Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a laklub ahbotltmwnt fji1ou0 lllcaaomautu gtvo us a call makllllaab k1owmqhc0 isbutsd jwllry and vihay cttmdm aoton omtallio real estate varum tor wuln in million kv el and wellington loo ruturn lor halt every tdc if yuu want u form write taie for eututouue or if you wuu to well or vttrhaua write me we bwveevrry luelllty for tremuuriluif buklueuu to your couplete ithtlakirlluii orrcu- ktoudeure ttollrlf etl j a willoictlut rariuhelllup hflulht tleoruelowii ffllw cton 3fm rm thurhia oiun m ioia brief local items hot ready for winter 1 kb are soaring in price tlio hunters lmu jjihio noilli for tlio dear hunting nctison mr duiinlay ol hamilton prfrirlied lit tit itaptut churcli luwt honday with much nccujilanco tim 1111 telephone company u con strucliig a now lino in tl o i until mora farm on tin u il ii lr rtijlimi foirjd uonl o ti mum ouruturda t enlist lut imlntf in ilufoc tlve cyedghl uh mil uccujjtotl ution imm lull lima it fur licliliid mi i hockey tint jot hero il jum tlio timet fir football if you uanl to pluy it right mcairs v if htorey s hon f tlio canada hoios works lima tlnlr employ mil working mor tima owing in ilia t ih i i orders tunder rcfi runoo wcru muilo in tit churchoi on hnuliy in i lip luto huroli nurse civcil mo foully intinlorcil by lln ilbtmunti in ilnimel owiug to tlm tucrmocd rot ol rn ductiuu tho nukciiun i rlrn if nil 1 ul woekl iiuhuhimt 111 prohil l lo nmdo si m wr minimi tnmmoiirfi u ut yi r tlioumiunl lkimtr muting hio dm heboid convention uu i u in hi n autlll ir con o mu co ih being lulil m hi i nor clmrch ijooruotuui in ilu mid tn ur fcuruu htiaur hr lit beafiirth in ciigigid with mr l agnou lliay worked inuullmr in uin tha leading tailoring liouc in ijuutj li ur onio time tlio motor enrol lr llimtii of i kn 41 uu uu holon lr m tlut villign liw thursday evening it una rocird noir cheltenham and the uilum arc in ludpli jail owing to soma changes niodo id tlio by law guaranteeing tho bonds ol tha tex it la co another ly law has len iro puj by milton town council amonitin that by law anil tlio hiiiio will tic votwl on by tli el oc tore on hutunluy notomlmr utli news op local import six ft ooilltl quito well llin fun im liwi iw rvoiii hi rut v innlil ftom llm troiiolirn in i i niuo a on nl ddylnu i i nni iilla u1l 1llor follnuunt llwtiiwrtiinltj will ho worthy residents mr yiiiii41 mnffct who rooontly wim hlu farm on tho flflli line huu 1mwi tlm htiok lenljoncfl oujrclwrlmjuhljsvmu cornor of mill mill wi1iiii htrmtn ho will removo to anton with bin family nflor tho aalo on tho jltli hint tho fnuioub floturao exhibition 1 ho imbibition of iiimnii pint lire unilnr lboiinuiloouif tho iiiilihchoolianttiurii ituy nml rhlay uuu iwjlli wlnoativo mill inioivatiiik koarly all llm iioturau wora conlon of uoll bnowii witititiku an h result nf llioonlilliitlaii tlio ulinol i00ihi a una frnniwl wlntlnf of ionl noloon prosontatlon to col dalian 1 1 110 ln tho oociiulon of tho kttli anniv eriuiry of their u oild i nit tha olllavrw of tha 70th rirfir civ prohontcil col lialljitliio h with a baniuoiiio cotfta jkorool ion mid mm ihillautlno with a iwututiful inld uriut wutcji with her inltlilii anil luiltfaar llm7m1i llntt 011 i140i1 heraui for plro alarm only at tho itteetinif of tlm council momuy oiciiinjlt ws dooliloil to rilboontinua tlio rliihiiijfflf tbo town ball bell inoriilnir nooti nml niulit tbelmllorthokoverimiantluitd fiik clool liolru conaideriml lufllalaiit tlio rihury tones of tha old bell which lias been f titlifiilly rioting for quarter