Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 21, 1915, p. 2

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hwaikiiamku tularin oti mimdny iltli oouilxirlomr mid mr h 1 hvhou- liainnr a daughter frimnoh iouimi married piujeuihar i itiiilk at illllareu tleniiaii mil- on iliuruuy mth fletobar by uv j w 1 a i row felousrd ij poqiitifiiiat of toronto to margaret cuiillfte dnuuhurofmr miidmim ilsorg v h osrdon died ool joth mm durbar fc heart well in her hft year llunkton wednesday oot nth at toronto leneral hospital tlionuui ilrunl in his 4th ywr mauviv at iiiglowoad en ftundsy 3rd octolter william martin farther of ura a 0 ciarridg acton aged 7d years fft rtim y llwssi thuiuway oot011kr2i loiff editorial hotes krniit 0tcu closing for all ur in ontario from november 1st mill lit end of ut war lias been ordered liy the gntar to fjosns hoard nail made elfaotive liy order in council th saturday night closing hour will remain at mvm oclock it u pretty generally believed that thin earlier closing hour will v a pertnsnent regulation and that possibly a still earlier itour may later be fixed til it ottawa oarrespondatit of til toronto news uyi i a cotntaendabl spirit and on whleh will ui mm far tit test of caned in that shown liy lb county of ifaltou tlio county council raoeouy found out how tutiob would b required u um the demand of all aoldl famlll in ita bound for theyar thla wu found to u 2w0 it wu decided to raise this amount by special uk and distribute it independently of the patriotic fund in addition campaign for the fund waa started and 37060 wo tawj which will it handed ovar to tba fund without any call upon ft til a ilarieukwia by chairman vlavella of th provincial license commission at ilia sitting at mil ion leal friday to tit notor ious violation of tha uw agslnet awing wanalraailyukaworaaofllquorbyhoulnian waa vary elgniucanl tba chalrnian aald it la wikuowntluu magistrate bav had their hands practically tj in inch g in th past biceus of tba uek of a positive definition declaring whan drunk thla commission intend to rataady thl and wbwi w dclr a wan to in drunk ha u legally drunk and tba hotelkeaper who sella such a man liquor wbau wa uy ba la drunk will bav hu lloaom euoalud forth tux famur of canatu raapondail to tba call for ineiakml rrodaotod andltapiiijra by tba uaj of condition that tbay u gobir to profit uaurially by thalr raaponaa boiua autborltlaa at now laying aoipbaiu on a dlnat branch of vtuuurl pro- doouoa thla fall tbia u oo llva hock north auarioa u balntf drainad of eattla honaaaud rxtvlalooa ebip sot abu to kp paoa with coauuptloa at thla tluu will bmj many of that not only during tha war but alur th war la otr if tb tixnmt x4dd6w hw ttiiy h will bot spet prlow tnajataload at tba praaiat pbabataanal ul bath will airpaot aj fo4 a ulrbiartfla of profll thla u paclally tra now that lb aovaromaat la uklojf bold of tha uarkauntf wobuol avttib vttav tiyu wbi it tday pr- autnabb bava u tbodjibk that with tha p4slo of tba jgfct oclock ordar of tha provbwul uamh hoard thara would b a 11ui rpll from tbaaflluuoii agajuttb liquor tthe lloaam bokura and politio- uaa uat ha vy duappoidud to sod that lnad of rt m parlod oi bratar activity hu ba uaharad lu it wu oa th awilim of tba 12th of oelohar that tha tight bolaok ctwiirf rub wa mnouiioad wblcb by tha way baa plaaaad ballhar lb liquor tatru o tha uap iarf bmki it waa jul tbr daya utr oa tba ibth l udtohar that th oxultua of on uutklrad uedlud aftar fctnular bodlaa a saakatobawati wad qrltui ooluubla waa uuaobad at th bio tomuu umuatf ttla oaomliu ol ona uukmlrl la