Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1916, p. 2

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horn fab ruary loih id iir ami mm llftrry hylee a u mrfllunhiiuiii nmtujnwijm on hut- urday 1ehrnriry 211th to mr ami mm wtn mauuuiitiliii u smicharte bail- jamln taviom atkarnbaiii oiitilww tin tliura ilsy fcehrutiry smlh iwo to mr and mr ale tlor formerly of acton daughter wattmed imuaw tirkv airr at tho homo of tli lirmea i rents mr ami mr iloliert btewart hunnysldo milton on wed nasday iehruary 1 1110 ly r w m manliay margaret uolierta la vred- risk w iiimu it son of mr and mm w it unman klntttton wed bltiku at buffalo on friday iehruury 2jjlh 1011 ihllipbulior brotlterofmra ii j jrvailliuin inolkiuut iii burlington cm monday fatiruary 21 1010 huiaum lyons relict of henry ingletiart in her hflih enr awntnmm at oaprlnge on tuesday j1th vahruary 1010 marl wolih widow ol tlio lata oeorge anderson in liar oilli year vovat at orsnirrivllle en monday fob ruary it 1di0 mary foley mother of john foley editor of ttie hun aged 7ll years oatm in burtlngtoncn tuesday vehnr ory 2 1010 paul klchard youngest hon of luv anil mr a cerr egedl6 woo til sljtt jtrtuit jfrn jtas thursday march 2 1010 edttohjalwotes n trust of dally end weekly neaspepsw are new announcing that no liquor adver tising will be allowed in their columns thla ta oommandlul and u a fair indek- of the uad of tlte time the vu rakaa a just a utile ioajvattfleofmoet of lut con temporaries lfor thirty years no liquor nor tobaooo advohuaweuta have appeared la thee columns til lhtoaricoy for a dry ontario bafor petnlnlon ixsy btlghtene but uwpereao raforwer muu not ytt think of taking off their armour tba globe pledge it support to th hearst government in prohibiting the liquor tuttlnea to tit fulf limit ef irtvlnelil power and spr tit bop that th lovernmeut will ao dur ltrab6ldtpurpoadlnllbpeh fioo lb thron toronto hob bidkijmitooatxuulltion in london and iwta la war tlm era glvao in two artloua appaahaflf la tha uairh oanaduti uaailn ltodort lo la war tltba by mar- ftnt ball atwl lufuqd la paris by uoaa ouavr tin ona dsorlbaa uiiw phtaaa ol ufa amonff um pootvr cuute in fjoodoa thai olhar aotna of thins that ara bino dooa by prlvata paraona is onli to awt rafuka arriving at pavla oolomkl honmrfii tlia canadian iuj caomoouuhmloaar in loiidon in a cabla to tha dotfioloai headquarters atataa that tha bwuury hava cla dirotloni that all gift parool of rjuliabla qooda wat lo taam baraol cuaajua oontfagwiu oa duty in ott britain admit ud duty fraa tba mdudta ahouu ba daolarwl iturtlar no duly a liaolarad by tha preiveh oorn udt on way goods aant to tlia briuji fdraa in fraaoa tub ohtabioiovkaukkt ii inorvaalnn iha granla to good roada tiiu will rolt la a urgar auouot f work oa goad roada bngtloaala all pari of tha prowlnoa kanaiur tha govomuaut will pay 40 pr owit of ail oofiatroctlon ool anothar mportaat eoooaaaloa to mnalolpalltua la ihtiualalon utay 20pr oaat for waln- urmri6aharr wbara nothing waa paid halora tha proolautlon aaablaa work to go od la all uiiabttpalltjaa wbara thay hava good tomju kymiiai cllua and tawiui wparaui ttota txxtnlu ami lowtuhlpa tnay join la omhty kmjj roada achaa uartajuwo to tk prapbala ollhaod- urld oovatitadt to inuoduoa au ah to bttdg about whtbltlon in tha provlnoa tha toronto tuirraati aaya t tha propoaaj ugulatldd utub grml go to tha otwiarv umubcoa imttbatalairrauuaraad that th uaunt uluutara ara unit la lha aala ttat it uut hot only paaa oauoaa hue alao paaa tha iltgiblatura ckrvful enquiry la offlolal alroua prdufld infonaatloa whlob indlaataa pratty atrongly thai tha hmra of ufa for tha liquor troda in thu prtvlooa an at praaaut eoaltutad ih nukjtbj tub khacrukkvof a dotalnlon fraaoblaa law waa for hadowad in tlta houaa of jamtfloaaa uooday by tha prima mln- uur towahl tha olorf of a uabata on tha quaatloa