Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1915, p. 1

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wht jvcfim tn ft volusrjs xiji so ih fclvary subscription rl1 u aiwunc aoton oniaiho tiuniblay mottnlfctgr octobmk 28 1mb ibaatlptlou rteflm par amwu siktgxiia copies tiiiudw cicts 0 jvrtoit fatt xcs ful i iui ltl ulii u mill druuut actoh om flfbmorhjlitiuitianone lollarie year llrlotly in lvi eu t q lo ut icrll tire in iii united llisiea all ml crli lam illmoiillint 1 wtiau tliu tin or wiiiclilli y liv mii lis entire 1 t u tt lo wliloh every tulieill- hauler i u ok i nil ll ft simim label inu 11 at lb rrtiieum mlvxlu a ill mr mini krull i ilia ror hrl j i a cciiiu rr una for caeli mliae- ijtlaul ii eertlnii c mract tlsilay ajvertli blent i fimarllau for raiding tuallor jj ooul par luili mo1i ii a uatuuiiibiili will nil aiwulflo tllntotloua will be iiikiu1 till tarllt till chats1 aeearj icflly trsusluut advertlsaiuatita iuuii l 1 mwum aiivailliduiaali will oe cliaujjgj him boulu it ilealiwl vat el al ha ofuner than alto liiiiluul ilia eilr eaiupoaltlen uiuaa b vb for el rnulr itu ahaaeouutseduaoie1riitiuthlr ii i uooit lmitor mil proprietor tdusiiusb otrfdurrit rplios ghay m d c u mcgill iuo i enthmciuiu i ilc all quuiw uiuublmmiuuucuiil associsnaw gvo ottoa vnamub klree setou oiil osttoi itiiy du vuuonq aidi utlov 0thot athio i urniciaw ofaulltilrt lllttbdousu hi obi lluum lo yuseleje tuj yrulbst the uouiiuloo lluliil aelou vlrlmnary john lawitvj vitkwaui huitaicuv aetcu ouuilo oiduiurtfoot rla alerlouv colled liml oalmailtiuib 1 1 look umlieaet kill 411 ujie day or clfllit rotmily etumlj to a j loouwnon souths irmcrros cauvmrawnm ovwcyujl fitraea id 1 arrniaa uleem wu 4 slalhsn lutiluur hollollor and hilary publl ouhkoluiluui illaeb pouala u- ou40j momyto loan bilaue ia ip4lal atuu dil j u dbll uuolub aovui i lion ho uw hm tt rmlusm coniwf uui sji4 uua alwu uoo qbucoitw ur tobonvo uuivmauiyv vb ult ftbsmlbl n j u awmi d vtmcmllamxo tw rjluabiaio nuwah u00iu1udhb immuii nalis a ail hliufa uaj u o4 ml ajiuiaow liokhhef u r uooftm utjdm 6t uxbuuoal lutfuaha vvaidatma lu hi vuua hm ip- o0m aovotj k llflhuimr atkrflttmhbb or thu nauodu of wallloauii ilaknu l4l kuj ouiurlii ftujlbcaltyof ouji0i u4u ftouduauj wltb talkfaailua ad ubca raatfuabu imuu uaiuvabyuluftaulraamf 0 ov ctjm vuh wbmuftfuuimdiuiiduititiii uuhftu4tijvr- dalexnivkn burveya buimiiviuioiih plain re- ciru dctcrlptlniib hmepritui tc artlflcalei or iurcliawrv and moit saye burveyufor archiluctu hull- am aad municipal council drain d keiktrtit itimatea etc mkhohanta bank bldo auhlfli iphoa tom ony bouk bind tch uubst rtub oulboitt lldtika ud if miilum bouud in lludauto4 uuuuuual covm uiuu ltuj ih htlj ou iliblm hymn dooha ftktd otbar llwika alli woke fuoultlv uxkouymd the old and reliable granite add marble dealers whut uannraaluhra ftud dlrmi itupaaum uf klndaof klonuuimiui and llaailalotx uk wdwtldlraolutouirotiitouiahttwiiala ut vu ibtu mltui nar eiitotnra o mi cltl w bawa im tvlal ppllua um tba daly wflhmojtt la imralnloki who ftau t u oailuftu m talmtly- w ub lfa faiatiaih fr- 1 wlbt to rtuff u ftolu lu wrd k lbuaal ftud uat atoaal of omulta ifl tba tstmlnlon w un llian byumdurtlo ih w-at- wm lalluiml dmjam ud ms fr auh- nllor wmlianlm only uia dafy ojtuuchj hamilton sons hot htxmk udwaoiwuuiihuuutllpil savage iy co hdubllhiidd iu4u jiwi li tk gull pll the old and rclinble walchbibhcira and jeweller jjortfi savage co cuelph on what piano shall i buy tlio ilhllcnmea as the real roltitlon to tills important prob- lom 1 iia i cat picakutfl and vdu- cntlnn ih lliuliome tlio tlioutandarf lloll owners tliroughoul canada aro tlio moat vnllijulftullc support eru of tlio hell tona producing quallllca ilodorkjtijaha it itsa hum mm only by c w kelly cfc son 33 lower wyndhum st ouelfh ont af miluoan has a well equipped meat iliap at tha comer of ulll and voung utdmtu acwu th ucoad brick i bullillnp rora tlig t u croio i andwlltsupplyail ihiidaflivkkat and cuuid uuth at b t quality at raaaaak4 price ileal delivered to all custu trier eromptly