Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1915, p. 2

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dorm lllasxi at the maternity miuiillnl mihllnlim hut allu mi hiindny onto iwfilili ivfr mill mr- it umwtll thi httvuntli hlmot iztut ii iltiuulilnr harried lutjtiktv hiikuwiiiin at lhn liuinn nf lliti brides parent fin halunlay hoili novsmwr by uov v m outer ll a hoy klaltty koh of tn i kutiy of j i rook villi to itayyouiwit ihuighler of mr mini mm tluiiiwoii ftlierwood all of nakwyii med olthmikoii hunday october slid at ardmylutph oum outbrle k a in his 7fllh year joiiwsow in ailnnn minnesota oot sou 1010 mr johnson tnauier of mr ja 1 moffat anton n liar with year bwackiuuku in anton on tuesday afternoon 2nd november mary k chlshntm wife of hit am bwaok burner aired 13 year d ctuit 3fr pm3 1 thursday novklthtir 4 i0ib edito tw on wxkk in october in chicago on hundred saloons went out of bualne high miiti fioor trade and big pan tor free lunche w lit reason given onaof ui largest breweries in lit olty report uta sale of four month to b twenty four per oant let tliaa for u oor- reapondlno won tint last year tilti government formal authorisation of another 1000x man for oversea eervio hi been cabled to tlm british government by iii royal hlghneea th duk of con- naught in tha laltera cable to th col- oulal ueeretary mr llonar law hi i loyal highness say th new canadian call intended by my government a a reply to the atlrrlng message of hi majesty tli king of tlm empire ohtauki haa ost municipalities without a licensed barroom tltara are itlll 101 municipalities with barrooms of the will vol on local option at tlta tnunlopal election in january th list noludee uv cities tan town tan villages and fourteen township as follows cltlaa t raluvllla fori william niagara falls port arthur barnia stratford woodstock low as 1 aurora carletou itso eases niagara north bay othawa 1arlhllj larry bound waliaoeburjr whitby village 1 hath erlo ounooa luoan uerviekville oil spring watford waet- port port 1erry township 1 atnlieret- island utrrie biddulpu chapleau chap- man eioott front vttxoy gloucester london louth uomurrloh marlboro uantaauantl if sambra in tits past flv yaara 1w muntclpalltlaa liava gona mry y11k milton cluaiplon with lu outto bury antagonuui toull iuaura ealoulatad to prohibit tha 61 of intoxicating liquors uurapramnta pstbapa unlntaatlonally tha altuatlon in tha uuttar of tlta vary rapra- tnutla convantlon hahl in that town last waak whan it was unanimously dacldaj 10 submit tha oaaaja tamparanoa act in halton hi cbaaapioo aayai a mast- lag of tha uui kind waa hald hera mora than yaar ago but tlia outalda orgaalaara who bad it caluj rooaivad bo aaooumga- uaat ami tb tdaa of vota was droppad last uortday it la ondaitood tha organl- mt war bwwa auooaaaful and it waa lcu ad to tak tha atapa naoaamuy to biting 00 tha vota had tha ctuuplou ukaa tha troubla to aour inforuatlon from any ralubu aouro it would hav uaroad au- platloaily that no outalda orgaauar bad aaytbldg whatavm to do wltb tha arrange lug for tha eactvaauoa of ust yr nor of tha a bald last wak tu iaatjiigi wara oa both occasions calud by tha offl tmr ol halton yatuparaism ajwoeutum wuh abaolutsly no diractioa nor consult tloa wilb ouuldaorgaaiua tha only 6tejdrtl6a waa tha uaada of lha hour aa faltbylbauaa of haltoa who war ap- polnud by ibajr fallowauctora to tba eooaty to lav tha uiibr undw vlw last yy eoivmitlot waa ljj aboat lla uom of tha odtbak of it war aad aotloa wa dnd id ooouqtwooa jt would la ta4 dljpilaaj od tbapartof ihachaidploii ia play fir id lha tupiljii jat htiadtwj ybaulwairt bmd of lb omoty irfp-o- tlm6f kiicidii w pollllos sd busy of lfcri afrw prluiy luotlaad wltb iotiwa4tof tbla natura tt ljiiad tba uatia aud ara dutnidaj to plaaa tba arlrlad add irtpfovad c vaotpsa uta at into foroa id ualtoa buaima of tba liwlflga mm to follov to buejraja of bowiiaud haarta obituary bsw iilluu 8watkusukh b htm of ttifwajdaa uwdkhabiar lud bw pajofoll