of a oan tiiry arotadly mliett by many woman a institute mutiny on friday tlio rjjiiur monthly nieetinp of acton u ohihiih institute will ua betj on fcriilny ufilrnnoii ut four oclocl at tha homa of mm tosoih holmaa do war avenua an oci11oiit iironrnmnnj itofnuihiiianta bono ihi by tho lii4tou uml u ooiuiultttm of tho limtliiiu- all ullna will b wal social and personal hab sat rail doors out ituta mice to dont ilia in tlio ilouno itlc mxl 23a at iruu anil country ulortw was5a0aweya a ijulet wwhlina took jvlftco at tho uatttojut iiarmooago lnt ilifin oil ootobarsotb uhen molul francen rcn ub ilauyhtcr of tu km hr mul mr scatilau furmorly of vuvuawoja uuu taiarriailto arthur rlild l hltt iimro of toronto tliannu ony um nniliulnl by hoc ir hounlm amiutci l- itov i a lurlr aflur imumim mr mil mr whlltumuro lift for ft trip to now york aiul uiwnthiir a turn iu tno city will raalila at hi huuimeihlll imnlona havanl motor our men into fmmil to tbjr sorrow lately that tha crounuil uiroypjh lha fcuomji from knaluibull wont ward la too narrow to ternilt of iwiujj too boroua in lurnlnu out for rlu to mw a bio tourlnircar woi t ovr tho oduo oua tlay last wak ami kjumt an hour fn uetilnw back to tha rouiluy atfain tho heat liuti la to wait h faw iimmbchu at either aj of tho ewauip until tho coin i up rip idaoliaa tho uliicr rouilum ur juiiioh cur almu lu mhl hlu farm tolls con a lu mr i a willnuubhy of lftorgjtown mr cumuli m u ill iihjiom ol lila utncli ami liiilununt bj uuutinn on tb hilt hut- mr l illouymiy ia ulrtwly at work iiuirovng tlio iloco tim urui bauta la being reiuiutcil ami otlior work ia in pragiwu tb baautlful now rhancwr clmrob iu temtlajr couiiution tha ilaleriiif is tjooa tlio una art ulmw wlmlnwa uro in ami tha eariieiitora tiro iliiuhing uml i hoy urc dalotf evoellent woik tho into for tlio opufug of tlm tuioroil uliflca liuu bwjn luixl for suiiiluy ij1i1 ifeooiulmr it will ran tlbw for itreat raoleiik tbuiikhgiviiig by tha oonuitfjtioii a quiet but very ltty ueildlnu van oiubrataj at tha homo of ur ami ure tbompou jhorwoail oiibstunhtyulturnoon wbeu uialr youiiger dautthtr iu wan joined in holy wedlock to ur itoy klsley a6j1 ol mr lav i elilay of urooli tilt tlio brldlook0jhoautlul in horwomintf kwii of wlilba satin fllia man giion awuy by lior father th oeremoiiy was rwrformed by uv e u carter u- a the ruulor of tho young rtaopla tlio bridal rulr left oil tha eiiiiltjr train for a hotiayttuxut visit at toronto and llraiitford thsy will nottla ab brohi whew ur kuiay luui purohused buslooaa i00 bewahd 00 the reader ol litis luiwr will bo iilaauul to learn that there in at wet 0110 dreaded dlkaand tbaiaolanealiaalieon ahla to euro la all tta nuga uml that lu catarrh cu- urrhbaliig unutly ludueiiooil by coiutltu tluoal ooadttioub requlron aooilitiitloiml utmertt hauacuurrh our in taken aatamally and aot through tho wood on thouaooushurfaoea ol tita byatam there tv deatroylng tlio foundation of ihodlwamr jjvlii2tbwuiuitbtrnbthby buildhiu up tha eoiutlluuao and aaalatlag nature in doiua iu work tha kroiwltora havo w mrtob faltli in the duratlva jioworo of halla dollara lor any oomi that it uu band for lut of uatimwilak auraaa 1 v x ciiknkv tola do ohio soldbyulhvomjit 7lo eight oclock closing of barroom i in onlor for tlio elating of all barrootna lint irio at tight ocloou catno into offset moidhiy tlio onlcr rciiuiroa the bar nj chuiod ut that hour ami proliihlu tba tow 11 ol toll drintiu and cigars- of kiiiiru tbo jirovloua prohibitory hours from huon ovloru haturday night until six iiclfcu monday morning