to ba thaaaulfr4 of uw uoiparajioa noa- tiubt aailraly boo partlma in u utura bd whlob wll t aatufiad with no ulhb- lug or alfeatf meaa but wbu la dmandiatf tha uputa problbltlod of tha liquor tramo is ontario or at any rat m ttferaudum of th paopl oa tbaqtuolon tt uovtaiaat whloh uatllllnlulafauay alraady indudaa twoulnaat ua of both pariu from taauy todtlott of tba wovlooa twt prtpuajf brlaht for a tuooaaalul tdov4oiaal umeji0use ur aad lira wu 1u11 and raully vlaitad rautlvaa bar on sunday ur william boott jjokad rip raap- karrlu in bl banian uat waak baupua war unt to tha fukk yuxm wliaa ao much la ulnflrdona throurbout th country in aid of had grata work lltaahoum haa not baen idle our iud grot aid boolty organlnod a abort tltna go baa lan aotlva in th good work tba raaponaa to appaata bav itaan ranar- oaa lu tba htrata ahowlatr that tb fod frlanda in umaboaw mad vicinity im waka to tba urganoy of tbla graat naad balow la given kutautaat of work dona and uooay ooutrlbuud i m bbaata so boapltal ahlrta lodoa bandajiaa si pair toeks 44 towab 1 faathar plllowa s3 ulllow oaaaa 21 do cbaaaaoloui handkar- tjtufa 6 bad ooufocun scfio taoutfa wlpaa 100 wub elothx iso iba hooay alw aotit writlaif pipar tobaooov aoap tfuea hte adowad a eot in ohvadou uoaplul and uub a klb bajf valtud ab 100 to ao- bawpanyaum w bav pravloualy aaub 01moo to th balguti rail pund and uun of quliu and olotfalua valtud at ifiaoo chews uallghtful autuuaal waubr puviu nowaodtbafarwar- ar buay wllb thalr fall work mr wd ura waalay hurray laura and valid apanb tbankaftlvlv imr wiu fhaodaabllmpalw pu u umu mtb batt mutim oaup apattbaavaral day thla wk with bl family and othar frlaada bar tba b8ta bau aipaot to lav ahoruy for th oldoounlry mr and mr a younff and chltdrau of krfii apa jhtnday at mr w a murray mr iwbart martin of oaladoa town fehln haa pthaad a hoaa in cuorg iown bklft to mr victor meoowan sato wa duuu by x a wuiottjhby 04town reception to sbrgt coles tha sons or england did honor to tholr roturnod comrado am eh joy ad lk eveminq spent ijii1 vrliuy oveihutf ihahoitnof knutul ilanont boolnly hold an etijoynlilo aooil 111 tha iurub hall in honor of uro haryt w ooim tbo hall wan vory ire t illy deoorat- twl for th oocjuloti with avarfitmh bunting and cltlnaaa lantarna with th cmioii jack oooiipylnif a promlitaiit plium thorn waa a urfl tiumber of lit mm iwsraam tbolr wlvoa pramnu auoioallant proffratitm waa randarad utmum war hvn by tl follawlno numliant i tiro h llama h jaorfta j bmltli j hollo way v nutlay j hoarrow e tylar v fl union and faoor aftarth flrot urt of tha protftatpmo bad itaan tlvn a dainty luhehaon wan itarved horjjt colon waa nftarward ankod to addra tha audlonoa on tlng it waa aocordad a motb hearty raeaptlon tha oltaarlnu baliir lonf auataltiad tatifylnr ui lb hlrjli eatoani in whlob ha i hm turat colci in bla r4marka rafarrad to ma auperianoa of tho mud oh hallabury ltalna auo to iiih trip to pranoo uutll ha finally raaehad tit tranobaa hi praltd of tm mariner in wbloh th canadian troop war traalad in knylaml and krancd waa unatln- tad aapaclally ui at unt loo tha wound raoalved h tuud uiat for on vlaltor tb rritlah aoldlar raoalvad uta canadian had ur if praaontatl w v dro k tylar with a allk flag inurlbad with torn of th plaoaa wher tli ckhadlana wr anqftad th iraaldant in aooaptliift tli aatna on ibahalf of tit loiltf imromlhod thatltabouu occupy a proinlnant puo la tb lodg rooai at tb eloa of tiro ovua addraa bro a uttlay d d waa callad upon for a apaaob in rpoodlh ha apoka at aoma utijui on tb flag ami of tli naad of all part of tb