fcddahl tbhab tha wmltg y tm tni jay tjwood of lira tiwkbafai u lllfia waa po- ltisd tat yaar ot uora aithoagh svy tbldg pomlua waa ilooa to afcj rallaf d ftbumlb oi- btora hb waa id tba boj- talatutfvipb id tbt mtdai but ho itu- pronaiaitt wu 6naud aaj ah aftwwvda irradually gw won nturitia aaj baarc trtdbb war bit alunaau far nufdau aaw wji lfary k cbuholot bba waa a dansbla f tb uu john cbuboiid sutd waa bovrt in kjujag fifty thraa yaan 44 tblriyoda yaara ago last cbrialtdis a jojttad in wadlock to bar aorrowlttg bba waa tba wlfa and tdotbur of a happy boua and alway uaad bin aa dygii to uabft tba boaja a buwt joyoua aad bappy puea liar daatb u tba flrt la ib faulty tba oblldraa aa 1 brant of toronto 1 mr n unwln aotou rolph tloaa aad josapb un fiwaekbakaar waa a uatdbti of kbox oburoh 6a was blgb ly aa a ba eouuiuulty tha fdoartl will ba uu tbu afurttoou at a so colook to valnrlaw cat the mens banquet a success about 140 won of tho ohurvhoa tak- tlalpdtod nnd enjoyod tho evening two splendid addresses given timi intcriltiiioinlimtluiihl tnqiiot bob lust tlntriy availing in lha motliodlot kdhool ituant was n inmlll suodass urn insnof tltaanulicsn llaptlst lroabytarlaii ami motliodutotiurchrra nitotitlml in vary gratifying number nnl tha prooomllnga throughout war of a most ntrstliig and ittntruotlvn olmrsour tba adilrwuoa by mr j raynolds jabnsum anil mr 1 m rosa baoratary of tha angllruiii mana missionary movatntint botli of toronto wora of n very lilgb onlar tby wow in format lonul mid inspiring and vividly oniplinsluh opportunities roaponalliljtio ami inolliotls wi1011 tho men of whom thera wora about mo litul aurroumlml tho tablas a versa ol all hall tlia power of jesus name was lung and rov c if ii h ml tli m a offered prayer tlio nisnu wu provldxl by tho lullea of tha red cross rocloty and wa expellentlii all respects the tables looked very tempting and full j us u 00 was 1i0110 by the then to the appstlilng viandi irovldd tlta school room was also attractively daoorated by the ladle with flags bunting and lower their effort wer all highly appreamted and received very oordla thanba in a format rasoluuon at tha oloa after singing tlia national anthem mr j reynold johnston was introtlucoil and delivered tba first addreaa it was a mastarly prasantatlon of tba missionary work entrust to th follower of joouu christ to day tha ohunt of tlta mission ry fleld was vividly portray the encouraging work alreaililyajbaotiipllsbetl ly tba faithful missionary worker in all lands wsi rehearsed in lunst interefitlng terms tba present opportunlllr nnd responsibilities wero strongly impressed and all wen eihortedtolisvaasltsra in the npraad of thegorpsl to all people during the present generation tlia oonseoratlon of talent utereiailnflueiiobupontlioaawbo faithfully aiarclse tlia duties of steward ship and tha value of prayer were force fully and attractively eat forth mr rose followed in a very practical address dwelling largely upon methods of work in tlia various missionary activities and recounting the results which have lieen achieved he showed vary conclusively that earnest prayerful work by ilia mem bershlp of the local obureli in behalf ol mission iish invariably resulted in the upbuilding of tha church so engaged both in material enhancement and spiritual awakening the eiiparienca of many elm rod of all communions was rehearsed and a stirring appeal to tha ohurtihea of aotcn to make a faithful every member canvas closed most helpful address that all present were deeply interested as amply nunlfatted by the rapt atten tion ghen to both addressee during the nearly two hour of their delivery following messrs johnston and rose mr u ii henderson at tlia request of the committee gav a auoclnct ami helpful account of tlia very successful every tuem- lier canvass mada by tho man of knox church lost spring by which ut missionary and general fund of that church have been very materially eugmaatsd la all probability a similar work will ba undertaken in