Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1915, p. 1

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ht 3kttn jfctt voltlmk xxi no so mry huwrmlou hu m adi acton ontauio tuuk8day mottnwo novjsmhhk 1 1018 aabscnpciom vrtc bo ctrhu singxjk ooluflstiliuclc cknts kijt retail imrr jjtcss sum bvcuuut arrow out yuhuu irhiiuitiuiiritiuniio dollar imi iui unlu1 ulalvt all illmoftfilnii illmmiliiiii i lit mir i ilyeniiirai lluti lwl i iuul lunrii u uttrml uiun lur in- huh iki in iwrliihi tuli i i ill ii tor rjlutf uialiuf ui tiiii a uhwiiimla ulilioui iiwlrle dlrmllntia wlilu iiimh mi rmd u lr slot l lualv 1auubualvtfillmiiuuiu4l kd ald ajvtuuitils will lie ebamiej hum cub uanib it llr- van ohau oluiwr uh wm wulboil 1m tuir sttil64lu6u blu4 ltl lav lit twfulav him all saemiblssvlwsud monthly u p uoouu kulter aa rvetxlaior ajuhmfa tlirrtortj smjicax plioy cray u d c m ucoill lhof gniiioam l u im b olimmtf sf alm pmu ukfitaii lumuruu km oat v u ael aste oat oin ortttty d u vkhmow i amwuhw lbs uaululiiu mo4b1 aitou ciiiuovractic r iiauilll ii iloiiowav lutdlj liuiliinq q mouhiuniilui b3 tuimi rueaeeuuliiaiiett likli uwm ui vtiwmnaxy a loo ntsdaaianrnmi odmaitliur mock hamitluijt calls day cur ullil prowlly sltsujed o a j uaokinnon aaaisysst houorvoji oohvracs 0noaslll blraat in rstrnuan illes wu usbksv llariuur itnllollor and notary rublln ohae kcauolaatu iiloob oouilaa alrl oualub slouey to loan luim avsn specie ellsu- zjitjvrai uil j m bbll ui l d dkutisv aotoh 1 lieu no 00 ucbm al ucaluno comer uilland prtderles meet liotioa oiuoeirs ov tomutito uwivkmitv th lauel ausatbua used if dailred d ujucxulanmo vm fjlhauoitl nunan iioumjinugit yudbaui hi oaaluli ontario over williams mta uaksj or f itullcvbuilaahtiyatdmrvtl w ja flan uuf ulfybattwl yrniaou liobhbbb u r uooua laadkat ey uajuuiaal luimua fiivataofilaa ko hllhaum iraalim4 laattad mmiu in lit evaulug fcv fnu otf aoyom par lli w1 pull i ualm vouduotuj wub uturstloa aud upaii maaouabla mima odlwi by llur to uiuom p- o m calajau ujjbijoo la rullanaa in eouuaadou wlib uia tuir ubh tnrmuieiiii ui oiluau44vatf- tulug mil ba uaiu utt ufl at akm v ma mum aotou will rimut liuwadiat fitttlhtt vibui to buix ob uatrv daiexnivjin survey bumlvuloim plant re- e dflecrlptlont blueprlnli ic certificate for purcliiuuim and mort- jraeij fiurvaytfor architect t mull- tleniauil uinilcljml couhciib drain- st kepoftr cutlnmtet etc merchants bank bldo j 13 chbbhbrs uook kumokr ali wohk raouiylv kxkoufud the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wu uw hiaiujajjtumm uld itlttml luhhuuf l all kltkunf uoaubiattui and if aalmaiw work wi wl dwal to otnruiitotarat wbola ul bilma tbttit aavlotf our ouaiaiuam 40 p it w hav tlt bl atifljabom and ui at w hav tlt bat attijabe and nal umiiiuuh ih lb inntjluiotj who cum ctmf- ma twcaltttaud tool fopttly w cat tu irwtavaitam frani bmuada ol our eualocnata in twouia mud ptf m wbara elbm tiaba to ij u aulu lu o4 td oaiimi w b b larrftai mail itmt atoali of llraulu lu th pocdlittom tut uot than any tltra luajan lu m wt wkni ldulwata daalar uid tua kloy ua ui4hw u4 da uui mhuay nr imibtu mtmmrabvaaiflltiiioutlmuoraiitmatiuldmlleli ttrdaf w aaipley mmbauua mly cewl dafy capuuwi hamilton sons ooc mioth ooj wl wliwi uu uuhlfu savage co llnlubllahad iu4u jiwiult fill i ill the old and reliable watchmaker and jeweller savage co guelph ont what piano shall i buy 7 tli dull cornea an the real uiliitjon t tlila important prob lent if uilcnl plcofluro and edu cation ih ttioliomo tlio tbontttiulb f roll owiiem throtiqhuul canojji ara ilia moat antlijulaullc biipportere at llio doll lone proluclng quallllch ilmcwii jnblc if ilu a dkll bold only ly c w kelly si son 33 lower wyndhom st ouelfh ont robt noble ltd rlouu ilran bliortu wheat cliopa glutton nical cotton wol meal oilcake oat cliopn itnllcd oatm timothy seed j l warren fall winter stock op boors and shoes