Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a lanoll amhomtmitnt ptacunnkabonautjtn glvo ua a call makllllaoic iliaidnouu imuuu g1qo ijyndh jewellery nnd frwttoy ooodm aoton ontario real mstate varus for nul iii llultuu kl suad wullhigtou loo forms lor dale vrry slaw if you waut n fknur write inn for rtunlouue or 11 you wihu to wnll or cvrbnuae write tue wr buve evry anility for trhuunrtliiu buulnruy to your co tuple r batlufuriluu toirrea- kondli kollrited- j 1 ivimoicmiy iurut hvlllim hiciitllut crortcetowu hw jlctott jfm ras thursday moviiunnit n 1010 brief local items hummer tlmo in over winters noon be here oat rawly tin weather thin wmii i ma looked very uiuolt ilka spell of indian hummer all tho crossroads lillt hoards pro lib erelly decorated with auction sale poster rook wood kvertoo anil orton will lo wad recruiting stationa for the 7ut bat talion major iv iwon editor of tlio cliain plon la completing it fiftieth year o county clerk of halton joseph kenned son of mr john ken nedy church filrl he enlisted in his qdsott a own regiment toronto rev ur hvuns of toronto preached in lha baptist cliurcli unt sunday lie aho lank part in the sunday school srvlc tlia now stoue rood on tho second line through ute dublin swamp fa cwnpleud add a very fine piece ol road building sunday will u tuureuiosiii buy ol the hoy scouts who will distribute liur atureet ilia various churclto in the mom g a special business meeting of the bad croaa aid society will i hi hell in hn room a otw ilutwlle store tlila afternoon at three oclock chancellor boyd at ogmdo hill toronto liaa mode an order for liquidation of ut ontario brewing malting co or flualph there w etldenre on our streets on tuesday that tlte acton bars are not out of bounds to man wearing- tlia klngu uniform fly a unanimous vote oak till town council paired a resolution to introduce a local 04 ion by law without a petition fram tlie elector mr jeremiah iuii new two story brick boose on frederick street la nearly compuud it j quit an attractive ami oomuoilloua 4aca mr fred lloln has purchased thadoulua uim bouw al tlto corner of mill and goalpli ttramu tlia ironerty will 1 4 con fcuaratily imjwod whll nut nn a luitaitlrl oijilitlwi on baturtluy mahlar mcmn will lama of tlia ifllllt iklinol canio ucrtmb wivcrul liunclica of wood vlnlolfc in full lloom odlivflu town council two jxircliaacd tb mohhjmou liuildlno for vumuil it will w atlliuj a a town liall lo replace tka ltilldinjrdafctrol ly flro ut wlnlar tw new regibtry offloo in milton la rapidly naarlnj computlon and will l a fln bulhinu tlw ivdw rliunca for uijflornornf the jail la alo nirly flniii j jain lleatlay juiufta liird and rottrt itall wra eacli llnwl jto and oou or twanty ilayaln oul at hrbipton lut wak for vloulion of th cauaila toia un act tbat taction of tlto county nulla frou th iiiltlln crurmul nortliuaat toward aetou for ona lot la wing raaoatetl with rolfon itona ami will ow lie roltad wltli llituin roller tliacuiiftilun ildptut which lilnptod a iww drm utt weal ia much improrwl la ppaardne tlta flapllot la worthy a aoaluavery uonut of d communion it o worthily npreunla thadaualea lo th ooldan juhlloa codvantloii of ontario sunday boliool an eoolatlon at toronto will fke it rejwrt of uhrfooadlns at tlia praynr nuatliif on tfiurvday dvenlna in thaufithodutdiurcli a prisoner taken to th oella in tits town lull on monday evening complained that tlwlr autlury condition wan not ibova reproach a woabty inapootinn ly an oaiosr nf tits hoard of health would result in improvement a unoa at tlta hat nf th content of tha novmlker luus of hod uud oun in ft dibtfailiia indicator that tliu num- bur 1 of doeal intentut o the outdoor low and portanmn uhilo a reading of the number juuh llta hut impreaalon the milton itoformar waa eataliuheil thirty years at lat waak for the thre tiaoadm it haa iwwn umlor ihoonntrolofmr il white tlia irotetib cull tor and ha mada iuu a factor olooely sjuoolatoil with tha progiajh and hlatory of tlto county town- i00 bbwatm v100 tha raadara ot this paper will la iilaaaaj to taara tliat than in ut iatut oim driaded dlaeam that wlanm hiu haan alia to cure a all ita ilagaa uml that fa catarih oa- uirr li balnat uraatly intluaiioad dy oonatltii- tlunal cotulttloun requltan oojiultulional tiaatoiant halli cuurrh cure ia takeu latanutlly aoln through tlia lllowl on tha uaooua burfaoaa of tlia hyutew ihara- hy daatroyluif tha fouudatlon of tliadiwaaa