dclic rtni yvte rci iiiuithitai omoiumji mm tllfe liquoii kkufcrs fsalm on life toll mo lint in wild orilluun i hut 1 1 11 llllllum i itlll in k of nil mini- onoiiiutlmm muut dipruvod unit lull of win ufa lu real hiiii fluid uud hltvof am llio ihlnum that count will men mfiimy b binif i wo mutt yot money i wliato tha dlffurauce how or vmi t illjil fradlat lloah ttwl i ilead tlmt iimhiwi i wuwl it wall till wliolo lntarmuent lxli i ml it tllvw uio irfaot right to toll what if women broken heart i ray tliat tlod may ut thaw dial what if mothers woi and chltdren driinbunl a children moan anil cry 1 what if imhtraml rum ami wlilnbay crowd man lutoiiriton eall kohhlua lutin of all their manhood banding lhm in drunkard a itall t ilvfui of rich man all ratulm iu i odit umt lliare j nut llin bama willi a hank account helilml me what care i for fame or tiamo aa in al your moral question i havo only this to uay ylioroa mv i iniim bouulit and haul for hlamnwl wlihdoieminftiua o k iheble uodd the steam emc ink probably no tuiuimiollsioii in mi world tetter llluairute hie tlnvalon hifiit of tlia eloitm duuliit imnlcularly tlid locomotive thau the exhibit or tb oulfad titt4 hstloual tuufccllu b washington wblcb inelud two of lb carluat original locomotives huj uu mrooe modal and avorua tb blatory or tb tlmbi encln is a biatrulutlc romance wltnout parallal lu the rconl of human tcblsvatnanu it covers tb btupandoue auj prut at effort or many early pblloaoobarri and tiicbaukm wbo found eleatd a biyitfrioua uncontrollable fore and left it a fouiprabauslbl controllable factor of publu urvlc no on knows bow ions afue it wan ebatrrul tbat by holding down tb uj of a utile or boiling ikjuld a trtald fore waa created dua to tb eom- ttv alou or the leant bafor any u wan attempted wlib this uwwly lirov iivj fore it la certain bowvr tbat a wirt of bteatii tilua was txbllluj in auxamlrb ktfk about 300 yara bfon our era bgau ail3 it wa da wcrluwl la a work on psubiatiea by hero of alexandria wrttuo btwwii 160 and 130 a c tbu tncblw waa a rotary affair uora tbortlcal than practical aa war many at thm rwulla of piiiioaopby id thoa daya- a tcou struct ian of tlila auatna lo taodal form la in the muwum eihlblla notbliia tuorai la to bo found coacrij- intf tba ataatu enslna tor caaturua a fact wblcb la do doubt dua to tba lack of inlaraat id aoytbloat wbtcb did not bava to do wltb war or warllk itupla tuauu a book publubad la rou id 1020 slva a daaerlptloa of aiovanul draacaa crnda ataatu aualna abowlujf it to bav beau aa alaoudtary alaatu tarblna wltb tba sola dafct tbat it laekad any appunca for making tba ataatu follow tb vanaa or buckata of tba ravolvlnjr wbaal ao tbat mora or lb anaroy mblbt bava b eoavahad into auful work oaa aotbor bj a taaatlaaon locoraotiva clalma that bad toma kanitu buproved upoa tbja aariy davlca tba radprocatlnir anfibi woold probably novcr hava baau lnvttuct but that w would hav bad tb advantaca of our modattj tarbbua much aoonar tba taumuta poaaaaaaa a soodal of a vary early uaebina dejjiid by tur laaao kawtod lu 1qs0 wbub was pro- pelled by a jet of ataan projaetad backward aalnafc tba ab and a modal of donbi paplna lnveatloa of about tb earn tlua tba inveausatiotia of bavery and paplo and tba ttoecoaafdl axperlmanul aufilnea of thomu nw- eomea in itott wltb bli platan and cylude eooa followed nawcomeaitf daaa wra improved by jauaa watt to 1700 wbo alao introdoeed tba hub preaaura enbinea tba conownaair and later tb double acting ameua tba development of tba angina waa advaue- ed by cuffnot ebvana qornblower aad uurdocb a model of tb lattaxa as bina ta on display in tba muaeum aa tba reenlt of a waeer bud by a resident of uartbyr tydfil an import unt iron town of boutb walea tbat be coald convey a load of iron nln tnllea by tb power of abeam alone tucbard tiwrltblck made tba flrat an- ldnertortui on ralla in 1b03 and won tba waser tot bla employer tba nest year twrlthlck it baa been claimed copied tba atauonary