kjrstclaa rfrlgrator hop op4ii evary svaolnv fareiora trada wpicially solicit 6 hlslimt cailt price paid for efcca and poultry fc r miluoan hwmtihhorjrjurmciuadnnawmmub excelsior bakery a qdrt sttthftm m ths bakery buajaeaa of t qlntbani ft 800 a acton which luu ben conducted for tha put thirty yean tu ba purchosod by georg4 btaluam and will be conducted in the tamo flntcua manner u in the iot all binds of bread cubea fotry wl dlubcaleaaml clirul rial cake will bs sup piled to the utlafoctlon ofallcualoment oko statham i aatoa oalatu 1 uobdarjddaaarjdii fall winter stock op boots and shoes now complete heavy lines lijih linen working bonis sunday shoes goodu 10 suit all customers of best makes and latent stolen we bnck the rooih we olyer and make our prices satisfac tory we have rubberi rub ber heels slippers and pumps our repairing is carefully and promptly done call kenney bros mate st acton just iifciivi imiist btock meccano model builders tor nun price per not from trt up tlio finest preinint for n boj yet invonttd ilridk lliilminkn i towurn and manj ottmr formu made front lliu pkcen of the tut write for meccano itiforniiilioii the bond hardware co llmltad phon io i 3 tntwlva qu8lpii d d cool summer desserts tills iu tha lime of year wlion it la hard to know what to buy for a dctaort nt meal limo why not have something cooling in tlio way at icu crvani we will deliver any quati tlty from s cent up our candy department always ha a full una of chocolates rum go cent to 60 cents a pound lo bulb and in pacbaya from 33 cents to 9 a each don t for net our ice cream parlor we tnabo a now dltb every baturday our new duli for next fialur day la a mary plcbford diurt come in and try 0110 and also enjoy some mualc from oumew ora fonolo ha told wiles mill mtwwr ac0 the need of hiatus will haunt you until you got thsijla4you nel uvea examined oubee demiaued tnotfe fittest and adjusted everything right our guarantee a d savage onomeysisy mfc ophcian a successful business career successful business ufl reaotnlis tha fotufautioa el utahtareerths mttyfoauuocl of the thrift habit ttu mc- cutnuutloa of m eobipetetus should be cotumetued durbim beybood tlteje is uttto diffi culty la uataldlfljf tb sfforl tlit bebuilnt haa beeei mide lasuoie iuuti id uf is not sttdlned bowoe iwul sound depository u ifottod ids ones iwoaey u lite bank of nova scotia patom castal umusm blumcbss ay uuum ul 8hlaal the wayside cross in a renent uua of punch there wun striblnif cartoon tlio two ideau to llta hfiht in the lonely fhjuro with iwued hoail on the eroa aiwl u ths left the kal vcv in nil tl a trapping and pomp of tear lnoblnir with averteil nei turiiiuij uwsy hir owen heanmii mlltor of punch wrote llies linen to somtiuuiiy the cartoon t nour with the full yeur memory hold her trynt heavy with uch a lata of i41uv lou amiovnr f aril hsuffrdiinoeticiirlt ilurik for us on the cro iftjod o kufwr uube the vuion dalti live yon on some lonely calvary to mm the man of horrown who endured tlio tuln ami dleil to set us free how will you jar uneath lu crown jif thoni 11 la fluure stark against tlio smobiup able the nrn a ouutrelcluu tha uicreil head forlorn and ihoaa repmaohlul eyea huw dare 00 n front tits falae qua at witlttlw truat or think what irulfii lflween lu ideala lie ofhiirt win died that man wight live and you wlu live tliat nun may die t ah turu your eyaa away 1 ifa rad your heart 1 pain on and liavlu done your work sb- iumrrl join hands with judaa in his plaoa apart vou who batreytd your lord tttucl jfnntllu sttitmng whln lire hlabe afu a busy day a work took her tat in th doolor a tnotor car for a utile hie with hia alia called to hr daughter who sat on ute poh chattluo wilii acute young frianda 1 llolly dear bo and put tba kettle on and have suppr rady by the unit w 1 ii go in v uilnuta uvothar 1 hava a food tlua aaiiud the girl swauy bliell orut all shout it as soon as we are out 0 eight prophatlid ir dlake let ua hop not reenarbed mre dials now i eioan to enjoy tuy rbla for i hava baan buty ouough for two wouwn today they waregoae