Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 10, 1916, p. 4

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flcijjfi ikttaii jfxtt ras tiiuithday hi1uuau 17 i oki tub brotherhood op detteil things me dreamed of i ihillur tllj lilinil for h atror fun a few the home of lib diilly lilwr anil in talked if u hrltfliltr iiuum tfortho wbio- n viu children plytlun and im phiceof hu ehthlreiii birth and ha lalltwl hii n iiiiiii who lav ml lib town and wnt iniuil of hor n tie mild world me told liar ikiojim hu fin iuw them to him worn lor fiuitiir known and lis wanted lull i forhergieatiiom liub i o cou id 1 1 1 do it alone ltn wee one of ilia many thoueande wlm dreamed of a better day with vlilon of yroaur aoleulor when i uty ahould have muoj away and each in ida drdam unaelikh caul i picture ft illttunt al when hu city bhauld rlue in beauty uul throb a living uaul out the dreame would hae oame and von uhfed and the vlalon from earth hao flown lldcli of the dreamer tried to unrlt far hla eltya fame alone von tay uiink uraat thought tor tl n future you may fashion anil build an i plan but you never shall a your dreame made real uv you work with your follow man and nvr a greater city shall spring into being here hav that the winy have labored together la fame to rear out of lb heart of otr fellow it mil of our greatneee btmhi together they have stood for thla purpose for no on oould do it alone bland offby yoarlf with your dreaming and all of your draam aw vain no apuodor of eoul or structure tn wan by tilnuwlf attain tiawllud w ehall dwell an lthr aa brother una must w loll w bloat ah in a eemmon purpoe an we ahare in a eommoii toll and each who would a eooomnlltbed lha dreams ha la poud to own lluat strive for lb goal with hla fellow for he nan not retch it alone ka oueet two uneehies j lln mxiiiibh of ltd mtymnont vlowu tlln troiuiu fn m tlia null umr hlng ontufully u i tin hldtuttlk mi i krplrjng uith thti loll llu i lolnili u 1 1 nv id xwuuuor und iliu ihiltrld c u uul unorvjiihif ttbdul nnllim it id lb ii ii tuutliik i tuhh ho lie b til llm out u m ktlok iu in b uuilil coin ul il in i nntna lliu iniukcr lollnia mo plrli u ratwr blli h obuorvox llm nil itli- 1 illur ulib uu iioiclirhhiid luyltrc uti 1 it in i llio torruct i fublilou f iiuibui kblnuud bulr hia ufibi drf ibnilioiildiii n4i inodh lilcrlilo 030 and utniili lull crliftoatriiiu nn tlm ifnnua 111 iroliti i j v r tiilry well bo anlolioih hi ii bi 1110 iiiiiiliiii loo i vtdoti t biitu urcon bom in llio olty tlio irtiwt vanlttut bin i of uuoi llilu riwnlob from h mmont aocla for tluiim iuimihk toil mid for norvo ro ciiurntlm ulib ilia ijonuii of tlio aall i oubijsio mllb it inrtoy with bu lulnum b vnloil bumli and forou all oily potmi for u wmy iiowflr atniiiu a doxan aqtioulin rmrbom hfubo a bid for itarley iimub and manlcurud dcoorum iwl auotb or mljjltty niiiunii old dobbin unut m biriicnl and tlio imkloa arm but pah trm tbo broaching 011 bin boom und ths bit itahlnd hlu ail tlio meadow hay la iiliiffi and tbo pjkclea trla to ataob bit iorfontio a iklwrto tumbht od hla itan polubail hack you may bate uuns olty hrdlnf orlaa tho jonm to alarm but youw rsonor than tlia raanat on a wlantiflo farm 1 tlma tbo kua aiul tha apaoloa ch la blmf in sla own iilolia but naluiar could with comfort tab um othar follow plteb i j idwakdtcrrtf i owe wofise tiiamtins work to tha editor 1 wai la 1111 but it onlycortwatluur vau canada baa haw bail a hundrad yaaholpaaea during which waoouldhava ted would liava uawlopd much mor rapidly oily for th ltiwr trafflo 1ir lanoiaea tlmaand do raata froa lla on blaughta truly whar war klllathduaanda this uaffla bllu una of thouaabda aa i ahtll ahow dy and wlflbt it b4a on kill ittjf and woundlnfif qull a