blvlutf thuttlontfctrnbtli ly liutulntf up th oonatltutloi uud aaautlno itatura in doitiff it work the projiriotor have ao uttah faith in the cumtlve toward of llaua caurth oura that thay oftor ono handrail lolara for any omo that it falla to tjura batul for hl of tatllmonuk anmrawt v j oiiknkv co tola- do ohio boll by all lfugofcl 70a crttor oranka oroola orltloa i but tbegroatau of tlaiut a tiumerioally tlu tlo llarouu a a rtolia laapulaa oarrlad out wltb an utter tllaracud of all tha illotataa of ooonatmi aana children ory ror fletchers castoria nbws of local import patriot la mootlhtfnoxt monday a lrtlriollo mdoiinu will i hold in lli tohi hull iioul momlity ivniiiiiit at whlnli 1tw j llcnnbhuriitj rlurnel holdior wtiuudml at ttmiiuviiiurko u monitor of llm hh ulrhuiidorh ktoonlliiftont will ojwifil jinlyo iloiiton f toronto will ntnit fit mr i nit tha mitetltif a ootl pro- uraumio of loottl tnlnnt adtnuiiou free kiory liocly welooms snlo of homo mtulo onklnc a nule nf homo tnada iwlltitf ami e million wilt ho ooiiduolcd hy the ladlfta of hl mnrttaroln oulld of si alhaaa church in hio iurltli hall on ha tun ay next novonw iwr lath from t p m till 7 lin ofoat woloomo to col ballantlno col llallnutlnaa lutullan iho 7cth two train loada called at flooruoutwn yoatarilay niornhiu en routa fur ilarrle uielr winter pinrtem jooryctown uo th ilaltallan tt uraut uelooma and tha boy certainly imil a food una aototi hlbh bohool tirawlriff irlnaljuil stawart reporta a mtflauatlon of ulxty lliroft btudeuta in ad ton high school fortyoutt aro reardeiita and twenty tun non resident tliia la ilia lartjaat atteinlanoa ainoo aopi hlyli school wua oimiiihi mr androw scotts how darn tho una now lmulani ercld thla fall 1 atr andraw hoott of the fourth una to roiuoo uieonodofitroyed hy ira atharveat timo la about com plot vl it a a una tiiiildlnu and lim aoma hnrovanuinta over lio former utruotura which itself waa an pin data bulldliiq lnrtrcly attondod communion service tlto quarterly comiuunion aervlcaa in io mothoiiut cliurcli unt sunday wara lumoly nttomlml ami tory intaraatlnu ami holpful tha number ol ooummunloanta larger than muni itai mr aviaoti prclichad eryappropriate anmiona touch i mr tha christian ufa and communion with christ tho volumo or tho saorad law at tha mcotinjf of tha young iaoplaa liuild of knoi church uvt week 1 oray uava a highly intoreeimo aildmu tha litllff tha iv emjiiiiid upon tba y oinux bopl the uraat valua of a paraonal knowlwlgoof tho tchpturaa aiwl adviud dully study ol ila trulha thoa iraant uoro groatly helped by tha addraaa a will probated in toronto tho toronto star ay rpfcct nff a will prolwted in toronto on tuawlay i tha oatato of martha m smith a miitniinry who tlfrd at moholui india ulued at 01 tyj will b aliarl hy inr motliar luchnol smith acton and the following lirotberu and aktem i henry samuel and neluin torau klhel and thina hurt monicorvloo nkt sunday evening tho aordoa in llta motltoilitt church noat sumlay avonfng will ha ditlnctuty u limit tervioe a choir of twauty five men will ud in llta mrwe of aoug and aing aavcrnl apacul numbara mr k c ifojtayofdalt a baritona aololatof rapula will asilat in tha urtlc of song both morning and evening thapastora tltama will ba in tliayouno man ahaolotu aaiat wont to 6o the soldlera trk mouirb u m hondormn luaa llynda a t llrowo and lordon llayward motor cjl tu flronta laai wadnatday to aa tlta uoltlicra march patt on tltalr big trak from camp niagara to toronto tltay aapraa tlteuiulvca wall rapahl for thair trip- ttta bolillorj marcttail ilka latarana and gave ampla proof of lli enargatio training ra oalved during llta euuiiuar at ilia camp at niagara on llta iika illtla of ur jamoj l wturrerl mr jamca i- wumin manager of llta acton lunliwuit of lloltcrt mobl limited waa taken urlouoy ill laat wrek with in- tttinl trouble up waa takan to lite hutpital at oualpli on friday and an opera lion ollnwoil ou uturday morning ila iu doing vary well anil it la bo pad it will boom ba rat lor i lo haalth- mr wervatt ia ono of our moat actha citlxana both la titttitws and nllgioua mattara ha will ba niuoli mlaatul until ida return to hte uaual actlvlttea dr- f j h rotator dam to th war major dr v j r fonter of suatford left hut fliuraday aflaruoou for uontreal on routa to england he apart a couple of daya in tarootowllh bl fathar and othar frfanda ami wilud oa tha athanla from montreal on monday hale acoompanlad by mr fotatar