Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1915, p. 4

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kiic 2rint jtrcr prrss tiiijiuha olckmhml ifl iuh the hravhst battle ill llml it tlia urtmtut luiltlo ill hhalt i mil you win on tlto iutnf llm w tot itwaafouuht liy lit rlljmi mutlic i of inon d christmas vi tit sword or uohlor pen i ney not with eliwuoiit umil or thought t rem iw m omlitrf ill wan hut deep in u wallad uii ultlii field r no taarhhalllngtroopi no iiivoumo winif no banner lo ohum and wave j ami oh th cutlaa t ao long rotrt babyhood to the grave yet faithful still as a bridge of alar bit fights in liar walled uptown vlglita on and on in tit end lea win then ellant uiiman go down joanulti miller a boy atn1mbtytw0 the oldest working nwt- paper man in america if not in the world a veteran wbo doflee time space tdls- tauc and years a vener able figure who particularly an it way uiu becomes wore active tbe idr b grow yhla la a picture of sir uackau- klo howell of ijshevill out former vernier of canada wbo at ulnety- two year or ana baa been wandering over tb3 harvest tlalda of tba prairie province the other day the velar- au knight turned up ratbar ub ptuily a vancouver on a vlalt to bis son john he bad boh to wla- utpeg to attaod tba uulotu of tb ifeat worshipful oraud orange lodge of urltlsb america or which be i a ihkt oraud uultr aud also vast president of tb triennial ceua- ell of orengalsm so wall did ba auad th trip that sir uackaukl de- elded to go on to the coast triaklug tba entire journey or nearly tbrse i thousand miles alone and waving aside any preferred aid with bla lug- gag tba cltueus of vancouver wre so pleased wltb bla vlalt tbat tby rqueated him to conduct tba formal opening esremony of tbslr aolandld inhibition which be did on august ix uprightly and blithe as ever bytlatder humorously re marked that uellavili abauld adver- tlaa for a iot boy of aldetytvo to apaak or tbe journalistic carar of blr slacken uowall saeua ilka narrating a chapter or aaclaut bla- tory oyer eighty yaara ago be a- tarad tba ohco or tba ualuvllia ib- talllgabear aa a prlatera davll and tbar you will flad dim today bually ttgagal at bla daak writing adltor- lala reading akibangaa and cordially rc4lvlbg vultori that la whau ba la not at ottawa attaudlag to bla lagla- latlvo dultaa or uiaklag flying trlpa miroaa tha contlaebt bueh m record of eobtlnuoualy long unit and da- votlon to tha dutlaa or a brofaaalon la on of tha uarvala in tba annala of uwipprtnakln0 and fldlllng it la lntaraatlng to recall lo tbla eoontlob that you caaaot uadar- talaa or baruaaontly injure tbe pby- itai or taeaul amcleney of aorue of canada emlaant men blr cbarlca tuppar abut a former pmmur of cabade raaldlng at daley heath kat england and now la bla ninety- firth year had an attack of paau- tdoala at ninety yeara of ago and earapletaly recoverad ybo dlaeaaa would likely have proved fatal in tbe a wehitv cliniotmak to ua k my dhra nmt iiivhm uu ooj buail ua pvry u n lid tlhy tim lha last or all ill ul kit otckicnh if icn can i ue limiluivil wo nro nil i to ii ml loneilier n iiiriiii- mult an uciuralu lilmatl frmti tho l whi caiii 1 1 jtjvkiiy day in a frhl liuii n lilian ity umi id uiu ii ii r fralit anil aplla of ll unrrtiw nmt old r a i ii ulna laba liirl tit tio v mil trttfln usalu uuhivj coiujthlv touqii nalng nrdnt nnt itlmrr v arnaalnaaa llir a n uuluinuia for itiam cll mil in dickl sh ocauzu llial d lni umui la lliu unly v oarlalnly liariv tuttoii tr a mun tf iff llltt ihif l lltllkv vet lo have hainly draaini pr- cludaa law tmli jam kit im hhnx iowkii jilltlutllaii limo i linv alwuya thought of an ii uihiii lime a hind ronflvlns chatliulilr iiiiount tlm cliaitlth nickknm nkjoicu o youiirf watt bi i by youilaud