Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 21, 1915, p. 1

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voijumis xiji no 17 mnrr habacrlplhm raid in advaat actok ontaiuo thtmbday motw1wg ootobhil 31 1018 kubecntitiau rie too falauhmim 9ingjic oopiks thkbto cents ijc lrtoit jfrct rrss uvuitv tim uhlmvaloiiniwl cm i im hh mliinimi ll in iirnuut acyum our lim axiilr- 1 1 ttulo to wtiiolt vary uimii- tloulenall lailoimt i on llmaj lro lebal anvharlsimti llattb traiialeiil aiwartlaf quiut liiaertlnn ci utraot illiritar ailvartloe uatils tor fin nr indue wart jir tiiiium 10 haul liar liicli aaoli inurll u yuarlyontilraiiu fncvmjlhu matlor ilwiita iwluoli nil lunar a ivtrlluliiciili wllliout inwlflo dlreellniia will be luiuttwt iii fofll i and oliarifad leeonl luaiy traualouiailvortlmuiantatuuat b iul ih navatie- ailvurtluunsnta mill oliauswl oue uli moo hi it ilatilr va aliatis ofuuar than above- maullouatl ilia extra oomioelllaa tuim b mil lor at rajular laica alleoouiiueolucud moot lily ii 1 uooiik ledltor an j 1roprulor fijubltuflii fiirfdnrtf rjplioj gray m d c m mcgill b ilo p it oi tin can si h tuvv an ouiumw uauam hlltiiu uautloil afcaoolaylok ktvl oelae kredeiali j tree i aelcooul ohtiopxtuy d verkrlxary jotlnbaunon lti 11imau ijullfleuh aelan ontario otdulesf oct rlo elorlnary loluna llmo objeeartliuib liioek llullcpeo ill ii ui calie day or night touu tiy mjej i 1 j uiculnnon luliimi boucrroa couvavijtoaia ortnos ulll ntraet lo pemrnao blaeli wu a uellshm lurrletar hollcitor and iotajj publla oku kobuolaaf u1m douglas akaut auu3i i given apealal altao dr j u dell vutl l d s dawvtbt actow i bona no 19 ale at uaiueaca carnu ull au4 prjilil iiuo ubaoustb or toowto uuivaaarrv tb ut- uiimiliaue uud if desired d vlucmllammo us uooiluiudbil laaadai hooka or all klnda maj t uiadlaalsoftrydesar uuurvkieil trautl vi aiuuaois li0cni1lu u p woouaj uaouil ov uiuuom lloafceae itlvauomse hawlmamtraiurj leased raalbbmlli the vabua vra wj otfm aovon it luiiiiiu aucnouitiia for tin couuilra of wslllnauiii llajlon v au i uutfarlu aa i tlia oily ol liuali li kulm au4ueuil wliu altjaailju an4 uihui ruuabl lartua ujllaltarui iiiiuoaap o of calajm tylstiiioija id fiiuiio u aoauaoilaa wllb uia uk wtifcr airanitauibduaa lo iuuau4ajvr luhig eu im uibjii or ji lad at kmuu tmha d alex niven surveys hulhllviulonn plaun ro- nortti pokcrfptlorjht hluoprlnla olc certincatflufor purcliiuwrh anil ntort sateen survoyw for architccta bull- era and municipal cmmclla drain- age iteporta enti mates ate merchants bank bldo ouhlvm pho 10m ohv bouk hindkr quabtt bl fctaw aualpbout limku and uainlnu bouud in llabdtoui tad buliautillal cover naum utura1 in uali oo lllblu hymn dooi iul otbar hooka alet work fuouptly kxe0ut1id going out of linoleums ililalil lduilttiim 1wii in 75c rq 1 no i qimlltj down io titu u jd no a jimmly ilowtt lo 30c uj jil no 3 quallt ilowti lo4c wj jil oil clotli lowt lo 35c rtyd j tut wlillu our uioll irikln tho bond hardware go umltotj fhona io f3 tntwiv qublpm savage 45 co untmbllhad id4u jtwi lick guwpii the old and keliablc watehmabera ami jeweller savage co cuelph out what piano shall i buy tlio dkll cornea an ilia real toliilion to iiiih important prob lem musical pleasure and edu cation in tliuliomo tlia thousands i rail owners thraudliout canada are hie moct cutluslauic aupportrs o his uell tono producing qualitle hitdeplutlablokilun pell kold only by c w kelly h son 33 lower wyndhtim st ouelph ont 1 millinery opening 1 or 9m dlauy of dreu and reaxly to wear hula will ba opatt i for inupctctton to the laillei of i j acton and vicinity on j wkohfcddav ymuhhdav hktl ifitit md ititb the old and reliable orawlto and marble dealers uis31u cooper h hamrd uloak aatou m mehts k miluqan hon a well equipped meat iliop at tho corner or mill and voting utreeu acton the bcoiij tirlcu building from the ot r crouluff i and wllluupnlyuil blndoflltubu and cuulid muatu of belt i quality at roatonobla price ucat delivered to oil cusloaiara promptly ilrhtcloj refrigerator uhop open every even in f i furmera trade especially solicit