end making baturday n profltahlo day to vlnlt this inrgo bttsliienu hrtiise nntcwar prlccmind vulueo which now uro consider ed extrn spoelnl bntifulno in vluur of tha aerloua inferiority in tlio n until lea and iho eunrmouaadvancea in tliu pricuu of i ikb hint tiiatiufnelnrora are now showing as tr rutfs tsnd carpetn mout of our prices am of thu old miadvniicut lenle our tehctlami being notably catenalvo and our rpjulitieu of iwdoru thewar stand ardi womans weaiyeiblh in tho varlnun woman u dopartnicnta of this large store mo carefully wltctcd htylou than foro nro chchisive iaalitlea nru do pond nbloliiul prlccatitisfactnry in fushiunu we loud d e macdonald bros lihj guelphs leading and largest store wynjham maedobb bbj cardan street guelph ont what will you do for these magnificent soldiers and sailors from every part of the british empire arc laying down their lives for you nnd yours perhaps some of your own blood arc amongst them an urgent appoal has gono forth from tho marquis of lausdowno presi dent of tlio british rod gross for funds to provide modicincb appliances comforts and hospital equipment of all kinds to nllovinto tlio sufferings from wounds nnd bickncas of sailors and soldiers from all parts of tho em- piro this appoal is endorsed by thoir majesties the king and queen and every british possession is sotting asldo by official proclamation tt as a day of public giving to aid lit this splendid cause which stands in savero need of assistance owing to the tremendous demands upon hod cross work ontarios quota is set at 500000 wo eon and will raise this amount as a token that ontario fools for our wounded heroes and will not soo thorn languish in thoir pain and buffer ing for tho want of modical and other comforts do your part nnd make our day for sailors and soldiers a tromondous bucccbb in your locality mb ifcau ia tnjy amlelol lo jnw for ottuhmc in kwuw the mttllmrhtg of our looondej tetdier and mo from alt parts of iho doounjom thit it the tint appeal of tha motherland to canadian in thut pretent war it colli upon oar humanity cut well ar our loyalty lantd hl it htmukjcfuu john s hendrie givq to the red cross evoy oait collected goes to briihh red crow head tauten when it u officially and wluly penl no money it wuted in enpeniei even thi adveriuins pace b donated by tha puuuken girt a day pay do your part give liberally and tayauy give your money hwaiwt tbeaa brave one our aailairs and uuien are grrhia their lives for u codeetonton october 21 tm tobdt your sub s w toake tt thtuuah your mayor w reeve c c speight for uptodate goods sllverwr in til3lwaiirsl vaskittty also finsi cutleurv hsjrdwndrea yfasweuw suui orh hswstrslrt veurtsty peuulorsi tov sutd ramf sfaamous hseltsmts oinsul tltovsml oustovsm every article iu of excep tional value c c speight mui strut acloo

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