Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1915, p. 4

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ffllje rtmt jftte rrss timihh1hy ihrilm mjlt to llilfl for till new yeah yrit hmi ihj u lltl in li huh r lahiwlmtnllttl htimhr to dm fault i of ilnw iiuml tuu lai hta itrilmn 111 tin liniroi jthm in ulioitl urn weary jnut h llllla lilt nwro clnwrj ibat hia mirto a i ill la utter tho limb i am mrii inu for tnuilxiti little bn to im ell that i should u t let me ita litll tnoaksr with th hrolhur that u w let tuft think mora of my nalghbor abd h hill ls o mm autlkor unknown cummo uhdeb bay you ued malur i told you two day ago to tuuitt sink pip place so that i could flului up round ir ih jour nuuary oh vacation t lfaudrn uillwg th edge of lit saw with dancing anger gunned frownlngly at uu ailandlng plumber wlto retunitwl th look rrtlfully and than tohl th car- panur to put lb pip in hltnsalf ii h wanted it there handran partner we filling a door in pita near by tliplng hlngapln into place he eaked hand ran casually why h did not uu llule wow diplomacy im ho hypocrite handren ralortad warmly whan im mad i ulk mad i dortfcbaluvelnbelrttfenaulmgattdeppear- lug another twaon tmlul iiululsmtlty end want fin with the work of lunging uu door afur a while h cteaed it end obaarved pbuteatly thale a prt flfc t it a snog a a milan iti a strawberry lion hand ran paid no tapeou attention bate llltl later be bad ooaulod to pau into the nmt room poraana door failed to pan he lugged at it irrluuy uit it stuck u if ball by a viae wrenching it fr at ut ifeadrw eaploded 111 occident u4tl0d of what poteou 61 uj fit doyou eapaot people to carry hiuaj dyattlt cartridge to opea your doori y h wftbuj to wiuiw why juat you cut ifebmlwf kwboa of oourm ktmv ht temu a door bkould fill iu opwtlbg u pftly u po iud th tldtlutf fct fcluwu blavud ctf to phvot uttdlntf u tt door otcu bj fcfcuu juu uov hwvw it only mlud uj 4tlrj 1 u fertuy eooiumud utd urt h ajiud tut no hypoorlu whan i fit a door i it it i dofi ullv la havlajf a loou joint aod nuka t look ilka a tight ooa ttata all tlht ilaodran atfraad alawtly h aurtihad lu hi eh if y6u ftti tail a doooparf that way traod ohookud now youv bit it old uait utni only oo way to uiaka dooraepu ufa vouva tot to allotlaau tha frlotiod potnu or abut yourttf oul buppjaf ua door off iu hlnaa aaiu ha tan hi pua aloog it adj two or thraa tiua vo ill akpurana t flltad tha optilttr ai olomly a hofora i ixit th tux t tit haddraa iawl tkrougb it opd fo blu aatoouily r ilaculraa faada bo f uithar ooauaa thin t but is tb oourw of an hour or ao tba plaubareipuln tala poruo baanl hi biat alaar bla throat and y plaaiantly to tb bud uuw i uatthawa i wat to oat off at four oolook tbl aftaroooa awl i hava ut bouh that fciab bafor i ro it will ba a btaat aoooamodatioo to ua if you oaa put that dlpalu why mih uatthaw agfd right way lv got u much to do i dont kaow wbata to btjtio bub ill b ruj to obligayou a w pba o patbar i to wbou w py ovary day ulva to baljtluu all thy lova atutalj aiujf aoflg of hop from abov roe tb poor paopi balow unlovad the hew year llirt 01 i vnirlmllitfilowl ll tlxt kow ir riiiiiliiir it iik ulifoli lio ji i j nlmwlniltw ai xonii no llm lcilli u oil r llxi l kti iii i ly niilhltm utiuhl hirtolli mimiinwirl inn im uiuut tn a llmr iixni lliinkmunlni iiutilnli hii ijyu in lint your worn invited tliu rvll v wltotn ha deputed bla wrdw wer iiilubtlly ubati with lha notion tliy hail lwn atiffuffed 1 1 ma out o mind tuy bald in providing irtlilh mid ood clttr for mortala halow aad it una tlnia tbtiy ahould hava a butw of thalr own itounty it w kllflly dabaud amoiif them wbthar ilia vaotn ahoudl im adiiiltud hninn uaui