Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1916, p. 5

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8f j rl 3tv flimis tiiuuhday rkllultauvill 1011 the dog op utfu0tion a dog grow inf tlilnnoi fur wmit ol i hi it 1 t frnmii iriy am uitli inti ahmth illn iltoitltur of onci purloin how huppl i umh 1 thought tlio tor n ho trotted awiiy lint tho way lit it li took lny jtiht ner a iironft whloh ho roim 1 it ui iion1 1 u i in cw bo without m no iujo lm plunged in to go li roii jilt tfot dreaming of di but what ahould uppnr in thla rivulet elanr aa lis thought upon oooleat rnrootlrii hub a our like himself who w ith hi gotten pel hod rim alt in tlmt vary direction thought the dog apropos hut that in lunl let go a he wialched at thla uw water apanlel the piece he poutwwl dutred ii alowly walked homo to hla uoiryn wenoo when wo ero neody iloiit lot ub lie greedy excuse ma thl lino of ihgrawion leat in enatohlng at nil ilka tlio dog wa ut h the bo bat wo aj l jitnrmvh tavlnn with hunger a pause i tup bavbb if i ahould tlio row i wake uld ion ny kneeling at grniulmotliara j 1 ahould die for i wake vi prey prompted tho gntle vole ooon donny walt a minute interposed tha a mall hoy bcraaihllng to hla fet and hurrying away downstair in a brief space ha waa lack again and dropping down in hla place took up hla petition where ha hud lalt off hut whan tha little wl 1 1 ta gowned form waa aaialy tuoked in bed tha grandmother questioned with loving rahuke oonoarnlng tha interruption llubldld think what i waa saying grandmother thata why i had to atop you aa id upaab td managarlo and blood all hla wooden aoldlera on their lieod juiitoeea how hed tear around in tha uornln i i should dla or i wake why i didnt want him to find am that way i ao i hail to go down and fix em right theres late of iblnge that easm fanny if youre going to kp livl imt you dont want et iliab way if you ahould die fore you waka that waa right dear it waa right fxhbuau tha voloe with ita under quevr a good many of our prayora would uot be hurt by slopping in tit middle of them to undo a wrong mlfl lunembar not to forget la an in juno tlea familiar to every age and walk of ufa a writer give the following a a specimen of wliat avan the moat cautleua may soma toi whata tliat plsoe of oord lied round year finger fort asked mr church uy wife pub it there to remind mi to pott her utter answered ur chapel and did you pob it 1 no- 1 abe forgot to glye it to me children cry rdtt fletchers oaq low khowh ether uld the mlaktera aoo ray uaher uye tlmt oullaot dnd oougregate ueaa the ume thing do they t ietbape they do uy aon ald tho vn- araue clergyman i lnb you may tell your iauher that there la a vut dlnernoe lie- tttnii a ooogregallon and a collaotlou ahb cimjd iii tviavtulwo ilaji the atate provided for your re ugtoua ittfrlruetiotir ailaj ike priaoa vul uw amply if bui abahwptar knew what he waa talking ahout when he uld thre war4fcniuua in itonu raplul the oodvlot looking at the eu wall aad re- clliaitomlbduilihoat tli rook pile wbia tbd back becomes lame it tt a ftttn or kidney twtitu duai kudncy ihua cure the tiuiij back by curliig the achw kldncye be- ticatb for it u kelly the kjdiieye mid uot the bek doajie ecidacv jhlli an a acu kldxwy uul hlulur rtjii fa- u ture tj all kidney trouble jirt look coiiijaw 683 mwilrhj ave iwoiito otit wrlu i uw fcrcat sikouire in wrltitia you auufl tfae bdicat i hjive revived by ulak tdaka eodrity ahlla about three t4r uto i waa terribly nuktm with unte bujg add wa ho had x couu nat evii twttp the boor i waa died to try yor pui and before i bad uxd one box thtrt wax it trau ldtnwtiuttt bjui tdy bk waa bukb betttr llowmr i keptod m tbani until fcdy back was eoupleuly oirod blihly iwocrtmmd 4 tw hune bexk i doute acldrtey 1h1u j th orilnj tll fo ute kldwya bee that otu tiade mark tha uapla lej appoua ou tbe wttpe boatua kidney ihua u fiflo ur box wbcd rdrh direct idttuy