more thaa an hour and rtirud to bear a ureaa followj hy a graat seraeabllno on the porcli as they paid tiirough tha galea ifro niabekawtwotrlaruahlbgthrouaj the side fnoeand another skipping haatily over the lawn fibs alujt td with a rqu to the doctor to wait pkalng through to thedlfiiig roofu she found all was dark end the table not sat in the kltebad stood hr daughter with ooafueaj uauuar jiut fill lag the us keula i eaa so sorry tuotw i fiwgat all about it fapoiogued llolly lo a bilautf tiuaami lo on boar or vny old time with joj llolly doee lb not t ifowaver pau uusl sot be the aanwor l so i will go down to the tee roou wltb him for our supfwr while you prepare a ul for bob and youtvalf hutreju will be in woa flood bye l said her uother caluly when hie wife quutly reuued bar seat lo the oar with a word of enplanatlea dr dlake frowned he would like to have eooljaj but that was sgelnae his wlfaa f of dolao thloge during the neit hour llolly ulake was both peuludt and loaeeflmei uobe trale was ute and when be and bis alater sat down to their quiet ueal the latter was farted to espuia the situation to hm teas- ingbnitber yoo will tnlaa eotnatlilag good young buly o u of theae hue ilays by your bahlt of irooraaubatiod ivrhspe wbea lb hits you gooj and hard you will rvfofta wblu llolly wanted hie speech eh wan to uerii the trutli of iter brothers pro phecy otve day she sod her oousln usxel stone rveeived letlere front their aunt bjerths heeeway asking tbew to aoooot pany her for the uumuer on iter usual euro pean trip with the undertending that all their expense should be paid lslma know atosoe ubthy you can accept toy lavlutlon wrote auutuartha as i shall secure your passage without dele 1 am rather fjsay about uy ae ooniinodatlune on board slilpi for i am not a good sailor and really should have uad my resarvallufu earlier how lovely i eiclaltted the glrla en raptured at the proapect of seeing foreign oauntrie together i shall go home sb onoe cried haul rhdigi end if mother agreee i shall a rite to aunt uartba today and aooept her treat lb is certainly mtgbty aloe of aunt usrtha 1 declared llolly for the third time as alia aald good bye to her oousln dont put off writing if unci and sunt oonsent celled haul front the gate ob my 110 t heartily coaaurred llolly that evening the matter was thoroughly dlmtisaed in ths blake family the opinion was unanimous that lira beaaway was offering tha girls a most generous op portunlty for improvement and pleeaur i shall write the first thing in ths morning then h decided llolly gleefully i will tell auntie that i em uokled to death to go with hervnd that she is a big dear to aak us now llolly i advise you to writ that letter immediately aald lira niake oh i i mean to dearest in a minute replied bee daughter in el happy voir as dob arose he gave his slater a mean i rig glance fihe returned it defiantly and rushed to answer the impatient tele phone what la that t splendid i the eight- thirty train f why it i nearly that now hlaglee or double t all right hi rush my thing oa andselmmypureeandraaket and meet you ab the corner flood bye down went the receiver mother i am going down by train to the country club to play tannle will clara clarlihon and some college fellows vlnltlug her very well dear replied mr blake with 1 ire moil i lory vision when molly returned at lunoh time eh found her mother oul tha meld who had heen iii wax sushi at her pout so after her hunur was append llolly decided lo arrange for a pic nlo supper in the viooda tliushe enacted with little trouble ami tho maid willingly aaalated in packing a basket of good thing the suoceaelv days glided by no refcranos whs made to aunt marthas letter kven cousin haul was not there to talk aliout it for she hail gone away alniost fnt mediately oil a promised visit oneovening on her return haul rang up ur wakes house to say that she was terrlhly sorry to learn that molly has not able to join aunt martha a party what do you mean veiled dr utke sharply ha explained that on her return home a utter from mr ilessway