now complete hcnvy linen light linen working bonis sunday shoes goodn to suit all cuutotners of best makes and latest styles we hack tha goods we offer nnd mil ki our prices satislac tory we have rubbers rub ber heels slippers and pumps our repairing is carefully and promptly done call kenney bros main 81 acton grand trunk wixv bouftuc ykaok axx hk wav torontochicago toronto montreal roh ohkoado leavetorontoflooh iu6oo i tu and u4j pm dally wou hqhhmai leave toronto 9 oo a m 830 p m and 11 00 p hi daily iq iity went the fluent on all trulnt an am a faoirio hxiraillviom reilucitd farea totian prancuca lot itill iuittcnlarnf brib imtctrvatlont on applleatlon tu aguti what you want is a perfection oh heater ijoflrp he s holmes agent phone no 19 boijlit unil luimly jou cnti carry it niiywlioic dr ht t it now h it unru by 1 nnvo by ll slinpu durnblu imtid- home ior miiilu hunt nnvulilw with tint rimliinir iliu fiiru icu or uttivu 1rkuuijuita and ja 10 llimrn linnilnr on 1 calloil c ill iluy it n hon iv unolpli j father winn llrouijli with m vratil mi i tlmii mnilir luriia lr uilnil to lifm 1 an if hn lia tlio liuttona imwwi i an- nil lilx atoouliiiin imimi m loeil it id ua uiucit an ttcr wa i ha kfllu it dona for him t hecauwi 1 juroh aluiiymo u vnnv ait jim tlmt we m to htaml id front f lltir an mntliorn iiiib ovory luy tho bond hardware co llmltdd phoria ol 3 rntwlv oubuh ou nyuc kitirrrok whtn mtople reach i0utv tlioy nood in niout casta uoulito vlalon lensos thhuewlio try to pit nlnng with ordinary lent annoy tlialr friend and themaelvea try our invlaihle bifocal lenn rround on the prenilaai a d savage optometrist mfg optician right at tha pot ofllco mm ielk avluht fresh groceries mew ralnlna new curranta new datee new nil la hew peel new spice plnti lln ofconfatottonatrv plrmtclaii line of iouuy cabet and paltry prli every day cooltet ueata hama uncoil with the honiellho flavor brand and other ffooda delivered promptly dally j r livingstone bucamaw to m ef hioh hill btmt i dcivouwtuitkknmluon whan you onmwma ouimv tha uatuaad i for ilia cliadaatac or ilia fohokvo onthhio idb ilia laal wo oioulla baa uwn tunra li our 1j h 11 tar now 0 d cool summer desserts thla u the time of year wlien it la hard to know what to buy for a deeiert at meal time why not hive lomethhik coollno in the way of ice cream r we will deliver any quan tity from jcentiup our candy department always hoi a lull line of chocolate from 10 cenu to 60 cent a pound inbuilt and id package from as ceati to ioo each don t forget our ice cream parlor we make e new dlah every saturday our new dial for neat 8atur- day la a mary plckforde deuert come in and try one and alio enjoy tome muslo from ournew or- fooolo harold wiles mill smmr acta q to farmers vou would tu tkuk of uttbu rdutu0 uod lie idle ii youi iujtplun taocuy woridtuf idfjwur if tuttwetuitmttlial ya ofiaa wvlafa wceataal wlthuo xvbertbut faaeoed totmd kuttk eoti yetu toe hethw 10 ml000 bwc4 to writ olti fateceat iuo at the umi time httau b- aelntely uf mod immediately vailabmr hi the bank of nova scotia huvcntt ism wuutchbs at achm olilk ttdiwth ottbm amd btrmtavttte pur olmlioa dontluatat aliiu play i lie la awful bind lint when khe kluiaa un uood itfalit pulaouetlia04iiille llulit time iiid liaa oot each llttlo lil 1 an than ah aluha deep n lior throat an bo6 to mend mor father h ooat- a11 futher readu tlw newa to her iimuuu alio dont net time to atlr alwiut the village any great 1 hut falser biiih at any rale bhe lmta ualioyal in wohr trim bo it dont mailer much to mm if overy tlnale tlilnu uinl done llecauu hna proud of each dear noti howiya uhaiiuaareurouu up him irliapa that lie wont lime to ho hard an ateady kriililliib round to try to licep ux woll un kound ho auya thou motlierll hava liar di thata nelliitf 1 litljum ut yamtlu luflftlttfl xtsvn the end of look wharf tat cap fwj tain llnloomlte nat ryder