Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1916, p. 5

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lic cton vtc rw 1iiurhay iimiuar 10 lll lipes way i do not uiiow how 1 1 iu lifo pkth may l nor jot 1i w rouuli i hub thin 1 knaw mvhulnr u duatllitne and tint oiioiiuli tfmm infirtt till eve from n illi till ug from lilrtli llll death 1 uwai ho turn the oinnli mje and rnntn mo brilh so er tho mi t it in tho uy inu for price liraai every uvll thought to fly and sou 111 f ico lid love my htiiy hi word my iiutilo i need not fear for ho lm prmnlsod to nhlilo forever nonr ami i shall surely roadli my rest in that dear liontoi thsres welnonto foroaoh until oppromsd lfeitosth that dome anil thouuli i uremipon tho wsy and scarce nan shitf k own lila scepters royal it way and drown him king sionii herald oh ma1htaih a thoro w onoe o woman who found her ulf suddenly thrown on lior own resource itortunstely tho rooureeh unio thoro 8ho told all that had mule lior lifo beautiful and deoorutlvo anil tootc tho proceeds to huy useful things that in turn alio mlfhb sell these and earn a livelihood therewith out of the wreclt alio kept but one expsnilte uilntfe very beautiful and wonderful fur ooat which her husband had given her in tho days before hi life and hit fort una had terminated abruptly thawotnsa had a little baby to support and tho only weans tlio found available was to go up to ttto wilds of tho north and introduce a lino of knit good to tho shop ktiptri there tho fur ooat alio felt would save her from cold and pneumonia which might endanger her own lifo and so kr babys mum of support and life a will besides alio was quite aura that the ehtrmlno sppsarsnoe tliat fur ooat would enable her to make however cheaply alio waa clad underneath would bo distinctly an asset to her in hufcineea the flrat town to which alio came housed ahugestore which her employer hail told her was rood far a thousand dollar order and m ten per cent oommlwlon to her she went la to tea the proprietor and could not quite decide whether he admired her sweaters and shawls and hatiys jackets or whether lila admiration waa all for her beautiful fur ooat finally after lie had examined her poods thoroughly lie told her to return the next day when ho would have made bit oholeo between tier lino and that of a competitor the woman had no doubt ol suooets for the competitor line waa inferior in quality and equal hi price the next day alio returned oonfldunt of ktioeeea bald tho kindly proprietor of the canadian emporium t i gave that other noor devil the order ho needed it so uuoh worse than you i realised that an oiiur like mlno couldnt mean much to a woman who had a ooat like your the woman weot leak to her oold hotel bedroom and flung haraelf across liar bed sobbing and quite bsedlets of whether ate crumpled her ooat or not the neat day in another town ahe got an rdr out ah went after t dreaeed in a 11208 black broadcloth auit fche had hougob in a lergeln basement when ahe got beck to kew york ahe sold bar teal ooat for lust half ite value it ooat me a lot and it lot tua lot but it uuflhtnoee lot laid she 110ral wbenakira milk waftqueredaa uoreau people who are used to a frugal diet may he sfrelj of it constipation urwatu of meewlu hssjtfc tits attytmsitf u ii tha truth was oidy known you wouli find that wr one half of the uhi ol life t auuwl by allowing the bowel to gvt into s coiuupated condition and tbe sole csiise of coaitlnatlon u an inactive unfe and unlc the llvcf u kept active you way trl aiure4 that btaawbrf uuudw heartburn piles floatina- sffatks btfor til eyes a flltig m u you wr gow to faint or caurvfa of th tiomlt will louow tie wrodi tloa of thi one of tbe tdoat iniporuiit orgiii of th body ku the iw active and wotung ptcfaty by the ue of ulrlhuttn itu- uhw uoaa beblnuu axihmt n wriich iliivwrf bj trotihml oa yre with conatlpalkki kud irjium vailous aaccdld tbubduk which tud tne ho good whauwr 1 was ueudd to try uuburas iaxuvx ilil t bm found thtni moat bcticfklat for tbey im indeed a kokodkl rlu i cut bcertlly kooounfcnd thctn to all who suffer frost vul ft vul for si 00 at all ueaufs or hialuti dwct oil receipt of nrloa by the r mllhum co limited toronto oot bblkdlho back t theks in the united butee much a being done to