Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1915, p. 1

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wht jlrtim stn vojiumjs xij1no kry nuucrli llou frm l arih acton ontario tllirnbay moltnitntg novkmhktt 4 11118 bingxim oollw8 tiinibiccknts kjc ivrtoit jfrrt pvax iiiiv tin ithiuvmoiwrnn mi iui ft inli ni uili iiiiiriki arrow onr if m hub of h lllll tliio iliiltaf mii yu iiisjuiiiiii i lolly lu iiivbiiou ml ul kiauucrili uului uisua all auuecrll limit iliac wliu lliu lllll lor wlndi i in i liavs iweu htll iiaaaiilrul r u laii m vitilli awry aul icrlji- llou u 11 i la ilhlil j i u ilia will rualin alvhhriklmt htib iraualuul ailverllaa kattls 10 cunts lr ninii rwll llti tat tlrut aarllou ni10 euiitu tr 11 no lor uaelt iitluf qutui hiuitlnn t nmcl ilujilay jijjiim kiiailt lot w or luclnd uior i r auuubl id tiu w iijsji tacli luxrll ii yiarlyeoulraam rocbmilluuuiatltir lusuiit sr luoli wacli luur uob aiuluulslila without pclfli ilrmtluus will b liitmimi nil firlil i 4 ml cliaru esui ibjei- truaiuulajfurlmuiiluaiiiuat i ph im alaubd ail tliul aula will i clltiaj mim ali uonlli ii tltlrvl vor ciisuim cuwr tli au b1h tiiuillouaj ilia ailr euuijmitloti isiutl in ij4 lor at imjuu taiu jtllaouuucolaulujoollilv ii v uooiiu vjilat ml ivomula t luaimss oirryturp 1103 gray m d c m ucgill ifu0 i kdiwbokjlsl uhvv to otuoow uaiuub uaiviau uwdtoii itounu urn oolaa kvaauk lflr aauuonl d osft ovttuy n uusou a ai 11 uhfln vtlitljjajly jqumlawloi vltkiiimau ouiiacov aalaa aniaria coll day or ulflbl fiotupily atuilud lo a i mickinnon ilaauvan boiuitob oouvhvohlaxa orriobulli htiml id rtwui buuit w aski u a ualuan lurrltlr llollollor and kdary publlo no i ucuni wool donate mrett ius u c sln apaalal attan- du j u dell ddul dfl d but ay irou 1litm ko iw 0m at lualiuam coiut lllll and i7ra4ilk ubmam oludoatm oit touoh0 uuwbanry xh utait aitualliauo luoj u iluinj d ui3cmllajjm0 us ijlhanolu nun an ouokuihoum mdhinj ht oualuli ortu 0ar w uuwy jokf of aj lilnja wad to auf mydarlj 4 olouptl tewtutl uookf of all kind taaja to ujuf iwladlaallofmvydultlaliajrielllybmwd u tllcvumilwahrt oiouptlvdott vi ailbuok uounobb ii p uooiik foaotlb of allbuum llomiaba sr msm aovon h ittohumd allctiouhga far trig floonljaj of walllbum ilajtob paal n i uubla will tlia ally at lualuli iuut ewduauj wltti aaluueubii cud upob raouabj twiua ulavl lull tlllllf ulfl abu bfmolaj blutillou toulta lu aetao ud vlolnlty huu yd bull db umuv dalex nivkn oritauta laud uuwavoa tuid civil mfcurina surveyti subdlvliiloiia plans re itorta oaecrliulonit bluoprltin ate csrtlflcatei for purcluuuni ami mart- sflifewiiburvoybfor arcliitoct uull- entbtiil municipal couuclli draln- ttge uejwrth ktrmatea etc merchants bank bldo avmvvu whaam 1064 oht i bouu uihouka uutm0btkcat oiulthouc iimwbuiuiil hauuulul oovvrav the old and reliable granite and marble dealers win fcaimfifmhjdrhbibauw lll bltldjoruouuidfcuulbujiiahwtmlatm krdtk walldlrmli0aureuaatuaiiablwh0ij tla tnutut tliua ultm our euatontaim 49 p tianl w ha tlia t appliabm bnd uut tuly uwiliihlea in i ha uomlnlnti who u oiiac- u tfttininnilo kmla foiuily wa bah ul iraiaraiuma froui humlru of our aualaoiia lu timotitt atvl mliar iiubm wliar elliara liaa to bliu1 law aulta in odlar ta anllmt w b ihj uinw hu1 baa umh of utiaulu in tha mmlntin nr mnra tliau ny ifara iuaum la ihb wt witara lanllldiat daajar ud hi- hlw lit mwu ttull la toi tth6y otbmtatum a i litf anllriu out i none hi bhatila faimtllall alam w arohov umiibmim only ajul dly ollmllutu hamilton sons mr norfolk b3 just mzcklvvlt l htock meccano model builders for lih price pur tuit from 100 up tliu finoti ptlint fur a liny yet iimiiuri lrl1nu lhilmltiii kiikimcu toui nt mill mmiy tilticr formn mnde from tilt piitiuof iho iwt write for meccano jnfh lutlon tfao bond hardware co llmltwd phona lo l3t4nywtvi qublph savage co uslalililiad iq4u jfcwillcr ouhpii the ou hdubte watchmaker anj jlniurs savage c co cuelph out what piano shall i buy v the hull contca an the real wi ut ion to this important prob lem musical pleasure anil edu cation in tliuliomo tlio tlioimandari ilell owneni