Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1916, p. 1

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wht ttn sttt ft voijltmis xlx ho 28 mvarv ouhwrlt ioh fald lu almr acton ontabio tn8day mottning januaky j 1010 tabwhptlaa rie l m far ahmum sikoijm opl ibs tjinmtb cents vibe ctnit jfrw ss ia rumisimn uvisuv tilt hhiuy uohmno at t1iu vssptl vunr l ui h inn uimi ulll utuukt actow omt twauacvhuiiiiimirtinm ono dollar wt yaar i hotly lu edvauoe 01 m in nil icriluri in ilia united utaus all auboli iioui illioaiilluua t milan the tint lor which limy havu been lull bee tilinl 1 110 data to vl lati uuury miluedi uou uiuiiil lu duiioifil on tl as idraumabel advhktihimu kstkb i random advertise- tuauu id ou la ar nom arull line for mr a i insertion nil 0 oaiitu u lliio for all uul4- uutut lutlon ci ijlianl unlay alvunlaa tut tit lor so or iucliim ma at suuuiu 10 eenl tr jucli eaali luasrtl li yualrly0a11l1rmu rervaeriluu tualler ittoauu r luoli uaoll iumv advtrileeniente without iimaiiid dlreellone will blitaidllll failil i ana oliaraaj aeoixrl lualy yransuul advertisements luuat b tu in aiiveuoe ajvertlsatoeuts mill la hsiiaj ohm aaeli mouib ii dwlm vat elati ofuuu thai ubov tusuiloued ilia a sir a eonipodlilon bloat ba vl for at rulev reiee ai1 eaeauuuaojuaud monthly u v uoouu ttdllor aud rroptuw tiubitttss filactorp t 1109 gray m d c m ucgill ei boi bdihmukah 1 il vv u cilasoow uaym hattum llbdual aaaooiayiou ltl ourrau kb uai oat osrroratiw d oiauslptitauiilind illoesnouqta sl nfiu llomst to d vuuty end vruays si the uouuiloti metal aelou chiropractic d lltralj llullllna ittalpboiil htautiho uotilay das ixuh i will baalll hoaia of ur win aularmw ulll ltrl aelou uouday tudev wedusajay ybureday ami viliay ef nab week 9iu toitfui veterinary aolarlo galleday or ulhl promptly attended to j uioltlnnon ituttia rouorroa cowvavtiwaa ojtvioh ulll btrl in ftrrytnan dlosk wu a uoiuan luiilsur uollcltor and kutary rultlt omcano uoleam uott douglas ttrmt oualpt a uoiwy to iud lkaua aliau raal atto- dlt j u dbll uuiiluii ubwtifit aosati 1 boua no u ottm m itwlutta coiuav ulll aaj jui uraau uwu oainc4vm or xouauto uuivumaimi th uui abamlllula uu u dolvkj d savage g co iaj lab i inn a iu4u jlwillctt cutlpii the old and reliable watchmakers and jeweller savage co guclph ont ah a hkasonabll gift i a prcwnt miporb no other piano apmiio so btronuly to liotli teacher nnl pupil ihith tmiftlclan and houtetitpdr bo cam o lwilli the lone and the appear nnco of ttio ijaiio in pnr ocllonce boinomv iw c w kelly ca son s3 lower wyndhnm st ouclph ont c c speight por uptodate gifts 5llvrwar0 tn tablwtiiiia fin varltv also flna cutlery hardware tlnwar tmnd gran lt0waralr variety pandora 3lova and kansas famouf haatara small stovas oil stoves maohanlcal toys suirfha hochy suokb oramophona racorda every article is o exccp- ttonnl value c c speight ulll strut aetoa v1mcmllamm0 vm ff loanoia mohan uooxbuidmn whbuiaai hi auldb anuria 0a- wluuue blora dbi fuki or sit kliufj uaj to ad ibhjitbituvduhve r aritlaab u0en0kq a p uooiiu pnate0tilm iaal a i kuuu rambi aoonowhaa vor thii cvmuuw of walltogtan halloo lal am1 uualii fcud uivelty ol qualuli blu ikwjmuii tt miumulu aj upou orfliiibv ulur t uluou v 0 at claujiui uffabiwta in tuma 0 eoaumilau wlui iba hi wbaraaiiiauaulaaatiialeaiijadva4r juj mu b tuati ortute 1h al vrnux coiiarf oaum abluii will trealik luiiuajuu mtaailaa haiaall atuailoa to ulm la aaioa 4 vlalulty trabb1rd tthu ob auutf dauexniv1sn oatala laud uutrvayiu aud civil burvy ouudlvuioua plaua rt porbu dicrlptlohi hlueprinta etc certlflcaua for puroliaura nml mort sich surveys for arcliltects hull- am and municipal council drain ag reports kutimatea etc mehohant3 bank bldo ouwl1pu ktaoua utfti omt o chbbwbrs book bihokb kaat aulutoat huuhhaiaaddddaanddacbihbihiaih s drain chopping ijjwell done and r quickly at only h 5 cents 8 per bag hahhisrvco limked a ro0kwoob out hdddaddelddnnaddumuiihm finlcavingg tiohonto can4d1 o alki work rkoupy utttodtlid the old and reliable oranlteaud marble dealer ali w kail dl4l to ouireualwairaal mhol aaia uua uvluf our euauiim as bar ba h liana aud ui il paaumaila toalm ihllrw mllu midiou tiavly w 1 ho eaaoba huiwlirwu al our buataaiaa l jato aad nthaf t what olhtunt bay to ktaod uw auila in tunlatf to miim wo tba araai b4 baat bloak ol imuiu lu tha itemlblntt u item uiarj aby ibractuaumltt iba wal war ualuwau daalwrri nud un kay bit akniii aud ria not anuoy nr baatttu tnarebv nan uritfoot lptinrantamuuokholt mmara wa mtloy manbaulta only an olafy i