awaited liar krom its contents h inferred that llolly hail altlier declioed the invitation or had neglected to acknowledge her utter asaage had been engaged tliarsfore for two only and lie u re in sail ute nest week dr dluke dropped to receiver with a savag thud what u the matt ir ulher t baisai molly ills ominous ciprwion msde lir suildenly anxloua 1 ii loll you in a minute replied the murud doctor mary he turneil to his wife tliat chlhl of oura has lost a great opportunity i y her lial it of proc oh father i you dont mean that wonderful trip with aunt martha fwsiud molly why i forgot all about writing to iter though i was wild with delight logo a flood of tear followed it never will do to re open lite matter with that lialf uter of mine i know iter 100 wall returned iter lathar with a ton of 1 nail ty are you sura fathrt not if 1 am ooitrite and epologetlol pleaded th rdioortofu girl molly warned tir mother aunt martha e very punetuous la oil matter of courtly you ware duly sduoauhed to writ loiter without delay ae you eho to disregard ad v lea i think you wut bear tlka penalty it did not add to the girls tranquility of mlrtd uat tltea to hear her brother call over the baluur 1 i say molly is a minute are tboa glove rady tliat you promised mo ly dukee pualaliuut wattelf nolo ted and ooaseq neatly salutary through iks long mouths that fallowed haitis glowing uture kept afrh la her wind the pleasure of which she deprived baajf the enwt was like a word th wu ad am bxaupls of village ikpflove- hesrr the dcrlpuon of th wok of th labial hi hoouty earrud out la the small rural town of btockuuge ua u tl a provlue a obuct liua of toag oonlinnil paueut and ehaatlve effort whleh an american writer sajs i without sn equal la village taprovesaeat wk ottoe a drab uulauraatlog litui town with uo sidawalka uugrud streeu way side damps a prominent eejury with a brokendown boundary feae ajw uaol tractive homaa it u now on ol th nuwa beautllul towna in nw kaguiui a well made hede eunouade th oecnetsry tr- bev beeu plaaled la th grounda and walks aud driveeoaauuetj so that new thu burial plao i a garden a pleaaattt and auraeilv puo aa eeamb to the towu throughout th town all etr is are well uadev and th male street with its greasy bonier its puaunt walks aad lu magalnoeut ovarehlug slus u one of th moat beautiful la new enguad th church gtwon oac a barren uveb l punted uaufiilly with tree enough to glv it a park like aspset the old town hall near by one m rather shabby build ing has bean transformed into a pleasant colonial structure dignified aad beautiful th railway sutlm formerly aa ugly wooden building with lu aooompanylaa coal and frjght shed has bou hplaoed by an auretlv4toaa station tha railroad company bearing half ut evpaa ol its conetruatloh and the village improiemeat soolaty ralalng th remainder ths und around the statlou even ih th days ol tba wooden edifice was trasafonaed under th tiharge ol the society into a park giving a pleasant welcome to strangers slighting from trains so that their 6it impremlou was a vision of beauty her aad the through th town at tba lntereetioa el roads ore small parks each with a foua tain or a monument a tasteful design at one end of tba village street th unlqu hittory of th town its reutloo to th btookbrldg induns u memorlallied by an appropriate shaft of natural granite lirought from th nearby lillu and mark ing a mound where the indians burled their deed uanyotber adornments might be mentioned as now attracting th attea tloa of a visitor and impreealng upon hint the beauty and interne of th village equal to a young student at oolug in want of 21 wrote to his uncle as follows 1 dear uaol if vou oeuld ae bow i blush for shama while i am writing you would pity ma do you know why i be cause ihavo to ask you for a few dolur and donotbnow bowtnbhpreauyef it u imtoeslhu for me to tell you i prefer to dla i send you this by bsemengar who will wait for an answer believe tue my dear uuole your most obedient and often tionat nejihew p b overcome with shams for what i have written i have been