ol woteaa utmnaga sir robart iwdandallvarad aahort aitaaoh in which ha aau that tha wbola quwtla of uia frauchua wodld ba tahan into oanaldam- ttoa by tha oovaruniaiit and with it tba qutatlon of granting tha fraoehlm to wah tha houia luul baan daotibinf a hklutlon uovd by hon wluuu pugilay to tlta eaefc that wootau antltlad to vota lu aay pmvlno ahoutl alao bav tha tlgbt to vu la vadaral eleotioan militaby notes n nr king anil country hm int i- ti ll w in tlm klttli cnr pivok miii iinmu frnm mill on over hiiikiu our iuijh in tlm tronplieit urn culling for ihi limy iiiiul j mi and you hboiild not dniiyilinnill tlio mildluru of tlio act on platoon will nlloml tlio morning uorvloa ut knox clmreli nnxt hmiilay voti dont want to bo brandatl n nahlrk- cr in tbn hour nf ti1 woll titan etillfct willi tlio will luluhon von will navar mtrot it all imncfl of n m in mi i lion halni dealt out in uiibhihii old lorn am now marked i lint wnnro your ammunition tlio war ia only jtiut itgl lining lun itltnliia and artliur harvey wim nru lukiiif tlio lieiilanaiita conrmt at tha oihwih kdiioai of iiutrucllnn toronto ucro lioinonvor sunday tim anion putoon iiardifm to tbo metho dic church on hum i ay evening itav mr aviton iintoliod nn ablo mrmon on count inji tba cost tl0 cliolr mid qunr telle niir hrlnly aipniiriata inufltt tlio yuuiiff indie of knov cliuroh mil ton tendered tlio olcrn and men of tlio itlttli llutullflii at miuog n ilendld banquet in tlio achool room of tha church lait weak ioitail in ovary publlo building in ilua ala from railway utatlon to raatauranl are notioea radiug t bieaking oermati ia atrlctly forbidden tba penalty for vio lating thia rula may ba tbraa biontlia im prlaenmant ilerrltton vdlagahaadaoidtml ta treaut oach aoldler who raorulta froni tbara with ona hurulrail dollar on hla return from tha front well dona marrlttoiil that aa good aa actona gold watch aud luaoriptlon to each tuaoday waa pay day for acton platoon of tha loath tlatulion it wai good to m tba amllaa brought to tha mana faoaa whan lieut baatty aniokl aetlng payinaatar arrived at tlia looal military headquariara with tha chaquaa for tba fortnlgbta pay acton phttoao trakkail out to tlia real danoa of ut nalaoa m olaugblln in naja gaweya but thursday mr and lire moleufdtlin entartalnad tlia man to dinner and treated ihetn with much appreciated hoipitality it waa quite tt unique oja- uratlon of ilr and lira mclsugbliaa oryatal wadding anulverary tla erin advooau uya uiat vlluga haa had far uora than dva anllatiuwiu aw waa stated by tin lualnti uaroury quiu a uuuur havaenluudat nualph for which that city lua ukan ordlt to keelf tba advocate iflya a uoticeabla feature in oauiiectlon with tha atuudanca of tlia aoldlera at um church partle from sunday to sunday ia tha aplandid alnging of the uan thay appar to know thehyuna of tlia various churcha and ting tliam with fervor mr and mr a tbotnas lryr of uia flnt una kujuaalng rwoelv a utur oa man day from their boo thome who waa wounded recently in tha trenxhaa aayfug he is doing nicely he tain the military hospital at orpingtoo another eon samuel la with tlia 70th kallauon at barri on thursday aftaroooa the eoldler boys under the oomnund of luut hare march ed out to bronte and notwithstanding the bad roada they turned up in tha bat of aplrita after parading tha atreata they ware entertained to a tnoet welcome and tpuudld tea hy the bullae ef the lied crete boeuty in tha walton lumorul methodlt diorch burlington uaratte blown up by a jennan mine trench and eiiffuftng frod nervouauaaa atul tlia enuta of eipoaure ia tha eipruaca of arthur warwick formerly of georgetown who arrival in toronto from england on tim- day warwick left with lha oth baua- lion and waa employed aa a tapper us wat walking with a party whan their trench waa blown up warwick waa blown up and lait unoohmloua for a day