7ht jvttim- sttt ttx volumh xm no 22 kvy uulocrlitleli i1 lu advance acton ontario thursday morntno novbmhmb 38 191b hubwinmion wit iloo far annum sinoxiid ooeijhjstinnflifl omnvs ivuiiy iii iiki1w wtllrifnu ar nut htlj 1 hi hs ttliiuinti in hi attow out tiinua ii hiiumi fihtiiim- trjalu lu ilvaiicc l ui u iibiu id wliloli evarr iuf noniaroll llii for hot mla ouiiih iwr mm tor eaolj aulx nilhi d ulrtt iliaiay eilvartiie i lor na or tncinx inor pr si 10i1 lnixrll li yearly mill jiar inali eanlsiwr intili unnli to x mil ut ior- inn atituuiilil wlllimil ilmnlna urwsuoin will lis lutwrifl till fnrlil i etui olura- oimiril luilv ireuiniiedrvrllwuieiili mutt tie lij ailvktilmi ill will la eliauel dum tosh mouth ii iithlrt vat eliauu ofuner man kov manltual hi extra eoiuijosluau tnusl rw lav ai iiuulu rait all seeouul btiiuau1 ttouudr ii v uoquu kjitar u1 proprietor- tuiiknta tiiraxarn nni ih09 gray m d c u ucoill l ilo p rniukuaaaf l 1l r i ii tluuuew siayamktiatvisiilluduui auacuyiotf kro 061aeararik ulmt aston on l osteorjthy du vuiluw o ainiiuinm oltuniatlho pllvsrcu ol flui lure lllncbn onnu it flwim hour t to li yuaiuxe end vrjut 111 uauiluuiti hotel acion ciuttornacttc d iliiahinil ii 110110 wav i ural ii ii 1 11 in u lioumkmja id uialil 7 oil ibouos kubljaneo auli utile verkttwary aetou biiutlo orailaele nl til in visrlnarv vtfuaa iiwu otttee althuia hlocl iimuukii ill i hi call day or ulalil i rouii ily aiuiiijaj to a j uwkinnou utu imtvi llnitnr i omcsnu l liclvai wu palal ettao- dr j m dull duhldfl duutiar arfp lliuuahol0 nfilee l lusjuuiuu cnruf lilll ami vrjrlji uotita howea owcoiti o vosauto ouivkjuot yl nut ensmuitlo ut1 if dalr4 u uucjlllavgovm lhunoili hunan uoouiiinoku vynjliau hi asajiih oriutla ior wllluuit ulw ieaaant ilaki ot all kind 14j to clt vulidi at ary duonlj ttouiuuylmmuul iuucirbmiivah4 bnmdllil4w m ahruou li ok hi eli ii f uooilm itvm inaa otta 10vom li ii uuffllll jj ilia uau anujiiautl vmmuibu iwui pi by uttov to uliaou p a w cuifclna ulbbotm la rmuum lu oauxsaiiati with ili iwjt wtiartiarvatiitvdiauiahainiuuiiftii tftilvar- tilu eu b iuilk 0j ult l vmim ikww pjhbj aota will ifjlv lunimilutbiutiilou upmul kiuullau to saiu lu juuui tuj ulully way i vo uumi b iuhv daiexnivkn oatu4 latttd nuvavoa auid clwtl uuatlott burveya hubtlivufonn plnnn ito- cirta dflcrlptlont fllueprinls etc ertiflcatetfor purcliuiijrd ami mort- uanium burvoyufor arclillucla mull- tln aud municipal councils dralu- nj ueparta uiilmau etc mkrchant3 bank bldo auulfh orhiob 10m ohy bouk bihokr quabmht fctftst ojul0llotit all wllttlf priiuitfiv uxbcuykd the old and reliable granite and marble dealers whttri kaiiufiamrairauailljafllliiiiiattam at al biudonf unnuuibtiui and iimjuimm woirli woamlluiwilfnuureuiiloiiiaimhlwiiou mia ttlrlmia aul wa tmlr waahauloalo in dominion who oautr- mlo tibmjitiaila iiwih tixuly w bah ly l nauwdtt in w awli to twia law aulm ih nnlnr in nellat wa ti lh itnmi an i ihhii aumb of ihiuiu in ilia uoutlhini tuf tliau any iiivm daalara lu ih wal w ait uullluiau durt au4 am- lor un um ma ami ilti itui anuay or iniooa iittralivtiiiillmidutluiiamiliuinuionillall no fo only hhii tufi hamilton sons 04t not folk u4 wm4tbuli uj uuulpu savage co katnbllhhiid id4u jkwcllek fiutlpii the old and rcinbla wolchmalicrs and jewellers savage co guelph ont horse blankets knee wraps and rugs bond store guclpii fotiiv- neither time nor expense neither tlmo nor expeuw in navl in lirjnuliijf to the lilah utato of perfection at wlilcli tlmy are told t56e bell piano rupert worlera nullltxl mip crvlnlnn beut timlerlali all conlrlluilo to lu nucceal the lubtrumeiil of rccopfnu- td inrnhllity n lone aud bitporbfl bar n ouv dv c w kelly m son 33 lower wyndheuaa st ouelph ont robt noslc ltd llrart shorts wheat chona glutton moat cotton cootl meal oilcake oat chop rolled oats timothy twwl j l warren d the hub ip you are thlnliiiig of kttliik a now butt or an overcoat car anil ua ui we cau give you what you want in hyla and fit prlc aro aouablo we also make ladles tailored mult geo f agnew mill st aelea a a xwavlngs ttoromto camtu grand trunk 1vm8 1 ttouluc tataoat all thk wav torontochicago toronto montreal iron ohkoaoo leavo toronto boo a- m p m ami ii4s pm dally toh month kail haava toronto o oo a m y p m and ii oop td dally icqiilpmont the fluent on all traltm panama paoirio bxposivioh ueducttd fare to han pranctsco loa