Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1915, p. 2

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mi mm i ay 41 i whaiiii 1rlln mill lohu mill n i ocu 11th in mr iiml mix mirtaiii in 1 oiiouliiir oi oololwr lo mi iiml mm a tlkitultttir miirwint maltlliled uukinuav hrutuniw in loronto on halurdu ofllnlwr ullh ly uahhl mouorltv willi un hiljmu nf loron to in iiti it tn- 1 humidor of imuih hurcitmwi alio i lxixov autrr at thohnmu of the hrldoa paroitl illli lino i rlu mi wwliiftul octolwr tub h i hard ieavoy of cotiimtiurh in martfawt tnan aidant daughter of ur mill mr lohit akitt humi miluv- o i wfmlnmuy ootnlier nth tttoirlalsthiirelicalhedral ham llton by it a lord hiahop of nlauar mr msdalahw imltwm fclduan dauuhler of tho ism mr william ivuiuott ofloryun to th llei charka honiar i- uako hmlth rector nf at alhant church acton sou of mr mill mr- william hmltli or mount toro1 died u attllunin torn on monday octnwr 4th john mallund formerly of nlcho1 luhlaturd mr wiixuivrr lil mil ton on thursday oct uut lolfl iuw itoliti c ylmtnolt m a inhlahutjaar ckwtku in hrampton on saturday ifuh oetehar almar l margin wlf of uuk oitiuf fid 80ax lmi at london on wadiiaaday oct 30 flba a alualar wlf of il clunn ludy of tha dominion hank toronto flunmt- at her horn 1 tuuly htret toronto on thnrday jlat ootolwr un tllen urlaltb in ur tutli r ik muoniau uiccotuironaik in loiiiur memory of our dear mother uary uacoriuodal who departed tbla life t king man en ootour mil 10u on vmt lu pmi lnce that uil day wban on w loved waa ealtad away t god took bar hcwa i tt wo hie will uut in oar beart ah lives stilt hthhaxu ahkauuy ht retort 3frcc jricss thuusda onronrn 2fl ioi8 ed1t0bialm0te3 tub law report frocn tlie eiistata iv pariuatitof canada iutu that canada casio trtd baa luruutl 10000 000 in lb u sis months tli total lrj for tu mioj w sjuo a 2000a i as has bekv puovev tlk8 uppljllltf of fcuoaa drink to ilntlali wuitrri tnakw ibatd lui fit atwl ffiount tat tka mtpou jbu uul ucrod duty tliay an now calul vpfia to pwfana atul if th making of imtui uuuh bu fit ami tftkuttt ia nay giving aid to oanuau billluna and our omntryt crual foa ami if blplntf oar owuto foea and lb tyranny of wlutaiutt a tnacon u t brituli ewplra vbafe nab cugbt to t qivso to anyoua wbo bu any iart cltbsr individually or wllb olbarr by aotloa a inutloa or by bu bluwm or in any way la uva aupply idff cl urontf drink to aoldura woar ttie measure op gbbmaws spccess story of tha war durinv th451 day oriu ptott6m to date is urbfi 0ivem in a mlrr shell tb neoubtletf of tb toauur of 0r- uuyi hm in bar varloua ffrta dorian lb progmu of tb war tba put isl ayaalath fauful auruab 4th 1014 way v aatttnarti u followa 0ntaey raid unoa hrli cbaebed 0raaay two daaba upoa calala 6boll otraaay flrat invaaloa of uola cbtd wuaaya ioad lavaalm of ytqtau v garmaay atlawpt by faat ertiuara to dtray brltub ewauafo ebaoked grhaby atuwpti to war away tla bhuuh ltdrlal navy by aubuatlna war far tbtckad oamaayv atumpt to prvatit brituh aadumual uarebabt ablpa dolajk bail- tm u umai wltb ut driub lalaa bbaobad gcrataayvi attawpud dlaruptloa of ftoutb afrua by blllaa ebkj omvntfi atuwpt by a holy war to array tb uobauwadau rniiia la tb afrkan aad aalatk dapaadaaoua of lbs allua b6kfcj curmaaytf tdtklab oaupaw raid upoa yyrj via tba sou caaal obaekad nwnuay atuttilv taxuaa oa both tb kaaura aod wamura batuafroata bwk- j and traiteforuad into a dalanu oanttasy baa lat bw offmalva aad daa pit fitful apluttarlnft now aud ajjalo b bu lose it fdfw mabsaoaweya ur jamw had of knatdibull kawa gawaya baa told bu farm to ur brldga taaa of lovllu for a pod flgur jifaawlcin inlii q1ir brat of uaroh uaxl ur llad will bold m ouarluk aaotloo i ofatoek aad lunlauau u a tuoutb or to uuu rlliitf uplarmlng oatlaylutwaak wbll jaual wiuoh yotta4 aw of r w wllion of edaa uuu waa working with a olrcuur aaw oa as aefju b