and tha expoaureeauaed hla return home tha ealutmaat ol raorulu r il averegd an day during tha wek tha allowhurittha tnaa anroluj ajaoa tut wojnewayt e tyler john w mill howard bniith leooard atkloaoa albah cook john p aivaa ujold as uedloally unfit acton platoon haa now had 15 eallat- uaata unfortuaataly ovr twenty of thea liava been unabla to paw ilia medical e i am i nations hrie howeilaaj ctuuige haudl tha beautiful 1100 ure farm italonglag to wu bowbun has been iiurohaead by mr walter evana of eafueeingtowuiliip bale waa wade by j a wflloughby laorgatown pmx cotinyv haa certainly vlndlcatrd hereelf bba haa uo uaa for profiteering by member of parluunentli war time vour or five hundred conaarvative muat liava voted agalnu tha oanaervatlvo can li data mr j r vallia- tha flection waa uol a polltloal ona- tha liberal of peal bmolauy ofared tlia conurvativaa liefora tli hmttloatloui had been made to allow any other nomlnea than mr pallia to ha ejected hy acclamation tim man largely waponalhla for tba lone of a oonaarvatlva aaemberlntblabyeelmtlotttafttfiliardlllelh th oonaervativ mtuber of tha ifouaa of cotauona who rocomuamled the omiraa taken by mr vvllla and aupetlntended hla oampalga eat ah active food to avoid indlgottloti ami oonatlpatlon eat laeeol the highly tebaed fancy oehala aud atarohy food what tlia atouach liver and bowela require a on unreflnadi otiva bereal to keep them working right dr jackton ronuut maaj ha wore active aumuutlng power than any other breahfatt eereah it eontttlns whole herrlea of wheat wbola herrlea of rye deodorlsod flaxaeail and bran ualtea dslloloua iorrldga awl all baked prod net at oil groeera loe und made by roman alaaloa toronto esanthjiho t 00umc1l pathwaiurt to bo appoltitm at tha hahh hmtluff tha council tnat purauant to adjourn ment on tha uth sewuary tha raeva in tha chair uiauiuers all prent mnved by alax joe aaoondad by john elliott tbataroaotutlon be paateil accept ing uta auditor ravottaa premnted anil that 100 ooplaa be printoj for dlatrlbutlou carried moved hv alax joe uooadad by joint elliott that tlia treasurer pay tha follow fug accounts mr prye f 19 and mr proutorllo they halngln indigent clrcuju atanoea br mccoll2jieltiiigftudatten- lino on uta smith for broken lag aha being in indigent oiroumbtaiices carried moied hy joint dlughiiin moond by john elliott that willi ii haruy huai neaa agent for jn momeueoiyi l paid uiaauiiiofklh lielng atatuta labor and srreara il ii nalaon 1200 for blowing out rook a on norval hill clilnguaoouay paying a like um w j bliarp si so fur drawing til to korval chliiguacouay paying like auw w o anthony 010 for lmudoufffareoflidahitlntowhthlp ja willougliby 121 for bono hire for mr ltoaaiiurfa to walton mrauah1etjreiiand ure kow 280 for nuralng wrn moody 150 for work dona in oletiwllllaua eter ueleaao01ltt i value of one ahaep killed by dog carried moved by alax joe aeoondetl by john bingham that a hyhtw be introduced at tba next meeting of tho council to appoint imthroaater for tha township for tbo year 1010 any persona wublng ehang in palhuakter daaae notify th clerk that the following returns be mad to tha oolleotof of ward mo i john waller a provincial proihbitiow bill spoeoh from the throno forooabla j logulatlcm providing for a prohlbltlori hofo rend urn uohihioh ilksolutiom postponed a week tlio introiluolioii of leglidulinn providing for u prohibition loferoniliini in fbitarlo waa definitely uunntiiinod in tlm wpecoli from tho throne by hlr john hotwlrla lieutenant loiornor nt thu opening nf tha iguittturo on tuenday afternoon tho follow lug worda t fiulatlou will bo biihinltled to you rotating to tho prohibition of tha aale of intoxicating liquor within tbo province mid for tho siihmuoloii of the aaino to tlx electora tho xlail and empire nald on monday itla underaload that during tha ueaiinn nf tlio latiira wlvancwl