Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1915, p. 4

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abe rfo yt s tiimwinv noviuiii nm ion no asum autumn kong hiikiium unit f llnni turn i iloni with tlo mclhi ilijs nml the ruthlj mni wl ij f tlioci tllitjf je lib tho ul illc h ff it r i yldla i riiki ik i he- i ilu t in how cm t ihciiih ii p 11th siiijr iin i i of lliu fillon mint of thu i1 i i ii llio pom ico she lu of ilia purpto il1- hit hit in the harden 1c i- slntf m a ruii of thu unti lbo of the inntr thuht mi i the honny won of ho white lib a uiiiler tdo fa troea in tlio liuxy sun hliiff ma u botiu of dm tit m mtul tl a ifc of iwmi marjoram in lit rsrdeii iy wltera roe my love amittc tailing llio summer uvary rlupr n mir of lt d lp tim idnjf ulow tho mill teste of tb swallows tulli u ul i in iheltarii emeu 1 iiirnn campbell rcott well identified ritnnt iu in ro thsnoua method or idetill neailan a wui once illustrated in wee urn itank a lull lank man came in at 1 presented u chock upon tho tunk for th aunt of fhe hundred dollar it wai made payable to wfuin maynardattd waa proi- iy indorsed who flan idantil juul nquir lit teller politely who can what t united the man 1 unk y who an aur the hank uial you are wltaon uayaerdt usked th teller eup- yrnilng smile wall lejweya hv been and always shall u i reckon returned th t evidently much mystified this u th llratclimk i ver drew and it th fire uua my word ntr doubted toft i bait wily 1 w sorry rejoined tli teller firmly but ih hank requires yoa to h hi id 1 1 rui and i don t know tout in ibis place xosptlno a ton tint went off yesterday rroad th wan and turnedduooneclately away bfor ho reached th door however it turned hub and atrod up to thv ullara desk again hu fao irradiated will a broad unit iiowll thla suit y ha liuiulred ai h tor open lit flannel thirt and dlieloa ad euarly uarkad in blu on liia broad tlxt th naui wiuoti uaynard f w uttutlau hrollwr shi did that b amwunoed qlmfully aw jiowj two plum it foolfthuak whn h did it but it appari to tn now tliat iwu on o tli ht joha ho ver did i rolioii yoa wout nd any mar proof a tltat that i ja who i ay i am 1 to lil aatlafaotion thla wa pronouooad to be quit aufttolant proof of liia idantlty ad th monay waa paid ovay without fdttbar dalay 11 tho tiotujh hut tho blucl will put on o mho i tut coughed so would turn black in the face he was cured by utino dr woods norway pino syrup tin hmeu ajami sault st mane out writaa my little sir liic years old had a dreadful hard cough at ttubta ah would cough xo hard ilte would ft thick in tho face ai i would couah he several hours before oho could hop w tried different klndi of mcdlcinea and had aevral doctors but fulled to do her aay xood sb could iwt sleep nor eat bttooufb waito had and he wan almply wmitlnf away a friend odvhcd me to try dr wooda norway pine syrup i got a liottlo and uw an improvement and tot anotlier now i am only too ijad to recommend it to all mothers too much streu cannot lie laid on tho fact that a cough or cold nhould iw cured lauaedlalaly dr wood norway pino syrup will cur the cough or cold and prove o pre mutative from all throat and itntf iroubui auclt aa broncliith pneumonit and coauuniptloti df wood la put up lu a yellow wrapper three pine treet the trade marlc tw 2c and koc per iwjttlc uauulactured only by the t ml- hma co limited toronto ont baking powdep tilt hand op hope whan 1imu- fcniilrftti wifo dlod in mniirnil iit i ifiiioi i shnll put a i lark imnler t n i i ii he 1 1 to nun of lii ioi riruoiikiuh uonlhit i 1 rot i mi i of luck oiiiiiikmi llio front if tho lltlla dwolllnu two jenr um i thou una f tho nefuhttoru t lapping o ptol to iioquea round him iml up ut hln litilo bfuck ulisl homo wllll u i ilr of porphlvity it 1 iia well iuciuck itorr in a lans of uymuitij browa a llltlo ruly r another coat 1 m rofjiihl wiio dujiont aha to it nooded of talllt r lain dujiont echoed iho nalublior ah 1 hut hum alio uld ona other coat of black paint jaoquoe hi f quarlod lacqua and t an his loob or prnlnlty vaniahad in aalowainlt i to ajk her to nlfllit ha aahl i rlakly two dya uur tho aympathatla nlffh bar p4min again wu tpaatod