Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1916, p. 2

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vaunk at iu1iiimrnl tm hundav jan uary d lltlil lit mr and mrj a k fcur nail 14 boit albert ijljmf indium mauai kti llulhll at llm mothndut ltraoit- mlltoti on rd iw wilt iuw liy th uv o l dimter- mvrlle eltleat danuhtvr of mr nn i mr mutthew ilruuh of milton hi william praderlck ilahda win of ivlrr musultw of aolon kaohu huimk at onto church wwur- down ontario on jiiihiaryll lull by the llev john ihiuuuu ll a rfotor ivtil uuulitarnf william mekveryllrown m i of neualndt tocilnhi jo till cullo- ilon knffnr a m c mil of mr dame k kajfor nf wuurdnwii wed uary otli ldlfl tlioiiio llwth kiuton fioumo at vlotoru hiwiiltiil lidmookm alu 011 huiulay jfltlt ikoomlmijjniun john lordoti of muldalon bask erly of acton ad bj year ittbe retort 3fm jrtss thursdayi january 11 1010 editorial notes tiik proabyterlana of canada have in- dlaauted liy ballot by a majority of mofljj tkafc iltey dealr union with th methodlat and coujrragatlonal church of the dom inion kevertltel it la generally con ceded that tit general aawbly will not ootuldar the majority eumclant aa a man- data to wt union into effect llairkhhimo to th vol on local option lu oakvllla thenewaaayei lb la rumor d that uia liquor man apnt a fortune to keep the uajpereno vote below th three- fifth mark thay might aa wall beep thelr woney in their pookat in tha next fight the canada temperance act only twdaooaof a majority to mute it law within a week or two uia liquor dealer will find that uiay ara out of tha frying- pan and into ut flra im military and political olwla it la perautaatly rumored utat tha ontario gortfddiiut lias decided to paae j act fclolutf all tha barroom in tfie province od liay let until afur tha war and that tha question of wbatliartliay will borivd agiiln will u hit to a vote of tha alaotor it la aald that the aouoti la oanuoiplaud boeauw of prvaure front the military aulhorllua wlu ara turocuriy iwpreaaad with the avlla of uia liquor trafilo and it nurrkfr to tha fcuflaprt cf u wat tub oonfaranoa of ui uw civlo iu proveoiaat league of caaada to ha held in ottawa odtheskb hut la likely to be one of the uoat lupottaab municipal feourliig bvar um ljd in un dotnln lod thaoanfraaoawll be uu in the luge railway oommluaa roooi of ute houaa of ooknona and rprmiulive toellkalyto ta rwmut frooi all tha ulna prtvlww it hi antulpktad that uunidlp- al quaatlotta will be daalt with undar thrae uln baada namaly llualoipal oovaramant and fiaijaoa itaadlgvatloa unaupuymat and 1uulio ualtk iloaalng- town nanolng and local lupfovamanta it la agreed ibat thara la urgant nd to duautmlaa of tha many owlo prohuma that lave alrahdy ariwa and are likaly to irua in tbe future aa rult of tha war tub wardhalilp of the county will naturally fall to raeve fortur of oak villa thla yaar ur voratar la one cf oe olukt ueubftr of the county council and haa bfl faithful and anrtia in the falfltnat of iba dutta el ut oftua 17a baa all the qualifloatlona for the patltloo and will fill it with grace and dignity ii r otarfwhiblraaoublybaviipctd tbe bono aarlurla bta uunlojpal ear but be baa graoloaaly ttappad asuie to allow other wambara the honor without eoatatt lat year it wa prauy gauarally oooowud tbat if the paraontial of tbe coun cil of 1010 waa prutloally tbe aatoe aa tbat of tbe mvtaae yar bla fcleotlod to tbe