tba baptist church of england aad methodist church befora tbaaad of tba year with a view to tha i mora gaaaral adoptiou of the dupla eovalope system with tba opaalttg of 1010 it la felt that much benefit will fallow froa tills spuculid ktbrlng a hearty vota of thaaka to tha speakers waa movad by mr j l warrii ad aeoooded by mr john r kennedy and another to lb ladle by re if w avleon m a d d and aaoondad by rav j c wiuon a a to tba hultaa of tba red cross both of whloh vara uunl mouely applauded by tba man h p uoora j p cbaimaa of tha lalaidaooailaataaj couuitua prwded at tba baoqut some observations wry unlipiodiid of hlxlorla imwirtuhro wan lm monu nuirdflumiiliiuilniiml mim- rloiihry huittpti dm llrt of lt bind iri aotuu it will lie smikaii of in ihayoaru to not the leant feature and imrlmw th liekt just now we tho asmmblluiofmeiiof at least flva 1 00a i churches anglican lhptut congregatloiia melhodut pre byterlun mot aachurobmen yet m one to eat ami drink togatber and to lislei topic common to all a mr j ttaynold jolmston of toronto said t huch a thing would liavo been inipomlblo h kenerallon or two ago there were there tnn of tlio farm tli store tlia shop tlie factory tho school tho isglstature the study old men young men and big itoye hungry sociable attentive especially attentive chairman of kxeoutlve moore handled the fu notion with grace and ability aa one in hearty sympathy with it purpose and accustomed to tli duties thra time tlm men joined in hearty boug 1 ierroneu all hall tha power of jesus name juh before supper 1 flotl have th king just before tlia addressee 1 and litest ba the tie that bind just before closing the flmt was pitched too high the last too low the oilier just atiout right but tli klst ofwliottlea is safest to drul on tba supper wall one hundred nnd a quarter men are ready to testify that it was excellent prej tared by comely matron who were assisted iu the aervloe by handsome damsel wearing tlia red cross insignia the only regrettable feature waa the lata hnur iwiforo tltcy themselves oould ba served but uien a red cross worker they are working under ilia eynv liol of uurldcea but what of th nildrosse j thaeamest attention paid was the greatest compli ment 1oraluymun hbo mr jolimton to hold forth for an hour on the kingdom lu such un eloquent earnest pereualve manner whs romurbahle ills ctoqusnoe was not so much in a torrent of language us in fsot potter of hie subject conveyed dir ect to eye mid ear of bin listener rev mr rosa practical apteul as to uaya and means hacked up by hi personal devotion of himself la th a rest foreign work won his plsos ton in the hearts of the men two strong appeal were mode 1 one for volunteers to the great work young men or yountf women another lha personal ayeuuutlo devotion of tho lorde share weekly to ills cause mr m hendersons manly straight forward testimony aa to the elteela of the plans of the systematic giving principle aa worked out lu knox church during tlta present j ear was most convincing ami iereusshe indeed mr henderson ami tlia other speak or would make good methodist a ur w relating of experience of soul and service aro 00 11 mimed the men interdenominational banquet was an unqualified oiluakllmd auction sale hn nasfaaoawkdva vattmstoujcanxi im- tho uiiileralgned ima received liutruc- tlnns to sell by tmlblc nuotloti for jamrk caunaiian at bin furm lot 113 con towiimiii of mnuuigawaya tiiutiatday i1tii mqvasmkihin at one oclock sharp tliu fnllnvvlug hor8ks 1 buy home 10 youru 1 cbestitut itorse ruiitg 0 yeara t uarre honcorlnlng 7 years i 1 roadnlor filly a year old cattlk i roan cow o yearold freali suptkwod to ito in calf 1 rod heifer milking well aiippoucd to bo in calf 1 red cow jyearold milking wull mipitoaed to bo in calf i l rod huifur tnllking well nuiijioiiod to lm in calf 11 lielfur 9 yearn old 3 belt or 1 year old 1 btoor year old a spring calvcu v calf 1 ma nth old biiricp and ilohi rorlblorod oxford down kwea 3 oxfnra down spring lambe 1 brood now 