hy jaoqua from lhilar aat aflahiwt th duuu how you ilka him y ho aakail waving hla paint brush toward tit band n bright rd lowltijx acrou tho top of tlto little houaa i ui dupont alt choose him w mak tha m arris if o next weak my f rlatld castor i a pot laftttti atail chlurta inumforovmsovaam a usbpul ihvbht10w a vorkahlr fiirmer was paid hy rhaob for too cattle ha had sold it wu the drat time that it had evor liappanad what this l haufd why money for tho bout said tha cattl dealer the farmer stared and had to h a ed tlut if it took it to tlto hank they would giv him oald for it wall aaid ha aw ii try hut if it a wrong un thou ii hear about it the check wa casiuhi or court and tli farmer want home happy but he could sleep he had soau a wonderful thinjr and it had excited him as soon a day broke he made for tlto cattle daater a bouse and wok the dealer its me he aaid wherea tli got thlm bits of papar from t aw cud do wf half a dozen myself i i romofcfldlaluvtotttfbj ncr s iiiul itstrotualnittlrist opium morphine iwrrbomi n nam otic ftjw- fib ptrfctl brnwdy hrj6np hon bwhlotttiuhiunttx- wi rmi roiivullooawriui ntrs nriinhsorslxcp racinil nof tutctntai utimmkv hnvthcailncwvohh castoria forlnfanuanj children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of itxaltt copy owrtpp in use for over thirty years castoria auction r hi ulllarb worm iowdei do not need tlto afterhelp of castor oil or any parqatlvo to couplet their thoroughness because they are thorough in themselves on doaa of them and they will bo found palatable by all children will end tha worm trouble by making tha stomach and liowala mi ten abl to th parasltee and not only thu but tbapowdar will bo certain to exert moat beaafloial influence in tlto digeativ organa tfa boy who cannot keep liia grip oa the ball will nver oooro a touch down th way of lit tranagreasor is hard at best but the traveling become easlor with th flrat tura to ut rlfflie too oltan tha hero worahlpper is hla own lira iulllng weed uleu poelioal than plant- g fl ower but quit aa nmeuary bvry tdolher knowa that her eon should uuy a prlnoeu hfvrffinf ior kiddies ii arfw aoalael ul alaehbil jujdruanimuwemtdu fatialistlhw mbicunl w wouto u uneasy ua the head lhab wear a frown th man who trie to toy popularity kluno start a scandal about your neighbour and watch it prow ilother eau easily know when their efaluren ar uouhlad with wormm and they ice no time in applying tha beat of remedlea mother oravea worm eiderm inator donns kidney pills hiw th hldnay and amtma ukm ordjrury wudhihm tha f when the kidney get nut of order the back ia aure to lieonma affected and dull pains aliarp pains quick twliike all point to tha fact tliat tlio kidney need attention ikostxra and liniments will not cure the kidneys far they cannot set to the eat of the trouble ttuc doana kidney pills do and euro the kidney quickly and permanently mr ucilo melflinon plytnplon k q wrlu i am sending this tcallraoulal telling you what a wotulerfid cum doan ludney pills made for ine vat year i had luffefcd o with my kidneys i could hardly tlo my houuworl i used sewnil kinds of pilla but nom of them seemed to be doing me any good at hut i wan advlsod to try a box or deans kidney pill when i had taken the first box i found relief i have used flic boxes and today i feel ilka a new woman i cannot recommend them too iiluhly doans kidney pula arc oflc per i ox 0 boxes for si 25 at all ilcalcntor mailed direct on receipt of price by the t mllburn co limited toronto ont when ordering direct specify doan v lhsare now in season the vueu pkku the place to come to mako your data hy arranging your dales with tho fbmk pheis there in no danger of advertising your aula for the same date your uuighhor has hla if you i aro going to havo asalo call on un flrsl give ua ail nppr xiniate estimate ou the amount of tho ale and w will prescribe tho advertising for you that will procure tha beat reuiilm advertising la our business and wo aro making a specialty of salt a wo have been authorized to nrrango datcu for one of tho host auctioneer however wo can furnish tha advertising rcgardleu of tho auction car paskpauui cannot bo excelled in thin