Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1916, p. 3

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wddin and birthday presents wi tm i ii if kliiii ikiilv ciiiiki iiik cut hum 1ii47 uouru tilvorwnro novcltlou hi hihivtfiur looilu mnrrlngo lkuimun ituueil geo hynds real estate vnlrmu for utile in uultoii fori lid hcllluikou ioo rukiud lor tut le every uur ii you wntit a aumi wrllu mo for tutuloumr ok you wblt i tiell or cklinnue write tut we i111v0 every inrlllly tor truiiaihlhiu bituliiu it your conulrte untlufiirtltiti correu- ttotideiire uollrlted j 1 uiimlokjiiily fumi hflllim hteclhllht tjeoracituwn ffillc ctou jflctf its tiluhhhav iakuaiu 11 will brief local items cr leap year jct- 9 coining frequently wo evolteuieiit jauuury thaws tltlu year annual uiootiou of acton fall fair next tuesday afternoon th hoard of relocation will toeet next wednesday evening at uven oclock for orueuliutloii iuv k a kurumau ii a of van- nck preachod able scrmona in knox church lt hundaj 8orjt cotcauiid ilo hcarraw utra at oeorgetaun monday inatallliitf ilia officers of ilia bono of fnluiid w inly there tin king dwanlilotcmuolph cant basfce any moiioy when ita liar la cloned at b oclock it fa in ilia haiulu of tlio sheriff tit pulpit of ttu haptist chunh win ocouplod last hunday iy itev c j cam inw 11 a of the mission room toronto reeve aloct doukibrs and councillor 00 a uann of lit id tf i miff have liaan tiutauuad because thoy did not pay their uuiae before ilia election during tlia last eighteen months three wwi lataiiblrig to henry wllaon of ku- qttlng tail threopalrcf twin calve bin liluraof juga totuilod 01 young porker ivoliflo stock surely a couple of castes at mcauloa have developed l town tlie hoard of haallli protuptly plocirdod tho houses en j it la hoped ltiaiiiarantltio will confine this un direhu diaua tu ilia two patient the penalty for defacing or romoving infectious diaease lacard lu 100 to j50 00 when neoeaary theao ara put up ly orbolals of the iloanl of health they tan only be removed ugally ly an officer of tlio board tfto annual report of halton firo in surenoe company ia beluu cent out tbl week tlie louse of tlio year amiroifaled 1731 11 among tlio cause uf flrea lightning wai tlio mnnt lonurul tlio 1dm attrlliutud to tliia cnuno uinoiintnl 10 15 ho 1 21 bavon cattlo uero ttlllod on tlio u i il tractm at forgna liy tlto uionlng train ous nlglit lust uoeu tiioiiihm tltlllln wlio wasdrhinir tlio entile um injured uhen one of tlio nnlmalii uau lliroun uoii lilm ha u now in tlio hoyul aloiandra hau- plttl at forjjut g6oififotowno bonus bylaw quoshod 1 ii kllntr kc forjnlmll hurler oaorgotou n moved at oroodo hull toronto for onlcr utihlili liy nv no ahi jiaiiod on nnvnnur mil 101a l tlo uunloial cuii noil lmlntr u ly lnw to mi to liy loan300ih to moilxt iy uny of lonua thooiai lardon itulldi m to pnrctiaw build equip ojwrnto nnd enrri on n fnotory for tba building of gronia iikcm liotliouuoa oonaaralorion etc nnd to grunt wild paxtloafroo untornud lliod npumnoiit for tkatlon no 0110 conliu onlor made quaaldng tlio by uw with ooat vlawa or london and parli ttie vonoroblo aroluloacon luvldaon of oualpli uill gtvo a mewt intonating loo- tura on loiulon nnd 1arla on tliurday evening january 27th in hid town hall tha leotura wliloli la illuhtratod by ian urn alldaa fa woll worth bearing tlio a rob deaoon hau alraady given tbla lootura in toronto on j itraruftoii boforo largo audi eaoo in fact tlio town hall at brampton waa crowded on tb oooulon of ida vlilt it la bopad that tlio poplo of aoton wll itot ulai thia opportunity of hearing mr dvbhrin who ia ul ready uii known her aa an eloquent aieabor partner killed by windmill lxat wednesday fraft fibaw of fljwwl- aide wont up on tbs lutru to oil tlio wind- mill whim banpiiaroutly booanid oaugbtln th gaarlng and wa whirled to ida death mot coming in to dinner hlu wlfo uent out to look for him and aaw bin liody f4ut in the will nsightmnt quickly rulllod hut he wo douil wluin rcitcbidnud only with llie grtot difllonlty uuii ho rt moved bla ololhlug imlng wound to tlgbily in tlm tnnohlucry hounan jniing limn of 2a jehrttiid uim innrriu 1 11 jiur iijin much aympithy ii