bad tba uufohuna to bav hi lodax flflgar takaa off by oomlwc l omuetwitb tba aaw ii will b laid up for aou utta tli ball talapbooa hava uada aota wora ttxtanalomi to tbalr nival unaa ib naa4awaya lataly and quite a nuubar of cawa bava now got taliboa oobbm uob ur t elbarwood bad a vary auooaaafu attouoaaalauactuaaday of atook aud lu hti good rloa war raallud ur klgbuutfabi of kaatdibull liaa bottgbb tba pvcpaciy of t lubibtrt in atuaubbull known a tba bltinao jikj- laatty u ur 1 1 xvaoa apanb a faw daya in tumktford but waak ur and mra w oowdy dougua ad ur o e avitklbfibormi wmotad to toroa- toettttabudayt ut il vouibty pb tba waakaad wltbgualpb fruoda w ara tdaaaad to baar tba ur dougbty wbo baa baart aaftwittff from urnon id bar faat la la- rinwiaa ur o e tvdklbftboirm waa at tba eon vaauon at ulltott on umday aud took part to tb dlaottaalon wbatt u waa daeldad toaawlatba cknada tauptrabo aei in dalbm hal aura tbat umabooa and malty will iou a bl vou in favor of k tka uoatuad uqtuw fcuot aod wbllrai6wul the councils 18th pinakck report comprohonblvo bovlow by dr ault modloul oitloor or health many wuls abe c can hull nidi on moudny ovenu mcii tru irwul llwitn llymu in tlm rlmiriiii i cmnicijwa molvxmld haii null hmilh llioi llit eonlli roimrt if tlm commit leu on huuioo nxomiiioudod utmiil nf tlio following nccnunu i ilkniuu- ii hioioy labor 9 j to uw itlirlilfl ulwir m ion houuill tin 1 w uin ititcliln ilo m u anion in inlutico tllo in in iumfi4 hy limit au pllim itr v it ault onium 1 hi 1 00 lo muiinluil world hii ppllda 11 iim hytiiu wlootinu ju a j mnrkiinion lo ors i m 1 iui lalnillnrttiy do i m 1 1 oo i iictuk li at rorritntt v iro c aumtwea 8 m m tail hon lice t nuipllm 101 m n i mwiro fri oic oo lhamurtniu mtra co uupilieti ii v floral 1 nulinmrinjl cifnn illo 4 fi tamea hjmon biivi11m i m unim lunlon aumilioa 1 10 ilea atiilcrwn ulwr 1 iw llro 1 momat uur 7fl il blny ulwr 1 30 y170m lr e o ault mwlloul omoar of haaltli prmnlil a compmlwmiu a rrt rivcllii uuilttoa of drinking uater analykil liy ilia provincial analyat 0t of which wr mora or ibt oantamlnatwl wlili 4pc from ca mola privy vaulu and atallaa ivy earth olouta in raoimml d to r lac lb irlvy vault now ynral ly in um it bailiff imtwoulu tliat waur worka will b oonktruoiatl for aod ttto to oflnw tba oflloor aoke atrongly in hu raporl of th lack of quaraiitln of ohildrau aftltct- ad with infoctiouh dluau ioh aa mij tautnpa clieckao poh aiul vanaarutfvr ha advlua wharo nalihar parnu nor physicians haw mii to tlair iuarantin uiat tit toacliara promptly onlar oijli thua aftllclad to aluaut tbniauva from aeliool buch authority ia glvan hy tit ttatuta mora car nnarally in tit ohttrvaao of unitary watura la aiiharud inaamucb a praantoonditioiia ilwiw lftat car ma in koma qurtara a twuim of th work of tl yaar waa glvait in lntrtlntf tarma bbltisif bed ch0s3 nihd the school elatf day heoelij aff- rrcffbted 10800 luovellynda liaa liandad ia tba folbiw lug lut of contributlona to ut nrillah had crete fund i principal hu wart ha la of fugplna by high and 1uulo school pupila on trafaloar day tlm00 a 0 t iiaarduiora 1000 wtd ilawtliorna 1 ofl john ll konnady 800 df j ll 1u1i so0 d handtraon u p a oo iao ilymla ac ion frlk piitfw o0fl h00 14100 tbia amount and any furthar aubaorip- tlana will lia forwardud to hon t uogarry traasurar of th drill ah had croaa fund by raav hynda an inrahous ub wi probably clreulatott by oemuui syapathlitart to atop tha khlttlntffof soldier rumor bava baati aaajduoualy circulated in aoton and ouuaroua otbar polou tbat totaa of tba aooka knltud tor tb aoklura bava baan aold to tbaas altar tbay bava raaobad th fronl tha dowlas bur aay apaawluof of tbla btattar t mua agaea owyn baa iwsalvad a ulur frow ml adaulda a piuwptr boaorary aaeratary of tba canadian bad croaa boolaty which glva abaoluu danlal to tbia alauaianl flb aaya i w oahtad to ou couululonar