lliroiiqliutit canada are the moat cntluiilahtlc bupporteni of tlio hull tono protluclno qtialitica iih opninhlo if itn a bull bold only ijy c w kelly fgt son 33 lower wyndham st ouellh ont robt noble ltd flouk norvttl notlpiial kings cltolce plvo rosei ilmn slinru wliont chops glutton mual cotton iced meal ollcabo oat cliopp rollwl oatr timothy noed j l warren hanabkr tfeilkpiionb ho 45 mehts k mulligan a won equipped meat iliop at corner of mill and voung htreetti acton tlio uoantl brick hiillillnp from the otk cramlnv mid will uupplyall blndji of ikkbii and cuuko mcat8 of bent quality at reanonnuls prices muat dollvurtd to all ciutoaisra promptly plmuclait refrigerator tiliop open ovury evening farmer trade mpeclally kollclt- i ed iiikiidki caili prlcofttultlforetrfpi anil poultry i miluoan lorlry ourb eimnco or fine oat in flalcti anrj rnot economical of all watililntf breparallonv- lux diiiaolvoaj yoadlly in hot wator formlntr mootb cronmiiuo la titer that can not injurotlio 11 mloiitfahrfcia orthadaintiohthanila lux praaorven tlio original floft- rwii and fliclrnma of oil woollongnmionta trylux at all nyoceir 0c v l maui 14 ctalhaldal by law is-otlii- umlt yoratito what can a little ci1ai do wlmlnunnlltttofllmpdo vor lila connlrv will forjuu i wlnt ran u utile clmptlot ilo duu lljjlit lite a bnlalit vr tlio tnif1i and tlio hjlil- tltalu one guut tlihiy ho can do ifo can it ii n hii tliulm mean ma i an leutp lilmvalf olcun hath without mid u uli i ii- tlialx onotlier good tiling lie can do lliu iui u lio can iiruoo against oior tiling liatu i and tli troco will u mmii all lib liro in liu faco- tlmta nnotlier gooil llnitg lio can do he can loou to tlio rllit ha can tlmp liia tlinujiiia wlille he can fight the groat light heaiidowiijihaitiijht whnt u giwul in tliwfj ilultt thou are okcollont thliiga ho can do tltouyli lila i earn ha hut tow llnoan march in lhaqucuo of tlio gowl and tlio grcut who luittled will fnto and won through thata a uomlorful llilog lio tun do aihi incncli llttu thing he can follow tlia kihv i von in cacti umallwt tiling ha can follow tlie klnif he can follow tin cltrint lha klttg vtoia ivlho uary afjifi hook doyouwutaktlm wlin iu riuui lelaa ouiwr tlia djuioil fat ilia iraduald of lb lliott vonohvo ohymmio nutrllotli lt two lu iju uu ww lba four uuim our auiily uuiu uow uaulnjuu l ti4 y hi ou aud ih4rlta rl p p cool summer desserts thla la tlio hm of year wliun it la hard to know what to buy far a dcucrt at moat time why not liove something cooling in tlio way of ico cream wo will deliver any quan llty from 5 cantsup our cundy dopaitmont always liaiu till lino of chocolate mm ao conta to 60 conta a pound in bulk and in package from 35 cents to iooeacli don i fotflct our ico cream parlor wo make a now dish every saturday our now dlali for next hatur- day lu a mary i ick fords deucrt come in and try one and alio enjoy tumo niualc front ouruow gra- fonola harold wzes mill artcar the need of glajacb will liaunt you until you get th glaasea you need even examined glauei designed matte fltlod andadjiibtod everything right our guarantee a d savage optometrist mfc optician the instinct to save in la every welibauiued duul to uurt a uvlojti account d veiop a foniltht uuttwul ba to 1 owaeri betutlt la auay ways aad to select this eu- eaubluhed bank u the dol tory for your uooey is ovldatua of sound and eotmsrvatlv jtidunwt ti the bank of nova scotia iss muwchbb at atfaw ouitb mdmt ulbm uul bbmulll ttiltit ydnillu kradlng m her wedding mwh juihii volthvck srtu ami jotogrijicr aat in bar audloon itrlaht morning eon- uiious nf an unusual filing of aaliiluatlon taugln with it wu im- urtlliy bjwi afur biany atraggua sod hardtlilna ltr pictured ward uuoca aitlm to bar diigur tlpa tiny hailachara iwl lodlvlil uality all bar own anil tlio public waa banning to roalim il quly a fow momnt before mra craw ford well had caiuwi liar up ovar tba lalapluine to arrange for a tilting and lira- crawford walla uaa a ral toolal uaiur hot ploture miant onlera for many otltaih the little ijiotograjilieiraniiud i can afford to da tlilnga alie thought