umiiithuii for tbujuiinguiilaw and luiby fon u audilutly lcioft bal the annual tea mooting of tbo motbntliat uunday sohool will u btl 1 on friday evening 211 hint an excellent prograjn- tu a ha a itooti prepnrcd uhlob owing to ita variety a sure tu provide n iloauiiit eion- ing entertulninoni mr joint ilutlcr tlnbbcd tln minion tbiwhlugiit tbo farm of mr itubt hen- darani 011 monday thla inakon four ucwtba uud u half of huiady ihrouhing meatra wauon ilratliertt lirvowibl their fartu lot 31 cnn 0 to mr tlionmamofljt wboaalmwncro farm wijoium tbl property oatabbiial dapnbss cannot db cured by local appliotloim hh thoy o nmnt rejieb tnedlaeavw ktrtitnof tbo oar i hero u oalyoiie way to euro oiitiirilnd unifneni anil thitt la h u oomtitutinind romody caurrhul do imiiixh i nmid by nn in flan r d oonditiou of tho niueonx lining of tlu kmtachlun tuba wbon tbi- tuiia la in- flamed you bavo n ruinlllug ioiiud or im ruurfaet hearing and whon it 1m entirely eloaed mifii6wt la the rcault utiluaa tbo infjartim itioti run le rwduowl mid thia tuho retloredtotta nnrmal eonditinn liparing will bodmtimyed fotsiwr 3vuy cuo nl deafnaah are rnnwml by ralnrrh whinh ia nn inoamo i condition of the muooua urfanea hallm catarrh ouru nov through the blood ou the muooua nurfaceu of tbn iytiui we will give one hundred ikillira fnr any 00 of catarrbnl ikdufnotm that nannnt beeurwl by hdiutnrrhcur cjrouura ciiknisv ajco toledo o news of local import down go hydro haua with many otlmr muilnliuhlln aftanu biirjilua in tbo nimriitlnu of tba hydro alto trio hyiitem haa reautted in u roiluotlon nf riiltwi thia mean a reduction of from fifteen to tuonty percent both iii llubtlng mid power ratea tho how thraooont btnrrip tbo new lb roe cent htamp la now tn cir culation ami will proveuret convenience it a tlia rogulnr two cent aturnp with the burobargo cf one vent for war law engraved norotia the face tho lot 0hoe depart ment in aculng them at the rate of 2000 ono per day an appreciated subsorlbor in renewing her aabmirlptlona farthr membem nf tbe family but week mm teonie ii wooil of lunlph write 1 i nm always glad to get tbo old boma new and theroaalwaya h idea alcry complete in eaolt luua which invariably baa a good moral anil la elwaya interesting ia the young harrow eioap of bandsmati hyndi lettera received by heave hyntla ya terday irionifng give partlculara nf tbo very narrow eaoape cf bla win tfatulaman it j hyitda white acting aa atratober- ixuirer in ilelglum on the 21th domlr two men ware o severely woutulett that lheydl4l at bla aide the utter la one intensely interring and will appear in ueitt ikaue of the fukx pukou a duay bunch of quitter in rejpoiibe to tba inviutlon of the womana institute to the udua of the town to omul in making quilta for the ileltflanafartyooelaillmahuiitbled in tlie council chmur on friday aiurnoon tbequllta prepared ware all quilted ami quilted wall and all tlie part lo i pan la ware plubid bat tltey could add another quota to the comfort cf a fawof the war vlcuwa of lulgium 0 c butted purohmseai tiajftry mr d c rubmill grower who purchas ed tha grocery ami provision buunau cf t bttbaw k haa in the rail of 1014 iiae now purchawi tba butlneee ami goodwill of tlto huthau lukary tbia well-aault- llfched awl aucoauful hualna waa oom- nintwl hare thirty yara ago by mr tbomae biatbaui it baa done a latere huniimwiend tervwi cu4tomlva over a wue area all th4 year mr fluhll takae poaaalon naut moaday the wok of pniyer the arioa of union aarvlce hut weak in the varlouacbnrcbaa grew in inurvt and alutulacce and the muug on friday evening in knox ctmrch woe tlie wot largely attended of the weak on thure- dy evening iter mr wiuoji prvacliad an aide diuourae in tlie metliodut church 00 the chi id hood of the hotue and church at the cloalng service on friday ovanlug itov mr avium praolid on the uuiot- ory anterprlaea of the church ilia dia- courao vras full of fervor and food for thought at each of tit tarvlo during the weak the oho ira of tlie rupectlve oburchea aiblstcwl in the prat service and thla addml much to the in ureal the result of tbo weeku meeting la a drawing cloacr together of the jwiple of the various communiona and a faeling of