Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1915, p. 4

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tiiuiihdw ji 1 0111 ii jl mill wj jju swuill ii 01 l ro r ii oive i to live mi l tlllf uu ii nl uirll iii iiihhi ll lutr i w iii ul iii iiiii llim lu llll iii h mi wiuil lulllvn 1 in llvo mlil 111 the flower ili 1 104 nal tat lltelf ut all ltd juj ii 111 i oy it tnuixy dlfluu of beauty inl vnlljili ami it live lit lb lli ft fraaly lose i mo ehole fjr iii r- tint ulury or doom to vxltttu mnollt to wither or bloom toihniy ttta ui lend silvsrv rys to ilia land the uihi ita wpphlro streams to tlm oomh i th heart sends blood to the brain of ootti the bntlit to tlm heart lis lightning motion i and 6r and over w yield eur breath till ih mirror e dry and images death to live is logke twl a the hand that u nob open wide to help the nsad f a human uollier i he doubles the length nf bin ik long rid wbo glva lotunee m and thousand mlllloa live a hl whoeerrte ih world in hi sympathies to deny la to dl tub bebatima society th ilfcbilliff wxity was formerly a future in many a country town it should it still in fact publkt dettse ar on of tlt mui valuable fseur in adtwatloa the training el lb lolcal foully th practice iii iwpttnltu speak leg tha fctoady gain in slfeoafldnea km all invaluable it is a idly that soma of tbe km apant v presentday yountr psoplaln th moving picture theatres or at tba roller skating rinks eould not b trluee to the amateur debating sooulle with thalrmsgiiifloaat results in the way ti mlfdavalopmatt magic rcadtmi j baking uh powder i paid potl 1119 m a tack tli nib linn m owvatlit uroitt rillnwj nminny rtrriilly 1tiilu iloum ex mhiiiii wbo uoiit by ii tn ulibnub imililnu lit bl aiu ni innltar if jnii tin know wbo i urn nl 1 bo in rily totba mnmliinrn unuw i inn entitle to a fro rlilo only wbrn i mi tru tiling wlili unit mtti ymi ilani know ubetlitir i 1 wva it or not tim mull m lltlu iitllwl tbcii iloln m 1 wl to wai tlm iv tliutx rlubt i enouliikil tlm uirtby almlriitnn i liorw- why wbara wall i ilaouro i i itttut liava left it at tit olllco than youll bans to iay your fur aaul tba on a in i liar firmly anil bo ilbl willi ko lborouib a url4ratlan at liund aa millara worm 1owilero ibo motbar wlm allow bor cblblron to uflr from tlm rat ajfoi of worm la uifwlaa ami ouuibly earo ujl aobibl aubb0tl to tba atuelta of worma a alwaya unhaattby ami will u htuntad in ita rowtb it la a maroiful act lo rid it of tttfc dantructlvo panultaa aapmlally wkan it oh ba iloaa without dlf floulty ujud to hknilut au atoualmf ratort tba truth of wblcb la bow baltitf laonalr4ud la raoovtlad by tk hlutultkbu vmla llu ddrlaga islliujry muw at abunbot but lutoibhrf oaa of tba foralgti atubbau bad tuada him half obuoiloua to aavara blaff offloata by kakltia rldlodlooa quaailona torhlu to aa old infrautry ofticair b aald uow u it oounal tbat your bugu eall advaoev la ao abort wbiu tba ittai a jttat tbra warrtt baoabaa air hid tba vataran wban a lutlah aoidur goaa into aotbm it only ttaada a altmu not frou a bujla to noak blot advaooa aaiwbara but it tabaa a wbou braaa band to ualta blta ratlra her baby had dysentery had twa uttkan httuam wu d4jieb tv thc uu cm dr fowlers odntt 1 wild mmbmy in ilinihilay lis dudutiu rota ux luwl lollow uuh otlur iu t mpuj uul hoietliaa btcoot ulud b ulihl muek ol dlmrkooi 5dji twy wlfl wiraly nt la ciini ii tot kuniu by tlie uu of dr poml ilmrt ol wild bubtjv blllou5 joohtutilrun toolonffltwul lad to ehroold indltfaatloti in tba toaattwhlla you aaffeif ttm rnbtaxabu hlok 1 haadaebwa