liappily lven europo la not vorj far of blie bat tlmrs looking very thin and aundar in liar whits tlilrt waut ami plain skirt olio looked up aa tlio door ojinil a wonutn tall and gaunt willt llrd unaa lu her faoa cam in bit erld a bnuar paauboatd bos fa tbu whare lliey lake piotur t biio aildstl the little pbotograrjur uoddftd brightly yaa aba awrd i uk plctur hlio put tlia box down carafully and btralgbuned up hr dr wu hbly 1 tlieliat mating on baautlful colli of faat- graylng hair waa undonialdy dingy t bar lunula wore brown and toll liardaned i 0atn to have my picture taken alie aaui imply in in my wedding dread- as if in aitawer to tlia aurnrud look tltat jaule pordycogave her aba went on 1 im not a bride ive been married alx yai and out in tlia little cemetery new wrtore i llvo are two little gravw i lut itoth uy liatlw 1 the on a ciairi glteeii inlfea from here wo want thete the day after i waa married i meant to have my fila ture taken then but it beamed ob though i needed other thing more after that i never had apy money bi looked into th bright face gazing at her end went on i guoaa yon dont know ntuoli ahout what life is on a claim she addul simply life roaolvob itaelf into a iueallou not of what you are irolng to have hut of what you can do without- this in tba way it liu been with me dim my liuaband la good hut hes had bad luok juab when wed think there waa lllit ahaail a horse would tile or elao a blight would take tlia croph or there would lw a tlrougbt and ao ive wailed ami waited to rune my wed ding pictures taken von tee it ruenb to tnuoli to me bocaumt i liad aet my beort oa havlag picture of ma and my wadding drew the other day jim hail a little extra money ooma hie way as we set ut the table after aupper i said to mm may i have my wedding picture now jim t and jim lie mid right away vouoertalnly can elian to morrow if you uy oa he gave ma tba money and here i am blia looked ab tlia little photograplter wistfully bma ilka i want that picture mora uiaii anything but im afraid after alx yoara i wont look tuuotj ilka a brlda tba life wo llva will rt into our faou and mine iiaa been budii a iiaixi one up aaily ttuuiy tlmaa to bed ut to keep things go ing and thou the aorrow of losing uy children bha wiped away tear there wu silence tlia woman broke it i used to have a pretty color fa uy ebeekaonoe but tho winds outonthorulnvj tan nimi brown one ao tba winters are hard too ob i know i dont look ilka x did but perhaps in tba pictures tbaaa thing wont enow hha atopiad luwltatad than began 1 had i ought to have flowers in my band t hrhleh nlways do jewle vordyea umled vou shall liae alia nihatl h thorn l bha iwluted ton am full of roatauoiir by it happetm to lie my ijrthdoy and theaawara sent to us to lielp calabrato il no you wont have to pay anytlilng down 1 wait and am how you like theu now im going to lie a friend as wallas a pbologra pher and arrange your hair before we tub on the drew you dont core t tlia woman sighed ko indeed 1 if you ran tiuika tow look better tin il when lha ittlug was ovar and the wedding drea earefully rapaekad in the aquare pasteboard box tlia woman looked up youve beau to bind bha aald gently ill never forget il cant i bring you aotnatblng when i eoua again egg or bultnr orbouoy or aainaohlokona nmylwt t tlio llttln photographer unilhvd i live with my mothnr aihi she iovm honey he rtipllwl you nilght bring a smalt jar lo hoi but natlilng to me tlio wonimi tnak up tier lwx aim started out on tlia throttliohl she pud ho nu think i look anything iii a bride t fho mill wutfully i dont me how i nan jifte kordoenmltol of oourim ynu will 1io crletl olieerily i took that pleture blia opened the door again timidly itaalutingly two weeka aftarmanl bla carried a hasknt covered with a white cloth and she wore the meilriiand hat i brought your mother the liotiay and joubomo freob hutloruml nlrawliorry ire uered iha auil alio usd the picture bio bhij aomwhat braathlaiaily jenala ponlyoa binllod the pictures are flnluliod i icul thu one fraineil for yoi 1 the other ere in llil mokag the woman took it end btudud