and be oablaa liafika that tha idaa i simply prapoatarooa tb badoroaaauppllaaaradlatirihutad antlraly through tb boapltau to tba atok and woundad canadian aoldlara and prlaon- an and a w bava any bnawladg of tba promadlaga of tba bad crou soeuty wbat- aoavar wacan antiry daily tbat tbar lia baaa any aai of bad croaa gooda vurtbarauldanoe tbat tbla baa not baan dona la oontalnad in a latter raoalvad but waak by mra il k woodward king btraat eaat fron bar aoa jack who ufe with tba flrat eontltigal ii aay t that fallow you apoka aboub uiut bava bad a draau about paying for a pal of aooka waraoaiva tbaatuffkaat oub by dlnarant aoolauaa and i dottt tblok aayoaa ean uak a lilok about aaytbltig in tbat iloa tbla ahould b aubclaat avulanoa tbat tba gooja ar goloff to tba front aa anpot ad and that tha rumour that tba aoldlara ar mad to pay for thaw la baaalaa ib baa baan auggaatod tbat thaaa rumor diaoradiuhlatn tba had croaa and otbar patfiouo work hav baan elroulatad by thou within tha country who bava baan auployad by tha aaaoiy to atop tba wjwk whkh la balng dona for lha aoldlara if anyona ha tuflnlta knowbvlga that any mix baa avar bought a pair of aooka from tbo had cioaa ba abould at ouoa glva hu information to thoaa in obarga until tluua a that daonlta inforwatloo paopla abould not glva orodanoa to baaalaaa rumor which tend to do a groat dal of harm to a sobbi work phee uhtil 1010 hava you auliaorihad yat for tba youtha companion for 1010 t now la tha tlua to do lb if you ar not already aubaoriltar for you will gat all tha lama for tba ra walutrwaaka of 1015 froa froui tb tlua your aulrlptlon wah p1ul in rcoelred tb fifty two laauaa of i0ih will ba erowdad with good raadlng for youn and old baading that la antertalulng but not wuhy waahy hdlttg that laava you whan you lay down tba papar hattar in formad with kaanar aiplratlotuv with a broadar outlook on ufa tha companion la a good papar toll to if you bava a grow tag family and for ganaral reading aa jualloa brawar onoa aald no olhar la naaaa aary if you wuh to know mora of ibabrllllah hat of oontrlbubora brituh aa wall aa ataetlctn who will wrlta for tba now voltwialn lolfland if you wlah to know aouathlng of th now atorlaa for 1016 lab ua aod you fraa tha voraoaab of 1018 bvary naw aubaotlbar who aaada 225 for iftlfl will raoalva in aildluon to tbla yaar fraa laauaa th compaction homa oalaadarrorlois this yolituacaupanion iloatoo uiw kaw boherlpuoo balvd at tbla oooa haltomcoqhtvsbars must go latftti gathorlrig ct hnlton elootora to deotdo on monday in bepreuentative c0hvkht10n tiumriliitihiiml itnlhi rha nf h nxl ilanuof hhiiod imi- imm in tlm ciunly uiit nl milion ti i mnutlij in miuxidtr llm mlvluil lltty if mil inlltinir ibo cuiimln hrniiioaol to th ihntorah of llm ty with h low tin liwiug u tlm u t iki lined in hi 11 inttntli it injf liiiiirt hit kiuwkilloii wan miu1 aiitixfactorily imw iitilllvn fvery town urtl town ahlp hid n i ruo qui la nf iluhnnu proa out riii rfnvntil all uhurrhra all ultaditof uliiliit thiro wro fiinnnru and luiwlntw mini them uim fatlinm hiwi mothflru tin n wm yoiinu mini whi havo ivri utly imwoino vittru mid am lliiliklnu for iiipium km and of tlm r ujuiinii iiuim of lif that imtv tlieraullh t iqun thru tlio ircpromiitntivsu tvidmilly rami t iho ihntvnnliiiu withiijuxi ntimla prvuirul to undo tquin whatever iumo uuaiurhlly iloojilml aa im ul to ndoi t rlu fj uau no ditiiiwllum mr hohmllaiiti if an elvjrl on ilia jiart of any nf the ituuli rn or of thoui who on guyed in tlm iiimuuiioiiu to finii llulr oplnioiiu uum tlio mosting tliro waa tiki ningla dcoiro loarrito nt tlio lml avaluhlaiudaiia nf rlddlnu nur county an far hm umii1 la frotn iho baneful effu of tlmtrafilo in intoxicating liquor a and ro moving lha uuiiaooary lttin4atiohb from tbo youth an i thoao addlclad to drinking 0 omvj mr c if clavar u a of llurllngtoii tlw ivealdaut for tho county