community iuuroat in the common luuaa oalaulaud fur tbo liettonnont of humanity a troaohorom pieoo or road iutt friday 11a mr tho mas storey waa driving a loud of bay from ii c blevcne bant on juaen street to mewira mc donalds place one of tbo horaea a ital- lion having liecn recently broke in be- camo roatlesb and nwervid a ilitle to one sido of tbo beaten track cuuning the load to uut ihe road here i crowned rather narrow and tho ley conditions prevailing mako uny kind of teuinlng haurdoun houotor with tbo aid of a rojw mr hloroy and with tbo aoikfanco of mcsara muulntyrki mobonn carr and othara tho iiwil uau replaced in lu former ioaition in 11 cow mltiutoa without a fork full of hay being apilled it will tie re in em lie red that on the uinio apat a year or bo ago mr graham mcdonald niot with an occl- deuttliroufh hoing uptot oil a load of hay and waaluld up with a broken ankle for several months in consequence daolc to blrthplaoo after 37 year moibr ceorge and vloor campbell of luyalaud allwrta liavo itoea vliltlng friouda in aoton and violulty tba put week tlieae young tnen are bona cf the late thome campbell who waa proprietor of the royal exchange notch which etood at the corner of mill and main stroeu forty yeara ugo they were 1otb horn there their mother waa a alater of mr john walter of fark avenue thirty- seven year ago tba family removed to north dakota subeequently i hey went to washington state but finally utued in alberta here meatra george and victor have prospered and are among the meet nuoccbtful runobora and grain grower an idea of the extent of tbelr operation a gleaned when it la known that en of them thredied 13000 huahela of wheat but fall and the other sold jibooo worth of cattle from bia ranch the moitr campbell leavotbii week to vlait their uncle dr walter at hid sanitarium at walter iark ienna the dftvidbonhaarthur nuptials a very pretty wedding took place at the homo of mr a moarthur alatb line hrhi on the nd deoemtier the priii- uiiadx wero mis margaret moarthur and xlr hubert u luviilwon uf ilia 2nd hue near acton eon ol churlea davidson eiq the ceremony took place at one oclock ixov mr heddon pallor of the home per- ornilng tbo ceremony the bridal pair atteoded only by a little nephew of thft groom little willroee held a ringbearer entered the parlor which wit prettily decorated or the occasion uud took poal- tiniih under nn arch of evergreen featooned with white and a large white ull mia kuie smith a friend of the bride played the wedding march the bride wet be coinlniily gowned in duobeu oath with lace and pearl trimming bhe wore a bridal veil and carrlwl bridal roaea the grootna gift to tho hrldo una a ervmeut of pearl to the organiat a gold brooch tab with pearlw and to tlio rltigdicarer a ring about a huiulrtd guetta tut down to a daintily prepared repeat unrounded by very llttlug dacoratloiia tho hrkle receiv cd many uwful andooatly preenuahowlng etoain in which aha la held the happy nouplodrovo todeorgetoanand left by the a la train for a honeyinoon tour to btayner col ling wood and polnle north amldat khuwer of oonfettl and good white mr anil mr dvidmjn spending twoweek on tbelr tour returrtel luat wednenday and wore given a recejitloii at the groom lioine whore about hundred relative and frlenda hail gathered to welcome thetn i hey were again the- recipient of many proieuta and good wlahfte the evening waa 4euautly aiient h fcnuulo game and danelng mr anil lira devldaon will re aide ou tlieold davldaoa banweuail obituary john uimimv tobn gordon won of the late john gor don of gordon hall the farm now owned by mr a 1 clarrlihie 011 which lunnook- burn flohool wu flrat loeatoil mkiml away at victoria hoapiui ilmonloii 011 hun- day stlth deoeniui- ut mr tlordon whoue home wa at maid it one huk went to imotiton for an operation for an alulo tnlnal trouble after tbo owi ration pneu monia aet in and death oamo rather 1111- empecteilly mr gordon and ida brother and hluler rev malcolm gordon and mr a c elliott were at bla liedtldo when be died ho waa hurlod lu edmonton mr gordon lived on tlio ho mo a load here until about aluteen year ugo when ho re moved to italny uiter there bo engaged in mercantile