peter qlmpaon and uttla abnar the wharf gray nnd ahaby with g atretehed out from the rnuuy bank over the pebble leach out into tlm blue tide like a loop arm of tha ataall town ready to prspfrom tha uwail waterway whatever of life and induatry came within lu rach it cwutflit hut little nowaday now and then an oooaalaaal ooaaler took on a load of ice or flab or lumber between tlm peaobport went toaleepond dreamed of her former proa parity captain holoomlkee weather beaten faoe had amlletl through a long life voyage it wbji craamd and rcroetl by bad weather mark a of contrary ifalea but certain hum orouii linna iwke of northwest hretua and fair wlnda kate and jou were big bronied young men mate on ooaufnu aolioouers taklnoan idle day or two lie tween trip a for little abner he wae little only in name ilia appellation hod atuok to him in aplte of increasing inehee and only atramrara aaw any humor in tha situation it waa a atdl afternoon the only sound which broke the quiet war the ewah of tha luy wave agalott tlierottlne wharf and how and then tha inauteut call olthe auguit inaeel the dryon p thome will liave a rood clianoe out tonight remukad ltar un guldly letting bin yu wander over the bay to the tiotieou hue captain holoombe remarked dirty to the luthrd oueae ite only loom well returoeil the captain mabhe it land tnebbe it alat if it wae any thing alee in queatloa you might calculate but 7otf i boott i there aint anything unoet ulnar in thle world of unoartalntu a oyolonea ateady going compared to fog yon think you ire in for it end whiff i the aliya euar oi a bell again and you wont aee the bawuprlt from mid- bhlpa for a weak of day thats u ouerted nate speaking of fog went on tlte old man makea ue think of tlie summer of as i never aee anything like that before or alnoe where wae you t asked pvtor little abner who wae lilting edged nearer and and keptooaear turned toward the cap tain off beat point whaling i shipped that year aa mate lu the elua mary but before x was through the voyag ill be uowed if i waant everything from eua- boy to eaptalu what with hjag alok and uettlag hurt we had so many laid up that we all bad to turt to ami ge the day work done somehow vlrafc the eapuld he ealuxl in with a spall of all lug than big jim broke hie ug falling off the foreyarda t wee ship dootor i and captain itol- oombe rauckted kuow anything about doctoring r vied peter the oe4aiua blue eyi twinkled beneath their shaggy brows well per hip not just aooohllng to the uedloal idea uy slater eba married a man who wae studying to be a doctor he give it up before the 8re year wae out and went into th canning bulla but it kind of gave ue et faallng of belonging to tbe profesaloa thats why they hit on me tofla big jlnye leg i must eay i wae staggered for a bit id never seen a broken leg much lata meddled with one bub coumoa sense help you along all if only you dont binder it and x avguad it out in uy ulnd that what that lag wanted i was a chance to mend itself i made is fait to bit of broken oar lashed it well i with rope yarn and wrapped it up in a pleoeof old soil end nature did ue rest of th busln 1 waat be lam v asked 1w well noe to tpeak ef it put hl i staarlnguekle a bit out ef gear and bo couldnt point aooordlag to eoupasa bub i nothing to hurt the boye called me doe after that and uy work was out ont for tn the rest of the voyage i never tee anything like ii beewed s if we had n jonah un beard bail luck with whalae too they wae an ooeroe as barnacles on the topmast then the fog shut down and tot three mortal weeks we much aa ever knew where we was peg i it was soup t we ate lb and drank it and got lb into our heads until we couldnt think clear we were soaked from stem to stern andthemeawea fair craay the aint nothing lonaeouer tban fog llou soye angttialcltonald i he w a liltr red halrml lenity ilon id gle a gnod bit o siller to hao site o ma