Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1916, p. 4

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wedding and birthday presents wcrillriff kings puncy clilmt mill cut oiniw 1047 rojcru hi ivor warn novel t leu lu boiivenir uoodt mnrrlnaa miomscs lutiml gilo hynds keal estate vrnh for mate lu unltou peel mad wellington loo farms tor ate vry nlc ir you want a farm writ tue far catalogue or if you winn to ttell or rvrhautfe write me we fauvo very facility far trnuhmriini buulneiiu to your complete uai infer tlou orre- intudeuce solicited j a wllilomfcjuuv yarn hellluit huecluiut jorittowu ffihe aftott 3fvtc tts thuuhdav rrimuaiu ji i brief local items tim horn rutinl at oorfroiowiilava beet revived lleeve ilynth uluntlod county co mi eil cm tuesday vvhruity burt it ay nights itao been tin eouut of the montli j il campbell lu dlstioeed of ltd blacksmith tig liusliia slid intends to en list tha colli wmllitr thla mouth has ol tnest resulted in a coal and wood fsthlie ih uwii the jlocliffml tinioiiuoclut will hold utl in the town liallflibvidiy uluht 3rd msreh gmiatawii counoll li efterlno ji0o0 nwerd for oonvlotlati of any parties who hraw street letups tite three inch or mow which roll oa baiwlay twornlnu gave tl sleighl eu other brief us of llfo will a 10000 deluit from lest yur and the war raua juelphs rate of lu etloe this yar will its so 111 wo awiaes were lald at ullton tub tuesday u advert titer were uo 4jn to be tried either civil or orlirijual iwiiri city council voted on uoeday by is to 2 to petition tha uiutur- to tjhaejre ita um etui may smelgaiuaie with waterloo the baptist church anniversary will hahsldoofluiitoy march atli uav prof uuuwi of uouuur ulv toron- lo will preach utfiutrile watt oroiiilr4jununod john bwturtunlmr to ton days in jail and to reoieve ten huliw for beatiiitf hie wife on thursday uiu violet noddy or georgetown eauled tlta matliodiai choir on sunday avmlajr ami uaa the aolo com thou foent ol uvery lllalnr oaorifvtowni high school salaries for- 1014 will aggregate 307343 i th coit or knelt teasuoe of tlta school wiwri of tlit the town pay tlmt 00 ilia mereury dipped to 20 below lero on sunday nlgbu thats lov onouffli for hu pariotl ofthawlntar vorttiuataly no wind aooompanlsd tho low umporatur aaultaerlbar poittxl a latter to tk vtutm pnxsa at iirficll on llooday aa- oloaitio floo hut omitting namo if luttm la forward dua ordit will 1 given tba arctlon of tlio raaidanoa lor th governor el tlia uoimty gaol at ullton baa elvin mora oflloo rooin in tlto county bulldlug tim inurior will ba ra modelud toaomaantcut uim uuia fllon john 8 treat hail tba uiufortuua one tuorninff laat waak to blip at tba door of tlia family raaldanoa and la fidliag auualnul amr tprain of bar ajiauldar tho ifgamanta were painfully torn at tho trttinix of tho quaruirly ufiloul board of uia uothoditt church latt waak a oomnllmnnury reaolutlon to rav il w avlton m a i 1 inviting blu for another yaar waa pasiad unan- luouily itav mr avlioa appraelaud tba raaolutiort and aooaptad wltli kindly wrda thar la mora gatajrb irt tbla aaotlou of tba dotthtry than all otbar diaaaaa pat togthr and foryadri it wan aanpoaad u bw loouraldat umtora nraaarllad local muadlaa and by oonatanuy falling to eura with local traatuunt pronounead it incur ftbla cutanh u a looal dlam gtraatly luhaanoad by comtltutlooal condition and tbamfon requlrta oonatltutloaal batmanl kfalla ofttarrb cura hunufaotuwd by v of cbenay co toudo ohio u a ooiutl- ttttlma ramady la takon latarnatly ami ati through tna diood on tho uuooua unrfaom of tba bvatam ooa ifubdrad uolbua raward la offarad for any aaa that ikalla oatarrh cora fails to cure band for elroulara and tatl menlala v x oiikkkv jfc co volailo ohla hold by druhplfcu ihe hall y for oa m tba addrua given at tho flu ltd but ttiuraday event ittf by itav mr itom of bmtoti ohurflli on tho ufa of mm hum wan vary inurculitu and