on hla arrival la eng land dr forucr will report at tlto war othceand be aulgnad to hla dutua with ha lloyal mwllcal corp lloth dr vor- iur ami hia fu liter iv u fortar prutui- i on luv iv t alurt moore ltft brother in law tha boy soouti asioolauon a meeting of llta local council of the toy hoouta aaaoolatloa waa itatd in the pariah hall on monday night cept a o t llcardniorapraaljad itwaadaoldad to alurt a troop in town to ha known aa tlto aoton troop often lo all boye lo tlto town aged loyaara to ib yeara rev c ii k smith m a won appointed aoout- mifier ami h uoorga aaalaunl it la hoped that many of our taila will uka ikaiituueof ihuaiinallafit opportunity for arckiloii and training and join tlw troop tha flrt mealing will he called at an eaily date a row among the auathani lait friday night mike kaauk an austrian waa awn rushing up atraat hat lea and ooallcui and crying munlar ha alleged that mik itmnunuk had attacked him that he wua u dangtroua man ami might munler him he laid an information charging flomanuk with aaaaull at tho trial itefore ii p moore j j on saturday morning ihreewitaemea auhtoancil hy kaauk aw ore that kaauk hlmfelf theaggvaaaor and ha i klakad up tho rou tlia cute waa tliioltail lloth man had bean drinking duiuj llta afternoon and etenlnjr got three ifonthi in goal from time to tlmo meaara baardmor a oa have liaen mlkalug email qtiuullea of leather from their work lately auaplclona ratted upon jotjph caffo an ilullnn itoardlng at no- lj uaardmoia c0cont armed with a eearch wamtnt chlof laumii and aaalataut manager nell modouahl prooaeiled to tha room of caffo oh thuraday in hla trunk tltay found a oonahlaratle quantity of aole laatltar and tailing the aole laatbar bad baao eat out of eldea daatroylbg the value of the aldea and tha ultlojrbad beeudellberateb cut from heavy id inch belt in uae oa certain tauhlnaa caflb waa arratted and ou frlday oame before juauoea il moore am fleorge lfynda the ptuonar leaded guilty and admitted that bo took a hw pleoee of leather to repair hla aboea the maglktratea entered a conviction and aentonoed caffo to three ttiontha iu goal at lutrtl labor social and personal mk minnie llruttt of toronto vllt- ing aoton frleudu xlli maltal and ibdha lrr vlaluwl manila in ouelph thijhiiliirdny mitwm uirml uithbla uml lturt viultwl frlenda in llmohoiim thla wmii mr olaiutorwhualtand baa arrived itome ttftarmitdlng tha mitmrnnr in tha weal mian margaret arthur of toronto i aponillug a wonk or two with aoton frlenda mr a itohluaou of trafalgar v heralaur mm n forltoa mr thla woak mr ltoy itobnita of lha xlarchanta hank vlallad frleuda in iindon over hun ilay mra w h speight of toronto waa in town a fawdaya thla week uliinrlterhua uml corp itoy hurd who la now ntutloned ab liieliji wil1 luthallon waa home over sunday capt monalr who had jut returned from niagara camp wne hcra for a day or two laat weak mr i hendereon m i attandwl the funeral of tha late hanlel cook at oeorge town on monday mr and mra john harvey attended the funeral of tlto lata samuel meclura halt iuurad on momlay laat meiara it 1 and alderman joint m warranand mlaallailtara of toronto ware in town during tha weak mra it 1 ill own hau ratunted from her ulptotlta wku mr iliown will arrive eliout tha and of the mouth major dr v a warren of the ttead- quartara a la it of canadian ntditlonary foroej now in toronto motor upon hat- unlay to le with hia brother mr j l wurreu while being oparatad on ut tho luelpli it n- pi la t mra worren aoconr taiiled him they raturnad to toronto sunday afternoon m royals yeast i i makes perfect bread cbuel to horses two bookwood yountr hen fined in ouelph polloe court r the two young man from i took wood ii lo hard son ami fryer chargad wilh cruel ly treating horaaa hired lo them by mr hamilton liveryman at ilockwood war brought it for magiatntte walt monday afternoon and awwwmd flv dollar and ooala each tha ooata were materially li craueed hy thalr failure to appr in ttta morning wltan called the evtdanc altoweil that tllchanlaau wlto luiil driven tlto horte to death had on hla trip coverwl almut alaty ala wlua hat goua from ilockwood through aoton to oaorgatown given tha horte amne food part nf which aha ata back lo within a faw ullea of itockwood raturttad to oeorge town and luul offorad llta mare aoma food which site rafusd lo eat ha had lhti dritao iter hack to ilockwood iv 1 1 racy tha ve urinary aurgann who had itoan call ad teuilflod