lt thy idtf mmr4hi tlfw uiuu4 y haid it in ilia nwadow dltii i uy x it on tha mountain alalra thabaai tblna any maut hath an tba whkit evry iirtal ahara lucy ljkhcou tuhna to ba kod and irua wylf uavlutf tba abow n thlnaa to tha lord u ahow hoiirttt mtowniho rpiikn aroaa a joyoua clamor from th wildfowl bd tha wr and a volt within chad 1uuhi chrlatmam rar- ola ava hrat ciiauluil utjouluv lutay tba fair sojda iartuaa fall da id l6r wltb tlk- vtcmcti ty ba thy il hliaukullluim aoaih at chrlatinaa did w4 waav tba holly round the chrutnua baarib tba allat soow pod tba mhb aad calmly fall oh cttvuimaa ava tunnyttoh cjo avar kmp hop rorthuualralh 13 end ha who posaaumth it can wor- it d only ffllly that elcctrtcliy be gan to play a completions iart in lit chriatmbb holiday of oil tliu iectrk toy tha uttla trolley car ta ono nf tb bait it ec lb power from ttio hutu tag circuit and will run on lis circular track quit wall nu well a ua i la cam of u yovaadtfiia vigorouii i coaaln ruea in tha city a treats toy emtrsona jora it booth of ottawa biotora and genaratora to run toy urn electricity in toyland tba wldalykaown lumborman mauu- acturar and capitalist now in bla blallaib year wblla actlvoly engaged eoupla of yeara ago in dlamantllng m uw tail which had boen partially bttraad waa atruek by a falling tim- br aud had bis collar bosa and aav- ral ribs fratnurod when carried eblnary are eapficlnlly interratliib to boys for erla iiwhlern soil lioiimaare lllauldatad wltb tiny electric lamp i tfabt year santa claua will bare in bis pack a new toy for httla stria a ulnutura electric rune- it u com put practical ranae that cooiih and vb7ih uk- buriw la a tender toao to aaveral of which llttla ftlrii have lonsatl wlih all bb hfalobg employ wbo gatberd t tbdr baarta it la n f playtliln fw about blu ooodbyo boya i fear chlldraa nad whan ualag it ibay not thli la ray last they replied ob edly occupy thanmalvea happily but ua blr booth we hop we will see tby actually wrn to cook there la you again la tba yard and thoy a complete sat of uunima airauhad have for the veteran railway builder j cookbook for children writ- lave for the veteran railway builder ad captain of industry mended aad is as good a man pbyalcally oad taea- tally as ever botaa three or four yeara ago whan 6ir uaxkeaile bowell was a guest one evealbg at the albany club to ronto ba allpped wblla mounting the aulra and fell heavily to tho door jwr a few weeks bla lire bung la the balaaee but he rallied although then verging closely to ninety the late lord eftrathcona caaadiaa high tea so felniply tbat thoy rati uiidcrataud it without dlmculty this email range la flfteaa laches bleu with l btiratrs aud a pmct llti or vol deuaha and mihos pi tbe yule dougha little cakaa mint pies and plum porridge now plum pud ding were aid rtpcbi chriatnua uumu w- euabes tbe- drat nlo relied villa ooatulasloaer la bis nlualytblrd aad babies bad kelr ovibiu ih home yhara la bbt ulaatyrouhb yesr crossed the images or tbe chim jtaua aad the vlr ocean several times to vlalt caaada j frta llary wre wtld by the bakers on and cobsalt with tha authorities at ottawa oa imperial problems it i tbe oplnlob ir tbom wbo knew blm best that tbe noted stateamaa and bllaathroplat would be alive today ad it not beau for grief and sorrow borne over tbi death or bis wire for as abe was lam away la her final rett ing place the desolate husband rever- eatty remarked in low tones there a ay heart an evidence of tender whlib touched every by- cbrfetmae eve tbe failowltifc arconnt of tbe eoglub tabic pi ua racordad by an old traveler wllf dtmbtlem be- hlterettlng to haiiaewlrim of thi jirfa- eat day tttii erery fmnlly bnalnal chriatmaa mad w fumoiw mlnihm pye called riirlmmna rc it la a moat leflrtied tnlatiire nf