tally tbougli with lwidlaplay than war and aull rnany ftthrwlb40il paopla aot aa if tby wara parfaotly lndlftrat- if wa aliould ida flvelliouund una in lhl war avdryoua would fal uiat canada bj raoalvad a at lok that it would tab yii to raoovar froca ilut wa lom that uaayavoiry yar tlirough drink calculated vm od a fiv par oant bail ixud it mm axtravaant to aay that flvthouaand lom thalr ikoa throumh drink la canada avaiy yaar t that la calouutail aa only half tha paroata0 that la allowed for tha unlud hcataa and britain a oartalnly within tha toark what an lununaa num bar of atronj man canada baa loat ibroujjb jrlok durlnjr bar bundrad yaara of aioa probably not laaa than two hundred thouaaivd to aay uotlilntf of tha poverty cdtas and othar alla that follow in ita tiaja it baa been oaloulatad that ruul with bar prohibition of tha liquor trafbo would in tea yaaiv aavo aa many man aa it la llkttly aha can loao in thla war and tbo paopla would ha rich ami proaparous at ilia and of that tlma with a prohibitory w wall enforced canada could in one year eava five tnouaaitd and almoat empty iba jaila and poor houaaa and bring auoh proaparity aa wa have never known if tbaee ealoulatlooa aro ooireot auruly it la tlma that we did something ebeotlva uuat wo forever look halphwaly 00 at tha imloloif of our country ii arrvou u b uuyb my health to lydla e- ipinldiflunai vcg- latil compound waahlntftoii parle iii i am tha mother ot four chlldron and liav auf- ford with female trouble luukacho nervoua apalla ami the bluoa uy chit- tlrena loud talking and romping would mako mo ao narvoua i could juat tear aveivuilntftopiacaii and i would tubs all oi er and feci ao tick that i would not want anyone to tall to ma tit tlmca lydln e rinkbama vejpiuhlo compound and liver pilln ra- atorod ma to healtli and i want to uitnk you for hie food thvy have dona we i have had qulto tit of trouble and worry but it doca riot affect my youth ful looka my frlenja any why do you look ao young anil well f i owe it all to tlio lydla u pinkham remedies mr itonr ctomel moon avenue waahington vxv llllnola wo wlali every wcrnnn who buffer from fomalo trouble norvousnaaa uackaclio or the bluca could aco tlio lat ter written by women mad well by ly dla e pinkhama vogotablo compound if you have any aymptom about which you would ilka to know writ to the lydla e pinkham medicine co lynn uaaa for helpful advlcaglvao freof chjurga it pays to paint um milburns laxaliver pills iron a sluaoish uvok wltcd the urtf bacotuea aluttlsb it u an tadkauoa that the bowcla are not worvinf propyl and if tkey do not wa ksuhuiy ttuny cottiplkatloiui ar uabht oodatipatlo akk bcadacbe uuaua hwdaru jautidlce hjribum wur bntb catarrh of the btouuuh etc all eon frod m dlaofdehd llvr muburua taxauvcf xhua ttlmuhtd the aluuuh uvtr dean the eoaud toofcua fewctbd tha obiuulouf breath clout away all watt and polioooua matter frottj the tywum and ttreveuk aa wu as cum ail toctttfalnm ahjiijt from a u whkh ha jfe hiactlve ura john v tantoti blrnau odt wvitea i taka treat nleajure id writltuf yotf oodceraltif the tt value i have rcoelwd by tiaw your uuburn lazo- uvr puli for a alugtlidi uver what uy uw tot bdj t would bv4 aevere head- athta but biter uuh m couple of vub i am uot bothered with them any tdort ftiilburaa liuuullver pilu are 3a0 a vial fi vial for si 00 at all dealcm or ihoiuni direct on receipt of phoa by the y mllbum co limited toronto oat causb o blub monday bolmtlela m daolahng that blue uonday la far from being a joke social fcourtoe in u qout for tha wo um that trwwfc afleot tiumanlty haa alubtbledon thla day of the week dr thorodyka qlalma that it la almply became uooday la monday theakllhvl hand ia leal ita tefihalqna and flolah and humanity in ganaral