burlnow for a yonir or two and waa married to hua annie cameron bla borrowing helpmeet afur a abort realdence in winnipeg the family removed to maldatotie bask horei they have pros pered abundantly n farm of ihoo no re a being owned and nuoecatfully operated four children are left to mourn the iota of a devoted father two boys fifteen and twelve yearu daughter of four and a wee baby girl cf a year the following word ol appreciation are by mr r d waireu toronto bia tnoat intimate boyhood chum 1 the death of john gordon came a a great attack to me ii wa during my boyhood and youth my cloet companlod i from the age of four year to alatean we wen alwaya in reach of each other ami wrohuwi indeed wa were lorn within italf a tuib of each other and within un day of each other and until we were four teen weworejufctaboutthofeamewelghtend j height after that he grw faaur tlian me ami i never caught up until from itlnau during the laab year or hie ufa he be came rwduoed in weight to one hundred i and eighty wa play togtbir wfore acbool daya and wecuuutelud together a to all linda of mature after we hail reached manhood j speaking ubout our uliool daya we eat together during all tba time of our achool going at itannockburn exoptig perhapa hen the uaoher thought that it would oonduoe to higher learntuo and oaaler i duoipllne if via wore fn aepnrcto aeau at achool we created oeeaiional beniatlona many might be mentlolied but ierliaia tho ouutaiullcg one waa caused when at a noon hour we met under a tree in a nearby held exchanged aulta and at five mluiitaa peat the opening hour marched in and took our aeata our eppwanoe brought dawn the houit end hy thu aenaatlon w aeoan- ed the punithuient for being lau we had aoma great time on the old farm what fun we bad never were there morvoon genial pleyniat- it uetna to me we neveriuarreluil weofuii luul a difference of opinion aa to wlto hail die bolter horaaa or calvaa or dog a but uiat never developed into anything tliat cauaeil ua to iota any elaep and we oluu alapt together i remember the tlmee we uaeil to have in tlio auger bubh such maple taffy w would make ami spread it out on a big hank of pure white snow they used to ull ua that we could never eat enough of maple uffy to make one alok and we found that it una true neither were wo ever oelfhh with our taffy for wo alwaya made the dog ulte a chow too what a time he bad getting it out of hiu toe ji well wo kept growing older i left homo flrtt but i ramombor many visits to gether after tblc ono of tboa occurred on tbo nld furm homestead ono ovoi big nlout tucnty live yearn ago at uhout ten u uero lelt toouraolvca and wa talked con tlnuoualy uiitt i 10 in tlio morning it wan 1 groat nnd genuine fullowship that brought u together that night a night that will novur iw fnrgottcu by ino and that novor waa forgot un by him i was norry when fifteen or sixteen ytnra ngo he left tho old homotuud to go to tho weat ho waa greatly rnltacd i the community ho had u vigorous mind 1 o mlud of bla own ho wa independent in hie think ing ho never oomproinued until he saw that it wan right to do ao rut in any case he never compromised where hia honaat conviction were involved he madeaauooes of hia venture in the weit- in 1013 when making u trip through weaum canada i hail gone a far north aa saskatoon and learned that thla wa within ono hundrvd and fifty mile of hlihodie near ualduoiuj soak i left in the ufuirnoon and reached there lata at night next morning j drove out to hia farm a big farm on the prairie it wa in juno and hi treat green wheatflelda were a tight to heboid hedroiame over the farm and hi tuoab excellent wife now in the midst of agrat aorrow in the moaa tlmsprepareuadellclouamaal for us ami than john took live down to the autlon three mile dlaunt to caub tay train for the further weat john gordon wav a good man and good oltueti a good neighbor and a true friend i remember when hi father john gordon- died 1 i mcall now the under word of counsel lie gave to uv both a we alood by hie bedaldo a few hour before he iwaud awai and after the long year i can conscientiously uatlfy that ida aon john waa truo to the gordon ideal living u life of integrity that made