Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1915, p. 4

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jljr ivtnii jfvtt rcs inuiihha tu loin it n nitrt till anhivkhiaiiv a juir ii lif1 ihi tiri i iliut fur lain in i mii 011m lulu- i iimmi uilli liiu who hud a miuiiiiui ill- an i ii ml i ih iihiimfl with mm llidiillli ruuifli xlinntil in ilm wiiv hut llfo in- i mi mci i mot diii iilwliion thirtimulf il iliy wlion i 461 lufiro i ho imthoii in that lovfllyiillutilllapmt willi my buoivt niiiiowliiit miblflmly and liljf lmiii in my throat i willi n funny foiliii eroeplnu up ttnd down my hmnhloiiplna a i looktvl up for lifon journey with that old awoatheart of initio hlnco tlmn wo havont ridden much in hamlaaitio hiiiniinliioa nor wulkoil an vol vol carpcta through the nwoot limuriiwn aooiidh hut wova nlwaya i mil throo filling and nuliotmitui mnulsonoh ilny anil white ilia wolf imii prowled around weve- kat liiiti ntlll at my ami nn cloud i huvu dimmed tlio timpplnakn or camiwwl otitulila our door wove uoceptiwl wlmt linn coma to an and tiovcr nulled for mom t ayeiirngowo joined our hum la to fiyhl th tmtll through anil ufa linn ivean moat auoot old iat blue i iioqikmi up with you morgan huke to aatlmi hultorflr- lr j i kol egg asthma remedy ooiiim like help- intt hand to n linking nwlmmr it give new lif mil hniio liy curing hi troublo bomfllhlng ho uua doiuo to hollavo hnpou ilia it iwiielu i too evident to u quoetlaiuul it la it own ivost advertlm meut if you aufcir from asthma get tlila tibia trlwl rcmwly and find help like thouasnda of others had a lame back fob a long viml sometimes could hardly turn in bod when the hack sets to bad and ache like a toothache you may real anaured that the kidney a arc affected in corns way on the first iin of u liaclachc doau kidney ill i a nhmitd be taken and if this u done iniincdmtcly jou uill rave your self many ycaro of cultcnuu from eerious kidney trouble mr j w kruer truro n s write i havrf had a lame buck for a ions time sometime i could inrdly turn over in bed but after taking ix boxci of dean kidney ill i i i find that my back at strong as ever i con t prohc them mount doan kidney piua ore brtc pei bo b ikw for 91 hi m all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t mllhurn co limmd toronto ont when ordering din i h rufy doan a thorough id to clear the atomaxh ad bowel of impurities and irritant ia oeowaary when their action la irregular the pilu that will do this work thoroughly wi idrnialeo a vegetable pills which mild in action hut mighty in result they purje painleuly and effeotivew nd work a peminnent cure tlveycan bsueed without fear by tho mofit daliclly oon fttltuted u there ro no painful eftecta pre 3dlng thslr entle operation had cholera morbus so bad could mot sit up attacks of cholera morbus are caused biostly by indiccrctlon in diet tha use of uniipe fruit and new vtcctabua ttul usually occur durhitf the hot summer tuotith on tlic first sign of thli very wtakenlnf trouble dr 1owlcrt u it tract of wild strawberry should be taken mrs george lee kuthvcn oat writes i was taken with cholera morbus nnd i was bad i could uot sit up any more than five minutes at a time my huhand tald i looked as if i bad been sick a month he not me a battle of dr lowlers lutract of wild ettrawberry and i took the whole of it lit one day and it completely ct red me we are never without it in the houte for x dont think it can c lat wlien you aik for dr lowhrs entruct of wild tftrawheny c that you bet lor komlerii as 1ml tutor have eojie so far u to imitate our wrappr both in color and style and have adopted linlhir uames such as btrawlkcrry compound wild strawberry compound ltntraxt of eluawberry etc di vowlers lias been on the market for the post 70 years and li acknowledged by