enslns built la ibm by oliver filvana an american who waa later insonloua enoujfb to afc- taeb wbeobi to a acow and propel it by team tbrougb tba atreeta of jphiladel- pbla in iflol tbbj curloua creation ialll tho oruktor anipblbolba waa tba flrat motorcar to run on american aoll a moilol of trovllblekg enclna ta to lit noon in tbo national muaeum aa la uliio tbo model or tbo onslna em ployed by joliu fllevena in 1620 and bla orlslunl tubular boiler other mod ebj uliiiilrete nearly oil tbo typeawblcb beenn to put in tbelr oppeamnc aoou after luiu wbott tbo btourbrlde woii wn built in iciibbiid and abb- pwl to america wbero it waa tba tbat uufilne to run on full elied ralla tba muaeuin poaaeaaea not only tb model of this blatork enalno but be origv lnal eunlne itself tba other oriftnal full kuuh locomotive to bo aaen in tba museum la the john hull built by george fitepbeuion zt bona of btaftland and bhlpped to amorlm far lie la ibs on tbo camden and atnboy railroad it is ntcrcelluv to retail tbat tbla old relic of early rnllrondlnif in america made a round trip untlor it own a teem in 1b03 from new york to chicago where it waa exhibited at tba worlds columbian expoaltlou auionfl tbo modela or early and hi- baric locomotlvea are tieorav btapben aona llocket wblcb wua built la llttol uio h and o entrfoe tom thumb bollt by peter cooper la ikoj the sraaabop per typo euslne arabian or 1931 tba iteat wend used la 189011 baldwin old ironside conauncted in unt tba banduaky built la ibst and modela of enttlaea made by a wblt- ny in 1640 and o a nlcbolut la ib4 itealdea tbo two locomotlvaa and be numerous enotue models tber ar in ibir iihlblt coach and car modaul sections of rails spikes wbwel and tnodela and iinrta of vulvas platoaa mill other onrl arcamwita prtamuut o locomotives aud rtillruuds occuve substitotcs a iluuuiirt luruatlvo lannia vegatahla illla ara an coihmhiimim1 mm to oparataon itoth tliaatonuuli and tlwbowela an that tbay act alontf tlia wbolaallntanury ami oxcrttory iiaawtgd tbayaraiioltlraatlt in lhair work but mildly purutivo aiul tba iuiuhjof uklnff tltani a only wiuul ltl by tlia uratlfyltiu atfool tltey proiluoa comuuruiad only of vegatahls suhtanod tliacuraluaqualltlm of which wen fully t6uljuy afford relief without chancv of injury tlia hntltrtan with ilia cloven hoof may trot with uta uanlunuut wlio itas a olovan lilatli a curloualra of the tniiic the mat a pato urn waooly wlili tlwaul of anotlirtraa which it krailuaily snvalom aud kllla cowstspation can be cured tfcae la n4hlng to stquaj millikrat ltxi lutf fill lrf rw lufpaaau mm a cummlng moncbaatcr odl wrltu i have bn troubled wltb eouitlpattou lor ovr fie year aud fal it tuy duty to ut ou known tbat you ullburua lata llwr tilu bava turtd bm i ouly uud three viau aud x caa faithfully uy hit tby bava tavrul ta koni a lirga doctor bill uiluirai laxa llvr imu rcsulala tba aw of blk to ext tuofatiy od tba liomu and thuj kip tbitti iuu irriuui bowtl are tba taain caua of cotutlpatiou tba price of milbuma ijiuuw shiu u lie jar vial or fi vula lot ml do at alt ditiltr or malud direct cui receipt of price by the t miltiuni co uiuittd yorcuto out just opened in hills block mill st acton general repair shop special attention to eavctrourhinc wintlmillti pumpr- furnace and plumbing hot water ikatinu roofing gasoline enfinen jas harden son acton ontario to bav tba cbihlri cound and baallby la th flrat care of a taotkw tby caaoot be bultby if troubud wltb woxtna uts uotwrflrava wond exunaloator ohildren ory rott rletcmsrs uollowayscara cure ukes tba corn out by tba roota try it and prtva it wit coitlaitly troiblei vkih utk hid nine on hm omi at 0k6fc burdock blood bitten euhko hiih- bolli are caused by bad blood and unless the blood la made pure you cannot expect to get rid of them ointment and talves will do you no good you mmt get at the seat of tba trouble by uilaa a good internal blood purlfyius medicine euch oi tbat trend old remedy burdock