temperance icguutlnn will he lirouolit down hinoo laat acimlon thedovcriuiiont has heou jiving grant i nn i of ear n eat thought to the ubola question concur rent with the invoa ligation carried on by tlio ontario llccnut hoard uui the rtwult of tbln coiinldoratjou tihbtatod ban i wen tncotivluoa hon mr heat and hli coll nag not that the aeiill- maiit of tlm pratluco in such aa to wmrrunt tlio auhmlulnn of tho matter to tho people in tha farm of a re f a re ml u in whloh ihould it be carrleil would wipe out bar club and ahop lloeuaea ver unio time vat it hua lieon apparent that ilia tlovariimout wna reaching a bails uf action evldeuoe in thla direction being tba delay of tlia ontario license board in announcing its decisions in regard to licensee for the coming year tba board luul intended to make known ita allotmoot of lloenaee by tlia beginning of february and in january luul practically oomploud its urvy of the province for the pest hienlh however the comtntiottr have been proceed lug ulaurvly and no hint lias been given as to when the issue of licensee will be announced bliould it be the intention to place the final declelen la the hands nf tha popl thu summer th board could probably act under ita statutory right to extend lloeuse far throe montha pending a settlement of th question tlta prima mlulter it la undantood has had various kinds of restrictive tegula- ucrt under eoualderatlen with a view to getting tlia leat statutory machinery poeal lie th manitoba act is said to liava received oonalderaua attention not only because it repreeedui reowit provincial legislation but locau it la not open to oanstitutlooal objections year aao tha manitoba aot after adoption by lha man tob legislature went to the courts and was finally stamped wilh lha approval of tha privy council thla act baa oritlolaad in same qiuuurs for the cleiu pertrillltug tliesale of liquor by whouwata druggists for scientific and mechanical pur- po u but it i surrouodad by exceptional ly heavy mully safeguard tlia dabate on tlia dominion prohibition resolution haa been poatponed for a jb paluslsdefriated by s05 the feopla of pmi want ho proflt- ttarinr by mewbirtof payluunedt many c0wsebvative3 voted fob lowe tlio slectloo in peal county last thure dayprovad a grat landslide by which j it faille stays hotna with nearly a thoos and fewar voua than lie roalvd la tha general election two yara ago w j lowe liberal wee elected to tba legislature ia thla hyelction by a majority of s0i over j il pallia conservative who had iwlgoad to seek vlndloation at the haruuof hie oonstiiueau for tba part ha played in tha purchase of horea for tha militia departmaal in thirty seven of tha forty polling subdivisions lowe mad gains and ven brampton which in th aeaeral election of 10u gave fallla 7 majority gave lowe 1sl faille in tu general electloa had m usjorlty of 637 id cblajpuaouay low increased tba liberal majority frm w to 201 i la cuu- dod a faille majority of is was turuj into on of iis for low t i toroaw township faille majority of 913 was re duced to 100 1 n albion faille majority dropped from 204 to 1 19 i in toronto oer low imreaaetl th liberal majority from ta to ia streetavilla gave faille on la but in bolton tt was out from 40 to 18 in chatuolon titer was a tie rota port credit cut faille majority frod 105 to 37 n w flowell uads ol tha oppoutuu said tha higbt of tha election t th result in pj u a tribute to th patrlotum smj public spirit of th ieotar el th county it was a victory of tha paopl rather hen imply of a party th attct will h felt throughout tlia whole dominion it ta a netlc that th elector will not aland for profltaarlag and graft in oaaneetlon with war oontracta lb is atao a vtndloatlon of th worthy standard of dsmoeraoy and a proof that tha urn cotae whan oa great issues th people will not oonllnu to respond to partisan appeal