aiitioinaiul han tlutfo pull itarticulam and berth remrvatlonk on apucation to agenta h s holmes agent phon na 13 luniibelu unllncd nt 100 lllankelu lined nt lttoto 1stk wool lilniiluluut ajtt to400 kxtra special at soo bflatmtcliownii itoliou klnu lino s43voo si73 iooo kneo rucrn for imto or enrriuvo nt 300 and 4u0 wo have what von want tho bond hardware co llmlud phon lotortajtwelvo ouulih old tylr krvftok when people reacii furiv they need in moct casoa unubld vision lohmu thoaewho try to got along with ordinary lemea annoy their friend and thomtelvoa try our invisible bifocal lenses ground on the pmnilsm a d savage optometrist mrg optician banking service tbla lank undutikm vfy dacrlttlaa of banking butl- bu aad our aim u to have cadi ctutotaur feel auured of uurtaay aad attatlod id our cftkei tb uasy aarvlcu performad by a uodwtl batik ara at your dlapoaa j and every good busbum coaaaclioa or imall la walcowad by i the bank of nova scotia vimrjp cawtal mmam uuhv8 who 11amm total baooflmewuiod bttawcloia at attu ouabk korvat uuioa aad gtr4uuto fresh groceries hew raisins mew currant mew pt hew nuu hew peel hew hplca rtnt utim of confaouaniry pint class line of pauiy cdke and pastry fresh every day cooked ueats hams dacou with the homelike flavor dread and other goods delivered promptly dally j r livingstone hlumauv to at 0 high mill htvml pa u waul at hrel imium r tueuew yohohto ohvmhio w umu new vooue tiki uliulm bu fall winter stock op boois and shoes now complete heavy lines light linos working boots sunday shoca goods to suit all customers of best makes and latest styles we back the goods we ojfior and make our prices satisfac tory we have rubber rub ber heeh slippers and pumps our repairing is carefully and promptly done call kenney bros mala si acton the doy tho iwiy a certainly vhbn small inooiifttmil tuiil moron rial i to linn a tmwor not nisiy lirt of being bnro mill nlw tfmrrj lie often llkut to throw or pour ilia hresd unit milk upon tlie floor a full iiy wlilcli lrii loot ucre lirola ho iietn with aw h jolly joke he until lmrit lilttcn poiiw ntil spilled hut jtoaltlvely never it i hod and thin lndeelremitjii tlm rule wliati growing on ha goes to school no nior n kiddle noi a kill he llki neat id blujatllil or with nooat or anr in vidw a little girl willnlunyhila tberoa no unmerciful intent i hla oourte le pure enmriineiit hay puaadroiiiuxl from an upper flight or nutertlml liiteiimly tight although so lilla an ho play a vet thinking somethnen lo him stray and wiidii hu irouueru tengtlien ho llelleolh on tilings to a degree at tlmea he noliera fli iii luokn and great thing dawn on lilm from loolia ho fast ills frame and outlook change that other and the world go at rang fllie who la fairer rarer far thin any flower or ulut or star he dare- too dream of shining thing that lie will do like knlghte and klnge i veota nilinlratlons and disdain that men revise to lower plans which state if outer power destroy it still u noble in uw hoy the lilgliut heart of all years worth the purest lovsr upon earth ttl yamiln tttikhittg the election of samsky lam a mauv umica hk fnwlttaen of llie wellierby high school were aasembled lo ronni 12 in the corridor out side ulo high and mih whltan paocd up and down looking impatiently at the clonal doorx oh did you cier hour moll a noise i eiclslmod lllss hill otupidug bar lands to liar earn hover ouulde this uihaol replied illse whlton calmly vaud think they were lioldlnga massxero a ilty theyre not rejoined her ooluegue fiercely the ide of letting them have a oliu meeting anyway they ought not to ho allowed to organ i m i i suppce theyll elwt hruce wellierby ireajdent mlse whlton continued in even pessimistic tonea he poured tlus oontenta of biu inkwell down nsuone neck this morning and wken i gave 1dm a demerit be said bu fstlter might have souuthlng to say about lu oh that freili ulsa hill began indignantly t hut just then there u a mighty roar row itoou 12 a mingled shouting clapping laughing and stamp fng an lotant later tlia doore opeaed and out buret hie hilarious freshmen wlio la your pieauuat i uue wbltou inquired of a smiling boy oh you never oouu guela t be replied grinning voiimo bruce wetlerby waa so sure of it tmhadaeeubratlonallpubnetl and wyi fattier aild ii was a pity lb wetlmrfiya had to run u ebool as well aetlia town so we fellowe got togetber course