tits npjuairaitoa of uoli itun tuivail kumtn with their mortiaatl t iooa woulil trvrt tb nda of tb iinsmlnjf lluttbaolijaotloiiwaa ovarubul by cbrut td day who bad a daaign uioti aih wodnaxtay a you ahall haar ami mldjhty ialr to aa how tb obi domini wouu muvi blmwlf in bu cup only tb vigils warn raquaatld to ootna lh their untarna to lltflit tb nantlafolk boma nt ululit ah tli duya ofcm covara war pro vmod for uiroo hundnul and ality llva buwtbrtth prlnolpdl ta4a with an oo oafcioiial ktilfa and fork at tit thfeboard for th twanty ninth of vabruary ciftla of invlutlon liil luti luuat tit carrura wai tb hour j twalv illtu marry wlilrutfu foolrugaa utat went all rouiul awl found out all tit panona invltad wltli th exacaptlon of kaktar day bbrov tuawlay and a faw auoh mowahua who hid uilfiad quartan wall thay fell mat at but foul day a fiua ixiyp all wiu of djya rnul a mm il thay mad of it iliarw wu nolhlnif i hall wlow day wll mat only lady day htaawd a lib aoornful yt ani aiid twaifth day out bar out for b caw all roytd and ililurlujf and epihtoub tb rt fiau in brwh ion4 in wblu bub oil laataiulbla family war- aot yt out of haouirnliiff italuy day cau in dripping and tuttahluy days uughlug wadding day wa tbar in uaitiag finary ivy dayaia uu and doorttday aant word b might b avpaou1 april vool took upod bltnaalf to marbal ih guaau auj uy day with tba iwwt bad paouliajt to bw propoaad tb kaallh of tb bwt tbu utlutf dona tb bydly kaw yr from tb uppw aad of lb tabl- ia- turuad thanks atb wwdauy now tmingoalud uum for a aona mruk up a oarol wbubcbrutuaa day luul uugbt bint hbrotatida lord uayor day and april vool niit jojrwj in a gu in whlob all tb day hllng lu boda a uarry burdart all ui wliu vabmunaa day kapt ooumjbk pratty uay who aat uant blu alippittg auoou bllutdouk utl tb ubu ull tba d day bagau to h jatlou and to bank and ra asoalogty at uia but tba day eajud for tbalr cloak end graatooau and took tbalr uata bhorttat day wb off in dp toft ttit wrappml tba iiul gantuotaa all round two viglu ao wotobiaad ar oalud in baavan aaw cfaiutua day uf boua tbay bad baau tuad to tba bukioaa bafor castoria for faftinfal nnd children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signafr of buck capy tj wrawaa in use for over thirty years castoria a havu looit hioynr two aoltoolgtrta war walking up a tlty uraallbar aid of which wu abut in by ull buiuing oi tooktd atrajgbt abad of br aaalng a kry cloujy ijt of fcky wliatdlaual duk waatlu waarabav lug r tb aaid fratfiilly why iladlaarliiifoffbaautlfully ua olbar atuwarad bapiilly look up hlgb ar laura tli flrfat oil ralaad lr ay ad babobl abow tb dark obudj that ah bad baau watahlag- wu tb tun lit aky of tba ufet aaquldt una fllad with fitoy whlu olouda wboa adga war allvwad by tb mllgbt although tlia tun itaalf waa atill hiddan frosi vlaw how parfaouy parfaotly laautlful l laura aiolaluad aflar a qulok npraiion of dallgbt to think i kait looking at tboa ugly cloud wtian ut a guno would bava tbown u that oarubaa aky i aourafor rbouwatitm a painful and auotbar vlpil auw aturdy pbtaot fora of ifauabiautm u patrol oallad lb eve of bt cbrlalopbar aaalng atli wodnalay in a condltlod littl btltar than h tbould b aan whlppad him ovor hia ahouklar plok upaok faahioa and b waat boating bow jaglag i on tb bat back do i oy and a ooubar of obi anatcbaa baaldaa longaat day aat off waatward in baautlful crlmaoa and gold i tb raat whom id on faahloa aom lu anotbar i hub vauatlo and pratty uay took tbalr diaaitura to- gatbar in on of tb ptatuaat allvary twb light ft lover day ooubl with to aat in chailu lamb vrano abo tnovad by war arutas wutrohliig from afar to dafaat tbatu ua bhult atrikaa a uigbty blow and canada