Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1915, p. 2

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olw ii 11 nu iii atltoii hi iii llotllb t the hrtila utriiitm nit wwhiemluy 7t novenilwr iv ltv i v llimingloi arthur m tlmroli of hhikihii irrniuli daiuihior of william c 1lanlt iij anton died oiintow juaoloii on monday november 92ml hldney lu 11 ton in in slrd year hratium 1 anton on monday nov- ehtlmr wl oaorga iiiilay htatham inhleothyear dimv in krfii townahlp on monday nowintier lth hnrah aim hmlth wuowor ha late jtim hurt in bur 80th year stlje cton yxtt m thursday novruiiisii as 101s kdtoslalnotes im am interview wltb the ouelph meroury latt saturday uoenae iriiilor obrien y li heiiila of oloalng the larroome at eight oclock la very noticeable ha aay buy peraon wholakea tike trouble to inva- tlgat will aoon ascertain that there li a ort china niul a change tor the utter by nine ocloekor abortly after the alreet araeluoataequlet m sunday evening if t were not for the bottle trade or the liquor ebope lhr would he vary little druakenneea eapeolally on saturday night and sunday in ul hut of atreaa when um balance of exchange baa ttmn in favor of new york and wuh hriuln lui itaan forced to boular it up liy enornioua gold hhlptnenui loafta and tin aela of aeourltlaa it i inter esting to note that for a week paat lha balance of evehaug uiwmo nw york end canadian entre bu imii in favor of canada tbe balanea amounted to i 33 to 1ifl arul naooaallaud tlie enport of quarter million dolure of gold from new york to canada further moiauta of tha praclou watal tbte way km prowlaad ik lining ha dotneatlo war loan amount ltoih600000 uj dominion loveru- tetdt pye l of tatitatt of a w ont krfaubuw the oot price of the itoud in nominally 107 bo and lha loan tnatur in bum inveauu may aubacrfbe to tba loan on uu loiulmtit jan paynurit apraadltttf ontblk uonlba ualttalaa j uary s undw diaouut at tba rata of 4 ps anhub at lu tiwl of jun mht tb oovavntnant pyi ila firt balf ywriy dwi tlwy aolbat wbau tba wbou taliwrlption u lu up lb coot liwmuiial aa tba loan la kduuba at 100 atur 10 yw a furtbar kduotion of 370 is tiuda wbkb tpwilh st a yir lutioa tba actual eu to adbaorlbr la 0a03 as tbla uara slromit inuraat tba yull woba out twentieth vlhahclal report fruuod nt tho municipal cmmoll moetlnor lflt thuraday the years buslness cohcludlhq at lie biootlnn of uto co ii no u laat tlmr ilny svenlntr tlio twotttlatb rejiort of tbr ooinmltlnon vlnattoa wan mtaod aa fol low i 411wk1mi afymlimyi i otja vawnrau kumaiom alo hall uiii4 w h outtinjr ubor wlu itllolila tahnlnt itobt ktoroy lulior yobii lurmy ttatlonery oto 11 ii hniui kiuthk anxivttrm can leu klaculo v auppllaa h0 0 cliamberuiit meier co vuppllm 20fto iluty oi auppllh mo n t monro frelubt and caruuv 0 7ft jum hyiimti nuppllaa 4 01 a ii wlnlcr jnyner ftuppllea 700 yallman llroa co aupplim 0 10 jbyonaft mavka aupplfea hqo 100 7rt 400 laoo 740 tiiq raport wa ailopud kw0 42 obituary bldvev j tlohyov thi wbo uw hlduay guntoa down town on yburaday aflarbla reot lllaarf lid about lu gahuu on ralurjay ulu tboogbt tbat bafora tba auo vom on lion day butfuluirba woubl bavatada ajuu to tba lmdja of artk lit uuutoa bd tvo ua fwloff w ki muiuar but wltb ebataeuiutio parmutaam ba omuoui at bla dulua ma cbuf aooountant for tba acted yaaiilntf cowpaey until atwwit i wmka iili ailniaat waa dlajfnohd aa kldd lrulu