plauwul all thots who bad ilia ploiunro to ho praitent although itwuvoiily jti into aro on uooday morning avorylwly uamod to ba in m burty thu u tha loanuitti hrvt- uua if hu lai swaobhamar of toronto wua boma ovr 8unda um bnowball of leorftatown vltltad baralttar ilk 0 tbnmpaon bora on sun day ur il a uarthall raoaltwl word uit wak from bar nan ilohart who ha ttaan la the v b tor tha put eight yeari that ba but anlutwl with tlia iruh ljltt ilatt- allod 0 k p at new weatmlutitar ii c uood luck to you holt lha win lunn of toronto upiit bun- day wltli frlanda hera its alax mluo of tha 7tltli uatuuon at bajrrla waa hotoa for tho waakond mr jtummi boott of toronto ianb sua- day wltb hla tuotjtar hero b1u u swaokhamer who ha been vlaltlttgrahitiwwoti tba othar fclda of tba boardidr durlajf tha paat fow waake ratarti d boola but tfauraday tutting down gxpuiuui agratt nuiubarof itaopla hava unfor- tuiuttalyi bad tbalr aartilnj reilucad alnoa tbewmr and ooiuatiuantty they daaui it wlaa to out down living ekponma on atulbla dan la to eat lent of tho highly ra- finad fooda and meat and mora of tba ooanarand mora itulrltlouh oaraulii fcuob aa dr jaokaooa itotnan maul moat wbolaaoma watt nourishing news op local import traralgnr township counollunsoatod daalbloii has w at oiumulo ifall loronto ontuowluy liy whloli tha ltain lwrj of trufalgmr townnlilp counoll ura uiikmiw thu im the rmult of bonis ir regularity of ths annual alaotloiim luava 1urur and lputy llaava turnsr mutt enjoyable evening for the soldiers tloooptlon by kings ordorlloi blblo clujjfl choir ntitl orohostra in fclothodlntsahool boom adlbapdness tha ollloera and blurt of aoton company ronauanuy vocto thalr aaat ut um ui mul iullalion county counoll holub murulm o m powor off on saturday dlt niii u m uhu ni tha flrat aerlouh inurfei with the hydro currant for a long time ooourrad on saturday owing i a break in tha trn inluion hits powor waa off all afurnoon unil evening a patrol of tlia lln wan inado from clualph ami two axpart wnt over tlia trantformarh at tlia power boui hro about midnight tha trouble waa located leargatownii urvloa waa alao out off at tha aamn time ills sorvlao rowardod major w piuttotiof the ullton cliatn- plan haa befit trant4l witli a aa it ably engraved gold watoh aiul fob by tlia dlroo tore ofha flora inauranoa company tha inscription recorded tha lift lath nnnlvaraary of mr irni loii contlnuouamrvioa on uia companys ataff aa ugaitt for uilton ami vicinity on rjalviiig tba gift tbla veteran nflloer rainarbad that even an adltor oomon to bla own if b la bora young enough antitoxin mow ktutiy procurable one of tlta new regulation a of tha iw- vrnolal itoard of htalth atataa that imtyalolane tleairlng atippliaa of dlpbtliarh entltoaln aiul o titer biological product uppliad fraa by tha provincial lloarj of haaltb khould apply to tha amratary of tha local hoard of health tlia eurk of tha municipality by whom thaaa uuppllea will im kept on band looa board or health will tta auppllad with tarioue antltovln cvntvaa upon application misled sunday afomlng train two talnuura from toronto who bad appointment bera for sunday illeappoint- ad their oongragatlonh by deferring their departure frotn tha city until sunday uorning through tlie aulliug or tlielr a treat car in toronto tliay mieeed tltelr train and rev ur huktable who waa ax- pctd in tha uatlat fhurob and luv ur paiureoti efchurohillco church wra unaua to gat out of tlta city and their oongragatlona woro without pceacliar june weather lu pobruary a letter ta tha editor frotn itav dr uoora from hamilton bermuda written celiruary tui aaya i afuranot too rough voyage we arrived hero but arlday i with you ware with ma it la a great plaoa twl wa are liara at 0t beet time it la ilka juna at home they gave u a great welcoota i tu invited to apeak in nearly every uethodiat church in ber muda thla la a land of bowera ami aun- ililna tlia blrda