too tbalr loyalty to tbow oanuany tb raatlau anany uaivblng on our nautral oountrlaa 2ppllnaaud nib futtlaahlp firing at thaw ouba avpuditik fa tba air and tbon i killing many woman and watt but eh i band ua twaab paaaa and uay thrb ns mora war with artnlm marohlnff from afar ogod ourklagl wrltuoby luoratla ranuay tb tan yarou daughtar of john tuumy of syraouaa h y who tpant bu ltoybooil day la aotod for lb yum paksa dhjldren cry rdll tletchcrs castoria thk w vba prolty young wotnau with auall ault oaw auppad brukly up tb ftraval walk and aau 0ood uoralng l to ulu kllaa long who wt anjoylng lit on bar feoatb porob would you ilk to look at odmmu1 picture inquired tb young wohua islllkato aaid ulu long frankly but lv prouliad phlundar that tny brotliar not to touch anotbar on for alx wtaaka dy that tin b think tb favarll babrokaaup no tune ay um your opaalnk that oa i i eaa6 look twaa only but night i prouiakj rbllandw and uu loutf tumad barbaad raaoluuly away i think im waj unkind to aitraot ttub aprouu aaid tba young watnan wltb tbaaulteaaa lndigautly wo bai a kind huo aaid uu kllra dlapajalouataly haa born a good daab o mid but night thab b wa willing to atand irragubir niaati and allant avaulaga and taunting of twlghbor dropplaa in to fjiohnuga whlu tb work atood and all auoh if bald ha- and tba otbar man round bad mgraad uut it bad got to run it eouraa and tbaa twould be ovar and dotw with bob whan it earn to having ua look at bint aeroa tb aupparuhl a f ba a alntntny and wban h aakad what wan tb aaaltar tall blu id baati thinking what an alaganfe plotur bad tnaka aquarad off wltb uu wall bablnd and ubulu front ha aaw twaa tint lu tab tuaaauraa and thinking it ovr i dont know tut ban right when fb back becomes lamo it u a hon of k1dmev thoubie doana kklney rillt cum tba achln baxk by cuting hi aching kldtwyt be- ncatb for it la reauy lb kldiwya achltig and not tb hack doana icldnay ihua ow apcu kidney and bladder medicine for the cure of all kidney trouble ura loulta contluw 683 maualng ave yorontb out write i tak great pbaiura in writing you stating tb bmfit i hav ilvd by uilng doana kldaay pi1u about thre ywu ago i wa urrlbly afflicted with htm baektand wa ao had x could not even awep th rl r dvued to try your pula and befon i had used one box there waa a mat improvement atul rny back waa much batter however x kept o taking ttired x highly recommend xioan u lame bock poaa kldaay xhua are the original fn itt our tirade mark th mapbs leaf appear ou the wrapper doaaa kidney ihiu are 80c per to bow for ii m at all dealer or uauej fc ou f pti b tie t uubum co umltail toronto out when onltriug direct specify doaua by lupuritiaa in tit blood lb raault of dafaotlv aotlon of tb liver and kldaay tb blood baooma tainted by tb lotra- duodon of urlo aold which caua tnuob pain in tit tiuua and la tba joint lur- uauaa vagatabl pill ar known to have asaotad many ratnarkal i cur and tbalr us is atrongly raoomundad a uu1 of than will ooavlnoa anyoa of tbalr value i willa tbmjbamrob trfk wew yeab i will turt inw tbla uornlug with ftbigh- ar falrr craad 1 i will oaa to tlaod eouipbilnlhg of my rutblau rltblkara gral i will a to alt rapinlng wiiluwydiityw call i cuar i will wgt tut uonnt wbloltiff and uy tart uiall know no fair i will look aoutatlma about ma for tl thing that teaftt prtl i will twitch ror blddati it-auiu- uatsluj tit gruubura gat i wilt try to find ooulanuoant in tlui path liiat i muat trad i i will bim to llftvo imnltartant wbad anotbar mova abaad 1 will not be bwavad by ativy wbaa uy nvbla fctrwnutb la abowo i will not daoy bla ttwril but ill tulva to prove uy own i will try to aw tba baauty eprwad bah ma rata or thin i will caaaa to prob