grahfeytlieri lermoiim alang 1 why y says i theyre tha drleat things i keti says he thsn oslloy toes ingr had to teua olf u nd i was tha one to do it hed got it poisoned wlthaflah hook i dont believe id have ncrie to do that commented nate you can nlwaya don thing you have to do relumed the napuln twavt so bad that unot for me fjsllay joe didnt seem to find it real amusing ftot along all right and healed up real pretty hut that wasnt my lurdsat job not by a long shot id like to know what you could hava harder than cutting off a finger j asked pete pulling a tooth i should think that was easy safllng oonipnrod with the other said pete well it wrmnt id rather pull a load d gundalowslnpil handed sgalnat thetld than pull another tooth like that it was a corker of a double tooth with a hole as big as my 1st that is speaklno comparative ly tha man had a toothache of about as liu a slue as hn could hold it ached mercifully ami what with the ache and tha fog ha hail about all ha could steer under it never 1st up night or day and all the poultloeeln the hlp wouldnt stop it i reckoned that the rlpht course waa for it to come out but the man wanb set on hav irtg it done and i wsnt set on doing it i waa getting kinder sick of tha medical profession at last he ooutdnt stand it any ionizer neither could the rest anil i aald id get t ont somehow all the tools i bad that was appropriate was a email monkey- wrench and a jack knife but i thought that with thsm and me i waa mighty strong in those days die tooth wouldnt stand much of a chance i was a oonsarned long time bringing that man to tha poinu hed take hi sail aa quick us id ever take up that wrench nut after jibing ami hauling and tacking about be finally dropped anchor opened bis mouth and said let her go 1 the hook of oibwltar aint set firmer n that tooth was i screwed on the monkey- wrench as tight as i could get liar and then i hauled for all i was worth bub it never budged boott but be hollered i i remamliered that the gums kind 0 anchor the teeth so i got in a little work with the jack knife then i took a turn with tha wrench after a time i jerked the thing loose in its moorings and out aha came with one big haal boott i i never we so tired in wy life it couldnt hava been much fun for the other fellow remsked nate but i dont see how it was worse for you than cutting off a finger captain holoombethrusbhlshornyhanda deep into hla pockets and looked up at the sky well it waa he drawled you see tha finger waa flalley jo what baa that to do with it t inquired peta tha captain rose stiffly uy bones fael aalfwe waagolngtohaveaspellof wealhar he remarked about the tooth well it made a heap ef dlffarenoe ite bad to pull a tooth and ite worse to have one pulud but when both jobs are put on the same nun at tha same time itt a laatla uonn human nature can stand you see that tooth happened to be mine t the captain walked away and sllenoe fellon the uttla group tbaa the loag discordant bray of a horn broke in upon tha stlllaaaa uttle abnar wound up hla bab line and uj surely obeyed tha suumoaa nata and pete sauntered up td the vil lage store and tha wharf waa uft deserted ih tho soft golden twilight looking 0u ubfl bights in washliigtaa some years ago there waa a ooloced woman who demanded all that waidueber oa one omaloa at a period whan use care waa glvon to the vaur sup ply titan i now the com tha colored woman aooostad a man who waa juab leav ing the dlatilct govvtftmecit buluinga uutuh ska said i wants tav state a im not a uwyer aunty tajab no uw case i elnt gvloeur sua nobody i j went to know what uy rights li and bow to gb w you se any oi the euthe lara f ite government bulla i aint got no piece o paper to ekov in at da window soe to gb noticed but ie bain aertuinatcj ealaat whats the troabui wae tha kindly inquiry 1 aint alula proper taatlod evy onoe in a while i byahe it read oat o da paper dat