and bla pbyloub advuad fw wa t-t- mlintf kducb improvad but w4ak ba got out iffaln and apwit tbanjay aftafaoon wltb frunda aboot town ifa waa abo out oa uaturday but tbat nbjbt waa uaan wltb a wvara eou wblob datwlojwd into poauwoala trt- uaut waa unavailing and arly llortjay bmiotf ona of our uoat uaf ul and blgbly aauaniil cltwaa piiwl away vwaad waa tba aaoooj toa of ur lbmuanuhi6d of btw avwioa and waa bora in tba old hi u laukwlod tlwmit county koff- luid tblrty two fmn ago aumi an yu tip ba ewa to canada and angagad aj a dbaekla elk wltb utwrt- iutj ute4 4 co by faltbful paiwvitltttf affoh ba ripidly ia to pajtloeaof twpoalblllly tad at tba tlma of bla datb waa tba ebuf aootantant of tbla laporuia buumfaotur- idg ean-o-rc- rljny guutoa waa an up- tbjbt bun of autllatf ebaraetar ha woallaoorn todoabuan tblntf and waa mady u enaupllfy tba frpj of ulp- ftildmi by unoauntatloualy balpletf tbow wbo bdd balp urn waa an adbunt of tba uatbodut cbuittb tba ebuvob of bla catbw in tba obi laad i waa baortury of aotoa lodga of tba soaa of edguad and innaittul uctuiy of aetoa lodga x o a a at tba unu of bla ilaaib ha will ba fctvaa aa ojdwiowa funeral tbu afur noon at sw eloak to tba aortfowlmf wua to wbotn ba waa lolnad in vadlook lo 1010 bttb gawbla lutbtar of tba uta ybooiaa oautla and tbalr two daar llttla tuugbta lityllu atul oorotbaa tba ynipatby of tba eouuublly la anuadad hocttwood a vary aooomaful had ovota coaoahwaa glvaa is tba town ball but tbunjay avan ittk an akoallant prograwtna waa iran tuv ur doddi oooupud tba cbalr tba prooudj auountad to ia000 iuv a- uoyd lioillh b i of victoria unlvaralty praaobad edueatlonalaoalvor- aary aamiona in tba btooo cburob era uoaa and tba uubodut cburob kucle wood od buuday tbla luilllaab youbjf pnatibar pntd tba ejacational ntaata of bla eburcb in a woat luoul aud attraouva tuanaar and atroly imjraaaad tba eoagraflauana wltb tba luporuboa of tba work undertaken anil aooawpluhad by tba httwafomi aoboma ami ooltyraa uwlar watbodltt ooatrol irvcanaja a vam0us doctoh wblths bear iv jtaobaon i i can truly aay your itotaan llaaj la a vahubla rodaand lo bohualty it baa ttcovad all bub ulhuulou in wy baoda i pnaorlba it fraaly fur indignation aaui a- tbaau aaaawla and all uadartooad eoodl- totug but oapaoully oauaupatlon in tbu uttar condition c luut not fallad ma in a ajdgjtf oaao botalau uaal la fcuda into dalloloua porrufa panoaboa puddings atul braad aakyoardootor about it- atall hrooa 10 and gfl tom mah reu tom uarka and hbi obsraf ootdpany of draauauo and vaudavllu artleug wltb a liiluabandor plpera and drnnuoert will appaar in tba town hall aoton for on nlgbfc only wadoaaday uao 11 wban tbay will praaaob tba patriouo oowady duuna tba matt fcora oaoada wltb apaelal vaudavllta betwaan acta tba kiltlaawlu parada at oooa and avaalnff- frioaasfi u and wpaota aaataonaalaat baaaaidv drttf btora session of passing accounts bujuilntf township council panto humoroui bui mext meet1 ibt december all tli matnlkeraof tba llaquealnff oouti ell war proaant at tlio aaaalon liald uafc weak tba day waa altnoat antlroly takan up in ilia pamltitf of aoeounla tha following hiv- i n laaii ordarad to 1i tald by tba varloui inotlona pramotad i moved ly j u btandub oandl by jcbn klllott tbat tlia traaauror ba inatruo lad to pay tboa coaa lueva j a tracy clark u b tbotnpaon and o tx catnp- ball aartmors ba aum of 9d aaob for aalaetlng