hbn worthy uf the confidence of neighbor and friend over- where more than that bo hud within him a deep neat oil religious experience that back of hi manhood and bgh morul ideal vru the regul itlug power ol hlu life our friend who la gone luul many exoelb entqualitloaof mind and heart and the greatest of these la love chews emmoaa achool no b a closed owing to an outbreak of iiveaslaa on sunday fte j p scarrow preached a vtry imprtaauo farewell sermon hero during tlio ruuttfbur year he ha been very faithful in attendance coming up from acton in all kind of weather often when other nearer tho church feared to venture out ill many friend here wish bltn every nuccea in tbs honorable course be haa taken borgt cole va present rendered two aoloe very acceptably miwees clara ivmu and kathleen millar viilud friend in ouelph loht week have you weak lungs do cold pettier oh your cheat or lu your bronchial tube do coughs lung ou or are you subject to throat troublear such trouble ahould have immediate treatment with tlia rare curative power ol bcotta uumlalou to guard ajplrist ooukumpuou which ao taally follow bcottaitmulalou oonultut pure cod if oil which peculiarly atrengtheua the res gratory tract and improve the quality ol ebloodt tliofelyttrmeluiteootheanud brals the under membrane of the throat scott la lircatrlbed by the beet kpeclal lata you can gt it at any drug atore eou ak ahnta vmoetn oat leslies school on ihuratlay nvnnlng jan 1th ireen- nok lltorary hoolety met for re organisa tion mr f d west prealiling tu following oflloer wera electeil for the ensuing seuaou 1 president mr ale thompson 1st vlceprotldeiit mr j e ieaioii 2nd vioe president mr cha allan rearetary mis mcdonald auuunt heoy mr iomo moartliur trearurer mr 0 thomwon organtut misateua e tbommon assistant organbiu mr d 1 allan and mr j e pearcu literary coinuilttoe misae ethel hold kathleen allan vera crlpp and mesur l moarthur c tboinpeou and wax wcht guardmr f d west monitor xlr geo hoi lu way door keepera mouara john allan and htiirh rob a hearty vote of thanks waa tendered ihe retiring president mr f d west mad hlo of colors qreteaejua native paahlen en th waat coast ef africa a aobiowlint amunlng dcacrlpthm of tlio arrival uf n aldu on tho afrlcrm coaat nenr sjcnra lcoiio i filvou by mr nornco tromlctl in bor tioou with tlm tin gods hho say tlio ablp wuh met by n luultltudo of primi tive uatlto cniioc m mined by linked aavago but ovldoticeu of clrlllxatlon wero not lucking in tho inter nrrlvnl thoy vrero followed in a nioro lei- uurely and decorouu fashion by boat nlso couutnlng colored people but clothed and apparently lu tbelr hgbt uitnd nod theio climbed up tbo com panion way oud awnrmwl in doacna nil over the dock and into tbo batoou taking possession of the aldp- no ono appearod to resent tbalr behavior and they crowded into tbo drawing room lolling about on tbo net ice nnd chairs soma of tliotii thumped out hymns and rokowalks with uicrclleu etithuum on tbs piano whllo tbo other whistled or song tho tuns la rarlous ond dlrar- ectit key tbey lind evidently como on board to enjoy tlioumolvv and ov cry black faco wau docornted with an expansive and gonial grin of pleasure tho men wore dreaied in decent ready mndo aulta uf dark twood or cloth and bough ndonied with a uood deal of jewelry in tbo wny of wlc chain pin and vine wore qulto pro- eeutflbl ilut their women follx were the moat ludicrous carlcnture of civ uixjuou it b poualblo to inmuluc many of them woro nllb mid atitln dresaeai frilled gut bored and draped bout their bulky flgur hod and yel low appeared to bo tlio ki popuhir color although purple mid gmn wcra a cloeo siacoud and i remember n very febikbic coetume or emerald rooii vcl vet with bright pink sntln raclugn nini frill of deep coffeo colored lco that lurely roast have been ttia envy of nil beholder hue bale of grotcuquo ahapea were perchdl itumtyerontly on their black woolly bond ha trout a feather strove with m 11 riot upplen and vivid bluo rose wrestled with yel low ribbon ou n luanro lint danglm nnd chain couqioaod of ev arythlug from colored nlnau lo lino oold jingled and rattled nu thoy morcl about and glbifnod ominlly with their coal black