wardaae chair would be certain tbe putt imkae fully avpaata to bava tbe pueeure of oongyatubuiog warjaa panler when tbe oounty oounoll for 1019 a or- gaubwd mas3 an antbitauaua uaatlag wae bald la bubal cburob on uonday evaalajf to araag for lb elroulatloa of ptltiona for tbe canada tadparaaoe aot ur w j aklna wbo attended tbe oounty meeting at udikiujtoti but weak explained tbe inufatfe wblcb la being uaalfeatad through out tbe oounty and tbe auoaj probability tbat tbe aofc will awaap tbe toauty end elaar out tbe barroaoua in tbe town atxf tbeonatowtiablp fctlll under llcenae rev ur curtar ove a kllrrliiff addrae and uphaebied the duty of all pood eltiual to da all in their power to minlmice the evil of tbe ihnk trafsc cowulttaae ware appointed to sanvaw tbe north and of tbe towufcblp aa fallawa i vim line d ii taylor and dj oilurtaon i aaoond line john uaraball and john ramsay i third llae jauea uoftit and plwood wilaon i fourth line thomas diamond and chat darby fifth lint omtro cordon and ocjih kltchltiflf iluth line ami town 1ltn oeore nalua duncan roltartaon and vyfe somarvllla tbe work la to be com puted aa far u poaalble on vriday evaala and meaunjf will be bald tbat avaalng- to vaport fchoh clas aw pbirftlmo wajrk seutto saikatahowta stipariop to whmt wu b uonday wornlnpa mall brought tbe vmm vmaa the following pleating utter i iwnk water baak january flui 1016 tbe anton vuuu pajcaa i oaatumaa i elnolaaed yon will and bank taooay order for s940 in paytnenb of your kaoonnb for printing tbe beautiful nutographtd eaiendara for the dclukwatar tad iw aid the udae wlab me to oaavey to you their ppr4outtiofi of th work raoalvoj from you fa eoumeuoa with thla eaundar order they war highly pueaed with them u very way and aay they are much eaperlor to what they ovr expaatad whiu thay all helped ta taoate the uaauwand did what thay could to make th proportion a tnociiaa many of thaw utveraaw an autographta oaundar bafor and war highly puatad with the finlthej hlola again thanking you for your afiforta in waklnwlbui flrat propoaltlou a aaooaaa i council commences business tho mombontkleot mot for orarahlui- tlon at elovon ooloak mon- day morning the committees por tub year tho cdiinoll inb per bututory to- qulrmrmt nil monday foranoon at ion oclock tlimimirlir aulmwrllwd to their dcnlnrntloitn of illlnti tafora clark muckln- non kutd took their pluom aa followa i uoove tleortfrt ilyndu urtmiolllora aln m ciiarlm k jlalloy 1 a ifandarwn awl w if hmllli roovd hyndaauld ho hul nn itiifurl mldroui therw nra nn important miiim imforo tha ommoil ha hnpeil the mciilra would w ork in itarntoiiy ua during the mab yoar and thnb the work aultrnoil to audi tnomluir would rootilva caraful atuntlon tlio blaiullng commlltaoa ware ttruok aa followa i vjm nivl li tha luovo ililrman ainu 1111 ami cliaa k luilay town hall cha k luilay clialnnan w ii smith and the itaavo finance alea hall olwlrmmi cltaa k llalley mid tha reave utrmtu and walka 1 a hemlerwhi chairman alax roll and ci urn k hi hoy tha 1ark w if hmltli chairman al8 rail and i a ilaiularwii tha cmtary tho llaava chairman v ii hmltli ami alov iuu the unual bylaw to appoint audltora waa introdufml reul ilia riulril number of tlmaa and paaaad a k kioklln and oaorga agnaw bainu appolutatl at aaurlaa of 62000 aaoh rev w if aviaon ua til w appointed a irumur of ttie vrae library hoard to fill the vacancy oauaad by tit rmoval of rev