vour duty and ba uare eaucruad will fall ft chicago ilwald luoord sonumis kcwxbar resolutions rbxoxtvx funt ii nanrer tight 14 ime fought xtaaolv two ho uavar ugta aaa swobar laa aha olta on hty turvmi drtfully kla try ulna ahant la bohoob xt0lvthra ho navauat aauthar uu altar ittie full btiuitt anulf fai any ola paraln tumol foay ii try to live aoaa tc ba alaotad soma day uaptinolom rbotball taam it a ilonamtilo job aud x want to b honarahla moat al way ilaaiolvai flva lb navar naai loll atorlaa the old lud map liaacot 1 1 lu far falura what fib to tbalr aaewt aud pawa ktaolva aik ii not maka ugly fkoaa liar laugb at gurl any more tbaykanthalpbalngaurl nttobai tjul act what tbay are and uoy ahould iwl aorvy for am i gaa this la aniuy far thbi yar bo ua rlujr off and ahut up tny iu- aotva b6ob uu uaat yay a new years appeal war la on it band a li jtrflgurauiant that trouhla many ladlaa wallasey a coaa cur will ramova uu bumuvhea with oubpain boattar unablne and you will kaap out tba abadow and a woman can put op a harder qgbb with bar tongue and bar tear than a taau in with hi flat a man wlf tbould be hi partner but ooeaaloaally alu tba whole brat a aafe and aura tnadlcln tot a child troubled wltb worm i uothar grave worm kxtralnator a cold sallied oa her liar caihlng great rain the cure wa dr woods norway pine syrup lukmudiasar a living qully uitougb vtimiu vvt- roui iiiiiou r riu uri nij blnaaa in htr biography wu hi kmtt mali of lli iujiohmu h otu wrou to til aunt kaiioyi woveuur jum w 10h 1 poll in bprluuutttl on buwlay lo utt hplrlliululf my nam wj purdl in tho u6t in tha urffmt eaplul i vr hut u tli lur w 11 amlnmgfiurtfy wan popular author i i and aloqume uoturar dlraotly ovar lb wara thapnnalaa of a tttaatrloal handbill in urm uuara tha vool ol hi vaully ohlldrea ory roh futchers ca jik bk t t w iruhwoit uaauuff ona day wait dlaotualagbaalnawa do you vno jlu blially t aakad kt iviui aald ulk an 1 do wall aald lilt ha haa had hla nuadlk taliau away trou urn ya dont tay ao aald waa wall itauvaahlnrlliht ua ahould kava had lb lu bla wltaa nawa castoria vot iniattt a wif chjldvea fit if for ovr 30 yaata ajway baata bhptaiawcj no ub washy children cry for futchebs castoria wu oil of uower it it not claimed for dr thotnaa eolaclrio oil that it will euro vary iii hut it uaa jue ao varloua that it may be looked upon a a general pain killer it ha achieved thab greatneae for ittelf and ell attempt to anrpaa it bava failed luevoelletualakbowntoall who bavetaaudlib vlttuee and learnt by an perlanoa no heart la emptied of it vaaotn by pouring out at the up llfaw gold oumee out of it furiuutea of a negro emplojed a brilliant young limb of tha law to defend hint on a charge of plgetaallag the lawyer prepared tha eaae with great eara indulging 1a vlefona of uu reputation ha wonld taak by hi brilliant defano of hi client no mii aald he negro pointing to tbeuwyer dab gewaan over dahe de uefendant 1 de nigger what atole de pig rul a bailiffeanttoaelaea quantity of fur- aiture on an uvder of foreoloeuia waa iniuuoted to make a complete inventory d did a directed wbeu lb earn to the dining room the tally of uu furniture ran urn t one dining room table oak one aet chair la oak ona aldehoard oak two bottle whlaky full then the word full waa stricken out and replaced ly empty and the inventory weub on la a hand that straggled and lurch- ad diagonally aaroee tlu page until lb eloeed with t on revolving doormat half vhe ills of life an caate contttipatlom when uie bowela become cotutlpated the btomacb geti out of order the lltag doe not work properly and then follow the violent tick headache tlte koumee of the rtomacb bejehliur of wind heart burn water braab