juror carrud uovad ly alar joa aaoondad by join bingham tbat tba traaaurar pay tba fol lowing aoaouula i a meclura for wok dona in korval and rapairlno cblvrta i ib 07 a uoclura la wlra faaoa balojf bald ovar is7 i ww utalkar for fllllutf in waabout at uilga dolly llta kllna q man ami taatn 11 bout ld60 canada ingot iron co for euivh 02 alda road lat eon 14fls3 ft 31 i join willuj for fixing lauporary eulvarb and putting in hw oa auo drawing atoaa aad grava iiam i lira ioctor aba ulng lu bmj fia carrlad uovad by jobn blnftbaw aaoondad by john ijllott tbat tba uwltarw pay o v tbawport t babiiioa on aalary aa or for 1014 and 101 tbat watlay but- imjjt ba iald 2 for work ilona on town una i u j uatlbwa u pld tm by oj of tba board of ifaaltb i j- l bula id for opwatlng grauw i cauaron and uraanaward is s3 for filling in waabout on towo una 13 cblnguaoouay to pay lika euu cjftuj uovad by aus joa taoondaj by jobn blogbau tbat tba traaurr pay dooalj caupballfor repairing bill od town una lot si kaquajnffefchara u carrud uovad by j i btadui ooodj by jcbn clllclt tbat tba unrr pay tba following aooounta t jaa uabon kaaaga- ya tba auu of 2 is balf ooat of work oa town una i w j aux4nur two loada of graval on 7tb una filling boua ts i canada ingot co gualpb oaa iroaoulvart g3 flim la iomua carrud uoraj by jobn elliott aondad by j l rundub tbat tba uaasurrf pay tba following aooounta i r ii joyarpaihdg oulvart on srd una 2- so if uurray hi yard praval at loo vj20 d it lltuay 43 yarja gravj ti80 balf daya abovjung 7o i ura aux pryda glo aba ulng irt bod t w ii wllaon funaral oxpaama of cbaa lueww ho i bv uaandtvw at taadaaoa on cbaa baniod 7 i uualpb gaaral itoapital attandanoa aaddraaalng 2 abo for oparatlng oa harry bantau isi oarruj uovad by aux joa aaooadad by jobs elliott tbat tba tratt7 pay ti follow ing aodcunla i wnt wiuy for dlgirlng dllobaaodfkb mat lola and fifl k5 jax uoiaim 7 yd graval by onlw of w wank pu 10a i prank bayara ror rook initulivaiadatuowdabrljga 18m ft at 30 par u 1418 i fjidaay klrkpat- rlk for fixing road urapar 9205 t cbru ourvu ulltoa for tnoaay advaooad for raluf of dorothy lloyd auswdag frou brokan ugflfli tboa howdaaforeovaring uldga tahh wjy uurray for graval anppluj wtn lyrul l u 1510 wm lyud fartwodaya abovalling is00 oar- rud uovad by jobn blngbabi aaoondad liy alk joa tbat tba traaaurar pay j n cnalll for aaw four bon vaif 11 so i flao e imty 930o la full of aooouat on 10th una brldga ooatraot carried uovd by aux joa taaondad by j l btandub that tba traaanw pay jobn wataon for uu auppiuj u tba towaablp lea oawud uovad by jobu blngbabt aaooodad by jobs elllolt tbat tba axaoullva oowbtluaa of tba cblldrana aid uoolaty u rrtnud acarriad uovad by aux joa aaoondad by j h btaudlab tbat tha traaaurar pay natbau dradga for so loada qffl pab oa lat una lot ii 3 alao atatuta ubor parfomud for boa rwldanuonlat una biio tba aald amount to ba raturned to tba gaaaral fund from atatuta ubor to ba ocluotad a dlv s i jaa hood outtlajf woda ou road ida 7th una oppoaltalot 17carrud coaaall adjourn to uaat on da 10 baixihapad wa liavnj itaen hvitrlng tba hiorry jltigu of ltd hlaljfb ul thu w llv mr bthlilen of lln hmiumi uv mr hmllliliibuutual aervloau on tum day nvuulng mr li vaunattar waa tlta ruaat of frletwu bera for h few tuy tliu wouw mr- olmrlea lloaaal of iflluburg bio tba mt wmii with lulllriafml frumu mimm katla koar waa urn gueab