it 1 her hundu i re mtilod the white gown fall in jfraoeful fohla sltont the tall figure of a nohla looking woman 1 tlie hair was lu beautiful coil- about tba fine fu the romi lo bar bands hid twr harsli ooarwi ntu tlia artist hud dnuu hr ut the tinee in the fuce were gone tlia ey look ad out grate urul uanquil the woman etudlad 1 1 all ut once the lifted barbell how did juit do ftf she ahl blroply jmia vofdyoo looketl at her i bad a good aulijcu hha uald there la boie- thing lidttor tliau mre baaulylnyourfaor and while lite ilttura looka like a hrtde ijcturd it hue jioaslbilitua in it that ore intlniuly finer lbs madooua look wa arifite lov hant fl sorry tliat you walled alx years to hv it ukart it is a buautflbfcs 1 tlie wotuaii waueoannluglt cloaaly i woodorwlut jim will uy whon lie ua thu r biia looktul up too bill tlie imblae duilaliauld dm ply thy wouu have llkod it hiwj brualttd sway a quiet tear btie looke1 at tlio photographer with bar gra eyeo you have dona lb all i site uld humuy not iiuoy woukl liavo takan tlie trouble for a ijioii woman ilka we im not a llkaly auhjoou aiul a wadding drwa lu yoani old didnt bolp any hut you jonvo ihju a plotura and its ine hie i it u wondoiful i blie took out a iui ii sliabby purse wliat are ineyt alia oak ad nut jamis fordyoe artut waved bar back blie did not tall tier that theoe oapeclal picture wera tlieflnast her studio onarad natlilng alts uid cheerlty you came on my bfrtliday the flrst ait- tar i had im going to give them to you the woman flushed ob i site cried but it isnt fair to you i must not aooept them the littlo photographer put her soft small hand over tlie rough browaoae it ir worth a great dal to me she uld 1 a picture like that we ortiua are looking for facea with life stories in tbain the woman atood tliara unooruln uu- oonvlnoeil take them aald jeasto kordyos sweetly for the babine aaka a man coming heavily into tba shook heard a woman voice a happy voice jim come see my picture my picture fn my wedding ilreta the man hurried in there propped upagalnattha plain wooden table hu the picture jim toppsd and stored well lie ukl slowly picture ilka that la worth weitln for ellen you look ilka a bride bub you got aoinathlng in your face u brlda hoanbgol im gbul you waited lie looked again and than furtively bruwlted away a tear i wuh uis babies could have lived he uld huskily christian standard kindness to a houseuold op bobims jirau russell lowell reutas the follow- mjroouul incident t i onoa bad a chanoe to do a klndnew to a liouaobolj of robins which they received with very friendly condaaoansion i had my aye for some pab upon a neat and wu puuled by a constant fluttering of what beamed full grown wlnga in lb whenever i drew near at lut i climbed the tree la spite of tlia angry protests from the old birds atrelnab my intrusion the mystery bad a very simple solution in building the neat long piece of peek thread had been somewhat loosely woven in three of tba young had contrived to antangu them- mltea in it and had boooma full grown without being able to launch tbamulves in to the air one wu unbaruad anotbsr bod so tightly twlstad tba cord shout lu shank that oae foot waa curled up and seemed paralysed 1 the third in bis atruggjes toesea pa luul aawad through the fiwi of the thigh and ao much harmed himself that i thought lb humane lo pub an end to its misery whan j took out my knife to out their hempen bonda the heads of the family seemed to divine my frlaodly interest suddenly oeaolag thalr cries ami threats they parched quietly within reach of uy hand and watched ma la uy work of munu mission this owing to the fluttering terror of the prisoners wu an sbklr of some delicacy 1 bub are long i wu reword ed by seeing ona nf them fly away to a aelghltowng tree while lbs cripple making a parachute of bte wlnga cams lightly to the ground aad hopped off u wall as he could upon one leg obsequiously waited upon by his elders a weak later i haj the oalufuctlon of moating him in tba pine walk la good spirits and already ao uv recovered aa to be able to bauuoe himself with the lima foot