tltat uta itaie itad dul aa a raaullof ovarwork oualpli maroury bled for ills country we rgrl to announce tha tul nawa of tha death of pie will bandaiaon of tarra cotta which occurred in lulruim on oct ihth tha aympathy of tit eiftfr com uiuully ia extended to the family in llieir aad liarvaramant herald dont buy wawhlp foat cardj dvalera in picture to la i cjrda aro for- blddan by tlta ilrltiah gotrrnment lo tall or eipota for aala during tlta continuance of tit uar any poalal cartla or photographa of any of if m waruiipa a lltaa might giio information lo tha anamy baua of picture of docbe bar bore hlilpyarda de fence and ammunition workaar auo for bhlden all auch pjcturati will ba atnopl in llta meita witltout not loo to lha sender funeral or mra hikuh swaekruuner tlta funeral of tha lata mra hiram fivaokliauier but thursday alurnoon waa largaly at tan dd lie v j c wilson lb a the ou of tlta horn oooducuj uta carvlcaa tfie pall lujurara ware udmtl robort mclltaraon wllliau coopar jama andaraoa tttomaa chlaholai witlfaw k wackhamarand oaorge maan the fol lowing friamla from a distance attended thotaaa chuhohu saginaw mich i mra ada johmtod johnatown n v i ur c dynaa iluiiiaglon mr u daruaa ur and mra k swackhamar and ur cecil hwackbataar mr auh ramihaw toronto i mr and mra il swaokbaoter mua kliie swackhamar huttoaville i ma ra henry paart and j o wilson burlington anglican sunday school convention oa wednesday but the annual sunday school convention of tha deanery of haltoo waa bald la ueorffatowii rev c il e htnitb and almoat tba autlre ataft of taacltera of st alhane sunday school trove down to the convention and had a most interesting and enjoyable tlue ra- fraaltmaata were provided in ih ikiaamaut of st oeorgea church and mr htggla aona bcapltallty waa vaiy much appreclat- in the evening divine earvloa wua held in the church wltan tha vaa arch- daacon daldann preached a very initmc- tlve aernwwi it waa gratifying to note that st auwua church aoton had the birgeat number of rapnuaulallvea at lha ooavontloti which indicate tha keen in- teraat the taachera uka in thalr work spent nine month in the weit mr a u nlcklin j p baa returned from the weab whaw ba haa pnb tba peat ttlna rnonth he travailed through uanltolka sakatobewat and alberta and aaye the crope thla year eapeclally in the two weal era provlttoea itave bean record- breaker the yield in acme jaoea baa been almoat inoradahla ha had known of yleldaof wlteat aa high aa h3 buahela to tlto acre tha big crop la already impwv- lug financial oondiuona aapaclally in the ematler towna ami rural localltle the peopled the weab haie laajrnad much in llta matter of economy the paat two ywra and uta tracuo of title virtue will tend to bring tba bualnaaa affaire of tba country back to prosperous clkidtnatancaa all the aooner mra nlcklin will remain ih the weat for tba preaent whyyoumnervotss the uervoua ayataui la tlionbirui eyateu of tliu huuiatt body in perfect health we bardlyrtejlmlhat we liavo a ttotwork of tiervce but wlusu health la ebblug when atreugth la declin ing the eauu itenoua ayatem tavtu th alartn in heajhichea umltiea dreamful aleep irrltaltlllty and uuleaa corrected laauu alralght to a breakdown to correct uervouaueaa beotte kuui- fttm ia exactly what you abould take lh rich nutriment rtt into the wood and rich blood fawla the tiny uerwcolu while the whole ayateiil rcapoiida to ita refreab loatoiiicforrt vkeframhanufuldroa ooou at uawaa1vwmito oal thanks to t1ie pfiee press lmltor fuki pitkitu acton ontario dtiau hut t i am instructed hy hla honor the llaulenantflovernor sir joliit hendrio clwlrman of the central provin cial committer to gratefully ucknowlwiga tha ajttatidld mrvjoa which your paper rcndaroil in the campaign undertaken in reapona to the appeal of tho drlluh ill croaa society ilia honor haa already expraaaail hla tlianka ui rough tlia toronto paper to tha praae of ontario in a general way for llieir invaluable aaautanoa in thla campaign hla honor however deatraa to do i than thla and baa tharefore instructed mv to convoy to you in u utr0ial a way aa mullia hla than la und tha thauka of tin oommltlea for the part you took in fur tlto ring thla appeal through tha column ol your taper ami in othar way each recurring call utton the provinoj during tha war haa itean met moat aympa thallcdlly by tliej press of tha province without who tulatanoe the cull no mat ter how worthy in itaelf could acarceiy hate