bring back tbe trees and atone for the wektoai cutting down of timber lit the peat twenty ave btaua have active fortelry ilenertmeuts moat of which em ploy profeaeleoil foreatere twenty have fdreatflre protective eyateua vive hae utiderukea to mljuib iuhllo uvatloii so as to tnoourag the puntlug and pmsrvatloo of loreet the plantiug of seedlings is now follow lug tho trail of the pioneer whose ax laid low most of tlia mighty foretu that once elotbed millions of acres which now are cultivated or allowed to be wuto lands spotted with rolling stump it is becoming rtaogttlud unit human energy in the united hutei up to recent times wv expended largely on turning lato knoaey tho nature resource without much effort to oonurvo the tourcs of apply the young men and women who are now coining to tho front will pay far more attention to ilia duty of renlenwhlng these supplies the subject of oouurve uoa of natural resources is well worth uio tudy of young men who plr to leader- ship la a comparatively new field corns enuso much suffering hut hollo- ways corn cure offeree speedy sure and sauafaotory vellef mttiiu orroimiitmbs urawn i should think doctors would be area more tyrannical and autooratlo than they are bmltli why sot brown because sll their dealings are with people wbe are in no condition to fight back fahati fa lolholiliuin riio ihkinl of 1 ruihi of the city of ill tu i ing nt i january minting pumtod tlm f dh m rluolnllon without disuniting up that this orkanliatlon reallx in wr lieforo tho itiflrenaliig i unions ufliikili ii l iummi by the liquor trnolo in lliu ro nitry ah so ontioluulv oly ihown i y ills ilgurem uk on hy tho oeiiuuh of the united riiiiom raaluing tho u xiortlly tho illlnfliisotilji of our com try ly a umiariiil ro i net in it of iiiiooiim j rottliiing ihul it it t kir uoana ny to allow tlio mnt i ik of liquor llofliiwa which annually nrlnd out n urlt of humanity for which wo muni iiicroamiiulj uty on uiiiieceuary tax runlixlng iho soonomlo ioab to tho country through tlio liiolhoioiioy of tho individual mil rocogiilxing tho fnot that moro than i7k00 mm of tho iopiilatloii of our coui try ii i ready iho in territory from which liquor ii ts boon tiaulahod hy tho novereljjrt will of tho people ho it rnurivcil that thla organlmttlon plnco it toll on record so fevorsblb to ois imngayo of a 1 iii now before congress afib mltting tlio queatlon of national prombl jiou to lho savers stale legitlsturoa thut tho qiicatlon may he settltd in harmony with the will of tho people aocordlnu to aomo pcoplo tjto hoard of tisdo of tho city of tituhurg uiuab he compod of a lot of fanatics if so the nuulior of fan at leu who think as they do is inoreaslng with great rapidity h arnott u ii m 0 v b heat flashes dizzy nervous mrst wynn telia how lydu el pinkhams vtsgeutbi compound helped her during change of life richmond va after taking oven bottles of lydla e pinkhams veifatable com pound x feel like a new woman i al ways bad a headache daring the change of life and was also troubled with other bad feelings com mon at that time dluy spells nervous feelings and heat flashes now i am in better health than i over was and recommend your remedies to all my friends uraxfcni wynn 2b12 e o street richmond vs while chang of ufa u a moat crit ical period of a womans existence the annoying symptoms which accompany it may be controlled and normal health restored by the utnsly use of lydla e ilnkvuuns vegetable compountl buch warning symptoms are a tense of suffocation hot flashes headaches backaches dread of impending evil timidity sounds in the ears palpitation of the heart sparks before the eyes irregularities constipation variable ap petite weakness and inquietude and mildness for these abbormal conditions do not fall to take lydla h ihnkhw vg- tabla compound f a cuhious will a curious will lias jutt been aettlaj in englasd containing a moral worth a wider circulation than a miters but testament often obtains the oor man died when to general turulw it was found he left 170000 the 3130 000 in a package signed and scaled sa to he glvwi to his native town i five thousand each to thra brothers and fits thousand to a fruod with whom he had quariwlld it was stipulated that no of the four shouij follow the body to the grave which aug