htmtlilaii hamilton sonsi oor htrifolliauj wotuvtilalihuoumlpif the hub u i wish my many cm- tnmcrs a hnppy and prciiporpuh now year geo f agnew ouatoai tauofei mill si afo send to till iiond iiaduwarc co iitipii rim a iaik or automobile skates it lun rtul piciiniito to nvn u pnlr of bkntub dojunilublu mulur liuuv htrnln nnd nt thu itimo time hulit bright uml harp wo ilnvo flium tlia automobile bknto puiuuuii till tin no lualitlin w linvo thtm kt made fn dlffuroni nyk nt tkhu allien uoo ttloo 0u ilmlo ordiru promptly ii hod tho bond hardware go llmltod phono io i 3 tun twelve ooelph defective eyes our specialty iaaluiolute accuracy in oo maiuiim ton and perfect eye tlnna or uirciulio utlhfactlon at absolutely fair prlccii we feci sure you ii approvo of this platform aaevldencoof tho f ict that wo uandbyitwe can re fir to liundrcdi of fcatlnfud ciiitomera in tlits vlclnltj a d savage optometrist mfg 01tician rlalit at tho port ofllco m ifrfllk qulij4i robt noble flo uk norvut kinn choice niitlonul and plvo koacb feed liran tsliortu wheat cliopu gluten ileal uolosine cotton seed uloi oh cake max ileal oat chop heubagum the great block tonic all at lowest prices j l warren thanks to our customers wc thank you very bin- cerely for lie splendid trade you have given us during the year and especially during xman week our expecta tion were more than realised we wih you all a happy new year x b livingstone the dominion shoe store kcnney bros main st acton what are you herb for if jouve bever umdo another iiao a hap plor liitift in hfo if joiivo tiover hoil a lirollier lliromjli ilia fctruyfllt and ida atrlfm if jouvo iiover lieen a comfort to tlio weary mid tho worn 111 5011 toll uiwhnt jouroliero forlnthlu involy in ml of nioriit if ouo nover inado the iailiuuy of some nnlulilior law ulth un if jouo nevcrbroiiuliin imhl lo to boiiio fellow litnrl with fun i if iiiu 10 never cheered toller that j on tried to hfllpalonir will yon tell lit what joure here far in thin laud of lotnly aauut if iouto iiir nude n comrade feel ihn unit i n rtuoeier plnoo ikohiiwi u 1 iivimi within it mid hallkerved it ulb jollr urmca i l you 10 noior heard a woman or a utile child proclaim a hleiudiiir on your itouiity you re a toor hand at the game liidllmonj run q the rise of the k market iiv iaur n run d jts9 we huvo a fino mock of boolfl ond tlhoea ruhliertf sllppera elc for tho clirlatmam trade the emprijt btioe which is tho raout comfortable nhne a women can put her fwit in one of our princlnal liuea but we have vnrlou other muvia that ara equally yood we huvo aaplendld working iwot for itieti which itmadobythe wilflamibltoe co of uramptou our upwjiol fine boots are mode by ames ilolden regal and crlipln craft tihae manufacturer 1 licue people huve the uuat up to dale fuctorles in cntindfi todajr we alto niiarantee aatufaollim la alt ottr hubs pol lithe of all kind our motto is to please the public and to veil at the lowent price puudhle wo do repairing while you wait call on usfor your xtuns llflh an wo have au antra good line in for the fua sob kenney bros jim urknrtisom ihw rinai kooopful of wlicat intoiha sleigh bo anil pauwd aoaa to survey hla com plotwl work with satisfaction the laatof two thouunj hutliu and oil lerklnull hav it by ulna toniohtl hut li a ixten a tough job i uoul int earn for another ten daya like it he cow men t i cm soberly lloleftthe rranary and croaaoil to the slabloa wliore ha fl the liorua and cere fill examined the hoofs of the youiigar uam ibeoollh ai tilj atfeetlonauly called tlieui j you boya will have to pay for your aalt and oala lo night he uld to tli luiya woll tako it easy though all wve got to do in to make it by nine lonlght after inulilng the obnrfl sai took hlmuelf alowly and rather wearily to the i houu the odor of fried pot n to- and conoa ufailod mm aa ha opened the door and harry tlie jouitger brotlier who had come out from tlie kaat to prow etroflg anil uoll in the great out ofdoore looked up from tlio book he waa reading and nodded every thfnga rdy jud he aaid iii get cupper on whiuymj waali waa there any mall to day t jud naked aa bo aplaahed the water in the hatin nothing i ut the iblry iiapar rut the mall corrior left a uuwugo for vou ho aid you wera to lie iur uiil get your wheat into town tonlgbt he uld he couldnt explain and he tliilnt even uant j on toaay anything to ur lerkina alum i ilia having told you jud iolbhad hia face with tlie touel roinethlng within him aifrred rtlukiy ho winwi he oould have liean at tlie ttouw when the carrier alopiod of