d urapr owing to tbe removal of dr ii u ault uedloal oaioer of ifaalth tbe iuva raporud tliat dr t cray baa agraed to aob u u o ii until a paruiananb ohor la appointed the hoard adjourned before twelve to uat again at b pvm gllletts lye 1 e d your vary truly j a uivi0m at eight oclock council reumml all kaambara iutbhul tbe flrt report of the comtnltt on vlnenoa pauad tbe following aooounta ilyimoklkcruio aocotiwva hydro iiwrooiriiliod auppllaa tma0 jaa out inapaolor 77fl acton krae iaa prlntlug 7 bo jame hvmon auppllaa 3ufl rnliart uiory ubor jolt ii ifarvev aleotrlo light book jama hendwraod auctrto pole 800 n v uoore eartage 773 031 a olukiul aooooky rolwit rtoray wotk at oametery 280 acton tanning co auppll im john harvey atatlonwy itta j kl uacviij omnt bo jarn haivdaraoii lumbar 277 acton vw lva printing is 60 caldmltb btock co upplue 4077 17431 tbe report wae adopted uovedby a ball aaoondaj by a k iwuy that a grant of i2s0o be made to lb cbildraaa abl boolety of th oounty carried uovd by c e daiuy aonded by w ii smith that a grant of l00 be made to acton cllikene rand ohaqua to be made payable to j c hill bandoiaaur carruj tbe council than adjourned ouh ho iw khaki sdrvt cold tuarultlnn cticr u earolllnir men dally recruiting baa bean going forward at a good rate tlie paat weak and tbe raarulta for tbe isitb iultoniuryha dattallod ar eomlag la vary wail ab the aotoo recruit ing 8utlaa sargt cola baa ealuud tha followlug mrt baa i kaua drnvurlack j p bouvow uarrul uagund h george a uatlbew r sweekhamer a ivauoa lkad abad w ilugua j j cooaay k tit john k laauluk lv eaadowu v craea c woook j w i ulan u kauy of tha four man aaluud at oaorgatown for tha iflltb one la harry uoubam eon of ii coldham bow avau aouh beryt ooue will eomuaaa drilling tha recruit her vry ahortly uarrul bjngu uarrud ulngle uerrud blugu engbuk bootland canada voa uiwu kogunj england england canada m0chah0e wcdoh 00uuc1l ah tha ttaabar- or uut yy couhcii war b baldotit if evar before in llaltoa oounty have all tbe reave and daputy lleevee wlio form tbe county council bean r-laot- d thla la however tbe oathli year and the county council of 1018 will have tha aam iieraontiel aa that of utb year they era evidently aent back to flnuh their work tha member era aa followa i acton ueorge hyada burlington tred ghwl oaorgitown l ftteob ulltoajobn it liuu oakvlluartliur 8 irareter bd t illlj mar equalng t done and aux jo namagaweya imftcan campbell neleon charua readliead and bunley dytte trafalgar alex porter and 0 if tura how much rvedo you eat uoatpeopu eat little if any ry yeb rye la on of the wott healthful and uu- trltlou eereala dr jaokaon roman ueal th moat nu trltlou cereal food known to eolanoe oontalu m per cent whole berrle of ry in addltlou it contain whole wheat deodorised bexteed nd bran it die unatly dlfier lu oompoaluatt from any other road ou the market it will poaltlv ly raluve ttonatliauoti or money baok rowan ueal look dlavnnl and require alrnpur wayof preparation bo b ab- aolutaly eartaln to follow dlreotloo on pack nd do not aur wbll cooking porridge or you apoll it bold by grooer at 10a and ufa uad by rouaa ueal co tbroulo hop i ilk th ana it i brightest after a dark day a bwuuafooiwbopiaali od thla aid of atorolty gibraltar th hook that ouurda the mouth of tha mediterranean olhraltur wnu mphircd by the ilflt- lali july u 1701 mid from thnt day hay not writ out ut lltllluli