bulouaneaa and a general feeling that you tlo not care to do anything keep your bowel regular by tulng mubunv lavallver jnlla they will clear away all the effete matter which collect in tha ayatem and make you think that ufa u worth living mr w walton bt john n write i i have been troubled with ooniupauon 4or the laat three year aud during that time have tried aeveral vetnedlea all of which failed to help me a friend reeotnuended mubunv lax uver ihiu nnd after utlng three or four vlali i felt like a new man x am now till taking them and am poaltbrdy aura that ituqu the road to recovery x atrongly reooumend alllbuma laxa xjver i milburne laxevuver x41ia are soe per vul fi vuu for tl 00 at all drug etorea or dealer or will be mailed oo receipt ol price by tba t uubtim co thai toronto out labw d u rkktfitir bt calkariot it write having derived great benefit from dr wood norway rlne syrup x thought i would write and tell youoft experience wheu i flrtt came out from k 1 contracted a tevere cold owing to the chanse of climate it hettled on my lung and cauaed me a great deal of pam x tried every remedy i could think of but got no relief my father who hod heard a great deal about the good qiulitle of dr wood norway lvine syrup odviied me to try it x did o ami x am pleated to uy found im mediate relief x only took one bottle and it cured ma completely my mother had a never cold alao and dr wood norway woe fjymp cured her ao we never fall to keep a bottle of it in uu home see that bona of thou ocalled pine yrttpe ore handed out to you when yoti go to your drtiggbt or dealer and aak for dr wood it la put up lu a yellow wrapper three pi ne tree the trade mark price stfo and 0c manufactured only by the mll- bum cow limited toronto out a babbl btta inhla relation wltb otbar the jewltb rabbi may nob habitually combine juttloe and mercy but upon ocoulon be know bow to do it and to add alto a aavlng aploo of humor a jew feeling that hi it moment had arrived not for hi brother i am dying he aald and i wbli to arrange for the dpoaltlou of my fortune for tbla but aarvioe of cloalnf my ayeayou ahall be well rewarded i leave uilrty thouund dollar i give my wife ea touch an you want and tlierenulnderyoumay take youraeir with uiab he died in dividing the amount left the brother took for hlnualf twenty seven thouaaud dollar and gave the widow three tbouaand dollar the widow who bad aeveral eblldreu and waa in hard cirouriutauoea brought the eaae before uu rabbi andootu- plained thab a the brother waa hlnualf rich be ahould have provided better for her th rabbi ordered uu bub to appear be fore him and when he came ha charged him with having dlaobeyed hi dead bro ther with that i did not dlaohtlued uu man for he uld olve my wife what you wautaidukewhatnmainroryouraalf and you took twenty teven thoutand dollar and v hi widow only three thouund dollar yea euawered the man then you muluterpreted your imrouur will and you muab make reparation did no your brother y oivo my wife what you want r and did you not want twenty- aeveo thoutand doltaia t therefore give uu widow that bum whab remain your brother aakl you may keep llenoe take the remaining three uuaaand dollar aud be bona i have judged tuaanar kv du uaad pv u yall af yh4 unfaaunat catjui tba bawaoepartj of a cautury ago af foid ample avtuvora of tba cnialty and futility of oa of the la we of lb day tubialy ibe punubbumt of dbt by imitr aayu alice uoiw tarle it was an utterly bopel taak for any baipruauad for dbt evr to eipt tu be wlaaaad bava by pardoning and the butfaritts of fcucu pruouaru w axtrauia a tbay bad no charily fund lo drew upon lo mltlgatu tha woaaand mlaairy the altb and horror of tbalr fcuruudliignt