kmplra to aa that th ug la kitln ita puoa llro j 1 boarrow alio adilraaaad th maatlng pointing out tha fact that it a tit duty of vary man to to it that tha war la brought to a auooaamful ooncluaion and that tit drittkh kupjr along with bar alllaaahallthumflt ha al paid a nt tingtrihut to uro colaa for raapondlng ao readily to bli country call and to tit tarvlo b baa ratuuiwd tit ainglng of th katlonal aulbata uotight to a cloa a kdoat puamntavaalng th luv ur bdltb th rotor of bt alhaha kindly officlatad aj aooowpjbit to avral of tha aoaga the haittm codmty pair a great suooeal with a baookl at- undaae of ovaf 10000 hiquumds bamurailedtocome tb county pair at uflloa hut waak waa favonj with ids autumn withr aa a rault tkmt waa a roord aunuao oont putad to h ovr 10000 tb ahew throughout waa atoaluot tb abow of boraaa waa uagalaoaut aad baaaauoo iwd axoud aaywhir thar waa a grat duplay of fruit largtr aad bur than iw a gratifying fatur wu th abow of bonad applaa indicating that tb growni ar gattiag optodat la tb uattar of packing tb aitbiblt of tb iwiauia ep uaaul paru atlraotaj a graab tual of latt th ladua work dotovtlo aad flo art tupartuanta war wall fllld aad tb tbhlbltagoodutall tb fallur to appar f th band of tb olatlllgbuadaraolitaulltodaud th ooa tagab bf aoldlara frou niagara waa a tor duappolathwal ko nolle or aaplanatloa waa glvao la ithr oaa tb wractor bav a algnad contract with tb baad and ugal actiod for tufault la lung takaa tb following uur abowa ooudualvy that tha baad waa coalraoud for i fipuribt 10 1013 ur iwjwcw bao vail vair milton drsir i tb ooloaal bu givaa ua parulaaloa to aoot tb bdgagaiflaat to play at your ftdr 0l laot 1010 at tu urua d upoa aaualy to uaa at x0 par baa aad uatur 400 far 11004 total 7060 aad you provld auppw lb would balp ua if you oould arrabg that tha kpaolal oa th tvturd uavaa ulltoa not bitar than mvau i undaraund it uavwhawlltoa at 123a thanking yoi for th ngg4fatnti am vary truly j our ii a bakk tit tuughtara of tb eutplr waat to a graat daal of troubl to prowld for tb antartainniant of baadaun and aoldlar in khoit church aohool rooai and bail tha r froahmanu laft on thalr hand about 600 puhllo aohool puplta headad by 31 uan of tb 76tb lutt horn oa laava paradad from tb town hall it waa vary inlaraatlng at th fair about 2 pupil of th hornby public mhoo gav a fancy drill tbay raovad ilk clock wot k aad wara obaamad by th crowd thalr taach ar ulaa halnaa raoalvad many twngratula tloiis lookla wilmti of tha ontario dapart- ntant of agriculture on of tha moat coiiatht nf otltlca waa in utlaadaito llo waa awphatla in bu approval of fh fair ami oongratulabad th dlraotor on thalr entarpviaa and good matiagamant pbee until lolfl ii ave you aulacrilied yat for tba voutha cowpanloa for 1016 t now la tba tlma to do lb if you ar act already a auburlbar for voa will gab all tba uauaa for tba malugwaaka of 1010 fraa frotn tba tlua your aubaeriptlqa with 223 1 reoalvod tba fifty two uuw of 1010 will ba orowjad with jpxxl raadlng tor youttp and old raadlng that la auuttaialag but not uhywahy itaadlag that taavas you whan you laydowa tba papaf battar in foraudf with keanar aaplrauoflai with a broadar outlook on ufa tba cotttpanloa u a gdod papar to ua to if you bav a grow lag fatally and for goaral reading aa juatlos br war aao aald no otbar u aaoaa aary if you wlab to know mora of th brlllbuib liab of contributor brltub a wall an awarloaa who will writ for tba uaw velum in 1010 and if you with to know oniatbliig of tha naw atorlaa for 1018 lab uaaaodyou fraa tha voraoaat of 1010 kvary bw kuhaodbar who aaoda 0025 