shh kln sttt voijumm xiitno aa tty hulocrhllli 11 in ail acton ontario thursday morning ficmttuary 381 1mo bawtemihi 8inglk oopi hs tllltllw ckntfl i rlni mcc jjrcsa wvijuv r moknimii pum i hi huh i1s ullluymmut arrow oht tmmum ay huuauititti liniuf uiato htu ilia iluia far wlilcl plrad fim data i dii liar tar yaar oripiloii ilaaiilliiua1 cli limy i alio i cji pa i j i wliloli nory auliaorlp loulaneltl la ileiiouueu ilia ddra label avmmytulwa lumu trnloiu alvartlae- tauau 10 eauie par houl arell una or tfrl laaaalloa ami h bantu r linn lor eaeli aulaa- anao inaarllon conlrkil tliailay aulvtu- maal lor 60 or lueliu tuorr imr anuutu i0 u it i u all aaeb luaaril it yuarlyaouliraau la rmjiutf uaittr 11 oul wr luelt aaoli luaar uoo tlvartlmmenl wlllmit almoin a rllrlloue lb ititirtwitlll forbll an aliarue1 od wiv tiinalmiladvaruawuisiiuuiuat b pl4 in advene adrauaantauu will ba abaaaaj out saab uonui it dalt41 vow eliaua cluul alien abova maumooaj ilia aalr xmnaluaa uual m paid tan u wuuv vaiaa all eaaounu eutj monthly u 1 uooi1u udlur aui ivotu4o iluakiufta 0trtory nru mos gray u d c m mcgilx lilo p utmuaumaw 10 it a p v h iliboaw ukmkktuatual uhuux aaaooiaylw hm omierarieh muu atan onl osteopathy dtt vuunom o al dkbtlfw outunvatuio puialoiam oflttjpfavu illtmrkmaue hi- oou llaaref to k tul4 ait i filday al um dominion lloil aeiou cmuqvractic yvil uaulku d hollo wav iwalj ilulljlnn oualphont rtakriwou niiit wit iwiuitu toot of un tfn aulmon hill ul awtai maude tui mnejiv tbujv tad isfuay of eaeli w i ii m to ill vb ti lary jouu law o alton auiarlv najuainnfi i v rrtnarr collj lna o0tw alt i i 1 ipntwl all i hc oajudat i t i i irneajiiri hi i i iut ly aiitiiijta litqal 4 j uaouihnom oaalca ulll bunw lu rmftiu hla ww uolun iutiui- uouatior lod kniaiy khiblu 0tttkoufllm8 lllnok uoiuua uimi oauit utayto iaa lulat glaa ipaaul aiutt dsturl dl j u uk li duo luo oeurisr a08h 1 boa no bd ottm at haljiii camsi ulll aj vtnuuk butmla tloafoa otlauavb c xaauvo tlhluutw b uiaa 41a ulwia bj u dui1 d hl l uknhllt ukhliht uimcmt lammqvm jllltanoiu numam booaullhdiul fwuicatti fctwy ij iud amall j baata m aariaou liofelnhko a r tioouii awmua a litii ri vm kvted oam aovow if j umbja xv iocimod aootiaukhii tw uiu owihija al waiilnjiiah hajina is1 imc wbaay muuiu aa tj dau4aiuatfav ub4 m bwa wiuta ufi at vakai tmaw mu aalm will maaltfa ithtllajiau alualii vaaul auuotioa w bam u aaioal bj tlalauiy dalexjmiven odlailrto laulll uurvayok h oiu burvoy bubjiuuloua plaui r mrbu dfichphona blueprint etc crtlflcte for piirthanorib and mart- aijfl burveytt for arctiltucig uull- eikaail utittltipiil cnuuclln ortuu- tfa uttportu eimmtoh etc merchants bank bldo auhlwi jiui uhs4 our j b oheitbrs i1uuk iijhualh alxi woltlc vhuuivly uxttovrud the old and reliable granite and marble healers savage co haubllkhad i04u jlwilllk cul1pii the old and reliable watchmakers and jewellera savage co guelph onl ab asieabonaiibb gllt la a pfeudt iupirb no other piano appeals to mroiigly to botli tcailur ami pupil bolli muilclai and tiouecliccper iwcaum both the tan and the appear aiice ofihe pfluo la par uica hence boldonlv uv c w kelly cl son 33 lower wyndham st- ouelph oht c c speight ron up todnte gifts 3ilvrwira9 in tblavtr rln alto mn cutlaaav hakxfwair tlrtwr nrj orn kwkwlr vairiaitv pntlm blovtt and ratntfas sualtall stovaiil ou 8tov maohauilcl toym slmlg ha hooktaysuchat every article of excep tional value c c speight ulll strut aetoa dustbanb not only collects and killu microbes in dust liut it also catches the dust particles themselves keeps them from rising into the air to bettle on furniture and curtains and there fore practically does away with the necessity lor dust ing many diseases are con tracted from