selected tjjm buam0 0 lint our buildings fences highways and railways not to apeak of our towns are often soars which mar tba face of nature without poasaaalug any compensating beauty of their own it la evident that beauty in the surrounding of life is not to be had in this modern day without baking thought and exercising a vigilance charles fcllol restc a home mis klclmhla out jea now said her colorwl muiil beaming in friendly fnuhinii hut hhe bav if you all come dls mornln ter say oa haw you all liettar m sit down and wait twell hhe coma liaek i looked the proffered chair and wultcd hut not without lively curiosity to know the wherfeihoutm of my minting friend vor did site not live bo otoa to me that our hack yards joined handa t and did not tny windows command a viaw of tha pathway and sidewalk t and yet i hod been no one and waa it not contrary to alt of my frleiida welttahltshed cuatoma to lie altoont from routine and children ut the buy time of ten oclock on a monday morning t i pondered over tha problem and the more i pondered the more oonvlnc ed i became that only ulnese or sudden death oould have torn my friend away from her bona and liar home duties at such a time buddanly there uas the sound of ap- prooohlhg footstep and toy friend came into the room with outbtretohsd hando bha wo no bonoat or wrap and i waa quite sure that no one had tmtsred tlie bouse by eltlier antranessluoe i bad arriv ed- my bewlldarmant grew uy friend totd my puudad glance with amutameut wondarlng why you dltlnt see me go down the btrott she laughed and just what eould be the awful reason of my ahaeaoe la the middle of tlie busiest morn ing lu the week t x nodded fby if you will oome with me a moment i will skplaln slis sakl rltlag we went upttalr and mounted finally to uie attic blie peuaod with bar lisnd tut a door- band la you know tba doc tow said that i must go away for a oomplete rw alia sakl it la true i have been in a couplately worn out condition the babya long tick new and the consequent anauty were tha hnuhlug touch i uas completely worn out and i knew il hub i knew too that i ilwmul get no real rt away from tom aim lite children i should havo worrlad ovar them every minute bo i eampromlt ed on tills blie flung open the door au old clothee clout with cue window had hoaa transformed htoacharinlnglitlle room about ten feet square the walls ware covered wlthaoftgrey groan cartridge pepor and the window commanded a beautiful view of tlie hills screened par tially by branches of lbs old pins that guarded tlie house oa tlie floor was a soft thick rug of doe per green and the nurtains at tlie window harmonlud with uie wall paper tlie roam was totally devoid of ornament or even a picture and hut one article of furniture was to be seen tli in a deep comfortable couch with gray- green cover srul luxurious cushions faced tits window and its view this la my little restroom uld uy friend twice a day regularly and oa many antra times as i feel to be naoeaaary i came up here and just think of nothing at all i sometimes sleep bub very rarely mostly i lie and look at the view or else close my eyes nod try to keep my mind perfect blank no one la allowed to ills- turbmestbueh times if the telephone rings or a etoreman eel la lb is exactly the same u though i ware away according to the doctors advice up hare sb tlie top of the bouse i can catch no echoes of what la going 00 below i hear only the wind and the vine brarichaa or tha rain on the roof i allowed the doctor my scheme and he wu willing that i should try it and in just the week that i have used this little room i can ase auch a marked improvement in my health lb seems to me that if lielf the women in the world who get nervously tired eould only have some such little place where thev might reab ab stated times there would nob be half the need of apeotal- lats and expensive aonltarluma and i agreed wlh bar martha huskell clark in endeavor world tub mimob airr two maidens eager to make the most of lifes privileges ami possibilities prayed their kings to grant them soma gift by which they tufhb lieoorae truer