Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1915, p. 2

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wirjuaus in toronto on utunuy lli november to mr mill vnnk wii- lutnm m dsiighur married moomunnimaim in toronto on wednes day 10th november by llv br murray nf ht paul rraahylerlaii ctumbwlhrmwirtfkrfrllmr iouim only daughter of tint lata charloai nalhaus u of toronto uailicv in norgetowti on wednesday november 10th thomas bsiuy aged 8h ywini wallku at the hotna of ills mn wlllulll cbrlatwtlw onhundoy 14uinovm- bar james waller agad 78 yaara auixs at uo oenarel hospital ttualph on saturday islli november uottart a tin formerly of niuitawtji in ma mkb yar in mimokiam ifmudkiuut in sweat and loving memory of james tlonlon hendinwn who died 20lh novewlier 1007 ami alloo chrlatl henderson who died soili november 1014 oane from ui liut not forgotten i never shall their memoriae fail sweetest thoiighta aliall ever linger bound tit spot where tliay am laid i hknbkusnw ami vauily ffilje ttatt xtt ras thuuflday noveubkh l 10ik editobiaiimotcs two of canada highest agricultural authorities after a earam tudy of ua held crop of canada tlila yaar estimate that it la in eoea of laat year to th valu of s2w000ooa air jy about i0a00o 060 bushel of wheat of thla iiun crop of wheat bav limo inapeetad this a met than twloath toul a year afto at thl tim hy far lb larger paroentig of tba wheat that baa man shipped from thai atlantic seaboard for europ ha ba canadian growu wheat couukanal iravalura whoe buslnee bring them la vary clot touch with trad conditions throughout uie country report oat waatara canadas big crop tbla year baa resulted in a great improvement of buelaae deelaru aa a ml luul allowaj tbalr stocks to fall to th towt margins but now with big a eropthrathed they ar ordering heavily tbla weans not only uoa butlniilh tb country town but grur prosperity for th manufactur aad mlinuiilaf ami incrwaad activity it transportation clrolaa iw ay addmu hjo tka modlraal 1u- fotta clab but wmk ur n w itowall k 0 mu i our gallant caaaduti aoua of both brltlah anil avmoh orbjio bav oa tha pujaa of europa flgbtlng la ooataiod eauaa mlaj with tbalr blood fwmaaat wblefa atuwiu bind taatbar tha ivoftiaat raoaa la oaitaila tha paopla e oauada ha ooatlauaj would not parulfc 4y aawll tutlooallat inodiit bar to dair thiol frow doing lhair duty aa can adian eltliaaa io thla tupimna hour aad tha poopla of canada of both itrittalt and vtcmb orlala would unit a tha ut la boath afrloa had ualtaj to flfibt for tha aa of libty and juatloa eiux villaorcorvai u taking alronff uuiim toura that tha auctara of that waalalpallty ahall pa tbalr taxae bafora axafelaiaa tha fnuuhlaa at but uaatiag tha following raaolation waa p i uowad by jaa juatloa aaooudad by jaa uamiltod that tha cwb ha itutruotad to ptapara a by law undar tba provuioa of chap 102 sao w0 uubaao 0 of ravuad btatutaa of ontario 101 j wbkh provlda duquallfylng frotn votjeg an auotor whohaaot onorbafora tha lut day of idaoaaib- nait praoading tha alaetloa paid all taunlalpa taxaa doa by blu or w it it poaalua that goluotor harvay woadd appraolata alulbur aacloa taid fa thutowit hendersons hill destroyed incondlufy pi to on kundoyhlghtwafi dl coat touy 12000 or ib 000 worth op luh- ben saved il jit tlioliwlilhialrtoliwalrlllilu 11i110o11 umiiliiy evnnliig tha flto iwill ran out an ulnrm it did lint tkva long to aa vortnln ihd tooatloit of tba ira for in a inlnutn or two tha wehlnt amotion of tha town una llwhihialotl with a lurid itlata of tyo iirojwirtlono tha wonl wnh iramju- ly mail that ifondefaorttj uw mill una on flrv tliallro liluada w proniplly on lite uconf but tho hulldliiir waa itvaiomkl in lil hits liy i lila- tlnu and all effort war oonired iimin mulrnj thd htoob of tuinlwr nbliiflldu and uood theaa ara valuod at uuaau 91000 and 910000 in thla tba ilromen wild tlm auuulu of clkcem war bliomuaful lhara llnpf but a at nail quantity of wood and lumbar ilaalroyaj it wawunfartutiala that wliao tltaflrawaa at ita height nauotlon valva blaw out of tho flrnulna tbla raduead tlia pr- ur but put inoraktraln on