of ber lirctber mr vrttx nfr on hurnlay mr ulourd hloilll who haa ln ill wltb tyjiold fever now aua to alt up a few hour eaoh day ura wnt illtcboook aitd daughter haul apent a faw daya laat weak in toronto auctiom sale wxdslupav hui ut clerliiif anu of farm block iraplemanta liouaahobl furnl lure rain and bay impuraenta tkearly new tba projwirty of john rloa lot 10 flrat line khn uiual term a it t kkhb auotloriaar h- chinese courtesy a nallvw view of tba orjanui of pallum a oblaaaa nalika au auaricau who woald oppoaa other men viewpoint till it tad in au altorctlot la alwaya courtaoua aud auawera a quoailoa wltb yea yaa yav y lu caa b dlav agrm wlib hu oppoitaut ba will aayi tour honor will tako tnorw tlma to raaeb a bettor cooclualoa your booor l quite hgfat but perbflp yod buy bavo a wlaer oplnua la tor oa i wortb- uaat hlua brotbar tblak aowawbat ait- ferooy from yoo uowvar my uoraut eooelusloa uiay ba wronv tad yoorat right i bag your axoallasoy to think ovar tba taatur but oriental polltabaa luu ha bad aapaet it ukaa too touch tlm if a guaat la uavlijtf uu boata door b ba to turn bla baad and aak a doarj tlsuw tbat tba bot abould not accompany blto any mhbar tba ubu u tma of ua drldklng aud tbara li a gtt daj of carwmouy batwaao boat aud goaat bo it u wltb dlnuara aud avary aoeul itatbarbig kcvan la bgblliig a dual eua paraooprovldad both are gbtumfl will aay to tba otbar pray bit m fliat tba otbar rvfoa aud aaya ob bo puam you hit tua fi pollutuaa la aapully tauttffaafad id tba form of au invitation tw cfdmaa go to an livlud dluuar on llniat bv huad tbay dalay for mi bour of w polita id tba atrma altbougb eon aubtlng to aocapt iba luviutlod tbay would uot go to dluaer until pulud aod dragsad la a gaully rouyli ouiuaai by tbalr boat kuowlug ibo habit or du gttaata tba boat alwaya turn out all tba taambara of bla family to drag oaa afuy auotbw of big invlfwl frudda to iba dlohr a youugaur la oftaa aaol out by hu motbur lo buut ibalr guaahi ilka a bound aod ttodltig tbam drag tbatxi lika tiiuua to bu tuotbaka bouaa obwrvlng such euatoma foralgaara uaualty laugh but tbay laugh tuutak aly n k toug lu naw york luda- paudaat kihosley stammered- chewfl co on 8unday ur boarrow aaubratod tba fourth annlvaraary of work la thuctmroh by iwaaohlug a aaiwou oa tba power of choice baaed on joabua s4i ib in eoaoludlug tba aarvloa ur saartow tbankad tba taambara for tbalr mud support of ibaaarvloaa bargtcoua of aoton was praaanb baluff oorduuy wal ootaad and ba tang vary afieollvaly ila tiftauiuaadfltlll berva tba king a urga congregation waa praaanb and tba offering a ganaroua oaa ur herbert brown baa beea trauafanrad from tba royal bank hamilton to tba branch at wabbwood ur flao lamb of burka palla vlalud bubrolbaraodautar ur w lamb and mr wm uaaala during tha waab mas albert wugwaa waa obargad in flualph polloa eourt baturday tnoralbgwitbevuelty toanlnuu hie bona wblob waa found in tbaraarof tba royal city skating- rjnk vrlday uoralng waa mowing for food and water it appaara tbat daaapaan baoanta latoxloatad and forgot all about bb bora 0a waa fined u and eoata by uafrlatrat watt attd 0 liut waa a bar aol- irta t ura walfarxb ura watford ba oovalut pubiuud bom yar ago a uorel of toauoru of vutorlau iouduu in wbleb allu- akm u ttiada to uauy p4woa ha tba world of ulura ona of ura wab forda aequabataucwa lu tba farotf day waa cbarua iciagsioy on day cbarua