d6a w blbohblovb did you ever know a girl ta die for low vfka ihd aha jutt fail away and die iteoauae aome man deeerted her y no kha juab took in wakhlngaud worked baraalf to daath lieoauae the man the loved married her anil drank kiiohaiige uabd uhs hokua wlivi dont you gal a job ttokue employer trefer to hire married ma hokua than why dont you get mar had ipokua a girl wont marry a fellow un til be baa a job tukkusvshminb brother which one nf thou peoton ktlrli le lb that you dont uket blater bab i some one might hear you when the crowd oumee up ill klaa her twloe luubtrated btt tub beautifu look in tub pace minn mmiil hiihr mi kukiiji mualoimry riofliiltj nliirnod lt iindon from tovyoi tnllx n nlinrinlng llltln alory of a lmmnee hoiihiit ilio iiino lotha inlwtlom aohool to uliiuo hiiilrlti nlmul thnlr bttulonta o you uka in aa wliiilcnti only tha hfuditlful lrnt iiuiil ihlhuoniaiinuilouily oh nr imhod wik tho rojily w i alio td girl ho inmn to n we y no ntltnt ion titwhulhnr ihuy nn hoantlful or not lint hnliud th woman i hnvn took tul iloiilv ut joiirgirlii thay all ooin to lo civ niitl in illy proliy hit iniilnrh wiled uua wry tetidor at htio uiimioroil vi wo taaoh thnm tho oulhitfi if tho nonl and that tlntttt tixlt tlio cpioloii of tho fufia that u why our ulrlt nro pretty i m aahl ill uonmit n nho ularteil away i do hob want my d inghter to iwoonie a ohrlitlant hut i mil rnlng in aand her to your aohoal to gut t lint hoantlful look in her faoel can you imagine ulnar beautiful taatl- nmhy to the aplrit dwelling in tlioae jap- iiiino glru motlinr who htood outalile and waioiicmi thom craved nob the chrlkt- iiulty wbiuh they did not undanitand and did not trim hub tha lieautlful look in tlio faco fortlialrnwudaiighuritl we think too little of tha vnlunof our avpremlona w nay iralty inaa protty doaa and often tlmaa wa uy tha bet pwipl have the homcltoat faoea t reulureb may be plain hut if they are huhted by the brlghb beauty that aamee from the culture of the wiiil th fiioe hudutlful i kyee and oowplexlon and hair and lip may he mediocre or oven uiow tha averago hut that euireanion l alwaya glorloua n any faco and how than oan wo uy nukea no dlffuranfe how w look whan those outilde are watching our fooea to tha liuuty of the aplrlb that dwelu within the terror of atthuia eomee like a thief in ui night ulth iu dreadful throttling robbing ita victim of breath it uema be yond the power of human aid to relieve un til one trial la made of that remarkable preparation dr j i kellogg atthma remedy then relief coma with a ruth life become worth living and if the remedy be uatd imrelttently the dlaeaae la put permanently toroul take no attb autute a cold jollied ol her liip causing great pain thk com was dru woods norway pitta syrup uiad d m- kkklfla st cautaridtf out wrltce havltuf derlvd treii bttufit from dr wood norway bie syrup x thooibt i would wrlu akd tall you of uy exrerleace when i firtt caue out rata jlaguiu i ooutraxud a awrr cold owldg to the chan- of climate it aettled ott toy luii ami cauaed trie a et deal of pais i tried every raiy uld think of but fcot no reucf uy tr who had heard a prat dul about tha good qiuutlea of pr woods norway haa uftuv ajviwd me to try it i did ao aad i aiu plcdcd to aay fouud un- mediate rtluf i only took oae botue aad it currd me completely uy mother bad a aevera colli alao aad dr wood gee that ooaa of tboae aocallaj tdaa tyrupe are landed out to you whed you to to yoor ilrunut or c5aw aad aak for dr wooda it la put up la a ytuow wiptr tbrve ploe trte tbe trade uaik price ssc and fioc sluufactured emly by tbe tvuij bant ccl xlmited toroutov oot uwaltauau bothatetbe baby ah t w1i f bde you will bring it up to he a ooaacudtloue good young tnaa im afraid that le rathe dloull lhaw i as the twig u uut the uee iuollnad i know but thl twig le hab on ujng a ult aad we are aellaad to ut lb gd ab that- there are pof4 who dally cbw