nar- vouanaaa dapr- alon and a allow ciiaudedlaini btowachavuvch tablatts tbayra- luv farmauutlon indlffaalioti mttui bd i m rj uiam t fevfeiam aaj kw ti riaiakaiuluiilamfmi la u catkld sold by james symon take these cuuitjkc otiiciu oy mr utr uuutmr hl hip hurrah i ourtuodarn yall of dallfibt aald to bava an anolant ohftln tb wod blp auppoaad lo bo oow- poaad of uia fuitla latlara of tba latin pbmu fllaroaalyua wt pardlu waaa lutf jaruaabjm la daatroyad ttia i in blp lalug aubtututad for tba in at whan tlia carman bnljihta wro paramutlnif j in tba mlddla aga thay ar aald to luiva run ahouttnff hip blp t aa uuo haa to aay jaruaalau u da- fctroyad hurrah la uld to ba from tlta hi voolo hit raj moaning to paradlfa i baooa blp hip hurrah i would uaan jaruaalau la loat i w ar on our way to paradlaa indunapolli new nllwritrf i ch vty alrortv iwbcny r iflautm bftwoycara we hajtwo dociora bt ua m fultt btf nil wrilrf i cm wty atroturfy frtid to powfcra lntiait of ufl bb tar dyaanlery and atutud- u ituwild i bad ij- tt olet ajaa lull 7 bottb w jvlii tritb htr doll wllslest disst jf y u tk l f w dus ikfaki i would to m uua jdj pour 8xl l wild fug uu fa ikj ua public latojtbdi iallmi ohildren ory rob fietchers c that which uves tbat in wan which doaa not pariah la hit paraooal lafliumoa hlnoa wa ara oraaturaa of ovlroomartt and baradlty if you wlaaly kbapa tba nvlroiimtat of ihoaa about you ami tnuuult tbat whloh u sood to your and thalr poaurlty you will llva and tb waaa of tlma aball daah mpotautly aflalhu your ufa aanfc yar aod nut oaatury vou will t living tan tauara tlona bauoa la tan hnj or tan tlwaa tan tbouaaod daaoaodaatj of youraalf and of thoaa whoaa uvaa your ufa woaboaatly lafluaooad awl yoa ounot buy ufa with cold nor with graat work tbat pay dlvldaada la dollar bub with aarvlod and alf oojftad into tbuda of unaalbahaaaa edwla lefavra too mohapbi faiimdsmp tliah aw iotufrlasda for whoaa fruuil up w uui jay tb prliia of balng a lltlla uiitrda to ouraelvaa in tbalt eoupaav w 6ia uavar aay jitat what wthlnv nor aot quiu aooordltijr to our inuttuoaa in otdar to kap th pwaa w uauafc oootinually eowpwaflua aubatlluta ooawdutio for eaavtou4fit and banoony for an fdaal irrlaadj of uila aoft aak too tnaoh tu tba puamiw f tbalrawiuajataaoa ho frund ablp u wattb our balnr ubtrua to our rl ita bauar to bow your baad than break your fool naob tmbut dirasaltlblaoraouapaopu to rawatabar u tba poor happy u la who uta hlwmlf owanouan nod lata no uaa owablu uomi oaayddraua typawriuri aakad tba dufoty t uad to tutik i oould rapluj tba bxrouoh bafc i aatud on castoria wtt itfaabj tud cuum taumvarovafaoyaam tovatfl vov br krtow wbae you baa do until yoa aa titular lowa uapiiauoa balbab mm tan oarty otto ooly ao far if aalf la- lavaafe b yoor ooly oal you will com far abort of tea nlghaaa goal ooly uiom whoaa baarla or flrad and wboaa abaawa ar aitttbaad by alnoarav booaas lovo far otbara aw eapabla ol maualaff utlr ijaaaipoaiuuul bauar kaap yoortatnpar i otbarwua u b kpftiofelrayouaway vooata bagao bar arar a a rib i now alula ih who bajj a glatlipiih with tba olovaa hoof haay troa wdjh tb gantlawan wbo baa a oloa my troubles arita of tie urn unlth tba llwr ii working proparly you may look forward to a great tumy trouble arijug nub aa bluoutnaaa w- hlpatlou beartburo tb rung and ouhog of food wbldi kvc a ttaaty tu in tbe bumlb akk tieadaaah jaimdlm etc mr howard nawoomb pwvht jur- bor n write i uw bad tick bcadacbe uai uuoui and bav bad palii after eating and was oho troubled wlut a bad taat in tny mouth every tttortliig t wed