imujt at rirt iitiio miu iiioiinlit of lis ini pohniko of fill hlroduhohl 1or tlio uiicridlnu iilnu icnrii ho hiuihardu madu repealed nticiiiplu lu rtiitpluru it on onu wcaulou hioy iicnrly sue- cowlod a crfiiicli and upmiluli force linvliiu boon collected oil llio utliuiiiu hint jolnu tho rock to i ito iiiuliilnml a goatherd orforal to aliuvv llirui n imtli up th nloplug udct at tho rtitb which ho had roaaon lo imikoio wnu uiilhowu o tho ilrltlxh tliln olyor vemu nc- copied vive liiiudrd troop hucviuioj unlet ly ono ulght mid took ulioller in u hoi low called by tlia spaniard the httlo chair at daybreak noxt taomlug tbey aeceuded hinder look ibe ulgnal ktatloa killed tlic tniflrd und aukloue- ly looked forsprlod rernfotvemeuta the ru force tuei itu fulled to arrive tbe armed garrhton mihki out and drove ibo invader rinwit tho rock th ilttl ebalr wnu riled up nud th ptaco tufld utroiiscr ihnti ert all aubaerjueut nllcmplu to capture ik rock havo failed ono of i lie m wan a fileg by bpnlii nnd rruiic be- gfdulng lu 1770 mid imt icrmlnotlug uutll bepleiuber 17hl tho rock of clbniltar fake on n moro important hcnrlim limit over in tlioao day of big hiiuh ihcihibo of it commanding position ut the maiitb of the uedlterriueaii hero that ma u llltl more tuau iwonty uille wd- mxebauh lihle andorra th tiny hanublle that naatu im neah ih th pyranaaa andorra la a republic or iis aauar mll eltuotod lu tho tilly of tb aabu uamo lu tliu laiitem rrcuee it form uu irrvtnihir lilt lo arjuiiro plug betvratiii fruuco aud riuilu mid u n botbed for hiuiigulur plylug botween ibo two couotrle it und n eeiul la- dpudeuf osulciico under tho protec tion of krnucu and llio uuiwptif urgel upulu cbiirujoiiiuikrtloilnrcd h ludo- peudout lit return far it borvlc uuolust tho moor id 127b it una trniibf erred to lbs com to do rulx and llio hlahoprlo of urgcl uurliio the ireuch revolution rvlatloita botnocn ii und inmru woro interrupted on tintunil of tliu refusal of krnuco lo nirpt tlio nuuuul trlbuto witku ft oh tfluuldend incompntlbt wtu u ncpubllcnn form of uovorutaeul in itiou hourtier the former relation hero r turned nud freo import tlon of rrtnu mmlo ncccunnry by tlio limited area of andornt wna allowed by krauco lu rstunt fur nu auuual tribute or ink franca andorra i uorerncd by a council of tweuly four uieaibcru chaaeu for four years by tho heudu ot tb comtnunlue tlmttereeua tr derived from laud nnd few faie tito mnuner of llf u very hlmple erery nhleltodled tatl u llabl lo military sarvlc between tb ag of elxteeu nnd sixty tho capital id andorra wltu about 1000 luhabl- uuta tu total population u about 0000 ad rvmaln prrictlclly autlou- y hup tin a artetker draa bom tlm ago mr qreea called ou bur rrbiud lira while nod after huteblmr klulug nud taylag bow dreadfully delighted tbey wero to each other tlioy turned to lb inter- eatlujr topic of tho day uy the way an hi uu oreao ftr a tlm 1 hare nt heard anything about kvna duortu intoly 1 woudar what bua becouui f itva i beard n few dnyw ugo that h had dropped nil proceeding 4uwrd mr while droppd nil procoodlng wag tb woudorlug rejoinder of ur oru vdii dont really menu hv yes rolurued ur wbll her hutbaud lin taken to naroi lulling nud lib ban decided tu lot the thing ad jmt iteetr interaatlhaj cotvinarlaef it beat nil how luck daa puy fa vorite remarked uruior corutoel 1 jev been tu neu karn hauulna how ho est tin uloua slue h hurt lit- footv