flnda it hard to atarfc afreah a hahlb that had bean broken the habit of wdrb the raatena why monday it blue are thus aaunuriced od that day parentis have to go hack to work it uwuh lugday oouaetora and ageate call the aohool bell hnge again too tttubh tnonay yaa in olrculatlon on batorday night the big sunday dinner no moderation la hundaye exerolae new ragnutlooa and eehedula iuh on udoday lb paya to paint all ikermanent bulldlnga that are mudo of planed lumber and pro perly finished if taitllv oolored with paint properly applied it adda greatly to tbo appearance of the place thla a a touroe of doliftht to the owner and helpe nuke the family contented a building that la kept well painted will lut lodafln italy a good grade of paint well applied keapa molature from reaching the ualla theuek of which allows bulldlnga to be coma weatherworn and ita part become looee weak rotten and ulaahapaa a well painted place a not only more deajr- abla to keep bub a wore readily aold aa buyer prefer a well kapb place and will pay tdore for auch it paya to paint machinery became of the batter appear anoa and becauae it will beep tha bolt and other part from rutting or rotting caualng anpanalva breakdown and making it difficult to repair it la especially pro fltaule to keep waggona and buggtea well painted for it heap the wood from check ng and the wheal front shrinking kwy time a tire i aat it put taar dlah into the wheal whloh wabena it kor 00 oentaaycara vehicle can lie kept tight and bemadoto bubaluoeta long aa one will keep up the painting castoria wb fnfnra auul childfefl lit us for ovm 30 vt bfcnatnr of zf1 woold btill froykst one cf a party left hla comer aeat in an already crowded railway carriage to go in bearohofaomething to eat leaving rug to reaarve hla place lleturulnjr he found that hi apita of the rug and the proteite of hli fellew paabengere the acat had been uaurped by a welldroaaed woman with flaahing eeaahe turned upon blra wlien lie remonatated do you know air utat i am ono of the director wfvea v madam he replied were yon the director only wlfa i aliould aull proteat children ory for fletchers c coma nan much aufierlng bub molto way cwo cure ooeranapeedy atire and aaiufaetory relief a review of life reveal that the thing we tnoee regretted at the tlma are the one to which we owe naoe now complete in itaelf uotlier crave worm kxlemluaur doe not require lb ajulatauce of uny other medicine to mike it effective it doei not fall todoltewctk it id an achlavment on the aplrllual aide of tbingii lb la tins emdion of one ufa here into the apltitual world thatla alone of value hdihwwidcfiatuwcilly ntrwi 8mwj to bo oul olew the heart alwuyt wcuis iu ivmpalhy with the nerveiy pnd mt the heart u worklus propeily the whole rve ytn u liable to become uiiitiuug and the heart luclf become affected mulxima heart ami nerve piu will build un the mubruuif nervou ayateia and atrengthen the weak heart ao that the sufferer will enjoy the very beat of health for year to eonie tt you tny teatlmony received front uale ullbura heart and nerve pill ah uerve and heart builder they have dona wonder for tne at time tny heart would beat violently and tny nerve teemed to be nil out of order but niter tiling few bone of mllburu heart and nerve pill x feel like recommending tbettt to other that they mhtht reccbw benefit a i did uuburua heart and nerve phi ttavn been od the market for the past twenty five veent and are utdvcraelfy entuddend to be unrivalled n a medklne for all dieoriern of the heart or nerve uubtirn heart and nerve wtta am eod dcf box 3 btnti for 125 at all dealer ofl nulled direct on receipt of mm jolmn iikkxiuulvuieont writei i 1t am aeudinit you tny teaumony for the benefit x have received front tula had