tlk angfua and in fflw itilnulm ona of tba braaa alldaa gave out and tba angina waa put oomplata- ly out of comtnualoti a buohat brlgada waa formed and did uplandhl wrvlo tha flra baoaraa widad in tha aoountuutlana of aawduat about tba will and thla ranjarwi it tiaoaaury for thaflrawati toauiajnori duty until about flva oclooh itaxt uornlng tha aupply of hot ooffaa blaoalta and utulwlobaa provhlad by tba bulla la tba neighboring honiaa waa wucb appraolatad ly tlia firemen and other woriara thauaaehtalled by tha tlaatruetlon of tka tulll and machlnary about 11000 un fortunately mr ifenderaoh carried no in uranee and tlia lou total tha origin of tba flra waa olaarly lnoi- dlary tba will waa running on friday tmt wa abut down all day saturday lir llandaraoti tuada bla uaual inapaetlod of tba pfa on runday avanlug atout half an hour before tha flr waa duooverwl and thara waa noit ef flra thoae rot at tha flra aay there waa a vary atrong odor of fioalollaod tba rapidity with wbkh tha flra ran through tho building would ladl- oauthatlt waatiajrtaj with aotne nfietti- tnabla tnalerlal ur hendaraon will prooaod at eooa to rebuild aad axpefti to hav and a bew mill taady for operatlona in tha aprlng vlfuaa yj ago thla fall tha ulll lhad owned by ur jairaea klrowti now of cali fornia waa daatroyed by flra ttioanrtawattoh of ivrtuur aaqultha haatdria pladg rajdlng tha eataata alllaa urtdi of paaoa dallvaaj u tha lod uaytw baarjuat nov 0 1014 waa taada by sir kdward orwy orltlab vowga ba6awuay uauy in a wrlttad anwr ua quaatloti pat by 8ir arthur uarhhaat uharaj tatawbar of potluuaat for tha ju dulaloti of koulnghataahlra anwaaatiagthatoraat uhtajaa poalllti id tha wax la 6u by bar alliauoa with japutt vwaaa and ruau tba volgii baorauiry proomja 1 in our vuw tba eoadluoaa ol paaa battel fulfil thm labl dowa by tha 1vm ulauur oa kov ft 161a it la vy deelraue that it khouu ulaawuavutodoitoaauljrorall that uu a tba tutaraalaatfoai of tba oowamwit wluotlvaly rd individually and of tha hldb bttiool utfibaby soclkly tha regular making of tha aetoa lllgh bahoal lltartty sodaty wa habl but vi- day aftaruud ourrantavaiiia vt glvad hy adaah ovr and bare if owal a vary utereefiag raolutiou waa gtvaa by ulta ifaagaraa wiua aotituj utiuorphaub ahuu bboft luproiaiptu apaae war bud by tha fallowing t ilua uyrtla ourruga caught in m rain uonu uim toraa kannady baaabaji froa a olrla klnt of vuw i uui cbua brown a hot buojay la cbunb uim violet bailui tahlaglbkaayi uuafualuuc- iw a vujg arty 1 llelvlti wuiuua uy warat day la sohoot tho uoat luportatte bttalnaaa was tha dboutaloa of tba advblutlty of having aa at ifoua it waa utianltnoualy dafildad lo hav ona at tha and of tha praaant tana llr stewart gave a abort auldrata ott tba adwaugaaand imaadantg of an at uoaaa but agraalag with wot of tha pdplbj failed to dad any aarloua duajvaa tagea tha aoboola intaraatltig paper tfa oautu waa read by tha edltreea mia alwa odriau tha erltloe report waa tautda by ulae uarguahla btewart nabsaqawfeya tha ftwaral of tba lata- koliart ablaa froa hlajaoaa raaldanoa tha old hotnaataad om uojuy waa largaly ttandad inur btaub taada at ebanaaar oawatary mr and mr htepbeo coxa and daugb tar annlav wotorad to hurilltoa hub weak uwltpeot the evening at tbabotn of ifr v uauda with tbalr eon kenneth of tha 74th ibatl who wa in tha trak frow niagara on wadnaaday tnornlag tha loth tha i6tk aalmlnad at huunlltoai for barria what they will apoot tha winter in balaiag tar ovaraaaa aarvloa mr jaataa oarnahana au jaat tburaday waa largaly attaajed aud quit aaoaaafal mr cnhaui and family will ahoruy raauxatoaatwftdraald somb obsebvatioks thar wuafltveturu-outtothaflraoabuii- day night probably taoa than to all tha arvlooftbarjiarhea60ablnadwhtobhkd ahortly imtot ben duwuj tba flr ull fa evtdantly a matter convenor and it waa a eight gret to babold tha ranba of hose lining tha aloplng mill yard lighted up by tha bulling wavaa of flrey tongue eatalog from tha eoan of deauruotlon tba una of woman along main btrt waa alao athk- ing owing to tha hour tha tunal bumbar of baby aarriagaa was not in avuaaoe it is a vary galling