ffom purty ulum the doctarcbartf- ed him 0100 fur ciittln hi foot ctt an when tbo nu mnd ut off uoclo jakoit foot tliu coiiiuim paid blm 9000 in cash muybo tlieo great corpora- tlou aint ail grundln ua earn paopbf ay van ef habit be here boa i ordered trfpa and beau with coffee aud tho waltr haa brought me a let mice uudwlcb and a cup of weak tea vou must oxcuaa bar lr all dtu fo flbmntmliulhliih bboa n fovrae moclety girl und niis cant seeui to gruap tho won tbut a quick luudi i not a ruuciian premrw of mind that woman over there look in if ho wore painted sir that i my wife i had nut tjnhthed my aenteno flho look im if alio wtro iimnled by ruphtiel nnd bad jmt aleppthl uut of tho frame exchange niahy a girl mny tvnrlilr in you tlmt aba doeant like hnilery but ihntl iitke a rhjinw nu iviiiiik tier hull uhu look ilka n rhlnihcra frtliil lienrtcd men nre kir rrnlf of uxmloim miuililjh hi tiluk shaws business sai ols toronto canada give thorough cours which uad to good halarled offlca appointment fro caulogua futphtln enter any time w ll bbaw praaldeut haad office yoago at garrard bta toronto a peep into space tv llio llhht uiihfixc ihfie nro nt- lalunlilo lluillu it j ik ilmi hw iron to t olomopm lnilt im et roiiih- td tho bottom or tho ituuudurlou of llio on tiro ayulem but tbey httvo ul- toot dona ro till la uhowu by iho ihliiuluu out of uio ul nter mliiru tlienn ulnra im n whole nro tliu inoht illhlniit mid h tlioy nroro unlimited iimuoiliully uory in- iroaa in tile ikiiolnilliiu power of mloucopcu would brliik piovloiwly uu- teen oiioi into view in proportionately luilltnlnlabed liunilxra au n fact howerer thrro in n rupld falling off in hie priiuiitlounlo uiini- tmtr ut nrout dluiuniw tlilu lu hiiouii by knploynu hiw of ntur denulty rklug tlio pnrec uu tho unit of ahjiisuromeut ut pureec hi eipml to nluoteeu tiillllon million mllcui iho loiihliy or tho utnru at luereiialiig din taitcca come out uu follow at 0 dlu- lanco 100 at iu purcm 0 00 ut im baroc 0jw1 nt ui3 puruec 0 07 nt mo prueca 01u1 ul nut purathi 0 15 tlibt doe not uicrtil hint ibo nhaululo amnberof ataradocreaao with luiroibo f dlataneo but hint tho mtlo of ibelr aumber td tbo volume ut hpnott oc n pled dfrcreaao in iho proportion xliown to tblt nt u dlotnuro or ivui fimeen there nr only irt jwr tent n mnny lar m tbor clmlild hi if llnro hid been uo railing uty lu relntlro ilo unity varloo count nud ehlluinteii ur hie actual number included within nrlnua urnltla dtatance bnv lieon uinile nnd the how that tbo totnl numlwr nr feur lu tb vlalblo unlrerao la uuiiier bl and probably doe not extoed n ibounind rnllllou nt nn oumnv ihtl mat tu fact that a rnlily drllnltu liaio e outlln lu been round for tli v tat bl unlvara i in lnulf a proof hint it i not unlimited in extent we nro virtually certain that it cipiiinlmirmiiul ua lu auch a lunnner ui lo n huh mo roughly the form of n hut invito in r diab hi mora dlalnnl pnrlu r s1ieh bf which lie fu tbo plnti of dm milky way it hi tbu llko a ttiulnu uinmi or atar hi tb ocean of npnee bpac itaelf may it lollnlte nlihotigh what w call tb unlverc i not a to othr unlvra oxlatlui iwiond the limit of our and inrlulblo lo tm hint u puroy a upeculallon which nppciiru irtoro or lea probuhle accnilliig in tin- manner in which ouoa mind approach hit rut at any mtt there la no poaltlve ivldeuro of hi cilateuco of mich outer far eyetem from tliuo lo time one bear euggcafhma