tbagfrle voted for unto bub wa hod it oil fixed and we euotad o tay i settuky cohen i uruoe u oraay and hie crowd oay its an insult electing blut over llruoe bub tliatii just what wa wanted w oay w did it beoauu bjnjkye the amaruafc oua la the elut and bu average is over ninety the freabman surged out hruce wetberby with bis head blgb ble follower outdoing the venetian inerobanb lo 00111112 una last of all and u unual aiotv eaua bau cobea he ulghb have poaad for a minor prophet as lie stood before alls whlton hie foe aldose with light have you heard 1 be aald in a shab luff voloe they have chosen w for tlieir leader 1 and i didnt know i bad a friend amoag tbm 1 i misjudged tbeto it la for my age x suppose i atd wuob older than they and taller and ba squared hla ehouljere i must tell my pawnte my father hat wlslied to utul me out as a hedlar i hope he lets we re main i the aevt morning hem appeared before bl cusjrooirt teacher bowed formally and announced i remain in mhoo- my fauier oaya it will be good for blm an well as me x have eeouired a tutor my kng- ub la nob goad enougli for olau meetings i uaut to be a good leader in the aftavnoon the elty librarian wan puuded by boy with melancholy eyea who demanded books on parliamentary law the fallowing week a euw meeting waa called to arrange for the flral rmvtlon poor bam i said 111m whlton aa ehe gathered up her itoaha to leave room 12 im afraid theyll abuse him evidently her fr won wellfrunuledi for there waa a aboutlng and a tumult that continued for fifteen minute then there woe a lull jm hill appeared at her door whata the matter with the freebmeii v ho oiked theyre quiet i certainly for the next ten minute tberewaa only a murmur with an occasional loud voloe then the closa rushed forth ud urn with wore talking than laughter oea volunteered is hoy who had lingered to get hi bookv hamakya worse than a teacher i ii said we couldnt trauaaot any bualneui until wa were per fectly quiet and he appointed a commit tee to keep order at the reception i at that hem himself appeared awl ad- dnuuwd himself to uistf hill ileaee tell me lie mid wlufc u the proper kind of dru tor a lady to wr to w reoeptlou t a large lady many time larger than you lie added apologetically i think a hlsok dross would be liest mlse hill aald tentatively of soma soft material willi lift colors l said eum douuful only a very little color mlu hill uld decisively thank you t said ham ami miss hill i ant to be aluent on monday i go to iloaton to see the kndloott iftgli uohool my father ap 1 should see how thlmr m the big sehoon arc done there the freshmen have self government a oias wora than oura waa nuulegood i fftarwu arent reaily for uolf govern ment here i sighed ulse hill oh i have great ho pee far our clas bam replied they ere so good t heart bee how goodthry are to me i and bam departed actually humming sreshmeu wabe l the reception waeasurosear mr cohen in correct evening clotlie and mr cohen tastefully gowned in black crepe de chine with only a touch of burnt orange beamed on bam aa he received by the principals side wlien ihaduncliig began uruoe weth arhy ae floor manager waa moat in evi dence and bam busied himself with ble polio force in the corridor and the com- mltteee in tho kitchen prom that time on bam waa occasionally absent there was ut buseen oaunly atldetla league meeting to be attended uie matter of school fraternltlea to be look ed into and moil i high schools to be lelted at but he called a cuse meeting to consider the matter of conduct and reported hlalnveetlgatlonaandooticluslana ha called ue anarchist ha did i the talkauyejwy said afterward he said id grow up to murder the president if we didnt do better now and haagotanaw scheme for conduct honeat mis whit on the boy added bamsky make an awful good president i then the principal received from the freshman a formal petition expressed with oriental humility preying for a trial of partial self government he granted it they cant be much worse than they have been and cobena taken so much trouble about it that i cant bear to dlsap- polntjilm he said bo a oouimlttee with bruce wether by as chairman drew up a constitution wlui requirement more exacting than any teacher would have made and the fresh- men class attempted to live up to lu there war backalldlnga and catastro phe and failure but with them there sprang up that school