geatloo tbe three brothers gladly accepted hub the quarrel ur walked alone and for feited hi 83000 for the uke of pay lag a but mitigating honor whd the package was opened for the town lb duclaj as othw will giving the iso 000 to say of the four who thoull dluard the stipule tlod castor i a vos infaads ttj chiidiaat trtumroovh30ye auwsita uatw ftajrhrft af viil utt ov sslluuo whatever your occupation in life the art of smlliiig is a big uwt the rheery doctor baa twenty patients to the one pouiaed by the iongfacd individual who oomee into the sick roota with the air of having abandoned all hope any houss- wife would rather trade with a jolly butchwr than with one who looks as if be had a grudge sjraltut the wotld and every employer knows that a bulling cutk draws ouuoni whatever trade or pro- feulon you are fitting yourelf for part of your preparation is to learn tlio art of swlllng a pleamnt medicine for children is u other draves worm esterminator and there is nothing better for driving worms from tha ajateni all work miwi no play makes the swond rsneratioii feel lika looking out for tha general average doans micfiev nils ktrueve ttm kldtteya and bladder ulb ordinary madlclnm tt itw hawala when the kidney get out of order the back la sure to become affected and dull palm kliarp palii quick twinges all point to the fact that tlie kidneys need attention wasters and uuliueuts will not cum the kidneys for hey cannot set to the scat of the trouble but koati kidney ihlls do and cure the kidneys quickly ami permanently mrs liolo mclamor ihympton n s writes i tin sending this testimonial telling you what a wonderful cure jdosns kidney 1411s uade for me vor years i hail suffered so with my kidney x could hardly tlo my housework v used sever kinds of plllm but none of them seemed to im doing me nuy oa at last i was advised to try a hat of boons icidnty win when i luut taken the first box 1 found relief x have used five boxes and today i feel lika new woman i cannot recommend them too highly doans kidney im an fiflc pec box 3 tone for 01 2fi atalldealersoftnalletl direct on receipt of price by the t mllbum co i llmltmf toronto ont when orderuuj direct specuy doans canada cement company limited llerald bnudug montreal cut out and mail rjtt fiinitiwis trt m4 bm a it ay r uwuhcmarjt bum uin cur i 1 the hade in canada empire typewriter a suveii you 40 10 60 try before you buy at our expense what sub wawysd uy dear said urs htroogmlrul i want you to accompany we to the town ilsll tomorrow evening what for v querud the meek and lowly other half of the oora in i am to lecture ot the dark suis of uarrldd life esplaloed lire troag mlod awl i want you to ub on the put- fortd and pose as one of the illustrations okiidrett cry fob fletcmebs castoftl a it if costfc to tu wour rwlths wife sld to hlas o evening annlotly i know johu dar his bhib eaeb of livlug is terrible but do you really ihluk we ola gi along without a aenaat wau have to lmtb aneed firwy uaues i gt a rua why hang t wotebnonue to thvwt you eaa do tha cooking yourmlf sad i can gb my owe weals at a rwsureat lwpls who make a show on erwllb tab joo tnake a creditable show lag ikoaglaetbifvellags of tbe purluns if they ftouui see the uotlern sutfiagvua theres no u hurrying after the oouat bin got a cold you should aid mature to throw it otf promptly to loosen the eousfa rallove tha inaw and heal tha ln- rumad throat ilssuai try the old tillable chamberlajns cough remedy aw ii 1 buidt mued s fcfiilv k- 1 tjwveaalusil an lruswl pllm a tib could fttll food uulher hobble oowo here i have something awfully nloe to tell you dohbls sgail sis aw i dont care i know what it la wtf brothers home from oollsge it i why hobble how oould you guess ii uy bank dont rattle any more a married nuns application for mem- ershln in a club nuy its an admlaalon uut marrlago is a failure- as fur a he is concerned togebaoaked invotb in watered stock quick temper la an illumination in hon our of wounded self esteem the trouble s nob with getting oven with jour enemle butlrt maying in that condition children cry for fletchers castoria itcqulelleoo the vann kvery farmer and mock raiser should keep a supply of dr thotnan kolectrlo oil on band nob only as a ready remedy for ills in the fam ily but because it