hat title ur that neb ula i au oulild universe dimly nblnlng fo ua from it mill ion of crowded atar acrou lruitiaauriibl tract of lrtrvotiiug ipaco hut it i far moro probable that no nebula or other object vuuiio lit tb mlgblleat teuacop 1 unconnected with th unl- to wbtch our hid and our earth belong aa to iba coauuuauc of tb crea tor work hi forming uew bun and new piauet of that tbera cu b uo dumtioa thl work u lii truth visi bly going on bafor u in tba heavens there i th utmoat variety of age among tbo atar jtiet a ther fa among hi human being hi a crowd if our live wer lengthened ao that a year would bo but a a second to ua w should eo tbo alar around ua du- ppearlng nud new one atirlngtug into ixlateucc u wo flower fading nd freeb one blooming lu tba garden tb return for a moment to tb auaa- tloa of tho inflnllud of epac it 1 wll kuowu tbat tb human mind can not concelv a limit to ipae for th imtanl you nttinit fo ax or ituagin toch a limit your imagination file be yond lb you hare got tu think of aa eotaldo a well a of an inald and if you fly to another imagined boundary instantly another outald panto etretrhe away before youl it u then pcrfctly legllliuala to eup poo that wbll iho vlelbl unlrre i limited tha inrlalblo unlvenw haa na bound in roiniwrbum with unit all that w n or ran urer ti u truly tntlnltely lean limn nu u gniln of wind to ii deaerl ur imp r water to nn occnn tlnrrtil v kervlk lo ihoooex000000000xxkxxxxxkxwx000 january remnant sale prcviouii to our annual stocktaking we diunouc of all nliort ends and broken loci ol all kindii of dry goods you will find many iibcful barifiinn on our remnant tables all plainly marked at prices tliat will quickly move them out v rubbers and overshoes a complete range for every member of tbe family i henderson co mill st acton ont tint hour or oualitv groceries am provisions pour important point clean ii tieu quality lrice service you are en titled to litem grocerlaa ilreud aud meat flour and paltry vegetable lrulta nnd confectionery tha keblllty blaculta tlio beat soda on the market j b livingstone mill art a of oh dustbane not only collects and lcillu microbes in dust hut it also catches the dust particles themselves keeps them from rising into the air to settle on furniture and curtains and there fore practically does away with the necessity or dust ing many diseases are con- tracted from sweeping dust order a tin today from your grocer see that you get dust- bane for imitations are not so good dutbu muw co ltd otuww great cleanup sale strvrts sat january i5tk i o 00 3 la values that will startle you in mens and boys clothing during this great clean up sale at this store our profits are away holidayinis during this big sale watch for particulars visit thin big store for valuer we pay your return fare on every ten dollar purchase we save you money from the time jou leave your homep george wallace guelph ont os o d i loiei gkntlemen to open this years busi ness to your advantage i am offering this week exceptional values in blue and black worsteds and serges genuine english cloths and guar antced colors suits made to order to 3s r e nelson mtuut twuea atmfw anutttaotaup wyadharit mvt ouhuth ont 164th haltondufferin battalion luutgol pstrcy uamvllu corawarijiag watch us grow we art now 125 strong any requiring information may re ceive full particulars at our recruiting station the old post office acton sergt