sec tion of ontario by auy other medium acton free press better call us on iho phono now and arrange that dulo plav a wav 0mh1 it wa jimmy a first day in tit duulot school and ha lutenad in itewilderment to the glib anawera mado by friends and nalghbora until the lesson in physical tfttgrapby began than ha wait interest d what la b d terence between a tor rent and a cataract i askul tha teabltor at last i and to jim u amaxeineut tha olau haalutad lis waved his hand can you tell us j and the teacher mllej enooiirag ingly ut him th torrenta got mora bow aaid jim proudly hut father myn tha mb over t the jorner aro going to get torn wom for the cataract ami then thoyll ha exactly alike buy to bb calm it certainly doe make a difference who ox is gored among tli patients in the private ward of a philadelphia hospital according to a writer in uppln oott a uagaalne there waa once a testy old millionaire of that city whose cos gave hla physician considerable difficulty at first well asked tha crusty patient ono morning haw do you find me now eh i vour getting on well responded tit doctor rubbing hla liamle with an air of satlafoetlon your logaareatlll awoll on hut that doesn t trouble me of oourae it doesnt i aaid tha old i if your leg were swollen it wouldnt troubla ma t it has many tjualltlaa the man who posaessea a bottle ol dr thoniaa 1ieotho oil 1 armed against many ilia it will cureaoough itreak a eold prevent sore tliro4bgt will reduce tlto swelling from a sprain our lite most persistant sow and will apeadlly heal out and contusion it is a medicine client in itself and can ha got lor a quarter of a dollar it is said that the flulun ol turkey i kkllledaaa pianist it la probable that thoa who bad to hsun to bint glad wel cowed tit war doctors did not help her but lydia pmkhams veff- ettabl compound reilortl mr bdlys halui her own statement many a woman spoils a rem moo by try ng to wslo it lout forever too many iieoplemlsuka a wish for aki ambition chicago now nothing pleaaea an ignorant man m biueh aa a ohuiioa to hand ovorlurormatlon there la vaat dirreretioe itotween get ting well alone and allowing bail to be oom worse by a want of amine at th outset many a manu hhouldera aro not a lwoad a they aro itadded money i a eplendld auwltute for hralna ukomeojums when you get to worrying lop corn orlpfila tha ft and make walking a torture yet aur relief in the ahap of think of tiiubmemarylhlngyou houawmy corn our la within reach of all about yesterday children ory rott rleychers c a ruouacbvul housbwifk llula tha inexperienced oook poked her head in at tha dhiiug room door pleas muam aha askail how will i know whin tlto puddin is cooked t fltlok a knife into it uld her ml tree also inexperienced ro ailing tha instruallon in tha oook book if tha knife come out clean tha puddlnk i ready to serve 1 ii do tltat maam and oli just a minute lhuia the mistress had a bright idea if tha bnlfa doe com out clean you might stick all tha real or the knlve into tli pudding url wis seweik casuist fit bsltttrtwilhsal mela when the heart become wtak tad doe not do it work properly the lurve beconta unilxung aud tha whole ayausu aeem to k o all to piece when ihii happetih you ttewl a tonic to iwud up both the heart and nerve ami mllburn heart ami nerve pilfa will acoottipusli thl for you providing you lo not let your case rut too lotig and allow it to itecome chronic mr ltvanglllita loverdure voti cotilonge hta writes loit lummer my iiecjrt and nerve were so lnul i could not sleep ut nifllit and my heart wa so wcakl could not go up stairs without help my doctor mild ho notild do no more for ins a tny hxurt was completely done a cousin of mine came in one day and told ma tliat mllbunis heart ami nervt pill cured licr completely i immediately gave licr m cents to bring tna a box ami slnra that day them is a box alwaya ou my sldelwurd i am now wellbiid mybcartnudiiervcaoro atroncr titan when i wo a little bciumii flrl i advise uiiyone wltlilteart troubla to try tbein no doctor can lieat thetn mlllmirne heart and nerve pllht are nki tier imx 3 lioxr for si ua for sale utl dealersi iitulltd direct oti rrmlitt price by tho t mlibuntco ajltl