wood bitters mr samuel xjuckur tataioaboucb us writes lait riutnmer i was oouitantly troubled wltb boll x bad nine on my arms at once 1 thought rt was earned from tiod blood so 1 cot two bottles of burdock blood bitters and before the fint bottle was done x bexoa to feel a erest deal lietter end bcfori the second one was flnlihed i did not have a boll nor liave x had oft tlnce x cannot recommend bub too ttlghly burdock blood bitters a manufactured only by the t mllbura co limited toronto oat children ory rob fletchers castoria uskea llreath ey tlia iwnstrlctlon of the air pauatfea and the sir unfile la breath too fumlllar evldenoo of aatlirastjo trouble cannot daunt br j l kelloors aatbua nemady thlaiathifainoui rem edy wlileh is known faraiulwulaforitsoon leteffaoueneu even under very saiere ooiulitlona it la notan untried evperlnian tal preparation but one with many years of strong senlce behind it buy it from your naarett dealer had cholera infantum baetor said he wn a vary iihxrou8 chalililau uotbers cannot watch their children too chuely for aurat of cholera infautum as this dlaeaie carrlei off thousands ol inranu durltik the hot summer months mrs oca w garland xrouer brook nd wrltei lnnt aumnicr my boy joe then a vear old was taken sick with cholera infantum he was so bad the i watte matter from the liowels looked j as if it bail conic from a broken boll x i sent word to tho tloctor who was at a neighbors about a mile dutant and be said my boy was lit a very tlanserour condition lie sent me soma tabkbi which matbj tho child vomit and when he learned that they caused vomltlnt be sent me more tablets to stop it in the meantime x had been tiivliut xr fowlers mxtract of wild strawberry which x continued uiluff and when the bottle was all used my baby was cured x ihoutb it only fair to lot you know about it dr verniers ttitract f wild straw berry has been on the market tor tbe pait 0 years and u known from one end of canada to the other as a positive cure for all bowel complaint when you ask for ttt xfowitrv bo sure you get what you ak for as there km many rank imitations on the market the genuine u manufactured by tba y juubum co limited toronto ont xmce 08 cenla kinc bonvefl ii i fllucs tbaidawnof blatory tbo map of europe baa bcu cbsiisltio- uany itears to there was a tiiitlun tha vary location of wblcb baa boeu loet but it is fedppoaod to have oeupld a part of austria and a part of northern italy tber la a lesand connactvd wltb this todutry wblcb baa twu bnndod dowu by werd of moo lb fo many cooturu xntcas of it bava bxj found a man omtmm kpaakug ppl and atnooa luuana i tber waa a klaa of tbla couutry o lb itory fcdawbo waa at cob ud us i war wltb a ropl uvuiat to tba east at kit tarrltocy supposed to have boj felavs wboa dmcndaub now occupy tba balkan he appaara lu dlriit vrskuia of tba tradltiod uudr dlow- ant hstsaa boi baosily ilourrd tba naua bi tb hatloii ba fcovrtij was trbonasha sappoaad by soma to bav bx tba caitfbi of iluuasry while buna bonvdrd was bard pre- td by bla euiatnua a sou waa born to bint tbara was a prophecy tbat tb turba would ovnow tbuuaaru but that a boovard born at tb uui of tba nmiottmt would rtaubub tba klns dom and kobjact lb tonqbarora tbla bropby wblcb racbd tba uwrb dlud tbaul wltb a daabra kboum tby anccmd id fulmuna tb nrat pa of it to balufy tb eenid part by altbr 11110- tb infant wbo was wba krowd ta work tbac daatrucuou mak blm a captlvx at lb blrtb of tb balr to tb throo benvmts xl if ba uvd bla uotbar wsb tmsbl td bura hid and m paaaant woman wbo gave blrtb to a man child at the sam tbo wu ealud la to fcriva rmckla to tb prince bb waa asbfa ad room in a win- f tb palsc and brousbt bar own child wltb bar tba woman wboa nam wu j- bapba waa dark and b child waa of like coupuxlon wbu tb balr appar ent to tb throne wu fair wltb blue aye tb kins when joaapha and km son wbo waa eauad uercoan wet brouarbt to tbpucycaludprt hi councilor ta tusk ma inspection of tba two