1 young cow implkmrnthi dccrjup binder j foot cut i deeringimlky rnko 10 foot croat ft wood sacu drill 13 boo nearly new spring tooth cultivator 1 act diamond burro wo 1 dluc iiarrowa 3 drum steel roller laln mniuire spread er good bain wakgnn and box 1 now buggy liny ruck famiing mill and lug ger democrat ntoiio boat 3 decrlng nioweru all lliese thing nltovo nru in goml repnlr 1 cockihutt jointer plow pea rake dump cart and harness old wakffoii and box 1 cutter 1 oat bob- aloiglia 1 sen filer t wootl racks road cart t box for shipping imtilpa guko- inu engino aawu cmiber cutting box 1 root pulper 1 wheolbarrow 1 cream separator i bellow anvil tap dies and vise 9 pig cratoa i beam 300 ilia cap 1 scalea inoa lbs cap 1 largo sugar kettle t grlndnteiio 1 long laddur idcklo grinder 1 borse powor 1 set beuvy liarnesj t set single liarneta 1 sot light double liantesu rjuantlty of lumber 4 square blnjjften quantity nf wood a quantity of timothy hay nls 11 quantity ilnvwr bay a cr on sent uwh u nvimlwr bilck fork boon shnvelx cbulnu mini other artlclm tmi itumoroiiit in mention tuumblio and undur nab over llmt amount 11 tnonilmcruditunfiirnlrili- ing approved joint noleu six per cant per annum oil for canli hoy grain wned lumlior and hlilnglfl cash no reserve- aa the farm hss boon anld n j ukitit aimlloiiieiv a l wyaut clark iq a raunlluh ust op aco0umts passed by maijtjrwijyii coumcu at lu l6t- itur uut wtk uuidsudk on ttitc p b t suclcs at tba lufjog of tba naaaawya couaoil uat trk iba followldif aoamata wr p i 1 uualclpal vvcru owbmaupplua luvulooof votaralist lold it whlta adv couhof kavuioo vraok uaya bridaatlur u afadaraoa apiadld htoih uwvld wil6d apreadtrur hon was iilbrts6d uoug stoaa already kjf hodte to ufouno th wottuttl itutlttlti supmalebt of huu haj b vtutwutd lira oto ifavlll president of tha woman luututa baa reoalvad tba follow lag uu of aolibowlegemant raapeotlnh- tliafralei4eaauyaat frotn aeton for tba oruisdiaa red rjro soouly torooto oet sotii 1011 peajr madam 1 1 bao tb ak now ledge raoalpt of shipment of fruit wblob arrived bar aafaly and a too la trattalt to our loodoo depot for dla uluiuoa maamaooept our btita tbaaba foe able tosos waloocaa eoawbatloa yoora tralyi mtoki siasuuaix pu ctaib spiwjing a apreadtn iiu bid johdtvlia hpairatoeulvjt jobu tbbo uadmbrushlug itobatt coka railing pot w o fuyara dytuunlta edward hull gravel victor andwwmi grav j t hoiilh ifivj7 ilou ifarruoa grav a auigjul grdval wu cuhoo gtavtj tba pranels gravel curria k hunter atoalttg and gtivlling nalaoo towttlloa john wilua with grade jaua boua grading j v husband repair to crush ledger rolaa hiuoo m eoalrut j u nucklockrepallngoulv4h ruiaotlng juror tba raeva hdbwrtlug juror asseseor twecung juror curk tba chub waa lrktvuetad to writ tba suparintaadant of c p r calling hla attaatlod to lb landslma from tba railway en to tba highway lot v cot t ami requastlug that tba was ha removed with out delay aad suggatuag a rialnln wall to praveot tba recurranoa of tlia trouble tba raeva and mr lrusouau wer appolaud delegate to attaad lha weetlag of tba ilydroubetrla asaoclstloa at tor onto tba bylaw to provide for tlia nomlaa- uotj and election of rdouaoll for 1010 waa passed in tit uuul way ooutwlladjouroed towoet dm iflth at 10 oclock f 72j 2iw 3tio a 00 1200 000 015 u 00 a 00 lio m 1 3 jo ttfio 170 400 7fi0 a 00 a70 4100 100 laoo ko i0k7 iloo 1200 200 400 on of tba uaet inhueatlal agricultural taper lu tba domlhloa la tba way other refer to tba weekly suit of toronto it la a paper which appeal to tlia wideawak farm independent and faerie it baa always guarded tba beat lauraau of cana dian agriculture aalda from that iu accural and carefully oowplled uarbeb report and sumtaoru glva ut reader a praiitloal grasp of burket ooodltloo you ha v saved hwdolbuv i tba repeat ad raco of hundred of it madera tba bdo la on tba ground it i tba paper for tb farmer who roll up hi alevad to those who art farming for profit it market mpottat ar worth many tho announcement