ktagauy cam id aod w bad au oppohuulty of aaalag tf b war ilk bla pbotograpb wbleb bad baau aaat to uary or not to own tb truth it flaflrd blm aa b u to vary red la tb tic prhp voo aading aa out of door llf lu all waalb- anl in ordbiary eouvaraatiou ur kldgauy feuumara a good daalj but babdg couaeloua of it b haa takau paina to ovarcou tb dafwt by tpaak- big vary alowly altnoat too alowly for whan w baard him taak a apamb oa od odonslotl w felt incliuad td goad him cat u bacam uo tiresome tom browu uugba ura we i ford daaarlbad aa a mou neither fall ttoi abort ualuiai atout uor tblu with fair balr and bla ya and a rouod puaav aut fao in lotd ura walford flrat mat oaovg fafllot at tb bouaa of jobu blackwood id uduburgb and eooeardbig that oe- eaalon aba aay i uucb did i look forward to iba i er- njag butbll i coufaaa ittit audaii ludiaaiijobibrtaiil oaorg eliot with har largu bead and rather boraa- uk fae and portautoua mauiiar waa uottomaauattractlvapmvotuga x bad baau tat dowu baald tba guaat of tb avaalug at bar raquaat aud ah bad uaaut to b elvll and kind but bow heavily drava tb wbaala of bar chariot i uowlutrmlnablydrgftd that intarvuwl bom tuay wonder aaya tb waat- mluataa qautta what aue ttlkh tbmbt of um walford our uadal of hha tb uadal of bouor wbleb eoagma ward for uquaual bravry i dv mlutod kur that bar a uadalllou of ulnaira tba luaehpllou oultad sutoaof amarfca aud u uural wvaatb urmouutad by tb atugla word valor tb order data from tb tlm of tb war batwaaii tbbtata it fa given apariogly aud li ou of tb tnoat hfathly pruad of military dcor uonayouth oouipanloa a da af lrh aiutlotui fotbrit waa after hid oclock wbau olara cam down to broakfaat tbi mortougv and tb poor airi didnt look wall at alb efarayatani uaad toulnat un wbat do you tblnh of iron ffathar oood idea atudoua uotbeavwbat bind of iron bad aba bttr takv vatberbb bid batter uko a tutlrennew vork butt tfc hullag paie t with all bla mouay will nva let u take our rigbtful place lu aov twy wfay bva moat indulganr n baa jutt bought tba family a wagnl- ficeut autowobile vea but uuleata w watch blm all tb tint b cant raeut tb tamptatlou to take ott a faw paying paaeiigra bh be rid arouud loubrvllle courutsioiiraal tboughta tbougbta ar much greater than thing tbay aro vital force aud hay end affect what you tblak today determine wbat you will ba in year to coma would qualify poaalbl employer lira bo yorj wutnobht oo you ever fell lleaf applicant- no air but i kla leara nw york tlmaa good business i overcoats for ynunp fcllown wlibnclmif- es a gracefully rolling lapel a perfect lianfl and drape an air of real individuality and distinctive see wallace overcoats for tins scanon tailored to your order or ready for nervier mot1c ualurti hallway tare from acton refunded on every tan dollar purchase geo wallace oloyhikh gtuxth ont itll rood buliineiifi for every buyer to nee our rnno of fall and winter goodii before purclianinj our ran in all coid wkatiier reguire- ments in larfvti and priccrt much below prctiunt valueii mens and boii overcoatu ladien inckctti woollen underwear hosiery sweater coitw filove and mitth newcut ideati and rand valumi in nil these linen linoletimn kloor otlcknh bhndu and curtain roodn are moving freely it i money tiaved to make elections front prctient stock c henderson co mill st acton out ohildron ory roh rutchers cast 0r i a bxxxxrdoxkckxkxi come and see the