for 1018 will raoalv la addluod to thla yaar fraa iaauaa lit cooipatilon ifoawi oalaadarforloifl tilt youths oamianion hoatou uawu nw bubacriptloaa raoalvad at ui offloa anniversary services very successful able sermons by rev charios d draper hilton at the seventieth anni versary liberal offerings by the congregation it wntw vary fitting tltat itav a 1 lrapr of milton who waa ao largaly tnatrumanlal in aucomfully advotlng tit axunalr itnprovamanta to tli mathotlut cliurch during hla mlnutry itar ahould it th proaohar of tit day oti tit oooaalon of tha uvantlath anniversary laab bumlay tlio day proved in all roapaeta an uplifting and jnyoua avert tli waathar waa ideal th atiendanoe wu unusually law tba intereat wa sustained at u blgb plana tb aermonu wera abu ami timely th muelo waaof a high clau devotional and akomilingly well rendnrad th offerlnga war lib and fully up to tl axivflta tlona o tl church o llo lain and the weloomctollav mr draper waa cordial and everywhere manifet with tli uiual local demon i national amity th oonorgtiati of th llaptlet church attandail ut raomlng aarvlc awl that of tli lvathytartan church waa out in full fore in tha avenlnjr rev ur draper praaohad two great aarntofu- in tha morning hla tent waa uatthw 10 i fil with man thi la inv poaalbu but wltlt cod all thing ar poaalhl in bla introductory aantance llav mr draper referred in tedder term to tha church whoa aevantletb aanlvsreary waa being observed ivul h aald wrote to th varloua popl h addraad in coa- fortuity with hla knowladg of utaia i com to you thla morning in tit aau warm aplrlt which paul manifested to- uartle th corinth una i know yo4 well aa ba knew litem and i therefor bring you aatralght altnpl rflil maaug bevanty yean ago titer war men ami wocaeit of type of devotion of spirituality in acton they lived and acted wiealy in thalr day anil aa a reeult of tit couaeorauoa of their tlta money ami eervlo to tod you liav a lterltagof whleh all hltould ba thankful knotting what i do of tha past through thoeaof th preeent i oougretulata you thar la not now a larg proportion of ut old atock remaining hut tha nawoomar baa brought blaulnga to th church w truatthaauount of devotion th amount of kufcluaa ability tha amount of willing eervlo of today will tell to th buitfg of th pttont a ooneecratad thoughtful practical blending which banofortl shall reault lu a epumlld barluga with cod all thlnjta ar poeslbl jod la bla goodoea baa glvu to wao tba power h haa it la not our aseapt to ua as euwerd oodla h 1 a living moving oaualhg iwng ha baa bla general rule ovar ua but ita haa auo hla particular di ingawiuiua thatthpawarofoodlawoik- lag out our ibssllay u now vividly man i feet war living la a day wbwiltleoui duty to uy bold upon cod la a won ganaral way if lb world u to b aaved tho w shall s th ooldau rau through out tha autb and b ud to a paatiootal day elewar of a fatal urn which dwarf faith aad etupijua asrvlo uovewber tbwa u a cod in tb world h liva with him all thlagaara poaalhu at tha evening awvlc tb cbard waa erowdd to it oapaoily uv ur draper again apoka af tba joy it gav him to meat eo maay fortar fruada aad to worip with theoi oa thla lauruaf oocaaloa ha rfrrd to bla morning thecea aa am bfaelag both cod aad maa and aald bla purpos la thla duoour waa to speak uor particularly of taaaa aid tha tent wucaeal 1 38 and cod ud than aad said bav doulaloa cod mad all thlaga uaa in wbow ba had brathj hla oa braatfa ha puo beta ood and man ar working togatbar euvaaty year ago thla waa ira it 1 tru toaay cod did act cra auarchy aad talf daeouetiva phacipua