all who have ued it to be a sure curd for all bowel complaints rrlcej35 cents manufactured only by the t mllburu co limited toronto out mo ib i rut are passluiiats before brak- hew is fhc answeftln webster nv international ktrtv oav la your bllf snd mdlmr m buuiealbktitetir intlteeiahajioci endsrlukelveu likely uumi thaw nv of hataa ju wortt a tvund iikkai whit wake bwta rlmriwrf v itk tutlermutw uiiat u tpjum md tfau mew creallou tuiiwm nil khuu at 1 im jm v iiafc u immr mit jew ocikiu hmwtt nil kinds of aomwmtt ih lmdiiuiupi iiutetvuleemmty fictlimrrlmlllmvanlil tiud alt uii kcluies ith mmsiuutkiitjg iinnn good catchers thy miit be quick tllnur andar hard to davetop cikhi lloldorri mid hard hitler ther nio sut tiro not quick vvlttod but bov- cr u itohui who u tho flrat to aeo kdlfim tif won k nun in tho klubor and itoiidu word to tho boncl for ruothr pltihur lo mitrm up thrmi year lrlonco with n majot lonnuo u ro- tnmlod an nocouanry to tuuko a catch of com lie lout only n row contluuo loii0 tmouuli to hnvo nucli oporlonco flood cute hem uay uint when they hour tho ball touch tlio bat thou baud liiutnntly oy toward tlio hall no mut ter whoro it nhtucoa off tbo bat bourn afior iomiiilt night of u fly in tho atm linva tlio ability lo roach it tuvrtb iciul homo cntchere uvo unjustly blamed tav not piiltliig n runuar out who neb n bis lead off tho pitcher who hi real ly nt fnult hero not only a eood throw will fall hut it in orlou utua to throw nt nil omul intehcru make many anakrc id throwu rhcy imut throw from an iinuuturnl tkniltlon mid with a jerky motion of the nnii archer threw with n miiiip of tho urtti whit atahdlutf hak foolwl nnd put many out on flrat baa the cuuhoir nlgnule kecoud baaamgn thirt ho is going lo throw th next pitched boll to him tlio dltcbsr dally era it u little to ouo nld no that ft can lie linndlod easily th ahorutco knowa iho uest halt will not be bit and no cnu hiuk up nccoud tmko tbut uu eipeclwl throw often put the runuar out on uecond a nlmlhar play u when the ruunent inovo up aver tlnio thi ball is pilcb ed if tliouo uu socotid nud third both get uoll off iho bum thu cntchor again slgnuls tho pitcher to uuato n hull and uiakej a if ho wero going to throw to third but inataud thrown quickly to mcudj and rot inn ilm runner there or milkof u if tu ncro uotng tu throw to oftcand but instead thrown just bo- youd tho pitcher when the baseman sturtu for necond nnd tip without stop ping ruus up uitclica tlio ball and mtidm it homo to rctlro tho niiu ek big to uroro arthur llatdooald to amsrudn lducnlon ilovtow evolution of the chair beiuhsa without baehe nwj kw uste in the middle ah it seems odd to contemplate that with lbs tun i tit mlo ol chnlte lo b found in cvory homo thctto days otic upon a uuio thoro woro no chairs im wo know thoiu lu any homo lu thoao day lunches imsuorcd tho purposa now senod by cluilru nud when u fum tly drew up to thu tnblo for its moat lu tho middle ugm llio ant ou loug bouchea which hnd no support for th hocks inutoad of i hnlra rrom loug ii go ttioro were heavy throntte ou which tho mtom sat but theuo tbrono clinlra noro so boavy that l hoy could not be mully moved later the bunches wurv llvou a back bud till later the chuln as we know tbatn today wereevobod ft was uot until luuu in the urns of charles i thnt thu nvorago tfugluh man know of tlmlr or bnd tbeiu in blt house according to those who bav mndo a study of furulture tbo flrat kngllali chalta wero lnihrtcd froca i raura nnd tho natlro cablnalmakera nud corpoctors mndo chnlr in tmlta hon of these in thoso doya the rashlon in chalr chanffed with the fnahloa of clothe when full aklrta wor lb style th chain became wider so that milady and her skirts could bo accommodated on one chair the difference in th sice of chair that we have