ramalnii in force principal stewart is the president t ibo tcry liitorchiliig and liolful kchulunu of hal ton teachers iustltuto in liironln thofiillowlngiitllcornworeoliktcil 1 ivihldtntw ii hlouait aclon hutolary mua mliinla itunnclt acton ruauuttr mibu i ii itoun mlllon i ihniriau j 1 marcel iub it a millni f tciitio- a v trornand tlioolilccru communion sorvloo next sunday tin iintlitl c 11 in muni hi mirvlctiu of ilia muh xiii chncl uill lu held noil hun it i ibouhiial lnvu leant ia unnnuiiccd r 11 ilia in to imi olloucil at ii by tho i 1 iliiii mlir tbo tmcratflcnl will bo diiiinllerxd at tho clow of tba evening miu ituv ii w avlaon m aai thu minlxtur will preach holh nuinilng and uiuiilng hie district vlniutr ur dutri i 11 ti i thu coiiiui union laid tbisuoek muny hallowoon parties llnll ihuuii pafcftd ot very ulotly bar hut ihcio wra numaroua ery anjoyabu llaltuwoon paitloa on haturday evening the young folk a had uta of inoorant fun with thoir lack o ian tarn a ami faua faeea und auiiit tha nnnlvortry very plaaasntly thoalmncaof untsemlyaml oftardafttrua tho pranka was uaoarally appreeiaud tbo nauor mathcula of enjoyment ur after oil tho ut leotura on tha kauor hot if avium u a ii ix gava tho llrxt of hi a locturos in cunoootio tho king a on or lie tarua tilth methodise he 1 nuil room on uoiulay evening aluut lifiy young nvon wera prnanl tha aub- jeet waa tba kalur and he was batulul without glorce by tlia ucturer in plain anglo tiaion bia cliaraotar was portrayed and bu bruul i nil facta as datnoaaralad by tha war ucro vividly rahaarwj a link in tha hadlal syatam at w nuoting last week in toronto ol re lircaaiilulf vea nl tha iuunidialtus imtweao toroutoaml lucliji hir adam iluk h- i lu i ti wl tbo iiroiuuml 110 w hydro ludial lietuoan toronto and lualph and 00 hamla it la axpaoud that tlia toron to huhurban una now under oonstiiictlofl batwoeii tororto aud tlualpb thrugb acton wilt be taken ovr as a link la tt hydro eystent this una is approximately 47 miles in longth oreat yield or early norman oats fjut iprlng ur llobart sprowl third una sou ad tj pounds ol early norton oatahapurelisaadfroid h r uedooau agent ths yield wan phauomeual as proven when tha oat wars thrwivd tha nlber day to lib great aurpria ur kpinwl found ho bad 2400 pounds ol oata from l ho ij tlila is sa verity rv fohl ho intends in sow tlia en lira yield went iprinir if lbs increaso la as iireab in 1011 boll require to put in additional granarlaa in that una new bain of hla doath of donald guthrie tho somewhat sudden death of donald tlulhrio k tt urrlatar ouelph at his homoormidyoveniinrmovaaanaotlv fnfliionilsl uwful oltlun who far over liutf a rentury iism tieen a leading una in thn community until few days prior to ida death mr uuthrla was ahla to atuml daily lha largd praotioa which hla olhoa commamud ho will ua greatly uiiasmi mr fluthrla anjnycd tho oonfldenos ol tha publlo both for hla ahilltvaml bla nulct in tegnliy ha his baaii tha legal wmur ol uoorea ol tlia rmldanlaol aotoitond vicinity many years fined and placed on prohibited list ifeolxinn was given at tha adjourned hit- ting of uuglatrataa court on batur y in tho oliargo sgaliigt ulka popowlta an aiiatrian forhehg drunk and disorderly n tha evidence at tlia trial uetra piuhuk ami his wife sworo hat tlia eonstruotlon in which lirought ivipovlu into town thb 01 onlng of tha disturbance reaolted aclon about half tast ala ivipovlu swore that tlio train did not leave feorgetowri for anton until eight oclock it was asoer tnlned alter tlm trial from tlia engineer sohu1d uiattth