infanta in ordai that tba peas ant boy coald not b aubatitutsd for tba prlne tbey raported to tb klnjl that sine on waa lljjht and tba oth er dark auy ona wbo had seen tbem knowing wblcb waa tb prince wonld always be able to judtfa correctly b- twen tbo two tblsutbfisdtbklajc aud be mad no objection to joseph bavins bar own son wltb bar ucanwbll tho borbe won slowly appradchlnjr the capital of tbungiirla their unit boris beluaf a treat genera and matched against a commander wbo waa bla inferior for king bon- verd waa not a warrior and waa bilged to yield tit command of bis troops to nnother tbla man risked all on one battbu and was defeated and tba whole of tbungaria waa open to tba enemy wbo bad advanced rapidly on tba capital indeed tbey cam aa fast aa tb nawa that they war com ing ona morning josepha heard a din below and looking through a window taw tb street filled wltb tba enemy- troop tba prince waa asleep la bla cradle covered wltb drapery of tba finest textnr and beariujt tb royal arms josephs own son waa in tb own etedle mad of oak and tmartwa bearing a noise ta tb corridor and believing that th batha hid broken into tba nalaoa and would murder tha prlnca aha laid blu in her aoaa cra dle and put her ton in th pue of tba print then bsusdonataly aw- bracug fw ofrspring ah want into an adjoining room that aba might not see him killed 8ue bad scarcely don ao whan tba bursary door was thrown open and armed men entered in a fuw minutes ibey were gone and jtoaupha went hack upactluj to aa tba body of her murdered soil tb cradle waa empty and the prlnca was lying wber ah bad placed him in tba oaken cradle king ronverd was killed fighting at ha bend or hi bodyguard and all hi courtiers wbu oarilvbd the baking of th city wur scattered josepho tar rying tba prlnca wbo waa supposed to b her child aaeanad from hut pulse and mid her way to her bom in th country 8b dared not let it b known that tba babe waa heb to th ihrona of tfaudgarta last th fact roach th bouciuertng king and b should be kill ad bb tbarafor kept her secret twenty ymrapajtsed tbungaria waa drovluc of tba kiogdou of boris kovemed by vloeroy bonvard waa brought up by tua fodtakf mother aodef tb nam of joseph lleraitaltt and wins bla father manifested a prdn position for a military life at an arty eg b enlutad in tb army of king boria in a corn stationed la thuagaria being a duw soldier b waa rapidly promotod till at twenty year of aga ha waa mad captain a few years later m young man cam to thtmgarfa and announced tnat ha waa botiverd il una of tdaingaria he declared that when tba barb had oonqtieivd th country be had ba taken by nnler or iclng boris from m cradle in tho nalnr and tarried to th unu wlm bud turned blu over to 6tt of hl tihcra to b dlenatehad castor ia vor ifnftinta wad chlldfaw in um for 0vr30yjasjr always bua mg of tb otricar not relishing tba work of killing aa infant bad turned him vet- to a common soldier wbo la turn com- mlaslonod bis wlfa to atrangl blm tb woman reported that sb bad don uo but instead bad concoalad bun and afterward brought him up a ha own child fjreat cbsug bad taken plac auca th couqueat of tbungaria king boris had died and hadbseaaacoaadedbybl sou boris iv who waa a waklutg- tb yodng claimant to tba thron of tbungaria called ttpou bis ropla to rta aud throw oof tb yoke it was quite likely tbat be would bava an- eded in putting hlmhalf at tb bead or aa army at one bad not several of king bouverde councuora who bad ban commlaatoued to inspatt tb prlnca and but fcur brother vbi they wer uu- still uvad tbey at one visited th claimant to tb tbron and pronounced blm an impostor lie waa of dark complexion while tb true prim waa fair joupb bernstalu waa at tb tlm wrrlng wltb the army and bad rin to tw colonel u seldom saw bis fos- tr mother and ah bad navaa- ravealed to blm the btfcr1 of bla birth fairing that ha would ntttnpt to lead a re volt wblcb would surtly fall and u- sicad of gaining a crtwa b wuold ka