thing judging from tha impatient raiuaika mad by tboee who tbanuelvaa ar altaply looking on whan tha btmetus waited for from tha eflgto do botaoon appear or are bullng in foroa none ar taore rady to critw than uara onbvdt are thar waa juat about only on thing taoklng la the ivulouo ifua uaailag oa monday night tha auasdano la larg nuwbara of tboa for wboai it waa primarily luuadad tba ajjra tinging aloeu tlon and all ab wwa nf a vry hlgb oftur aa auo tba ypthuo lataat of tha audlaooa sawaublaj in odokburn la a flu peclbu of pbywjoal young uanhood and la evidently laahuad with aeutluaata of toriou eoneard f6r our tuuoaa oau whlla try leg to raorult bla vivid an perieaoa of war usse glv no aiauea to any 00 to eay thay at ealuj to tba color uladfoldad as to tha dllsduluw to b uat soathlag tadaed was bu arfalgauaab of tha alaakar and ablrker mr- ilanaelwooda atlifr a waa a quiet foroaful pamwaaajva avangalltia nail ep- pllad ta aa uptodate work twuipd kal- dfto u tha duty to pawed bom frotd eo blgb atnollverfrooifaon ao vital to vry youag tnaua own blghw walfai mr ifandreon who fiom bl long pariwo as a flaaaow and a parllaintaj ua naturally lookad at lh uatt la tha light of aomodtaa uraek a ptaotloal not wbaa ha daabuwi that vlotory for tha veutoaa would tnaan tha twdaouan of ty fartuava dead to tha velw of a vwp of paper thanaponwof tha looal outgy to tha eall from the tbalr eoaflrtnad tha aahoua- aae of tha views advanced by tba dad gated speaker whlla tha voluntary r marks of meaara cluaeroa and moor thow that tha thinking uan in our iomi bualnaas and aoolal world ar rapraaantaj m being in aoootd with tba firat need nodg all that waa tail parhap nothing was tnor patawlo than tha inoldenb hotaj liy tha chairman luev uyoda of tha utly viewing tha toronto prooealoa who waving at bar aoa as be paaeaj told of tha other aod away at tha front bow proud tha waa of thaw hub x tell you it hurt of eouraa it hurt wld tha raav in tailing k and manly man that b was ba uavar uantlonad his own two toa at tha froab tha additional it ulaa moorv old vtav raeluuon and ueaera oolw and vviugtuta aongi war of a blgb order and riornp4idaprigtwbm6fgraiiisaritna of aeirloua import and utterly devoid of any altaatpt to cheapen lb by any or avea ulrtfa very interesting recruiting meeting bftflotlvo addroasosbytucookburn a wounded hera from tho trenohes and oiie2zelwo0d esq tort onto a vary iittorlant tnoallug nf oltlmua waa held in tlio tnwn hall on moudav vanlng which waa uf a hltfb nlaaa mtrlotl oltaraatak it waa in fact a recruiting tnaatliigaitd ita inhuaiioa will undoubtedly bav far roaohlng raaulta it waa vary fitting that at audi n moot ing keev hyndm who has two uona in tha tradnhfta in vranoa ahould oooupy uui chair ilia inuroat in all rnattera pertain ing to tho war in wallknown and hi optiiif romnrfca urnroln kenplng wltli bla keen intaraat th first aeakar was it oookburn who by tli way a if lllaburg lw 1ta oookburn waa a tnembar of tha arab con tlngnt and waa in tha angagamanta at iangmarok ami sl tlnllen wftaur ba aerloujily wounded and after a long period in tha hoapltal waa invalided home ills wounds hv left him vary urn and b oarrl a wounded ahoutdcr ita la doing vary eellva work at recruiting rnaetlnga throughout tha provlnoa thla brave midler rehaaiaed in vary intaraatlng detail bla varied eupewenoes in tba tranohea and tha axoltlng eaftegtfmeiila during apr when to many of our lrava boy war kill edor woundai after tbla vlvll iselul it oookburn addreaaed hluaelf la tba young men ellglm for enllatmenb and mv- hortad iimcu in very tuong tartna to glv uutnaajvee to tb great and muoh nedd duty of lyhtlng to eav our amplr ineteatl uf judg denton who was n nounaad to apeak but found it impowlld toooamtoaeton ur ollvar ifeaaalwood anphntendent of the uelaughllu anto- rnobll co toronto was paaut itauelwood in a very able addrat pr- wntad on a blgb plana tha duty of ovry eltltait in thla ufa and daaih atruggla la which tb briuah kmplr a engaged ha tbowad vry vividly that tble la etnpbatl- ally a fight of right to overooni wrong and that unr uut b eaarinoa on tba part of all