the rag with the avidity that thy give ta a aquire it 1t to be anpoeud that youll get muoheutdfyoarnlf ifyoa aaauy aat iflj boat wemea are bora elevar aome buutlful aad aiime jolt learn to be fcooj oooka letung up in the ubnltt to t the bunrlae asama mie aaluly aoooupllabetl ab 0 p m than oo achadule time children oty rtltt flctchebs castoria imtd mbit patlkmck a little padding hereaad a lttle more there aha directed yeaai vou dont htm to know much abou padding a gown mayhayou had iktttar try an upbol- sterer venturl tha harataed dreuakar tlaailoa telcgrapli stibrkp ul uncle bam rwllmwl upon ta dlvan in lh drawing room uf iiim luululoua apartment whata hapminad today t hmlch unbla ham a faw fiiolorloa tiava liaen ixjmvuxl aali tha tenant havarul thouund womai mid till id roil lata lieen tlmuiiml th govanimant ha won iuhiillcml tha oillal huu hoiiu partly io a foreign power bua detulncd uur oil meroliuiit aiui cuiiulng u4 il loaa of four dollars nnd thirty muiccnta monoy th old gonlleinun lunpiwl to liu fevt knough of tills lawlaiiiieka ha roared vour dollar and thirty one oeiita in money i before heaven and one could not mla- take tho daterm illation that animated the man uf ore heaven i ewear that i ahall glva thla foreign pouer no rt neither hy day nor by night until i ha roovrd wltb legal intereat my four dollar and thirty one centa l m l llfe halftheillsoflife in cacti ly constipation when the bowels liccome oociatlpated the itomoxli geta out of order the llvtr doea not work properly and theti followe the violent tick itcadachet the toumta of the elomaili ixlchlnji of wind hcert- btim waur bratli huloumicu and a keneral feeliug that you do not care to do unythlnf ictiep your bowcla regular by utlnr mubume luxalhr llllf they will clear away nil the effete master which couecta in ui ayitem and make you think that life la worth living mr b w wauon bt john nil write k have beau troubled with conitlpatlon for the lait three yean and during that time have tried eevcrej remedlee all of which failed to help toe a friend reoommetided mubume laya- uvar xhiu and after using thrnfor four vhda i felt like a new man i aui now still taking them and am pojtlvly aurj dbuq pamihe comiho v i fay scones an kngllah tour lot w0 wan tolling iruh peauanb about tha imuinnna alio of tha hrlthli kmplre uld i well pa and do you know tlmt the aun never uta nti the klnga doiuliilona ko your hoonr replleil pat well audi la tha caae want ou tha tourlat but do you know tha reaaon why r 1ab 1 m mediately niiauered i mippoae it la heoauae hauvon la afraid to uuab an trtgluhman in thedutk titbit ohildren ory ror fletchehs castor1 a that i am oo the rood to ticovciy i htroutly recoiomend mubume laxa- llvrflmla htrotuli vr mubuma ljkauvr pllla atv 38e per wl vbu for bl 00 at all drug atorte or dealera or will be mailed ou rlpt of twice by the t uuburu co umtead torooto oat r a madtcal need hupplled when medicine la found that not only acta omin the ttotneoli but ih ao onniioaed that oar lain ingredient of lb pau unaltered through tlieatomaoh to iiimi action in the uowela than there la available a purgativa and a nleanaer of great effeollvonama rermelaee vageteble inlii are of tliia eliar aater awl are th bent of all pill during tlie year they hate bean in uaa they hava aetabluhad uiemwlvee aa no other pill ha doae cawp oompaalooalilp betray luern r11 wr waya where hav yeu mht tlelng up tha roe buahae ami arrang ing the rad red roe for the dinner talde ob i knew before you apoks aa i took your hand that it waa freeb frem oonuet wltb the fragrant roae think you the breath of hlu who tarrlea at the banquet of wlna doee not equally proclaim tha fact aa well quite aa well aa th handling of roae t and the amoke of the cigar by whatever pouo name of wreath or of perfume it may be called all the uwe telling a tale or singing a song of ita whereabout and compaulauahlp the hooka you read the taea warned