oooji tli alialr ami with bla enperiaaiad jmlgmont coiuluotiul tba prooamlinga in a tiiamver which waa iaoi ludlolona a flr tinging ota aoldlara matching hymn prayer wa oawud by hav ooar v cook ractor of oraoacliureh miltott and uav j c wiuon b a of knox church acton tba prasldant tlion uv a succinct ro port of lha aam which hvl to tli call for tliaoonvoulion ttiadeairia had lu v praafcul on tho part of many ll rougbout tb county tliat alap b taken to proliihlt uia uu of liquor a biaay otlir idaoaa ihrougbout lli dominion ara doing tba evacullva bail mat two wocba itefor ami daoldail to rooommaw to a oonvntlon thn adviaabillty of a campaign for tlm enact bunt of tlio canada touirarano act ami tli prsmtit apliwll 1 gathering waa uta rwult of tli call hav win kotllawll vlald ffacrury of ttbo idominlou alllaac apok and gavo intritlng nformalloo rwectlng tha action of othar oountla throu tb provlno hoalaa ga a raauiua of tlie auondmontaaffloiodln ilia canada turn perano act during racant yoara making it in many robpla auparior lo lccal option bacauaa of uia olroumaiibad aroa of tlm utur ur a t caorhrf of clinton praaldcnl of hfuron county tomparanoa abaaolation fallowod with a comprolianaiv aiul highly intartotlng rport of tli campaign for tlia adoption of tlm canaila taiiijuranoaact in hla oouaty and tlio vary gratifying ruooaaa it haa baan in it oporatlan alnoa ib locarno law ita onforoamant liaa bean moat aftvotivo and in audi onfarootaont tb provlnolal government iiar glvan tha moat aatufaotory aaalbtanoa ur coopar aliow ed how ffmtivo specially waa ui clauao prolilbltlng uk tjifpplnp of liquor into a oonalituanoy wliare tlia canaila tamper anoa aot la in foroa in a oam a faw woaka ago tlia brower war fined for aliipung into an addreaa in huron county tit eitpra ooupany waa flnad for ita traaa aportation tha oartarwa flnad for liauling it to ita dt i nation and ilia iiotalkeapar waa 8nad for having it in bu poaaaaalon tbla la greatly auparlor to local option which oonuina noauoh olauaa ur oooperh addraaa waa moat oonvlno ing uiroughoub and had a taat fund of information which will bo of groat valua to tha worker in tbo campaign in halton looal option waa in foroa in clinton aa wall aa in other munlolpalllla of huron when tb canada tamparanoa act waa daoldad upon but tlia poopl gladly voted for tli aot oovarlng th county to auper oaila local option tha roaulta liava amply proven tha wladou of tlila oourao aftar ur cooper addraaa tlia fallow lug reaolutlon was praaentad and received tba unanimous eiuloraation of tba con ventlon i wliarau in tlia opinion of tbla couvan tlon oomprlalng rapraaantauvoa from ovary municipality in tha county of hal ton in view of tha praaaat world orhria tli liquor trafflo uhouhl la immediately prohibited throughout tlia whola douln ion i anil wberaaa thro wublolpalltiaa of tbla county havo alraady been puoatl under prohibition by maajaaol tha looal option law leaving adjoining tnunlolpalitua still under lloanaa a meuaoa to tbani and oreat lag vary ubdaalrabla oondltlona and wlwreaa tha canada twaperanoe aot appear to ba uta only mean available whereby tlia paopla can by their vets btlng ao wide an area aa a county under prohibition t therefore ba it reaolved that tbla county convention proooed forthwith bo organlaafor tlia purpoa of bringing on vote undor tlio canada temperance aot at thaearltcat praotloabla tlua strong apaaohea in favor of this action war mad by bava oaoar b cooke and cliarlaa l drawr mil ton i w v hop kins nolaon i w u voaur and bov if b chrutle burlington daniel uarbarae n aahagawya t keabltt oakvlllai john w kennedy georgetown i geo e polk inghoma llmaboaoa i rava j 0 wilson and ii w avlun awl ii p uoora acton and other every speaker pledg ed ida unqualified support if ibo conveii tlon drolded upou a oaupalgn to seoura th canada temperance act a second reaolutlon followed tba flrat as