today oiad tu imitation or old etyua com from till dlfforenco us clothe lou don buncurd why whip craelw la a ukture on llachanlc lu th nomv delivered to boy nt th loyal institution lu london professor o v boy tried to explain why a whip crack the scientific american re marks that bis espluunilou was only leutatlv and the ureuteat autborlue ou dynamic have beau ut a to to give the reauou flrutfly it lias to do wltb the fact that owtuo to lb uc tlou of cotiifugai aud other fore th apeed at which the whip travel through lb ah 1 greater and ereater throuibout the kngtb of it lash and so great at the end that it come up ta the velocity of aound mim letting dsath sarah drabarilta fondne for pty ing dsath acenea iyou remember her habit of aleaplus in a cofflni made her an object or terror to the ex sultan ab dul usmjd wbeu tlia great actreu vuked cooatnntlnople year ago abdul refused absolutely to aea bar or wit- neu bir playing declaring thnt ba bad no wuh to com la contact with a wo man who could mtmh death to auc perfection loudon chronlcla sa mm dlfllauarv muiiw iimmnrif mini faction to own lit tw44 wahusrll fmh m ifihi and ao ranvetilfiit la uat oaa hair the ihlrktwa ttmll wehjhief llftftiw lidilioo- luaaswluaui yrua but mlslsdlt0 dick bugged tuo last ulgbt bifor i bad the falnieet idea or what bo wa about and what did you dot why of course i was instantly ad id arm about lttialtluiow ajuari can ah awkward buualldm for 13 i will rorctell your ftlturev h you a gaiiulua oolhsjyrr 1 am tbeu you ought to know that i baveutfiot li lunaaa city jotiroal tteanemy whntl von iitv rntlno emb jastak hit llmi hify lire mast xnnlv0r hi l uiwiirm tmvr tuid tuck wba mo nr iiiiiip i nuvp no mouay mu nit ii r iu o lido lliatiar was troubled with smothering spell wmm wtlu v wm intu u oh muaairt huttt mti nw m cnunfy curod htr mclllwaln fauptmic vftle nb writ x am not much ol bdlever in wdklnu but i muu uy ullbura heart aiul narva pllb are all right iioua yean ato i vaa troubkd with nuxba on iptlli in tba nlibt 1 wouu ba aouud tulaep but would waken up with my breath all pone and think i never wool ret it well i wai telling a friend ol my trouble and he advlud ma to try ullburna heart and kerve hu he alio fava me a liox which x tried and i had oily taken a lew ol them when i fould aletn all nlubt without any trouble i illd not fmlih the lioa until aonte year filer when hit my trouble comln back eo i took the ret ol them and they entirely cured me mllbuma heart and nerve ihua an mo per boa or 3 bone lor im at all dealer or mailed direct eel receipt or price by the t alllburn co limited toronto ont nnilillilui nwmiiii farmers we pay special attention to the farm trade read these prices best amticin oil si rtillans or over life killoit swiftu pure silver loaf tnrd 20 ii pails swiltu premium ilnmn extra choice skfr pound swiftn rolld shoulder per ii luc red path suir 14 lb lor sico brini us j our poultry we pay hihcsi prices russells mill street acton ont id many canadian musicians entered composers ranks in looking over tho flold of cana dian croatlvo talont many uama occur to me noma of vboui stand out conspicuously lu this paper i have only time and spate to mention but a few who are serious in their alms aud who have made a beginning lu com position or an lu the case of some liny o gouo qulto n way in thl ea- cbanted roalui or tuualea creation of thcuo uttor whoso works reveal flu scholarship sin which nro also poeti cal and musically effective i might first montlot clarence lucas and oona dranscombo now urs tn- noy both of now york these are gonulno canadians being bora lu on tario although not living among us at tho presont time ur lucas baa wrltton largely aud bis published works comprls two or throe concert ovorturoj for full orchestra cantata tho ulrth