somebody has gob a aal outnt bis hydrant well an eel u a very euaaly sort of creature it doeaat da any band you dont bnk i waa svakyart of u did you t de case i wants tar lay bea u government u die 1 i pay extra rat to kivar da watar tax ie bad a hydrant in uy back yard fob fohteed years bo x oin nebbeirgoluoaalylt- wbat x want tar know la bow doeadey tribute dam eels t it day prueeorle day favorltlscda or what u day ii davsi any aela cemln tor ma ie byab wlf toy basket ready to take du home right now ease wa aint got nd money to buy meat and we bin el baugry fob feesb anyhow tll etmxf tustrtm auasp aeertaln proprietor of a shop i very striot about teaching bit employee not to be indifferent in tha matter of pcacjldaiada one day bearing aa assistant bay to a customer no w have not bad any for long time the proprietor unable to countenanoe such ao admission attempted to take a hand himself sftnlhg a stern eye cable clerk b said to the customer 1 w hava puttiy lu reaerve maam plenty down stalra tha oustomer looked deaedf and then to tha ntuajtement of the proprutor buret into uughter and quitted the shop what did she eay to yon f demanded tha proprietor of ih clerk she said w havent bad any rain utaly the october examinations tho standing- or tha hlffh arid public school pupil lut motith 11 inn hciinoi dkirahrukky fouu iii class f- a obrien m wilson ciabh iid harvey o brown m mclean v uasaus cusa iii ii uowet u boott v har vey j wilson m smith hlahmt in oeometry 1 harvey 1 in ancient history d harvey in algebra d harvey anda obrien j inchemlatry a tvilruti pouu ii oiiml0 mowat cuss nu lacker it hrowfl m clarridge ii fdwart l kennedy w rom w johnstone a uoleod ii punk sf vty ik btewart cuss iii o anderson b howat a on- a hnvder w mothmam h iui h plank i atmew ii yuth niahet in reading u ctanrblga ami m ruwart 1 in algebra and oeometry it brown 1 in history o unwat oljluu 1 u williams if ritchie r mnyam nililuvna k barkmn otusatiu afodonahl m masales k pnrtr if ksrlv j kennelv m robin son j hynds if kennedy w allen xi mflevev v joe i crawford tt me- rsricrhlln ii fivmon if cole r mo tssn riass mv rmllh a martin j allen r walaom t camnwii a john mnn o boner if hunter hlcbef in ncomnhvu wllllsma 1 in ti i w lur m wlllama and v bmlthl in knirluh flrammhr ft fllhlutna w h f4rmwanv principal v rakvk asslataiit potravii tniai4yuikv tk ivrhiah unrton wi charlie arulron sm mawh iu1i qatt atrnw tvlht 3a1 charlie mann 0r7 clara cutt ing qm tvtal m br llkvah ifwlersom wi tau1 wvrjvia rbifrwiansaf kmma lumea 2u uuoh williams w jeule mows me total xm no on mil h if v bawntrrr teacher tlllhd thrauvkmt pa tlft umn mf violet tsivls rl nlo ms arthiiftuntonkh uevbl ifsttderaon i2 lvarl walufva all jn itt pranomi nrt air jchnnv roluwiscn 2ft7 vfout joulet 241 laum bmlfcsm orenvllla uasaleii fl jlmula rosa 14 total ml no on roll ol i wnmt teacher blttyimp dkrahvukmv bk n llovil votlim willie cook i so birdie nouut 14t donam kennedy iwoeo brownlea u fleo jloclna ho- jo ii jetla monabb ia5 usrgueriu rvdsr ias agnea usnn lio nora prow sn 17 rsy flamlde and jean barlier isa ear cooper iis total 000 no on roll 61 m uiialtti teacher plftsv ihnabttlllmv bo 1 clarenee raboock q6 ronakl wfnsotn 1aa sidney hwllh 1a1 norman wild 100 johnnu dunn 158 ceorgw holloway 181 ja i myriu rvder sao ralph hen darsoh sid lynd roith til arllnoton wblufloa ulna base 101 afedg roth- well iso total saa no ea roll ih daisy ilstr teacher bhwioh ihnun cuae a olive ooarwr joe itumt uatlhewtyur kugeae ucphan wank llbbona helen uacdoaald ciosj ileiien ryder lwe rtarkman cura fievaffa charlu ktell tejdu chiionl vlou walur cum c wllroa raid willi lluia wi1iu baboock charlie prwvo u a buck taehr jnmoa paiyaav jrwioao thalia btrantear haaeltaues uartwle uwj pearl ban john oll- bena uarion uelamb blhtom lfal ooi jaanale on oor- doa iiufftnah krtwwaea turr kvank ktily if ary buwari euuurru a wiuoy