been brought lo tho attention of om iteopto it muat ita a source of gratifica tion lo yoiirualf as m tiltlaon aa it la to hla honor ami lha peopte of tha province aa a whole in realize that our invw haa auch a epundld conception of ila plaoa in tint community at larga to anthulaatlcally ipport every iatriotio and humanitarian appeal which come to ua ia present cam our newspaper have if pooiibia ouulona tltamoalvaa ami have givon their apaoe lavishly to tlia can tral committee and to othar local commit vou with the othar pa pan of tlia province have now the batufuellnn knowing that the people hat rtoivdd lo lha call ao nouy and you hata a right c fl that without your aarvioaa in tlta com mmlty tha result accomplished could nut have been attained whan lha final report of thla wonderful campaign la made to lord laudadowne president of the uritlah rati uroaa society it will ha found aa wo confidently ekpaot that tlta province of ontario haa given approalmaialy three time wliat tlta cao tral commit u aakad of ft- in thla report hla honor tlta lieutenant lovaruor will not fall to rvccgnlae the place which our praa took in aocouiplklilng tlila happy raaull will you therefore accept tha than la of hla honor tha lieutenant oavarnor and of tlie central comiuutae for tlto aaala uuce i ou itava so ganaroualy given in the campaign which haa juat cloaad vou r faithfully alokut h abuot bacrvury ivrliamanl ilulldlnga toronto nov fldi 101 fl auctiomeeb r j krirfvs list of fabm sales ytiurday hahabf ii lb at lo eloak jamaa caniahan kajuugawaya rvtdy niivaubwv liut at 1 otaak w jalln caat oarafava farm farm a too it cto tuilay nov tcul at tauw tvaleek mra jamaa near 7th ila erin farm farm slock im piemen la hay grain roots ate tkumday howscttbarfiuaatltvaloek wu allen 2ml una erin horse e u catl i boga tuaajay mavawatba asrd at i oalaek ur lwla nice ksqusslng h j uatuh auetlottaen caews co oa sunday november mlh at 11 am ur j p scarrow of aoton will praach bla fourth anulveroary aennon at tin- church hare sarftu colea who recently returned from ute war iu franca will ukf part in tha carvloa mr0 if lauta and chihlratt viaiuil friend in wet toronto during the week ml annie everson imuhurg la visit lag at mr w lamha a tiuiaber from luira altandad ih ploughing match at oualph on friday ur john dennis anenl ute weak end wilh frianda in oualph and falaley block dont suv it rlcase dent stir it vov ooootaesa sake dont suv it dr jackaoaa roman meal porridge if you do ita btolhki read and follow direct ton od package for early breavfaat wait while getting evonlntf meal in a doable itollar or mt hollar in haaln of boiling water wbea you get up light gaa under boiler alb inner holler to aet in hailing water without stirring while drawing your btreakfuat la ready ita dallolaub vary nulrioua praventtt indigestion anil rellavea eouktlpatlon or mosey luck all grocer loaml 25 oeutn fall winter stock of boots and shoes now complete heavy linus light linen working boots sunday shoes goods to suit all customers of best makes and latest style we back tho goods wo offer and make our prices satisfac tory we have rubbers rub ber heels slip pert and pumps our repairing is carefully and promptly done call kenney bros ntatas aefon hassaoaweva tha past week baa bean a busy on in finishing up the turnip oroji thousand of bushola imvn imwii pulled and tea met i to anton ami other poitiu mrtsirnahjmja aala to day wjthdhaclji large crowd mr itoy iclaley haa purchased a new bualneuat llronle and baa taken pot alon mr and mr thompson sherwood are also moving la that lakealde village thabuuteraare si too ting a great many rabbi u in ntiaaagaweya awamjia these day it la it ope t they are all auflloleiiuy ainrtemttnko to oltaerve tlia law which rendara it illegal to ahoot partridges or blank squirrel mr w c howards hackney princes lyle haa itad eian a mors auocessful sea son at the fall fairs uiu year than laat tlila fine piece of horseflesh won 10 flrau and 1 seconds this fall in tha two sea sons mr howard baa had lite great satis faction of carrying off 11 first a und 10 second prlioh fancy price have i een ottered for bar but mr howard la toomuoh attaohod id hla prise hackney to pert with bar at present at least exemplifying tho advantages to be gained by shopping at cowuluokv m it vice canada already haa a law llcqulr- ing all to srve tho compilation of tho national noglator in oroat ilrltaln boa given roaowod impatua to tho rumor