ed ulg1iut cash prices paid foreggs i and poultry i miluqan hie health and beauty bath u aaaurod when lifebuoy boap im uium it klep uio bin radiantly clean and slowing wltlf health lifebuoy tjn iionot aoap unwrap a eauo and emell it a mild carbolic odor la there that menna an u terly iioalthy akin ilut the odor vanished immoduuly after ui lifebuoy healthy sdap porlty o o cool summer desserts tlila uuta tlm of year wliou it a hard to know what to buy for n deaaort at meal lima why not havo comctffintf coollno in tho way of ico cream we will deliver any qttan tity from s couutip our candy dc par tin t nt alwahaaa full una uf ctiocuiutlti from ao cctiti to 6a conu a pound in bulk and in packages from 3j cents to jaa each don t for act our ico cream parlor wo make a nuw dlah evory saturday our now dish for next hatur day la a mary pickfortva deuert comolnand try ono and also enjoy to mo music from ouruow gra fotiola harold wiles mill stilbbt fr the need of glasetu will haunt you until ou get the glauca you mod eyes ekamlnod flussea deilpied matfff fitted and adjusted kverj tiling right our guarantee a d savage 0ltomctbbt mfg opmcian right at the post ofllce titu lealh oullwi mummhhaarjunnaudoddtuhhumli excelsior bakery e ckvrek st arte tj eualomaraklwlioia tatemow p bhee ob4 tb mho w w wtll dlvaet to al tutlm tbu mvftui wt 11 6uwtubnlealu tlia iwralolon 2s pottmuo toola rrooatly wean i7imna f juaam of onv auatemata in vomhiaattd olfaav buo- elbwe tav u ffluivoltlmou to enllml wbm tboajvaai hud umt to of imiu a the ik w km lltliiau dmlart and ma blov uo fttioata aud do unl annoy or bmiaiui- pjjlwi wtutlav wboliautu ouly utd dty mauuivu hamilton sons m necfolh wjwftolhl1ihtuuiblru the bakery huslneuof t btatliam sou lu acton which ban been conducted for tlia ruut thirty yearn has been purchased by george statham and will b conducted in the umo first class manner u in the past all kinds of llread oakeii pastry wl ding cake and christ- mas cakes will be sup plied to the natufactloti of a1 customer s oko statham m aelo oollo jinking service bis bank uadertako fj distrlptloii el baavln busi ness and our aim u to have each customer feel assured of courtesy aod attentloa la our office the waay harwleea performed by modem bank are at your disposal and every good buaktesa coousctkui large or amall u welcomed by ll the bank of nova scotia pajtrwop capttu i mm tuuuikvtt tvno i totaii tutaouttcva avm tavmw bbahchsts at actocg oualoli horvej atlllod and gwlwa atdaaadddqddcidbi ivln0 de sum am doum 10 slunb oh lie win am cignln iiinirnful in do imllouh oh da eavea aumnlilnlahiiiclilrpliimiftly in di ir iiomr mniiiir de inavv i all tin itoea um llyln iminimnrtl an do olmiclti um llnatln by vvlille do llulitnln cotno utepphi ikiwn d iuiliu ty oh do k i ii it da inicoto nm k clmutln in do iiiawnlii tlory v im tin ijiud am in ilia houveit an the buii am hounto uhlne i all da tra day uut a wmiiln an dolr itouil a am imiiiwii law v lilla dn krat down lit do inesdow am h toln to and fro t tjnw the awn ton am a roekln an a wallli in da win i ilo do mounalm at camp nieotln wliei deya grlovln f delr aln rut ile nrlckotkeep u rhirplii in do marlet trutiiut ine oh do luud am in ilia lieauena an do nun am houn to ahiiio i lly ami hy a tlttlo huiihum co i it oji a pcapln from do cloud i lii ile robin alalit to aiiiglir i ilia hoit faejllii mighty iiroud i an da touiul oh fairy iinnlo cnirtoa a flaatin on do lireeiui an do liuuea doy tulit lo ilaiicln on do liniiiclitia ob de treat i all do hadden am deiiertln an do rttlnliow fb de flan lut do uwd am in ilia iimuop an do un am houn to vhlne i oh dero aln t no um oh fruln i i de buv am cold and hfl i kmii whlatlln bndlnrii an de olouila will roll away on are iioud lo tnet wlf tampta aa you travel down do road an do aorroua you must carry am mljihtv hahy load ilut no trouhlea gwin to crush you i- f you only beep in inln llet do fjswd am in ilia labona an do sun am imun to shine 1 lulla it jalloway in the weuru christian advocate flrd yumuu atjfdblng daphnes hope box ki is i iji liaj iliuoiwa ttohowro