and children you interchange worde wltb whether your soul ha dwelt in a garden of roeae and aromatla plant with herb of graoa ar the revre la a foot patent to the laaat observing and tliougbtful the oompanlonthlp la auo mould lajr charaaur day by day aad the more emphatically aa with the youag and grow i up mind that will aooloae and make a part of ita own life before habit have been formed and mature ufa et a aeal upon ita acquisition it iaaotduoh btur to walk in wudoue way from the start than to have blttetly to rtrooe oda tpa and go long way to recover ilka bunyane pilgrim hla lot roll the remewliranoe of awt song aad word learned la youth aad pure ooupan ijuaio taaohlng wluiontcar training la a iauahlp la a rlnge la age little tlought of thaw by the young bub thou who hava charge palpitation or the heart cmiddtu fright or emotion may cauaa a kaomentary urut of tlic heart a action or tome cvcltcmciit or apprebeniloti way at up a rapid action of tlic heart thereby culiig palpltalloii palpitation again i often the rcnlt of dlgeitlve disorder arltlnn from the elotaacif or may lie tha result of ovrr iailulgence of toliacco or alcoholic drlnkf tlta only way to regulate thl errloue bmrt trounla la tout mubuma ikari aiul nrrvo ilij un y 8 nlcholli lutowdl out write i waa weak and run down my heart would palpitate and i would taka weak ami diuy spella a friend ad- vlted uie to try mllhuni heart and nerve pilli ko i nturtetl ot once to use tbeui and fnind that 1 felt much atrotifcer i cannot prulu your nudlclue too htghly for it lias done me n world of good mubuma heart and nerve pilu are soc per box 3 turn for si 2o at all dalera or mailed direct hy the t liuburu co uailtcj toronto oul warta will reader the prettiest handa un algbtly clear the avcrceenoee away by ualng itoltowaya com cure which acta thoroughly awl painleuly of youth ahonld tauur thay are teach- iajf for two world aad lt all tbelr owa ba auaoaed wltb ulb bl iter and aalt aad fjfoad aoma faa baa said of early duclpliaa kuoagaiked aa the uadlng apeclfic for tha ilaatrueuoa of womu lloibar grave- worm kuurmlaaur has provad a boon ta fcakarla bblldtwi every where lb alia the eheracterutla of inflllsh mutio i ita lack of cliaraoterlitica soma man prey for eucoew because that laao much aaaur than working for it a woman wltb bar flrit baby a aa un uutakableaaabltof hooia draa making if you arant plad with your aavlroa tnab either get aub of lb or chauga il doat growl over il eulf aatlafactloti la a frightful enemy to twogreaa yl woman ifrcblem how to feel well during middle life told v three wonien who learned from experience auaraudko bbuybncb i thought you told me that fellaww wenteuos waa a sun peeled aentenca well woatic it when lliey banged hiinv wubh phuwc hnw doea your haiband expreaa him- aolf wbon drunk r he doesnt eprej hluwlf ha comae ttaaie in a tancub loss awn caik whabdtd you do wltb all tlia get rich quick money you landed r uked ur irtaatm lowb it redled ur vurom a fal low invented a getrlohqolckcr boheme and land wa into it aad n wloa baclialor alwaya hlkaa far tha tall timber when he bur brl uy that he jnlauileto lie an old maid i tha hour wa paw with happy pwpeetai in view are mora puaalng than tboia crowned with fruition flotdmlth 1 uoat manera willing to atari aocaethlng la tla aake of un argument i no uo in counting yoat ohlckena liefora thay ur hatched nor after thay bav bad tbelr nacka wrung tlie cliinge of life is a most critical iwriod ol a womans existence and neglect of health at this time invites disease and pain women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will bo riiccchsfully carry women through this trying- period as lydia e pin ith am a vegetable compound made irom native roots and herbs read these letters xtollattoiptilaj pa i tiurtryl tho cjunfttt of ub five yean asa i always bail a heotlaoho and back- aohe with marltuf down pains and i would liavo heat flaahea