nirflta tontfiiaa chicken r ttnr ralatn imnn orange dm and rnrintia itlnda of aptcery fttey ntao mnda a aort of sotin with plumi wlihli la not at all inferior to the pj- wlilob la in help laruriiako cflllfd plum ivnrrlito ifari- rirb in bla nrrminr r the rerentonles of cbrulm a ere write devotion wfal ataader another longlived caaadiaa was the late usaater wark or new bruns wick wbo when a hundred years of age atteadad the aasalona or tba imssiazu t- ctrt laslated oa making tha trips to tba mm of- mw capital and was usually acomsanled lhh by bis daughter once ba remarked wbea ahe attempted to assist falia from the train tbat aha might better have remajaaf home and not tire bar mir out tra tuajr tbe long duune as la auch busy daya it waa enough for a man to vlalt ottawa alone with out having to look attar woman blr uaokeailea active political ear- etr is widely kaowa aad today ba stands as oaa of tha veteran political leaders and publld men or tho do minion aad apparently is la tine fet tle for many more years or usefulness and service toronto star weekly t uu owa vucle aa chief of the tfourtb brigade at the front brigadier general garnet utfgbes aoa of tbe ulnlater of mill- us will be in tho ublqup position of commanding bla own uncle lieut col w fit werre hughes whn is in eotamaud of the slat baitulloa ihouah near all from him wlio all alone alia there itniith iit itiu in iiya rare hd a lnlo nf i hhtly ftar to match it the blue heren kdtwuhjtandldb tba nature fnklr wbo write wonderfully uhmiuui nniu rel blatory the beron does not ftftr prey wllb its bill nokdoca itiu inom it biles tbem ulps them itmwwn riio umft abort mandibles we bnve lirfll nipllve baron nncl lutvo hmii lltotiaandatif wild ones all over i his routluent nuil tltry do not do tbe silly trash told or ibeta by the anluro fakirs home at ibe meets tr as big ns a anutll imyalhrk bnim uktn ymr after year until litey real b enormous webilils very often up to ouu pounds ootlna- doans kidney pius itrllewttta hlovteys amd mlaeuar uii onliharv mecuciiwi dethebewela wbtn tbe kidneys get out of ordn the back i autre to becouw affected sad dull polni kharp paiua quick twinges all point to the fact that the kidneys need attention kiestcta and hnjmenta will not ctnre the kldneym for they cannot get to tba eat of the trouble but dotta kcuidey vw1 do atul cure the kidney julckly and pcrnmuciiuy un lhule buuou wytapton n si writ i am sending tbla teituaotuaj telling you what a wonderful cure doaua kidney 1m1u made for me for yeara i hud suffered ao with my kldueya x could luinily do my liotikwork x used several kind of pill but none of them aeuaed to be doing me any good at lat i was nilvlied to try a box ofijdoan icldsey iijn vfheu x bad taklu uie flrat bos i found relief i have used five boxes and today t feel like new women i caiiiiot recommetid thtn too huwr doana kidney plus are tfoc per bos 3 boxci for bi 3o at all dealers or mailed direct mi receipt of price by the t uillmrti co umlted toronto oot wlun direct acetify doaaa castoria for infanu and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature ibttcfawiw in use for over thirty years castoria actons electric chopping mill chopping done daily jlioppmk and rolling both natiofactonly done b f caldwell acton ont proprletoi vou will uvr aad utos far anytblag if yaa waat unja you bmt make it cbuue davtoh tbe nan of frundahlp la atltta total tjuanaflltalty and trurt oraon do not tblak that yeara uave ui and flud ua tbe uta i 0 uaradltb truu b blm tbat batb broken tilth 8haktpn children dry rob fletchers oastori a ttte loor ilana vrlaod rut up la mall boulee that are aatlly poruue aod told for a vtty ttall turn dr thomas ecuotrlo oil fiiiinii more powr in ooa- oatrtd form than one hundred time lb quantity