running after thajneamttgerln order to take the utter from bint but i aannot oatob him heaven grant that something may happen to stop him or that thu bitter biayg lost u the unci was naturally touched but was equal to the emergency he replied ns follows 1 my dear jack console youreelf awl blusb no more ivovidence ban ltearl your prayers th messenger lost your utter your affectionate uncle labor watf the daibook ttio publlo opinion that proteeu agalnnt the speouole of a drunken soldier prate t a alo and with equal emphstu agalnkt die etectacu of a drunken civilian thatoronlohoullieepera aiwoclallonon krlday declared ui rough tltelr president w do not want to doany thing thab woul 1 conflict with public opinion on the suhject we have an impression that the public do not want lo see any drunken seldlerv and in consequence the hotel keeper do not wish to tell t soldier aud why not to soldier it is supposed that the public object to a drunken soldier i ut are indifferent to ths sight of a drunk en civilian t is th crime of drunhennea any leas or i thadlsgraoeof it any las or the treason of it any ua wln the dreas of tit drunken man la the uniform of labor rather than lli uniform of war is the treason against tlio king any leas heinous wlten the drunkard i a repre senutlve of those ly whose ubor and service tit king and all his soldier and sailor are clothed and fed sad armed for uart has not this lurn war taught u that it is not th clothes but th man that mature not the office but humanity tliat la honored or dishonored t what shallow trifling with the infinite realities wlten men prelsod to care much that a drunken sol dler shall not umh but car not at all that every night out of every barroom in the city drunken creature are turned wearing hie uniform of a men there i on way by which drunken soldier may it kept off the streets it was tried this eummer st niagara thous end of sol iter hav been in camp there nearly all summer never in all canada was there a camp so ordariy so entirely satisfactory in drill ami discipline so near ly rfcb in the behayle of every man of everv regiment and whyf the town aad all the dutrlet was mail a prohlhlud area by the license oontmlaalon ttta ae that shacked and dlgutuj toronto early this year awl against which oeoeral lmnl wateud no si rone ly to the civil authorllua drunkeonemand immorality war wholly and sbaoluuly unknown at niagara never in all its history was the town so entirely void of eftanoa nv was s military camp so greatly a uradlb to hsohoar nothing ever gav cunaduna surer hen in encouraging their me to enlul hundred and hundmd in that camp hav ueom converts to total prohl hi tloa th country has another illustration at kingston there all harrontaa ami liquor wlllag place are closed at t ocleob evry evening a at niagara th military aulhoritleaof toarrleflskl cawp made th request and tha lloeiui commlsien gvanud ii what sltout toronto t are we to hav erspetltiom of last seasons diagreee t al ready the military authorities havespoben fa this loyal city loyal only in the uear thla and disloyal in thing that are supreme t having had eperienc of oph barrooms in thu city last wlnur and of closd barrooms at niagara all summer or soldier end civilians to u oempelud lo submit to the duguatlug and dangerous worst whan th approved and twted best i just as easily possible the beat would be abaeluu and total ivohlhltion for evvrybody in every bar room liquor store cluli and iuss from the day the soldur return to camp in toronto until after tho war la over the commission bar authority with tit oov erumaols approval so to order why not do it t why not do it now t if not that thou why uotatuaetdowhat has ba dona at klugaton prohibit all llquorsalllug or servlug to anybody soldier or civilian ajtir 7 oclock t uuiwly tha commlaaloh will go that far t they would do it tomorrow if if what t in the nam el th lveedom of which canadl ana boast anil for which our soldier go to the battu fronts to die what are a few doaen liquor eellere wlten com pared with tea thouaand aoldler aud a city of