dyspepsia cayat htf nttutly tthtttto u his tbctv baitttoek biwni wftten eumkd hima ur ii n maadenott flwucr alt write about twenty five year aov in the province of quebec x catne pretty near turning up tny toe with dytpepala a cousin of tibia perwnuled me to try uurdock ulood bitter in about two week t could eat anything front raw fat potk to unleavened bread threabottlc did the job and x have never been troubled with tny atoutach alnce you would my that thla i wonderful u you could only ie what we aometltnea have to live on in thla country j i half cooked beam etc burdock blood bitter has beta on the market or the put forty year and cannot be fvfllfd a a medicine for all dueaie or dliurder of the stomach it 11 b u manutactured only by the t uubura ce unutetl toroeda oat what iib is now tbo recruiting sergeunb uith shrewd tenae of humour haa been otorywhero tbeao man bavo ofientimoa ueedtd all their wft euld one to audi a iiromlslng recruit i why dont you join the army t von would adorn the kioixa uniform itu a floe profeailoii la the army and pro motion for all who ask for it look at the number of lieutenant i and thoreu lord kltohenar a field marahal and at the head of the war oflloe why lord kitchener waa only your age once and io what hale now i rnovuu oy uuhalirrv whan we meet happlnad on tha high vay the great mletake we make i failing to aak blu totfobowe wlthua aad atay the reeofhlir trutl in providence la all riflht till yon come to trutb that it will clothe feed and aleep you ulthoub you ever atrlklng a lick providence like a hottler jutb aa well aa thi old woru doe theoptlmub uoomea a petaimlat after he think lie hear tha dollar ringing and open the door on a bardup old bill oallee children cry for fletchers c pll le for mer vou atroublai the alomach la tlia centre of the nervou ayaum and when the atomaoh auipend healthy action the result la uuulfeat in dlaturbanoeeofthe nervea if atlotred to rlat uervcu de bility n dangerous ailment way ensue the fjreb consideration la to restore the atomach to proner action and there is no readier remedy for thla than parualeea vegetable p1iu thouund mn attaat the virtue of theae pll in eurw nertoni dlaordar almcee any man oan succeed if he ha a ulle good aaase and a little pood nature if a man i old and ugly and hi wife 1 young and beautiful lb may he a sign that be ha more dollar than aenae r you often nan lead with the altkan cord poeby ybet unburn cou llmltail of love when all the oabla of login would xoronta qnt iasl wis all choked up could hanlly brwithee ironohitis wtt tu cttt tw cm wu dlh woods norway pine syrup ur oarnet burn north augusta oat write x cautht a dreadful cold going to town and about a week after x became all choked up and could hardly breathe and could scarcely sleep at ulabt for couthlnjr x went to the doctor and be told me that x was ffettlntr bronchitis my husband weut to the drurtut ad asked them if they had a couth medicine of any kind that tiiey could recommend tun druggist brought out a bottle of dr woods norway mac ctyrup x started usihk it aud it com- tdetely cured me of my cold x cannot fell you bow thankful x wo to get rid of that awful nasty cold x sludl always keep a bottle or dr wood norway pine syrup on hand and x shall only be too bud to recommend it to all other dr wood norway pine syrup is a remedy tiat ha been on the market for the post twentyfive year and we can recommend it without m doubt a being the belt cure for couth and colds that you can possibly procure there are a lot of imitations on the tnarkel ao when you go to your dnnrglit or dealer see that you get dr woods put u in a yellow wrapper three pine tree the trade mark the price 2kc and 60c the genuine u manufactured by the t mlbum caw xuhlted toronto