bargains for this week mens fleece lined underwear at ic a garment mens good heavy wool sox at 23c a pair a good assortment of winter capo at 47c mens good wearing pantu at 135 a pair blanketg large siren a pair quilts about 50 pair to clear at 8gc a big assortment of rubbers and boots and shoes at clearing prices tha brloh store opposite now postofsce cb buy madcincanada goods tl b qp vaaaaa nmmnn a new fruhs our new fruits have arrived new valencia raisins new sunkiit seeded raisins new sunkist seedless raisins new sunkist prunes new peels new figs these lines are the choicest we can buy give ua your order oysters ciscoes haddies kippers always fresh russells mill street acton 0nt ri iinrinnu d ait sauut hukln lur o tb erltnd wbo prabm g oa war loan dominion of canada issue of 550000000 5 per cent bonds maturing 1st dec 1925 repayable at par at ottawa halifax st john ciiarlottctown montreal toronto winnipeo keoina caloarv victoria intebest payable h alfyearlylst june 1st december iss price 97 a full half years intercut will be paid on lat june 191 6 the proceeds of the loan will be used for war purposes only iu tba event of future aauea other than luue made abroad being made by the govern went for be purpoaa of carrying ou tba war beuda of ihlalaua will b accepted at tholuua price ojj plu aocrud inter a tha equivalent of cuh for the purpoe of aubeorlptloub to eucb ueu tub uimistbr ov finahcb offer berewitb ou behalf of tba oovemmeut tba above iiatued bond for bubacrlptlou at 07t payable a follow t 10 percent oa application 1 jrjjahuary 101 to tat february not to it uarob 1916 10 lat april iqo bo lot uay 1016 tbeluatalmeuumaybepaldlu full ou aud arter tbe 3rd day of january 1916 under dltcount at the rat of four per per euaum all paymauta are to ba mad to a chartered bank for tho uredlt of tba ulouur of pinnace failure to pay any luitaj merit wbeu due will rand prevloua payrqeuu liable to forfeiture aud tba allotment to cancellation application accompanied by a depoalt of tan per cent of the amount auburlbed mutt t forwardedthrougbthe medium of a chattered bank tha beak will liatte a provuioual receipt tbu loan aulhorlted under act of the parliament of can ada bhd both principal aud luterwet will be charged upon tha con- lolldated reveaua fund perm of application way be obtained iroui any braacb of any chartered bank lu canada aud at tha office of au asauunt receiver general lu canada bubacrlptwuh muat be for even hundred of dolura in caae of partial allotmeut lha aurplua depoalt will be applied towardpaybutotthaautouat due ou tb january lu atalmeat scrip certificate payable to bearer will ba tailed after allotmeut lu exchange for tbe provisional receipt when tbemrip certificate bav been paid lu lull ami pay ueuteudoraedtbereouby tha bauk receiving the money they may be ekchaaged for bond with coupon attached payable to bearer or regutered a to principal or for fully reguured bond without coupon delivery of tcrip ceitlflcatea and of bonds will be made through the chartered bank tba latere ou the fully reglitered bond will be paid by cheque which will be remitted by poat inureat on bond with coupon will be paid oa lurreuder of ceupoua both ibequee atid coupoh will b payable free of exchange at any branch of any chartered bank la canada holder of fully registered hand without coupon will have the right to convert into bondti with coupon payable to