or christ anthem part songs or which hi itettlnk of poatf lln i u dodlcatud to dr vogt aud th mondotssohn choir and vo uarln- ors of england dodlcated to ur lliuco curoy and tbo klgsr choir of hamilton who produced thl work law kohruary with great auccos are most beautiful umi original composl- oni ploccn for tho organ and many song aud compositions for tbo piano m nlda numerous arrangement of iino kind fend another lucas work arc all impregnated with seriousness ho write easily his melodies flow brocofully and sometimes they haunt ouo wltb their plaintive wlat- fuliim ills superb prelude aud fuguo in p minor op 38 first played in toronto by sirs valborg zolluer- klnghorn at hor claronco lucas reel l in november 1019 aud mora roroiilly by mark llambourg to whom it lo dedicated li a masterly work tho list publlshod compositions or lucan which i have seen aro holi day qkoubos op 61 being six short plocos tor tho piano oona dranscombo la originally of pie to n ontario a quiet plcturesquo and musical llttlo town in prince edward county a a composer of songs she i rapidly makinc bead- way and gaining a continental repu tation iler resourcefuluea la shown lu her original treatment of such happy and lovolj creation a in arcdy by uoonflght dear little hut by tho nice yields i bend liy heart up to tfaeo a lovely uald- en noarulnir krishna tba morning wind and uy lav la llka a tempting pach the aouga are fascinating although their beauties he uot at tba aurtae but reveal themselves a intimacy with their contents trrow ulu braus- eorabfl is a creative artiste of whom canada may wall take pride her aougs ore original they admirably express the meaulb of the words aud are forcefu in many ways and on feels linearity in every measure and they all ahow a trained techulo aud refinement lu feeling oaaadlaiib abroad another canadian composer of real talatt aud accomplishment la ur o a arantoeboofor now bead of tbo muslo department at the university ol plvaustou 111 having lived so ion lu tho united otatea many do uot know that bo i of canadian birth and early training ho 1 well known by ttto excellence or hi composition wblob so far a i know or all for the voice and plauo indeed soma of tho beat contort alogera in tho united gutes ar aluglug hi cuckcoo clock the kails tho uoou uotber and darden ilomauce and they aro beautifully done and how n sensitive foaling iii cana dian oceuea seven pieces but terflies oouth winds ou tbo water and valsetto araoleuse all tor piano aro grateful wellwritten plocofl and by no moan difficult lloatrlco macoowou ur morti mer icott recently of winnipeg but now or chicago ha kindly seat mo a copy of hor child bongs and a lurod snug call tho lord tby dure sal vol to n which provo her to pohms u roall rodnou and happy talent for expressing musical moods and effects the child bo turn aro a group of rftoon short piece qulto captivating- in their deacrlptlvo ug- gostlou and aro vny charaotorlatlo or tbo title aud word which latter aro by mary grant ofjhorldau some or 1 10 titles aro ton tiny vlolotn tbo woodchuck 1 lovo uy na tive laud song for ploughing timo treo bong au indian llruvo tho willow troo tbo lloiiviro oto tim charming treat ment uf ttieao aong jaakc them dellithtful both ro eblldrou and grownups acoffro ollara in hi song load kind light how commendable uli 111 lu tho no til uc or thl woll- known hymn ii ha an oxpresalvo melody tho harmonies aro varied and well felt and tho wbolo sohk apnealh by reason of it devotional incerlty william caven hirrpu foriuerly of london ontario ha to hi credit a number of luterestlul aud quits characteristic eompoiltlon for plauo nolo of irish bcotcb and dutch sugifetvcii6w colleon ha a lilt ing effect or real charm and hi scotch lova tiont ih very happy lu 111 simplicity beside having