four vlala of your ubtwna tjuallver ihiij and tbey cured toe tba but pralte i can glvo b not enough for iktta m uburda imu uver mil an 26e per vial b vial for ii 00 at all dealer the v jullburu ca tlwked twodta humokoufl cuuomar i tlilah thla tnaat la ipoltad uaat market proprietor parliapa so uu i bub that maat caina frou a prlia lamb and it may bav baan pattad too much aak ad wbatara you atudylng bowy mr joknaon wa have taken up tba aubjoot of mola- ouua auawarad bar ion i bop you will b vary auautlv and praouoa ootuiuntly aald tba mother i triad to gat your father to wear one bub baoould net kaap lb on bla eye wllllamj uryanaayahlsmhuuuuaat will b divided into s patta iuatloouvely wa raoall tba announoawmt of a mountain eer preacher who aald to bla rook t brethren i bv decided t dlvlda my aaraioa in tin part tb fueb pert 1 ii undartuod an you wwe tb aeoood partyouhl undatataad an i woal tb third part nobodyll underatand ohildrea ory for fleycheks c haunko to kdrtfocinc well what can i do for you bam r aeked jooaa as tba eolorwl waiter who usually aervad hliu at tba raauureut soter- dbuomo i got a euanoe to changa mah peltloa bofti kla yo aay m good word for mat uy im boaet and aiob y i know of oourea that youra a good waiter haw but how do i know your hooaatr wall jea aa yo think 1aa bone datll do all right sam ill do tbau thank you boaa thank yo very uuxh wbea yo ooma owah tohuurtow b euro to ait at hub uu ill glva yo a abot 8alvcokt0l hov blvlsllu bodily aalf oontrol la an aid to keeping tba tabtpar uoat people who are angry apeak at tha top of their volos am if whau you feal u atirge of anger you foroa youraalf to lower your atritlent tone you will ba auonlabed to hod what a halp it k in gauing a grip upon the emotion which threatona to matter you if you findyour- aalf treubllug give your auabtlou to alaadylug pour turvea ami that aooom- pllahad you will gad your teuiieraabtaady a your hand belfooutrol u not dlvletblo you oaunot let youraalf about ami tremblo and yet keep your lu4r under atoady rein ao that you will bo aura of saying no more than tb oooaalonoalbi for tb eaa with whloh eonu and wart can it removed by hollowaya uom our h it atnwgeatraoommeadauoa itaeldomfaila howevar tho way of tha tranfegreaaor u vaty popttlar but ellatto would improv aotna paophva eonvaraauott ita aontatlum aaaler to fcetua down than it i to featua up a anaa who invaata his oola la oil atoek fa a well wisher was weak and run down eollli hoy stanb tie leasv exeilehemt when otte get weak and ma dowd the heart beoomea altected tbe aerve become ututruug and the least erdte kuettt cause a feeling of utter butitude what u needed in to build up tbe heart and trcflgtben the shaky nerve by the use of eudb a tuedkiue a uubuma heart and nerve 1411a mra j a willatna tluacmbttrg out write 4 cannot apeak too ulhly of uuburu heart and nerve shu x auffercd greatly with tny nerve and wa ao weak end run down x tould mrs maben was made well by lydui e krivwii vt- table compound emd wtuiu otlw suf fin vvirrirt to know i blurfreeaboro un i hive wanted to whu to you for a long time to tell you what your worburful verrtsdletf hevedohaforriie x wa a tufferer frota fetaala weknaaa and uapluemeut aad i would hsv ttthtlrd worn out fvallnga bjck baauv xhee and dliay epelle doctor did wa ho good bo i tried tbe lydla e mak- bam recaadiae vegetable compound auklbanauvewaah lain now wall atkl atrong and en do all bty own work x owe it ail to lydla v mnkbams vage- table oompouod and want oumt aunw lug wonud to know about it lira ii h usbm git b bphni gt