cawan ow very uloa of nellie asld alary lincoln aa alia and bar boat rrleiid ixtpline willi parted at tlie vllbige post oil use after receiving and c pea i tig two lioiaa esaotly alike the lie i eiqulaita apoke ilepbne uuucing wilh tula aod plemura ovar tlia neck collar natly don up in tissue paper with a dsloty sachet bag basltla it nellie la ry thoughtful tftey luul been great frtend lime uirea all through nellies engagaront mary and uiplme lisd itaen cloeat u iter of her uay saqualotadoaa 8ba had mmulsd not to forget thei wheo site reached the elty oo her wadding tour now nallla lud re deemed bar proiulw i shall wear tlia collar at the regular club party oeit week ld uary you will u there uaphne t i think not lly aunt is uot very well you know etui nestle om most of lite tlua luldoif and ikiphn gave a itwrvoua laugh i foar i am getting past the party age mary nonunm 1 crlail her devoted frlead twenty thrse and you looksiitmn ite just tha bnaklng up of our old circle uut 1 given you the blue now you wear that hand sotoe collar laoealwayabecoaieayou dont go giving it awayaa you usually do everything that auybody atika you for oh i shall not do tlut duurdd lleplina it will always be under reminder of our dear nellie i ehall put it away in tay hope box just herd uary made a preudm of clloohlag iter pretty pink and white data and grinding her pearly teeth in a feint of lite tnoat dreadful rage dtiphne willis alia scolded sevemy if ever i happen aoroa that imp boa of youre illill stamp on it i ye i will t ttte ulw i you keeitlag a hope bos aa if you were unut fading old laahl with yellow teeth ami wrinkled oheoka anil sorawny nock when fit eryhndyaaya you grow won and more beautiful that enough i retorted daphne clos ing the cherry lip of her a launch cl tampion wllhaklss know i am baglnulug to feel very old and i think it a duty to he prepared if any likely bachelorwhy yea even soua reapectablb widower should happen along you know 1 it uaa all a joke daphne bop box feminine conceit that appealed to daphne because it led to tleaaut quip and goulp among iter bright girl friends in her own mind daphno felt pretty well convinced tttat aha would never marry 8ha luul at pleasant permanent ltomo with bar aunt tilt fell that lta was uut um frlvoloua ago daphna luul encountered some ideate during t lie years hut they had turned out selflfch and itroaslo nono of tlieui luul aver com up to her standard of a real uaa her hope has was a satin lined cedar cheat glvan to her by a dear ulrl friend one birthday daphne had accumulated a atoro of ltolb pretty and useful things it pleaaed her aunt to look over not only her presents but tlio exquisite needlework of daphne herself whtlo iter ludustrioua uleoa experienced a oeiula pride in hav ing pretty trifles to exhibit to her girl visitors it was nearly a year after the wedding of nellie that daphne received a tetter from a cousin whollvodatuerton bhahad been liwrreapondenm regularly with thle relative anil several times ulsa dalhy luul referred toanelghor a mr paul harnee i have great new for you ikaphae tide but letter ran i itave often told you what a line young man mr klarnaa waa hi tsrenu left him quite an estate and i suppose he got lonely n the old liomeauad at any rata he la going to marry and what do you think t lie ha picked out tho poorest girl in tho village it la one una temple hhe la a wild bead strong girl and the whole family are a worthies lot it aeeoui that iter father ottco tultod his lf for pauls father and tlta young follow bau agenerout nature tlutl ttevor forgeta i am trtty aura ha baa no genuine love for ijua in fact it lu jtrelty well known tliat cmo qalxollo idea of lifting tlta girl friri muerli to comfort and making a trua woman other la ida idta she lit so poor iter folks cannot nffonl any kind of an out and ery qnlally aoma friends and injwlf are italphtg her out if cu havn any llltlo trlftea to contribute i thall tte glad flruvil heailad daphuo bod home mil itg of a struggle with herelf titan iter generoua soul impelai a kaorlllca i shall never marry aha sail to