mogio class spirit aud tli scheme worked incidentally at mid years examinations barns average bail dropped to eighty fire yeo lie said to mum whlton who remonstrated with blm i expected it i used to do nothing hut study i had no friends tlieu how i do so many other tilings my fattier has excused toe from studying hebrew and the talmud bub i study english i must leam to apeak in long sentence also i have dancing leaooua now and bam bluslied i will do batter lie added deferentially but i must be absent next week for we move my father liaa taken on mortgage a nice bouse on prospect btreat aod w go there there are my ooniraittaaa to maat and i must eutertaln uty cuse at my howa it wo not a fitting uilug to ask the young lad us to a bouse over a store ye- i will get ninety next month then sam sought miae hill le it that plush la not worn on chair and oof now v he inquired anxiously ho not now mu hill replied my father get all aew furniture for our new house ha explained ebd he will get what you say oliertedmus hill why down6 he have a decorator from iloatoiit that would be beat- very well i will tell blm you say to da that bam agreed politely thus it wo that when sam entertained hla oluematee it waa ogaluat a background of dim tapeetriee and deftly hung picture illuminated by soft light it waa during the spring term thab the suhk altogether dlaappaared from bamsky name and bau bjuaalf had the opportuni ty to exchange qaalnt grammar foy american slang i and the freahmea were already deploring the manner of the entering clou la the next two year the olaae under- wmb that stupendous change that eonue to all obusea even freshmen and before any one realised lb they were aealore and wareaaaembled in rooui 10 for the fcuotloa of ofllcer i nominate bam oobea l a masterful voice rang out lie the one who mad the claw 1 i wove w make lb unanf moua i came next t and then such an aye i resounded aa recalled freshman day to uiaa hill and uue whlton aa hani came out he put hi hand on llruoe wetbaihya shoulder hut you fellow- have done everything for me lie said id have been apedur with pack on my shoulder probably if yois hadnt elected ma before that imply ohinged every thing for ma and do you know i cant see now why you did itl he stopped short and lie did not nolle that there was no response for ha waa nob quite an american after oil the next morning ba went to hi room and teacher with the old llghtlnhlifeoe my father sonde me to harvard t he aald ecstatically auuickwlttbd lasm a salvation army offleer waa taking up a oollectlott on the street one man waa heard to oy a he dropped in a dime here ten oenu for the grafter yon dont believe there any graft n the salvation amy quickly rejoined the woman how do on bnowl the man asked her recause you would lie in the army your self if you did woe the sharp reply and the man hail ute grace and the humour- to laugh amys inaccuracy ut hat- roommatom iiid ran across the amy after one glanc face dropped liar looki room what a tired peg idie cried drop rlglib down in that elialr and giva me jour wraps now lean hack shut your eyes and rest while i maku you a cup of tea margaret submitted obediently amy had the instinct for making people com fortable in five minute the tea waa ready aud margaret out up total it tli color creeping back into her face did you get everything doner amy asked i believe i did although i had a dread ful time matching your silk i found it finally at hayden not hnlta at haydenet amy exclaimed i always do get those places tnjxcd and joi had all that long walk you poor dear i and i hod to pay one- fl fly they had none at one twenty five although i made llie clerk look everywhere i wasnt quit inire of the price i just said one twenty five at a guae now fhfy dont i see it oomlnff 1 know im not accurate but after all there are inu of thing moiw important than accur acy there lena barnard she so ter ribly accurate that if it came to a dispute between her and the dictionary she would be sure to be rlgbl put would you want to live with lena barnard would your it would be aa entertaining a living with an adding machine you know you love me heaps better now dont you 1 only dear im so afraid that aoue time amys fingers stopped tbesentence you beloved gooa as if id blunder over any thing in port an l it wa two year later that margaret passing through amy town with a couple of