tralh reached acton at 1 m in his evldenoa popowlla swore that bo had drunk noililng but ono glass ol uer and tlierefara oould not havo been druitk it later turned out that be bad lieen drinking until lea oclock and had several wliukeya as well as iwera the mnglktrato ii v uaora donaeoiuently rruula m conviction against popovlts and inpohsd h fins of 0000 and easts tide having been ut aeoaad ofbnoe and with the oonourranoe ol ileava hytids j p onlemd tliat lie le plaoed on the luc of itersons proldblted from receiving lutoxloa- tkxif liquor mln muo llawiburno ban rniurmul hoi from kurlhig mim jean kinlth wui homo from toronto ovorhunday mlaa lllancho tbompiou uuu homo from llorlln over mumla mr umlxir4th itootl itil but week with friends in toronto urvltvjjuajgkvwent to hla homoln toronto for a week end viwit mr and mrs lo a hemstroat of milton ujmiil vriday at mooroeroft mrs ilamosand mrs alex katnshsw of toronto havo luwnt born this week city clork t 1 moore of juelph is on aliuiitiugvhpeilitioii to dwlght lake of hays mr and mrs drake of fit leorge vlnluul mr and mrs fameaj itath tlila uoek mourn wm htalkor and sreil wiliu left laut week on a deer bunting ayneditlon up north r xtv and mrs w u our of tlaorge town vlulted at mr doaeph ifolmei on tuoulay mr vawnl calvert and mr william calvert of corwhln iwnt hunday with mm turion mima little maioiv made a pleasant waek end visit with her friend ulaa llertlo tilth toroolp mrs w t flumo and mis minnie prater of toronto were guests of aolon friends this week mr j reynold a johnslon of toronto one of tba ajieakers at the laymens ilaii quat was a gueat ut uoorecroft uius ilarluir warren and ur little nleoe helen warren v i tiled at tlia homo of mr james l wurreu during tlia weak mrs m a hsrvoy of toronto am mrs ur a j murray ol newark n j sieut lha week anil with mrs turion ulltowunw mrs a m smith aeoompanieil by bar motlier mrs annoitolmruon arrival from mew vork on flat unlay to unit mr ilelt- agnew park avenue prof a t jaltirullb ol tho department of chomihtry at the o a tl luolji lias accojittd similar ioaiiioo ut uanltolia agricultural college mr l m itom hecroury of the anglican laymens miraiunnry mnveirenl toronto waaenlartiilucd at kuuk manta during bla atay in town mrs t if drown mrs j if lunny and miaa k huwtharuo atumleil lha meeting of tba womans uluioi ury ho oloty at fluelji laat week mr tlolfji hwaokhamer arrived boiua from tlio korttmiwt where ho hail bean spending tho summer jutt u few hours prior to bla mothers doath mrs colin dynes of proainun and mrs k john- ton of job no town u v war callwl hrro this wook owing to lite asriau f thoir iui mrs iliruin hwack i humor mr und mrs fumes lutb and family aio this uock fur tbflr now homo at rt luorge during tbo years of their real jenoa liero tlisy mailo many warm friends tlia iwmt w lilies of all go with them ballihapad county press commehtg flcspootlrir- proposal to submit tho canada tomporanao aot tlia oakville iteonrd days 1 if tba canada toinporatico ant lu auhmlluil nml oarrlml tlio llmiilo commlsaloiiors would hi all prouhlllty ordnr that no lioeiisoa imi granted at tha flrttof may as was dons in huron county tl w-uo- bray added his ttimony as a travelling man at thn convention to the fact that hotel a 000m m oil a i ion has been greatly i 111 pro vol i in ooutitieu where tba canada temperance aot is in foroe t nubet kbo of conditions as ha remanilierad llidin umler the six year of boolt aot in hal ion when u10 law was so well oliaerved that tlm couutj judge got white gloves twelve times in uueoewlon