jter self i shall itejnakirtg aomenhappy and tho hnu imix went to mlsa dtlhy twomotilha later dstlineia aurt dlx it wan natural that mlut dalby jiouhl aak her to make her homo with tier tit in the ilid and iiphne fouiul herself inatulletl nt morton i hae often thought of tha wedding you wrote mo altont oltmrved dapline tha first evening of her srrka oh did i nevor write you i exclaimed mlsa lulhy ttte match waa broken off wa got up quite a handsome outfit for tina tempt bite never used it for she eloped with a circus perforwtsr two days before the date for the wedding and mr lurnse r inquired daphne i think vorcth hi won rellevd for tlta girl waa not of liu cia haailatrong oaprlcloua all for unas and glitter um acted the man ootn plainly hiwevar ha follouetl tlia olopera innda sure that tlta new husband would lie good to tho wild untutored girl und they say avea started him in a new hufctina of course duplme met paul uarnaa and titer seamed u spring upa mutual luurt tiatween them one availing as he stood at ute garden gala tlta untler influencea of tlte nweet junaulght stnd to und him llngrlitgly to ute spot you are a good friend mb willi he j i navsrtoldyou bat i have heard heard of your kind thought to make happy the young lady i at one time nudd to make my uifr and you area good man mr llarna replied daphne wlui genuine upulo although site fluslted a trifle conclouaty it waa a noble tltought to strive to guide htr untutored ilepa aright bhall wa walk to tha lake and back t it la such a beautiful evening ha suggva- ted and utare waa a strong wutful treuior in hla voice the moonlit kluutowu languienlug oo the long dewy grasa ute holy atare shining dawn through ute lace ule mutlneas of the enrepturad night ihipltna lutanetl to word that rang so trua their echo thrilled and lingered even aa aha came back to the itouse bar heart beating with the joy of a new found bappiueae iter face radiant with telltale blush bite went up to where maa dalhy sat and put her arms around bar and hid iter conscious face oo her shoulder dar cousin the whispered you told me you luul stored my old hope bos in tlte garret yea dear refilled uua dalby smiling wly i should ilka to itave it back again 1 you puaia said oeet 1 upline willie buihed cath ay hmeims itulyan kipling has lately been on ute continent and among other udage has written a most touching description of the ruined caudre at ultima out utere is no hieroglyphic for tutelma nobtunuogof lite mlmlatutaabowlnatloa oommlttad on ute cathedral there tlte thing peered upwards toaitoad and blind d from out of tlta utter wreckage of um erchblshopv palace on tit oo tide and a dusthaap of tumbled houiis oq tha ether thay shalud aa utey still suh it with high aiploslveaand with laoaodury bomba so that tha statue and stonework still in their places are bunted lo the color of raw tuafa tlte gargoyle are amaalfj slat uaa crockets and splre tumbled walla split and utro windows thrust out ami all tracery obliterated wherever oo look at tbi tortured pit the la muuuuoa and defilement and yet ll had aaver wore of a soul thai it has today inside cover youraslvaa gentlemen said ut sacrlaun thht plae is uo longr consecrated everything la awepe clear or burned out from and to and except two oandl atioka la front of the nteh wher joan of arc luaag ud to stand thar la a vrnuch bag there now tha lut um i aaw nhelma oatbadral it was in spring twilight whan the great window glowed and the only llgbta within war thoa of soma oaadlaa which a penitent engluhmau had lit la joan of aroa itonor on thoa sam oandl sucks ut high aur waa covered wilh valour carpel aad ut pv ment aitd uua war cracked and jarred out hy tha rubbish that had fallen from above the boor waa gritty with dust of glass and powdered ston aad little twlata of leading from windows and iron fragmsnl tha great doora had beau blowa inward by tb blast of a shall in tha arehdeaooo rrdn until uiey had heu beat grolsaquely to theourveof aoask thar they had jam med um windows dut um record ha been nude and wll be kept by batter lutada than ulna it will last