sweeping dust order a tin today from jour grocer see thot you get dust- bane for imitations are not so good du4bau hftr co ltd ottawa grain s e chopping ww in heamtlialdrr aud dlel ltiluutaai ol all tltwlol mwiriuiauial aud llaadatou hork waalldlrhoohititofcriaalwbou hala valoaa uiua mthlu our qatatuth 0 ba ant wj haw tit apflaaowi abd eha twl baamliauloa lu iba now in loo who eau epu ata aaaaiu toabr ratmrly w aau la mkmiim from bun irada ot our auataiuata lu torbi and otiiar taa har otbam hay lu aiaud law aulta la wj to ealll wa bm iha lancaat and baa i atooal f iraullr lu tba lloailalati n um u any tbraatwlaralu ftba aa waal laalttbtau daalara aud am plot no aavuix and do tto annoy or baa mtaanbyaattliuaatialattorarilaifautajlomllali wdara a aoiptay maabablm only aud dafy asaballuocl hamilton sonsi jwitorfa isu4wmalii auaimrb mmauaanrjaadadnrjahmhmmi well done and qulckly at only 5 cents per bag harms v co limited j aookwoon ont i a compliment llnlldoru con trnt torn uiul own era uny lo lilt whan heomau to tltiat hktrlwatai you oar- 1 inly tmva thasooitw wo friuirniilio th it if j on kco our bulhliiikh liardwnru ittieit oii ulll ucn linrtlwaro lint will puaue ou tm t niylo quulity nnl prku wu otniid irmly iw hhnl 11 ami hiirdwnro writu fur infor mat hi n we hnvo jutt what j on won i the bond hardware co limited phono io13tntwvuat oublph defective eyes our specialty iaabtuilut accuracy in uy enaralua tloiu anil perfect aye hiqw or apocucli sat i f net ion at abululely fair pricea wo fcl bu you ii approve of ibu platform aueviduncrfot tlio fuel that w land by it wo can refer u hundred of batlsflth customers in this vicinity a d savage oktomethist mfc ophcia itlshtllioiitofflctt grand trunk wfftxf winter resorts aahevllle and hot uprlnis n c charleston s c naumi n l hot bprinjjra arb french lich bnriiifta lud jacbsonvllltaiidall florhla rolotu havana cuba and new or liana vu via new vorlr and rail or auamer according to destination or via hulfalo dtlroit ot chicago likfllhuda and watavt inoiatv otliorlloaith retoru uountciemana mich llattla crook mich fat ctlur ineawoll out proton bpringa out i ul i particular on application ta grand trunk ajtn ta h s holmes agent phone no is boots shoes and rubbers wilrtte whebe where f at keaasy bros the dominion shoe store that it wliarayau and vtrylulng in footwear we stock up with no thing but ika test tuakaa hu4fi aj tha ugal amaa hohlaa and tba william firiaea far tuh autl lbs kn- preu arid claulc for thd ladle we hava alto a ut biaorttnaat of boys youth ulamki and cbll- dreniaikl ttw priccai im rljht we da twit tall yon a j oo iioa fdr fj 00 or a i jo for si 19 but a tijoo a s oa and it so fa i so- hubbard of all bind alwaya id aiock rapalrino proojtly attaudad to kenney bros main st acton ivtnjpls krw0niro c4n40 robtnoble flour norvul kau choice natloaal and l komib fkicd bran bhort wheat oliopa olutau ural ifolaalne colton ae4 meal oil cake 1laa ueal oat chop herbaguu the great block tonic allutloweftt price j l warren uanaoatn talarmom ho 40 the iialtohduffenim i1er0es hulton uih well l prutiil and hulfxrhi ulioui ulnuil for tho i tyulty of all tlmlr htm wlirt am ready to liahdlo th runa 1 liey aio liravu uml unhla boul who nro bound to r4ch tlio poala i hnooea thny urv aura to mt aud tlto jorihiin tln will defeat for fl tntl klm i country and tho nur honieu ura otjijili wo could nut hid ihmii ttnj tho our lioarta anlm ntuht and day bomaltodya myn inuito home inuat hurry lorpicll tba too ad aro luiuinl to do tltdir hit and want llielr lifllthllon tonialoaljft when umliut tho hot and ahell of mir kiilora tnan ulojall hluy they ho utrouu hlaliut tli wrptsf tor lo canttila they imtoiiir when l hay eo tholrcoinrutlee full may