tljrd unhappy mea oftau rhoa tb opening of tba nw yar a utdo of blatuooi hope to the world in fcvurti appeal for aid in tbalr utter forlornncaa and in uu uawtpapar at th cloae of the yasrap- ieala for bslp prlotrd through tba pity of ibe pubilaber of the new febeeband lo early january aotoetlinaa bumble tbaukh for gift from gbarou elu- uua iler la at sdvartlaament from the now york uautte january itoij thrua liappy wnoae nnd- care italuvoa tli poor olatraat- wlian troubtce torn pa sj thm areonj tlia lord ahall five ihatn ittat wa ma poor lrlonr conflntj in uu cuol nf ilia clly of naw voru do take hila publlclt opportunily of raturnlna our nimi liumtila m 1 i mriy thanlia to our ocnoroua lui ununown dana te lore or nellcvlna a llila vera oaaton whan we wero otinost pcrlch il with coij end hun oar l tending two quarter of hatf one ion or uooi rwalva uhlllliur unay unil thraa doitn ot loavait of urwad which waa fairly unit justly dutrlbutad lieiurcit ul anil itial dad almighty my aiv ilim lleoliti and llapplnaaa in the preasni ufa nnd i lariial tuppta in th nam or ilia alncam wlhu and 0lra of tim pooh unirailtunatu lhukjw- 110 streno new year cauhretldh what pruhnlily la tho etreugeet nw veur rile in hold in the cleveaneej iiiuiiutalii in buutliern irotice attb laat cveiilng uiubu at tho old year tba herd nud hock of itio iioaaatry are gntbored befuro tho portico of tho little at ouo church high up on tho mountain ida and fire bleated by tho priest and eprlnkled with lioly water by the aco lyte who follow him lu order that una the solo wealth of llio countryalde uay iucroaae nud iinionr ilurhm tho year to eoiua the night nt the holy hour u wonderful aa tliu rhnrcli boll tolla nboro tliem tho rrlslitoned nnlmal bleat and bellow ami try mndty to oe- cope ilret tba oun nre hleaaed then tbs cow no it tlii rtigep nnd lambh nnd filially tlia uont nnd plga- new veahe day in march new year day nnod to fell tn uarcb not in jnminry nud there wa a good deal of wao in thla for even aa tha world flrat yenr waa auppoaed to have begun in the aproutloff of leaf and grata ao each netr year day waa aet tor tba aeaaoti when nittuw began to waka after her winter aleap dae si beat day of all the year alao i kay aee thee pate and know ttfemt if tbou daet not leave me hi thou hast not found me low and ilnoa a i bahou the dl tnou leaveat me the right to aay that x toworrow still may vie wttb um that kaap tha upward way beat day of all th yaar to ma une i way eund and aaa aeroa th araylth past and aee do many crooked way that might have ltd to mlaary or haply ended at dlaeraeei uut day since thou dost leave me free to look th future in the raoe daat day of all day cf th year old faith in brotherhood bast day since i still striving bar uay view th pail with small reitrek and undlalurbed ly double or fear dealt path that are untrod aa yet chicago keeorouerelal palpitation or the heart gudden fright or emotion may cause a momentary arrett of the heart action or some excitement or apprelietiilon may set up a rapid action of the heart thereby cauiing palpitation palplutlou again is often the result r ulgrnllvt disorder aritliir front the etonmch or may lu the result of over indulgence of tobacco or alcoliollc drink tlu only way to regulate this aerlou itcart trout ilo u tousa milburne xleort mul nerve iltl mil v h nicholu xjatowelt ont write t was weak and nm down my heart would palpitate and x would take weak and miny a friend ail- vlied ine to try mllbiirnh heart aiul nerve l so i started at once to iim them and found bat i felt much htrouger i cannot pralxe your meiieliu too highly for it lias done mo a world of good mllbuma heart ami nerve 1111 are bos per tv 3 hour for tl