Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1916, p. 4

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v ivrf nnjfvcc prrss tiiuiwmv iaiatt ijoy wantktt vvmuoil thu ili wh 1- of talk ih unix wnt llwrfl an luir rimrinni u ll l ii m ifcdiiwt fitoll lot fr mm 1 ii 1 itbm v nil id 111 wlllll llm lid lkm ilimm 11 lllll it mlh viiihiomii i horn un tliilf fin im o el iniitlior n tito wtirl i u o ior to liiiil not jwt linn hulutury boy who wltliu p iriutii hlaiimlt un will root llii mil li hud lo ll hniiaxt fultlifiit miriiol mnd- li good nu 1u0 i to uvll hjiiil a linirt of irl i will nut iilhn wonted tlio woilil iiitiitli i hesponsiuilitv am eoucatolt ofilnt miulii in tll3 itoipomlhuity i ill lor young paopln pnn by tlio way llioy mjiiurj up t aponslhlllly which llmo r klioimaru ltjitpit uhuitlhoi blndneosflf friend mil piiciin hoyaiiiidirlrtsnf nil rep uili amwaboiielullhuhghi t lino lnll their iliy u pi mind inr tlicm u r notched t 00 tltut tl mcit log that thoj neglect nollilnu such young lollta are coiifruritcd with rui responsibility they arc in duituer or failuro just lieeauea it is so startling now luapauslblliiy la nat only n lot it in elo educator tha rlrl who i mnda leapotiaibto for caring for lior garlou j1ul or her pal cmiury la learuliut something tli uy who ha to have lil supply of kindling ready every morning i nuntcrlng oae of the inot important l-4uns- mttle panu should assuma littlo roipoosihillttem wliirli should ltd increased lo liwp pace wltlt thalr grovlug ktrength occasionally we run acrou people who xo dehbd by tin ndjoclife irrejpon slble tiny take it fir granted that it la toiao onaa hutlnea to k an oja on thnl uea that thy ito aa they should why didnt jou walo ma at tetan oclock a young man angrily asked hu aular you know i hail ta bo tit tho ottlod at hall ut night honiothlng was wrotg with his training surely when isa eouula4uniatliatlt vtw another mrwii kdtlasas to atari him aa his daye work on tint in ofilr to ta ejjual to our reaponalhili tu w iiitifit ifaotlca many a youth la turaatl out of coluge apparently a ctujiii liy fliikh poituct who litniuwhatuly prov unwual to tlia lumauda of practical ufa ihi i wll 64lucatl id ilia hiiw tliat hi tuanoora ara ifujl atul 111 itablta en auiplary but roipontlbllty antl hluitolf h itarjiy on apaaknijz tanna wo lias bii lookavl attar iirctd rirovllal for till b hanlly knows how to duija a ijuoa hon witliout appealing u torn ona olaa do not tloilu raipoosihlllty waloooia it var iidum ropoatlltltlty fa a factor in your aducatlon yon will ha turiieil out on tlia world unaqual to hi juat itanunda i undersejcraft tlia otronaut and th waakxaa at tha madam bubmarlna i lii i till f nihniiliikcj chililitil tar tli xiiliiiniiliic luilinii coitipiiriilho luvln llilll tutoii hiiliiiiitikci ntilid with linimiitlli rioin idiitllm wlillo in llmt 1 luiiilltliiii i uii ill 4 ii mnmit fiunliiut j p lilili no iiiliiiimti pmloclliin luiu iwoti round ii ilimulnii uiitnll inn illllluilt fitikil lion lltioir iiuuiillvd by torihmlo iittmk ollmr tjltiiitiiitm hi llu tavor tiro imi tout liaiiilliiuuu uotiwortlilifui 111 i nmuli umtltoi loiiipnrutlwi liuiminity fioin fliiiiiltiif mliuiu im woll nu llioia hth in very dmp wnloi mill tlio ponal hllllfini nf iiuo im n nihil itiyor on ilur iillinr iiniid tlio uiilimnrliia la luimlluippid iy inniiy dlainlvniiinyoa tiiii iliiiltiillimu tin rndluo or iiciloii im xiiinll llu npi u low uboiit 11 utiola m flu hiirdilo mill 10 knola anbiinircfld i lie ptrlkiipo in uutilfuti diirliijr dnrk iiiiii inn to mibrjild nt mint limn llw ifnt in iiiuat thcruroro isnatt fp tlio uur- fiiu tliim ifiidorliiu llicibclca v iilinnlllu to tho nltnrkb of mirfacn irnfl dm tlio hulinmrliioii bull u diiiuirjd b umiflrv niiiiiuliiu or olli ifhlhi it in no inncor