bis hoad lurustelu bard of tb pr- tindr nud eapouasd bla causa thuik lug it udtar that vd a fau pr- tender should load tb tbuneariana to liberty than that they should rmaln tubjvct of thalr conuaro a secrwt tumtbig took plac btwail tli two men bruun rftported that the corn be cowmandad waa lamely composed of thuusartan and b could beaui a revolt with it tb ocfur we accepted and suddenly tba viceroy and all the barb civil ooicere of th gov ernmant wcro nreatad tba nwa spread rapidly and the peoplo aprang to arms kot only waa a sovereign at band id the claimant but n military cblaftalu in iferuauin tba army through a long term of years a quar- ur of century bod become largely tbungarlan and only needed a leader bernstein therefor fonnd himself at th head of an army almost immedi ately but a fore composed entirely of 8rba waa sent to put down tb rebel lion and many battles wer fought at orat it waa a losing gam for tba tbnngariana but under bernstein leadership tbey held tbelr own until gaining atrengui tbey wer able to tnaat tb enemy under taor advan tageous circumstances dually when theur general found himself in a posi tion to strike b sent bla adversaria back la a rout dictating terms of peac hi tbelr capital wblcb restored tba tn dependence of tbungaria when bernstein returned with this treaty at tba bead of a victorious army ona of tha first persona b met standing at bio foot of tba step lead ing up to tha rtdtlce wber b waa going to report to th pretender waa hi foster mother hall king iuinvardt eh sold kneeling before lilm what do you mean motherr b naked p before tb throng tbat wer crowd ing upon tha young victor aha told the lory or bow title lind been bb nurse bow ah bad put her own aon in bis plac when tliu hurba broke into the pnlac aud bow alio und taken blm uway and brought blm up aa bar own sou at that moment an old man wbo bad been a member of king bouverde cabinet came forward to congratulate tba man wbo bad freed his country arriving in time to bear josephs story ila remembered josepha aud looking from her to the man aha had saluted aa king dropped upon one knee and kissed bis sovereign hand the crowd recognising la tho old man on prominent as a minister of their last sovereign rent tb air with loud but tor king llonverd 11 tha cbumant as became a aovereigu waa waiting tn th palnce to receive tha homage or bla general when bear ing tba shouts oa directed an attendant to go and learn what tbey meant the nun returned and aaldi pleas your majesty they bava ac claimed general bernstein king tha pretender rising from bis seat hurried out and appeared wltb cloud ad brow before tb king and tb group about ban josepha threw bar arms around tha pretender hack aitciaud- tngi uy aon my eoni 1 believed they had killed you i oappy day that both my children ar restored to we i batata your king i tha proof that tba bin eyed general wag kins of tbungaria waa bo com plete that be wbo bad believed him- ttalf king waa convinced and gttv his adhesion to th true sovereign king ttonverd mad him bb prima minister and treated blu aa a brother aa for josepha tba king had always believed that aba waa hut mother and loved bar sui ancb ila insisted that she occupy quarter at tba pa lac and b treated with th respect dua a quean dowager when tb serb beard tha atory of how their tat king bad railed tn hie attempt to thwart a prophecy it be- cam universal opinion uut what fat bid decreed it la useless to op rpoaa thay wer very much dissatisfied with their own king and when lata king bottverd yielding to bja aob act clamor for revenge at thalr long enbjaettdu marched at tba bead of sua army to thalr country they declined to make any opposition tor bad not it beau foretold that b would conquer bla rstbers eonqueronit bo donverd atersd tbelr capital took posaisajoa of tbelr government and mad bla fos ter brother their king isinc toe w hovvrvlgtt had been broaght w aniutui thorn ibey wet wall aauaflad advantage tlmt mtlftlinllllmmlri