the rlbll of affection hidden lu it trip ping rhythm amreto m held is a canadian musician of tino accomplishment who at omi tlmn lived in bt cath arine hut who for aomn year baa lived hi lliifrnlr ny whore be la highly ixiituulo tu a inuslclan ol first children cry for rietchebs ca3xori a rank hi work arc chiefly for tho voice and consist of tho cantatas david lament a ilonr of na tivity it i vjulshod etc anthems and songs which latter by tho way are also or nearly all of a sacred character tho various compositions i have seen aro of solid orthodox workmanship totrottio ootnbotmtrt dr albert ham or toronto al though au ltafcilsbuiau by birth ha lived lu that city a goodly number of year wbro bl reputation as a musician and compoter is or tho best and i biay perbsps do him no injun tic and do crodlt to ourselves by including blm among our catiadlau composer dr ham ha kindly per mitted ma to some or hi songs choral composition a charming uerceuso fo vlolir aud piano and omo threo orchestral scores coron atlou ode uareb3 ullltulr iiu- perluu t unit aud the queen ova which i also a grand military march lu thea scor tha composer show excellent judgment in scoring the color and combination being fanciful end full or brilliant pulsat ing character thus highly stimulating our patriotic rervor aud enthusiasm tha muslo i rich aud sincere and strongly impregnated wltb freodotn and optimistic gladu tho llopo of the ag work for chorus and orchestra prcoanted for hearing lu toronto by the national chorus to whom it 1 dedicated aud uudor tho direction or the composer i an ex ceedingly scholarly work showing everywhere the skilled aud talented musician iii anthem for example at midnight thr wo a cry made let tha imopia praise thee lord and part soug waken lords and ladle ooy the leaves are vailing uld hylvan oladoa blow soft wind tbo latter two for two part or voice and bl songs myla and tby will not ulno uo dono are flue specimen of musical writing makinc their own appeal dr a s vogt ho become well- known a a composer through the success of bl charming indian lul laby for female voice which ha often boen presented lu toronto un der tho composer direction through tho suporb medium of tbo famous mendelssohn choir and by other choruses in different place on thl continent aud lu england in thi piece and the virile and effective part aong the sea which aro the only composition bj dr vogt i have eon tho composer exhibit admir able taste and flood constructive skill iii immense knowledgo or flno and sonorous choral effects and his unquestlono tasto aro abowu lo tho composition of tbo above twopart aong prank s welsman or toronto wroto a mlnuot for piano solo some years ago and judging from it prlahtly character and real minuet flavor he ahou lake tlmo and write somo more it i a playablo and praiseworthy o for log dr torrlngton wrote a few aong omo year ago the most eredltawo and popular being hi abide with ue thl with one sweetly sol emn thought by the late ft b am brose and tbo ballad waiting for tbo tide by the lato edwin died- hill were at that time tbo most pop ular song produced by any canadian composer proline boast writer one ot tha most prolific or cana dian songwriterl i ur ernest whyto or ottawa he boa to hi credit somo 3s or 30 published songs and ba i am told about 100 still in uss ur wbyte i a serious inusl clan and hi apparent desire i to get away from anything appertaining to tho cotumonplaeo in sentiment or in feeling hi song appeal to tbo real music lover and are intended to bo lofty in expression and desire ouo would havo to play thorn many times to bocoma ecuutomor lo tholr flavor notwithstanding blmplo and usual im monies aro employod and tills i no disparagement either for many beautiful thing in this world havo to mi sought diligently