of uiny unjrueau it cheapness and tba varied uaee to which it can be put make lb tbe poor mans friend no dealer atook la compute without il di jehoesna hemallneaa biioiitol johnuou na himself sad 1i1i4 it 4imllty mrcly fuiind in plain mm under no lllimluii im lo liu per- aonal nppmranco dr tltirney telle ua bat on one ocemdnn whllo mlas llur- ney waa oiamliilnu bla portrrtlt be poeiwl oror her hlinuldcr nnd with a ludlcroua bnlf inuatt rxcltilmed ah uji fbtra jolumou i u ibee mid au ugly dog ibou aril london time mechanical niddla enulnetra any tlint among the things tun i will uorer be aetllnl nre ibe fol lowing whether n long urrewdriver la better llisn n whort una of lie aara family whether water whla raa ftialcr at tifalil than they do in the day time ihe beat wtty o harden steal wlih ii wide of the belt aliould run ueit ho pullry nnd ihe rifitit way to lac bulls liondon kipreas mutak ttemewhere berraut anawrrina heiliify maatar but t in all you may icare lb bill if rnu wmfi caller in aiirpriaelbltlt linrc un bill i wlali to- bervaat flu niirprtc dimiinii iihit tlien you most linre inllm nt ids hrong liaiico-ritts- ltirflli irtwa ooughedsohard would tum blade in tha vac 8hk wab cuni0 av utisa dr woods norway pine 8yn got a cold yoaaboublald nature to throw it cat promptly to looan tba cough rajlevetlie lux ftaniftd throat ml labia laeougb uih and heal tbe la- t usauea try tbe old chamberlains couch remedy tha ituuty of a clear bhlu tba ooa- dltionof tba lirer r2uutm tbe condition of the llood a dlurdered liver oausaa inipurltlaa in the blood and ihew ihow tbcuulvaa in bbualultaaon tba akin iar raebtea vaffetbbt pilla in aotlnat upon tlio liver act upon th blood and aclatr bealtliy akld will follow idtelllgeut uu of tbla fcundard madlolua ladua who will fully appreciate ihla prime quality of lbs villa oau use them wllb the certainty that the effect will be moat gntlfyintf constipation la proelutifm of latere itj haettja yaiam ahyualiiat ksafc if the truth was only known you would find that tver one half of the ilia of ufa are caused by allowing the bowels to get into a couaupated oorulitlou and the eole causa of cotutlpatloa u an inactive liver and unices the liver la kept active emay rest assured that headaches ullce heartburn pile floating specks ire the eyes a feeling as if you were going to faint or catenb of the stomach will follow the wrong action of tbla one of the most important organs of the body keet mil ktoae bablneau amherst n8 writes having been troubled for years with coniupatloti and trying various aocaued remedies which djd mono good whatever i was persuaded to try ajllbums taxouver isua x have round them most beneficial for they are indeed a aplendld pill i can heartily recommend them to all who suffer from constipation mllfiuma lniauvtr xslfs are 3c a vial vlala for 1 00 at all dcakra or mailed direct on receipt of price by the y unburn co limited toronto oat i mrs hroeat auama sauk 8te uaric ootwrltm my uttlo gbl als years old had a dreadful bard cough at nights ahe would cough ao hard she woubl get black in the face and would cough for several hour before she could stop we tried different kludi of medicine aad had several doctor but failed to do her any good bbo could not sleep nor cat her cough was ao bad and ahe was aim ply waiting away a friend advised me to try dr wood korway waa syrup i got a bottle end saw au improvement sad got another now x am otdy tod glad to meocnmead tt to all mother too much street cannot be laid on the fact that a cough or cold should be cured immediately dr woods korway hue syrup will euro the cough or cold and prove a pre ventative from all throat and lung troubles such aa broatbltbi ptwtimoala and consumption or woods la put up la byellow wrawert three plae