taachar am imcoatp l ur urcwiua tha uultimlllloaalra waa antaatalnlaif m frund at buautfabteonntry bom i we bom end brought up la thle luiftbbob6j be said and wheel x wae a boy i used to think what tu thing lb wouu betohaveaboaoalhijuu ite the highest polab of gwaad you will notloe within a cltcalt of several talue and the view freed ber la batidajva it u inagalooene twoulsaed tlio vhj- tor yea and when tbe tlm ciim that i could ejbcd lb i irnujaed my boy ufa am- bjtloa by buying the land round hea and pulung up this bou i have been la great uauy puaee and i have never a a oflar land scape than this that what x need to think but x dont like it now ae well u x did when i wee a boy what uekee th dlffarwdoa v it laat complete not computer why you own the landscape dont yon r that th trouble x ow all of it but that ejgbtyacre patch over there beyond tha creek about sin mils away tha old curmudgeon that own lb wout ken it to me at any flgura aad air kreetua sighed dismally arilukw a cow m00 borne yaare ego when luoy waa m little gltl uamlng to write the teachar gave ber thla to copy uoo woo what to it v oakad lucy looking puit- slad that uuoo that uelsa ew make lucy then lucy began to copy hoe but she did it ian queer way bbmadahu at tha beginning of each una and followed each 11 with a whole siring of o all aorose the autet like thla v 000000 but that iwc right lucy said tha teacher whan the uttu girl showed her the slate yon unit copy th word aa i hava written it so slew w lucy looked ab the leech copy and then at her own attempt and then aba shock bar bead decidedly well uu jonm ah said 1 x never saw a cow that gave such a shah uoo a you wrote down c harper round tabla twenty years ago prom our losuo of tho pro prosa of thursday nov iiui ib0 ur ceo harrison lilacksmllh at orlir dells msohlno shop got a severe shaking 1 up while worklntf with a driving belt last week last week the llrlok church kpwortli isguo met at issllei hchool house still this week at tha home of mr v word a it near the church r teewater newsi the secretary of a school board in krln township sent the following reply to jut applloant for th school t yure nsma is not in it yure sslre to high you should hdv sent n so stamp as i am 3o out y urea truly the offloera for tho second year of th brick church kpworlh laague are 1 hon prealden ltav it vl uolnlyre 1 1real- dent miss amy leslie 1 1st vic iresljent iv m jumue 1 2nd vice president prank wcrxlani becreurymlu tu bnyder 1 treasurer riohard johnston 1 organist miss dora wordan rev pat ber pumortlsr one of th first priest to minister in the old dublin church ksquoalng died in ouelph ut week after a long illnae at one time his mlwlon embraced the charges at elora pergus oarafresn arthur ijl porest peel georgetown acton rockwood preston oalt berlin heepeur pjmlra draytoa etc travelling was mostly by horseback or on foot if was much beloved ur and lira tho perrymsu of acton oelelurated their golden wadding ab their heme comer of mill and john streets but week a number of reutlves and fruml war present a baptism of a grandchild added to tit interest of th ooosslou a pleasant social evening was spent after partaking of a bountiful supper in huh tho young coup settled here and with the exception of a few yeerelncolllngwawl have been liere ever alnae ur perrymsn ha worked at hla trade aa atone mason for a3 year in england wales and canada and although in hla roth year la good for a good days work yet he built ute first brick house in acton still standing 00 main blraet at the entrano to tli school una rev dr brigg of toronto book bleward at tit book room preached anniversary sermons in th usthodut church hsr on sunday ills morning tent was and we know that all thing work together for good to them that love flod rnm b fifl fa the evening the sermon was on the subject of the lord being in a pllur of cloud by ay and a pillar of fire