uur- freaeboro teutt llil f amoue vmady the tnmhm f agroaiehte of which ate derived front native root and barb he for nearly forty year proved to be a teoat vahia- blo torileaudlnvigoratorok the female orranlsm womed everywhere bear willing teatlnudy to the wonderful vir tue of lyjj l thnuurn vegetahto conipounil why loa hope no womaa auiforlng from any fomi of female troubloe ihould loea bopa un til aha has given tydu r pinkhamv vegatable compouod a fair trial xf yea went fepeefal aevh write u vydu bmakheatamedleliie ue eeufi- rjdtlallyaalas- year xeuer will beejwb veuf mu auiwere4 by a wmtaa anal heu i atrlet ewjueaoe ot btand the least excitement of any jjdtut x believe your heart and nerve kll to ba a valuable remedy for all wufferer front uervou trouble axllburn heart and nerve xhtta are ftfe per box 3 box for tl 35 at all dcalera or mailed direct ou receipt of pcioe by tb t uubtira co xiatlted twonto oat iiow tooet bicu live up to your engagements earn money before you epand lu i vilak no kind of intoxicating liquor oood eharaeter 1 abov all tiling else keep your own secret if jou luv toy any keep good oomptny or none never i idle never borrow if you can poulldy avoid it alwaj a apeak the truth makb few pre mlsea keepyouraall innooetit if you would i happy alaka no hle to lie heb ii you would prosper ho not marry until you are aid to keep a wife wbea you hpeak to a person look him la thfae kver live misfortune excepted within your income in tb matter of revolutions the pro motion haldom rw many profit wise man make mlstaks but foola re past them laufthter i tb aunuy aid of a manaes- latettea uu was wide awake j an itlhinriiiullj fat mini liiml nil lulu n inlliiiiiiiiiiiiwktbmixl tuiln nml t t up u imi iilir win ii in fiinil tlm m- urilimitntilkkiiilif i r i i ml hhi ii wliilt if i in wr tl liii i won i diiu i my if ynn pill iixtmtirlbimurulimld tint in it miii mk tlm imr ll m ibo m hut win mim jim iuhi iih ibiiimlj linn liny in yiiull buvn to tubn ii nliulr i irimd ml up if yon dan t lull ibu llio fut man finally iim1i to bn p lit hi mb prilitlliilo to bint tbul it did not mpdit in flliimi bis tnu hliortly lil niioroh wi m bo tnl ubovn tlm ruiiihln of tlm train ml ityiw not uttll tlm train iml u imiu wult uist tlm uoiiikih imiilnif from lilw iwirtli uiiuim1 iiiiylliliiu iml uiiiiimiiiidiii in tlm uiihikiii limy t on ibo uiuuiiijiint iiirnn mid by rtwiiiiit tin uruir pnulilid bfm in tlm rllw my iojlnwu uali iltimurtjlinj tlm uirtar if you ihhiiai noion libn thai wlmn ynumi lyln wldo awuln over jbo car wbnold whut would yu do if joti wuu nmit unloop in tho iiilildl of tho curl uppiiiikills a liraly vntfotalile pill tba oblof lugredienlm of iarineleea vegetabla 1ills are mandrake and daitdellon mxlutlve and purgative hut perfectly harmless lis thalr aotlon they cleanse ami purify and hava a most healthful effoct upon tha aeoretlonm of tha digestive organs thedyspeptlo and all wlio suffer from vr aud kidney all menta will find in these pill tha most effaatlva medloln in ooiicentretad form itiat baa yet been offered to the suffering not rosmvb lie tlie hired man was lnown for hi prodlgioua sppatit oaa morning ba had eaten bla uitial breakfast of oatmeal buek wheat eakaa toast fried potatoee bam ffki dough nuta ooffee and tha usual trimmings anil had gone to a neighbors to help with extra work lte arrrived before tba family had risen from tha morn ing meal well lete hoaplubly iimjuini tit farmer bail breakfast yet i aw drawled pete in a wheedling tone binds e9 pi ihtre is the ansvertln webstc1 new international