is a horse and cattle nvadlalneof great potency as a snbstl- tuts for sweet oil for horses and cattle affected by colla lb far surpasses anything that can be administered a uttlk shaky he went to dine with a bachelor frtsad who prided himself that bli few pictures wore gaia after having enjoyed them solves well too well in fact ab dinner they adjourned to the ploture gallery where the boat pointed out to hla guett a landscape saying what do you think of tliat my boy sh v ths fallowing reply was hiccoughed rather than apokeni tleeatlfut oil chap vary fine awl uy good trans wave bout so aa fchally t coughed so hard would mum bltk irt tha f6av tlu was cunco bv uitno bue woods hormmypbuf sytiifl lira itrneet atuma wult bu ul out writes uy httle tul su years okl had a dreaoiul hrd couah at huhts aha would ooub to hard she would vet black hi ths face and would ooub for ftcnraa hours before she could stop we tiled dlftcftdt klndi of madkhie and had several doctors but failed to do her any good bbe could not sui bos tat her eouah waa 10 bad and aba wai simply wastldrf away a frund advlied tne to uy id woods norway line byrup x got a bottle and saw an tmfworvaictit and got another now 1 am only too glad to rwocomeod it to all mothers too much stress cannot be uld oa the fact that a couih or cold should be cured inunedjabdy th woods norway mud qjti will cure the comb or cold and prove a pre ventative from all throat and tuug troubles iuch ai broachllia tttht and eotuumptioil iv woods ij put up in a yellow wrapper three pine trees tha trade mark pdee 20c and 80c pea bottle momdactured only by tne mil- burn co limited toronto ont a lloon for uie kuhoua tha liver i a very seniltive organ and easily deranged when this oooura thare u undue saoretlon of blls and tha acrid liquid flows into the stomach end sours it it is a mou die treulng ailment and many are prone to it in title condition a man fiuda the beat remedy in patmelooti vegetshle pills which are warranted to ipedlly correct the unorder there is 110 lie tier modiolus in the entire list of pill preparation wotaraultvihdel was your husband gowl to you mandyj lie was miss i wokf d ib hours a day fo years fo dut man an he never auoe found fsnlb wl a uiliij i dl i fo him and occatlonally the doctor 11 more dangeroui than the disease uany a live wire gets shortolroulbod he who la nob afraid to die is truly im mortal the measure of your love is its aoeb to your ufa tv im x 1 lir nt me wouldnt make a hlb with laiy psople nn vvro a hrnvaatw tml hie otuklom tnpm r lr ivn kilos fo kloys l fight kllin tho following rottiliilucormou of thn late sir ohurlos tuppor woro wrlltoit by a frloud in amliornt mow u very old man this frlond wau in limny ways donor to 01 r olmrlou than tlionn connected with til in in uiihiiiomm or political interests i culb d to son this matt in amhorst and found blm busy upon an nddroini for a moniorlnl morvlco tlio following dny i am an old mnn 1m uald unil an old mans memory workn ulowly i must havo tltno to recall sonin of my moat intltunto oipoflonccn with tilt- ohnrlom k arraiigod with him to wrlto noma of his romlnucniincm and sond tliom to inn bnro in an ncconipanylng icttor lio hayn pcrlmpo you may regard my akoteli nu too snmhro but i havo dona an i judtto it host wa must not forgot that tho man had a soul ab hla request tho remlnlsconoea appear aa from a frlond because th aged writer is not anxious to havo his namo in tlio papers ho writes during lifo i bad boon a closa ob server of tho only man whom i eatt call my night llonoratrio frlond apart from partisanship i wish to present a view of him which will not bo found in tha oulaujlos presented by tho spoakora and writers of tho hour the deceased qaronot waa brought up under tho strictest form of tho olden tlnio ills father was tho flrat loator of the uaptlat church in am- lerst and ruled his household ac cording to tho lawa given to abra ham in ardor to maintain his fam ily it waa necossary to oko out bis small salary by teaching what waa then known aa a grammar tlcbool charles received the rudlmentu of hla education there like aomo other boys ho loved a light and notwith standing the palna and penalties threatened by bis father ho gavo tho ablest of his companions pcanl to luduco them to go to tho