a half million t let the commulod and th government fee ut cholo chaos you thu day whom you will wrt the ololta aide with the soldier in ob jecting loth bumllutloo of the indian lu boldur and civilian skoutl have equal rlghu before the uw aud ute public opinion prouauajrejiuttb eight of a drunken soldier protests with equal em pfcasl against th light of a drunken civilian mob both unuwfnl thai s labor days joint word with military jley tor ontooloba a bsd ca c question i wluu u the ktud cross society t answer 1 it u an inuratlional boclety wliloh help th medical departments ol each army and navy to look after ute sick and wounded and prisoners of war if how dotm ut bed cross society help the sick ami wounded men t ana t hy providing ut army medical department with additional hospital store of all kind from ambulance to drug and bandages 1 by sending out eictr nurses orderlies ami volunteer assistants 1 by equipping wholly or in part beepluls hospital ship and trains iii why dees not ths oovernment do all thu work f ana t because n common with all other oivuiun nations the empire reong- nlueut value af voiunury effort for tha care of the wounded as permitted by the international convenuon of geneva 1m4 iv why should i glv my money to th bed cross boeuty am 1 beoaus if istay at home loan help the men whs fight through th society when they need help most v what will happen if everybody in gonad subscribe geuarously lo ths bed croest unneceeeary tmcbring will he saved by a sufficient supply of all boeplul stores and drug 1 men will be returned to th ranks instead of being invalided and other who might never have seen bom again will be returned toth arms ol their families uw knows nuvrttim willi paw wkesi does a man wear a grave eipreealtm r pew when be u anting aaa pallbearer my aoe twent yea ago prom oup issuo of tho froo presti or thursday dot 31st 1806 a dwelling u ulng built at tit vint brook kuh hatchery for ut company mr tho prout of rllrt lius purchased four lota on boeno street in dlokson jurvey and is building u dwelling uiere on into which be will mot upon its u m pletlan dr k cadleuv of new york gv a lecture in th methoillut bctiool koom on alooliol re medicine illustrated will interesting and eonvlnclngchemloalsv perl menta mr and mr t t moore entertained ute me miter of the w m ti arulauumlier of other friends last prltlay evening about fifty partook of a sumptuous ua luv mr hawaii conducted a programme during which mr kaston presided than b ing mr and mr moore for their li minis headings werorjlven by mr norrlah and mri james itrown and addresses by rev w bryeraand mr if p moore there was also murio and general social oonver satlon luv dr lafdlaw pastor of ut pauls presbyterian church ifamilton and well known in the pulpit of knov cliuroh her died at the home of mr a mocolt broth er in uw near georgetown last week he was writ in ksqusslng in 1040 and had beet a pupil of robert ltttu at on time masur of acton behool and uur county inspector mr lalduw com pi at ad hie mstricuullon under mr llttua training he waa groomsman at ut wed ding of mr liltu and also at that of his cousin mr d hsmrereon m p the remains war conveyed to hamilton to fit- pauls church whence after a few hour uty were conveyed by specul train to oaorgslown for interment aoooompanled by several hundred tnerabere of hu con gregatlon mr henderson mr purvis dr flllott and mr j lb kennedy at tended from acton meear henutreet of milton have dls solved partnership and mr q a hem street has opened a new store mr it l llemstreet continuing in ut old stand mr hugh lioldughllu new bam was raised last week donald motlmwor and henry fitepheoaon war captelna tit formers side wiw joseph rarr of crewaon corner bad but ug broken near ute anku but week by a sqoar stick of timber slipping and fell- fug on it- mr e p dunn who has been for ovar a year manager of th actou tanning co has severed his connection with ths arte aud returned to ths home tannery at 8un bridge quebec hu brother mr james o dunn hssbeen secured to fill the vao aooy boati wtlxlsua