as titer- were no criminal cases to appear lieforn him tho lliirllngton uaiette says 1 a few of tlia delegates wore in favor of bending lliolr effurts toward securing a larger meaiure hut when lha resolution was sal mltteil to tlia meeting it was carried by s unanimous standing vote tha campaign oan liossid to lia fairly launched ami will le pushed with vigor tlia tloorgotnwn herald puhtluhed tlia following from a local oorreawmlent 1 delegataa lir large numbers from every town ami township in tha county were ireseut with a una oomplemont of women wlilch imllcatea that all are fojly alive to hie grat eauad of teiieraiica tha lutr- ttiony and entbualasin was ooutaglous while tu goal of provincial prohibition was tlitf unanitnous vonllot of tha wee ling yet for tba preaout in tlila county therewas perfect unanimity lu tba decision that lha canada temjwrence aot should lie sul mit ul at the esrllut possible time and a resolution to that enact was presantad and carried with bntbuilaam at tlia oonoli alon of tlia meeting umuiuu were appolutsil for every wiling ul dlvuinn to bring tha whbls county umler eoinpleia organlwi tio tho milton lufontter ssihi the con vaiitluu m 111 lay uflernui uit wm well stundail thera balnga splendid irpraacn tatlon fromavary iart of tha county und judging fr n tlia tone of tho 111 toting thsy were there for utarn builnata titers were a number of ludlca prouut one ladv who acted aa iakoman fur tho rel said the bail incal ojitlon in urania and it was working very well hut lliey wars handl osjined aaiuowhat from iba fact tliat oak villa which is not ur away had tha ojwn bar ublcb mllitatrd agaiubl that suocaaa wlilob would obtain wera tlua opan lurs clol as limy would he wera tlia canada tettiparancaci fn farue in tlia oouuly tu oakvlho filar uays 1 war on the tlcnimiisaud turkaaiul war on tlia lkuor truibo ugipaar to ba uoglng with til force ami o lis engaging lha utlonlion wf l0ilu in like utmiftjoini j at ptvmt tbo latter la aoj lying its busy uu r county and i rik doings lists to ba roorded its a 00dsehd to humanity is what a lesdlnu physician says of iv juoknonu llomun moal lromrly oookwl into porrldga acoordiug to directions on imoksge without stirring ufur llrt mak ing it is a delight tu bumunlty ttao a double boiler or sot lwlor in basin of lulling water em um one oup of liuul to two oup of water cook for half sn hour ituvery nutritious pre venu indigestion and relieves eonatliatluriormoiioy luios ask your doctor at grooera 10 and utf oents ilia fanners are making gaoil uu of the is weatliar tu gather in their root crop tha anniversary services held in knoi church liaro on sunday 24 ui october were well atlmld ilav ur ferguson of norval filled the pulpit very ably both ling and evening luv ur wuddell tlia pastor eichanged pulpits with ur ferguson wa are 4eawl to we ur ale lander mckay a 14a to ba around again looking bate and hsorty mr niaka van natter has purchased a potd car and ia proving himself quits an aipert at running it mr and mrs 1 r liny of leargatown wersguota at mr a it vsoattara oa sunday ur itartb of twr oou was tha guest of luiuaafad frunda last tburwlay ulsaea usggla and annie watson tre vultlag at tlia liouia ol ur and rarth trracoiu ur iucliar1 sliortlll who la 111 typlvoidfaver is doing aa well as can ba e pact ail mr lurt itogarsaml ure itobt fug hah of toronto were recent visitors at mrs js camplialla rvovluelal plowing match atouelph tha annual provincial plowing tuatoo at tha o a c lualpb tobwrrow oooi uanclng at 0 atn thar will also be sn exhibition ol farm