courae you won t go harry liaurd otl ufter a few momenta of aiunce not got well i should uy i would hurry my lioy ive got to get tliu but loud tn by nine oolook tonlghl jud 1 wish you wouldnt ive got a hunch that theres aouuthlng ooutlug ami you know y feeling are tune to turn oot right jud son laughed little uneasily as be seatfrtl hlmudfatthe tatla ha did know that the dalloatayour brother bid a grt dal of tliat myatarloua faculty ealuj in tuition end that lit hunch wr worth ouuuuhdg but jud didnt beluv in hoya luvlnjf all bar lotultloa or huaoh and tlie very fact of harry being ao sensitive to lipraloaa wbb oee of the reaaona for hla going lonlght he had big pliua far harry and be needed all the tuooey he couui gt to develop the boy and the ranch ootadjng to tlbae ja ive got tsge watleaaujuturaally you see obi perkins agrwd to give ua tlie rise of the market for the put tee daya prodded i d all the wheat by ulna lonlght wheat wasnt high when i tolj but i hail an idea it would go higher it ought to bo i waant vary keen aliout mlllnpf i and as he needed the whaat lu uioda me thia offer harry pretanded to eat but evlilaatlr hla eaprictoua appetite had failed bltu ill venture he thought you wouldnt truku it he sahl aimi no oae alee oould have either youve worked nlghtand day end youre ready to drop from lack of sleep right now and tbarea something tn tlie air did you notice how the wind whliurod ami moaned this afternoon jud glancing at hie watch httretfully denied litbuelf another cup of coffee timeeup lie aald ke the wind didnt whisper or teoati to ue boy t ami im going to uml that wheat in perklus bin by nine to night if i have to pack it on my back its going and thats all there is tn ifc he pulled ou hla ahsepsklii lla ed coat than paused to pat his brothers shoulder i didnt weau to ha creaky hal said penitently i have lost fulleebitof sleep lately end ty nervee are on edge you go to bed end dont worry about we thu wind wassttrrlng reatleakly aj jud flouhad hitching the oolta into the ug hob vied and ol imbed up lo the seat he drew the rolie well around hla body it waa a cold stinging deadening wind awl he needed no intuiuoa to tell bun that the long elearjipell would eooa he broken the colte tduugedi end ouieveued as jud swung tliatti out into the smoothly packed and table net road j fiteuly boye i take t easytyoulve long hard pull before you and t dont care to work j ou enyhardar than i hat e to the sled ran easily in spite of lis heavy loud nf grain hut judeott had the feeling 01 pulling sled and wheat by tlta llnea and he certainly waa tired the wind was squarely in hla face now and he grip ped the llnea flnaly with one hand while he adjusted his alorm collar about hla nebk there were hits of pallatllke enow in the whit and these elttng like w many pin iwlnle when they struck hla face f it wasnt for that entra money he muttered llus ive- got tn have vtry cent i can earn hals never had a chance ur lli tt nt tljr 3rot lord goti of hosts whose mighty band dominion holds on sea ami laud in peace and war thy will we see s lupine iha larger liberty nnlioni may rise and nations fall thy changeless purpose rules tliem all when death flies swift on wave or field he thou a sure defence and shield console and succour those who fall and help and hearten each and all i o hear a people a prayers for those who fearless face their countrys foes for those who weak and broken lie in weariness and acony great healer to their beds of pain come touch and make them whole again o hear a peoples prayers and bless thy servants in their hour of stress 1 for thotd to whom the call sjisl come we pray thy tender welcome home the toil the bitterness all past we trust tlietn to thy love at last o hear a peoples prayers for all who nobly striving nobly fall for those wlto minister and heal ami spend themselves their skill their real- renew their hearts with christ like faith and guard them from disease and death ami in thine own good time lord send thy peace on earth till time shall end john okbniiam poor fellow bo quit acliool to work in tlie store and that tonk all the life out of him rut i m going to win out on this ive get to get uheud nnd give him hie chance tho determined driver grew wjrtw with the collar about his face and the robe wrappod high around hia body he felt really comfurtahle at inst and the eafcy motion of the sleigh quieted hie weary nerves und made him drowsy the oolta hod slowed down to a trot and judsoii relaxed his steady pull on tlie lines the rlie of the market that