hour to spare oould nob reaut the temptation lorun out to bar amy met bar with a cry of delight 0 ou dear i nevr waa so glad just one mluute margaret interrupt- i have to make the three thirteen train for an important engagement how often do the electric cars run r every te minute the twoforty will give you iota of time and uiey pas the corner you know margaret drew a slgb of sheer puaaurs then for on whole hour of you slid said the hour passed lu a flash but margarvt for all the joy of it bt waub of the time the engagement meant to her the hope of a much belter position and cue for which she bad worked hard ska told amy about it as they walked to the comer prwutly margaret glanced uneasily at her watch its nearly ten minutes of are the oara ererlled upt no never amy replied oonl inly a wept over her face o lggy i do laluve i forgot ell about it but juat at thla time they run only every half hour o peggy door im ry surely surely they will bob the place far you o my dear but margaret looking down the street with sxhlng eyes saw the fading of hr drsanis at the state capital would think of asking nright out for a month or two m i dosplle maruo retraining influence mo itever amy reiuieu oonlklenuv i i i feeling anon prsed that while mr and then suddenly a look of consternation rt knew kobe t t tuouailt often enuugh the city man spending a few days on a farm is a fui so obviously out of water that he is really amusing to all beholdere bometlme however it la otherwise it happeued on a farm in hw england that a distinctly self reliant look ing city man had just arrived with his wife for a week vaoatiod and tlie day after their arrival the other boarders were de lighted to see blm perched ou a mowing machine and uaralug how to mow hay the farmer bad borrowed the machine from a neighbor and when ha invited the new boarder to try it the other boarders aujpaoted a goodnatured joke they watched proceeding from afar en the mowing machine started and slopp ed and started aud stopped again in a very disobliging fashlof the other boarders laughed to a bow out of place the new arrival waa on a mowing machine aad called the farmer a dear for uojng the awkward fellow apend ao much time ex perimenting yjaelly however the ma chine began to work suae awfully the farmer mounted the seat and the oily man went fw a walk id the orchard parmlnej unt u easy aa it look i it ut japr v aald lady boarder at dinner we saw you were havlag a rather hard time of u yea teid ur jasper and its good of mr bluka to tab us benighted elty folks play with his maehia- wy very good of him responded ur jasper hey with ifc maam sold mr dinks himself from hi aad of the table i berrowed thab mowing machine from a wan down the road and be sent me m new feugled one thab k dont know how to manage stuck x was maam and thats the truth ilub you see ur jasper bare be kuowe lob about machinery even if he hasnbdoo much mowing xhdut take blm long to flad out how it ought to work and get lb a going if he hadnt happened to know bow to figure the thing out and get toe started x should probably have lost a whole dayv work we think more of a stain on the carpet than we do of a stain on the character a hayth of blctjoh in all ha phases of tuvelopmenfc i ftuagebasltsnloules aad the fine shad inge in the meaning of words current in dlnarettb communities between which at arab glenae there might seem to be utile choice areaometl well worth consider ftilon no one gifted with even a modicum of aymnathetla imagination oouij fell to be touched by thla plaint from a hard work ing motherly woman born aad bred on a farm in onepart of missouri and now sum moned by destiny to preiere the meal for household of miner in another eeetlou of the eame statev her i stand the whole day through she said sadly boiling and sweeting over the hot stove trying lo fix up something tasty to fill up the stomachs of sv lot ef menfolks and theo they up and call my good grub chuck one can think goad thought while peel- ing the pota twenty years ago prom out issuo of tho proo prota of thursday nov slit 1s0b the balmy hreeie of tuesday tncrnlng developed into a terrlflo gain by the mlddli of the forenoon attaining a velocity of about u nillm an hour doing much damar throughout the country tbesballnuroii thanksgiving day last thursday was muoh enjoyed it came in a night and daparted n quickly rev j b mullen pergua