that conacr i ptlon la coming in tba old country in bo mo quarter too it la ut a tod that it la coming in canada in oroat britain thcro la no legal liability to military service at all a moaauro imposing such liability would have to bo enacted hy parlia ment were compulsory military ser vice to becotno tho rule in canada jn the other band tbero would ho no ucoaaalty for par liament to enact any froab legislation at all abould compulsory military aervlco be deemed expedient by tba oovornmout of tho day for th legal liability lo military service al ready exlata in thla country it waa imposed by tho mllltla act section 10 of that act nrovldee that all tbo malo inhabitants of canada of tbo age of eighteen year and upwards and under aluty not ckompt or disqualified by law and being british subjects shall ba liable to acrvlco in tho militia and aar- vlco in tbo mllltla does not merely mean service la canada alone for section 69 of the same act further provides that the governor la coun cil may place tba ulutu or any nart thereof ou active aorvico anywhere in canada and also beyond canada for tho defence thareor at any time when it appears advisable so to do by reason of omeraoucy it would not perbapa bavo been pout bid to send the canadian mllltla to south africa at tbo time of tbo uoor war under tbo provisions of this section for it could hardly have boa a eon und sd that canada required defending from tho boers a pastoral people without ships situated ou another conunent but with the p reseat war it u al together different canada la being defended in franco and flandera against germany a formidable mari time as well as tho most formidable military power as surely aa though tba german seat were bombarding canadian coaats moreover not merely the male in habitants of canada between the age of alghlmn and sixty years but all the male inhabitants of whatever age are llablo to military service oa the requisition of the oovemor-oen- eral in tbo caao of what la known aa a levaa en moasa the expreaalon a lavee en maasa moans tho taking up of arms by the people to raalat invading troopa thus in tha ease of sudden invasion every male can be called on for tbo work of defence the following paraon are exempt from military service privy coun cillors judges member of provin cial cabinets doputy minis tare ot tba federal and provincial governments clergy of all kinds telegraph elerka in actual employment omoera and darks regularly employed in tha col lection of revenue wardens and ofn- cera of all public prisons and lunatic asylums members of tba naval ml lltla members of tba police force and fire brigades proreaiore in college and universities persona disabled by bodily or mental inbrmlty the only sou of a widow being her only sup port pilots and apprentices to pilots during the season of navigation and persona averse on religious ground from rendering military aarvlca tba gentle art of clvta bo mo whore in tho obscurity of tba backwoods of british columbia there uvea a woman with a soul ot a pa triot though thousands of miles away from tho hoart of tbo umpire ha haa beard tho clear inslstont bugle note which calls upon the wo men as well as tho men of tbo nation to servo in tho p regent need tha followlug letter written to ur noel marshall hou secretary of tbo red croaa of canada speaks eloquently of the sacrlfloe which this lady be- uevas it to be her privilege as wall aa her duty to make for tha causa of atabtand and tha allies dear blr a few days ago i got your letter telling me you bad told my brooch and would forward the money to the british ild croaa so ciety i offer you my earnest and mast grateful thanks for your kind ness and for tbo trouble you have taken i thought the brooch waa worth 180 but i did not expect to get more than about half and i am very thankful to your rrleud for buy lug it x am sanding you two more small trinkets a pearl heartshaped locket and a small amethyst brooch they will ba posted at tba same time as this letter i bona i am not encroach ing too much on your kiudnass in asking you to sail tbcm or gat soma one else to do ao for the benefit ot the british red cross and to for ward tha money to london dlan courier kautoetlxuj oif vteuieimd avuettj in any dlaousalou ot the protection of bird life in canada considerable opposition baa always boen manifest ed hy the agricultural interests- it is olojtoad that birds sro responsible for grekt damage to matualug fruits ber ries