tli ronieinbor lifaa not all in mirt to llioaa who truln i tli ay oan aniluro tho mruln to ava nur country nutl flunr riilr4frorthuilfnarlitii tim r h inn i to do null tlarv ho cant lo the wind every cut kuccpt for hnino and toted ah many h i a at their not la wim tin forth irava aokller li mtj ioor lived imvo inun ju itciiiciidmi ll an ulicreerjou fo nur uaik will fuialy tiow llylhoxrut ullh uhloh oufluht that j u ii ro huuml lo defend th iyht of lliov u hn cannot la e thoir ikiiiicb i but tlmy will haata- mnnj a nili fur you who am far away for whom wa all will aunly py that the tlirto will ootna and toon whau j on will all ba home ilrava harooa from tba war all having iravsllckl oil utjir i ci tear up lade you are aura to win and wharaveryou have hsan voill not forat what you haa aaan kvan wlian old and on jour itava you laati itlim t lahalvua heaallp fab isth 1010 jcjb nilrellaa vera hurrah jf up ha sitaat aide by ul from underneath each protrudad a tuwt hadraimud ahlrt and a pair of ahow fcpjdgy wltli moiatura ttilu ia whet one wight call rain tahl a vole beneath tli mora porous of ike umhralba aa an wparudjy aliarp gut of rain found lie way in at rip and vnta tlia warry ring of tha voice brouftht a it froia urwlarnaath tha othar untbr prouat kitty oconuor liow can you i ifaia a i rctucd to dark dlwtourajfauant by taodaya of ataady downpour whiu you the aentarust waauntlnlabad tha cutlnff company had baaa foroad todaoraaaa ita output and tuo waaka fora lud laid off half of u foroa kitty 0 connor wu una of tha newr uaaotfr pliara and aha had baaa hunting a pltoa a vat- alnoa oh ita only had wva aatj a half rafuaala today tald kitty aajth butoaa and thraa oiuahare lookaj for to morrow bat an ami a half on auj thra- rjuarlara v uary waa vary lltaal vaa llr klw of tvutaoa v quary luainl to taka it o to hih that ooooam waaat la uaj of uy aaavlow that ba apoloitij all tha way down alajra aud i fall ilka rolna bacat to ooofort uu tbata only half a rafuaal and to uarrow 1 goto tba ewrdaywant duraau aud aa ita uy liat bota thalir rafuaal oouau aa 000 and thraaquartara dut what buikaa you go at all kiuy t vou know tha ylil aaja thay abaoluuly inaut upoa yoara el aifprunoa la thalr ofioa forwa i know ita uaalaaa kitty told ur hut tba fcaploywant lluraau waaja a ataaoffftphar and it uat for tad to paaa avau a looked door without flhw i ajf leamialt 1 jutt with dauo fohuoa would to ua bar lltlla gold key you wouldnt aaa wa lattioit it uip thwwflh uy flacara and with bar uaual raajarjforharalkiaara davotaaav lubia vortuaa aa that waaat appataally flunjf tor llttla feou kay a big brown paper paroel alulujf fiwu a too- awiftly turning dallvary waod kitty caught it up and failed i i lay ray i ijuip i dub tba dallv ary wagon rattled on ita way unbaadlnjf now what do you auppose it u aaltaj kltt llrr for tha eat mary rapllaj oonta along ita ralalaff harder than aver tint kitty waa opatilnjr tha paak- aae- thata whar youre wrong aha aau ita a big tot qf thlrtyoanta a pound iteaf- ataab for aowabadya dltiaar h i dont aea what dlftarenaa that uakaa u lint your atvl if lb war 1 doaa aa you ooutd oook it over an ajoobol lamp without any alaohol drop b and eoud along m llaryu ton had grown dacldadly iwpatlavit bub bar fiunda lupatlatwa only goaded kitty to turthar tlallharauoit i know perfectly wall that lb doeetit ita long to wa bub i dont know thab ita any mora the property ol tha dog thab uvea bvar tha atraat ifate as turning to tha lalttl hi waa aant by tba ford uarkbt to j j htintar u north inoa well ir youra thinking of raturttlng that meat to tha ford jjaifcat im going hum and mary and hair untbralu atartad lo croaa tha atraat ioj nob thinking ol ratorolng b to tha market ita aevau