air walke avatythlnjr are moet plaaalng clothlnfffor belfiian children tit acton wotuanf inuituta will pack another liala of clothing for daeututa belgian oliildran on friday uiroh snl all who are making or oontrlbuung gar ment ere requested to take thew to tba oounoil chamber that day tlta regular meeting will ba bald on that data and allaa yaataj one of tlta government paakara wlhodcirees ths meeting tier tubjeot la laaderahip miea veatea i a moat in tereatingaiul puaalnoapaakar and all tha uullas whopowibly eanba present will ba walooraed not dutid ilga under uhia 9 tha following note waa received by a looal uaglttrata on saturday i dear sir t i have noticed near ur bell corner an austrian blind pig i remain voura truly thla information la rather indefinite for any officer to act tipaa there are a uuu bar of ur bill in town if voura truly will giva definite nfortaatba aa to any blind pig ba or aha koowe of to any of tba municipal author tie prompt action will no doubt follow it was an enjoyable event tha vlalt of tba kpworth league to uilton but week waa evidently enjoyed by tba ullton folka the reformer atya i four alelgb loads made tba trip in good time tba sleighing being nearly perfect after tba vlaltora bad warned up tba local lwdent ur wuklaua introdooed tba acton ivealdent ulaa bennett who then took charge of the aervloe tba flu orchestra of uia aetna sunday school nine id number aooowpanlsd the league and ttave several wall reader eelsetloaa tba chawpioa add i tba aoton league gave a splendid treat la tbalr programme they brought the sunday school una orobaura and furnuhed a programme that was full of variety and heartily enjoyed by the urge audience preiofltijd with a wrut watch on saturday evening the annual gather- fug of the aaan wua autf at uoorearof b was hem after supper tha editor took the chair expressed tha pleasure of mr uoora and lilutelf ih having the euff spend tho evanlig with them he then referred to tin feat that itolterc stewart a valued uuuberof tba staff would ueve tha oftloe in a few daya ba having anlleted in acton platoon of tha itilth helton dufferln llattnllou ha waa proud of bobby and glad to liava hint enrolled on tha jtaui pakas roll of honor of gfitduaua who bad already euluted whlob ocludeei lleul w 0 0 kennay it v a uhm corporal bugler john l uoora pto uraeet wilson and lieut e j uoora wlm is now at the offioare training school at toronto ha wubad pte stewart every eiuoew as a soldier hoped he would ha fortunate enough to ha la tha march of victory whan oreat britain canada and uia allies march into berlin sad promised him a plane on tha ifcktt psiaa staff upon bis return from tha war ur ernest urowu tba foromau on behalf of the office and staff then present ed pte stewart with a setvlcoaue gua metal wrut watoh vfa stewart appreci ated highly the gift lieut kennedy wbo was present cougratuuted tha jtuiu istaafl upon tha uumber of its staff and graduates wha have enlisted and pole oompumentary wvudaof pta- btewartbou he bad bean vary glad to enroll la but platoon in act have w been sick then you realize the utter weakness tliat robs ambition destroys appetite and makeif work a burden torestorehatslrbgtbaiklsumlttathst dlab school i loom on monday evening tits klnoa orderliea lllhla cuia u church cltolr and lie sunday school oroheatra were tha boats and they put up an evenings programme crowded with pleaaurabt foal tiro aa major brown lieut kennedy and lieut hay with their men in khaki enter- ed ths school room utey were cordially greeted by itev ur avleou tha pastor ami officer of ths k 0 u u tha programme wm of a musical and literary character and wax highly inureab- ing chorueea was given by the k o 11 o and uto clturch choir i well rendered solea by tlev ur avlaon uue uertle smith and ur kelt ucdonahl enduioehy uueea snjiui and uuaon the orobeatra played a generous number of excellent aeleatlona enl uia ulaaee uaeon