nhloto tiiiliniprno mul llu mirfiiliutut na n wnr vimil u i infill itmll icpalni tun ln uindif ulicn ilj inn ni mi olovnllmi of uud tlinn llultl a t nlr cnirt cim iiuiinlly ucti hiiliumrlihm ittcntlnu nonr tlw aurfnea world uorb artitok ohildren ory fob rutcuers oaqxori a mileage ololto trottor of tlio anciont woild boniula of llio rooa mo aoonor a ion gatod dlatrict than a iingratliiii tratlliiib by day lodging whora nlylit tham suoh wa abraham out of mosopotamln into a country ho know not aft audi nor m man from t1 far north into tlio li of promlttol uuali tlio viuiniji niilot tho tntoklaaa daap for now tltoiuni audi iho dfaoovarar and crostor or tho amoricmi world no patlia bub of their own bluilug no paadomatara to rnort their far iliatnncoa only loop yeara ovar unnaaauured mileu an immortal aplo of world tuainnlnoa but for thonnmrfdlo bnblt no ancirclwl arth humanity vatatlnp whero it took root wandarluat has uavail mankind from raveralon to tha animal and la tho foro wonl of alt progreaa illsrims and pro- gtraia cohtbast auat vour lrula lay dr boy la wmlutyand all that bat ijlont think tbvu make muobof baanty apot at tho altar ntpbtw vou dont eht juat wait till you sm luir with tha hrldeimalila aim haiaalmld serpent of lerhaea oaunliflo baala vtr tha myth f h many haadad mnatar a nolnl inimeou aiirjraoula i bat tlia story of tlio many licudl mrpciit of ininca if n itiytli u yet u my lb wllli nu nuoiictticrcloiilllc ftmiulnllou tho monatcr uua credited with mywlierd from iiluo to 100 lieada und actorduifl to tbo lcoiu1 if ono waa cut off ou otber immediately urw in ita plac bouio averred that eacli bead win re placed by two tlio origin of tbla aarpetit aa well ha it acta and ita final dalructloti by ucrcuu ar entirely fanciful of courao hut noma rcut juflflllna tu blolockal lahoratorloa ma to buow tbnt tbo aucleutti may bavo sot tbalr ronccptlons of fta form atul blno trom hat t hoy had actually m rrofta- or t ii sjortau for laifaoc haa cut off tbo anterior cod or an earthworm and excised a plaf or tbo cautml norva cord thu left tha outarloi ncrvo otida and a bj craw from oacb dr vau dyuua rutly weut biiwh further in tlio caw of n marina plans- rlnn actually daveloplns alv bda upou tlio creatuiv each with it own cyca mid apparently uortual in ita function 12 tcha ub bflahlah curt cubismb tbaro la uo court in ruropa mop tatiacloua of ita etlufto wblcti wn inaugurated aovaral liuudivda 6f yenrn co than that of fipaln it u aatd hint kins kcmljiand vii onco mada it tulu later rtmlsn hacnuao bo lind a ccldu tal ly touchod uu hand uuo of tbo qiialiil- eat wramonlii la tbo cloalua of tho royal pulaco eate at lladrhl arcry ubjht elctrlo light baa boeu in uao id th palaco for quito a lonff wlilla hut dovortboloaa arory areuluff at ii oclock tbo csclatlrjfl tpontlomaa in waltlnff apnara accompaulad by aav- eral acrvonta who carry ancient ian- toma to demand a ic key from a hlgbor oolclal to loc iba doora of tbo pnlncc thu la all tho luoro nmualns as tho huso key does not fit tbo mod- orn koyboloa tho key u then return- od to a third official and ovary night coutleman in waiting bava to patrol tbo corrldora of tho pnlaca though audi- chmt suarda aro about to watch ova tlio ulumbora of their royal matter forlnfantb nnl children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of hka copy wrapaa in use for over thirty years castoria got a md 1 you ahoulil aid kaiura to throw it off promptly toloomuitheeougb rallova tlia luna and haal uiolu- flamod throat tuaum try the old roll aula chamberlains cough remedy whm volthif bin ifannaay aau llr dooliy tbta la rt ulklu about christian bclonco hayf v aald llr lunnaaoy and what do you think about it j woll tald mr doolay i think that if tha chrlatlan bolantuta had a llttla mnro aclatica and tha