unja he works from tuolvo to huiiioii hours or mom u tiny wtill ho am iitford to ho docaikt littvo lo loop hlu lion i tli in ordur to hold mm jab wnahliiittou hlnr tha ceo no my homo peoplo bold tlmt u wife ought to rwulvo it wuuliir salary tar hot work in tin lioiiio tliuii it would lo juut bb cheap to hire n houuoueopor bnltluioro amer ican starting bemathlng buy ilyor uoo mo tlala and me strong rluht arm wall id juut n leave start uamolliluu nu noli ah rluht wlm t will you charge an hour for cranking nuloinoblleuv hxcbnwto haw ta add to it you havo uouf for itio madamy said ho lawyer you my hunhiintl ny i must cut down oxpeuueit aud i want your ad vice nsto how i cau best do lt yoiikers fjtntoauiun radueej old juaoloworth illed nt an ndvsno ed nco dklnt hov on tho contrary ho died nt a great ly reduced ago ila was rnlly twenty years older tliau he said u was chicago news waeuvaft you enn muko fire by rubbing two place of dry wood louotliar but ii la not bellotwl ihu mot hud will aver suiwrowlo tho jilnn of rubbing a mulch aualuut a piece of biuidpapar kaunas city journal a csrelaa man father why hut ojoii quarreled with ilnrrj t uauoblor bccauae he pro posed lo uio laut iilubt rulher well thoro wne no harm lu that ivns tberol daughter llut i had u crept ed him the nlgbt boforo iii uil rated blu whkh was the wwul xvbcu i retuniftl from our card par ty la it ulght my wlfo just looked at me kot a word waa imkou uy wife iooldj at me icto and 1 don t bellevo that a word wuu un spokeu tlouttou foat haabhlhg a cenalualah v inmsluo from your apeech that you are a taildermut what uiakes ou thluk nor irluclpa1ly becnuso you tell hie i am as wis aa on owl and thou try to stun me kxchaiiffo a blunt ahwi ijother to bor dauohtorj youd bet ter accept pot or my dear ho la a nice boy thotibb ho may not bo band- sotno aftor nit pood louka taila dont they pupil y katbor-ltntharl-ini- dfliido ii hit tor the tripping tohgue donry im b yon ro a fool i you dldu t inttu to tbluk sowhea i was simile no you novir abownl what a bjg fool you woro uutll you married mo bzchsnge franklin and th bailee wheu tho balloon wna tint discov ered somo ono uald to kruukllu what will over corio of uv rrankllu pointed to u buhy lu its crndlo and said aud what will over couio of thatr the meareat h ever csme to it coloiml iiho nuked havo you over beou up lu n bulioonv no ho aukwarod hut i cot to talking nrt to a boston hidy once and alio hnd mo nwity up in tho air inuluo of two minutes uxchaucu hopeful tbusortal artlatand whnt will you hav ou your fnco when 1 hnuh niiav lug you opllmlellc bludo oh proliably both hlmi and part of my uose cornull widow teeth put te many usee all ksklmo haro iood teeth hut they nro subjected in w n uunc be ing used for iitnclmru tlurn nud hutlug machines tho litth jiiv cniplnytsl in drawing bolls untjlnu uimtk holding tho mouthtilrco of n drill tdmiihitt lioot soles mid stretching unit tuiiiilnn hklns when thoy becouio uihiui from luird uaago they nro lavoled off wltb a fllo or wbotstoo queetleh pec dlioueileh buppoao you bad frnuied up a lie to tall if a ctirltilu cnntlugoury nroao yes and fully intended to toll that tic yea but tbo emergency does uot nrmo and you do uot toll tbo lft mill you hitdiirtod to tell it kuw will that bo charged up agatuet one ns n crlmor iulsvlllo courlarsjotmml character a goodcharsxleru every ihlag a dood heait benevolent laaunfct and bsjancedbuiul be at tha oun- dsltoa of character otlier thlagi may b tlaemed orhuiouat uw may coma and go i tui cluwacter u tluil winch lives and ebijc john todd was so weak would have to stay in bed- adtbtam haetrt rata nv htf urs j thty 3m john 6t south luinlltoa our writes x was so run down with a weak hesrt that i could uot even eweep the floor nor could i ahwp at nliht i was so awfully tick sometfni x had to stay lu bed all day as i was so weak x used three and a ball boue of muburus heart and nerve mils and x am a cured woman today and as