ha gav ua relationship with hint and aaid to ua hava domlnloa cod law ar fuvlhl to our touch cod aald ut thr ba light aad tha waa light uaa aald ut thalr ba light aad w hava lb avolutiaaa frooi th priatiuva dip to tba tallow eabdu aad thmso to tha oil uup aad uow tha auctrio lamp ood a law ara not changeable hub arafunlbla and lb la our ootutaatly to imprtva uan haa dominion ovar tha earth aad it product cod haa eoatln uad hi rautloathlpind title tba aoul of ood oomaa into touoh with tb aoul of man uan become a redeemed eraatura whara- in tbara la a rlobar ralatioaehlp between blm awl cod w ar partner togatbar with cod working with ood wa aw abu to bring forth mora than ood could bring forth aloaa lb la our duty to awakau tha ruing fceboralioa to a raallutloa of tha privillgaaw aajoy tba church u uow allva today than avar befor wa era adjusting oureelva to surrounding oou dltloaa tb alwoaphar of cbrlata llf and character ar influencing ua in our present day actlvltlea concludinp ha appealed to all to study eondltloua and work for tit hattertaant of th eouamun- uy tba musical wrvloe of tha day war highly alevatlng and reflected cradit upoa th ebolr wboe twenty flia watabara wera under lhahaloa of mr j c hill whoa leadership u always appreciated tba aa- sjstaiio by tha pastor rav mraviaattwlth hla rich btrltoaa vole waa also a factor lu thaauooauof tit musical number hla aolo at tba taornlog aarvloa th fitorta oa oalllae waa uncb enjoyed tha pramufw of ulu hertia bmltfa who waa houa frou toronto waa alio greatly appreciated tba bora decoration by th league ploralcomatluea war cheat aad beauti ful aad added much to tha aurrouadlng tha liberal offering of tba day toward tha church improvement fund aggravated stuamaeaeb thla wiu ba augoaatad during tha aaxt waak or ao by further coa- trlbutloaa by abaeataaaaad otbera luv ur avuloa la bu rauark apoka blroagly of tb warm eellag of chriatlaa fellowship which avlalt auoag tha ooagr galiona of tba varloua church la towa pbohibitiom for this countv i kcn50000o0oxxxx ooooccrtftooooooocxm canada tomporanoa act may bo sub mitted in n pow woeks a mass meet1r0 mext monday tho kweoutu commllte of tlm helton temjieraiioa allkiica deolilwl at a moating hold on wednesday lest llmt tba odstlng caiidlllonudoiiihiiil soma prompt uotlon to ita ukan to rwluoa tlio avlu of drink in our county and unanimously favored tha sub itllttlilgof tlio ceiiaila tanitoraitoa act to th doctor tito committee was directed to- call a convention of th tcmporaito woirkerjof tha oouuty todealdkh to what action shall it taken tba convoutlon is called to meet mon day october uflth at the town hallr mil ton at 110 sharp tit convention will consist of all tho mlnistoni of lit joapel sunday bcltool htiporliitoiulontj 1roaldenu of voung people uocletieeand presiding olfloera of all other religious and temperance organi sation in tba county also four delegate from each of audi orgaiilutlona duly ap pointed to attend audi fconventlon tha convention will ita addreased by a t cooper esq president of tha huron county temperanoo association rev d h hpetioe becretary of tho dominion al liance ami other tltacltiscnaof haltoitaro quits prepar edo take action toward securing tha closing of all place wher intoxicating llquore ar dispensed oak villa and ceortretowh itave ben oousldering local option campalgrti hutltlspreuygenerelly felt tltat proliluilloh in tli wider ar of th aiitlracounty la preferall to any smalur munlcipaliiy isivodbdoctob about thu food formulae it dr jack- sorta roauui uaal w whole barrlea of wheat hx barrlea of ry i both grauuutad