must have been what logan meant maybe he overheard tim colts dropped ii ton walk and in tlie ma moment jud was asleep there come a time when even the most iron will must yield and in the very act of trying to talk hlmaelf awake jud waa gone the alelgh gave a lurch and a jolt and jud son nwoke to the oonaolouanesa of changed surrounding something waa happening the llnea tetweeu hie nutth flngora dreu taut ami he triad to apeak ills voice uaa gone however and he could hardly mote hla stiffoned hpa dimly he wn aware that a driving wind filled with ioy snow una striking lilm flrat from one aldo and thou from another rut there waa a silent ferocity in the storm which disturbed something dep down within jud and urged til in to rouse ami light he straightened lian dropped to an eea potur again it didnt matter much the oolta were going well rut finally ha had an uneasy feeling that they were shifting la tbjr advance from one direction to another aa the wind beat against theu from varying directions rut he could hot red hiuaalf to think clearly filsep 1 what woutdat he give for a bod i then suddenly judson sat up and uttered an sicumation where was be instantly tlie wistful face of his brother baek in the shack teemed to oome to hhu wj j m lu for it 1 he aau the wind taoanld i should say it does t jud sou realized that ke waa in a drlvhujf bliixord he isebud freezing then be uuilend where are we f tlie herao stopped a blast of leered 114 fury beat squarly into their faces the same blast struck the driver judson strore to protect himself by raising hie arm before his face thau uncovering hie ya he sat staring into the buckoae about him ive got to find out where we are it wont do to drive on like thla we upss 8ml tlie road 1 he threw off tlie robe and drooped to the ground his tega doubled utular blu end lie fell to hi knees he wee up again and began to stumble along beside the sled one hand resting on the top of the double iwjk sltaete of enow drove in stinging smothering fury about him ho staggered forward circling trow one aid of the sled to tlie other gradually the blood begat to quicken within hlu and hla feet became lase like lump of lea aa hia circulation quickened hta mind began to work he must find the road how far back had the team left it 7 it seewed to judson that he had been asleep for hours but ho knew that thia feeling waa net to be trusted suddenly ha stopped he had recalled the jolt and lurch of tlie aled which bad awakened him that waa whan we left the road he aald we crossed the drainage ditch and that shook us awake i he resumed his march with the hitler ooaselausnaea assailing him that the road wight be within a hutsdred feat and be act be able to find it if ho were to stray as much ae u doaen steps front the sleigh be might haver get back to il the oolts were standing a still as il they were frozen to the ground judeea felt his way aong to their heads and greaied them by the bite in reaponse to hla vigorous pull they aoon took m few bewildered steps ahead then dispiritedly jud reauned that tlie task of trying to lead the thoroughly chilled ooltaafter hlu until be should stumble upon the road waa a hopeless one he groped his way lack to tlie sled end resumed his dogged march a fllw of loe gathered at the owners nf hie eyes end the stinging snow seemed to have stripped the skin from his face hie throat burried he nuula another turn about theeled and oame buck to hia former poaltloo lva got to risk it he said ive got to do something and thats tlie only thing to do ill imve to take my chance of finding the rig again i lu hla heart however be knew that ifc waa not a chance but a oartalnty be was facing if he sliouu venture away from tlie slight shelter of the usui ami rig yor a moment lie paused irresolute he was willing but it stairied ussum buddealy bin hand name out of his able pocket awl lie lore off his heavy mitten and reached into hla jacket a plan had eome at but an idea aa haianlous and apparently sa futile aa it was possible to imagine but which offered an opportunity for action if groped about till he found tlie opening of a deep pocket and the nest moment drew forth a all of chalk line i hail been in lliat pocket ever alooejud finish tlie tool shed earlier lu the winter ill try it 1 he cried he tied one ami of the una to e sled runner then turned raaolutsly without taking more time lo oontu the thing lie waa attempting ami stepped into the full eweep of the mlaxard onoe clear of the shelter of the sud the stinging merefuee flag of the fctorw searched out