doctora had little tuord chriatlanlty it wouldnt ran la any dlffjreooa which you called in if you had a good nurta children cry oh fletchers oaqtori a a fouhdop honey when you ub a apoonful of honey you hava very liltlo idaa aa to tha amount of work and travel naeeaury to produeo u- toitukos pound of clover honey hooa muat taka tha neater from ikty two thnua and clover hloauoma i and to iio thla ro- quiree two million aevan hundred and fifty thauaand vlalta to tha hlouotui by tha baaa in other worth in ordor to colleceonoujiu neour totnkeonariourul of honey a boo muat go from hlie to flower anilhaek again two million aaven hundred and fifty thoui and tlmea than whan you think how far thaaa heea aometlmea by in aearch of tlieaa elovor fialdn often ona or two mile dis tant from tha hive you will begin to get a email idea of the number of mllea ono of the induatrloua lltllo oroatuma muvt travel in order that jou may have h nnnnd of honey sllenoa la ona reat art of conversation ilalinotafool who knowa whan to hold hu tongue william hailltt charaeur a notdeurmlnad hyu alnglo lugt hub by habitual eoiwluol oujler oonoelt may pufl m man up but ueier prop him u hiinkln they fall and thay alone who have not bulven t a ahlrlck you know very well that tho 6oumw you offar ntltara wouldnt mttufy you no ona can achleva good work who doea ot take a pride in it lyml clinton uviuo sho uvlng jiould mean laarnlnif kmry dayahould aeo ua wlaer than tlio day ha for kvery week ahouhl mt um doflukoly fdrthor aheail hut nothlnu u tlalnur than thai life la not aynoitymoua with iro- groan soma iaiu at fifty art no wlaar than at twanty ona if living uaana team injf it ih haeauw wo mako a deflnlta effort i to latum oli john lubboeka ant in tho biography or sir john lub bock labor lord avobury la an amu jnn etory of tho notlco accordod to an odd pot in tbo lubbock family ona of two llluatrioua queon anla aoveralgn of ono of tho colon lea upon which air john bflkod hla famoua atudlaa of tho ways of tbo lltllo cwitur attained tho onorablo ago or fourteen yoara and thou died bovoraj aclontldo joumala apoko of bar decoaio nod tha new penetrated to franco whero a dulln- uululiod rroncb journalut in wboaa mind tnsufnclontly acquaint with tha posai bill lea or knglub okbography nuts and nunu woro evidently coufua ed flfforrnl profuao coadoianctw to sic lobn mi tho loaa of hla ngod and val nod rclatuo outwitting tha court i undorutnnd hint when dlhblea and bu wlfit pciiiratht they parted tho but f friend ho nicy did unluckily for lira dlb- itlea why aov niblileu paja hr alimony yer iiimith nud than borrows half of ll i mck wretched from aathnia strength of body ami vigor of mind are inevitably 1m- ptlrod by tlia vlalutlona of aatlima who u under the cloud of reourrinp at- taoka and keap body anil mint at their full eftloionay i dr j v kallogga aathma lleniedv dilpal tlia cloud by removing tlte cauao lb doaa raliave it doea raetor the auffarer to normal bodily trim and nun- tul happlneaa hoft cornaaradkbault to eradlouta but hollo way a corn cura will draw tham out palnlosaly a matter of th puturw wlion tloca tbo last train leava for uniihormlllo nko tbo old lady at the tkkot window i dont know maaui aumnrell tbo elderly ticket agent but i dont aup poao either of ua will itva long enougb to toko it exchang man eatlhn grooodllaa tho lorgoat roptllo la tbo mat eating wit water crocodllo or aouthern aala nd auatralla it meaiiiraa iblrty twt ii length from and of uoiw to tip of tall tobaoeo plant oaadfc tba aoedu of tlio lobaceo plant fir n inlmilo that nccordlng to an mflmut thlmhlful wilt fimilah enough piauia fir mi tier of tftouml lurtwiass weak cmm lit elpsiairawilfcaatlala when the heart becomes weak and doea not do lu work properly tbo uetwa hecomo uuitrung and tha whole