trees the trade mark i prlca 3c and m per bottle isamjacbiwd only by the wit- two co ifealtod tbroota oat sfatubb m8vbji wastkfl auvtuluo hature uaver wastes anytbltiff we bear folks apeak of them whoeinnke wait ing- their money of them who drink wasting their money ami time t but lb la not so they all rat something for their time and money only it la evil matead of good you may hiliaknd your money and misspend your time bub naltlier can be quite wasted for nature will compel you touka aoutettiluff in return even though ibbeaeuraa t ii uveas uama and wartadluppear when treated wlih ifoluwaye corn curewlthout leavlag a soar children ory fob fietchers c what folks want tuoat they may never get what they need meat utay may al ready have all the world loves a lover even if be u a married man and ibe object of hla affeo tloas la bis wile they who think before they apeak may not have to worry about what those wlio have heard tlism apeak think what is remote and dtfnaule of auocees w are apt to overrat what la really best for ua ilea always wluiin our reach though often ovolonjied longfellow reavlab pale restless and sickly chlld- reoowethelrnmdltloas to worms uother tlrstw worm bstenalsater will relieve then and restore health mexican folk tales of nil uu riltilivily iurr chiku nil dm aiinnl no btiiiliiplmrn hki upllul of mt xlm in by rur lh nbbul ilu lnilnnlii wnu iuiik hiforo cnhim- bllit uullod mi lilu iiuiiuiruhln voyurt of illucovnry wlimi it wnu thtt aont of tho a st tor t mplri clvllianunii or a aort rnurlhliixl tin nt in boforn tbn flrat liurdy plnnirn unttlod slong tbn northtirii atlantic rnaat it has hcn u clly of inuny vlelu tudna it liuu lifon hold by indian and hpsnlard by viceroy by riub- llcan by ruvolutlonlat nnd by tinrtb- nria invador muny of ita utronta urn of tlio grontnat antiquity many of its tradltlonu nrti n old that no ittun ktiowm whetlmr tlmy orlklmttiid in thf day or monlosumas or of thn couqulatadoros aa la inovltablo tho city or mexico baa ita owa peculiar folk lorn ka myatrtrloua loaonda tlinru aro old taloa that have lnmn imlulcil down from generation to ifonratlon by word or mouth anil art ntlll told by unslcsh nutuau lo tho rblhlrtui aa they worn told rmturl u ago a rflllc or am tor folk inrti la tbn lain or tbn walling woman onro a tftiiu tlmn ago th utory riina tlinro waa n vory bml woman in tlio city et uoxlco alio bovo birth to many cblldron but cliluimn lornd bnr and a faat aa ono cmifl udoii ibn earth aim d row nod it finally hrr consclnneo bngau iroubllnk hrr it bt suppoaod that imr pnnlalimont was to go through morally looblnk for bnr children troauontly nliiro tlum it is aald watrbmai hnvo turn a woman in whllo with a wlillo niiiiilllln ovrr her tmad roaming through thu atroata at night thosn wbo havo inquired hr humlnoas havo rorolved an an swering inquiry aa lo whoro hrr children can bo found tim grnatoit mufortuun slwuya overtakes tlioso wbo question bor mont of thnni ar stricken dead or become insane this latter rate la said to have over- takea a glftod young ariuy officer who oaca tried to filrt with tb wall ing woman it la said bor lamenta tions are stilt heard at bight eome- tlmaa oaa a lory with a foundation la fact 1 tho lagdud of don juan uaau1 as tba tale survive ih tbe folk lor don juan was au amiable enough gentleman except that ba bad a bad bablt cf wandering out nbjbt aad murdsrlng bopl ilia custom was to approach soma body on tbe fctreet ask him the time aad wbea be replied lelllag blm he was lucky because be knew tha hour or his death stabbed blm to tho heart this wat oa until oaa ulgbt don juau billed his dearly beloved a op- haw whom he had not recogulsod fitrlekau wltb remorse don juaa coured to hi prlcat wbo for pa- aace ordarerd bloi to go alone at midnight