oyoe nnd iticjiinlug vvlilto teeth they chattered uud uibherod like a troop of muukuju uud mm do rnotiluiu reigned ou board for several hour it tramplrod flint thoy woro tbo native nrlstocracy uf bar leo up merchant aud tradcra ultli their in die who tuado 11 point nr bonnllug tlio mall boat whenever poaulblu uouemlly to bid farewell to ouo or their number who la traveling down tbo canst thoy look upou it am a loultlimito uscusa for a spree aud uu 11 largo pmiwrtton of tba ships cargo depend muni tbelr good will they nro eutoiiruccd to mako tba moat of tho occasion lean and lend uauy error are commit led la the uime of usage tliata why today tho dicuouarlea permit one to use loan aa a verb instead of laud tba highest philological autboritlea among whom 1 richard oraut white aty that loan u absolutely the noun form of tba word land ma a dollar t correct bhir- ther whan the man has lent you the dollar you have obtained the loan led presumably will repay it w uago tlato for loan aud obtain them if tba person la willing to uud tbtra to ua oa cannot loan a loan any mora than one cam lend a land if wa toatst in using loan aa a verb tba word lend 1 a muh totcesa metier la th usl to the calfaaa stay whtt you aultr colleva keep in ulnd lha sound advlca that a wlaa tollega president baa offered to such a you follow tbs preparatory achool rule for the flrat year bs say keep up tba tnomautum that the school baa giv en you rather thin take advantoit of your new liberty all at once watch tho upper class nun sea how tbey bavo improved or abused tbs freedom of lbs oollogo life and tba opportuni ties at tbs eollogo uud tlutu deliberate ly mnko up your mlud what klud of um you want tn be a curious punirel ceremony it i said tbnf whon alarlr tbs eon- iiuror of itum dlwl a rlvur uas turned uslda to make placo in ita bed for hi grace uud utiou he wa burled 1 lie wuter was ugalu let luto it former tbnuuol and llto prutonera who bad liulpod to bury htm wr killed ao hint no oue inbjrbt hud out wiisro tba eon- ipicror of romo wua burled tbu rtvtr litritod wa thu lltiaeiilo mid tbs placa ncnruoseutn italy pereelly nsturat why docu tbht young man rtaeli tn bis pocket nnd draw out u packaga of pa per a soou aa bo begins to talk to any ouof thats tt tnere matter or habit vou tec ho la a llfo lusurauca agent in th madam flat prospective tvimut dubiously woll id tnkii tba ulrtcit ha mod irn improvttmorila uud so forth na rou say but i dont ilka that ugly truck in tbo wall over tbtra janitor hastily cntck sir wby that tba rlvalo half kwalalrtetl alwny thoutfht you were too way to run ilka tbl for u ear old man its nil right ob top lsslnes runa la our fnmllyr- social and personal mr nellie jennie returned to winnipeg last week mia alex a beoord la visiting friend in hamilton ml lueliaol record of ouelph visited aoton friouda last week mis ileitis hmltb ha return from toronto for a few weeks mrs itobt- moophcrson br a snaking her home in toronto for the winter months mr park dill and mia dorothy mao- pbersou vlsltod friends in ilorllulast week mr d hnnderaou m p and hia house- keojier misn korr left on monday for otu- wu allan loltio e speight left on monday to ipnud a few wceka with friend in tor onto mr n p malnni la mending a few eelis with friend at london ayluier anil detroit mr and mr jamea carnahun and fam ily have moved into ac ton from naau- gawey mrs t t moore and mis mao are making a prolonged visit wltli relative in toronto serpt a dryden of the 12th ratulton juelph waa a visitor at sundorlaud villa during the week mr and mrs jamea matthews returned from a pleasant new veara visit to tor onto on thursday mis holen coxa spent the holidays ith her aunt and uncle mr end mrs f maude hamilton mlas plnrence boo it and mr c crowi from llinebouaa were tlte guesu of mr wm ifall on sunday mrs jaa symon willow street will receive on wednesday january loili afurooon and evening ur and mr geolhlli left uut week to ipend a feu- uluuu with lite niembara of tbslr family in toroiio mrs j it bniiili went last week to ilownianvllli tommiiifii month or so at the home of hlr um there misuis initio maun and albe kirk iatrlck have returned after a pleasant visit with frlonda