trootora which will plow barrow and seed at one operation fare and third tlckala will u sold ovav tie rallwaye guelph hai too many bar chalraan vlavalu of tha board of license commissioners intimated ary plainly at lha seisioo bald in iuslph 00 tuesday that there would prolaldy l a reduction of licenses in ti uelph thaie are ihlrtun in the oity whereas ilarmn has only n ina the number will probably ba reduced by four great cropi in saikatehewan a letur just reoelved by the fitka puium from ur htaffbrd z tunnstt louerel uerctiant ulllerdale bask oayei we have a bumper crap tlila year in raskatob eaau whuat lias yielded from so o 68 uithsls ier uere and graded tnostly no 1 northern and all sold ut 76o toxia tlie threililng will also lie done in about a week weather has been ideal we sp- preclate the fiuw paiuw itgivee all the home news i enclose f 100 for another year ordination ofbov d m bou v it u rose who spoke atthetnene banquet here on thursday eieelng woe ordained at ht t leorgea church uuelpli oa bundsy tuornlng and will enter the missionary held in india shortly tho sermon wan delivered by itav canon oould while the illshop ol niagara and provost msokutu participated in the ordin ation itov ur hose la a bachelor ol the solano 0 agriculture having been grad uated from the ontario agricultural oollegeseverai years ago alnoe which ho took a ttwdogtcal eouroo at trinity college toronto have you been sick then you realize the utter weakneu that robs ambition destroy appetite and makes woik a burden to restore that strength aud stamina that la eo eauntlal nothing baa over equaled or compared with bootfa ihardsjoei bey cause its strengthstisulkdng nourhuv meat invigorates the blood to dlstrlbuto euergytlirouahoutthebodywhllallstobli value dbarpaaui the appetite and restore health in m natural permanent way xi you are mn down tired nervousy overworked or lack strength get bootti ntou wottai acton patbi0yi0 fund 00 sont prom tampa ma by a formor member orno 6 company mount previooijy acknuw udfft 57i rou watson tamps vis 37i0 m the following interesting utter acooui panud mr wataoasoontrlbullon 1 tamka florida oclobaritril 10ia ii p moors bocratary aoton patriotic fund iwr puad 1 it has given eoa great pleasure to read in tha ukk pkum tlia wporu of acton sucoeu and gorolty in raising u much targar sum uian was sirued al for ti canadian patriotic fund i frnoloaamy tulte uy only aicuse for not forwarding it toooar la tha claltua upod the aluntioo ol a busy roan i oh vary tduob pltasd to know thaw are still a nuuliar of my oil oofurauus ol ihaseventua wlio warebiauhara of no couijiany ol tha joth ilattation lome rinoa in ha i a ml of tlm 11 lug i trust i may he spared to vflt again tha acsnea of my boyhood days are long and i sincerely hop this cruel war will soon he oadad fraternally yours llofct ii war v auctioneer ti j kerbs list of fahmsalku feurdey movab hut as t a aloaku jauas carnajian nasmawayo virtilay nambavliii a i oaloak w jastln east oarafasa fartn fartn stock eto tuwuy nov socta as igjsd telmk sirs jatose near 7ih una krbi fsrai farm stock i m pitmen is hay grain roots ttc 1 hupaday ovawbar latlt at f oaloak wm allan 2t4l1liu kiln horses ps tall la hogs yueaulay siovwwbaesrdatloeloek ii iv lewie rico kiquaalug i j umutt auauoaoer lsugh at a fool and he liuaglnoe you are laughing with hlot a man doaant have to he a detective lu order to find troubt tail jour troubles to your friends and they u iii say 1 oh thats nothing i whan unnsy talks even a garrulous woman will close her mouth aiul milan