on saturday of tba death of blr charle tupiier tho latt of tha father of confederation at tha advanced eg of 04 years recalls hi brief visit to aetna in the election campaign of ihofl nearly twenty jcara ago ha bud been only a short time the pramlcr having coma back froni england to lead the lovrn toent after sir maabensle howells rejgna- tlon th term of parliament bad been prolonged to it utmost stretch am blr charts bad to aatar upon a strenuous oawpalgn tlum an old man in tb clos ing day ba mad a tour out thl way speaking at various stations and it wm announced that b would b at acton about noon a great crowd gathered mr if arvy dray was placed at th back of tba old station suitably outuluj aad thaa tha waiting ooumancad at on tlm it waa said ba bad just uft nerval tbmj at his dinner at georgdlgwn man gaud aaxtoualy down tba track while othwa oomfohably tvated 00 tb top of box oar at tut aa angina glided in followed by a flovurameot car arid a teeaporory oilai fell over tb throng followed by itsmau cbwring u msr slory and havdnoa tba caodldata ao6omianuid by a portly agad geatlaman apphuwd if waa oodducttd to tba dray iluou wbd ur geovir hyiule la a nat apaacb waloomad bltd to oar pnuparou villi nuda to by urf policy oarrud out by tba oovwumat ate ii tba lultoduoad a con pi of pruy duiuli uusea nloklla aad hynd who b said would preat tbalr onvring luoslvlag tb booquat prthmdtej tba baronet btowd tb usoal kua ha tbd uunobwl into a tlttdlcatloa of tb policy of tba oorm4ut tioo tb buwpued of tb national policy ii waa inurrupud ly aa aiclud baarar frotd tba township who calud out what about tb iwbiuioa t sir cbarua pauwl aad aakl 1 ill uu you about tba reulllort i tl paopl of canada ro in rllllod id una and awapt tb grit right out of powar although aged and sppatwitty weary tba ou oumbocuad warborh tbowod great pluck and flghl and tba pro- oaajluge ok tb oar uovvd to lurlla lot a demonstration tbara ybo campaign waa a strenuous on and tba govarouudt want dow to defeat but fllr obaru led tba fore again in 1000 but tbangav up in thl campalgu be was aaioelatad with hugb john ua0 doaald who was working 00 hi preeug aa a ton of bl father blr job a but not only did tb latter fall to carry tba country west of th ltfcaa aa ba promised but even failed lu bl own tiding ha tban droped out ur heodereon won tba campaign wbaa blr char waa bar which we hi sixth and baa bean in four tlaoa wbnlag eight out of tba ten all a ma have to pua away lib olbr folk and it la a anuawbat sad 00m- msnury on human greatuaw bow tb world an still go on it waa tatty igo wruuti by aomaoua ifyouwanttabaow wlietbar tba world can go on without you take a knitting needl out tba will pond awl put ifclnto th wtr tbn drawltoul and look for tba hol auction sale ih hltln rownhiiit oonicanoaltiile atho nonsjek an1 hogs the uiidoralgncd i ia received iimlruc- tlnus in b by public auction for wm allen at tils farm lot 5 anil lino erin 3 miles west of acton on thuiiwdav isril novumbttir at one oclock sharp the following hotthksi choice black 111 aro 3 yean r choice brown guiding j vuara this in a very choice team of pure burn on with plenty nf life and very promising sired by tba noted sire napoleon bona parte cattlfi i rod cow 6 jcara in o wceka bred again 1 rod cow s eant milking dim in march 1 rod cow 3 j earn duo in january 1 red cow 5 wars mllltlng duo lr- march 1 pair of lie i fern due in january 1 holstofn heifer milking bred j woeka 1 farrow cow s yearn would make a iiood brefjls ir r fat cow durham lull dark red islng a year 1 pair steers riulng 1 years 4 steers a years 3 holfere rising 3 yearni 1 pair of roan balfura rising a years 1 del for a years b yearling- 6 spring calve the cow are all good abort horn da with on eiceptloa and tb young cattle are flrat class in the best of con dition h0o3 1 good yorkslilra aow with 7 plgas week old terms sioand unur cash over that amount is monthicredlton furnish ing approved joint note five per cent pr annum oft far cash positively