bloeka back and any way tharav nob another dallvary to nlgbb auwl uta hunbara naad thiaataak fordlnnar vina la only two atreeta over 1 aay wade llvar it and go foui- block out ol our way in tbla dowtipour f not 1 1 im wat enough now oh eotua on alary tharea a tlaar i juat think tha btald may ba lu tear beoauho tha meat ruuutb eouav and mr hutttar aooualng har of having forgouau tha order i or la may be lira hunter la la taara inrha ebv a young brlda aiad unconquhrattlk kaiaia iu yu ui- yuu w lm rwryih id niuo aiaaar of llvutiu not ty liwjl and momi aaid unto tha eh i hi ran of dad aad to tha akihlran of luuban i shall your brethren go to tit war and aha i ya lt bar 1 huubara sji tl uay not albert of luljjiuu and jaorga of llrltain wll aay unto canadian young 1 1 shall jour brethren of vranoa and belgium and ittuala aad italy and b4bia and tha llrlthh flta go to the war and thill canajlana alt at boma r vountf men of hal ton ahow tha trua atuff within you and raaoka to jojntha i0u otirmii helton and duttrln lutulion do it now thle uay ba har flnt dinnar ami think of hawing ib all polld bocauw tha ataak ilaaant appear and parhajka mr hunur ttaa nvltad a imslnaaa frlaiu to hi houa wha knows t welt then ooma on i and ita qulak alout it 1 we oould have walked two of tha four hlooka while you aland hare argu ing kitty lujjlii softly uadar har umlralla and refrelnad from further datalla of tha anrtarlng huntara mary did not bam to ear for i ham i ho north lina proved to l a handafena llltta oolnnial bouu arul it window all afilow made a pleaunt contract with tha wtand darkening tret what did i tall you r uld kitty iwnnar cwta f thayll prohal iv nffcr ia hundreildallare reward for ffttlnr their ataak liaret befoi ii lloubtle mid mary bite waa atill gvahtpy vou run up to the tide door with it ill walk on fttowty kilty ran tha cfwtnlntf kltclwn daor howad every ign of buay preparatlan tlta eook we in a ruth meat t aha rotuaaj wava nob nrdawd any toaat rh dunc at tha dlrotlone whloh kitty pontd out oh tham hantara live at iu roulh hn tha fonlaara forever pattlnn ua miiad and k fahlv uhnwil tha door in klttya faoa klttv followa1 ur frlarwl m alowty that ll waaaaartva idoek hfor aha jolnad bar than aha told ur of tha tnutak it waa tha ut atraw to uarya uwnar wa i hope you ve ealufud with your rwarl katharine fyooanor i alia gruu bud nawb tiuia i ut you lawl ua fair hlooka out of tha way rwi a foole arraaju 111 ksow il throw tlown that enat atxl ootna aloair 1 ill do no uh thltifr uary wirtur i have atartad out to taka tha hunt are tha taaat and i inuad to carry it through t and kitty aad iter umwalla tumad right about faoa mary flung eouethlag out about oatah ing hav daui of cold bub kiuy pajj ho head bha waa vary rnueh oawulaj with uary liar irrltauoa aad obetlaaoy iuatalnad bar through four buoka of brlak walk lrg than thay fadaj and kitty raailaad aha waa getting wauar every ulnuta if thara la a eaetaln aveltauaab ta hunting a llaa tlo that kaapa up oaaa plrlta lo aplt of repeated falluraa if hop really daaa eauaa aprlrg atamal in tha baah of a haalthy youngparaoaatweha tleua thara ta atill a limit to thla buoyanoy i aad oca eatwoe walk up ami down tha city to aav earfara raoalva aavaand ahalf rafuaala patting draacbadta tha akin without an ultimata alaklng of tha heart heart inking bad eatoa to kitty in proportion at aba oould ba llghthaartad and marry ao alao aha bad a capacity for dejection what eared aha now for mr hunter or a duappolntad ur hunter or a guaab i that waa all fooluh nonaanaa anyhow t laaopu who wara rich aaough to afford a haavy pukaga af thirty oanb ataak had douhtleaa tlla patohad thalrohaufleuy far a frab supply long era tide tola meat would ba too lata