for and to bo won only after much labor and nof- aacrlflro du after a wbolo lot of study i nm not o uro that those songs would haunt ono because of thli sheer beauty tboy do not sooin to havo tho rorreshlng raolodlc charm or tbo rich aud varied or tven plcturosqun harmonies to do tht whilst thoy aro not what ono wo i id rail emotional or vitally in- touna they are undoubtedly sincere and interesting and are moreover well wrlton for tht voice and cen tal u many artistic and commendable features somo of the title are laiuont of ib winds harvest slumber song a white nose creep into my heart winter sunrise the flea hath ha pearl etc j et1 aldoub ii a of hamilton baa publlshod some balfdoxon com positions antbome and a song or two aud a prelude and fugue- for organ in addition to these works ho baa in uss four light operas ono trlng quartet one irio for piano and strings noma ougt aud plorc for bsrii aud piano callaa lavallo famou us being tbo composo of o canada now our eblef national anthem was a brilliant but erratte musician aud loft a few work for tho piano tho most import ant being his wellknown etude pa- plllon tbl being a hbowy pleco of onuwbat gllttorlng character but withal quite effect i vo w o lfor- tyth c astoria for infanta and chmrea in um for ovmt 30 ymmw our bright blue sun it i th air or mouturw that mkw it look whiu or nd thoro hi u gonoral bollof that nun light lu whllo nnd therefore that tho mm hi white hut thl 1 a lontf way froiii tho real condition of thing tho iiii u n bright bluo n blue lu color nw tiooms the wnlor of n deep mountain inko it u tho air thnt make tha huu aoom white ilu tiri body hn noticed when tha ntr is vory foggy that tho uitit appear uu a ted ball a red a n redhot potter yot wa kuow tho sun hasnt changed ut nil it 1 tho mist in the nlr thnt make the color oom different and lu tho dawn nnd dunk no matter how clear tha nlr may bo the un 1 much redder in color than when it i over head in tbo mlddlo or tho day the renuon for thu 1 thnt in tho morning nnd evening wo mh tho huh through n thicker belt of nlr it is thl thicker nlr which make it look redder just n tt 1 tho fog which hn the aanjo effect- if tho nlr were token away an 1 1 rely theu we should expect tlio nun o be huii leu red hluco in the middle of iho day tho mm i white bow could it be le rod uy being blue the ntmouphora is really like u thick orange colored veil spraad between tho world and the bright bluehuit mko n voll it dim the light aud it color act hs n flltor actually tho nlr stop most of tho blue rays but lot nearly all tho orange colored ray come through it ha been qnlln definitely ahowti that if u were not for tho orange col orod veil of iho nlr ro could uot lire umhi tho enrth today kven nu it i the u clinic rays or auinllght give huh stroke in miuiuier nud it u in ilia bluo niul violet rnjs that tho damage la lima tho air kofioiis tha suullgbt uouub for in to bear it a fow million jonr banc the uu win ikj yellow hnd alrvjdy soma of it enrlter blue boat u gona hut for a nilllluu jearu ohead- w khould wor ry new york american taking a perfect breath prtm- ulhfrd el ruiuo tk kntlf lua cavity with air it loa not ml i to invatho pure air it must bo iirtwtly brcnlhrd ad brn thing should 1j dono tlirotich th noi never throtnli ih iiiuutli tuid ir rvosslhlo lu iho oiwn air ur at uaat botoro nu upcu window nud tavern i tliu dally tho wujjibij of nlr through tbo uo ha tbo qilvnntuge or twin a warmed mid moistened and in rcullty nltcrwl whllo deep brvalhlnu h m boin ad um1 mid wrllteu nboui durlnif rceiit years tt 1 intervutlug to luow thnt ortautal twirlum ui d hllokophtr how knot ii mid pmctkisl ii for gnicrattona thl bt of all pnutuv tuuy uot pro mote muscular strcngtli o tucrcoso the suo or iho blceti but u aurcly make directly for