iwwuiihmanaanndnndddoiiiwkfhsia clothing and furnishings hats ano caps i roit i men and boys the bind that appeal to smart dreisoru laro i j assortments latest btyleu i moderate pricev j i geo wallace 3 thb htrmh ouelph ont mhmiwhaaaciduaadaaamimmhhii japans daring whalers they rtiak drovmrtlna ta baeap tha in furiated animal tall muny of tho jupuiiustf wlinlnmen are moat expert and during men aflor ivhnlo ba been cornered bnrpootied mid is slowly giving out from initiation tho ulmblo expert of the whaling crotv must prove hie mottle tbo skilled jap riflor jumping upon the tinliunta buck und cutting two gashes inthe head uu on each aide tli round which a rope must ba run arid tied rnnttot always perform bla work in odm trial olleu tha aultunl makse a doep dive lint ilia little jap must bold fast 10 ills bjuarry aud dire also rusting la bin fates that bla own air supply in bla lungs will last a lung aa tbo whale hie jap ta safer from bolng drowned than from being crushed by tbo lufurl atod animals tall if ibo little jap ht eo it uaunlly uiuiiiis donllt so imi bangs on to the dlrlng quarry fre- quuully theao whnhiirtoh lo their llvue from drowning but tbo itienibera of their cruw look upon bis uilafur ulue with aomolhliig of a fdullatlc ivgnrd hut ihu miilu bualunsa in baud is tba rupture of hit- wlinltf ah the nhl progrswsae mid tlu inudiluiiwl fright emd animal grown irutibnr and dually is dylug tin linn m ua rovr lor to tli4 immly ami iru fur 1i10 eiiso of the ih luirtlng spirit tt in turn of tba crew it iii roll uui tin ru jumbu jo ruku jurnlii ninl m ilia llilrd day ufttr ibo 1111i11111i imu ikhii ho u led 11 li 1 in- u uirviiv lu lu hi und prayer nffirvd for itu iiiiimiuib iuturo con liniment in uiilrlt aa soon uu tbo unluinl una been tow ed lo ibe show lliiu i10 la cut up the japs unking linuo xravatloua and fwiictrnllna inalilu mm animal body as lliouuli f uti rtnu a initio abaft or until rj uml t ri uiiinily making tbalr pill all kitvml ulili liuwid it u s ur u- mlulif inn la looked udod i nri ii 11- 1 ui mi 1 of iniirae f 11 mm in- 11 i finnge a sale of wallpaper that will outshine in bargain values any similar sale ever held in this store takes place this week luoiniionu are ropreuoiilative of llxtila ordlunry linrgaln valuns 1 value up to i2ic for 3c values up to 75c for i5c all price qiiotatlniis ho lug pur slngtu mil iimlnuccsiworlby of extra spoclnl mention nro uiich na thosa 10c wash able tile3 ragulnr 10c vnrulnticd pal torn in blno nml green tiln pnltunifl for bltchotiu und liathroaniu tliroughly vnuhnlilo nnd thcruforo re comniotiilahlu for natiltnry advnnlngan scotch oatmeals i regular 301 qualities hi aiuglo rolls of b jl c yards long and 30 inches wide lhnua bountiful inbrllb of ilukoy mirfactf and volvety up liearanco all uliades moire ceilimg3 r- regular 10c valuta white nnd cream oc grounds in llin over popular moire pattamu isittra heavy tlook- tra eiiormoiih suvliigs ofyared nro worth comlnii mllou for our lilgli btmnlnrdu of quality nui wldo runges of choice our dependable luck of elaggeratloit mid nilarup roue ntnt ion in ptlco quotation all guiirantood sntlafac tloii chair hail hcgillnrly uortli ic iu iinitntloii oak tj nun lc d macdonald bros llmlld cuelphs leading and laroest store wyndtmtn maejoniuu ktul carjcn slru guelph ool fresh groceries now raisins new currants ntw datua niw nuts new pcle now h pices rln line of coraouorirv first ctnan una of paucy cakes ninl pastry prcsli evsry day cooked uuats hnnit ilacon with the homolike flavor ilruail and other goods delivered promptly dally j r