for tbalr dlnuer anyway and aa for bar aalf what bualutaa bad ana to gal ao tired and wab t tomorrow aha would ba 111 a uary hail aald and vlalona of pnaumouul favar atul dootora hlllu floated through tha ataak liaarara wind but kitty kept doggedly on iso boutli iiual von thla wma ib i and thla utm mr hunur hlmulf roablng down tha walk and almoat upaattlng kitty in hla imatn ha raited lila hat and lg gad pardon and wae alwut to ruah on again wltan kiuy thruab tlia paokaga into hlahand our ataak t lia ejiioulated in aitonhhntant ita juat in lima and ba turned and darted hack into tha houaa without not one alngla wordof appreciation for tha weary girl who waa walking twenty antra bloeka to bring him hla dinner klttya anger carried har wellou i tar bom ward way after thai died aut aba juat plokad up ona wet foot and put it in front of tha other and ao on and oa sha thought about a roaring fire a ateaulng dinner of chicken bouillon cmajiopad oyetere anil thirty cent heefeteak and than aba waa too tired to think and juat walked aad walked whan aha anally reached br boarding place aha found that mary had ruutad lha had turned m the heat in klttya hall bajreon and ughud tit gaa jet hut kitty waa too tired to appraolala van beramndwiohaaaud ooath latw lawaruad cm tha htr that bar frlaad had brought up froiu tlia auppar table tba neat morning lha aun waa ahlulog glorioualy and kilty forgot bar praaioal tlona of maumonla put oa a frwah ahlrt walat jta a big brwakfaat and atartad out buoyantly to ui bar ooaaad thrdawjuar tare rfual it oau promptly the kuployuaot ourau rwrjulred tan aod wamao of training and evpartaaoe kitty bad aaaotly two dollar end fifty oeula io a ulti chamola bag tied around bar oaok aaj aha did not know of another puoawhara alia could even aak for work and then at tha door aha mat mr hunter hha would bare knowo him anywhere by tha way ha rujad airtight into bar in bu liaat and by tha hearty oloa in whiob lia baggwd pardon ha waa about to nub oo bu way up lha eta re wka ha wbaaud aod almol callidwd with kiuy agala aa aha atartad so opaa the door are you tba young woman who brought the ataak but eight t b damandad aa abruptly that kiuy caught bar breath i am aald kitty and ah opwiad th door thar came to bar rawhtibama of mr huatara rude oiniaaloa of lhanka walt a ulnuu i mr huatar oalud altar bar i bejt your pardou but i dont belleva i thaakaj you but sight you a4 my wife waa away anj i waa giving a baohewe party aad needd tha ataak aa thab i waa glad to gt it and never eoaahl adbowyodbappaaad to hava it uatil wy wlfa aakad ta and now will you aooapt my ajaoawa apaloghaa and hearty thaaka aad tall ma haw t oawa about thab you dallvered forda maat j mr hunlar maanar waa ao frank and oourtaouaand hla ourioalty ao thoroughly alaoara that kaiharin laugbad lb allopad off a dallvary waton at uy vary feat i eauhlnt make tba dalivary boy hear i had iboo my la odd youaaa hub it waa uarkad north fin uy wlfa notload that wharadldyouenoauu urlfer kalharlna told tba ramafudar of tba alary of lha tiraylag euak laughing aaah dldao and yau waan to aay you came all that wayf ur jluntav atoppod and atarad preaantly ha aaid i would you mind tailing ua why yon took all that trouble fof aatiraatraagaw r kitty uughaj again it aaamad vary natural to anplalo to mr hunter for be aaamad tha sort of man who would under- aund i atartad out with a vlalon of a wlfa weeping baoauta tha maab hadnt arrived ta feed bar dinner guaata t and after id alariaj wliy i hatad to leave ib tothadoga you know andlb waant mind toglva to doa ur huatar waa tha tort of man who could uadaaatand hla kean ayaa wail sympathy and pareltteiiry bahlml klttya marry werda i tbauk you again mlaa kalherlna ovjdaaor