to a certain church before which was a gallows aad to tell bis rosary under tb gallows three nights be attamptad to ruloll the command but was driven back by tbe groan or tbe persoas he bad murdered after begging in vain for a lighter penance he finally reached hla goal under the gallowa and tbaa augela from beavea cam dowu aad baaged blm aa a matter of history there was auch a person in itexlco la 1641 and hs wii a dishonest collector of revenues he waa jailed and to ao- cure bis liberty hla wife was com pelled to suffer incredible humilia tions at tba bands of a judge don juau broke prison went to hla home found tbe judge there and stabbed him to doatb later be waa mysteriously lynched one night be fore tho church and from this grew the legend that tbe angels had pun ished blm for his sins a striking story of ghostly re venge la tbo legend of don juan do navtt priest and guardian or hla orphan niece a beautiful girl a portuguese noblemsu don duarto de barrasa foil in love with bar and abo reciprocated the attachment but tha priest rojaetad dob duarta bii cause bo waa known aa a gambler ono night the priest came upon don duarto talking to his niece through her window duarta struck tha old man with hla dagger which was im bedded in hla skull killing blm he threw tbe body dagger and all into a ditch just one year lator don duarto waa found dead at the alte of the crime kneeling over blm on or ita bony hand gripping hi body by the throat was a skeleton la priestly garments wllb a dagger sticking in it skull decidedly creepy is tbe story or father lecuona tbla good priest hurrying to the home of a friend waa met oa the a treat by a woman who told him a dying man wished to make a confession yielding- to her entreaties he went to a hovel to which ahe led bird there he round the emaciated form of a man wbo looked aa if be bad long boea dead the man told blm tbat in auoleat times bo had died uaahrlven aad had been blistering in bell ever since an a special favor however be bad been permitted to return to tbe earth to au it ho could flad a priest wbo would hear hla confession padre leeuoua thought ha had to deal with a madman he heard tha confession aad administered absolu tion wbea he told bla story at tha house of bis rrlends they scoffed at it one of them saying tbe hovel had been uninhabited for many years to make a teat of it tbe priest and companions went to tbn house the next day they found the door cov ered wltb cobwebs as ir it bad nevor beea disturbed whan they finally unlocked it aad wont inaldo thoy round nothing except a frosh hand kerchief the priest identified ii as oaa he bad carried tbo nlsht lof hurt wit snukctmlt 11 l stairs wtstsl mil when the heart become weak and does not do its work properly tbe ucrvta become unstrung and the whole aytteai seems to go oil to pieces when this happens you need a tonic to thuld up both the heart and nerves and muburna heart and nerve mils will accomplish this for you providing you lo not let your cose run too long and allow tt to become cbrotilc mrs ilvatiglllite loverdure pott coulotige que writes lost summer my heart and nerves were so bad x could not sleep at night and my heart was so weak i could not go up stairs without help my doctor itald be could do no more for me aa my liuirt was completely dona a cousin of mine came in one day am told me that mtlbums heart and nsrvt 11u cured her completely x immediately gave her ko cents to bring me a imjk and since that day there is a box always mi my sideboard x am now wellaitdiiiyhcurtandticrvcaaraslrotikcr tint when i was i little school girl x u ivlie niivouu with heart trouble to try tlism no toctor ran beat them mllbunis ucmrt mid nerve vllls are c- imc 1 iv ii oven far 81 2fl lor nalc 1 11 lunur urn tctl direct on