and sweet er ami more helpful to others and tha king heard their reqnema aad sold to them your prayers ira answered i give to each of you a garden la which to grow flowers whose beauty and frsgranoe may brighten your own uvea ami make happier the uvea of those about yoa tewl them earefully ami in after yeare i shall come again and ask of you concerning thsm- years passed away again lb king came into this same country and h aid to himself i must see the gardens of uy ma want he came to one garden a tall fane hedged lb in he found the gate end entered the plaae showed evidence of love end careful tandlnir the plants were rank and strong hub few flower ware upon them the maiden now a wouah came and stood beside him oh king she mid i loved uy garden ao the flowers were so beautiful and i shut them in ao no ruthless hand could pluck nor carsusa few trample them they were too lovely to gather so i left them all here in my garden whore i could aaa them always bub they are nob blooming now aa at tba smb ussier why not the king looked sb her with stem aad yes daughter why did you not share with other v the king found tha other garden with open paths awl pleasant sea tfca maid en now a woman earn to greet blm ami said oh king i have loved mv garden ao tha flowers were too beautiful to keep hare wu a mass of roses only yesterday bub i gave them to tha little bride aoroas theway uy illy bed was fragrant white bub i pub their btoom in the dear hands of tha aged one u aha lay at rest lost night i would have liked to keep uy violets bub tha children laved them ao i must aaada share with thm and as aha looked into the kings face aba found lb wondrous kind and full of light an aha aald to her wall done ilo n mental anguish la the most acuta suffer ng one may experience why tolerel thoas who delight in tha pala they can asaaa other twenty years ago from our issuo of tho proo press of thursday nov 7th 180 thia and many other part of ontario were prolmbly noier bo bfaroo of water at hi 0010011 of tho year on momlaj opening the memliera of knox church kmltavcr boolety met nt the houieofmus mophall vine lrsaldonb to liid a booihi hour with the president mr j v hintth prior to his removal he was presented with a complementary fare wall adriretu signed by mlta 0 mo ilia 11 vice president ami i m houderson boo rata ry an arrangement hu leoii made whereby tha grand trunk hallway receive water supply at georgetown from tlie town system by the yearly payment of uwo for ibe years and 01700 for five years fallowing a- tanyear agreement actons wwx five iter oenl twenty year debentures for tlie fire protection system tied eleven landers and were sold to the highest for 111 47 this is equivalent to a premium of ftouvf and will pay uie in terest for nearly three years mr and mrs w a coleman and laura visited friends at the old horns en tlie brock rood during uie wesk mra mary morton will leave in a week cr so for california w litre she will remain for a time with relative maruixu mckkaidkhkndkiuon at the residence of the bride parents ho war avenue acton on novatnber fltb by rev j w roe h a moksogue m t to alison tejford dsughter of david henderson m 1 alt of acton medorruiiwauhk at the residence of tlie brides iiarantu esnueslng township on november atli by lev jv w has mr duncan mahougalt son of late john matlougall to mare a daughter of alex waldte both of ktqueslng bemlniscem op actohvi 11v jamul uamukv watlikkfom nsxb to the fnxfci paksa office is the methodist church a nest and commodious building which was built forty years ago to supercede tlie nub frame building ao long occupied sb the corner john and church street further on is the baptist church liullta few yean ago by the con gregation ai tho old church on elgin street was too small and ahu not in a vary con anient place from this church to the tstlon all the buildings ore of a recent date none being built in old times retracing our step to main bl and going on easterly on the north side waa the store ilreody referred to built by mr bemlfl then ocrom on the ootnsr of willow street was a neat little house built