aald kitty i thank you ulee oconnor and if avar i can ba of aarvlea to you i alialloonaldar it a plvllig and ha handed kitty a card with umployment bureau in tha comer tlian kilty auddaaly ramambaratl thab aha had reached tho and of har reeourcca and that that waa aomatlilng aha wanted right that vary moment and wanted vary much indeed im looking for a plana aa etonograplker ur hunter aha aald you do not know of any stenographer htep in a moment plaaaa ur hunter lad tha way to an oftloa aakad tba cuetotnary queatioa in a bualnaaallka way haatlly evouaed hlmaelf and departed with a charactehttto ruah ha waa bank lu a ahort tlma wa need a ataaographar hare lie aald wa uaually inalab on afparlenne baoanaa our atanograpbara dont juab etenog but do other thing hut if i judga you rightly you can do other thing well giro you a tnonlv tryoub if you cava laattawptit kitty did ear a month latar aba ealabratad har permanent appointment by a cafe dinner with uary and two other girl friend aa liar guaat hold on girl 1 ii order for you aim aald na aim glnnoeil over the menu caul tlion in hor eyau ipurklail ah beokouad tlifl walter to tier a planted aleak for four aha aald if you plaaaa wo hava letnuro to unit twenty years a00 from 011118110 of tho froo prass of thursday fob 37th ibm i i charlo baa dupoaeut of hla grocery hunntiaa to mr cornfield of uundalk tolm c iinaron baa placetl a 14 foot ataal windmill on hla pinning mill for power iiae wlion bteein ir not on itav t w ilao of anton waatbeuuani inouachooanf tb woit toronto 1reaby totlan oongrhton thle week for n rail in tlta mbtorate ihera tho flrettuinltereary of tha new knmr church waa hold on humley and monday ttev xrk unmllun ii p toronto preacliad in th morning from danlelm fra er and confaaalou and in the evenlwf from lift up your head o y galea ate faalm 24 i 7 on monday avanlna mr momllun leoture1 on the fwtlah cowenantane knox church hna imiihi a aouvettlr vol- urn giving an npltotnlttad htitory of tbs church from ita organltatlon in hub to ita jul ilea lhf3 photogravure of the tour lain inter who hav i4h in clmrga hava jolm llofjiohlan lachlan camarori d ii i cutnaronandj w ha are given ai wall i aa of lha una new ehurch building ura mlnachingand children of park i niier north dakota returnad how rn i tuaaday bh haa baan ependjng a ooupla of twonilie with friende bare iuv wm hartley of flrat baptlat churoh oualpb haa aooaptad a cat to hi thowiaa llouv taikay in frin on february cub to mr and ura tho talbot a eon waubkm in etnuulng on february idth to mr and mra jamaa l vvarran a daughtar huvyii atlsl ivttlarul lit tofuctlo 01 fabruarv 31 1 1 to ur hj ura wi ii hmyth a eon llal rait- in acton on fab uary ittuit khta bath daughter o ttev j w uaa acton agwl 11 aara and 9 month imaumky in toronto on fbrtury qoth hart a maay in hla 7anlyar mat oohhki l lu fartrua on february itkh hav l j uaoiloinall il a minuur of ttt andrwa church to ronto aged w yeara if you webb tub boss if you bpijiaj to youraalf for a job wouu jo i gat it think it over just u ikm for a fw minutea than ctiaok upour record for tba paat monui aa an einjjo lunutnbar oow it a your mooay uaating th payroll have you aa an employee flluj your hour with productive ooaountvua ubor orbvo liaen loo buay waiohing tba clock hate jou uroducrd enough in that woaui to make yoj a proiltabl lnvat- mant i hat j on pub your ahoulur to tha haal forgotun ptly dlnvrnoad and dtntoultlea or tiava you put earn la tha bearing t hav jou aakod uaaliona and upovad or hava yon bwu tao wlaa to lara t hava you analysed what yod are doing and why or utad inatlaot i nataaj of rwaaoo aad got an ludlnrut and wathojlaaa tweultt if av you allowwd your mlnj to bwooma poladnad with angr worry