through tb gn- arauon la which u teuton la out off from fellowship with mankind aad through all the long auii year when tha war of tha body la at an and and th real war begin ilhelma la but oo of ut altar which the heaven havo mad on which to com memorate their own death throughout the world tub way to live 11 patient keep sweet do not fret or worry do your beat and leave result with lad bellev firmly lu uod in the fulfillment of his purpose and um march of hla providence loda law ar immut able aod work with undavlating regularity walk in fellowship with tlod ami every year you will ha a stronger better happier and eweeter watt do not mar your peau or power by mediae worry live hy faith in um hori of lod who love you and gave himself for you on not bright to mor row you will com to anchor under a heaven of sapphire aod id a harbor of calm with chime ringing their welcome from ut spire that aenunal tha elty of lod while from the battlement millions will about well don 1 whll lod himself will say kitler thou into the joy of thy lordr tub nn stnlko did you over hear of pagenlitl t one lay ihepedpla in a town of italy woke up uod founii that all thalioardiuumatmaunadd unit lvrauliil was coming they all itegitn to talk about it for pagaulnl waa tha moait wonderful player umn ute violin uiht tlte wrifld had aver heart when tho evening of the concert nrrued the largest hall in the town us packed from floor to celling with aarger expee ujit peopta all waltlut u ite chaimed with thewonderful iuunio exactly as i ho hour struck tit platform door aitoned and in stepped a uule dark man wlui jet bhiok huir amlgreat glowing aye carrjlug a loll tt under hli arm au tenderly aa if it iue a little child he came forward with unlit mluolhg stejta itowlng to uio people who rose and chsenkl and cheered the piano note sounded laganlni stood ready a silence that could almost ite felt filled ut hall with one eurvttd awaep of lila arm ute player drew his bow poroaa the four airings of tlta violin and mutla thrilled every ear then snap i weut on of ut siring how annoying i tit poje thought utey would have lo welt ull a new airing had leeii fixed ilut paganlniaeam ad to pay uu heed 11 simply pushed away ute broken ettda of um suing and want on playing the people held their breaut eetiaiud titan snap want aa oilier of um string what was wrong 1 that teamed ridiculous ami waa hound to stop tha music dut no laganlni just pushed away um broken ends again and wanton playing soma of the people war angry and luul ruen in their place but as um awt hotea continued they tttud down again then snap weat another of um string tills wa tco much i ttte auduac fait they war itelng mocked som huaed soma roa to leave demanding their money ttaok in tb mldat of the hubbub stood um little dark man with jathbuk hair and glowing ayaa ii lifted hit hand wilh commanding geatura and in a moment or two utar wa sllsnoa lsdlae and gntl- men he said hav pathntc i hush f on string and pagenlnl i than ut soul of paaaulnl awoke and the graatgtowlngeye sashad and tb violin sawmsd to know utat um itabd uat hld the bow maant bulnaa a spall ml upaa um people thay hoard um sleepy not of a single black bird in um wood oalllug to hi mat aa um dawn approached thea another and anouisr till um woods seamed fllld with singing birds the sun eras end um what world was flood with gladnaaeaad 1ghl ufa awmed patpltst lag averywlai and everywhere lf was worth livlog tbea the soft swijt of um wind mlugud wiui um singing of birds and oli it wo glorious to b la utat luul of birds ami sun and breaa 1 dut aa um day wore oa th sun faded end um wind increased away in the distance they could hser tlt aa sighing lika a creature la pala th sigh chaugj into a wail i um wall dwpaaad into a moan um moan into a wild shriek grew dark through lb darknaw cam a flash of lightning followad by th relit end ratable of thunder th tea haniil to ha toaaing and churning with ut dlapaoc of innumerable sorrow end wrecks lif seamed broken fffort seamed vain prayer minted mockery at unffut afta weary hours the ship that luul been