tari aknism wustu kverr 4y i u ami wsjiasr at mmm eaibeslrminr in iimmhcs sho audsfttoelvou likely nutation tltauaau infer e smm am word a tvunj ssiui wtlttal vmtak ihs leostlea o ih ttrnttn utlm eritfc kst 1s jus tbld w crratlut simwotca all kind t outatloadllilskuilsm iiuuwv lufwat4lv irvtlodltonlaj yvimics arid abd scunoet wuatmjmf swtaww dloogooowenaa soooaipbu caasaeoojooo arooraaea yhaenlv11llhtsrywtl lit sw xutiii as stblrafca ueulus heurwuruuat pa thta eesnus atre nictlmtdewhlbjdwautf v wbtrla a taurn aa luut i and ee rmvmfnt t bad f ort hair he llilrhwm aad hv ivktrilowy to b ooauat la tha joya aad obligation of today not oonosrtilag myself with thleg which are to be only a tbe living pswdgbour must fit me for the morrow wbea lb is coma to live further into the posalbllitu of uymlf whathar thla may uamaml tbat material suoos shall oueln at a higher aeoount of duttaa doae anil the simple banedleuon of kindly tmlua y ou to usob myself to expect the batur part from tbe wold by reodarlng uoto it my own 11 ba portico to lift up ehstf up ohwing avr a wolf nor frown when kltulllbaa and smilos would serve a welb to buikl my wotu from day to day a fit habitat for myself to cu la uy soul a abiding plae safe and ateruah harry collins bplumaa ohildren otv for rletchetts castoria it will prevent uleamted tbroau at the arab ayuktou of eore throat which irssg uhtoratloe and itinammslloh take a apoonfel of ur thomss kcleotrlo oil add a llule suger to it to bdsle it palatals it will allay the irrltatiot and prevent tbe uloaratton and swelling that are lnful those wbo were porlodloally subject to quinsy have thus mde tbsmselvee imuiuue toattacli fluooeu oousute mainly a dolap tbe thing that oant b done it i dlflltiult to isaso anything of oonse qusnoe with red tape kgollsfu u often the brat up la the dir ection of the daffy boas ceall 1st leii dew 0 hcemuibi0mk mr jt a luunleckl daunhlu man write xttsuy pleatiure to write you lu regard to do iclduey xhu which x have been using for ome time or kidney trouble which used to affect uy beck o that at times x could not bead dowuttortiouldlwalkitraliht x item ed about your villa from your almanac and x bleu the happy hour x thought of buying this medicine one time a djtijraut persuaded tue to buy xcidney inlli uyltig they were just a good lu fact be guaranteed they were x yielded to bli advice and what wa the result x hod bearing down pain in tny back for two daya so x took the balance of the pill unused to the druikist and told him to give trie doana kidney lhli a they would atop tbe pain in 13 hour at tbe outside he told me he wa orry x did not uu more of tbe pills and letirtben tbe time to await results x told him there is no need of wailing with doan mild tbey go right to tb pot no substitute for n7 doana kidney fills arc me a bo 8 boxes for 1135 at all dealer or mailed direct ow receipt of prim by the t mllfniru co limited toronto oat wbea ordering direct specify ktaettv children cry for fletchers castor ii etio hindi yoii xxavn alwuya llonglit and will it iium xmmh in tints for ovor im yuifm liuu bontntlio stltrnuturo of j0 uiki iium loti iiiiulo undur iiim tu t- y atf 7- uoiutx niiwrvlmloii hlnc itu iiitimy l allow in toddii ilv yon in tlilu all coiintarfiiltmxiiiitutloiiuuiui tiihtuhirimml urn iut isvpdtrliuuntu tliut trjflu ultli iimx cndutirir tlin in nltli of lufuut tmd clilltlnn xzvihirluiicu uguluut xjtimurliuout what is castoria ooatoria 1m k imrnilcmm hiilmtltuto for cantor oh pare- itorlo xrop uutl hootlilnif hjrtipm it lit liltmiunnt it contain kioltbor oplmti