gave a couple of inatru mental duets the hpeoohea of tha evening were of a high character in an able eddrats luv llo w barker of ouelpb a formtr much eelaemed pastor spoke in amitltallo terms of uie importance of tha war tha duty of canada ahd her eluaetia and tha heroes and herolnaa whlob are being nude as the war progretaea he referred inltlgh ttrmi of appreciation to tba spirit of the men who are enlisting in ute oiuee of empire- end freedom and appealed to the men in khaki to live utelr private lives on ue same high plan as the resolutions which induced them to take tbu patriot lo tup of en listing tha duty of all who cannot enllet hut must remain at home waa strongly impressed and the responsibility was vivi dly ptomitted ur barker was accorded a moat cordial welcome on all sides uajor brown and luuta bay and kennedy each made speeches which were much appreciated they expressed for thautttlvo and tlielr men warm thank for tliecordialreoepuenaitdltospitalityeatsad ed they each referred to tha pleasure they felt at being in aoton and spoke ef tba splendid manner in which aoton people generally are treat i nr tha sol here itev ur avlaon made a brief apsech and extended an invitation to any of tba men who are not attending any other bun- day school to visit tha kings orderlies bible glass any sunday afternoon h p uoora j p occupied tlia chair ills presentauon of uta twenty bjk nause of man of tlia school who had onlltted and of that of nursing slater uus annie oram a former member who a now in the hoapiul at sslonuta was raoenad with great applause these comprise thasun- day bcltoola4ionor roll- at uia conclusion of ute programme tha ladles served refreshments a doun of the young bullae of the school acting as wait- ressea this part of tha function was manlfaeuy enjoyed by all especjelly by the men in khaki social and personal baujhai baluhapad ki mayor il fe- kelson waa in town on thursday mrs joint it kennedy vllted friend in toronto uilaveek ura w ii- noble torooto vleited friends hers this week mr l h campull of uilton u vuit- ing aoton friends tit la week dr b 1 ault of toronto spent a few days lu town during ute week mies ulnnls stalker visited friends at bpeyslda and georgetown last week ura tyamea viretbrook of toronto visited aoton friends last thursday ur jved nutley who has beert very iii with pneumonia u slowly reooverlng ur j a smith of creemore spent a couple of days lasb week with acton f rlenda luv u v cree u a of alllatea visited at his father home here hut week ura alloa uoliiereon of bower ave apenb the week end with friends in toron to ulaa vloleb ruddy of ueorgetowa was e gneet of ur and mrs j ii itenny this week rev oeo w barker ouelph was tba guetb of mr- aud urv a t brown daring ms stay in town ura ii j svankum was called to drlgh ion on irulay through uia death of her brolhor ur- john butler urs caldwell of ban l wee called to aoton on satunlay to minister to her sons wife who wes uien viy iii bite arrived a fow minutes after uta death of her daughter in law ura w m shadwiok whose butbaad is with ths canadian soldier in h tig land and ulai oborno of sutton west have returned heme after spending a couple of weeks with their sister ura a l wyant kitoa avenue weddings uotavish uowst a quiet wedding waa celebrated at the home of ura james moffat ualn street aoton on wednesday february 18th at four oclock when her daughter mary l was united in marriage to duncan n uo- tavlsb formerly of medicine hat alts the ceremony was performed by rev j a wluon b a in the presence of only immediate relauves of the bride and groom the bride who was given away by her brolharln law mr george t uann wore e gown of navy bine silk and a pearl uaok- laca tha glib of the groom bhaoarrleda bouquet of white carnations and lily of tha valley thabridewsatharaolplentof many beeutirul glflr arter the- wedding dinner tha happy couple lefb for toronto and quslph the