tho luultb of tbo lung heart llvar aud abdominal organs end tboreby greatly and surely btirvo th brain to tnko a perfect brestbi stand civet by a open window or out or doors pucker up the up a though miming to wbutlo aud slow ly blow out tha breath aud empty tb lung of air then closing tbo mouth brcutbo through tbo noa tnhallog slowly nud mom i ly filling tho entire lung cavity whkh i dono by bringing into play thu d in h nigra which de scending exert n gentle pressure on the abdomen in tho final movement the lower part of tho abdomen will be dmwn in which movement give the luoga n support and also help to all the highest point of the lung retain tho breath for a fow ucconds theu once again pucker up the lip a if to whistle nnd through 1ht a mall opening slowly aud gently exhale tba breath- boston post the 6un in alaska noon on dec 21 at polrbanka alas ka identical with midnight juno 31 nt the same place except that it 1 usually iso degree colder and there 1 snow on tho ground lu winter the sun in interior alaska rises about 10 oclock and nlnkn out of sight again about 3 in the urtornooii tho loiniiernture in the latter part of december usually u 40 degrees bolaw era sometime it goo down to 00 below in summer iho thermomoleroo juno 21 will often show 00 dourcc lu the shade thu giving a ningo of 1bo do groea popular mechanics kucha na ef court one of tlio kei ncet jou run hats nnd wit xforlts loltlloli tin phi r tiud tho better of tho irate nidi liner uguliist whom ho ran by accident nt tho roruor or it nlrcef hi mmihh lleantr cried the offended person without waiting for nn apology thnnk you said tho journalist and mine in hnpblr tfrem an aulhova journal i mortgaged my homo to purchas an automohllo tbau the mi to in n bu tnoroua freak ran down mid doubled for life lb man who hold the inort auge aud to think i hud iiiuuy euemles i bad imfied to tint out or business with that nmo machliiol- ailnuu constltutlou at our beard ihq house we become nlmt wu cut sithl the thoosophlst without any oicumj wtint aoover no wonder i rt1 llko menngorle voinntoctshl iho cheerful idiot ive been cut in a hnsli for a inonlh phlla delphla ledger ball tho invention ef bells i attributed to hi efrypllnns who are crfdlied wlih having innde uf of nerrustilou liisinimentm to mu11011hlj tbo sutrod fete ot osirl suffered from cilirrk of tbo slohiiti roue veamve mllburn milt mrs agnes gallant reserve uiucs nt 9 write i take great pleasure in writing you i have lieen a great sufferer for eight years from catarrh of the stomach and tried several so called catarrh remedies without relief until a friend of mine advised tnc to try mfu bunis laxallver pllli whtcli x did and four vial completely cured tit de sure aud get muhurus laxallver pill when you oak for them a there are a number of imitations ou the market the price u 2oc per vial 6 vial for v100 at nil dealers or mailed direct ou receipt of price by the t alllburn co limited toronto ont children cry for fletchers vlio ulud ymt lluvo auiijh uouulitinitl tlilcli lum licen in iino foe- ov r 1 ymn linn homo tlio tlfutur of t ami lum licmi imd undoi iilu ih r- hoiiul tinporvlhloii nlrttultulnfitticy allow no ono ui dm olvo you in thin all counterfoil h imltitloim iiimi turttuhifoml are hut 3cxikrluuiitu thnt trlflo itli mid tmtlunifnr tlio lifiiltli f llufuutu nnd clilldron lxtirluuco uguluut xxiurliutiut what is castor i a cnstorla in a linrmlnifi fuiliritltiito for cnntor oil tarv- gorlc iroiu nnd kuoiiiiiil hjruim it lu plciiuimt it contnliiu kioltliuf oitluiu itldrjiiiliiu nor fit her nurootla buhstunco lit xo in ltt fiiuriititoo it donlroym xvormti und ulluyu xovorlulinchft iur ntoro llinn thirty yeuu it linn iwioni lu coiihtiuit who for tlio rolltif uf coiihtlruuori llatiuoncy wind colic 411 jvotliluu troubuit tmd