receipt ht by flu t mllhum co limited f riutt oit castoria wtt infut uj chlufm la um forovar soyaara till cltani think raiiwa iaumkmiml ttlaihtfi 1 1 in f il wlilcli nuatuc sold by james symon ihe merchants bank op canada biuktulij midi 3u ffoasem lcmmj thrift is rrhlly described as eco- no mica i management a shrewd butiineno man is npolcon of an thrifty bo- cause he savco perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real eecret ol his ouccesn lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with thin bank all local cheques canned at par acton branch p a maclean manage r skunk getmoromomcyfokyjuiskuiiit muakrat kaccooa poewblte weasel fisher and other fur bearer collected la your section huit vouh piths nihkcv mnuhkithw urutl ltt la uw wu ikum4 uwy bi mosts sjuaicsn kaw leki rllab tmiwmll 1 urllouiawlihanunblanimir irrp- ulallnnaiutlnqfor mora than stllrdtacaiiiiiry al m cnmhlulrmninlnlianinalurlllilrrxrapmninillatitllal tot and 1uolitahlknturna wrlia for vwatbitavbjpmr uiaonlvrallatilaanniralamaruatriitrtanlritual4tpuklulkl wall cm 14 nowtln alktu p 0 a little advertisement attracts attention of course not no much as n larger one but nevertheless it pays bir intereflt on the investment tihh space at fifty cents a week lor a ear would help ur business remailcably try it n nbort time at least put quod copy in hid space and it will do the rest for you d come and see the bargains for this week menn fleece lined underwear at is a garment mens ood heavy wool sox at 1 a pair a good auhorlmcnt of winter caps at iff menv ood wearing pintij at 1 ah a pair blankets large hizex 30o a piir quillo about 50 pair to clear at 89c a big assortment of 1 ubbers and boom and shoes at clearing pricei ink skxe the brtek store opposite now post office muubbk1mbbi i worthcrowlng about b s the big snap in scotch suitings 25 suitd 3 e of the genuine nil wool scotch suitings worth a b to order 30 to 35 a suit on sale today e made to your order and made correctly nt per s suit ks see goods in windows s r e nelson aetsetmita titoa- wvudluuu atsesli s ousjiiph ont j b r an q trim houbi k yhack all tilt wav okomociiicago torontomontreal uniofcltllkd thaw skrvice riliilpnidiit tliu finest on nil tralnn winter tours ro california and allpaciflc coasl points i iflrltfattcxns new orleans elc ulntor tohti ricktln now on ualo furcn clmku i itotitthi stop r prlvili gn nllowiri iull i trtlliilnru and 1m rtli ruuer vat ions on iipplkatiin tottrund irutiu afvnta h s holmes agent ihon m 13 cement k cooitk acton cement contimctok for bridgis slloi walks roars walla etc aliio aglnt for lc laval silos separators elc high grade portland cem ent for sale woanunnauaeada excelsior bakery george flalhnm curtk 81 ado tht ktkirv mmiiumtuf t biiitlinni son in acton u tilth inn iwcrt coniluellil for tliu imit thirty t ir i it km jmriliiim i tiv otoryo hmthum and uill t condntttd in tin kuidc firi climt mumur ait in the p ihi av iiimih of itrcnd clllh pi1tv will dltk tlluaand chrihl mni cout u ill tw nip pllod lo ttiesntirulton of all cubtomum s gko statham b h 5 u aetaa oalarlo 5 s m uwwhbwddnnddciapandyuwbifejw boots shoes bubbbes rcowrvcv sirticrfifi2 25sv1 0 all linos qfootwobl- 8 at right prices q all men s rubbers at i j bargain prices g w witiliams mill street acton kcton t trtpt3v jl v jiistrk x ani bus likie hiivlnic piirchnmd hit lnov huwlnuuh nnd ruiiul ol tlu tululo of thtt tale jobs williams i rtiiuctfiilly militlt tin luitnni- nffo of thu piililk cumfortithlu rla will alunjh liu hiippllud nt rthwuihblu tlinvirtri ouei must aul fhainb ahbhosr mccann mill st acton ont stents ipromptly secured alt nassariasaakforoar ihyknto vibkn which vul b unl iw mabiontthauiom wi uuivorslly bu siontltkal

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