strong as any one could in- and am doing my own housework my own wean ing x doctored for over two years but got no help until x uted your pills milbuma heart and nerve mils are boe per bov 3 lioaes for 9138 at all dealer or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t muburu co xjjnltad toronto out- till grand trunk railway i iaumtncmil ti1a1nb iii kltihiniil lliti tlnim ul wliloli amiirr ulnurnllnt arloui 1 1dihii i t lllllmu wkut nt if 7un in i no gil ntla in s j nil in i ho 11 loiwia tn i so j ii ji i m for infnntu and ohudron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of 0i i i pddpddadpqddr gram chopping exact copy of wrapper in use for over thirty years castoria well done and j quickly at only a 5 cents n a per ba s harris co limited s 5 w bockwood ont e m ipannadpannpnanb for you a wmerful book farm drainage meu do you know you con toko as much c 100 acres properly drained as ou can otf acres not drolnod and anvo linlf tin lilm 5 ila a tut lit n i unnw thai rorcr lnaifcn1v i iln in amuta t ijivrttllon liiiill una ilia mann rnnlr rft- i washlnk matoayihir ian i unfit r lo wi rl i rvvsi ail 1 u f liwraamalliaiiiianllly ami lm nin 1l o nuallty if i i i it i u whr lt a lit tanit ynt lay frta ft urn rfl zkjc7 trounir luwuti1 on llita mil jwtt mi i i i am i ill i n i tmy don t nuilrci unvll in iliai wll i i tin ij ii ar- uuurrroa lrnwr ilralnaira koam m irlt an i i len- in vmir tuiiiuacril iir r tviry din thai i lirr u uiaaovcrnmntuiulty gm nayfrrtl i if i ii 1 wriuuftodav umtlot aim pjjwr luur fcu t uaiuni i domikiiori sowof pipo co li i 1 robt noble ltd flour bran shorn whtnt chops glutton niliil caitnu clii mtnl ollcako oat liioik uolkil oatii tlmolliy need actons electric chopping mill chopping done daily chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done b f caldwell acton ont proprietor the merchants bank of canada tlitwuu im 1im flrjmck u cdmmjd thrift is rifthtly described an eco nomical manarement a shrewd buflinesa man is spoken of na thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol ins success lies in the principle of snvini one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par acton branch f a maclean manager m m i ceintletvven i 5 iluro you will dud litmdrcdn of pntllnir in tho newtmt wonveft u w from which to wkct tho maltrial for tlmt nuw toll hull ohui g j taltnrh that nro pjibt miitcni lu tlio nrt if mnufnji iiirii cijirh 5 h clothes hero cvurj duull in uulilild o r in uio nioiit careful h m maniiur tooftiiuro you of cioiiich llmtnr imltlosit lu ovory detail k h if you havo novcr hnd 11 hull of c tu or an overcoat made h y by un do in now m b clothing made tn j our order from 1 h to 10 n mult r e nelson hauthnnt tallof hau vumlahaa wyndftauu attest ouhlih ont the hade in canada empire typewriter s saves you 40 to 60 try beforo you buy at our expense empifie typewriter co mauuldot wt tobomio out j l warren manaoun yulbpiionkfl ho 44 fresh groceries now rnlulnn nmv curranu now dalon new nutu now pccln now tp i eta fin lino of cortfootlonerv lin t clnni lino of 1anty cakes and raiitry knuli ovory day conucd mtntu hnm racon with tho homo muo llnvur brcid mid other roods delivered prompt ly dally j r livingstone huoesaaiorjtorieoiniocs mill etiet atoj boots shoes bubbbbs 2 s ah linos pfootwear c at rlffht prices fi all man s rubbers at g bargain prices tt w wltiliams mill street acton hcton li sc eh jl and bus lino having nirchawid tho livory h11 bus in mid omlwlll of the lktnluurtlil lets johu wllllaws i riipictiilly mil it it tho natron- ngu of mil wc crmilortnblo riituuill aluuih liu mipphoii at ruibotuililo clurjijm pur tlin prtrnit ftlr george 1111 wlm tiiiuli ul tho mniingo muut uf tin- nluhloa tho pact year will kiutimiu in tlmrgc ho will nhvnji 1l tnuml conrtoniih and ohlurlnr- iii el micrttll alu til ai no amiuuse mccann mill st acton ont jifffents ldihjjiavjal5dtljp euvikil vhlch will ba aht fraa haitlon k ma1ii0k uujwhlljsuotilnfaiktrinamml v