at orllllo pu ernet r smith of the hamilton mounted rlilea vultcd hia father mr j lb hmltb during the bolidaj a mr awl urn john m warren and helen ol toronto vlslud at the home of mr j l warren 00 tuesday mis marion lawtoo ho returned to her home in guolfili after spending a oouple of weeks with relatives ami friends here rev ii w avlron m a11 d who lasfcrotary uf hamilton confarence sum uver school la attending an executive meeting in toronto mr and mr r j kerr mimosa and their niece mlk pearl lowry liavo re turned home after vinlting mr kerr sou lu law rev j w mcleod pituburg pa mis margaret russell wa here from toronto on monday 8he leave thla week to join her brother dr john russell new vorb dr ilusaell is opening a new aan- itarlam and haaiiul in new york mrs e ii cleaver bad tho misfortune to fall ou an loy sidewalk near bar bawe on monday breaking a small bone in her rig lit wrist she la progressing favor ably under the doctor car dur ting ton gsmtte 1 gi the import of this weeks message is tiiifljnriuary clearing in a time of golden opportunitieh to effect irenuinu cauli havings on incrchandic of filer i in p quality the morclinndiuing policy of thia utore doeu not allow any accumulation o merchandise to be carried ovef from one iieanon tn nnother it ia a rule here ilut all roodj must be fiold during the ncaaon for which they were purchased bar gains in the outclearing then arc of highly bcanonablu merchandise every department has its list of substantial saving here are exemplary quotations wsllpapr tremendouj bur gain in u klndu of hanplnm prrcii klndu of haiifflngu at average of iial1 blestittstta iii greyilatinelette reduced from 9i aj por pair to 8unipf tteulnr 45c vb in plain bleaclied bbetlng foratto riannw1 silts kugutir aoc vnluo in extra heavy white fur faaiilonabfa nela for oc women suits all cloth modelo reduced one third woiaem coats all cloth modola prlco reduced such na value to 811 00 for s una sultavnliio to ih in nclouringof brokrii llnuu slt i its mens overcoals- vnliuu in jio in eltinrjnco of brouon nlxu rangoaltt d e macdonald bros guelphs leading and largest store wyodhhw tmncjoancll and garden strict guelah onl 8 cash payments to patriotic fund the pooplo or halton kava paid 3044671 on tho subaorlp- tlon list taken the first of 0ct0ser 1016 pfismnne uajtons now district raprountatlvo wf strong agrailuau of ouelph col lege ha been appointed district repre sentative fur halton ho come to take the plaoo of ii it hure who has i teen granted uuvo of ubunoe and is taking military iralnliig in toronto for the pant two yturu mr strong bai beon aa- aoclaud with iitrlct ltoirusentaliv wolk in wauiloo count thlu training along with lila college oounui und a lifu long ex- porlunco on hia hcmtsuud farm admlraady lit hi in for thu duties hi uhout to aiauuie ilesldua lielng uocjuulntod uiib lite general work of an agricultural office mr strong buss gonial manner which u ill win hiui favor with those whom lie meet in his new work ilurliugton quiet to he who seeks truth tongue must not count tlie fallowing i a slaument to data of the halton patriotic fund t u bee ri ld sin the various municipalities hut octolier abowlng tlie amounts received also th pay menu to the canadian fatriotio fund and the red cross vund t receipt georgetown o07d6o nasaagaweya ksquetlng 0100 00 aim in lwta7i payments canadian patriotic fund 927uoaoo 83000000 nelson township also contrlbutl a motor ambulance and red cross supplies amounting to 91800 the committee urgently request that the various municipalities oomplsta their collection and forward to the county tree urar ur iluuheon aa soon as possible in order that they may be able to make tlie final duuibutlan to tlie iiroper sources of the funds yet unpaid together with th balance still on hand chafhyv beruonb with malic toward none with charity for all with flrmuaaa in th right as god gives ua to sea tbs rtsbt lincoln th doslro of 1 lower in excess caused tbo nnnelh to fall tho de sire of know utluo in excess caused 11111 11 to full hut in char ity there hi nu excess neither can angel or mint coma to dan ger by itltiiiiui no sound nimlit to be beard in tbs ihiirch inil the healing voice of