toionto ont winnipeg canada elavon yoara ago i went to tho victoria hospital montreal sufforlngwiui a growth tho doctor aaid it waa a tumor and could not ha removed a it would cauan instant death thay found tlmtmy organs worn affocbod and said i could notllvo moro than six montlia in uio condition i wa in after i camo homo i saw your adver- tliomont in tho panor and coinmunccd taking lydla b pinkliama vcgutnhlir compouml i took itcoruuntlyfortwo year and still tako it at tlmoa and both my huiband and rnynolf claim uiat it waa tha moan of aavlng rny ufa i highly recommend it to suffering woman mr obiua dludtly 2s4 johnaonavo winnipeg manitoba can why will wotnon tako chance or drag outa sickly half hearted ox utcncemlaji- ing thrafourtlia of uio joy of living when they can find health in lydl h plnkharna vageta bla compound t for thirty yearalt haa teen tho ntati dard wmedy for fo- malalluiuid haa w- toiwl tha health of thouaandi of women who have bean trou bled with such all- hianta aa uianlaeemsnui inflammation ulceration tumor frrogularltlea etc if you want niieola mulco write to ijydla 13 imnliliitm mtul- idlue co ootifuioiitlitl imu mfuuk vourlfltterwlll iwoihiiimi kad mua atirwrl liv a uomaii n4 bald lu strict ttiiifldimoa ybaciflua wib vouuo idea to shoot a keen eyed but obviously scantily edu oatad mounulneer lad hi gawky ovr grown sot into a country achoolhousa thl hare boy srter urulu ha an hounoed what yer hill o fare our ourriauluin sir corrected tha aohoolinastar eriliraoea tfogriphy pliyalology arllhinatlo ulgehra irlgouom airy thatll da interrupted tho father that ii da ioail him up heavy with trlggernomotry ho iho only ioor shot in tho family ohildren ory ror fletchefis castoria human natunb why u it asked the curious guest that poor men usually give larger lip than rich men t well sub said tha waiter who waa something of a philoaajthor aa well looka loin llkada io niau dont want noltody to ibid out ltu po aiul d rjolt man ilont wont iwbody to dnd out it rich tin ihuinio otritihkw id marhitbli ilr i llmntiikxl with i xllnihoii unu uh imnii dltito mid rudlcnl uoliiin lu liikim by the unv riiuimiilii or two wd ly iioiminlnd rniiiitrhn onu of tho tiiout rnimikiihlii mid plc- tiironqiin momlhiiii of llio bird fuml lion will noon luioiiu xllmt cun nilu ul o no utiiiut uuvn tho i iiklimt rurlnw it inuxt luivi i lit luurly ru oporutlnn or llio arid iiliiin n puliltr llio i u bl inn rtirlow in ctiii hy r murkuhln for itn lonjt uiiuuul mlitiii tlon only two ollinr lilrdu i xrn d the dlatanco covoiod ovury yun hy tho curlow urnl nuithui of tin n lilrdu ovor existed lu thixuiormoiui iiuiulhini tho curlow did until u tuv yuiru tiin llio curlow u mlffrutuiii tv ru an olllpaa 0000 mlltu lonn ami j lull mlltjh wide lilii fuit lu iiiirpimia il only by tlio knot mid tho turn lint liollhe the knot nor tho torn over wan un nuiuurmiii um wore tho curlowu until a fow youru u u tlioy usod lo ravel in unuriuoui llocbu iho principal hri dinu ranno of tho curlow wau on the ilurrou oroundii near tho arctlr rannt in tho northern part of tho canadlun prdvtucn of mackanslrr jlio hrdu wlnlarod for tho muul part in the- ninpon ronton of southern arlflliltnit and northern iatagnnln an uoon uu tho hodgllilks wora old onourj h cmo for hoinbolvou old and yuunu baatenod to tho conut of labrador to fount on thn socalled eurlow itorrloa aflor u fow wook of qorctnff they flow nc renin thu oulf of ut liwrcnco to nova ijcotlu aud tlionco launchud out ovor tho ocean for a 3 400 mllo flliiht itcacblng oouth amutici- thoy cruunu tho oast cm part or ilraxll to lliulr whiter ro- sort in patatoiila in uprlnir tho whole roursn or tholr in i c ration wut ahandonod mid tha curlow made tholr way north by a roulo soiuo tuousaiidh of uiiloa far thor west tbeso euormouh flock now oxlst only in memory scarcely a doxoti in dividual birds havo boon noon in tba last doion years tho causa of tholr disappearance is not far to soak tho uaklmo curlow was undisturbed by human foe during tbo wbolo or it summer sojourn in tbo arctic and only a small porcontago wero shot on the labrador coast but aflor arriv ing in argentina in tha mlddlo of ueplobiwir for a