no reserve- aa the proprietor la giving up oh of his farms and la overstocked a l wyant clerk u cbalman xmuuv uraai tba wbserlptlon prlo mill batta in ekgund arhvod at plymoutb on sunday evanlne after quick pawujra tbalmtb batullou of whleb cor- j h moor was a member of it bugle baud arrived safely in plymouth england on sunday evening tha uu battalion left loudon tbutw day night ocl lilat tb paaaage aoroa tb oooan waa tberafora a apaady oua a tbalr aaf arrival in plymouth waa an aounoad barely ula day aftar departur from tba concentration camp at loudon olhahimci auction sale in sselumrelho foumalmir fanar stock impije mbnth etc tha uudamlguedbaj received initruc tlona toull by public auction for jah o uoffayaltbafartd lot 17 con 6 west half ifaquciug 1 mlua tut of ac ton on wmdmbuioav uvh movumustu at on oclock kharp the following houses 1 chettiut maw aged 1 blick war aged i gpan black carriage lioraearlsltig yaara prlu wlouora 1 span grey percnaroaa rtalng 4 year cattle 1 durham heifer duatime ofaaa 1 cow durham 7 yar old due iaouary y 1 cow durham 6 year old u ian 9 1 tctwduthiiu ayeair old dua march 14 4 durbttu spring calves iuplkmunto 1 pnvttwood binder 6 foot cut deerlng uower a foot cut l tbwrdrill peter ham ii ion ij boa nearly ow 1 prortwood bors rake t cultivator jscufhera 1 jkk rake- t cutter 1 pair bobeleigha 1 waggou 1 bain waggon with deubl box all complete 1 democrat two mat 1 pair plaaaur tlelgba 3 uau i top buggy 1 land roller ft pleury plow no si 1 toitob plowno 7 lut iiarrowa 1 dlso harrows 1 turnip tower 1 faaoiuffihih 1 eureka turaln pulper dearly uew t grindstoue t xteulou ladder 39 fet tona 1 bufcgy polu 1 cutter pole 40 tout bay mixed clover and timothy til rode wira fau- cltig quantity cedar post lumbar oatklifl chalna fork boa ahovela ate iiarnubb 1 tat bras mounted driving baruee double nearly aew 1 aat baavy hirtwu 1 tet plow baraaaa 1 set slugl driving harruu 1 suprlor ctvam separator nearly new a cupboards sideboard table daisy cliurt coal healer cue wood or coal healer ou atove etc tbrubffioatid under caalt ovr that amount 11 motttha credlton furttlult- log approved joint notes five par eeut per anuum off forcaih hay cash no reserve as the farm his been told ssatm psvtcim ausuaussv wm wlllou clerk lljjj the hub if you are thinking of retting a new suit or tin overcoat call and too ua wo cm give you what you want to style ami fit price aro reasonable we nlao make ladles tailored suit geo f agnew mill 81 acton koooooorxooomx kxwo 000xkxxoxxocx 0 good business itii rood lni nine km for every liujxr to wo our ranc of fall and winter jioodi belore purcliahinp our ratirc in all cold weather kequire- ments in inrgii and pricrs much below present valucfl mens and rojh overcoait ladicn inclati woollen underwear mohicrj sweater co its gloves and mittu newest ideas and rind valus in all these line- linoleum floor oilciihh lilmds and curiam good are moving freely it is money waved to mahe fielectionn from present stockn henderson co mm st out acton m m the ouracyojforil cconomlicr is a patented device for automatically cshlrollldj the draught it rerulatct he heat to any degree you want willi scientific exactness no other itovc has this uptodate fuelsaving equipment i am going to give away canadas pineal aluminum kitchen vvaru a six dollar bet kettle double boiler and saucepan to a limited number of my customers who buy within the next 30 daya the worlds brit itance d tfllw bubrntetilfl 11 liahult ii iiomowa i tiiiiitarro llnrslil lliiliaiiiit liiolilionl i- iun in ulisltil t nil 111 uk i kid nni 41ilu otllfa ik1 gz wanticit vlttnl mill fullnott s lis 1mb lu and ilsae work himiiiv olt a wanted wiaiilri luilltirx haxlitf ufllilua liahlii 1o wlriihr tliiiiir olo vsrloty r work for ramllu end fur youbtf limit ami wninnii wrk ijnlnsly bsruul k iiim- loulanv ijmiihi lltli llhtl out nttthje r nilulrlm ir ii 11 itob h1uyki id ilia ijrmila ol ilia builmlau 1 1 dl brj i enii imiiimiiih a ouunlti of vissba sort i mil v itmr