overwhelmed aeaitud to it afloat sgmlu and a aaw day of hop broke wilh flickering lights and a seria of stac cato note utat sounded ufa th piping vole of a newly born child iaganlal ceased t th spall of music was lifted thau applause such a never had ban heard before filled um hall th people la that town never forgot um woaderful iperieuc utey had lad of paganlnl and bis on string tim carpenter of naiarelh u auo a musician it play upon um siring of human hearts bomatlmsa tlmy biak but its never daapalis juttaa hlsbavalltalpa itlm to fit into odd angua and erookad ooroef m hla love halp him aad tasks muslo wlut brokaa 11 vw and erookad tarn pr and weak will and faebl faith it doe uot matter how many string of char acter bat snapped or how many eoaxpec tad condition meat him in hi work if then la a chance left aod aa opportunity guea nim with his bevel h will make um beam to fit and with 111 wonderful band ii will bisk th heavaaly wuaia uandauan boogtr and local omoer aunt isa bkaps o itajust pouring said kdllb die malty and i wanted to go over to mary vintoaa boue to play 1 and i cant gat out jlhr istcaus ive such a cold tuamta said groaned jack there war frown on both little face a um children gaiad out of um window at th splashing raindrop hut why dont you mak it a sunshine day i asked aunt isabella i have a reelp that lv triad many time and i never knew it to fail o what la it t ptaaa tell us cried both um children at one the recipe i on hundred plaaunt amitea on hundred laugh and on hua- drdpuaaut remark to and about torn on replied auntl at flrat tb oblldren thought it would b night before all lb thr bandrad could be found but they started out bravely if jack smiled so pleasanuy that tha eook smiled hght back that counted two amlle sight away ami the suecoai of the ekperlmeut generally made them both laugh which added two mere how hard they worked to make everybody in the bouse laugh awl emit i ive mad twenty flveplaasautremark auntie kept count said jack ive smiled so much i can hardly look aour kdllb with another laugh and do you know that by dinner um they were having stuch a worry um that umy thought tb rainy day wa brighter and jdler than auyother kind thwbol bouae seemed full of auneblne our llttl one twenty years ago prom our issue or tho pre prou of thursday october- s4th 1b0 the snnu atorma of saturday night and sunday morning uava a very wintry ap lieeraiioa for a few hour old sol ray soon dipalkd tha snowy ntanue it is said that in the ilerlht uhool each chlhl was asked to luring for the hospital two ttoulooh two aaw ortwoapple we told thay got m or w bu ah el- of potato 30 dnican eggx and 12 lutrrela of pplaa a red bwdla granite monument hsa itaen placed at the nmvea of mr and mrr jolin speight in falrvlew cemalery it has iteen decided to put in stone tanks for um new fir protection yateto instead of pine aa at first proposed a vtuty favor ht contract lis been mad with mr n vorliea mason at a trifling odianoelncoet or the wooden tanks ore und hsa iteen broken far um rtne at um town hall mr it j kdmuton preached on um uverlon circuit on sunday at um ilrtok church hd at k vert on th oakvlll iur la urging it town t follow acton axamnl in getting a steam fir engine th town remains protected by a hand engine of a quarter centurys antiquity and no power except mens muut to ral th praaaura tit evangelistic aervloa held at crew sort corner by tlav mr keall pastor and ur a viner avangallat will likely olce thla week th nw union btauoo at toronto i to b opened in about two weeks uauiikp mi sdkluam tlonukh in um uathodut church lurlln on octoler ltlh iv llv john icat m a ur john 11 uuseatman of lurliti to jaan daughter of ur atred doodmr lihwooj fos tub hoad leads home oh pilgrim as you journey do you aver si silly twy lo of heavy burden and tlio rough nee of tha way that it surely doe not matter all the strange aild bitter sire i heat and cold and toll and sorrow twill behuded with blbaediieu for um road leads homo t home i the safe and hllmfuuhallerwher la glad ami full content and companionship of klndicd i and ih