or y and by aa doing ooataulnatad and rwjuoaj lha rouocy of othee hava you goad through tha month a vlalon ol pay day tha aula la your daart of work and hava you lt tbla wlaloa abut out from vlw all alaa in tha day wok that would build you to a alad whir you would glvayouraalf a jobt or hava you baaa heart and eoul lo tha work on tba job avary mlaula wllh a braatb of vlalon that mada of tha rjaaott of work an oaala ol opportunity t chaok up ha trulhfub wauld you glva youmlf a job t j r wordaalath aftiaab la onippe if youro tore to tl u oor with nntiinir iminro and ituwky ioiimi vmioii you hjmiuk and youro wtuu in lliiikneou and j on metfjo and uotiirliiiida cough our hnnd near off i and yuu note that your throat foela nuito row and your jaw feala ua if you had n hin ami dullpilnu uu your liriln than youva cauubl it i yuu haogol it i jiint tliagrlppo if you foal n boat til o r your fro in o llltn a name till yau hum and you joint tor en left ten at any prlco i tlion liliuefhkili tliohliunrmdeiil from lion i to feet n chill ooniplate and j on hhake mid you quukn i tiicivh deilru for a ura and hntnctblag hot on tlio ajuit lo quickly ilrbik u you t i in u nover to l warm auaiu you have uot it i e youvo cuuulit it t juat tho grippe it a in tl air jimt oi ery where ttlcrohe of urlpio taking a trip i yea up and down limuifh allourtown ily niuut and day it mouh ita prey it a the fiil when you are uul or if you biiccva or coutjli nr wheaxo or feel too warm or chill utartn to wear a took of grlw diamay and with the aourni volca to aay i 1 i haiecuughl it 1 have got it thla old gripel what drives meh to dihk to tharmllor t the uurery iirj6t fuptamher tt 1018 haa an article under the above caption tli flrat untenc ol which readai tit mpult to drunkennea la duai after pointing out that men drink for various raaaona it aaya that tlioa who drink to get drunk aro abnormal j thay aradluamd thla fact haa bean brought out distinctly in lha pujohopethlo labor tory of ttia chicago municipal court judge olaoo of tlta court aaya wa itava yat to find the arab oa of the kind where thar la nob a tendency to epiupay daman ll prvcou maniac dapraulve inaanlty or faebl mliuletliwaa all thla maana thab tha man who frequently get drunk la of unaouud mind and ahould b ao traatad in tha but of kaiiaaa they aaml chroalo drunkarja to an aaytum for tha inaana in ohlotliay have an inatltullon to which lha habitual drunkard may be aant by tha judge on application by the irujide until ba a oonaldered curd i knew a clavar young man who want to an aeylum and batgad thafiuimrlntandent to take blot in for a year till ba would bate a chance to braak off thar are tnany auch pitiful cue for which there la no auch provulou tnwla notwithatandlug lb revauua from traffic tlut uuut it itfsaaarloua rafcuction on our clvillxa tion that there i no provlaloo mad for thla cu moat of than tba victim of tba lioaoae lyaum wa aao auch ma going down for yeara waatlng their aubttaooa in tit aaloan bat8ring their fam 111 and bwoomlao a nuluuc and of tan m maaaea to aociety and nothing can lie dona to help them they eomatlitia try daaparataly to braak off but whet hop in tli praac of tha open barroom and ih trvailhgcuatonj t tha puyelciaii la not allow to and them o any inailtutlon unlua 1 ia vary rich thar i neither hop nor lialp for lilw till h becooiae inaana or commit t a orlms bat wliat caused thla diiaaaid ooodiitoa f th cuia cauaaua tliall not ooma rlatutlca ganerally point to a drinking father or grandfather ha waa pobabiy ignorant of tba fact that hla drinking would injur hla children and grandchild rn than for gods aaka help ua to tpfaaul thla truth far and wlda that tha una of drink lag prnta are vutad oa thaohlldraa