out the hutoh teacher and now who can tell me why we should always lie uaat awl clean little liuie xn oare of accident ma iu continent a tragic f1etreat lu thla imiiidrotiti tiny of ulio ami wlmkutf wu luufii half ucnwj tlm uorhl hi u tvntt4 of tbuiliiy iilntoat in atiiiituiiuoiiul iiud llio uty oliitiiuttta miry nbrond llio iiuivh it iu matd thiiit rnuiiiiit0 it i iiilrnilo but n mlr uilo tbnt luuy btmbili rnrowr from llt puucu of tlio fuluro lilulorluii mill ro- umuccr ono of llio tiunit ilmimuk tltr uroa of tlio pout tbo itiiukdiiutii urlliu inu llrut uuuu from llio imltlollulil lonu ocn bororu iliuldlpiiliku of mnrnlbmi run to athiuu frmn llio iui mortal huttlollitld trltnl xktur mid fell diiiil ihu iiiouuumtir bold n plnco hi mj th mid clnonklo tbut ho ban maintained for ioiiturlou uomo time liu iu merely tlio uwlftout rltlcr or riiuuor nouictlnuu ii liuo of llio uifht tliouon nu uu honor to lhnr ulud tldliil nomotlmou u liurd praod rot uuoo uomctlmcu cou u long uurvlvor lndy lllznbetli lliompuou llutlar tha ihilliijniluhod woman pointer of uurtlmo aceutu of whkh the hull call u moat futuoiu oiico lllustralod in n loan known piilntlim ono of the tuotit trnulcf cpuodou in the hutory of modern kiijjhinil tlio arrival of dr wllllum llodou nt jnliihluid jon iu 1b12 her tcrrlblo littler plcluro show tbo youiitf ihcotcli uurireoii daximl de iterate oxlmiiuted ciijjlidk half con aclou to hi wonrlwl homo nu tfio wall of the city loom in in lit ito had conio from kabul tlirouob the tnountalna in mldn lulor ono of a retrtltia army of itrltuli nnd mitlte troop hccouipauted by aunruiu of nl leudnuu and lamp folio wen u lilt them at flrut wero also ulna rimlluli womu wlvtij of otllrru inclixliiiu feioreutu lady kalo ivlfo of hlr flub rt bdle tbo com mauler nt jiilnlnluid nnd bl daubbtor there here also fourteen cblldixu a lonu lutrkule and hldeou aerica of bluuiurw irnitli ri and murder luid brouubt lb trenmudoualy ouliiumborcd krltkli lu kabul lo the point wliaru evncu itkui of the city and ucceptnure of a iroui laed aafe conduct lo jalalnluid wem d to tbeur leader tbo bent that could bo hoped for nud the rttrxut bfau ilut the afckaua did not keep their word and soon there wrtm no bvadir ilaforo lb inarch won half oror mniiy ware slain and coudlllou were to bopla thst the othar yielded to n propoedl to hurreudr tbo rouituiiudluir gvuerdl himself general klplilualontf toiivther with the women and cbll dreu into the care of the afnuau chief akber khau aa hoeta but not uu tu the kurd kabul was iiaad the rore of the kurd kabul la n five mil ravine btww bujh tuoun tain ao narrow lofty nud urlm that in winter the aun aenrcely rvacba it depth that january it was dep in enow the rock were euxed wltti ice end upon vry bioiinlalu slope lu ev cry crvvaaae behind every bowur lurked tha fanatic afban trlbveuuau with tbolr lona buuh aud long knlrcs wary crowded imlf crippled by froat the roufuaed ami fomiuaa masa hlrugglliuj tbroiiah tbo gloomy canyon soon lost all ambun of an army as the ilautbter aoon lost all seni blauc of battle it becanie almply the tnaaaacro of a rabble and the mow grew red three tbonoaud men aay tbo hu- torhui 61r j w kaye fell under the are of the enemy or dropped down tmralyaed and exhausted to bo elaufth tered by afghan knives and amid those fearful eceuo of caraase through a ehower of instcblock balbt rodo eutush ladlee on horseback or in caue pannier aowotlme vainly en deavorlng to keep ibalr children bo- ueath their eye and tbeu loahur theia in tbo confusion and bewilderment of the deaolattna march h aftor the general became a captive wltli tho women the rout and slaughter increased in horror tlio jugdullulc paa succeeded tho kurd kabul a dark etoep wlndlug track nscoudlug hlsu amontr