vary wd at tlmwt wlut dusy apollii and nemaua tdelluica aftor takbia lydb k ifuklmrnri vegetable compound 1 feel ulco a naw poroon and am in better health and no mora troubled with the aches and pains i had before i took your won derful reuerly i reoommond it to my mends for i cannot praiao it enough mm maiuiauatv goaabv man tcv n kincsokl 6l llillodolphla iu y t beverly maa1 took xydu k rinkham voketablo ctompourul for nervoruheiw and dysnopslo whon i waa koltiflf through chvttanw of wetl found ltwtylwliiful and i lavo alwaya spoken of ff to other women who suffer aa 1 did and liavo had them trylfc and they also hav woelvod ti bod reaulta from itt baratqaoaoai a dtobab n itoundy bt beverly liua khe v waa in wot health when the swala s tfinw and i took lydu k mnkhjunv vwuele oonmoudd or i thbik i ehjuuldiiob ir in j health wh started wtthuaand i took va vegetable compound or i t havo got over itacaayih x did even now if i do not feel good i take tho compound ji u wt luavahoi w and it reatorea me in ehort time i will pralae vnur mmmiina n woman for it may liolp your komedles to v them aa it haai ma fmth btfkrle va no otfarar medidb baa beaai mo aaiioearfal in avlng wromana aafrerinar mm hmm lydu b ptmkkaaaa vaarc4amn oompouud woerunmyremdwrremaavlbeartii autlooey wriuualie mdu vl wnwh- a-ai-i- rrw i tgt hiauttehaqmmoeivael m eaajaliaejiltaaihrteob wk boar a lot nlwiui thn in- ttmaao in thn ennt of liv ing nowadaya hut if the tirlco of driirn woare any hi alio r or if it remain long at ita breaent llgurn tho in- crouao in tho coat of dying if doath ihi precedod by anything in tho ha ni rn of u long and aorloum lllneaa i hlda fair to tiocomn u moro aarloua conalderutlon ntlll lrlceu nf drm in thla country and indoad on thla i rontlnant linvo alroady rouchnd an nltltudo ncvor boforo nttnlnod maya a writer in iho toronto htar wookly thorn am aovornl raumoa for thla ahortago tho star wookly wna old at ono of tho jnront catalillabnienta of wholaaala cliomlata in toronto but thoy aro all morn 01 loue rofor- ablo to tho war tho great majority of tho drug uupply in thin country la imported from uuropo and in kur- opo today merely a fraction of tho horba wbleli aro uaod in tho making of many proacrlptlona la bolug pro duced then a wholo lot of tho chemical product which aro in conatnnt ujie corns fro a germany in normal tlrhea nnd now thoy do not como in at au and it la impoaalhln to aupply their placo in many lnutancea for ax ample thero la lotn of nod a on thla continent but to makn a salt of aoda domo thing etao la nooded and thai komo thing elao uuually cornea from germany in quite a targo number of cauca bynthotlc drugu alao coma largely from germany uuch aa aro ukd in tho manufacture of phot ographic material bubntlluto for thouo at high prlcca havo to ba uaed now at another larao cntnhllahmont of thn iima kind it waa said that tha ahortaga of drug which ban roeulted in tho high price in canada i large ly attributable to tho fact that europe today need a mom drug than ever before europe own factorlca it wa aid make uao of moat of iter own horba grown at home oho want far more in tho way of drug than aha can poaalbly get take the cava of arnlea which la in i mine no de mand or again there i glycerine huropa haa shut off practically th wbolo aupply of material entering into ita compoaltlon and the atocb i low here of couree a whole lot of crude glycerine 1 being uaed to make eunloelvea the price of gly- cerlno i today betweon twlca and threo time aa itlgb a tha normal price glycerine la uaed in many pat ent mad i cine but tha price of tbeaa fa not likely to go up wltb tho price of glycerine while tho a lock or tha varloua dtapnaera of patent medi cine laat for tbeaa prices have ba- eohio atandardlaad among other drug iho price of quinine haa arono up wltb a bound qulnlue the utar weakly waa old at ono oatabllabmaut coat about ova tlmaa aa much today a it did a couple