aod rraodchlhlrvii ii arntt u uliaih a bad utt uo w bar a ra y ou gol ng uy pretty makl 1 aald aunt kitty mealing llttla marian on tha gravel walk wlthau armful of booki to bo put away 4 plaaaa dont atop ua aunt kitty aahl ifarian i plaaaa dont i iwomued amy lea to ooma bank aa qulak wa era playing keeping a boarding bona amy la oook and i am bouaakaapar wall uua lfouakaapar nailed aunt kitty aa aha paaaad i am vary aorry for your boarjara why aunb kitty v uahan eama to a full atop and looked back in aurpwae o navar mind aald tha auntla walk ing on you ara la a hurry now bub aoma day ill tall you many tlmaa that long seturjay little uaran took a reet from keeping boanlara and fell to woudarlug what aunt kitty manb and on another day aba aakad har i mean that you are uot a gootl kaeper of your own wonderful llttla houaa why auntla ma kaapa our houta aald marian o i dont moan tha ug boum with wlda porcha ami bay window i mean your own uny lltlla houaa that god haa mada yon keeper of tha ona ha bulla for your aoul to llva in ho you mean my body aakad mar un ym that a a wonderful llttla houaa i and yet you do not wind abualng it uy llttla henaabaepar whan you gat your feat wab and bad tba croup that waa uegtootlng your llttla houaa and doing it harm whan you are greedy about candy and cake you ana apolllng your houaa sometime you dont want to taka your bath and thab la beltux a vary bad bouaa- keeter i and whan yon dont go to bad aarly thab la bad too i taual go and tall amy lea about it aald marian aobatiy uy leaapa just plaim folks do you know what im going to ita whan i grow up nora t thla fjuaauon oaua from tad wlio wu curled up on a kltohao window wat with a book near whatd nora waa ironing no daaria nora foldad a towel and bung it aeroaa tha clolha bora aulllng indulgantly at iks dreamy littlafaaa bha and tad war faat frlande and to bar ha bad brought all hla hope and inaplretiona what ar you going to ba t a hero nora didnt aaatn aa dellgbtad at tbla announcamant of what appeared to ba a nobla aubltloa aa tad oould hava wlahad bha turned to tha rang for a freeh iron and touched ib with a molat anger to saa if it waa hot enough before aha rapllaj and than alia epoka alowly t la thab ao 7 wall now i cant aay thab i avar thought much of baroaa m elaaa i ilka juat plain folka now tharaa a lob of paopl who hav dona great thing who ara alwaya letting tha llttla ones elid or laavln am foraomabady alaatodoor makln an awful fuaa about m in ona way or another tbaraaaklod of haroiau in moat folka if you look for it and i ilka beat tha bind that crape out in tho thlnge of life tha llttla dutlee dona wall tba llttla trial borne bravely tha llttla aorrow kept back ao aa to ba aula to help otbar paopla bear their yea i think id much rather aaaoolata for everyday living with jutt plain folka wall refimtad tad aa ha eloeej tha boob and climbed down from hla aaat to bring lu tha chlpa nora bail aakad for soma time ago maybe after all id juab aa lief ba plain folk of tha right sort and thla la a good tlma to begin flleee tho boy 1 aald nora aoftly aa aba folded tha laat piece of ihlnlng linen selected an cxoum a tha only thing thalaeaay to find whan youia looking for t- snixunsatuinbd what aort ol a fallow la ba t wall ba boa aerved threa tarma in tha penitentiary and what la ba doing now r trying to earn a poatgraduata eouraa miller worm fnwderd ara a prompt re lief from tho attache of worm in children thay ara powerful in tbalr action aad whit leaving nothing to ba deelred aa a worm exponent have an invigorating afleot upou tha youthful ayeteni ramadylrig lever ullouinaaa loaa ol appetite eleep leaanaaa and otbar ailment that follow dlaordara oauaad by worm in tba atomacb and bowel