by nlflht k is si 23 end la all their amiotloa be waa euicted and the aagel of hi praaanoa saved theca eta 63 0 tit eangrgailoa of k001 church wss present with th pastor who took part lu tit ear to fully s60 person war present btauuy brooks youngest soa of the ute rev o ii cook of actoa died in th toronto childrens hospital on satur day aged 2 year 0 month mr robt o brown returned from the north weat 00 tuesday uessre prank oambu and richard johnatou who want oub to the north west about three month ego returned on sat urday biddle3 why u tit natloaa anthem of ucu hnageruurt ana baoauaa lb j a hymn hlu why la your nose luthe ulddu of y faoat ana because it u tha oeatre scaaur whan u a tlh una a bird 7 aas whau it take a fly what word u it that oaataln all the voweu and in their tvdr t ana pecetjousiy why is a caurpllur like a hot roll t ana lucauselb u the grub that maka thebuturily jlilvi biaomtou little jerry dlaoney waa lavlud to b church plo nlo aad aa b wae a geoeral favorltaba wae aupplud gaaerously with the good thing that had been provided for the ooeasloo later la the day on of thaudue notload jerry sltuag lu aa oudurw part of the ground and wearing on enpialan of much ubhapfkln why jurry what the uetterr she asked kindly ihtvwit you had enough to cat r vftam said the boy llatuwly ive bad nodgh 1 fael a if i didnt want all ivwgot am latfoataht osuu a rural postmisur t4u thle story of one of the patron of his oooe a boy of thrifty not to eay peeuirloua stock when the ted comae luto tha postooo he wll throat bu wuened face up cloa to the window and la bu slow yanks drawl inquire taoet aajroeetly 1 ifev ye got any postal card v yea th postni later repuea haow much u they tday 1 a eat apieoa- than the boy sorewlag up bu eye a tha intensity of hie thought over the que tloa b ha to daolde alwnje atop for a while to weigh the tww sequence waally be will reply solemnly t wal ill takeoaev a shu far all seaaone winter and eumnur la any utltud whether in torrid lone or artld temperature parmeleae vtgetable fl can ba upended upon to do their work the dyepepue will find them friend alway and should carry them with blca everywhere they ore made to understand any climate and are warranted to keep their fre une and strength they da riot grow stauaquall ty nob possessed in many pill now on the market the indloatlan of worm ore restlessness grinding of the teeth picking of the nose xtrem peavlafanaea often eonvuulon under thee condition tha beat remedy that can be got u millar worm powder they will attack the worm a noon u administered and will grind them to atom that pas awey in th evacuation the llttl eutsarar will be immed utaly sased and a return of the attack will not be likely wom to men tlod llmwyoii luda i all women ol the rare as forth ycu go wish you with auulfaat face the best they know tod cheer you lads i out in th bitter night down the drear days through the red reeking iihiiih a nu wasted ways i oi bring ycu iiulu bark to tho motherland true laurels gained olory in either hand honor unstained women of britains race as forth jou go wish you with proud glad fnoa the liest tlioy know i ootl bless you laila t prom pu noli pr a vert communication with hla mak- ur by prnytr i tlio meat mulled runctlou in u1i1i1 until cnu tic uiiboutid luhmitui it oinrcuttu the bluliuut fiiiu hdiih of tlui htul with tlio hitnllfft unil tlio u it i thu tlniiiiiil of iichmiih chukoflt lilcumluifu it xi liitkii no urn- it eiiiliniuh nil in thp in lu of ltn in nielli llini it ulvoa un mt im to nur llin 1 nly inthcr n nil lliixh in nl un unil un dtr ull lrciimiti 111 it lu n wunl pniir r n it r uu cooji im turn ulll 1 rtntur in hie uiurul um cnu ui nf 1 ho wnrid ciirdliuil ll ijiiiih cast iron or india rubber mr hohlea we wlplnn tho shining new glass and silver with tlm pretty new towels uw niece a brid of a won tli was washing them and talking happily of