eyubttn aecme to go all to pleeeg when thu hanpem you need a tattle to build up hotlt the heart and nerve anil mlinurna heart and nerve lllie will accomplhh thhf or you provklltur you in not let vour com ruu too long and allow it to become chronic mw kvatirlllato loverdiire port coiilouge que wrltee lnt etimmer my hitrt mid urvca were no ikiii i could not blep nt uluht and my heart wan no weak i rotild not go up ahilra without help my doctor bald he could do no mora for me an my hiurt wa completely done a cotujit of mine came in one ilay and told mo that mllbuma heart and nnrvt villa mrwl her completely i immediately gave brroo etiw to bring ma u iwm and ulttca tliat day there la a 1wk alwaya on my aldehoartl i am now wdlmii1iiiylieartoiidntrvearettrotibr thin when i wiu a little nchool clrl i arvus unyotle wlui lieurt trouhla to try tliom n doctor can beat them mlllmriie heart and nerve mlb are ill iv r itov 1 kwutm tot mhsl lot aale rt nil dealer j malli direct on tvrelpt price hy tho t mlluura co xjmltl toronto out coughed so hard would turn bltkfc in the fat she was curftto bv uuno dr- woods norway pine syrup ut ttraeit ailoma fuuit gl marie oat wrltee my utile iul tu years old hid a dreadful hard couih at night tbo would eoughap hud tbe would get buck lu the face and would cough for teveral hours before the could atop we tried different kludt of medlelnea nud bad several doctors but foiled to do her any good bha could not sleep nor eat her cough was so bad and the was limply wuunx away a frlcjtd odvlted me to try dr woods norway ilna syrup x got a bottle and saw an improvement and got another now i am only too llud to recommend it to all mother too much stress cannot he laid on the fact that a cough or cold should be cured immediately dr wood norway woe 8yrup will cure the cough or cold and prove a pre ventative from all throat and lung troubles such u bronchitis pneumonia and consumption dr wood a put up in a yellow wrapper three plaetreea the trade mark price vic and 0c per bottle manufactured only by the mil burn co limited toronto out auto that heed fhactick woeiipect tho mutlclau and tlie artlit tflpructlca watsko itfur granted that the autbora flrt story which will liava dfiicu which will dloippear in hla uur work hut oftlmca vo fall to raatlae thai other arta need praotlos and slant pniotloa to reach perfection lake sympathy for instance a great deal of sympathy la hiiioere which la not tactful or helpful wordn that are kindly uvftaiit may hurt and wound humetlmea young pooplo grow diuour aed oyer the pulf that exuta bstween their goad intentions and their aoconip luliiiient hut there la no more reaton for theai to ho dlaliaartoned titan theroiu for tba ioung miwioian who can play hi exercise with either tlia right hand or the left hut haatliftloully in making them work together ah he iioede lu practice and that la all you uaad blunders of authors qoma qur thlnoa whlth piotlon characlars arm oullly kor timiit tiiiiu ii riiunilp piuiltun of tbo 111 rna illli iiunin linn imn u fmii mil mlmiuliirt niinh muhuit ml iiutlmrh uilin nf um blidu- ulundlnu limit bun uillij of iiihiimi hloomuru niii ii im lliiubtnu im llou unit in nut mliiikiilirt vuiv plnctul ut mi mpiiil dlrtiiiik rruiii outli otlntr sllitiiiki or ibh nirl inm been oxctihtd on um iinimd hint llu authoru worn unrmiiu ituili r pn hiiis of inspiration um urn llnrcrnii ii lu- ly ut any llmo tn imilo mlimr iiiium rtorleu of toiii do mil im h ml appear to ho wrllfii mnhr mm tlromi of toniihirtmttnliil nxilriiiinnil iii in aplloor ihilr mimiilnjih iiii illili tlou they in o liol lintiiik in iiihuii tnlstnbeu a ultnrt lint of liioi irm haa been couiilud hy h wriu i i cnamd hi nlliiit rnji a girl torn her oyui fcim hm n hut her curu itllll llnuirnl i will iiovcr njnal