in acloo on octow cfitb to mr and mr councillor joka willlami a son clabk in acton on ootoba 2oui to mr and mrs o a clark aeon illxd flimwh in prln township on october 25th msik hutton in hi boui year behimiscehces or actohv h jauta wabbkw wautaatou foluwlng along mala fitrattharwasln old time a bueksmith shop owned by e chapmaf who lroad many a waggon aad shod many a team of hoiwa neut to this waa a urge square two story stone bouse with a roof ilk a chlaa pagoda which was built hy mr malcolm kennedy who oa aoeoubt ol his portly dgur was known as big unci this house has been reconstructed but u eull tuadlag near ihle wa houe built by john holt who alao had e woolun factory nearly opposite the old achool house sjready nferrod ta this was operated for a long urn by mr molt who carried on ut bo-jo- as was advertised on a sign board wool card lug cloth drawing thu building has long ago disappeared and near iu sit i ut raauno built by lbs uu fuobard hamilton nearly forty yr ago after erosslnir ths creek w would com to a urn log building occupied ua tavern boteu war not in vogu then thi bouse had on of th urge fir places in which many a cord of good wood we burn ad it nude a weuom bias for th cold and drouthy traveller to warm himself by on or near thu all thai was after- wards a etott bouse bullb by mr auy grsat which owing to oawtajn advr clrcumauftcflj b had to leave at th rear of utambulidlsg uttowtha realdenos of ureas bmllb which we lullt by mr sidney smith a very aoooeaeful turn be dealer for many year in acton otoe to title residence u ut publu school on of the beet equipped school la th county th but place w will node on thu street la ut boms of mr jama uamerob who houe was acroes ota ittu creek running into the pond thu waa ft log bouse bub neat la vty respect mr cameron family was al ways well es la th community there or nans of them about acton now all having died or rioved away tha only part left now u to go along ulll filreet easterly from main street going aloag on ut south eld of th street wacoma to a house at 00a dm occupied by one moruy a neat and dainty taller who afur a wblu uft ut village th house was then occupied by dr mcoarvio who for many year was a well known figure lu acton in ibm or 57 ha built a small shop used and occupied as a drug stor thu bouse u ptruouurly noted as it was bullb of a oooeret brlok mod of common llm and sand preesed in m email machine operated by on man why or there no more bricks of thu kind uadet they cer talnly will stand a thu building has stood over oo years and la good yet tb bouse further on are i comparatively recent dae tn bulwiug occupied by ut old poet office owned by mr matthew was among them uttui ut new and iteaauful loet offioe wai erected aurpseslng them alb the neat aud substantial ifmas psutm building la worthy of notice as ut pro prietor mr ii 1 moore bu mad fau mark id th social and moral community the wriur would also notlosth bev drt alheti moore on of the early editors of tb iku viiam who bu no only been a leading light in ute methodist church bub baaauo been booored by theoovernmeutof our country in hu being sent on a ytty omplleated mission to ut west in order ta settle some induu trouble cdttllmtud ovri wm bound fatuebs grip when fauier come from some long rl we chlcba all kneel around his urlp and try to keen our isoe straight and not look tickled while- uswalt till he has hugged our mother uht and kissed her twice with all hi might we re glad to ae him loo but then first tiling whon he tot dome again tfrom some great long and busy trip we want to see white in hla grip i then fattier kneel among ua there and dig a key ring from someuhere and looks as if ha bed forgot ta bringu uilugs we know hes not l ws gather close while he unlock tli grip then each one gets a boa or parcel tied up with aatrlng or some such gilty loobii g thing that aaouy right we squeal t oh dailt the nicest uilno we r ever bad 1 its not just what we get you see tliat make u glad vor it might be if k auisr came home once viuiout tit gifts for ua wed give a shout