bare a lecture hamblea through hrftaln at the thanksgiving social in knox church hut week juevo person went to toronto last week to deliver the fir protection bond and receive the urooseds pdrlhe 1000 lnd he received wi17 being amount of tender and accrued interest great admiration waa expressed to the reeve on the srtlstlo appearance of the printed bonds and lio was asked where they were lithographed he replied that they were not lithogra phed but were printed ih the job depart ment of our vuuu puxas own printing oftlo at acton those in the brokers oftlo were quite aurprised tliat such work could be executed outald ef toronto mr joseph coleman and family remov ad to acton lost week from btrabane the dundee banner says all hi friend hope that he ami hla good wife may live long in their new home two of hi sous are already residents there m altaian caurskuilsuskaw at norfolk street ioreonag ouelpli on november 20th by rev dr henderson thomas camp bell of acton to amy third daughter of the lata robl lumshaw of rock- wood died tunuab in acton on november oath william oeorge only eon of john thomas aged m years and six month p01l ao t everybody in the village liked mrs rent the newcomer to wolirookoo the hill but they were frankly puulad ovor her age woe site a young mn she looked r or was her admittedly freeh and evn youthful appearance the result of the no longer rejuvenation weekly revmlad by an enterprising press t in short was the without all telltale line by the grace of nature or bad her winlui been ironed out the wcibrookors oould not tell and for some time their perfectly natural cunoalty was restrained by consideration of cour tesy ho one declared marl elllf the village oracle by virtu of several winters pretty it was still impossible without knowing the day and yaar ol bor birth to admit her to the loner shrine of v fling friend ah i p im pretty sure shes all right granted mrs taw but sagaciously theres twothlngx that ought to be known front the start where jouro a stranger what your income is aud bow old you are if peopled only insist on that tliered be fewer swindle and scandals in the world in due course the amount of her income was casually mentioned by mr rent herself and corroborated by squire downs she bail precis ly twelve hundred and fifty dollar a year thats settled 1 breathed the village la brief oreatly emboldened mrs tew put die second queatlod polntblank how said ate were all dying to know how old you are just you tell me and well have it ovev with its as odd question parried mrs luit oh i dont know mr tew said en couragingly as you oak it said mrs rent gra ciously i dont mind telling- you if x live till next june i ahau be ye 1 said mrs tvw 6griy leaning forward quit old concluded ur sent hweatly what ui kudk during the trial of a case lu a philadel phia court lb liecame neoestary to take the testimony of ft ourtoualy reserved witness what do you do t asked the lawyer having hlrri under examination lam very well waa the unexpected answer lam notaaklag aa to your health i want to know what you do i work where do you work r in a factory what kind of ft factory v it is a ratlier urge factory uty i venture to inquire what you make in the factory t you want to know what i make in the factory f precisely answer without further cir cumlocution tell us what you make i make 10 a week ms bv hiabt an irish chauffeur lu ban ivaacteoo who hail bean having trouble with numerous email boy n the neighborhood of his stand discovered one day on examining his ear that there was a dead eat on one of the orata in ids anger he waa about to throw the carcass into the street when he espied a polloemaa holding up the eahsas be exclaimed this is how i am insulted what am i to do with it t welj dont you know t take lb straight to headquarters and if lb la nob claimed within n month lb become your property ntruchima aw mtactuk at a railwaystation an anxious woman encumbered with numerous bag and pack ages made so many inquiries of one of the oftlelalv that be turned to the ticket agent with the question t who is that womah who ha bothered we twenty time lu the last ave minutes for fear her train will get away without herf site heading a party of delegates going to a meeting of the american league of never worry clube replied the ticket an alpha attention ut both work and play busy nil iht livelong dayi courteous at