nob crushed tm daododied and taatalaaa naasaad aad 11 wheat bran lb make delightful nutbrowu porridge pancake bread and all baked product it aouriabe battar than useat prsvaata ladlgaatloa and positively relieve ooosti- pauoo or asoaay hack at all grocer loeattuaadlueeau rww coup john i mooiib of 34 ui liattalloa ilugl lund only tea or u v bfoor acton fwraeriy a mriuf orth vr rru sun tlfjo women saved from operations by lydia epinlfiani vegt uble compouutl their owu stonahttotoia edmontoa albarta cau i think it u no moro than right for mi to thank you for what your kind advic uad lydu elihnkbaiaavagatabuconipouadbava tlono for truj whan i wrou to you lotaa uni ago i wu a vory sick woman suffering front f mala troublaa i had organic inflau- illation and eoutd not itand or walk any dlatanca at but i waa eonflnad to my bad and tha doctor aald i would hava to go through an operwuoi tut thla x nfuaedtoda afhandadviaadlydlac piakbara vegtabu compound and now aiur using thraa bottlaa of it i faallikaaoawwonusn i moat heartily rvcommaad yuurtrtadlelaa to all woatati whoftufferwiui fttial troublaa i hava also taken lydia e pinkhama liver nild and think thay us fine i will never b without tha taadlclna in tha bouaa ura pftang eusley 003 col umbia avanua kdnuuiton albarta vfae br osua doatrlea nab juathftarmynur- riago my toft aid began to pain hi and tho pain got ao sever at tlmoa that i uiyrd terribly with it x visited thraa doctor and each otia wanud to operabt on we but i would not eonaant to an op eration i heard of tha good lydia is plnkhani vegatahlo cow pound wu doing for othara and i used several bot tle of it with tho raault that i havant baen bothered with tny abb ilnca then iam in good health and i hava two llttla kirlautrrctllliii ohsuch a headache chamberlains tablets c c speight for uptodate goods suvrwr in tabjttwavwkliu vrlty alllo ptna cullayy hmrdwmxw tlnway uui qritt itawaraln vortaly pandora siovm and hantfak faraoua haataira small stovaa ousiovaa every articlo in ol excep tional value a a speight mill stoat acloa new fall goods every department in tlio store ii alivo tlmi week witli liriftlit new goods the pick of the market in their respective linen new fall dress coods in all the bent shade and fabrico bought early and bought right grand valued ai the market is today new staples ncluding origlit and attractive linci of wrapperetteii kimona cloths flannelettes sheetings etc mens and novs rurnisiiimgs new caps new hats new neckwear new shirts new underwear new hose new suits tweeds and worsteds very attractive linch henderson co mill si acloit otti an attractive offer the free press and the canadian countryman special club rate i year 150 wo will accept at tha phsb pausa office now or renewal sulmcrlptiuns to the pans- pbku and tba canadian countryman in combination at so wr car tim regular price of thcko papera subcrlbcd for f ndlvidtially would it 3 oo rwr yar th canadian countryman is rccugtiliod ua tli briglitest nrlcultural weekly in canada it ka a uet paid circulation fully as grcalar tlinn any other farm paper in tho dominion just now the installation of aprlntlng premi cottloa 933000 tlm only maclilno of ita kiud in a canadian publlalilng houiui la making noanlbld a uiilwtnntlal incrcabu in the si 1 of the countryman uurlug tlio next year ilia minimum ulio will bo 3a pagoa weekly with 6 pago during five winter niunlhu tills bus opened up tlio way to a now programme of editorial features that will put the countryman in a claim by itcclf koch weak itiera will im several pood ttronff featuru articles well illustrate