za at ull dealer at mailed direct by tlu t ullburn o limited toronto out sold by james symon take a dose in time dont lot your tyutt m looonoo lowered by tho altackfl of a roiijili or oohl hufcty wrl tjiko a dot ol otiamharlalne cough lummly et our it ivohpna thn oougli so that itsoon lli aipware it in nil tlintwrifca sjidluurbotbnynrounalfvtlliyrliaiiuoftuipeiatiir chamberlains contain no iiarvvuir er harmful ilitie whlla it eivr rdlaf from the brat dorf it may be sjfrily utal wiui thn ouri anj i hde effimimpm 7 he merchants bank mi op canada lutmkiuktj iu4 ijj bmaul is csmm4m thrift is riiihtly desenbtd ao eco- nomical manauemtnt a nhrewd buhincss man is spoken of a thrifty be cause lie saves perhaps only a dollar at a tirtu perhaps more but the real becrtt ol hts success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with thiti bank all local cheques cashed at par acton branch s f- a maclean manager skunk gotmoromomoyforyohrskunic muskrat raccoon foxeswhlto weasel fuiior and other fur bearer collected in your aectlon hint voiin virith ninkcy mmkniru arollobu rp mtlttln ubiolurhoiimwlitianiiiibummiciltrii- bntlliiitliirtililpr jpnanprnniptu 1 ikiv- uoiitaiii ltraturn urlit v r iintmbfvyi vitwpnrt anlprlialutp iaitoi imblvnr puhlb lie 1 ilyrallabla nrcnrnianiarw wrlla latr il-now-ll- a a shubert inc tsscwjsissmsk p d a little advertisement attracts attention of course not so much an a hruer one hut never helens it pays hiti interest nn the investment tihh space nt fifty cats a wrtu lor a yoar would help our businesi rematkibly try it n hhort time at least put uod copv in ihisepace nnd it will do tin- rest for vou q the grand trunk railway iabarjnafcn thainw thtir itnwjtm tliotlmr ft wlilob j lliu unil at abiuhi i1imi mlliv yiubill 1 oki tl 1 11 ul h it j htl ii innn n hi no il tnaoa vat i ft iff a representative wanrr atoncc for al ion it 1 tlimrlct for llio nui mul iminhlu ronthill nukschie3 iamiiaa wh ri main mlo nil otitor miilii oli i in inlu n 11 inilmt nuinti chiici im ol vnrklkit ftir uprinu lnntlii lilii r i h nun lliiufmn frco oiitl i wiilo iniw fur iir1kuliiri4 stono fll wolllnton toronto ontario lgxkwxxkwoxoiox10 come and see the bargains for this week mcna fleccu lined underwear at ikc a garment mens rood heavy wool sox at uu a pair a good aetiortmcnt of winter capn at 47c mens good wearing pmtii at w a pair blankets large hizcn 2t a pair quilts about 50 pair to clear at 89c a big assortment of rubbers and boots and shoos at clearing pricoh 7uf shxe the briok store opposite new postoegce 1 ixxkxxkxxkkxxxxooookxxim cement k cmipiu ack1n cthcnt conipactoh for bnlnn -hi- k- i lows vvilu i ano aiiint for do liv il silo4 separators etc ilth eride portland cem t nt for sale uuhafuuaaqunnaudddoaikthhhh excelsior bakery n oaorgat sfalbam m r cbwrab 81 aetna j the liauory bimincij of t ktnlhnni hon in at ton which ban beat vnniluctoil for the past thirty onr baa lueil pnrclioiud by ftcorge btalliam and will be conducted 11 tho tame first clasa manner as in the pant all limit of dread cake pastry wed ding calics and chrut man cnlcca will ba utiji pllod to the satiafacllon uf nllcibiomer gi0 statham aetea oelatle dddnnaaannauuhuijm boots shoes bubbbrs all men s rubbers at i 0 barffaln prices w wiijxiiams mill street acton hct0n liyery and bus lin hiivldk purchased tho livery lluslnciwit nnd goodwill ol the estate of tho lele jolw vviiiisati i rcflpcctfullyaolicit the patron age of llio public comfortable rlga will alwtijb lvo aupplled at roasonablo cliargoi uuw uhkitbi alltfaina ambrose mccann mill st 1 aclotl ont at nfahwariir i prom wnt ivi mawok kajbioh ml lliivamtv hi monlltual

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