ulila ownsr ottii liavii tauge by prif lill liiojorly sin syii0 oklhih iliieulmr nov ul llis 10i notice tit jlohpiujscrh a liiiriqnasraslilallv lortitu from jl j uuuluu mi inis s from ilia ctli i i 11i1 onli nnbniiwyn lio q oj tli tldtu tiills nujuilly la iiioad wlia ittis lu tlioot- in with u oil i i joiih ii hhnhijir ka imiv n0im1an oats iiiih la 10 earlliv that i save n litis vsar i uurt oi ur his arlv it uat v a vsar 1 oau i iiuroliaiul ilia tusl from ii n m fur it j iuiiton ii co tiuur nriiowl siurissfiil llnhy htihiiith foii balk i all f rlnit ni hl t rlalrv lm i- 110 l 1 wi rli rtii ilalrt rnvsla leaiiiiir vnm mid ke- iniiinir gl itmhiahsil islla clrllilraumfly eltanxl real ski rlslsl ltm licroiart liv 1 swruinl islt rru t rijiinii kitti wary rjr urr or stusll ilrlrra catlel lor anil cfrmuls vrobipily fnit salk i anlt water fruit lr jll- irlor dan dlulti nnua tlrv duelil ror lialroacas lain iwn oallara with fi rti ljiujlt lianu aril wlif lorul- tur laltf vo tisrtltuuts so- ekgravinp s j tforomto am a the gufney imperialoxford it you want n new stove your money will ncvo buy better value than here during the next month you qet the worlds best rjngc at ipcctl prices and you gee a oix dollar net of aluminuni ware free every kitchen needs both seventy veaks reputation behind this wonderful pange ilutramely bandsomo full wolfflit which ineniia durability i burns nilhor wood or coal standard re versible rmt iruarantees hint otty ounce of fuel is property consumed tho oven la roomy and prlvea abeotutely ovan baklns duo to ouiitoyi tiupormr to nut nit t inn o thuovun walln ash pan raniovabto witlmut trouhlor spllllnpof asbca a ranjio ou will bu proud of for rnra to comu ruarinled ttotli by usaud tlio maker to give abanluto satiifactlon wicua swclal run from 43h to s nccordiujt to als ami equipment this sixdollar set of handsome aluminum ware free tba vtry best thick aungo soanilowi aluminum benuti fully light yet tdrongui tlmimtcol and more durable al- umlnuw wara istlio upto ilutu tlnnjt in tho kitchen whom comfort convenience and icommy are cnnccrnnl bet coniltaof large tlia kettle doulilo dollur and htuicopan vou rtaut fredurlni tho naxt 30 da with a g unity oxford rang james symon agent for iurney stoves and ranges come in and see the range and utensils today acton ont new wonder land theatre q friday nov b hon da v nov 8 iii june with wild a special ilroiilwuy star feature with katii- iruti williams wkdhstsdav mov 19 rpuodn i j of esploilaof klalne l gregory proprietor a c c speight for uptodate goods esuwswwiurmai in tssblwkw fine vrfty also ktma cullry hturdwaumts tlnwava teurirj oreur hwum in vairt pfltunclarat stovsma suid rtuitfaur tfauhou hrwklaw stttu iitoveml oil stovva every article is of excep tional value the merchants bank op canada igranq trunk r uouuik tmack all yhe wav torontochicago toronloivloiitreal foh ohioaqo linvotouontnnwaninxi p m nml ut p m tally poll honthbal uuio toronto 041 a m sso p m ttnil 11 00 i 111 tlally kqnliiiilnt tliu hiwt1 on all trln panama pacific mxw1uitioh rcilncv1 turt tti han prauclmo lo aiiiiii nml han tliovn 1nll imtiicnlaniaihrihaith rufvailatii on apnllculliin in akiiui s holmes agent phons no is hilithliij ila 3w jfawnrill i cilal jfljhrift is ritjhtly described as eco x nomical management a shrewd bosineoh man is spoken of as thrifty be cause ho siives perhaps only a dollar at- a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his nuccess lies in tho principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par 70000110 1mm m n c c speight hill strut aetoo acton brasch f a maclean manager fallot winter stock op boots and shoes now complete heavy lines light lines working boots sunday shoes goods to suit all customers of bisl lolakes and latest stylos wi- back tho roods we offer and make our prices satisfac tory we have rubbers rub ber heels slippers and pumps our rcpiirini carefully and promptly done call kenney bros main st teto

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