back of tbe schoolhouoe and hava a bout with blm ifo was born with the fight ing instluot and there wero times la bla public lifo when pretty stout champions felt tbe offsets of hla blows one of bis favorite phrases in his early career was wo routed tho enemy horse foot and artil lery i was carried over to his views on tho union of the trovlneea when ho first addressed a college audloneo on that subject and afterwards i follow ed him when bo took front rank among those who plesded for tho lucluslon ol all tho provinces all this has gonn into history and will bo dilated upon by othors i early found that bo waa soma- thing more than tho politician in ono way and another oven when tho battle was raging whon tho oppo sition press did not shrink from qkcrlhtng to blm the worst or mo tives thoro was revealed a tender- nnus and a gonoroalty of nature of which few wero cognisant lie not only helped bis own frlouds but bta banda woro outstretched to those who had llttlo claim upon him i noticed also that ho waa care ful of what he said lu regard to re ligious matters there was no skep ticism about blm if others spoke lightly about tho solemn things of tho iioul ho did not loin with them but rebuked thorn from reasons which i am not at liberty to give i can say that my frlond down doep in his heart had an unsuspected lova of tho truth of dlvlno revelation in regard to thin greatest of all mat ters he was bumblo as a child and was willing to apeak of tbosn t bints which ordinarily ono bides from ob servation vie jaiues gets tven rto william james has enlisted in tho 33rd dsttallon at london ont with a view of getting evon with aormans who aro responsible for bis losing prsctlcilr everything of valuo bn bad in tho world ha bailed from cardiff on tho steamer cs moron bound for south america and whan off tho coast ulu boat was overhauled hy the german cruiser e tad an the men wore given three minutes to coma aboard tho gmdan and were not allowed to take any thing tbey then bad to watch the gorman gunners sink tho cameron then they wore locked up for twenty- four hours and after that rowed ashore near itlo janeiro on an uulu- babltod part or tho coast and told to shift for themselves young james managed to work bis way to new york and then rode on the bumpers to detroit wbsro be bis a lister after getting oa bis feet again be at once went to london oat and m- luted and has trained steadily for nearly a year in tbe bono of getting a chance to get even he is a son of csptsln james or the whlto utar liner lhurentle uow engaged as a transport james was only a couple of days over twentyone years old when be loluod tunca joining the battalion james has bacomo known everywhere hs jeioe jamas oauadlau ileus btourih tbreo teams of ten bens each en tered by tha oregon agricultural collage led scores of entries from tbe united states canada and drlt- alu at tha close of an international egglaying contest begun a yoar ago tbe oregonlans took first honors with ton whlto log horns second place wltb ton barred ilymouth uoeka and third prion wltb a team of oregontans vourth place was award ed to a brood of whlto wyaudottes from brit columbia wilt busy at 00 william taylor of cherrywood ont orgsnlied a inootlug recently for tho hed croau society ho sign- ed a lot tor to dr jainos l hughes inviting blm to speak and sinning hlmsoir william taylor 08 years old ono of tho boyn he came from yorkshire uuglaiid when a boy ho rcmomborii clenrly tho cucltlns times ol 117 in m when william lyou mchensln invaded that city ho la still vluoioub aud active heart was so leak ceim let flslpstiiriwillwinil wueii tha heart becomes weak and does not do its work properly the nerves become unstrung onu the whole system tectue to go all to pieces when this happens you need a tonlo to build up both the heart and nerves aul mllbumi heart and nerve ihus will accowpuih this for you providing you to not let your case run too long and allow it to become chronic mrs uvangluite loverdure ttut coutong que writes last summer my beut and nerves were to bad i could not sleep at night and uy heart was so weak x could not go up stairs without help my doctor said he could do no more for tne as my heart was completely done a cousin of mine came ih one day and told me that uubumt