followa i naolved that ib is tbo solemn coin tatlon of this convention that nothing short of the closing of every bar every liquor eliop and every club wltblu the provlnoa of ontario will adeqtuitely meet the tieeda of tha iiroaenb aitualfoti aud wa roloe in tlia initiative racontly taken by the com tultteo of one hundred for tba irovlnoo to formulaui iihina to hooompliah this end and we will give our impport to audi nutejiuro us they in their wlatiota droule to pronmlgata groat satlafactlon waa also evireaed with thaoflaotlva mojuuro that ue being taken bj the provincial lloeoaeconimlmlan to curult tlio evil of tlia liquor traiuo under tmiallng lloenao laws ptaixaocd how a wonderful llumaji pood as deodarlud and used in or jaokaons roman uaal its the moat nourlahlug seed grown lb has alwny been known aa a wonderful food for stock bub sino lr jackson dleoovary of a tnatha1 of daodor ing it t baa boootne availahla a a del clous human food ea of it being used u botaaauaal tbu rood i ruarantd lo raltav oooatlpatloci or money beak ib also nourlabas better than tnaab and pre- vent indigestion ask your doctor at all grocer 10 cental and ha oanta esquesing tax rate over 18 mills two and rourtonthssflllo for patriot ic funds nild ono toir wat tax next meethairtl novehder llm cuuiioll met puriumii lo ndjouni moot th hmiio in lha chair memlier all prommt movmi by toh ii i lllntt wwoudwl by alox too that dr mnaudmw i hi wld for innllcul utloudanco on htu tlnrdon sli alaonn tno umingloii sll 71 carried moved by i l htandlih becondoil by alan loo that iho tre murer pay tho following uocoiinta i h withinr bulhllng newer fcluloo at korval oertllle i by a mcclure sltl 7rt i i l hula ier coutrunt tin town una lot 19 j0 alao for ruiiitraot on oometcry hill rhliiginuikiy towiiutilji in py imlf frj7 4h 1 a mimlixh for halanon on contract on culvert on hth una lot 11 9tjiw movod by aldit doa aecoudwl by fohii i- lllait utat tlm trauuror iy c c lloo hyorderofa munlook jwjtal arru movmi by tohn illngham momuleil by tolm illlott lhal the troatnirur my loiui itftluntlu till 2n au per order of a mur dooti for cement aupplloil for council work iloliert hal i for grail lug iajwr mill hill lot 1h con 10 rm 1 toh ii ktokoe 1 for fining culvert at lot 37 con ii i win onlramler for fllliug in waijiout on 10th line lot i2 t krank iteddy and a kvaua 91 for filling in washout ou hth line hill lot ja carrud moved by john illlott aacondtsil ly j l htandub that th troaaurer wy lit following accounts t canada ingot iron co for corrugated culverts aui filled fill 1 harold bingham jjlld ulng sutuu labor eoluotad in division no 44 in 1014 carrbwl moved by aum jo aaooiwltd by j l bianduji tliat tli uurr pay lit fol towing aooount 1 lr ucauiater for ad mlnuiarlng anaathtlc to mra wu cor don atoualidi f1 1 iv gowland for at tendance on edith and jamea ivyda tluiy having broken arms t30 1 v bayara for 2000 ft rook aim dlivl at korval bridge iwq 1 jaa ullur for graval sup- plud j r llndaay and flaorg orahani ptliinaatara h 40 i mra pryda sli llug in naed tlo 1 tho cov advancwl on aoeoultof dorothy lloyd fri carrlw moved by j l btaiullali trtond i j john 1lllolt uiat t treasurer pay tlia following accounts 1 hufua held filling in cmit arch 811 3d building tamporary brmga ami us of lumbar in sain 0 ao 1 y a 0111111 for grevsl for road uork division 3h h7 yards at loo jfl7 1 filling in waaliout lot is 4 1 if luruea i ulhl ing temporary brug lot is oth line 52s 1 overaaeing butuling of cement bridg ti 1 noah hamilton for two pc0a for 8th i in t ridg 7sc 1 ll lurne ror cutting bill lot 18 bib hn jm ulng twotbfrda on tltird being oratia j a ball for repair to grade j john j ivan by order of a murdook 3300 1 richard karr by order of a murdoch 17 10 carried moved by j l bundlah aeoomlad by jolin dlnghum that a hy law be ntroduo ail at tlia nant meeting of ilia council to appoint a medical