m mi ukiiiii ih long hit i five lilihiil holly jinn try to iiihn it tier ftet wtro inwilh n rimn ulandlng lit wet unify uultf mlm adeln im innl dull brown linlr with euoriiinuii lim u t juhrouo ti iiiuh taclinnnd u uluirt lunnt what mierafnrc iiih oiiriuirprlxo to find tiuli ultcluu l mn im in in i hath rolut ami ullipoi ulih n ciii of tea hi her lap and lior frit in u tub tt water constspation i praduttiva of mara iii haaltai than anything kite if the truth wou only known you would find tliat over cue hnlf of the mil of life aro caused hy allowing the bowel to get into a counllpatcd condition and the talc cause of constipation an inactive liver and unlets the livxr is kept active you may rcut auiurcd that beadachea jmiudlce heartburn pihn floating cpecba before the cyca a feci in if as if you were going to faint or catarrh of the ttomacb will follow the wrong action of thla one of the moat important organs of the body keep the liver active and working eroperly by the use of mil bums latt- ivcr mils mlu itoee dablneau amherst ns writes having been troubled for yean with oonatlpatlon and trying various socalled remedies which did me iu good whatever i was persuaded to try mllbuma lnxnllver mils if have found them moat beneficial for they are indeed a splendid pill i can heartily recommend litem to nil who suffer from conitlpntlon mllhurna laxn i iver pills are 25c a vlat h viala for 81 00 nt all dealera or mailed direct on receipt of price hy tho t mllhurn co limited toronto ont hum vainly uodmb bultor i have only f000 year sir i but i think i can support your daughter on that father anthuajuticallyuunport her my ilor hoy why you can uuppsrb bar entire family on it uw masculine tommy had a prof ou ml oontempb far the hule boy runt door who tliraw a ball like a gui eeldom had on any hub a clean shirt and who renerally woro glovea lo you know why haa a alaay y asked tommy of hla aunt its causa ha looka juat ilka his mother and that shows hes got girl blood la him he wasnt making money ut btlll ha had a qeed rtaaaett par cenaratulatlng hlmsalf ha wow n router mid ut limit ovtry olbr season ho wna on up lug u llf fereut farm hy n frhniil u mlvlco bo bad moved the year before into nn mi tlrsly new field a down ml ira from bla usual haunts nud had not been been for saveinl months when tlio friend did sea him nt last it wan quite hy accident bualnesa taking lilni into tba old uiihs neighborhood tbo farm er balled him from tha coradold and came out to tha fence iiellor aald the friend la thla your farmr ya and i jut coma over to tell you air that ill be ready lo pay pmt of that claim of yourn before long you muat b doing well i think im doln fust rate nud im powerful obliged to you air for bond- in ma thla way i am alwaya glad to help if i cam i kuowed that air and tbale why i come away ovtt bare so far from home it kinder strange to me hut aa long aa i am doln aa well aa i am i am goln to ataud lb are you making any moneyf tha old hiani face brightaued per ceptibly no i aint air ha replied hopefully but im loaln it aioweru i aver dona in my ufa befor- spentlnla deeeratlens oasparo bpontlnl he composer re garded himself in the light of a demi god nud when inspirations crowded upon him ho donned n wide toga like gown of wblto silk with a border or gold and a fos of wblto alllc om- broldered in gold from which a heavy tassel hung down with great dignity bo ont dawn bororo his desk mid if n grain nf dimt was visible on the paper on tvhhli bo penned his mualo lit rang hie hell impatiently for hla servant to remnro tbo obstacle bpon tlnl onninl so many mcdnla and deco rations itint llioy could no longer im nccammuduted n hla brenst at a grand mimical reunion nt hallo nu old musician remarked to u comrade 8co how many decorations spoutln hna while