frowuunj crag aud bar ricaded at lla narrowest point it waa a trap the fugitive were caught beyond escape a mere handful emerg od nllre within sixteen mile or jalalabad only bik of these remained lie fore thoao sixteen mile wnro coverod flvo of tbo six bad been killed by ntrag- blliiff maraudere dr ilrydoii alone one inau out of 10000 reached the goal and born tho awful uowa inter when biishiml imotio nnd avinged tho women nnd children mid a fiw prlfuinrni were reaiurd dr hr don hlrnhf lhe1 to nliarc nml ur hv llu- fmnoiih ulcui of futuiioh nn nilnr lirrllik iilkhh in bu conntrj h liluinrv init niio im imiiunititp iiud in uplrluu jim uu rcircnt from kiibul una imiiiltlittlnu mid dlsnatrona children cry for fletcher castoria i the grand trunk railway au tmvt iui uvvr ov lio iclml vou lfttvo always donglrt aritt wlilcls hem been la tio for over 30 yem ittia xonio tlia mlgnatura of mid linn been tniulo tindor liln por- nminl ntiiwrvlalon idncoltn infancy allow o ono tolnclva you in tliu ah comitorfouuxmuntloiinniiil tuatmfgood tr but uvnohmcntii tlmt trlflu wltli nnd iulnntror tlie limit of luiukitji uud clilltlruu xxiturloucoi uunlut xlpurbuout what is castoria cnatorlrt iu ii iinrnilrnu nnbulltlito for cantor oh parv gforja lororta tiiid ktwttliliifr hruiiw xt im ploaannt it contnlrih neither opium morphhio nor otlior kfircmtlo si ibutnnco xtu auolu ltu giuiruutuo it loutroy worms nml allay xovchalinciut xur tnoro tlinii tlilrty ytmnt it minm boon in conatnut uho fur tlio relief of conatfpatlon 1 intuloncy wind collo nil jcnfltlilnif troubtau nridt xlarrhcca it rkiiintun tlio htoniutlt and utowolaie niuillatn tlio food alvlnif luitltliy iiml matarax hloep tlio clilldkn eaunxuatlici slothurii lioiul genuine castoria always pbeaxa the stcpnature of mk la use for over 30 years tha kind you havo alwaya bouaht reduced sale this week do not fail to come and have the benctit every f o oo purchabtr will get a box of candy worth 100 free ol charge mens iiccco lined and wool underwear sv ovcrcojla regular tij no for ioo kalncaata worth tn oo for yo a nlco lot of wool mlttu and jjlovtn at 3x a lot of mens ili ptia leather wk rig yi oo for as ladics van roolurcg 15c ifor laco gootls rcfl joe for s laco ood 1 rci oc for ladlcu every a ay dnuica for as a quantity of nil ci to clear ut isotostlo bllpper uklo 10a don t forgot that with aviry iooo anil p urchise a si oo bo of camlv lll 7vt shxe 1 tho brlck store opposllo now postoffico cenontretd sun raya anbliuiihu inro urrmijird n number ft tiilrri 1 ki in tn lirluu the niy of tin mm to u point ulll tl foiiis ufildi nuiiiiu 11 hearth flic licnt thus millnnil ij- ilur rmm lhr uiinahln l fill i in i ww iron hiifllicni in act llu lo tin itoinnu altlph nhkh were itiiliiiu tin hnriuir if hj metis lli wu luixth every day feast on da c hliniiinua vvamsd uayuaud dear did you know hint tho last uffuhiture wn0il n inw iiun ishlng kidnaping very acverolyv slaud na hut what of lit shi y- wei i if yon u re nt rjireful chol kurtleluli relative may causa you trouble skunk gft muikret raccoon vox white weasel fiaher and other tur bearer collected its your acctlon utalhineaullnbfor iiwralhanallllraoracai lory a nun ciirutrernr1nfandniflurubtrprlroii t hatjhl at ti anoiuolltalltltmluma vrllel r ft fcfcuwti v mt only ruabl accurata markat rooft an i in lut pulliu wll u ilnowhi vwitw a r shobert inc k22 actons electric chopping mill h0bt h lasby proprietor ilavinr purclinvtij from mr 13 f caldwell oil- electric choppinp mill outfit ind ootlnill nl the busmeai i desire to solicit a continuance of the peneroun patronage ol the larmcrs and general public mill will he open every da careful attention jivin lvcr order and halioflction an- burtd r h labsy the merchants bank ft op canada