caloar or office ra to look aftar the indigent patients of tha munioi pallty carrud tb tax rata for tli yaar war aa fol lows i general rata 2410 mill township purpoe 0 mills county rats 4 010 will wire lanoe bonus 1 mills provincial petrlollo fund 1010 mill county patriotic vund hioralll total is3i0 mills tb raav and clerk ware authorited to oaitlfy m plan of subdivision of parts of lots 17 1h and 10 of tha townihlp of haquealog and village of georgetown drawn by john j lulton o l 8 and prepared by j c hush and dated 2ut bepumber 1010 counoil adjourned till november 10 th pastrlbotioh op seed grain pvom the dominion ksporimebul fswui the comlun winter oats bablsv peas potatoes by instructions of tba hon ulnlatar of agriculture a free distribution of superior sorts of grain and potato will ba wade during tha coming winter and spring to canadian farmers tha sample will oonilsb of aprlng wheat about 0 lbs white oats aboub 4 lbs bailey about j lbs and field peas aboub d lbs these will ba aanb oub from ottawa a dlatrlbuuon nf potatoes in 9 lbs sample will be carried on from several of tha ekparimenul varas lbs central vartn at ottawa supplying only the pro vinos of ontario and quebec each application must lie separata and uiufct be aignad by tha applicant only one sample of grata and one of potato can be sent to each farm if both samples are asked for in the same tetter only one will be aanb applications on any kind of printed form cannot be accepted tha daatruotlott by fire of the oereal building at ottawa which contained graincleaning machinery and a bug stock of seed grain for distribution may nuke i uuouury to curtail tha distribution to extent wa shall all as many as possible of the applications which conform to the rules i but requmts received after tha and of december will be too late hemples cannot be aanb in reeponte to applications no rustier when teeelved which fall to state clearly the needs of the applicant his esperlenoealn crop- re 11 tig and thaoharao tar of the soil on whlob be intends to bow theeeed all applications for grata and applies tlons from tha proviso of ontario and quebec for poutoes should be addressed to tba domtaloo feraalut central expert mental sfarw ottawa fjticb applications require no postage if otherwise addraas ed delay and dlaspnolulmant utav occur applications for potatoes from farmer in any othar province should u addressed postage prepaid to the superintendent of tbelntareatlbrancleiiperlmenul aarmfln thatfiirovlnoe not enough children vr receive tho propw balance of food to uthdently nourish both body and brain during the growing period wbea nature demands are greater than lu mature life this la shown in so uteny pale faces lean bojun frequent cold and lack of ambition por nil each children we say with unmistakable eameatneaa they need bcotta mntulaloh and need jt bow it pohmssea in concentrated form the very food element to enrlcli tlulr blood ft change weakness to strength it make them sturdy and slrotig and active bvnu a bewm iwomtovofil new fall goods i every depmrtment in iliu iilon ii ihvi ilii wi i k wiih hrujlit new oods tlit pick o the market in tin ir n jp c uvi lini h new fall dbess goods in all tin in t sli idi intl filmcn tiqiiflii carlv and boujlit rirlit grand vilucii n ilii marku 11 tnm i ew staples ncludinr irifilit and iltrictivi line if wrippi rtttcii kimona clotlin flanncletttu iilictinn vu mens and roys i uunisiiinfs new caps newiiais new nec kwkak new shirts new undmiwmh new hose new suits tweeds and woks 1 eds vury attractive- linub henderson s- co mill si acton oitt brooklyn bridge painting th wat gtruetur i a lena and caally job ibvary tbrea or four yuura it bwconua iicvwanry lo pnlut tliv urooklyn lirldu in ordar to prevent the corrosion aud dalertorailou of ita structural uieiuueru saj popular mocliutilcs mugnsliil tliu t a task which requires tba svrv tec of a small army