and hug him hard hut oh it great tliat when hes in earns other slat way off from home ha uiluks of ua vrettt ten year dlanclie to oneyear flu so when ties come home from his trip we kneel and giggle round hla grip ladle home journal drilliahto ot thoubh my prottree b but slow and fallur oft obscur tb puur i loo victorious nt last html i reach the loused to light i know vloretic kurt coat i ii mortis or meeker than tbey were llu nuts aro getting brown i be lurry m hock i plumper 1 ho rosu is out of towu ruilly dickinson hbow it now l iko liiortu luippy rosas grow f t lint frloudu uruutid you know lliif loi ou haro lefor tbey go- buow it now charls m skltm he noble that u mora thatt wusltb do right- that u uor thaa ptac oeorga maodouaul twmk mobbor stotheb such a lovely day t said iter moutea- brighuy i half envied you children your walk to school nobody replied yailtsr was worried ovr a business matter vd falud in hu geometry that morning and louise had come very near a quarrel with her partieu- ur friend 80 no one seemed loclmed to agree with mother sstluau 0 ut weaxh er then the llul woman told how good th baby had iweo that morning tb baby was a topic which uiually aroused th family to enthusiasm but on this occasion itfalud frwj asked hi mother to paa ut bread and louu ptltionad for her ilaaeert as she was in a hurry then mother who waa making only a pretense of eating bur own meal told of a utter diet she bad received from auab mary that morning and reooueud on item after another in hsratou entertaining manner it was during a recital whleh s- to bar of especial inureet thai louie asked to be excused aad srj interrupted her to inquire if eh hail thought to saw th button oa hla glove mother smilingly eicuaej her daughter aad aautd her ion that lb would make tb matter of glovebutton first in ut order of the afternoon business abj then eh quit forgot to tlauh bar dlaner when they bod gone sgiln th buabanj to hi work aad th children to school eh eat down ami crud to be cheerful for a wbou family u no slight responsibility and 00 who bears such ft burden aloa must aeeds glv way tome time dear young people with your abundant enthusiasm and vivacity sitd good cheer why do you so often keep your despondeut silent moods for utos you lov best and taavu 011 mother shoulder ui euure reepotulhllity fur bublug tits home life clteerful end luippy habd luolc he was a canaillsn and its wore a corporal stripe there its sat snugly it a sheltered part of hla trench in th ulll corner of belgium ami played poker with a quartette of hu comrade luok was gainst him lis had lost about every- uilnghu had to lose when at th vtttf height ol the game just after ut dealer luul don hla best and worst a shell cam through tli roof ol the shelter psseed between ut oatuulutis long lean leg luckily without hitting him and buried itself luumleeaty in tho soft earth tba other of ute party leapt up in not luev- cuaabu hasu and fled from tit puoa but ut canadian did not move the duturbanos brought tit company oommanderoii thorns whats up t ba eey well air aeys tits canadian that there sliell droit in on ua and when ik dont explode at one i judge lb u pretty safe not to go off at sll so i lust set where i am tb curst luok of it u thai re been puyln away here all morning drdwln rotten carda anil insln my shirt and iter just as i holda tits first four of a klndthata gladdened my two eyes sine hector wo a pup ami king at that air at that identical moment titer comes utu piahn herman turnip and tba other fellows beau 1l a foe to asthmaglv asthma ball a chance ami it gains ground rapidly bub glv lb repeated treatment of dr j ix kellogg aathmaluuedy and it will fall back even fasur thar is no half way measure about this remedy it goes right to work and drives asthma oul ibrob tb inmost breathing passages leave no plae for th trouble to lurk hav lb by you for ready us vor year mother grave worm eaten- net or has ranked aa th most effecuv preparation manufactured and it always maintain iu reputation

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