a lens drink icxlmct from a aonthnrntnl l itort lnnt lllslit i rllt 111 ii uonilnlil n ii ioum crihiil mnnl drluklim tt nil in and hfj imver sml wi full in fore fjnidnii mnll if wa doalre tb hntrrru of inimlhi uv luufii mm the wed hope isapoeumatla tire thatla frequent ly lunuturetl uaefulln pamp kkplorem hiirveor irospeotor and buntar will hud iv thomu kclectrlo oh very useful in camp whan the feet and lag are wet and pold it i well to rub them freely with the oil and the result will be the prevention ol pain in the utusole and should a out or oontnalon or sprain be sustained nothing oould be better a a dressing of lotion dnnajdar carefully before you say a hard word but uevajietaiohajtoetohay a good on go by gorgon graham i when you are down in that mouth think of jouah if earn out alt right bus anna orocroft it i well id makefriend wth cred tore bob never make creditor of your friends chamberlains csjlths remedy vou mil ward ott uuuy anxious uameutl it aiths fllnillll of ooui r o6i1i y win 3i- biliunlsllsmijy ito- mid th thusm 11 bu iha wr 1 a m m i i atonm irlbllaiiwllnd tlirait and bmochuj tlmtwi iduv ivriull klvm kood fevmllll diili mt whoop ins oouth bjivo tlovolopsd yon cu eoqnk on u1u1 fepbucud old furt- r ii rift 10 rirlnly described as eco nomical manakcrptnt a shrewd bumnesa man is tpouen o nn thplty bo- cause lie savct purliapi only a dollar nt a time perhaps more but the real secret ol hm sutecui lie in tho principle of oavmc one dollar will start an ac count with this innk ml local cheques caehed at par oariralpaid uf hkdtchvu ruudo and undlvidbivkhonta adron branch p a maclean manager stocktakinci vanrmuaun tiiaiinsj tl f llowliikltliiillhia v irulliutiau ul aii lit 1 kli ttirc o tll t- ur 1 iso wr nn h ju in tin lrj nil u 1 la i11 so m no 11 ii jim 11 so u nn u ii jrt 11 uu m nn ill hj u nn ut ii ifvh it in iui r n in 1 11 ktrr p 11 a representative wanted at 0ncc ior acton uul ill ilrlct tor llio olil nml kimnlilo ronthill nonsckies rauiumi viytlimhi lillo oil winter wlitii ou enn talo up u i ailiir iikonty clintco lint of vnrlulleii for birink plnlltltilf iuuritl urmii iliiuilijimo fno outtil rucliiuwiilvrrllory willu now for ritirtiiuaru stono q wolllnrton toronto ontario the 1iouk or quality groceries and provisions ionr hiiihirtant jiolntk clean hue us qiiillty prlct scrvke vou aro n tltkd to litem firocerlei llrtod nnd meat flour nnd pastry vcgetabl 1rulli and confcchootry tbo nobility ulbculta tlio uat sodanon hie market j ft livingstone hill etr acton boots shoes rubbers t all lines 0 footwear g at rlht price a c all men s rubbers at fl bargain vrtcea w witiliams mill siilet aton the hub clotlico piny nn important part fn a nnna appearance why not ucar good clothes if you get them from uaynu will bt theatyle and fit that in n tho custom tail ored bul t a oivo us yflur next order iijd on will alwaya bo a cuatnnur fit and wnrkninnahlp tuarnnlcoil geo f agnew ouatont tallok mill st aeloa wct0n liyery and bus lisj hnvhifi rmrclituuil um livery dukliietiiii noil gotxmii ot tlio utoto of llio ll join wllllua i cnpcctriill itoucll tlio patrou nx of tlio public comforlole rlkswiu alum lut 4iipplliit nt rvnioiiiililo cliurgod uub ihto all tiamb ambrose mccann mill si acton orri clearing out odd lines of tics braces gloves sweater coats caps mens working shirts and rencril mens furnishings before listing stock some big special values aro here lor you r e nelson c k c00pch acton cement coniractok for bridges silos walks floors walls etc ai10 agent for do laval s1i01 separators etc high grade portland cem ent for silo morabiuit ttello tupadham blmmt oubumi oht ate nts ipromptiygequflec marion a habioh ski unlvenlly b uontuka1

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