heart and nerve pius cured her completely x immediately gave her 60 cents to bring me a bo and since that day there ii a box always on my sideboard i am now well and my heart and nerve are stronger than when x was a little school girl i advise anyone with heart trouble to try them no doctor can beat them mtlumts heart and nerve 1411s are 60c per lov 3 lioves for ii 2fl for sale at nil dealers mailed direct on receipt rl price by the t mllbum co limited torontovont castoria for infanta and olihdron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of tiic grand trunk railway exact cdpy of wrapper for over thirty years castoria ih umuv uiiw vhu reduced sale this week do not failto come and have the benefit every io oo purchaser will ret a box of candy worth 100 free of charge mtns 1ucce lined nnd wool underwear lf ovorcoatn ngular gig oo for iooo raincoats worth m oo for vtfo a like lot of wool miltn and ftlovm at u a lot of niond slippers leather soloo rep si oo for uk ladies srd anorisrug 15c lfor 0 lace roods rep 30c for ys lnco joods rvn 30c for o liulicn uvtiry day iitcubch fur mh a qunutlty of ulm 1 to clear at 1 tttt to uttu blip pen 03 to ioo don t foriict that with every f 1000 tanh purchace a ji oa box of candy is glvm 7vc- shxe 1 tho brlch store opposite new post office actons electric choppingb mill r0bt h lasbv proprietor having purchased from mr b f caldwell the electric choppnu mill outfit and ooduill ol ihe liusineia i dtsirc toioliciti continuance of the generous patronage of the larmcm and general public mill uill he open every diy careful attention uiven ever order and satisfaction as sured r h labsy 7 he merchants bank op canada muuuuu4 iw 1u ibiiwju u cdmm jjrthrift is rirhtly described as eco- l nomical mananemtnt a shrewd buainess man is bpokcn of aa thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol bis success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed nt par oapiraupaldup- vimxwoo uusbhvu vuhdb anu undivided piiopiys vtu m acton branch f a maclean manager stocktaking clearing out odd lines of ties brace gloves sweater coats caps mens working sliirtr and general mens furnishings before listing stock soino big ipccial values are hero for you r e nelson meifuife twllef mspse sturauhs wyndhsuu htveet ouhilpihi ont j m mklhhhsiiahhhhhtthhhiihuhlshhtailhblwiihhsimklmlihbihhbl iar rjunoiell thai ho llii 11 wl 11i tl lima mi ui imlui nail nt dun ii mutu iuimi 11 r loino mkov nn 11 iu 111 ino mi so 0 mh ill ii tin m ii mm 111 t 1 nil 1 iu 11 lho ii liali 7j 11 t 17 i in 11 iflwlb t hji iii nini tu ntrtl tu a representative wanud at0ncc lor ac i on iiul lu irkt for tho ol 1 nud utlialilo ponthill nursce11e3 aumi 1111 whynmalii hllu all vvinlur when joii tun liho up u paini dljuntj clmko lut of vnrluilo 1 for 1 jirhip iilaiillnp tllicrnl turmi ijnmhujmo fno outfit 1 xtlinivottrriinri willo now for payliciium stono el wellington toronto ontario tiic home or quality groceries and provisions vmu f inpirliiiit jwliitn cloanllueu suntity prku service v011 are en tlnl to thorn grociriin llrciul ami men flour and 1autry voretuhles irults and confcctlonlry tho nohillty dlscnlu tho bett sodanou tho marliet x h livingstone mill fcl aotoh boots shoes bubbees all linos q kootweojr fi at right prlces all mon s rubbers at bargain prices t w witjliams mill street acton ji mi d the hub clothca play an important part in a man u appcaranrt why not wear good clothes if ou ftet tham from unyou will qetthe style and fit that uln the cuttom tail ored bulls give us your uest order nnd yon will always bo a cuntomer fit nnd workmanship gtiarantoul geo f agnew ciuloti tatlaa mill si actaa kct0n and bus likii ilaviiiu purchaaod the livery huulmrnn and gomtwul ol the cstatonf the lais 36k wllllaas i respectfully nolle it the patron nice nf the puullc comfortable rlrflwlll aluns bo jiipplitd at nasmitlilo tlmrfftjil amuitost mccann mill bt acion ont c k cuoplu acton ccment coniracturt for britjges s1i01 vvilkn floois walls etc also agent for do laval silos deparatom etc high gradu portland cem ent for sale buy made in candaa goods ate nts i promptly secured sll mmisuh ask for our invents vibkh which vlll b ssnt rrse madioh hattloh mi university bt uontkhal

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