tomatoes etc anil earlier in the season to tha seed planted in the graund thla l true to a certain ex tent but aa in the study of any sub ject there are two aides to the bird protection question the damage to tbe fruit is visible to the aye of tha grower and be cbrnaequantly waxes wroth tbe other side or the subject la one with which tun agriculturist la less familiar could the birds place their dally food before those hostile to tbent it would readily bo seen to what extent they servo the interests of those who are dependant upon the products of tbo soil an analysis of tbe contents of the stomachs of houaands of birds haa shown that bo par cent of the food consisted of luaeeta and 10 per cent or vegetable matter upwards ot 6000 insects have been foyud in the stomaoh of ob a bird it has been es timated that tbe destruction by in sect in canada amounts to approxt- mutoly lirty millions annually- tho usiltlmu farmer macdonalds not only is there mncdonald higlmctm ol quality and macdonald wide noun ol detection but to our patrorm in nlno the advantage of mncdonald iowiichi of price of iiucli special offeringw an are herewith quoted are merely exemplary trlmmd mllllrttary llm majority in rich vol vets noma fuw in fclta all amnrtly fmlimiod in early fall modes vnluoi up lo booo for bxtlo j values up to 7oo for tclko btam gort mcxfatla in the new medium huut mid deep hip with four utrong lnetlc hone auppnrtcra front skirt hook ate 330 value for slld woman gloveaat of fine french kid in tan white or buck willi embroidered polntn in holf colors j no vol uea for ooc twetexf cocstlnaet in outlining broken chock effects go inches wide four patterns that reprcaeiit a special purchase ijo value for i0o wool chlnohtlha in heather mixtures suitable for coating jo inches wide aj value far ttdc strfpexj ftemrifalatteta 111 imatitlful uoft quality 3j inches wide isc valua for ikjc table detmualt manufactured in gnclpli 54 inches wide extra special value at tfo weill pap hoorn lota including nufllcluni wall celling mid border for roomit up to inxiaxn loot iu alse valuon up lo 13 jc per alnglo roll nt pur room lot btk nllior like bnrgaln prices ranging up lo 7jc per nlnglo roll at par room lot 300 iil cot nu llici axmtnstssr rugs iu oriental floral vaiitionil tlrnlgtih muiiy red net ion 11 mich nu the btilng made on tho old ecnlo nf 11 11 advanced prlii and therefore belup doubly attractive j5 00 vnlu r sun v valued for ih fprmb 3 d e macdonald bros limited guelphs leading and largest store wyndtuun macjonnrll anil cardtn strettt guelph onl oluatllho auction sale ih naisafaoawhva fattmstock an3g im- pxilcmlflntb the undersigned has received inalruc- ina lo sell by pulblc auction for jamhscarnahan at his farm lot con 3 township of nsjutagaweya yiiukhoav litii hovasmuwr at one oclock altarp the following hous1es i bay horse ho yearn 1 chestnut itorae ritlog 9 years f lnmol horse rising 7 years 1 roadster filly t yearold cattlr i roan cow oyesrold fresh supposed to ba in calf 1 red heifer milking wall supposed to bo iu calf 1 tod cow a- yearold milking well supposed to be in calf r red heifer milking well supposed to be in calf 1 heifer 1 years old j hellers 1 year old l steer 1 year old s spring calves 1 calf 1 mouth old shimp and piqss registered oxford down hwes 3 owford down oprlng lamba 1 brond sow 1 young sow implkurntsi during binder 7 foot cut 1 daerino sulky rake to foot frost st wood seeo drill 13 hoe nearly new upriug toolli cultivator 1 set diamond harrowa 1 disc harrows 3 drum tteel roller daln manure spread er good bain waggon and bojr 1 new buggy bay rack fauulng mill and lug ger detnocral atone boat a derlng tnowers all llieae thing above aru iu prood repair 1 cockfchult jointer plow pea rake dump cart and harness old waggon and box 1 cutter 1 sat bob- ejelgna i son filer s wood racks road cart 1 box tor shipping turnips quo- linu engine saws emitter cutting box 1 root pulper 1 wheal barrow cream separator 1 bellows anvil tape dieeand viae s pig crates 1 beam joolba cap i fccahte isoo lha cap 1 urge sugar bulth 1 oh ml u teue 1 long udder 1 sickle grinrtwr 1 horse powori set heavy harneu 1 m t slngla harneu 1 sot light double harness quantity of lumber 4 iqaare shloglem quantity of wood a quantity of timothy bay alto a quantity clover hay a crosscut saws a number of brick fori hoes novels chains and other attklva too numerous lo mention tbrmflfio and under cash over that amount 11 months