llotnrt hou nut ono spon tint who o ver licit d it replied qulably mourt my dear friend does not need them v wife ami experienced mothers know when utoir children ana troubled with worms and lose no time in applying uillera worm iowders tlio moat effective vermi fuge that can be uted it la absolute in clearing tho ay atom of worms and re tori ng thoaa healthy conditions wilhoub whloh there can lio uo comfort tor tha child or hops of rohutt growth it i the mtb trualworthy of worm ailarmlnator he who seeks truth muat not count tooguts failure has an educative value though ilia a very easily teoher rov cfaarlaa imcood hope is ilka tlia sun ft is brighutt after a datk day a man is a fool whote pansall end this sldeolelornlty mevel rabbit catohsr oraba are put to a curioua use on certain parte of tho devonshire foro- shore they are used to catch rohhlbi uavuig located n promising burrow tho snarer takes a crab and aulaae a hart length of lighted cepdlo to tho back or ita shell tha behavior of a crab which finds itself in a narrow in closure la wall known it begtna to run it therefore starts nway up tbo borrow at top rate aud presently tbo rabbit u borrlbad at i he sight of a jog trotting dame coming to hla sanc tuary os ha goee for tbo other didy to find himself when he emerges tn a trap london spectator hla mental incapacity tba oourtbo you ask divorce from thla man on the ground of mental in capacity what proof bava you that he inaanav tba wotnanwbo aald be waa insane your honor tho court why you aay ho la mentally incapa ble tba woman ej incapable of understanding that via boa ah uriueual cass htrangar bavautaen joar uuo i lauded bar in your town broke i struck you for m dollar vou gave it to toe saying you never turned rev quest ilka that down citizen eager- lyhytsst birngrwelb are you alill gamef wlridaw tfaaaa itefor putting earihlu window howw whitewash iba inside of tba box thla uni mily keeps a wooden bog from rotv lutff but prawata losaeta children ory for fletchers castoria unlewt worms be enpalud from tha ya- tern no otilll can l healthy uotber tl raven worm ks terminator is the beat medicine eulant ta destroy worms dauuiious i tee a great magnate haa tried dlu gtnf ooal in oa of his own mines now ha may realise wlist hard work lb la an raise wages yea and bef may faeljutunadlnraltlng the uiee thamraai way to leave- happlaaai ha hind la to run aftar it wain do whax yo ealn do wall and do well whatever yoa da william x bartaebar castoria pes laiaatai auiil clmfri in use for ov 30 ymmn alwaya baara bjgiuutira of hu wum ohatttld they were ill ningoff fowl iiih reatauranl youteehoesphilubd asheahoued her tha wlihlione you take hold here then wa mint both nuke b wish and pull and wlien it breaks tlia ono who has the bigger part of it will have hi or bar wish granted but i dont know what lo wish for she protested oh you can think of aoutelhlna ha aald no i cant uh replied i cant think of anything i want very much wall ill wlah for you he exclaimed will you reallyrr alia asked ye well then theres no use foollua with the old wlehboue tho interrupted him with a glad smile you eaii have me a waatana flight and bow long bar you tatavlr plrt yara and bow old are yoay tuenty two domiis kidmev pius swiavayit kidtya wil ahaddar uu ordf naay madklnaa d ttsa saiai when tba kidney get out of order the back is sure to become affected and dull pains sharp pains quick twinges all point to the fact that the kidneys need attention stubs and liniments will not cure tba kidneys for they cannot get to tha seat of the trouble bo deans kidney nils do and cure the kidneys quickly and permanently mrs llule uelantofl ilymuton n b writes i sun sending this testimonial v after the sorrow of the ebbing- tide the rgltig hood returns n jey at hutct thaxter