the crvtfw of his nhhhlng aa if striving to flrtlb it work on him at every aiap ha tagttrd and seamed about to go down before the attack of the hurricane then it wa the face of hla brother with the wist fuveyee which teamed to stand out in tlie darkneaabarors him and gripping his teeth h made fresh effort the ball of chalk una was growing small judson oould not tell how far away the jolt had come that hail awakened blm anethsr step ami another the blluatd fought each step suddenly the end of the chalk line was reach yor a moment a wild desire poaaaejsd the toller to drop the line and plunge recklee ly forward into the darkita there waa a pcwlblllty that by so doing he codvj save hlfnealf for mowment waa life klut the team i the grain t ive got to make it he said doggedly im going to deliver that load of wheat tonight f he turned and began the tormenting strugftle toward the sleigh winding in the chalk una as he went voce by foot ha droa himself lack yrotn the darhneea oame a whinny as one nf tlie eolte fce hla approach the teem waa vty elo and jost aa he thought he would reach it with the iteut step lie stumbled into a depreaalon he droiped to hla hand asd knee and began to explore it waa round e1 and half ailed with snow imt to the right and the left it stretched aa far as hie hploring flrigere could reach oonvuulvety elutchinn hla olialfa line he crept forward fearing that at env moment the ditch would terminate ami so would prove to l but an accidental denreulou it continu ed before him however and presently ha stood up hla knees ahsklng under him they must have kept alongside the dltcb for quit a wave he said winding in the chalk line he took the few intervening steps that ted blm to the sulgh yor a moment he paused hal oould not drive even now that he had found the road he oould never trust the eerlnge to stick to the track with quick deahlon he felt hla way around to the front of the team and un- fastened their tie straps with these he wet in thedlreetlonof the ditch aa hi feet found it he drew the straps firmly and clacked to the oolta oome on boye ha aald wtft going to town i when he thought of that night in after year the rest of hta battle with the alarm eeme to him in the fitful visions of a night mare he remembered falling and climb ing stubbornly to his feet he remember ed hla hands doubling up with toy pains on the tension of the tie straps abut off their circulation ha remembered times in which the cell had tried to balk and he had dragged them forward by sheer lore of will and muscle harry shall have hla ehauee he mut tered over and oyer agent the wind seemed to abate and presently b realised that he was atumbllng along between scattered house from which lampe glimmered at him one light in particular caught and held hi attention for it waa a bright white light and he knew it radiated from sol imu far- famed gasoline store lamp toward tlie light judson dragged hla weary team and a few minute later he had tied and blanketed them and entered the store before a glowing stove the towns one bmhohaufaml grain dealer eat he stated in wonder at sight of his visitor then sprang to bis feet its humlereon 1 he cried where i in this storm did you oomo from 1 home ive got the last load of lhst wheat and now if im only on time they turned to the clock it lacked fifteen minutes of nine the rise ol the market nnd wheat went ton dollar and a quarter to day theoldmmn oriel bay young fellow guess jou stuud to mulie n good snug i it by your trip and look like youd earned ittv tudson dropped into a chad nnd hit with his head between hi hand he did not wish hla companion lo um bis face not just ycf he was tblukfug of hat nnd or all tlio thing ho would do for the boy twent yea a00 prom our iseuo of tho pro voob of thursdftyjttti loth 1600 mnbr j ft a i hymon tisvetlhtlrnew tock of hardware tinware jou cilery and patent medicines oiened up ur john wahlle o cart right man formerly of acton bad his hand nerinuhly i j u red in a thrashing machine aliout christmas losing the fourth nnd portions of the oilier augers of the right bund tlie nvahgellstlo service conducted by hi ulsaea hall have been largely attended in ailditlon to the taster rev mr howell revs rrjera cook amy and uolntyre have taken lurt rev it j ifclntyre of nvertonclroult lias ben conducting special ksrvioee at the everton appointment for su weeks they are being attended with gratifying sue aa mr will lsn anderson ioeiinastar at creweona corners has sold hie dwelling and store to ur george cnn aril lutends to build a