treaauraa eerlv rent krom your holding shall ha given back mor prvaloua than luiforo oh you will not ml nd the jotirrey wilh sunli hlawtednetia in storn when um road toads homo will not mind th ro iteapnas of ut wa nor um chill unrested morning nor tlte drearlneaa of day i and you would itotlake turning to tb left or lo th right ilut tiostrlght ahead nor tremble at the coming of um night or tlte road lead home j w ilewson to america thou new gront ilrltnlu fiitttaua free and brlubt weat of thy wmit ooiui toy ancient oast our sunset umbo thy ttiootik- deytltd und iiljitit umt in iwwt uiorulug pronilso on thy broust ssllflll th promla qutmu of boundlaa land- where aa ibliio uwit nn kng- llah slnjitsr rnukal i who found futor at thy eovor- ehiu bnud uu than mid nt thy fwt lay the for t him tin hdwlii arnold hbmimiscewce3 op act0m1v bv jauka wahuk i wauikutow now again lu us start up main street naar th place where kenney llroa atiwe la a mr hoar hail a wagon shop in old time when pood tlintter waa plenty sum used hy him further on uter was a leru building lultt lv ur ttoltart swan end being on a side hill oh tide or and waaom pou which orae it th appee of ratlnp on stilts thta bullllng wa occupied a a general stor awl poat vfflc foraomynar it waa alo occupied by lauihlan mcdoaald and mr ifewala for um aaw purpos there wo afterward a a drug star kept liar hy a ur hagysnl who uanufaethtad patent siujielaei som ol which ar mill eutant and now manufac tured from hi formula by mar- ull hum co toronto the hut occupant that tha wrlur ramaeslmra wa ur wm atbut aflarwaa known aa col allan tim tit ol thta uillding u occupied by several other rurtla coin on there waa a stor built by duncan knlv and oocupleil hy him l soot vaara ixtt for anm4 reason it ji olmnoxl into dwelling hoane next lo thia hau in obi tlmea uvtr wa a eottafe hulltlv nn shslulrak ami omupial by him a a seddur and harnea shop it was afterwartoacur4ed by mr jamealaeasa teoeral store ur laawas a well v nova teacher at th od school and hail many rood scholars in hla day there is stilt ttandlnjjr aa of th original landmark a in a frau homm twllt by ci of th adihafmltv uut th writer rmam iiara aa heinp occupleil by oapt rldug already refrrel to in ih early flfiie it occupl1 by itev john ueluhtan till th mans was ihjiil thla hou elong vlht umhou- itullt by rsv zens adam ar th two obleet houaa in th villas and ar still in uood repair th umber wa good and aieo tha workman further oo th waaa laauful vow of maple at um sid of a ian leadlna to th horn of ur itufus adawa now oaly ooe of thee beautiful tree u feuediag at th and of uil lane wa um liom referred to and la quit hutorla mr adua hi meal f waa on of th former tealdeot of the vll lag ami hi family alao ooeuplej a prom inent poaitlon their two soa john who started for california at the um at um gold rush hut only goe aa far a the elty of st louie ma at which place he duj ami luelua who waa aa aouv ulnlatar in um ueutodlst church the two ulaaa adams uary ami auguate for many year bail a private school which wa wall pat ronlaadbv many of theoluaene of tha vll tag ami ute country tbea building ar all away now and on thalraltaaar built the praebyurlan mans um realdeoc of mr iinderaon u p and other building cjati kjrf wmt ip you 00 to church youll bb hbwabpg im t world do to church because it will help you with your employer i it will help you in 5 on buslnee i it will help you la your pro- feaelou th man who gov to church doeant hav to wait for li reward in um neit world h getu it right mr it you at an employe you may rat auurad that yoo will not lo auy cast with your m ployar whan hateara that you ar a regular attendant at church if you ar engaged in busluea paopl will trad with you moreraadlty if you go to church they tfhuy figure utat a merchant w ho go to church regularly is boaeat thy fwl tmt unleash t a grat hypocrite i h merchant who go to church will deal fairly th doctor who i a regular attendant at church can h trusted hi patient know that in addluoo to hla skill a a physician h la sober depeodal4 and uod fearing it