fllorpliliio twv otli r nuteotta aabatutico xu ntro lu lt leiriirunuso it dowtroyu avumiu and allityu avovorlulinoum ajtir mora tliuti thirty yur it jn xwscri in conutunt iihu for tlin mlluf of iihtlputluii rintnlnncy avi ml tnllr ull nvtliluu tronbl u and xlorrhooa xt xvuuiutm tlio ktortmdi and xtowclu suuilmllntoa tho ivwwi ulvlnir lu jllthy mid muturttl tdoeip true chudrna l jliio motlitirti xvlond genuine castoria always boars the signature of till- giani tfltlm railway 1 a uimol ii rilalrjtl h m grain n n chopping i p well done mand g quickly at only a 5 cents g per jag i in use for over 30 years the kind you have always boutjht actons electric chopping mill chopping done daily jlioppinj and rolling both iatiufiictonly done harris co limited hockwood omt uaaaaaaaaoauaaau robt noble ltd b f caldwteiil acton 0nt proprlotoi for youa wonderful book farm drainage free do you know you can take as much crop off acre properly drained aa you can off sbw acre not drained end save half the labor uiulwuui mi rrviu i illy of vwir cr wl r ru4 kjv us smui you tutay frs of rhara a vary in uiun luujiulon imiiiiimit tl tthlc lum nolhlnul pay uia t luduet anvlhln iksl will hull you irrow uiur urfr araps irftfum tlrajnwra mum si r luch as iwn dju in ymir bank ihauki far avury n ihm srm iker nubr anj lbs oovrmnl biuts you koony for ik t j if djiirtl uvudustkbw ilrlltur year kjl u mhuo elominiorj swoi pipe co limited i i twaklls ov71u0 flour ilron sliottn wlkit clmpa glutton nunl cotton ml1 iului ollcalo oat cliopn uokl outj timothy need j l warren presh groceries ntv rnlsliir nttt currants ntvv hi ten nlw nutu new piolii now splcct kino line of confaottonarv first clftsi lino of 1anty cnkc and pantry vn ill tvcr di cooked mtiti ii inih ilacon with thollomi lbufluur brcitl and other goods delivered promptly daily j r livingstone vuaor3iot b 1riok the merchants op canada bank jfthrift is ri described as eco j nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhip only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol ins success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par acton oj4cw p a macleun manager mwmuwwwuuuuhuwhuhuiiwwwwtiuuwumuuuuiiuuwwyuhwuuiil gentlemsn here you will find hundreds of patio ms in tho newest weaves b from which to select tho material for that new pall unit ulw b tailors that ara past mastirs in tho art of making high class b i clothes hero every detail in watched o r in tho most careful 5 1 manner to aimuro jou of clothes that ore fi nlllea in every detail k if you nave uuver had a suit of clr 1 m or an overcoat made b by us do so now s clothing wade to your order fion h to 40 a bult r boots shoes eubbbes ah lines q footwoar at right prices all men a rubbers at i bargain prices k w vvitilialvts mill street acton l r e nelson merebaue vsolof baattw vusuha wyudfamm atveet 8 cltlfejlrh ont thb made in canada empire typewriter saves you 40 to 60 try before you buy at our cxpenuc empire tyiewmter co u jkdum clim wmfc yobony0 omt kct0n liyeky and b l1k ilnvlng ptirclmsud tho livery huuiiilk 1 nml iitwltl of tbe irlntu of tlm lai joka wllllassa i uupoctfiilty itiilkit tlie patron- no nf hit public tnmtorlabla nguwlll itumii ho mipphud ut roiiwuiulilo cli irjifcr ior the prhont ut oaerge hall uui hint hid thu uinnnge- mettt of tho i iubl thu paitenr will emit hunt in cluirii ilewlli nlwiuhho found ldiirttwu aud nbllkuit dub mkbtil atl tllaihtt amhkosc mccann mill st acton on ate nts promptly se habiom it habion liuhjiiy5ict5jailulin5irioltil

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