of week u the price baa gone up in that time from go to bo cent an ounca to about 92 50 to fl an ounce in tha battla- fceld of central europe aoldlera un doubtedly and that they need quinine a good deal mora than they do la tbelr own countries it fa contem plated now to uaa for tha raw ma terial for quinine peruvian bark from bautb america in place of tha pro duct of java which la tha aourca of supply la normal tlmaa but thla aub- atltuta can only ba produced at a vry considerable lucreaaa in tha coat again the coat of beukoata of aoda whleb fa largely uaad aa a pra- bervatlve la today extremely high by reaaon of tha ibortage of beaaolo acid what would in ordinary tlmaa eoat 40 cauta will now coat 94 or 94 ko la fact nearly all drug hava greatly advanced in price thla la particularly true or bromleua aad othr raaga of goods cod liver oil 1 made fram crude ell which coma from norway tha aupply of tbla la abort and tha eoat of tha crude product ha risen from 940 to 980 par 3kgaliou barval olive oil haa doubled in pries iluaalan caatharldaa la mora than ova uates aa daar aa normally per mangauata of potash 1 about un tlmaa aa dear it may ba added that camomile tea is likely to become a luxury tha leave for making this coma in time of peace from both germany aad auatrla tbe bo re hound barb is also an austrian product haakatchawajaa output between 1sd000000 and 110- 000000 buahala of grain bava baeu shipped out of baskatchewau to data by tha tbraa railway according to en estimate by u w draw general freight agent of tbo canadian paci fic hallway for baskatebawan ii stated bo could uot eitlraato tha amount remaining to bo shipped for tho yields havo boon far in evcoaa of any estimates ho lias yot sasn in aome parta of tho province turoablng operations aro still going on east of yorkton as far as tha manitoba boundary about fifteen par cent of the crop romalu to ba thraaued about ten per cant of tha thrashing la yot to ba dona in tba western part of thn province east of swift currant north and soutb utilising niagara a sohanio has ooon aubrultted to tbo now york state nutborltlos to construct a 90ft dam neroea tha niagara gorgo ao that tho prcaaut whirlpool rapids would ba replaced by m fall at the lower and of tha gorge from wblei ahout 3000000 horse power would bo uvallablo half for new york state and hair foi on tario bluk wia night haa a tbouaaod ayaa ana ua day but one yet tba light of tba bright world dial with tba dying ana tt mind hag a thousand era and tba heart but cms vat tha light of a whota lit die whan love la doae lrvattcta w bourdntott it la in demand bo great is tha de mand for dr thomas eclectrlo ou thai a large factory is kapt continually buay making and bottling it to ba in demand shows popular appreciation of thl prepare lion which etautl at tha bead of pro prietary compounds he the leading oil la the market and lb la generally admitted that lb is daaervlno of tba leading castor a va inikat ud cuuna in uaa for over so yam always bear 6nataraof ao mtmoboua mother you know that dad call your band painted china a joke said the young hopeful innooeatly i know ha doe child wall uase cracked a joke castoria for infanta and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of the grand tkunk railway pahskcnoicr tnainm th toliiwiuullliatltii i tjoh raiurciv iralnu nail at ailon moimfi u4wt 10in41 hr ii tlib a m iho co h1k m mn wl vct iii i rjo ii 11 win hi ho ikl huuki kn iii v jl in un bn ti w i in i mn h in n ho li 1tv m i no ht iitr u in use for over thirty years bud copy el wtw take a dose in time dootlct your iiyntem itocomo loworod by tlio attacku of a courii or cold safety wr4 take a doae ol ohambertalna cougij j ilamady at ono it ioomh tlie cough ao thailtaooriditiappear u baalatbasoreaaaa nnniuwiiiuwuirom and luugsaothayareuiialfecud by ebangnf untparature cbauwrtatns eonuin ho narootlca or harmful druca while it glva relief front tba flr4 does