livingstone mueaa a to ec 0 bios uui etl aatawi why pot give your j biy and girl an i opportunity lo makouwslraaaa ttudtf alio und rjficttiir olvo than tbo tima lmncm to win pro motion and sucocw tut tlio lad having tho advantage of webster i mfw international dlcllnnary inlila liomo tills now i creation aiuwcn wltli lino auiluur jty all kliulaof piuullug qiuwdmtii in limory sifltfrunhy lilograplty sp lllng iiroiiuiiclauou sporta arts mid fccloiuv 4eessevaraubuyt hafrwa lwsaeiuuaiats cblonjkiaua utjrwuyvlutujb4i4kt the tyna htur la aqulauiil to ibsl ol a lsvcjuiiie oorovvlu ur rhalsjly amusis fiiriialiar jauilbmltailiwmiyaakmfc tkuutuusa la a tiu piuvt man 11 you lli pwr 0 ft c isfjdniaj 64 npriticrttt bajust dmsfflsjc firrtwmrr mnmmnc this week our assortment of meats will b better than ever look over this assortment fresh pork tpxe rlba pork kooal pork tenderloin pork chopa cooked rwlfts head cheese iba fnrett hwifta lleef loat tiwlfla veal loaf uwilt a dressed veal swifts dressed pork hwlfu cooked ham rlwiftatougua allied aiu 3s1k aatlb 49 lb lb iu vol lb 31 lb vlb cured hwifta premium hams 23 hwlftsprem knllodhhoulderiu bwift slrem back ilacon 3u swift spnmi ilreakfast bacon wv bwllt premium hamlettea vtt bwltls premium wennlere st uwlfteprem ring bologna 1h swifts hsm and tongue 4lb spare rlba are scarce order yours early try a roast of fresh pork it a lender lean and beautifully flavored our meat business la growing each week wcm five better assort ment try us fur meat this week n1w brunswick potatoug smooth and dry per bag- rest american otlltt per gollou russells mul strelt acton ont dss id skunk gctmos3mouyfoyourslltuwlt muskrat hacoooo poes white waset fisher smd other kair bearers collected in your section fjlj utajtonahuilusilorretbsnathimolaceniury tv andiuovrraliucrsiums vyrite for avfcii yjk imoalralifbls accurals msrkst raoott ami rrlr hat iraomtamlrrllianuuuhstt vlisi ss itnuwire vsikk a- a shubert tne bzszeselsvwz tub hade in canada empire typewriter saves you 40 to 60 try before you buy at our exponue empire typewriter co umukum w ronomiro omt bsvc3k3lk3a enlisting when you put a teleplume in your liom you enlist our staff of skilled workers in the bcrvice of your wife aiul family to lighten the labor of the household to keep the family in touch with their friends and to protect them in emergencies the tele phone is alert and ever ready day and night a telephone in the home is a boon at any time but during tlie inclement fall and winter weather it is invaluable ask today for rates and information enlist in the great army of enthusiastic home telephone users jfosry otafl yiupkaas te ar lang outages fitmllah the bed telephone co of canada tuh1 fmii u lknbm fcju hmlu ibobgl interest on havings accounts here the lutarest com nioncfs to accrue from the day they arc open ed and runs to the day thoy are uoacd oeoboetown branch w n usksy usas bank of hamilton k s 1 a ii i 1 m i i i h 7 i do you know you 10o aeree not a know you can like aa touch crop oft properly dralaed u you eau if 00 dralrwj and save halt tba labort laraaeeise lea3rslaaewasssaaaassusaweaw ustkmsiwsstlmsarea iaar a tetuuyewred krwtawesaav aaaalsmujaaaitm vwsaiwailaat dominion sewer pip ca liniiud w waatssx ftwsawasmsssismimajbias underwear we sell stdnficldu unshrinkable under wear ill all wemlitii in twopiece suits and com binations all sizes now in stock all sizes in stock of penmans piece and combinations os in r e nelson mearwbaua 1wuo hana rursitaaai wyuabatu mtinmt rjumtiph ont i

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