house and lam on bis property above the comer recently purchased blrcliss tupper it is staled will enter the howell cabinet at ottawa and it is believed thath will succeed sir mackenzie as premier in the near future 81 of the ministers who resigned have rotumml urc w hunting managing director ofthemsiland 1 aipir died u few ilsje sgo ur john watson arrived home from holm field man on monday ho harvest ad 7000 bushels of grain bat unuii half of which was wlieat two leacher in loith county recently applied for a school one at 100 and the other at 09 per year a question op taste constance chtlre and kathsrine vera talking over tlialr call on the new neigh hat orutaunt adelaide by tlie fire knitted wristara for a missionary with her usual air of grim detachment werent you thankful when tliu maid came back and said ijio was out ask oil constance llioia curtains wore enough magnificent hut alia ply awful agreed katharine and the picture toot good ones you know protiably the dealer sug geated good one because they are espen elva sni thaooul i uy fur them but such frames frery n le so heavy that it quits overpower the picture they betsayed her oomiuuly iho la new rich i trib for elegance but quite without taste ive no use i ir penile without taste remarked claire if they urenc down right horrid theyre mire to tie unlnurest log queen ictorla announced aunt ada lalde dutl nelly wore the dowdiest ban nets in etegund admired third rate artiste and had bright scotch plaid silk curtains at bar drawing room windows at ralmoral bhe ha 1 no taste but she waa a very re warkabl woman there was a startled pause tlien con stance rallied im sure she ventured that i re member frofeaeor rmilha saying that the most reuarkabla thing about jua vic torta waa thai she wasnt remarkable by nature she had just stretched an ordinary mind by foroeof will audoonsolenoe to tit an extraordinary position she ventured fib waa a wonderful queen but aa a wouun was she what you usually mean by laureetlngf aunt adelaide did not reply to this question butcontinued to knit for a uonieutlasluttoa charue dlckana she tlien proclaimed preferred the scarlet geranium among flowers loved large mirror and at one of hla readings that i attended he ware an eatremaly cuudy walatooat with festoons uf gold watchchain as thick as a ships cable i ooosldered blm most vulgarly ill dreeeod but thoroa no doubt that lie was interesting interesting to tlie whole clvl used world if waa a man protested constance taste doesnt so much matter in a mail dutj not all women of genius have had it either have thayi queried katharine wavering toward the enemy their gowm you know ore often hideous look there goes our neighbor now cried claire suddenly with peris import ed written ell over her costume only its the kind of thing thats imported because the parisians know too much to wear l aunt adelaide oondeaoaivded to look alao she flutabed her second wrlater and then remarked character girls must not be judged by taste bub bow any reasoning human creature can attire the person n audi clothes taste la certainly not without importance it lea uver mil many of the ailment that man has to oontund with have their origin in u disordered liver which is adell cat organ peculiarly sueoeptaule to the dleturbauoee that oorao from irregular babr or lack of care lu eating and drink lug thia aeoouuta for the greet many liver regulator now preaued on the nttent- ton of auserere 01 these there a none euparlor to permeleee vegetable villa their operation though gantle la effective and the moat delicate can use them heady made medicine you need nn phyalolan for ordinary ills when you have at hand a iwltle of xto tbomaa kclectrlo oil yor oougha oold sore throat hronnh at trouble it i invaluable for aeulda burns bruise sprains it la unsurpdsed while for euta awe ulcer and tlie likn it i n unquestionable healer it need no testimonial other than the use and that wlusatlsfy anyone an lo it effectiveness a lost temper what t lost your temper did you say well dear i wouldit mind it it isnt ruob a dreadful tou pray do not try to find it twin not the gentlest sweoteal one as all citu well remember who have endured lie every whim prom new yearu ult december it drove tho dimples all away and wrinkled up your forehead an 1 changed u pretty smiling face to one well simply horrid it put to flight the cheery word the laughter ami tlie ringing i and clouds upon a shining sky it would persist in bringing and it la gone tlion do my dear make itjoir itest endeavor to qulekly find a