is plait utat a phjsklan who la a regular churchgoer soon ure th ooafidsao of um community tim same ruteapplueto the uwyer it applla to all profaealooal me it uiul be perfectly ouar umi that oo matter what your station in iii maj be you will he a ready w latter if you go to oharcb tb material benefit of going to church must he apparent to every on who will deny tha spiritual btieflut everybody can lay up lasting treasure jt um go to ohurclt hattit it i th very beat habit utat you oan acquire go to church your 1 induce your friend to go to church i ay tub pos oppi wicket a freckle faced girl stopped at um post oftloa wicket the other day ami yelled out t anything for um murphy at no there i not anything for jan murphy t nothing anything for ann murphy r no anything for john murphy no anything for tom murphy t no nothing auy uil ug for terry murphy v no nor for pat murphy hot dennla murphy nor peter murphy nor for auy murphy dead living unborn native or foreigner olvlllied or uncivilised aevage or barbarloua male or female hlaok or white haturallted or oiherwlsa no there la positively nothing for any of the uurphys either individually jointly severally now and for evermore and in- aeparaltte the girl looked at th postmaster- in aaumiuhuent please she said look if there la anything for bridget murphy ood tpkal voli us we eautnot get away from um thing w ought to be wa can never be satisfied with polunee with half liearted andeavor and indlnereut aspiration the ideal that j lodbaforuahlne baforeu like a star and our only chattceof happlnea la to go o ward it hoik yuan tulutia having fallen into pecuniary dlffloultle the landlord decided to increase the rente of hi tenant meeting one of thetjl shortly after be said t mike i have com to inform you utat after tho end of thl year i aw going to raise your rent troth then your honour said mike im more then itleesed to hear it for im at my wit end to know how im going to raise it myself wouldnt stamd fiweabino a boy who attend oo of our sunday school weal out into um country lt the summer to spend his vacation a visit be had looked forward to wlut pleasure he want out to help um ma harvest oo of the med waa an inveterate swearer the boy having ttoud it a long aa be eoukl said to um uu i well i guea i will go home tomorrow th i wearer who bed taken a great lik ing to him said i i thought you were gohtg to etay all summer i waa said the hoy but i cant stay where anybody swear aa one of us muat got sol will go the man felt um rebuk and said i if you will etay i wont awear and he kept his word lloya take a bold stand for the htibb throw all your influence on the aide of christ and you will sow ed ute harvest of which you will reap both in this world and that which 1 to come measube lurahl dbiefs tim khedive of egypt la an eathuauutio elaotricuui and use electrical appliance wherever possible in blpaicamlyoht kind word are never lost unlet a woman put them in a letter ami give it to her husband to wall tim self mad man credits himself with tha booate given him by other too often the hero worshipper la bis own hero kvery mother know that her boo should tnarry a iwlnoeaa uneasy lie the bead that wear a frown the uau who trie to buy popularity gftteatuug start aaoandal about your neighbor and watch lb grow net alt high filer are interested in aerial navigation borjlee uerore it there are many who hav been aatlcted with sow and have driven them away with dr thorn eolec trio oil which act ilka uaglo au similarly troubled should oee uo tun in applying thl splendid remedy um there la nothing like lb to be had it i cheap hub its power la in no way expressed by it low price th worms uiab infest children from their birth are of two kinds those that find lodgment ami those unit are found in um inteeunls the utter are the moat destruouve a they cling to um walla of um ntestme and if not interfered with i work havoc there miller worm powder dislodge both hinds and while expelling i them from the system nerve to rejialr um damage tltey have caused j

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