coles recruiting officer actons electric chopping mill hobt h tasby proprietor having purchased from mr b f caldwell the electric chopping mill outfit and goodwill ol the business i desire to solicit a continuance of the generous patronage of the larmern and general public mill will be open every day careful attention given ever order and satisfaction as sured r h lasby erjpiravingjts tforonyo c4n4d4 j uomuirui aahoor 5ljiott voaea ana ftbarw tttrekl toronto omvmnio bu0j1 in a uu by iull wbmt aliully an- imwhuamiauarfd wrjururbaupmium mala now bln dmtt v ear aranu w j mluott lrwialimj ilrhi blirrlicrmenls ttliv xttobst fajutth tton u xv aviuom ha nd mlnutw bundav jfak lotbt a m rubjocttliociiiircii nt purgamou third iu wurltnoii ihonoviiieliuribe in hook of lttivllutluiii lk iiiliiutntulk to iho lioyii mid klrhi on god watitn our lloiit autluini oh cnnio ovory one that thlrntalh by win head holo mli u llortlo kmltli p m biiliject poncn nt any price antlium in lltnvenly iovo abld- hiff mule qjinrtolto johim in call- inir by mcwarn iluyward moore mat- howu und mc do 11 nld holiday bthoul nt 330 n m alio wfetlcomb nohco to trespassers a lilt ruiooiia ata trlolly ranlilluti from uw imtmluii mi ilia 10 fkjiti tl atli t uia ib con nkuuthi auo tot ol tliu tolm ililtlla miwolally to tlioa wlionitdi alioot- lnu willi lloft iohm if uewwferr litiwl 1013 aljiiauxlunta now due havlnfl llninfal of tar ixkln ttil nlltw luiiur wo ilcslru la tmvri 1 amlaltilin amnio il mt oitno wiikviiiuiib1 jiitliui hito iiut liavmulluialurtaimttlliuufed al ilia lurifdkl iiobsiiiu tulu t mlathau a hon 13 cttureb lit aelou ii0u8kii0m furnituite roil halbj imli iiuierlaiiet wlio u laevlna for kiiuubj will ll ijubiiiii ol liousvlioll luritllttra lnlii liuu imjioiiu biiii mrlor uiim thlh ultuu m liy tul vat a au all uukt aol4 by ujoj 1 111 a littluv aclou jabuary i3lh lolfl caitdof thanks itans lo iiji 0111 m wlio litva bo loyally i4loolil ibiol luallia llilrtv teary ihuy liav liuu in aetoa uaalleu tur lliolr aucoaar ilia uu laaupport tliat haa buaojj4 lo llisaj v utatkau bum weddinm invitations oil andoudciitu tululaj la tba a aivl qulib au1 lr and4 al tb a too phku rucm ua ut hua nlil a4 valval in lili ir aa adtlavl by iba bl itorulti iiibcuvbu i cliaru ilia utde twu 1wsu iiivilalloiia rr antiauuaauifebta lo al1abulouullaanvblaua luolujwl 1 a ti txeiui ico 93 fojt kalis blltcli mulnni nn ualn fu wtli laa tuhila llahu itttlila hilrlo ajmoj alula boom hlliib jjj fbdiry woojsijbj iaq asj tu4a 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agnew 01110m iwuav ulll st actoa a a grand trunk vtr winter resorts h pico i at hound yiiip vahhu lono limlttatofavatri ashevlllo and tint siulniru n c charleattif 8 c nauti n f hot hnrlnk ark 1 proncli lick tinrlntfa ind jaclflouvilleiiiidiill ilnrldapolnta havana ctihn und now orleana via new york and rail or steamer accerdlup to destination or via buffalo detroit or chicago hcrhuda and wkbv indikil otherhtfnltu resort- mouutcleraaui ulch raitle creek mich ht calhar- iiieawelt ont prortton hprlnir ont pull particiilnraonainillcatloot grand trunk affeid tl s holmes agent phonai no la d a new wonder land theatre fltldav jan 14 utihlud tlm hreneh 5 narl with mury plckrord hondav jam 17 upltodo fl of iho matter key wltdnitadavjah10 lepuode 3i of tho lekitlolt of klalne window of war r l gregory proprietor d

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