by mr- wu steele in the early fifties the writer remember seeing mr steele planting a smalt willow tree at this corner tlie tree was not more than an inch and a half fn diameter hut tutely it grew to auch a siie that lu broncho extended almost across the streel tlie tree wu cut down when mill street wu widened and at this oorner la built the lino warren block occupied by the merchant dank hassarda drug store and ruiaohd grocery ooing on easterly thore was a store that wu occupied by mr william fjrstbrook tlie founder of tlie firm in toronto known u irsthrook brothers naarthl also is uie building in which mr w 11 btorey began to manufacture the gloves thab now have such a worldwide reputation this building waa occupied by tha firm till they moved into tlie large and commodious building in which the boalneu is now carried on tho mansion in which mr btorey lived lately was of a recent origin within our memory iurthsr oa at uie corner of mill and elgin streets there is still standing one of the old land marks which wu occupied by various tenants but owned latterly by charles t hill and now by his wm mr john c hilt at one time the post office wu kept here and if tlie writer remembers correctly lb wu here tliat mr jamas matthsws tha present popular postmaster entered tlia service which he has occupied ao long that now he is one of the oldest if nob tlie oldest or longest in service of any ptsat- meiter in canada there la only one more place thab the writer will notice 011 this streel thab la where tlia large spruce or evergreens are growing tbaaa were planted by one br bhook en herb doctor who fair many yeare lived to acton etui bod a house on the lob lo which tba trees referred to are standing mr wm johnstons now re sides thore tim wn poll dad tho superintendent nf a urge sabbath bcboal in an eastern city discovered thab quite a bright boy of about aarautaea years had dropped out of school and had nob been in attendance far several bab- baths tho superintendent made a note of tha fact with the intention of colling on the boy but the neiib babhutli the boy appeared la hia cbua at tlia close of the school tlia superintendent went up to him took him by tha hand and sold 1 wall charles i au gbul to see you back in tba class borne one told me that you were not coming any more i ukl i wunb 1 but dad joined the mens class a couple of sabbaths ago and says ha la coming right along 1 ao im sorb of fotnwfiig dad by coming hukmyself ive ooma back to stay at lout as long u dad stays nothing would have a batter inhuunco on tho boys of a community than a olaas composed wholly of fattier we hear of mothers claases ami now and then one liaara of fathom cbuuea of this bind in one school three brothers between ihaages nf flftoen and nineteen years hooamo members of tlia sahliaui school after their fattier hail united with a ohms of won tlia average young fellow is apt to fellow dad awl tla up to tlia father to walk be should if urn boy is to follow in hia foot steps adutb bible school monthly woatrj jll it c04ta thab tha little pelus required to secure correct iironunolotlon of atngluh worde in conversation w their proper orthography in wrlung is worth all it may cost will be evltkitt to any man or woman obi young or middle aged who will ue the matter reasonable consideration tho chronlo failure on this una are mostly uelmmpoe ad hot out their russet biiciioo to tl harel to tho wlmlo that whuer careleasly of homing time and landward lying things along the uplands agraut 1 00 ml whirr themselves through uuiibhlno and within thehlurr of purple distance tho faint fur htlr of some lone hnymakcr that scythes and alugs attroanthe muruli 1 col i mod from seas that creep against the sheltering dykes the droning a weep of sickles whero the long salt gross sleep hiulied in the pasce that near fulfil moot bring in tlio canadian magaiiua for decern- her o littlg moth t2lt of mink ftomotlmca lu tlio hush of tba cloning hour when tho nhndnwa creep from tho uut i think of thu twilight song you kiiiik and tho boy you lulled to rest thu witi tlltlo boy with tha tou- uhd hem 1 