bride travelling in a ault of navy blue and bit to match uewtf boa od thursday aftemooa 17th lost quleb wedding wea celebrated at the home of ur w v burt lake ateaua when fals younger daughter velma klla baoama tha wife of ur hubert usua ton of the lata uooald uann tha oareauwy was performed by tba pastor of tha bride luv iljv avlsoa u a a u and took plaoa in tba home pulor the bride was given away by bar father she was gowoad in bar travelling siitt of blue serge with satin and laee waist wore a bat of black saun with white feather bandeau and carried m bouquet ef bridal rosea only the im mediate heads of tha contract ing parties were present the grooms gift to tha bride was a necklace eab with peaiu and to tba bride sister ura shir ley watson who played tha wedding march a pin sat with pearls and ame thysts the bridal couple ware tha recipients of many beautiful preseuta after a dainty wedding rpae mr end ura mann lefb for colllngwoed where their honeyuoou was spent skkd bkleotlo a uv topic of special interest td farmers just how phom handling mi lit aft y camp laneecorn john l moore u now a bandinitui of stflrd reserve batta c e v a letter from bandllag camp kant england wus received yeturday worniag y ur n v uoora from hla son lance corp john l- uoora ths following par tloulars will bo read with interest t dear volks at home t you will notice that i have changed my addreev our old mth battalion has been smsahed up entirely 7w wen were sent here to fill the 23rd reserve battalion and otia company of 2a0 went to shorncliba to rrlnforce the 12th reserve battalion wa left rramsbou camp on thursday srd february tha buglers wire all attached to companies and came bare aa huglera thla morning we all applied to join the bugle band of tba sjrd another bugler and myself were however accepted for tha brass band as oornet player the other buglers and drummers were taken for the bugle hand tlta brass bend la just being organised and eucts to re main permaneauy in kngund bo you see i am quite safe for tha present except from a aeppelin raid one of which took place here before we can look out on uta english channel frotn the window ef our hut wa are just 20 or 23 wiles from the preach coast the mud here is something aaros i waa wear ing rubber but night and lost both la uia mud received two letters from borne last mail also parcel of socks from acton red croes boouty which i distributed among uie aoton fellows they ware vary much de lighted will drops line to uertle speight tha secretary later i think we lie golag to like our new quarters very weu i hops so anyway for wa are likely to be bee for soma time please have uie vaui pmue change my address wes surprised by vlalt from geo hynds hut sunday ne uas on a pass from the trenches and waa looking floa seat a parcel from btanubott camp be fore leaving i bops yoa will gat it all right love to all joum address t no 6022m ilandamaii j l moore brass iuadl reserve baluuoti a u v west beadling- camp keat kaguad masjuqawstva township ooohcil a laudautut on the a p h wgbt of way at lots con 7 u cmua- inj trou at the baeeuag hut week ue fouewiiig aeoou4te ware pin id i uuolclpal weld aupplue flm acton free praea priauag x60 gualpb uareury priiitiug ftioo ktelluauilhui wjeteher a seod w o ejoree uu 4u 12 chapman court of ravuloe ii ho m crawford plank ill andatraou it allaa uoderhruehlng sdoo bt josephs lloapital ura dewp- moo 8w a 60 lfl00 we ooutd increase our crop yield 24 per cent by planung only selected large plwmp heeda thu statement hae beau proven by actual teats wade at o a c uualpfa estsodlng over a period of twentycue years is there then say good reason why farmers should not use every means at disposal to avoid punuug small or light seed a good fanning mill with properly selected slaves carefully mad will go a long way toward the planung of good seed some seeds might be hand picked and the time would be wall spent owing