if our atnplra is to win wa ar not tftilfd to rendr eocnpnuary aewloa but while thla does not uaeen ear obligation lb ahould inoreea our moa of raeponalblllty inadamoohuyaabasour ther rwt upon every taan a abar of tha tvapottslblllty for lb eaourlty and defano of bla eountry ii pictured tha appor- unity opaki to young wan at tba praaant rtaiaulbjrgthtaataatln tb adplnia biliary plued tha fuur of tha young man who got lata tha ranis of tha ehbk ar his appaels to tba young own to anlue wr foroaful and fervenb and hi argument tenable and ttrong ihroughool druf apeeoba war auo ttud by ix hendanon m 1 if v moor j 1 rava aviui wiwm end smith and ur john cwmaron aadortlag tb reoijuka of tha epeakaa of tha avanlag ul oura k uoor gava a eplaodld iwohation oh thaoodnlrya sag end ita protection and meaara harold wlldguu and tusj onu bang patriot number wbloh raoelved gvnarou apf jauaa aotoa ojuin band playad a number of a4eatiaaa at tb door of tha hall prior to tka opadlug of tha meeting tha faceting ooaaluded with tha nation adanth hts ttr jauluona bomta mfud i a vmd kotarrtud many oaled eeraal foods ar frauds to prove it try to live enllrely upon tbatn for a few days uany live entirely upon ttotnan uaal a recent letter frow cali fornia say t dear dr jackson t a friend of mine baa llvad upon roman meal for thlrteeat woelba his ease had been pro bounced b he ubtr in patfaet health no fraud hera rowan haal a aelantlfaoally balanced by an expert dietitian its tha petraoe food and poal lively relieve oooaupaiioa abb your dootor malta lb in porridge pancake smna atgromav loaadffoentsi hoy thb 0uj mxtt act dear mr editor 1 la bla ansuly to ut tha tbur of the county of hilton know that tb canada tvcnperaam act thorujr to b utbmlttad to tha auotorata u tb old boolt act tb editor of tha milton chauploa baa goo back to tha daya of ibs i for evidence of its laeclaaoy in tha editorial column of tha champion of november llth will ba found aa ahlraot from tb brampton ooa wrvetor tbu autract a not quoted la full the part that u omjuad read aa follows i wha the bmu act was tarried in ifalton thre ww 41 hcmsea id that oouaty and 63 i iw new thr ar uon in iw1 and only 14 id helton a reduction cf 01 tha- too the ontario oovwmmaat cnforom the uw that halted will carry tha ac the u uui donot ttumaultwluuauoafletdkval as wll a halted mr icdltor waeansctbguthlabaituon thalamuuu elloyeawago tbvryfot that w hav today 01 fewer plaa wbr liquor mayulallya4jldlil ton amlwal than when thohtfouaotwaapatwad idlsiil procbuma la ourioa toai that tamperano tantlotenb 1 e and will not be aatused until the ui of lntonlohdg liquor la forever haatahad froai our had the canada teanperanm act in ita praaeab form as awaatlad up to and lucluelveo thseeaalon of i0u i vastly superior to tha old bnou act take seotlon no 141 forlnatanoa tbla provide that fn any proeeoutiod under the tu paraaoe act of ibd or this act it ehall not be himiiiry that any wltnaas thould dapoea to the pteel daaoripllou of the liquor add or baruawd bub as aoou as it appear to the juatloa or other ohoer trying tha caa that th drwrnauuce auflolantly eeublleb the violation ef the law tha defendant shall b put en bu dafaoo and a default of bla rebuttal of such evidence tball eoavlot blm according- iy another uaribof tha act u that aeveral persona may be convicted for tb handling of the on ahlnmaul the pereen who eaiise the good to be aeab the wbole- aurorretajur living outside the oaaada temperance aeb territory who selb tha good tho transportation eotnpany or private individual who earrles tb goods into the territory 1 every person who within the territory stores delivers or holds for delivery the prohibited goods each of these parson may be ooavloted of violation of the law la regard to the one shlptnant tb proof that the atnendtaeat to the aob is being enforced la found in the osee wwuy reporud of a shipment of prohlb itad liquor into the quad temperanee act territory of huron ootibly when ave persona were eonvloud and flnad for the offanos voure truly 0 1bl imlllullaloklhic liushoum nov iftth i01k leahnino uliritluu wltlinnt tlinunht