of human sold era who ell tub about over ttto web of rableu aud strtugura wltuuiot as much colupoiura ond nglllty if ibay ucre inviclu lustoad or tuou with buckets nud brushc toy clliig in tbo netuork vwliiciug in tlio wltid os tbo constaut stream of traffic sure bcroa tbo east rlrtr hatweu thctn and tbo river beuedtb tbare sra mora than j00 foot of siiacd and tba cable every exposed strand oud spot of tha wliolo structure must be painted so tl e wen scramble over tha cablo uutll ihoy reach tho topilont wlnt of tba riat lowtm wlikli unteud j73 foot nbove he water mid finally end un on tlio scatfolds suapdiidnl twinintb iho structure wbero u10 uiautbluduuf pjsa li a eaavlrf wx iiu im11i r tint iiliuiulligu sotuutluio nilesliig llnni l n itmrglu of ouly a fow lucluu jul uoru t011 tlnuc ilaiinlly for ulx or llglil tuontlia imfare ii l cuioiihiud m d ixwu up proilmaluly sfummnln innuu sayinq a few words whan veur yurt comae remsmber thai qhorl ooeaehee nsvsr bar if jou uic 1u hud upon to in u four wordij nflur dlumr or ut u ukutlnu dont bo imcuwunl jtt right up nud co at it the tlmutfu un tlmi wtml you uuy on audi an ortnulun wllbuut ire mini lion will bo of 110 linporihuca and liroliably wouldn t i11h0 uoeu or lu portnuro if it bfld lieen pnpurid ut atl lauce but that un t tbv polut tlio polut in that tho mliiils or your hearer will be quit n hluuk nud amorphous as your ow11 uud ran boquontly tba few who hctuilly iui en to you will have no cinri or juilglug whether whnt you say bt rstlounl or aot tho majority out of politeness will assume that you did well or if they do not wish to corneal t ihamselvm too irretrievably tliey will aay you did well under tba circumstances tha whole secret in saying a few words has in making it few if you go on and on and ou your audience will not heed or remember a thing yoa aaldv they will only remember that you talked long enough to bore them short speech never bore el o j la ufa the km of chele the human fsoultie of perception judgment discriminative feeliar nun lal activity aud ereu moral preference ure eiflrcufeovouly in making a choice ha who doea anything because it he tbo custom woke no choice da galas no practice either lu discerning or de- tdrlng what is beet the meulol and morn i like tho tnusculur powers ore improved ouly l doing used tha fucultloe ure called lulo 110 exercise by doing n thing mo rely luvnuse otliem do it 110 more than by bollevlug a thing only ihh11uu0 others luilloo it lie who lutu tlio wurld or ills own iwrttuli of it ilionno u phtii of life fur i1i111 finu uo iiml or 11 n olhar fmulti tint 11 tho lumillui- niiv of luilta tl in ho who cbooucm uu pliin for lilm wlf uniplo nil lilie iucmi klo john uluurt mill nsmss usurped by woman unry la tiut by uny luvnus tbo only mum tlmt linn lutu imriiu by men and woiiuu utlki urliim 11 iorrtwponilcnt or tin- ijhiiiimi liroiibiu who litis 11- lod into old uirluh mid tiilur tvgluloro bit- pnthiiiv unrtl u in lord mnyor of 1 4111 iluii in hiwi lcu h llfflil 011 is men l iiiihi in 11 hi of tin- tdxtimitb wti- tr uud tli iiv miihlwhi va un old iniiduuiiui in aluurliu vw to mule iiuuium umirpml hy tba lu 1ii1m limliiikte mi ur or fimliiliio ilill llu nud iliiiruii mnl in one run a itniulilir wim ilul imhnm nuiili a umbhiiiulili r itt tin huhv of welling ion uim iiupihl illnir lu bbi tumor nud in niliuiliiiin iluihli llicre la a luonuiiuiil 1 1 di mot hy vilfcnf rlchnrd mijliiiuuit spska as they peaaed i ltow jou tlnif 1 umuh lute with tlmt iiihii i uiiw jon wmiiii to in 1 iiu airwi jllm iiou ammlmi ltli id u xliil do nil tultt iim fin v mill mill r in oih of ilii nuwl rumnlla iri upl umhljlim iliidi hiiiud ion tlitnii llliiliinnu 1111 1 duphiifd hittiiinlti in tlmt irr innii ugod ti kthp out of i ml i uni ll hill nit 11 h uil 00 speabltig tiruih w lilt lilm ut 11iiv why im vr 11m mir ijiu don mall mutual all reel ion bo llltf ttliilimin