to the extremely wet weather prevailing throughout uie harvest season of 1018 there a it the country at present a lot of aeed grala of doubtful germinating power kvery farmer is therefore urged to make a careful test to determine if pes elide what percentage ef bis seed grain la likely to grew a vvtjf simple way to do this is to oeuub out say iso aeede such aa you intend sowing place these between a old of canto flannel or some similar peeta would be brighter for- satedding the grant to salvation army grant to lletpitel for bick child ret araattoohiuraae aid society the clerk wes lustruoted to notify the buparioteadant of the u p r that an other landslide from the railway embaak msobhtehloaked the raadway west half let 9 ooa 7 and that the railway comp- any will be held reepoaubu for any acci dent that way occur a by law to appouts poadk eepara ifvaeevtewere and ovsteesre of highways wee passed the audlleta report on the veweehlp fla toes for 1015 wee esauluad by the coun cil and declared correct nell uouilhui waa resagagad ea cere taker of uie township hall utter crummeu end uofiet were ep pointed a eeumlttee to eoeies with rre was oouticjliaepadllug tha sale of umber on eld road allowance oe towndlne ooa ft joum afigaua qlerft ch owing to ur isoucww ulsaieg the train at toronto ea sdaday taeralag there was uo preaehltig eenrloe la the caturre- gauodal church ou sunday eftefrtcea ur jehu banay who hae been urioas- ly 111 for several weelta la slewly imjkov log the bell veupboue agaata have bew canvassing this saetlou agala uuly if they would put lu phooee far these who have already coatraoted to them the pnr this in tb la so aaaentkl nothing has ever equaled cover this with another pish cloth that bee been washed in bollliur water taking care nee to let one seed touch another lay ute cloth on a plate and moisten well hut do not saturate il and keep as w owmiimto wim ouxii wnmieioa oev limnaisatiii cause its streugtheustalultig uourlsa- i service mr uathlaa lbart who has resided on lobe third una erin ever hla birth haaeold thefarw to mr j if thompson and intend to remove to acton he will every day take hold e sale on the utb uarch loetbealuifuioereal food on the market mtm i wood udfuribs ut and oouot the sprouted aeeds in four i ur rou if raid baa sunwad a deuue end coals much lass than the highly rede- ttdergythroughouttliebodywblleltstosdo to ten days all of the good seeds will have beresveueub tbla week his mother the d treahfsab foods jalusjiarpetis the appetite and restore eprouted and the nerosntage of seeds that the reltet ef the ute rev hugh raid soldi bj live grooers ab 10 and 118 cents try the ready cooked roman meal nug gets they are delicious iui bob milk slate by roman meal co toronto mrwcrkeil or lack stmtigtfa get bootva p v h wuuj annie also passed bwtdaloa today at any drug store increasing proportionately the euounb awey the old lady waa ta her 04th eue twtco- puaiedpereewu year and uie rwd wee oh year of age ths literary boouty which wa re-or- ganlsed hers ths lasb of january is pro greasing nloely neat tuesday evening uie 20th ths subject for debate will ba resolved that tha telephone is of mors benefit ta the farmer than ths rural mall anlrnuuve ttsy vannatur and mus lang- 1 kegative stuart lowrie and ww molxwald ussara oliver and iktlph ullta ef ner val were guests at ths home of mr im ssoaael last vrldav miss aanes shortlll m vuitlng her friend miss uerl ueknery mr arthur spear spent a few days last week in toronto mr ftud ura w j gihoi of cauraot were the gusets of ur and ura ira kotsel lasb wednesday mr john butler and ur willie and uleias mary and ploreaoewers the guests of mr j bwlndlehurat and family on bun- day private robert armitrong visited 7th line friends on sunday ur james mckeolihle loab a valuable horee recently mrs l imtgstreet is visiting friends sb berlin qpa signs of early spring i uko the firat snowdrops springing