la fiiimtr lout ttiiiuglit without itin uliiu in hrilmia confiiclna ii in ik lit iki 11 very clovnr iimn uutiirw for nil i unovt but bo laid bo ninny booka upon iiim bond thut hi brnlus could not move ilnll ulalorfe tnabo mem wluof w- ola witty tho innltionintlra bub- tllo natural iihlloaopliy dettpi morals gntvi ionic hl1 rliotorlc nblo to eorjlnrid haeoti f no mnn is wlaur for bis lonrrt- lug wit nitd wisdom nro born with n mnn butdati luatriictlou doc not prevent wnnlo nf tlmu or uilntakoa and 111 1 i rites llirmiuolwa nro oftitti tin- imut ttn lioru of nllkruiidti toiiont4vh ivmujicff total uiiimi lr war ho vr muuber mm in toronto itioii who httvo two a trial rj or who liav died in ii rl tains sorvlea how tiumber 306 says tho star weakly in a recent review of tba sit uation as it affects that city this is the flgum banded out to day by tho city treasurer depart ment which receives tho official notification o death from the militia department at ottawa toroto baa paid insurance claim on 17s dead toronto soldiers there are thirty more claims which have not yet been paid a total of 300 the city will therefore bave paid out vary soon 308000 in insurance in insurance premiums o tba var ious eompaules tba city has paid out to date lxia47b17 soma odd cases bavo bed to settled by tbe civic hoard or insur ance adjustment wblcb consists of city solicitor johnston city clark uttlejobu and property commis sioner cblsbolm one policy was claimed by three women tbe moth er tbe flaucea aud tbe alleged wife of tb dead soldier wbo by the way bad bla iflyearold son flubtlug side by side with blm at tbe front when be fall tba man bad tboubt bu wife dead not having seen or beard from her in eight years but she came ta life in niagara vails and contested tbe claim of tbe mother and dance tbe tbreo civic eblafai had a lot of worry over tbat claim they did considerable inveatltatlug tbay found that tbe supposed wit had a twlu sister wbo looked exactly like bar tbey feared tbat possibly tbe wife was dead and tba claim waa bolug made by tbe staler finally tbey docldad to 1 ave the money to tbe boy but it wat to tba flanc eventually she it mui in some way lunueuced the young soldier to sign bis claim over to bar and ah got tb 91000 dimtiuct nicif in mltfalb baixihapad rev j ualvln smith pastor has been ttonduouttgriwivelaervides in the metho dtafe church here daring the weak i pt horaoa uc arthur eon of rev iv moartbur formerly minister of grin olreulb i a prisoner in oenasny the regular monthly nuetlng of the balllnafad womans institute will be held in tb hall balllnafad on lwdy november btftb when tbe gaiment toed forth had cross will be eshlbited all welcome ifspairt iteudcr favorable llaport em kwafln territory mr percy hopkins tbe geological expert seat by tba ontario depart ment of mines to uowkasb to make a preliminary examination of tbe re cent gold discovery in tbat area baa reported to mr t w olbaoa daputy minuter he atate tbat ur b w king dodds made bis spectacular gold discovery on august 31 by walk- tag ever tha rocky bill below howard iraul wblcb bad been burned clean of uoae and trees on the previous day tbe news of tbe vary specta- euui or caused a rush of about 400 proapactor to tba neighbor hood and about yb to 100 claims war staked wltblu tbiwe weeks in tba uowkasb area tba report aay u a belt of keewatln rocks 10 to ib miles wide aud extending from tbe north end of obullivan or be- itatiagal lake la a southwest direc tion through howard kwlla and across tba height of laud at lled- uoad thla aholo keewatln area la worth prospecting for gold vor tdllee around thl keewatln bait con sist of laurehtlan granite and guela rocks as wll be aaea oa wilson and collin map tbe geological formation of tba tcowkasb district assarts mr hop kins 1 soma what similar to that of tha big duck lake area north of scbrelber 100 mile eoutfa ooodnsb lake uorlasetta township and to tladale township in tbe porcupine gold ara numerous small glassy quarts veins some of which are min eralised with pyrlts occur over tba whole area the dodda vela contain ing a very spectacular gold tbowlng