liarrliouit it kvutilntou tlio h 1 011111 rh und ktowl asslmlluteu tho ioml trlvlnip lititlthy umi mntural klr 1u cliuulwiutt l tho motucu lriuud genuine castoria always pburt uib sicrinturc of fflu in use for over 30 years the kind you havo always bouaht m mqrajilipyspcp5ia for us tin ri innt n in mlwr of tho fumlly netd uffcr from inihgasunn sick lusuiluhu1 liliouancna fcrnn ntt d utomachntclf he or slie will uke clinmlrrluinsbtomiiclibnill ktr liibhts lliey clean w tit stomach nnd ixmilmnd utimuluto tlio livtr to hmltliyacllvltvand ton up tho whole system toko ono at niht und your u1q11t in the morning ju llu uuimj f ciiiulau ulkls c ttous 1 6 chamberlains tablets geintle7vven hero vuu uill find hundrcdn 01 pal urn in the ist weave alki tailorntliit nn past m ihliru in tho urt f making high claui c1oiiilh here tvity detail ih uiitclinl over in tho most careful miinntr to nunurc j ou if clothca th it arc f uiltlcw in every detail if you have nimr hnd a milt of cloihca or un overcoat made by un do 10 no v clothing mndo to your order from fjih tt0 a buit r e nelson aiji i na for youa wonrje ful book ftrifafni drainage free do you know you can tnko as much crop nlt 100 aero properly drained as ou can olf i aero not drnlnud nn i h o half tlio in or it a a ft rm von vinnw that tnii inmrcnihr ii hil bl la iiiikeuatlnn unotimna ika ttttton iimni mic vaahlri niabearmir laml llglilar toaroil pri n itil t i lnratliquaiilllr ami in rrovva tha quality t i ri i why nnt havanaunl ru trulaw fiwuf il r r t umltin lhanlilol fin llila ll jnt t uiif h i i r i far um t luiilavt anvililnailaiwllllxl t iut l itfiiwrnpn irihwrilralriaaanimnabi lunk actount fw yry una ilm r 1hf i at ikatvcrnvantuntlayihiinonayrmlhati a it julnj- ttvjijujfajjy umhohtkutupif yourlmtuteauia dominion sewei ipipo co limited fi no 1 f wo thl grand trunk railway aratjblharcii tmains mnnndunnndtinor actons electric ohoppi3stgr mill chopping done daily jhoppini iiul ioiiiiik bnth iiinctoril done b f caldwell acton ont proprlotoi a3tcflcaalatis the merchants bank op canada btuklukj ml ju bfimtkm im cmmu jtthrift ie riiit1y doaenbod as eco- x nomical mnnnkumont a shrewd buoinomi man is spoken of as thrifty he- cause lie saves perhaps only n dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lieu in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed nt par ouimi mid uf aymmo bauiiriva vuhdh amd undivided vhoitttal tmi acton branch f a maclean manager grain n n chopping n n well done and quickly at only p n 5- cents p per bag g harris tv co limited hock wood ont 5 hqqanndaoacnaady robt noble ltd r u flour horval nntunol kln k choito fi ilraii shrrth wlmt tin po gluttm rmul cotton kt i mill oiicsul oil chop- utudfih rim thy seed j l warren fresh groceries nlw itaibitib nt curranta vm daus new nuts now iccla new hpiccft fine line of conflict on ry i irht claa lino of lancy cilico and pantry irihh cir day cooked miita hims bacon with tho homi hliw flavor bread aud othur goods delivered promptly daily j r livingstone uumrlak 0thiok will hvf aateu boots shoes rubbers r at right prices au men s rubbers at 6 l bargain prices d sm vcus jwsif vj iwvwkwwft iis9 w wiijliams mill street acton rct0n t tttttqv dj v hxt x and bus lin llnvtiic piiriluiftcd tho iicry llilwlnthiil mid kdoihiill nt tho cutnlo of tho lsl john wlllliais i rcnitlctfiillj militit tho luttmn unto of tho imhlk comfortithlu njn will nlwnym he hiippllud at riitkounhlu clmrffiu ior tho nriruiiit ur oserg hall uh una hud tho mntiaao ment of tho miiiiiich tho pnst your will continiiu in ihnrtto ilowlll nlwnyn ho found couttuoiu and oh lit tip bus muutb alx viiaini ambrose mccann mill st acton ont atents lilaiclailavjtilili haiiiom mae10k 1 ualrrmltfllctl mcllkroliamottlu

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