dealing wllli the outstanding timely procuma of tlio ontario furmor figuring live aucb articles of a page or mora to the issue gives fully n pages of feature artlcfcu in th course of a year with upwards of joo to 700 uelcctcd illustrations the wivku ttemlnder la to present practical hlnu for every wrclt in tho year written by a well known manager of a large farm under tlio heading of a dollar for a good idea will be published descriptions of practical ideas sent in by countryman readers tm be ingpalu for each uaa accepted practical disctubions by practical farm ore la a department lu which will be given tlio cupcricnccn and vie wo of ood farmers on llio moat important saasanablo subjects a putt every week in to bi devoted to live item of agricultural news briet paragraphs reviewing liatipanlng af interest to ontario fanner some other special departments being talillu1ied and to be given a place in the paper where tliey may regularly be found are note from the count ion 1 uouad thuvarm peada and kertitlmrs about live stock orchard and oar- den making poultry pay veterinary advice points of law ifsplalncd vour quealious answered our you no parniers of tomorrow an inmalmrnt of a cood aral story and a short story aa well will appear every week the market pagea will be duvelopad to include a column in which questlotia from our readers with respect to tlielr individual problem of marketing will tie answered a now mailing echedulu provide that th market report will cloas tuesday afternoon and every subscriber having a rural mall ban should hivr hla paper within 94 hours this will give the market pagea much greater valut 1 1 u country woman at home is to receive creator attention than ever bafore and th programme of features to be provided under tills heading will poa- tos strong interest for the women folk on the farm in the timely topics section tho practice will b continued of offering cash prises for every idea sent in by woman reader that ia accepted for publication young countryman and countrywomen u page for the boy and girls will contain a good story every week a humorous pictorial feature a good poem and frequently a competition will ba introduced with prima for bast garden plaua boat drawings of various undo etc altogether the canadian countryman la making a big step forward to a polar where its editorial service shall win for it an increasingly strong regard in tlieattod tarni home of ontario bend your suluxrlptlon for tlio fa mi pel ia and the canadian coun try man to the kiu prkss ofllce today llo sure to get or tho list in time for a copy of the countrymans chrutmoa number tha canadian countryman wan in representatives in every locality throughout ontario to mcelve and forward renewal order from present subscriber no canvass ing liberal commlaslon pleasant and profitable employment write for full in uuccai formation to canadian countryman publishing co caul st toronto onl d the hub ip you are thinking nf getting a uewbultor utl overcoat call and see ua we can glvo ynu what you want in stile and fit price aw reatouablo we also make ladles tailored aullo geo f agnew lmdtm and ctoat itollov mill si aetna o uaaltal authaw i qaaltal rj u i ftutvlu fewlfto fait winter stock op boots and shoes now complete heavy lines light lines working bonis sunday shoes goods to suit all customers of beat makes and latest styles we back the goods we offer and moke our prices satisfac tory wa have rubbers rub ber heels slippers and pumps our repairing is carefully and promptly done call kenney bros maim si acton system ip jqii know how to get tsoo would you