bearer or registered wllliout payuiout of any fe ftml hoblor of bondewlth coupon will have the right to convert without fee into fully regulered bond without coupota at any time eu application lu writing to tha uiubuernf pluance th liaue will be exempt from taxea including any income an imposed in purauftuceof lefjautlou enacted by the petllament of canada tha bond wltb coupon will be luued in denomination of 100 500 tfeea fully reglalered bond without couponi will be burned lu deuomluatloua of 1000 sooo or any authorlaetl multiple of 1 11000 application will bo wade indue eoarea for the hating of the hum on lha montreal and toronto stock uxchauge the loan will b repaid at maturity at par at the office of the mlulater of pi nance aud receiver general at ottawa or at tha omc of tho aaalatant receiver general at halifax fit john charlottetowu montreal toronto winnipeg rgna calgary or vlctoru the book of tho ou will be kept at the department of plnmoe ottawa kecogulaed bond and alack broker will br allowed a com- muuiionof onequarter of one per cent on allotmeula made lu reapeot of application which bear their atamp irln abbrruqfttientk liuhvh ii mid ittur found at mwil linl hair rnrlillln mhl of tlui ill hu oviicm lost or7 card ok thankh fll ii llmattlliumoir ml fmil vlnur 11 iii r llttflh ualn hlrl amou ull lo n ouiiy lliniixaa scwiiiy mhiiijihm wanted till inannf anii u- iii nubln hi i mil rtnlalt itim til 1 ifiiir lum l allhuly wantk1 a in limfloiu intii 111- nan ru eiro ir 1 mnfi u ivliiou lo laririrru nii ib hi iiii tor 4himu tf ill iwmiriiin iluiul i iwu dv i a flvlim o oeui th w j ha vr 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bta auction sale at dominion lloyhl aoton 30 choice dairy cows and vouno oattls tlio unlcrafanod lua ruclivtil luatrtic tiona tn wll bv pnhlk auction cor iambs donnelly at lie domlnlou hotel biablcf aciu on saturday movkmbbtl c7th at 1 30 uviolic fliurp tho following valuable hiocl 10 choice dairy cows coming in noon 20 steers and hbiffehs yourlinffh 11 nil w ditci of cow uiwn ut 4 lie the aba w are a re illy chnico lot of cntlle all ijiirlnun grutkx in pntuo ton- rfltiun ami will ik- old witliotit ruwrve tbrm slit month ctvd t oil appnivod imtit nntin hix ir cent par annum afltfiir cji1i jabsqu hcdoialo alwvantclot a- the hub it in only a iw weeu unlit xniat have you ihouohi of a new ull or overtoil for iliniyouhi now li tlio lima lo order qie ua trial and yon will be a an lifted cui tomer amonu nuny oilier fit anil uorbmnnahlp jinaranleed geo f agnew lmlu ana onu ti1v mill si aiiob p subscription liutb willcloso or belore 30th november 1915 pltumea durttauit oiuw ind novmlr iglif new wonder land theatre plfldav nov cd tlio hcifiit of jithtko fcaliir- inglatilmialllhiur hondav nov so ispiaoilo flf tlio muutor koy wbbnatllldav dko i kplaojlo 17 of ilhilituof klnlrn alftonu aiimtuin hlunliiuf coiitiint ht prlw 9300 3 tul prlio 3 00 coming ilor triumph fn turlitg gnby ixbiojh tho anion 1rwncli actroku d o rl gregory fraprlelor a representative wanted at once 3 por acton ami dlwlikt for the old nuil uullitblo ron thill nurseries fabukiih whywnmlii lillu all winter whon in ciin inbo up a paylivg ngenuy clmuo ltt of varldlbmi for rliitf iluntiug lltwml turiuk iliiiiibuiino froe outfit itktlimlvotvrrltory write now for particular stone m wellington toronto ontario

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