home and nchool diligent to keep the rule t earnest in whateeryou do friendly with your class nt ft tea too i leuerous of hand and heart honest in lifes every lart innocent of all thats meiin lolly as a king or queen kind wheruer your footstep roam loving to the ones at homo i merry fu tlm sun and rain heat in drem but never vain t orderly in dk and boobn irttleui in your thought nnd looks j oulet when tin time in lie heady others reeds towi steady in our nvery aim truthful though it lirlnun jou nhama i utlllxmg in thohght vim nnd courage for the right i willing otlierlo liefrlaixl xemplary to lie end i youthful till lifes set of sun zealous till sucoess lu won the american hebrew o little mother o mink knmetlmo in the bush of the uvonltib hour wlion tho shadow creep froru tho wesb i think of tho twilight oonasi yoa muih and tho boy you lulled to rest j tim vvti llttlo boy with the too- iil iioad tlmt long long ngo wbb thine 1 wander if boiuutlmce you loug for that boy o llttltf mother of mine and now bo line coino to man eat lite grown ulalwnrt in body and stroiiif and oud hardly know that be wna ho lad uhnui ou lulled with your iihtmlwr sjjhb tho ymn have ulturvd tbu form mid the llfo rut bis heart is uncfiauid by time and still ha is only thy boy an of old o htlla mother of ittlu wnllor ii rrown a bumi or icwmct a small boy rambled into a grocery fob lowed by the usual dog and tuppod up to where the proprietor who wo busy wrap ping oonvetlilng on the counter hello mr jones i said the boy glanc ing lovtord the cake box give ue a peek of parleiera please all right returned the grooeryuen procoodtag to measure out the tubers end while i am gut hug them just look at them and think did it ever occur to you that they contain water eager and starch y ho answered the lioy i never heard anything about your parleters but everybody says llisraa peas and boan in your ooff and sand in vour sugar tub rones or houhutuu the old mountaineer who was ataudlng on tbeoomar of the main streatlneeertaln little kentucky town had uevr saad an automobile whan a good aued touring- came rushing up live strwt at about thirty miles an hour and slowed dawn jast enough to take ibe oanwr on two ibaala his aatonlshniaut waa extreme the old feluiw walchl the duappearlng ear with bulging eyes and opa mouth ihen turning to a bystander lie remarked aoumuiyi the horaes must sholy ha been travel ing some when they got looa from thab genumau carriage i tub two slots i should thlub tommy said his father that you might find soma boy to play with how whats ibe matur with jcjinny jenkins and the utile dobbe boyr ivubl why theyre whole year younger than i am said tommy oontemp- tuoualy i couldnt play with them well thar jack bpar and willie harlow wont they do t yes but theyre year older than x aw aild tommy wltfully so the mean thing wont play with me a comsiow uttltlmaiac its e foot declared town thab my wife is able to d reason comparatively little money a writer la the catholic stan dard and times discloses the eecrwe what 1 exclaimed bis companion ob ooue uow what do you mean by comparatively littler itueanon little compared with what she thinks she ought to have why us oukd the sytupathetlo neighbor asked i your uul brother 111 this morning john nlst i beard blm crying in the moeb heartrending manner no nob exactly johnnie explained but willi pulled down ft jug of molasses on himself in the pantry and mother hse been trying to comb his hair lkttml foi lsttm why does poet begin eo many of his sentence with jot said the polltlolan theres no answer replied ur pen- wiggle why does a speeohmaker begin ao many of hbj sontenoas with tt waah- ngton star millers worm powders can do no injury to the moitdelkele child any child infant or lit the elate of adoleaenoe who i infest ed with worms can take this preparation without ft qualm of the stomach aud will find in it n sure relief and a full protection from these destructive ptela which are responsible for much sickness and great suffering to legions of little ones praise tide asthma remedy a grate ful user of dr j hello- aothm lleuiedy fhula it the only remedy thab will give relief though for thirteen year he hail soughb ouisr ludp year of u suffering may be prevented by ualnjr this wonderful remedy at tho first warning of trouble it use is hhnide it cost le slight and lb can be purchased almoet any where