chriailuii charity llurke yiewte avoid operations these three women tell how they escaped the dreadful ordeal of surgical operation hospitals are great and neceuaty iniutuhons but they should be tho lost resort or women who suffer with ills peculiar to their sex many lettera on file in the pinkham laboratory at lynn mass prove that a great number of women after they have been reoommendedto submit to an operation have been made well by lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound here are three such letters au sicc women should read them marinatte wia i mat to ou dtttor uul ha told mo i tuust hawanouantlon forafemaia troubla taxi 1 hated to haw it dons u i had baeb minted onl u short time i would havo tslbu wins and my hand and feat miro cold all uio tuna ilnoirtydlikhnkbaiaovemtmlila ooni i pound juut aa ctuedaiid ifoel belter in th i muii tltit ldvn nnd inrahii uart tuiw an wh pop vwhur iihh hn luullv vlii lltough itlhh vary eoally uahtr itoi clirlm xtiwood lewiy i rive you sgrmbauuttojjbbllau- ray nama 1 riaso thankful that ifeol wall again mrs via boom huuutto wis do troll mldi- when 1 flrat took idla k nvinldiami vmublqmbiodndiaaoiundoxrti with duuue trouhleo that loould not do anything- and our doctor uld i would havo to undergo an operation i ooiild hardly walk without help ho when i road about um vogotahlo oonvpound and what lb had dono for others i thouaht i would try it i got a bpttlo of ardia tt hnkhamm vjsgolabla cbmpound arid a saokags otlydlalt rudcham banatlva wuh and umd them aooordlng to dlroetlona ihey hqhwd wa and today i am abla to do all my work and 1 am woll km tuoa owykb 060 uuwauku ava bait detroit hlch bultavuoiv ibulierrnorouiantonkmoantellwlthtorrlhla bearing down paina and inflammntlmi i triad several dootora and they all told ma the sama etory that i never oould get well without an operation and i juat dreaded tho thought of that xalaotrloda good many other madldnes that wen reoobimendedtomaandnono of thorn helped ma until a friend advised raa to give ladla k pinkv hams vegaubla oowpoundm trial ilia ant bottla helped i kept taking it and now i dont know what it la to bo alok any mote and i am puking up in weight i am so year old and welsh 18 pounds it will ha tho greatest plaasurs to me u i can have the oppor tunlty to recommend lb to any other buffering woman was laaaa paoauonn 1093 manhattan st korth bide beusvna fa if vou would like peeaal n4viee w mjlvccninrlilalay tin mra i read awl aajawen by aoaa ajas tinrtnnn rmmanuz nrmnjirrn d c russell t6e statham bakery i have purchaped the boatneflf nnd rootlwill of thiu old-es- tiihlinlicd and succcimfol bak ery and i will take it over next monday 17th inst i will conduct it with the fame careful oversight which iijh a hsu red the people of acton and vicinity the very hctt tirades of bread caked and pantry lor the past thirty yearn we are putting in a baker of experience and arc confident wc can assure entire satisfaction to all custormtk russells mill st acton ont flgtihtnypj free a peat cam addressed to ua as below with your nama and address owlv on the othf alda will coat but ono east prop it in tho nearest mail boxtndltwlubtlndiwomi- ly a copy of our luuatretad 60pari cataloitua for loltt with it wlu coma also frea a 1 5c twjtet of byron pink tomato a erftly forroad tomato tba drrorj pink la uniform isida and aitractlva sbehistlmisthafuvoydelidouaaitdi it la a robust grower and a heavy cropper it is an idea tomato for forclnd you ara tfolnal tobuy seeds anyway then youmiijjtt just aa well sel for our catalosua and hot this frea premium for yourseut tut cetdjatfiw hili oawiias ojulftmhhim anmiwi utkltm uf 0m uium wrp ottlsr dakcii htntres sccd ca uurrtd lonoon ohtawo canada i3 3 brtsw fat tasuua men of touohhow the child of today la tho builtioas man of tomorrow ho should lenrn early to econo- mlieand invcat hi savlnpi a huvinua acmiint far ouch child ttwuld be oj wu oil uitli tbla lltink oeokoetown branch w n uikar umr bank of hamilton vxcvakcix4l the v hade in canada empire t savea ou 40 to 60 try before jou buy utour expenue empire typewriter co is adalalda bt waat roilonto oht issvikxaii

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