up above tho wintercold earth suo amonk w doarik bar advanoa suit modal for dlillncllv ityle nnl iilonilld hractlv vium our buyar liv jl rolnm od from hm york whom lhy voung men in demand bright pel lows too young to enllt ore in great demand for business three calls offering f jo each to start were received at lload offices of shaws schools in one day it will pay lo prepare write us w ii bbaw 39s vonge st toronto ladies mantailored suits and coats for spwno and summer our expert has just re- turnrd from new york where ho has secured all the latest styles shown by the leading new york tail ors and worn by all the smart dressers individuality tailored to your own measurements with your own preference for trimmings on account of the great shortage in materials it is advisable to place your order early our expert will be at our store every wednesday af ternoon during this season m w hrk where ihy haw wdo many n from thluullntf fmiiioii iioiiu maw whlla biou in lovly wh veil rc wonderful valux at lao maw swiaaembroldariaa am julll naiiem awl unail- voceri1 1r simlal liaixaln in c corut oovetlxkand iloim- oiuk bt pi yart msc maw mlddfa for women and itlluieu dlnplay tome decldeilly mnrt new atyle feature chlldrana wlntar coal wlrtli up to 4 oo clearing at 1wdh woman wlntar coat ore all clearing at tlie uraalleet uoetlhlo price woman muatlirat coat wortli 73 ar clearing at too yard wlda siih in many color anil patternu wortli froui wt jo to 3 o per yard are clenr- ink at ioo man oirarooat worth rron fi to iifloo form n- tpoclal clearing helvetian nt tfitt man shaapllnad rtaar- ara willi lleaveretlo alarm vallnr twoed lined aleove etc worth 5 oo nro reduced for cjoarhit to jtm boy naw twad suit in norfolk fllyleu have each two tuini of liloomer uufekerf nt iwro d macdonald bros guetphs leading and largest store a limited wyojhnrn moedoniull and crden slrula guelph oat george wallace guelph ont mmmb successrtll oabden1no the drat condition is good seed the gardener whether for plea sure or prorit cannot afford to gamble he must have the best seed that raouey can buy our business is sell leg critically tested carefully selected pedi gree teed with good seeds good toll pro perly prepared tad the uecee- tey care the gardener may aspect results because all nature is worklug for hltu begin right by planting ferrys beeda urebkyiyco wlajsee- oaferle rsmmon nsasbe nnntiripl venae aaj chail htveeu vonohye omymajlo etaaaa is a elam by liaell nbse eltuuy snt- tuwetk ueoeauatea wklte frf eaieleeee lam now btruew oauuj ftw ear tra-aa- w j hluott lr4aauaj good bread means good meals onr bread is made from the hoit flour and yeast obtainable by two well experienced bakers we offer a a lb loaf for isc or 21 12 tickets for 1ss thin is the largest and best quality loal sold in acton have our driver call try a loaf of our home- made bread iced buns or doughnuts you will be pleased with them patronize the home baker sec our windows friday or saturday for fine cakes and pastry russells mill st acton out jnntffi- 5sd buy made in canada goods this mclaughlin sixfor 1110 wby buy a four when you can get thii molauihlln si for leu money than rrtott pour eotp alio you will be uptodau known as model d60 this car waa specially designed and built by ua to supply what we thought was a need in canada viz an uptodate six cylinder ear at a popular price it edanpem favorably in appear floe with the best of cara has a beautiful and harmonious streamline daahjn of body with powerful valve- inhead motor developing from 3035 hp in a constant steady smooth stream electric starter and lighting sys tem vacuum feed all improvements it is backed by mclaughlins reputation earned by over so years business experience in canada call at our ueareat branch and writ uj today for our llluatratol catitagu a rttut carriage co yl oshawaontaria flt jas huston g of poh

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