hut long hum ugo wax thine i uiinihr if hii m ill 111 ph you long for hint lio o iltt1t ntolhur ot tnlnol atnl mm llu inn ionig to mans mill if oniuii utihuirt in body and ktrmiu and oum inmllj know that bo uim iho lad wlimi joii lullitl wild your wliinilkr sung riii inrn inn t itllcrod tho form nmt tlio life hut tils henrt la unclnuigod by time and wlill be la only thy boy dm of old 1 o littlo mutlicr of mlnsl unit or ii ilronn thirteen reasons why one man votes fob pboiiibition because i believe insobriety temperance and good government because intemperance undermines the very foundations of civil society because traffic in thab which deprives men of their reason and incite them to crime ought not to be treated u a irglti mate or honorable line of business because a trafflo which la so ilanperoue ami daadly id its nature and tendencies as to require constant palloelng and heavy licensing in order to prevent lb from over running end ruining society outright can not be a good traffic f because prohibitory and penal laws are mode to prevent and punish crime 1 end the liquor trafflo is one of uie greatest promoters of crime for tha blots to legollie it therefore la fer it to work at oro- purpose because the liquor trallla is one of the greatest incentive to vice immorality and deeds of violence because the sighs and sorrow of broken hearted wives and neglected children caused through drink appeal to me for help because tlie liquor trafflo tends to pau perise those wlm assist lb most and rtvesim adequate return for the money paid into if because alcohol i poison and tba trafflo in alcoholic beverages weakens men physically mentally and morally unfits them for life companions and pareulhood and is is one of the greatest causae of in sanity because tho liquor ireftlo tend to pro duce an indigent olus and an unem ployed cbua and an unprincipled cue the greatest foe to society and free nelhu tions because where prohibition has been tried aad allowed to prohibit lb bas uosen- ad crime relieved suffering dried tears brightened heroes emptied jails increased prosperity promoted peace and been a bleating in every respect because no nation wu aver known to parish because lb atood for temparatica while all the nations of antiquity went dowa through inumpstaace aad its ittad- dent evil because lastly i love uy wife my chil dren uy neighbor my country and uy ood 1 and i do uotwuh to aee my home my chltdreaa home uy neighbor bouse my home land aor tba world ood a home for man ruined through tba withering blighting influences of drink w a col- cord in fit louis advocate coulbntbritutr a depubyshsrlfj who wu here recently to take back a prisoner told this story oa ue jailer in bis town tha jailer though a wellmeaning man la illiterate and spelling lea trifle difficult for him one day us spring pencil ami paper it hand ha went through tba jail to get suggestion frota tha lumataa u to changes lu the dietary we would ilka to have oome rhubarb suggested one prisoner you may have it replied tha jailer who than commenced trying to record tha request ha began ru hastily abandon ad thab for rau and theu roo and rbau successively thoroughly axupar atad at bub he fleroely exclaimed 1 rhubarb be banged youll gab cab bage asthma caonob last whan tha graataab of all asthma spealflas la used br j l kallogoa asthma lumady assuredly dee- en es this ensiled title lb has countless cures to lbs credit which other preparations bad failed to benefit lb brings help to even tha most set ere cues and brings tha patient to a condition of blessed relief surely suffering from asthma la mid lass whan a remedy llkethlstasoassllyaecured relief for buffering everywhere lfa whose life is made ulaerabla that oomsat frou indigestion and baa not tried verms- lees vegetable 1111 daea sob know how easily this formidable roe oan be dealt with these pills will retime where others fell they are the reeulb of long sad patlenb study and are confidently put forward ns a aura corrector of dlsordera of tha digestive organs from which ao many buffer

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