telling you what a wonderful cure doaits kidney pills made for me vor years i had suffered so with my kidneys x could hardly do my housework i used several kinds of pills but none of them seemed to be doing me any good at last i was advised to try a boa of deans kidney 1411s when i had taken the first box i found relief x have used five boxes and today i feel ilka a new woman i cannot recommend them too hbjbly doons kidney iilla ore ftoc per box a boxes for ai25 b sdldealettt mailed direct on receipt of price by the t m llburu co limited toronto ont when mdtttag direct specify dosut v sold by james symon 3 ak3a2ks the merchants bank op canada timtihiuhtd tm4 jib brmmtltm j caauuts milrift is rightly described as eco- y nomical m an art merit a shrewd butitness man is spoken of as thrifty he- cnure he saves perhaps only a dollar nt a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lie in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par acton branch f a mac lean manager skunk got more money lor your slum is muakrat hacooon foxee wblto weasel hilu r and other fur bearer collected in your section sun yotit cuny dinner atf unmivn tin- mbuttwwejukwtemeotaliulcmulttk 3 a rliabl tvaiuintldlaaafavur 11 dum whh an unl kii 1 utatlnn nutlnff tr mora than bthlro 0aeniur nl n ciilrtotilri7ini1lno lurhlifrvpftpriirnrhatil 1 1 anl lltolltalirl riiurni u rlia for bi asiuliif sh tlia only rallabta arcuratamaruat raport an i rrl limrub i wtlut t unowlla fumii ahhuuhiiuhslslwblsiuuslsluilbiaihalslmiiaillllluyilslliilatbluatblhulf u u h h s a sensible gift s u pure irieh linen initialed handkerchiefs w 5 half dozen in handsome box 109 and q s all hrstclass stock s r e nelson wereheuit vallor hitts yuputabet wyndhans altvaat ouiauuh omv d a a little advertisement js ttkacts attention of course y not ho much nn a larger one but nevertheless it payh iijr intcreut on the investment this space at fifty cento a week lor a jenr would help your busineas rematkably try it a short time at least put rood copy in this space and it will dn the rest for vou d the grand trunk railway iamuuhokh tkainm a representative wastflt at ovct lr m if wtr ff fil i tiluui fohthitl flukskrie iakh ylrm r l i f- 1 i storj td wolllnton topohto omtario cement k coflm aci0 ctmcnt compactor for briijijs silo v k moms vvil s mc a i o agint for dc livil silo s pnrntors etc high grid iortlmd ccm- nl for sil hmhuhazcijsdoallhwht excelsior bakery jj a george st alba is 5 3 ckarsli 81 asfea n the bakery bunneia of t butham a bon in acton which has been conducted for the past thirty yearn boa been purchased hy george statlmm and will be conducted in the same flmclos manner as in the put all kinds of dread cakes pastry wed- ding cakes and christ mas cabca will be sap plied to the latufnctfon of all customers geo statham b aclea oelavie m anrjcinciaarjnaaaaiii sushis boots shoes bubbebs i all lines q footwear fj bit rltfht prices all men a rubbers at fj bargain pncea w wiiiliams mill street acton conne and see the bargains for this week men ileece lined underwear at 45c a garment menti good heavy wool sox at 3c a pair a good abhortmont of winter caps at he ment good wearing punts at 135 a pair illanlcets large iiieu 2s a pair qiiilto about 50 pair to clear at 89c a big assortment of rubbers and boots and shoos at clearing prices 7v shxe tha brlok store opposite new post office kcton liyeey and bus lino having purchased tha livery liuhiiieuui and goodwill of the estate of the late jalw wllllaati i respectfully solicit the palron ngo of tho public comfortable rigs will qlwnya lie aupplled at ruasonnhlo chnrga outs maflattel alkjttaltt ambrose mccann mill st acton out cm atent5 aulisivaviiiiiii habioh mahi0ic shi uplvrlty bl montueal

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