not try if von will set asldu a few dollars ujuluuatlcally you will iw surprised how easily you can reach that sum tha hank nf hamilton will help you by receiving such sums nn which it iillowu compound interest georgetown bhancj w n uekay meaaaar bank of hamilon i- s 1 a 11 1 1 r h 1 n 1 r wrmrxhxkmx m saxes bargain list this week mens fall and winter overcoats ladies overcoats l tomjtis fftol about 200 pairs of ladies shoes regular 2 and 3 on sale now for mens ladies and childrens rubbers at a clear ing price dont miss the sale of ladies shoes now on genuine bargains to shxe the brlok store opposite mew poatottice i iuixi abfarrlitftnunitt new uriiiihwlrik inrtntop ti imk jitlrmlvi t s car nf lli fauoijd m hill shwk it intafokh ur ii uihiiii il i hi in llitlir wliilur sui ly hisv i ut nil 1 ir r lri uuukuiiu stnrti nv tlnu i rl ly jji 1 o il 1 1 r ui oltown immnck kan6k foil oaiyw bl 1 s lii 11 two yuan in in first alauw oou ililloii aillv tj nntifu to tiepanscru vtai nrniib urn b tly firlilil ian from ira i uinii 1 11 1m 1 1 in in hi nil i llm lili rnil vnh u jj fills ltd llo kl 1 llni 1 yim ninlly t lima i will hiuu iii slioot liu willi ih 111 kimmii iiimmitt kiifptissful diiiry itimlnch4 foh salic llormoml rliu mil h ilin ulryliia tiuusllu jnal ini ultli ih 11 nf iii- liu 111 vlll cleaning prn4hij ami ho- pairing gl stf i ml milan t lull clnllilnu neslly liuroarv liy mwrloiirol lallnraia laralaleu wiih uvory nrlur lsree or small t rlh tsional lu orlra csllol fur sn i jirnntita probithi fok talk 6inmiifliin nrutili i a lor lan dldlu teou ltlrlin hi t 1 anlrv wonlsli i four ljdual aluos iuitv ttiuflu llsnirstit ll lurilt- luruatiiiail now fur aula vat imlljuuia- iu llio k i ucluu til atloo kafujng aition balk of houtjlciiold aoodw tl emulrrdiiuc llnnnailcj idbtruclloo frou miiu maitaaiiimr aiikmh m tall lir 1 ulillo iticilau st tisr rotljmc usln uatuihluy 0u oetoba iiaoctocb iliari llio wli ot liar 1iouliou tdtrtt at alia i sol iitr rrritrslid is uv lua itiwi uvaryililua nlll 1 a lu t tusuii cssu 1 ulllioam do you wet it u altlm vtlvv t vohonyo ohykhio durluu ilin last luo iiiomlia lisa isn mar jaclllott swnelpal tji voiibu lil veuuj bu4 lliatlu ou rtfftflonto canada n aeiv wonder land theatre flltoav oct 82 mnrv plckfurd in such a littl yncn mondav oct eh tho by puto a military drama wkdhib8dav oct 87 rplndo ii of knplultu of rlaino the hour of three coming a comedy willi char- llo cliuplin l gregory proprietor d 1rand trunk wws torontochicago toronto montreal con ohioaoo i unujoltonloboon mooo ji m nmt hasp m dnlly voii month hal ltavo 1 ouonto q 00 n 111 830 p m mul 11 00 i nt daily kipdpnnui the fiiiud 011 nil trains panama paoitrio uxpositioh unliitod farm to rtnn prnncisto loa anuolui ami han tlfcgu pull pnrtlctilnni niuriiurtli rewrvatlon on npplltinion to agent w s holmes agent phone no i3 why not give youk hoy run girl sui opportunity to mnkquutlrssoaa tftufjtf tout sod rjbtituit qivo tlu111 uw satao elianocfl to win pro motion and miccou aa 1 im ind having tba w advantngoof websterls new international djethmnrylnlilri homo ttiltj uaw er- v ith dual auliiov- ty all kiiidh of imullng quoatlonh lu ii hdory fiyngmphy tiiorrflphy hihllliipnmiuitiluumisorbaru nikl w iutilvfl iaaaaaverabuury1wtiis huium k tslr aiumarytlu ua ss tb tynatnauer fa quivaunt to that ol a 15- volume noyloidli ar scheldtly aceurat ceavealeab sauibmuetuihahmayailamku uablllcdoaairt 1 stuciitjul 1 and india kalnut i uutlonsl iwnitbier jiluueaajjair u yeu basm lua bsiwr atttvsuaica bprimoricld subst m ll oil

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