tbls would suggest say the dapart mente representative tbe advisabil ity of a thorough proepactlnk of tba keewatln are cauladv firo was tbe commission of conservation bag decided to conduct aa investiga tion into tbe fire waste of canada the work will bo done by mr j orov smith ba ubo for many year uutoolated with tbe canadian underwriter association m or loan aapert tbe inquiry wblob will prob ably occupy slat months will eovar tba investigation of tba causae aud as lant of are waste in tbe dominion a survey of tba means at present em ployed in flr control and a considera tion of the principle and methods of ore prevention tbla vlll prove a work of great value and undoubtedly certain reforms and innovations with a view to reducing tba canadian bra louses will be wade af tor the pre- aeaution of tb report tha conservation commission bu don a great deal or valuable re- search work slue its institution it la just a question however whether the destruction of our national wealth by sre should not bavo been made the subject of government q veatlgatloa aotne time ago tbo gam mission is to bo strongly commended for having decided to conduct tba present inquiry their action will nave tha support of public organisa tion tbroucbout the country mon etary times afretttlete boas in kbakl lieutenant howard veraou hearst don of tha premier of ontario is ona of the patriotic young canadians wbo has volunteered recently tov oversea service and will go to tba front with 1 tba seventyfourth battalion lieut hearst was born at sault st maria ont july u 1b0s and was educated at tba high school at tbat plaoa and toronto university taking bl degree of u a from the provincial university la 10x1 having dlatlngulshad himself in bis studio particularly in political economy after completing bis art coarse he took up the study of law at osgood hall lu 1 01 3 aud has passed all hi law examinations but those of the lnal year at tbo outbreak of the war he beard tho ep of bis country and at onco took up a coarse- in mili tary training he ban since obtained a commission as lieutenant in the queens own and lately ba received a commission with tbe seventy- roorth battalion far overseas servloe good business uh uood butinciin for every buyer to hee our rine of fall and winter oodii helore purchasing our hinge j all colo weather require ments ia large and priccn much below present valued mchkitui bonovfrcoath ladies ackti woollen underwear hosier sweattr cniis gloves and mitth jewctt idean and grind values in ill iliem linei linolciimii emor oilcloth blinds and urtam roods arc moving freely it in money waved to make selections from present stocks henderson co mill si acton ont overcoats eor young fellows who admit tii a gracefully rolling lapel a perfect hang and drape an airof real individuality and distinctive see wallace overcuata for this season tailored to your order or ready for service note return railway far from acton refunded on every tea dollar purcbaa geo wallace olothiiiii guelfh ont many a mans aboulders are not as broad a tbay ar padded olkarino auction sale in buquksfho rolvhshir fabm stock imltk- mbnth kto the utiileruguad has received instruo tlonstowllhy public auction for j ah uoppat at tb farm lot 17 oa 6 wt half kiquaejtig s mlla eait of acton 00 whomatajoav mtm novumbum at ona oclock sharp tha follow i tig 1 houueilt cheauut mare agdi 1 black war aged i spaa black carrlag horanarlalng s veara prise winner 1 span grey rercberono rultlga yaara cattlu 1 durham halfsr due tlm of sae t cow durham 7 year old due january 7 j 1 cow durham 6 year old dudjahoi 1 cow durtmia 6 year old due llarcft 14 1 4 durham spring calva luplbmunta i rrotwood binder 6 foot cub 1 bearing mower 3 foot cut 1 1 dlao drill paler hamilton t boo naaily new 1 t protwood bora rake cultivator 3 scufnera 1 pa raka 1 cutter 1 pair bobalalghs waggon 1 bain waggon with daubla box all compute 1 democrat two seats 1 pair pleasure sleighs 3 aaau 1 top buggy 1 f laud roller a plaury riownoaii itolton plowno 71 itat srrowai t duo harrows 1 1 turnip aowari 1 fahulbgrallli t uuraka turnip pulpar nearly uewi t