ojurtlliir iii f liar hnspltiil ik uolim hi uiiiu un urn roan bo i fur alllnll ft imi i mining hhr cu pmiple otv mnl ik him i hi up lultlnmrt anurhan the conaultiacn my ulff iiivviih miii hum 1 lie illioiu very iirthumir milif 1 imtn ho m iiqim hiiocm iilmixaui llllllu my nirt ih i h 1 11 hi 11 ir i 1 uo fur tin iiniiii enlisting when you put a telephone in your home you enlist our tuff of elallexl workera in the service of your wife and family to lighten die labors of the household to keep the family in touch with their friend and to protect them in emergencies the tee- plwne is alert and ever ready day and night a telephone in the home is a boon at any time but during the inclement fall and winter weather it is invaluable asl today for rates and information enlist in the great army of enthusiastic ho tic- telephone users fewri flm telephone i a long pittance station the bell telephone co of canada actons electric chopping mill chopping done daily chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done b p caldwell acton 0nt proprlotoi i 1 n i n l iia m do you knoiv you can take aa much crop off acres properly drnlnod as you can ofr 0 acres not drolnod nni snve hnlf the labor it a raet la vmi lrwvw luat prwer liuananalv tlia dralnntti autila aulverualumi bniiilmna ll a saw vrevanta aurun waaliur av vu laiklilahtar ta wnrlc rravhla dinoawl l iturmom tba quantlir aiul in nrovat llu quality or your cupal whynetkavf uawiuf you imlav fraa or cl araa avtrylt urlnuvllilhi thlisihirit m irh if lm n tl i i kiy tian t naul anvihlna nt will lutit yrm hiuw uim str arona lppr ilralt r inrha aa li uh iw t lur v r im ib act- xot r r avr uiuiviihnbiw a j ibagovdrthont kii ivimix y t r tnet uliiuslruj trwt ua jjv ifaliflm 1 ippr your look uniting i dominion so oi pipe co limited m saxes bargain list this week mens fall and winter overcoats ladies overcoats lto8 fi to 1 about 200 pairs of ladies shoos regular 3 and 3 on sain now for mens ladies and childrens rubbcrnat a clear- ing price dont miss tlio sale of ladies shoes now on genuine bargains 7vt spcxe i tho biioh store opposite new postofflce iltlu abluiunmuiitb xiiliic in tichpiissciq a lyf 1111 itrm ir i 1 vll 1 die ult xiikiollkl i ioii i if iii jji tt siiw cl ui i in li y itimiiifm iofl haii 1 vin mciuiiiil iliisinsj anil he- phllillk c v i v ij i 1 1 itiuniyi n koh l bltir 1 r r uf htt t vltl lrun i t 114 ll ft rt f ui ir i tr i i 1 n i imina ioy t tl n i 1 t ir i t f r liulrir i 1 1 1 iim n ri w i f irr- a 1 u ilrc i ilor fin tj 1 w f r lr k r fl i i i i ifrfiu n new wonder land theatre kiuoav oct so wun tl troll uiv les at irlr t 1 un i wm an 1 a en 1 1 th lurlio chailfn hj the sli 1 monday nov i k ui rflmlrhlmtn wicdhlbdav nov 9 i lib i 13 f rik ff riiidc lit devilish rhhlj j d o r l gregory proprietor robt noble ltd rloor hran bliortu wheat chopu glutton nicul cuttoti 1 tod meal ollcako oat chap rolhd oaln timothy need j l warren grand trunk wwtt double tmack all tilt wav torontochicago torontomontreal poii ohioarjo lonvo toronto boon m ft 00 p m nud 11 45 p in dally ran honyiiseal ioavo toronto 900 a 111 8 30 p m nml it oap m dally equipment tho fiiicat on all trains panassa 1aoipio ibxpoaitloh itcdncotl fnrcn in bnn i loa angchu mid san liojri full p irticiihirn nml borth reservations 111 application to agcnla jv s holmes agent phone no 13 c c speight for uptodate goods sllvarurara in tableware ruts varletljr alao fine cutlery hrdumr tinware and oram ltswarelrs vartly pandora stovaa and ranifaa tamoub haatara small stovaa oil stovaa every article ib of excep tional value c c speight mill sired acton d the hub 11 ou 1110 thlnklno nf rotting n nuwrnltnr 1111 overcoat call mnl iitu tin wo can ivo you what yon uaut lu atlo nud fit prices axa rtnmuinblo wo also umbo indlra tiillored milt geo f agnew lmuim nnd atu tmllim mill si acton d

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