credllun furnish ing approved jolal notee ftu per cent per annum off for cash hay grain wood lumber and shlngba cash no reserve as the farm baa been sold it j uamw aiiatlihii a l wysut clerk 19 urkiuat auction sale im biblh row hb llll 80hbao cattle albo nonsjsb ann hogs the undersigned has received instruc tions to sll by public auction or wu allen at hla farm lot j and hue itrln 9 mltea west of acton on thorsdav urll wovslsatfclatm at one oclock sharp the following iiokbka 1 choice black mare 3 years 1 choice brown geld log 3 years this is a very choice team of pefcherons with pleuly of ufa and vary promising sired by tbe noted sire napoleon bona parte cattlb i red cow 6 years iu 6 waks bred again red cow 5 year milking due in march 1 red cow j years due iu january 1 red cow 5 years milking due in march 1 pair p heifers due in january 1 ilobueln blfer mllltlng- brad 9 weeks 1 farrow cow years would uiaka a gom nivod r 1 fat cow durham bull t k red rising 1 years 1 pair rteen rulug 3 years 4 steer s years 3 hauers rising 3 yeara 1 1 pair of roan balfvra ruing s yanra 1 heifer a years 8 yearling 6 spring culvea the cows are all good short horn grade with one exception and the young cattle are flratuasa in tbe beat of con dition hogs 1 good yorkshire sow with 7 pig 9 weeks old tiermssfoand under cosh over that amount is months credit on furnish i uk approved joint notes five per ceul per auhum off for cash positively no iteeervc as tbe proprietor la giving up one of bis farms and is overstocked h aawhhj a l wyant clark 0 s igrand trunk r dotiaut tauoat aix vmk way torontochicago torontomontreal ron ohioaoo luv toronto m0oo i- mud 1149 pn- dally wott hohinhal iluva touonto 0 m w jo utdivoop w ully bqulpnat iho fiimt on ll tnlbii ramah raoirio uunaoh kidul itnt iu bh vmiowo loo hull uutlcuum rntttwrth rawrvatlon on mpplletitlou to alpot h s holmes agent phone no la uannnmr -wmnrm- q hfluhilh this week our assortment of meats will be beter than ever look over this a3sortment fresh pork spare kibs pork rout pork tendetloh pork chops cooked bwirih llojulchcm 8 iu- rarlbe tiwlfl4 ur loal iwlfli vtallaf hwlll drhmjri val hwltr drckeo1 jtru liwirt coukutl lum hwutn todun jfoluod uwift ham and tougue 8s lb vlllu si hi oll oll 40 iu 4ll iciiu 4lb 3lb m cured swifts premium llama s3 swifts prom rolled hlmutdur hwiftu piem back bacon 3v swifteprom brunkfact bacon vi swllts premium mamluttcs mil bwilta premium wo it n lom ltt swifts prom king llologna is spare ribs are scarce order yours early trv a roast of frueh pork its tender lean and beautifully flavored our meat business is growing each week we can givo bettor assort ment try ua for meats ibis weak nuw brunswick potatoes smooth and dry lttpr bag best american oil 11 per gallon russells mill street acton 0nt 22ehhe 22nd auction salhsarenow in twaian the prkb pbeui is tbe place to come lo make your riatcn by arranging your dates with iho fast prrss there is no danger of advertising your sale or the same date your nulghuor has bio if you are going lo have a sale call on us first give ua ao approximate estimate on the amount of iho sale and we will prescribe tho advertising for you that will procure the best results advertising is our business and we are making a specialty of salts we have heeu authorliad to arratigo dates for one of the best auctioneers however we can furnish tba advertising regardless of the auction eer prbk pa ma cannot be excelled in thla sec tion nf ontario by any other medium acton free press better call us on the phone now and arrange that date oqtirs uuy wo with ttofirtsrtd crapltxlotts never esau to tunlc that they need a occasional cleansing sauwda aa well aa tdid yet neglect of this itiumal bathing- shows itself to spotty and sallow oompleitioiis aa wallas lndadfulrdhaaandwllouaoea itsbecauaa the liver baeomea sluggish and waste matter accumulate whleb nature eannotamovewluoutamautance thabeat chamberiainmiablets rmaylc1iamberlaln which surrnutheuvejrtoheajthyauuvltyremoveformanutloh gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system sure safe and reliable take one at bight and you real bright and sunny in the morning get cambruuns today druggisu sec or by mail from chswlerlahi m caaauaay tewale 4ftsi9k5c5k9jps the hade in canada empire typewriter saves you 40 to 60 try before you buy at our expense empire typewriter co uadumbl l obomw ont ftavwbrfiwgksk

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