grlndatoueei 1 etntlon ladder 31 feet toua 1 buggy polu t cutler pole 40 ions bay mlsed clover and timothy us rods wire feu- clog 1 quantity cedar posts lumber logging chains forks ho thovala etc harnbust set brass mounted driving harness double nearly new r sat heavy harness set plow barneaa 1 sat tingle driving haw i buperloi cream separator nearly new 1 a cupboards sideboard table daisy chum coal beater one wood or coal liealer one stove tc terueftio ami under caili over that amount itmoalhscredltotifurnuh hg approved joint notes plve per oent par annum off for cash hay cash no ruierve aathe farm has been sold bum mrtow fhitlniisfl wrd wllioii clerk ig5 the best rang for you r kitchen is ona from the reliable huulo of juruey with a record of kovcnly years of fair dealiog and success 6e imperial oxford gives any homo morie than a lifetime of hanou scrvke ita handsome dcugu removable ulcklo flttltigs and aatlny smooth turface nialie it a tiling of beauty its apodal oven construction guarantees aucccgiful baking rull houeet weight in al parts liable to wear rlve unutuai durability ilurna either coal or wood tlm ajwclal licoiiomliiir out- plied enobtesyou to lwp tho firo under perfect control andia not found on any othar ranao i lont uuow wlnni i could niva oii such bin value as lbs git nicy imperial oxford mode in 3 sices with and without retervolr high ilielf warming clout etc i am making ajicclal inducements for ill nest io daya i rices run according to riio and attachments etc a3s to kis m set of handsome aluminum wake fdee uany of my tutttomorsaregruatly intarestrd in my special offei of a ut of full guago mamies atecl alrong aluminum war which i era giving away fne during tlio neat 30 days to awry buyer of aguniay osfurd hang but ce ti tlu of large iio kettle double bollar and saucepan ilianiis no catch about thlaofftfr lia ahulutely genuine but goad for 30 da tmy come in today atta see the banjo and the aluminum ware vouii be deuthted ultb both james symon aitat tot guntcy stdvei and banket acton c c speight for uptodaie goods tulvmitwmr fn tiwwrl vulty alaornvcuuaury- havkbsvaurw tfatwtvr and orm- hwy in vourtatty pauufotm stovtm mxxti tungfeia pattioua hmttawra smaall btoveat oilstovaa luahuhwnannnnwahhbaunuduohhhdduualiiahhuttadaarjdhhmmmat w6e watch question tbe ps barikilwallham movement tbe wellknown popular vu bartlatt movement in a hand- some is aso open face gold filled case this is a n jewel movement odjuated to heat and cold and of a hlnh scfonliflc suudard ouit pricis hhxtbtt the best there is in a 17jawcl 16 sfio open face gold filled watch at gliatntt we believe tbla to be the beat watch made at this price strictly modern and exact suontlfia oonitractlon fltu ahbrrlinntifntb emiiut miihiiimn wuntcd h tath ok rilanks illl 1111i1i i tr in 11 lrllll 1 llinil i ii ml 111 it 1 ari ri llr i riifirly vlxii llir mill mm ii imrfil i v llr i httklav ml ih tlir mull llillr will ulrrlfel mi t jour iixi l 11 v i i 111 1 lt ibii wuii 01 inrw yaivivnihiihow rlntr v i hi 1 1 hkimkoss uohkiaw wan j ito fill 1i1 inill r r 1 nl fnrtllnu i 11-11- ml i ut kill llik ilia ih i 1 ulni uiii ijlrluu il 1 ir iivoii lrfilv iivrv waxtki i0tbil mill rttr n htir ulll allil iv r ijir mill hlillr jill ak 1 lii r17 u 1 toit out hhtavki idilmiirfiilioril iintriiluiil inlbi aj i mn citifhm iniiiiifwt iiiiluf rji iii niiy d0ii1iik notiti rr tiininksrm a mronarri h i 11 i l rum n j hiv ii lllnmitt siiceossfiil hail flimlutw voh dau rah rtfrrlna to wlliiulrl u1rr 1u i lira bit ii u il rii ijairr foraia ll for alk nti lurnaiw also u hiijpr 1 futukl t lln nun nilier urltl- lu aliuoit utiw fur ii- i ur lariljuljia ap p d new wonder land theatre km1dav nov io fclyn arlniko jn rlio country chilrmin 5 ptri c imedy drama by gcorun a 1 hodav uov 23 thu linr chpcr of ilia wrlil plciuro tlio mncr kay vpo cn buy ih book at hnn u jrua in re road ii than uo it in motion pictures uicdnteadav nov e hpiuhlo id f nplolt klalne l gregory propwetor o d huitpluu auction sale in kill rouhship aoiikap catitle also hoiwefc anoiiogs tilt unilirfinntd lnu nilvcd intnlc imua ti mii in public auction for