flvo months stay tba birds scattered ovor tho paw pa and wero continually a mark for hun gry sportsmen alapaeully since ibq0 with it win ter homo in argentina changed to a great whoat hold and its favorite pralrlo sod in our west converted into thickly populated farm land no chanco for hfo baa beau loft to tho curlow tba ifesshui hy lu the west tba hessian fly s well known to farmers as a aorlouu pest of corral crops during tho protout mason it haa caused tho loss of millions of buaboia lu tho jul tod btato in western canada its doprodntlona for tunately have not attained tho oxtout oxpcrlonccd in othor rcglous of tho continent and in order to bo ublo to advlso tho fannora in tho western province tho kntomologlcal ilraneh of tho dominion department of agriculture have investigated thla in sect tho results of thla investiga tion which waa conducted by mr norman crlddlo for several year havo now boon published by tho do partment in entomological bulletin no 11 in ordor to onablo farmora to rocognlio tbo injury of tho insect in it inclplont otaces and being tbua forewarned they will bo in a position to provont losses that nro llahlo to occur whoro tho insect is present aa control methods aro also described in addition tho woatern wheat stum maggot baa boon studied and do scribed this la a natlvo insect that has turned it attontlon fiom natlvo to cultivated reason on which it can bocomo a sorloua pout its habits llfohlstory and tho m ain or control aro fully described in tho samo bulle tin which la entitled liio hesatnn vly and tbo western wbout biom bawfly in manitoba baakatchowan and alberta a hemarkaitlo itotindary tba demarcation of tho alaska- canada boundary from iho ul lllaa range straight north along tho mist meridian to tbo arctic oconn baa been in progress aluco 1007 nnd lo reported to bovo just boon com- platod this undortaklug wan notablo foi aoverat reasons no other modorn bouudary domarcntlon ban extended into such blgb latltudaa and fow boundaries of oqual longth nny- whoro in tho world ore so straight tba lino follow tbo meridian with out tho slightest davlutlan regard i can of uountalna swamp and foronts whoravor tbo boundary panseo through timber and brunh a joft clearing boa boon madu monuraeuf havo boon out up along tho on tiro lino at points vlalblo from oncti other gauorally at distances of throo or four mllaa at important points these monuments aro 6ft shafts of aluminium bronio wolohlng aooib aet lu 80001b of concrete tbo boundary la 000 miles long and la marked by about 200 monunionta barbarous canada tha following item from tbo fa therland a rabid prooorman paper published la new york will servo to advise canadians juat what floruiaus ballovo bo boon going on in this peaceful dominion in oil canadian towns and coun trysides from drltlsh columbia to quobaa tbo canuck ran riot and typl- flad himself with brutal cossack deeds iio burned bouses plundered shops and stoned unoffending men woman and children in city streets and country roads no ono deterred blm oormau austrian nnd hungar ian men aud women wore dragged from tholr homos and sin unlit ore d in tho open natlvo born nous who de fended fore inn bom parents wora blulu the dnuglitors wora brutal lied by tho mob constipation urradikuv of maralu haaltb yturi arrythlng w if the truth was only known you would find tltat over one half of tha ills of lire aro caused by allowing um bowels to get into a coiutipated condition and the kola causa of constipation is an inactive liver and unless the liver 1 kept active you may rut assured tliat heailoclits jaundice heartburn plies floating speck before tha eyes a feeling a if you were going lo faint or catarrh of the stomach will follow the wrong action of tbls one of tho most important organs of the body keep the liver active and working properly by uio use of mllburn lnxa- llver pills mbu llou sablneau amherst n 0 write having been troubled for yrara with conatlpauon and trying various socalled remedies which did me no good wliatever x was nerauoded to try milbums luauver pills j have found them most beneflclal for they are indeed a splendid pill x can heartily recommend them to all who suffer from