hsr hop and plana im so thankful you stopped off eveu if lt11 only for three days aunt ware la there are iota of thing i want to ask your advlo about has my bread too much flour in itor did it bake in too slow an oven i only know that is too hard x em going to systematic all my work with task for esoh hour nd each task i to ba computed in it hour i think i titer wan an imperative ring at th doorball and ethel wiped litr hsiuls took offber kitchen apron and hurried to the door it waa only a messenger boy who want ed to b directed to judge uarrius aha espulned upon her return plunging ber arm again into th dlslipan a i waa saying tha oaly way to accomplish any thing i to have a system if that boy hadnt interrupted m wed hto had the dlshe don promptly atelghl prom eight to nine i make my dessert prepare th vegetable and cliop th meat 1 from nlna to tan i dost and do chamber work that gta ma aa hour for sewing and mending before i hav topb luncheon and immediately after luncheon is my study and reading hour dont you to what a ma plan it la aunt uarcut yaea agreed mr nohlen but what she la iter turn waa interrupted by the doorbell and ethel hast sued away to aaawar it and this time she did not re move hsr apron in half au hour she came back with her fao flushed uncomfortably it was ur uortoa the secretary of church guild eh apoiogued for 00m- ad early but said ah had twenty call mak today bits i lovely and i should hava enjoyed aeelng her ii i hadnt felt sdra that the clock woaldstrikenlnebsfocw i had that dart mad now i must fly round bhe new round to such purpose that a padjlng we wl under way before thacw came hesitating knock at the saj door bh threw opsu th door with a floury hand and roolulaly fee a shrinking little anaea ua pedur no she laid firmly before ha had tlm to utter a word 1 doat want a thing and i havaub a moment to give you good morning i shant gat a thing done at thu rata she esculmsd impatiently whlu a little fiwa lsspanaj batwvaiibareys thsf gee the uupboa bell now and my clean ing half hour goaa tha motor at one t she impaatad with baraarat tharsoelvsr and hsr eye on the clock o tod t i cant possibly im sorry but you know dr that u uy study hour and my system his bssti fear fully upset already im sorry good- bhe turned round from the noejvsr and took up tha broom with a nervoue band ob deer aunt llarou thro ara so so many interruption rut x must not allow pleasure to interfere with duty ur holdeu looked steadily into bar nuoee troubled brown aye dear pleasure u duty if tom ha plabbad on hour oub la tha beautiful country for your pleasure and bu you ought to go no bouee can be run without ystam but lb must ba on tuaue system that allow plenty of room forlnlsruptloni life touade up largely of interruption we must plan for them often they are th best thing that com to ue lu all the day course dont pun tha flrat el the weak all th work yon must get through with by saturday night and then wit breethjeaftly through all the long lovely day trying in vain to catch up with your task porglvtyma dear but x want you to eonatracb your system of rub ber not of east iron bb bad no time to say more or to judge ute affect of what aha had said for the door hell jingled again and her nice obeyed it cotna right lu and sib down aba heard tuheleay kindly you look tired and im going to mak you a cup ef tea here le a dr old lady who u sailing oemeot x need some for that jelly dish tom broke lit pub the keuu on the gi stove and than if youll axeuse me a moment i want to telephone to vow ite ethel too she called x want to bay that aunt uarcu and x hava rd considered and accept your invitation for on oclock with much- pleasure a quar ter to one t all right h the luncheon dish arent dona well plu them up until we get liaok i dont aver intend to ml an outing with you tom dear that oll goodbye

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