it uity ba aafaly tuwd with the yocmt ahi whaiaihii cough remedy sowckxwkw0oooo0xoo reduced sale this week do not fall to come and have the benefit every 1 iooo purchantr will iet a box of candy worth 100 1 free ol charge mens flcccolincd and wool undcrucar ovorcoatu regular 615 00 for ruincoatn uoith 10 00 for a nice lot of wool mitt 8 and glnvcu at a lot of nun a tl i ppcrs leather tolas ixg st 00 for 3 yu ms ladies yard gaodang ijc for io laco gooiu rcj joe for 14 lace goodi nu 30c fur lt lad lea ovorjrday drchaea for flt a quantity of olio- 1 to clear at iko to tti bllppara 411 lo doot forget that with every 9 1 000 caab put chaw a i 00 bos of candy 1 laglvun 7vx skxe 1 the brlck store opposll hw post office jck0okxxxxxxxxb ftmataeaqfatataitpifgy r ree a p6at card addreaaed ta mi as below wltb your name and addreasouvon tbaeuw alda wui oot but ona cent drop it id tha nearest mall bomandltwlllbuii prompt ly a copy of our illustrated bdpaifa catalogue for lulfl vlth it will coma aw- frea a tic packat ef bjnpink tomato a perfectly forrned tomato tha tlyron piak la uniform lorda nrul attractive tha tteah is tutn snd tha flavor delicious and fullbullwl it is a robust tfrdwrtr ami o heavy croppar it la att ideal tomato for forcing you are liolnj to buy seeds anyway than you wliht juit as wtndforourcatalognaoiid gt thla free premium for yourself yaj cedbou tclu qlwtttkt cllur vahiol tuvmlumm umcit uu ffc with twrv eaar dabch fit humteh seed co liurren london orftabio canada ruklboam jaejiaejtaji umeaajeaoikiajialiga actons electric chopping mill h0bt h lasby proprietor havme purclmncil from mr b v caldwell the electric chopping mill out lit ind oodwill ol the buniuuuti i desire to solicit a continuance of tho renerous patronnre of tho larmera and rjenuril public mill will hr open every day careful attention tiven over order and aatisfaction a- burcd r h labsy mens tjnderrear stanrialda and tiger llrands heavy weight underwear to day per garment rilttfrtf aviation oaps for men nndlwys just the thlnp for thla winther to day at each and 911 r e nelson aaaewhaunfe taillof mna kruinalahair wrndhou atnat j auairii omt exchange your western town lots wo will nllnw full valiio for a llmlkl nmniintuplnonutlionv mid nolluril worth of wunlerti town lola in uclinnge wild a njlglit ilkyurtnci citiili ur termn or fully imprnvod inaldo proper tltn in tlio oltkn nf london or inutjili including bower water llcctrlc llulit gna cement aide wnlliii mrcoi cam pnitt proihirtlcu nntl in woll built un fnctory dla- trklu oruitcctrtaklciitlnl tlicfa propcrtfea turn milck and are right at home write for par ticipant to 00 m walirtwmm 447woolwlohat auajliil a representative wanted at once ior acton mill dlmrlcl for iii- om mill rcllnhlo ronthill nuhse11ie3 ikuvra wliyrmulii idlo all winter wlitn jon enn intia up u imyinif aicni 7 cliolc hit of varlotle for iprinif planting liberal termu ilandhome frs outdl kxcliliiiuatiirrlliry writ now for particuat stoma xl wolllniiton toronto ontario the houk or quality groceries provisions pourfmiiortatitikiinu clcauliuau suulity irlcc bervlce you are ed tied to them groceries dread and meat flour and iatry vegetabua fruit and con feet ion try j k livingstone mill kt aoyom boots sbtoes rubbebs all lines q footwear i at rltiht pries s all men 8 rubbers at i bargain prices i w wltiliams mill street acton kct0n and bus likio havluk purchased the llvry lluilneiuu and goodwill of the oatato of tho lai jovj wlllluu 1 roipcctfnlly ooltclt the pntron- oe of the public comfortable rig will alwaya ho aupptloil at roaionable charges duh haev alai tkaihb ambrose mccann mill st acldttont c k coopeit acton cement contractor for bridgca silou wnllnt floors walls etc also aent for de laval siioh separators etc high grado portland cem ent for sale lia atents ipeomeily5eyai iitaset mablom hahiom ml unlrlly bl montreal

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