hitler one and lose ft never never harpere young people learning learning ult limit tlinnijil lu labor lout riiminbt u itbniil lunrutiig u ixrlluitu cmifiu lim lie might tu n very uevir iiniii by nature for nil i know but tw laid so ninny books iiwu hlu lend that hla limine could not move unit historic mnko men wise po ols witty ttio nuitlu mot ice nub- tlio iintural pullooophy dovp mora la grot ionic nnd rhetoric able to contend rncon no man is wiser for hie learn ing wit and wisdom are iwra with a tuna balden instruction dose not prevent waste of tlmo cr mistake and mistake themselves are often tho beet teacher of all proud dowa little thimos well aung people ere apt to be impatient forgetting that trine make up the sum of life justaa in buibllng single b4cke laid one at a time oae upon another com bine to make the towering ami solid well here la a story which illustrate the porune of tilth things t a young man having esbaustej hi patrimony in ol joining professional edu cation settled hlmsell tn a town already filled with auooeuful lawyers to practice law one day on of thee obi lawyera asked him how under such circumstance he expected to mske a living i hope i may get a little practloa waa tlie nodeet reply it will be very little said the old lawyer than i will do that little well answer sd the young man decidedly he carried out his determination tt little thing well done brought larger one ami in time be became oae of the moat distinguished juriau of the btau again a certain old bkhep who use fond of finding odd character in out of tlie way place was visiting la a quiet neighborhood one day in a talk with a friend he cauve to a croroad settlement with a few houses among them was a snug tittle shoe alien kept by en old man inureatad in the old cobbler the bishop stopped for a chat my friend he said i would bot think so small a buslosea as mending shoe would pay so wall ah said the gentleman with blm sjd cato has the monopoly of shoe- mewling in this region no one ale gate a job how is that oatot aaled the uafaop just so replied oslo it le one little patch put on with little iutchee or tiny pegs rut when i lakea stitch it i a stitch ami when i drive a pw t helde uttu thing well done- ohrietien u fitlltwalximo what boy hasnt walked on stilt or a bust tried to or at the very least wanted tst btllt walking waa a sport enjoyed by young folks hundreds of year ago in the early daya however it was notalwayedoaa jastfor fun asltlaaow it waa a neoe eery accomplishment in some parts of the world and many shepherds and farmer and other country folk had to learn to walk on stilt about tlie time of queen elisabeth and both before and after that time great see lions of england were undralned the sections were called ids end the fen after rain ward very ewampy indeed fitlll tlie land was rich ami valuable and in drier times tlie farmer made a good living oft their property they made the best of the muddy damp watery umee asd made ball upon one another on stltt they learned to walk about quite as easily en still as on their own two fel in the cltlee and towns where stills were not ueoesanry at all the boys took up stltt walking for fun and at court the clown learned the art too the clown and street acrobat not only learned to walk on stilt however bub performed trleka on them turned ecttier- ssulte and did other marvelous thing without touching the earth or falling the boys and girl would follow these trick atereupand down the streets laughing at their joke and uielr strength and skill the shepherds long ago la swampy dl triota would walk on slilla for hour at a time they could talk cere of their sheep much better in this way oould get about more qulekly and they were nob la danger all the time of getting caught in the mud sometime they carried pole about with them that had sat lop and whan they gob tired they sat on the hattopped pole and took a rest the stilt you see in these days are much like the old ones except those that were used in the swamps they usually bad wooden blocks or ting around them to keep them from sinking too far into the mud now we think of stllta oa play things but hundreds of year ago they were just a neoesaary to the farmer and sbsihcrdu rubber boot are today pic ture blory paper a h so itn a long way to prohibition ilublbatbe right way to go it a long way to prohibition yor the fairest bind we know so it goodbye local option high license well forswear it been a long way to prohibition hut were almost there

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