constipation milbums tax tittt rjibt are 20c a vhd ii vial for tl on at all kalcrsor mailed direct on revclpt ofprloe by the t milbura co jlunlted toronto ont sold by james symon for yua wdsmderful book on farm drainage free do you know you can tako a much crop air 100 acres prop rly drained aa ou can olf i0 ocr a not drnlnod and save half uio labor t b ruventliul i illl ll a tit lift yhi li nw tl l tkt in t ulvnrkatlm liniiiliii lu vmhlnn naliaiiurunlldllrtaw huruuillixi until and i prom ilia iguallly tf i ii cnl ulyrnlaiiatcpt vnu way ol uiv r 1 idrojllnnlvliplnillu iwlt ll rk u lam w w lre iv qf dominion sewtiif pips co limited m saxes bargain list this week mcnb i all nnd winter ovcrcoiti ladies overcoits s to tfid about 200 i urh of ladra siiolh rculir 2 and 3 on silt now for ft 100 muiu ladies and cluldrcny rubbers at j clear ing price dont mibi the bilo of lidim siiolu now on gliiuiiic bargains 7- shxe tho brlck store opposke new postofflce lawa get moro money lor your skunk muakrat raccoon i oxewhlto weasel fisher and other fur bearer collected in your section ullliotui i punn ninnct hmmiiit iu iart iidiuutijuviiviiinoitrtis3i tiira i iwi ttlnv r irititlnoi rns url aqshubert inc kivssss actons electric chopping milii chopping dong daily jhoppuij and rolling both ualiiifictonlj done b f caldwell acton ont proprlotoi hmmmhhhnaadtinhiiamiimcidaaddhhhdaaadlamhhhiiadadarimhhhihii itsde watch questions cnn e wily ho sullctl huro for linn mmioy thnit at mout plureu look at tliewi vitltlcb tlie ps itarllckwaliliani movement llio uollknnwn poiuilnr p llnrllutt mivtnunt in it imnii lomoihtilri open lint itd mint mat thin in u 17 jewel miivoniliit mljiimttd in lnnl nnd old mid of a liluh mlontinc htitiuinrd otnt piucr i3a tbolwst fluroii in u 17 jiui iftlwoiien face gold flllod wnttli at 1lj wu lt lit vo this to ihi thu bent unlch nmdu nt lhln prlte tttiill j nnnltni nnd ixuct kulotillflj con ut rut t tint it hint lirtnnut hnlr tlrlitj xpoi td wf mlliig wiiloiu mid i hunt re coll click wliklt provoiitti wliidlnn tuo tlnltt hiih will lw fmiiul nu iiccuriiti llmikiuur ulul will lntit u llfu tlmo thla oiiltli ninvumunt flttul to lint sou 111 lid cuuu our 1miicis iao a rare chance to buy a fionj ladles walch 7 jouol fig i n vtry rullnlilt a uikli thnt ciiu ihi dujtutnlcil mi for relhibilily mid duniblllly fltttd l finely cngntvod gold filled tuhonl u vor hptclfll urlco of s0fs or cnmplolo with i j j when uuudiiign watch you cannot tlir okanit trunk railway i a li mil ii riiainh r i tl y nil ii t wi ii imuro muf srirjinnnnoutpdrwi iiklw grain ch oprang well done and quickly at only h 5 cents per bag r harris v co limited u hockwoud onr m cement k c0upiii actov cehcnr conwacror for undn silos vv ilk horr ill etc ah j annt for de lival silo ttiritor i ttc ilifili vi di iuril uid clin- cnt for i ilc wuuhwwaoauniauoaqdawwuhw excelsior bakery ti gorg- sfathieri clmid hi ah thubalcry buslnitsof t hi uhani hon in ait n which hm iwcti condullid for tho iatt thlrtj ir haa itttn purchadd by corjjo stmh uu and ulll be londucuil in tho umo unit ilaru manner an fn the past all lmdi of i in ml cucb i try wed ding liktu and clulm tlllt illlfq will bo nip pllti i hhesitiirilli n of nil ii ktotncnt oi0 3tatham udanddddnaoddhiihhiiii boots shoes etjbbbrs jrt jxsiifrss svx aa all lines cyfootweejf 1 eit right prices jj all mens rubbers at f 6 bargain cnces k w wiiiliams mill street acton kct0n t ttrttcv jjx v jzijri x ano bus lalki having purilinuud thu iuery uliaflilfiuh nnd goodwill nl tho ututiminia lslsjowwllluiae 1 ahiujctftilli luiliclt thu patron- ngu of ttm public cnmlortublu rimuill nl u hi u lie ttipplfod at rui m i ut blu ihurgeu ior thu prlmint ilr osorg hall who linn hull tho tnuuagu- mo ut of thu unhlou thu pitstytar u 111 cotil lit no in clmrjjt tin will a1unyaio found courtunua and obliging ijufl micitlialtrthaihm lorguullo elmlli ltftt do butter tlntli try amtlkose mccann mill st acton ont foster visi watch sptcisllt 9 gc0hclt0wn ontario 3 mmmmhaaaiitidhkihhhiiaunaaamhmaqaanahmhmhiiuauriddwhhhmam stents ipromptly securep hahiim a haimin sli4 unlverally ht uonlritat

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