vm allkn at tna arm lot 5 and line krin 3 nitki wist of at ion ou tiiunhdav tarn novumduii at ona uclatu sharp tho following iiousks i choice black mare 3 vcarn 1 choice brown guiding 1 year this u a very ihnie tvam of rtrclicronu with plenty of life nml vury momluiiig birvd yv tfio uolod uiru mapolcun lloott pirtu cattli i nd uw 6 oaru in 6 wiuku brld uifiiin 1 rul cow s years millilng due in march 1 rod cow 3 earn duo in janiinrv 1 red cow years milking duo lc march 1 pair of hoifuru dim in jnminri 1 iiolululii helftr niitliiijr bred s wuilu 1 farniw cow s ytam wuld muku n rood brood ef 1 i it cow diirlinni lull dark red rlklni 1 hiru 1 niir sieeru rising im rising jfaiii 4utveru 3 years 3 liolfora rlninff uifon rising 3 b ycarlinga n 3 years 1 t pair of man huifon rising 3 yrnro t jiutfor r joira prinft cidvtu tlm town am nil goad jinrt horn crndm with nnu exception uud tlioaung caltlonio flntllat4 in hit lust of con dition 1009r b vnrkslilro bow with 7 t wculmulri krmhsm and under cash over thntantount la rnontltucriidlt oilfunilsli ing apprtivud inl inittn ilvo iwr cent per annum oil for cnh poaltlvily no uoaurvkiu tho pronrlttor is clvltijx up ono of liiu farmit nml it ovcratoculd it jt kmhu auotlohsais a l w vnnt clerk in 2 l it has brequet hair spring exposed winding wheels sud pale 11 1 re coll click which preveuts winding too unlit this will bo found an accurate tlmckjwr and will last a life lime this zenith movement fitted to flue geld filled case our pricis a rare chance to buy a good ladles walcb jewel klglb very reliable auulclithat can be depeuded on for reliability and durability fitted to finely engraved gold ailed case at a very special price of ifctjmtt or complete with lorguetto chain fiekstf when ueedlnga watch you cannot do better than try foster wit watch spceblltl g georgetown ontario s every article la of excep tional value c a speight hiiisirmtaeloa caution i be careful in choosing your underwear that you choose the i kind that is made for comfort von will hot find belter under- wear than the linen we carry they ore made with a view to h 1 giving the utmost bodily comfort m well as thegreataat length of b service tbey nre finished perfectly wa carry complete lines in b man fields penmans watson tiger tlmnd in fplece suits and 5 1 combinations prices from l to gaaux r g r e neia80n b afcai twlloai mlattw krumtajhw hammhmammaiammaaiaimbisibiawaaisaiaim ouslth omt 2 oluaiiino auction sale im usquudlno township fa1im stock impjle ments etc the untlerslnneil lin racolvd instructions in ull by public ann inn for mrs tbwiu rick at thti lurm loi j third line ijsquoiliiji 1 nillc snuih can nf acton ou tuesdav tin no hovtcltabn si nno oclucu slurp the followlila llokshsi lay nurc h years old sup potud to m in foal 10 mr gl lies horse 1 brown imrse nacd 1 brown mar aged siippnuxl 10 be in foil to mr gllllel horse i flroy filly 3 jrry old cattih 1 jersey enw surprised 10 ta in cslf duu may nlh 1 libcli cow sup posed 10 tie in calf duo may toih i ijrcy cow suinnud io be in calf duo may jjih 1 holiiein heifer 1 joirold 1 urav sirer i year old 1 black bieer 1 jearoltl 3 couiii j momli bid 1 hiiiciu a shuarllnti ewes pouitrv about in leghorn hotrn oeeiennd luniidur 3 unities loud imiliaihnttli neoriiur blndrr f fooieut in rnnd worlinu order t mccor- mlck binder 1 masmijiiarru ninuttr 5 1 3 cut 1 hay raljc u hint nearly hew seed drill 1 sdt dfic lisrrow 1 nptltig inolh ciililvunr 3 una iron harrows 1 plow 1 1kury acultlur 1 siona boat 1 lum liar wrflnon 1 wiiuron box 1 hufwy 1 cutler 1 hay furu nndpulteys 511 faat sle irsck ii ce imy fork rppe 1 hand cul ling bus 1 pni bubidtdrilni nuirly nowi 3 seta dnuhld lurnrss 1 set bihrio harness a sell double iree a neck jokes forbs relies nhovela and other arilclaa too num oroiia in men lion kootua quanilly ol mnhitoijfl and lurnlph tlittmb 810 untt under cash over that amount ia mom ha credit on furnish lug approved joint noiea six per cent per annum off for cash powl ant roots cash mo reserve a iha farm has been sold b x kkrr f a uaelasn clerk joa

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