or th crack of ut party whip a apeotal word of appreciation is du to an influential aeouon of th ooiuarvatlv prees for th patriotic ami aouregeoua etaad they took against mr fallu reelcctbn obituary una fuiuiiu afcukutnw tha oldest resident of oeprlnga passed peacefully w ay on tuesday morning in tha person of mart webb widow of tha lata toorg anderson mrs anderson won bornatoaiirlng kent county england in 1b2 bba was married to her let hus band tieorga andaraon also a native of oiprlngtf in ikli tha young eoupteani to canada on their honeymoon tour and settled in thla new oountry aeentyfour year ago a fdw month were spent in eramoaa than they moved to the four ooroera where oaprlnga now atanda having secured the beautiful farm at tha booth wstoomer up to this tlm th tonality had no nam and in honor of tha old home in england utey named tbepueeoaprlnga mr amlarson died thirteen year ago two ecus and three- daughter were born in tha honia of these tba following sur vive i charles in toronto mr hawkins mr jawea uolean and oeorg p all of 0irlng mr anderson was a member of tha presbyterian church tha funeral will b held uil afternoon to bverton cemetery the andereaa farm remained in lha family until a couple of year ago whan it was purchased by mr joeleh stewart postmaster and merchant mr kohert johnston of eramoa townahli wellington county has pur- chaaed a 100 acr form front mr a a scotch block bov 0 1 thvptir otllllnn pianohed tho preimralury mrinoil at llnaloit cliurtih bint friday atoning lliauanrninenlul mr vlooii nu huiidny wnm impirnwko timl fairly woll aliunde nolwitlihlundlng the ntnriti mm john hprowb im uklng up her rem- denoa in toronto a fur well gatherlnguf the inomlierh mid frieuila of lloaton church womanm mlsaluimry hnclety wan held at tin lioma prior to her removal and mm sprout was promoted with u wrltlnu desk in nppreolhfioii of her faithful work a ml folio with i p in thu uist yearn wetldliig liolls ware rluiilng here thla weh onn of tho bright joiiug man nf the community led a pretty maiden olbonllar at tba v v mntiso yesterday mr william illllman or weston baa purcliamei 100 aoreii ut tllou williamu esquetilug township lioloiigiiig to mr har old llliighsni bale waa made by 1 a- iviilotihbv ooorgetown olssahiho auotiokf saije in ubqukuiho townqhik- far stqok and im- riiffimknts- the underuigtied line received liinlnic- tlonn to mjii hy public auction for l it ayicinmoh mi tot oo concession j about two mile from acton on tukuday mahoii 7th lom at on oclock aliar the following hor8eb i brown maro 13 yearn i boy mare 14 yaru 1 roan in arc 7 years i grey porcheron mare rising 3 yoani broken doubt t bay jercherou mare rising s year 1 1 bay mare 7 ywara t cheetnut mare 19 years cattle red heifer froth 1 ra low freah 1 roan cow fresh 1 rwdcow ilua in march 1 grey cow due in march 1 red cow due in april 1 grey cow sup posed to calf in july 1 red cow due in march 1 grey heifer supposed to calf in august iwfmllecow supposed to calf in october 1 red cow huppoted to be in calf i grey cow supposed to calf in july 1 black cow due in april a steer 3 year to steer and heifer riming 9 ciar 7 spring calve a youns calve 1 urham bull a year fat 1 fat helfe- biieep 7 good leicester ewe pigs yorkshire sow uppeood to be in pig 6 pig 3 months old pair of g gatider hens- about 8s plymouth rocks 1 rooster implementfldearlng btiuler 7 ft cut uaueyiiarria mowar s ft cut croat tt wood aide delivery rale inter- uatlonnl hay loader climax cultivator disk uuueyflarrla 13 ha drill peter hamilton roller perrlii 9 furrow riding plow pleury 91 plow 1 scuftter wilkin- ben mo 4 plow 1 turnip drill 1 root put per 1 lumber waffgon 1 truck waggon waggon box with shelving 1 stock rack 1 act harrows 1 tat platform scale 3ooo un 1 national cream separator 1 good cutter t top buggy 1 top buggy rubber tires good as now 1 pair bob sleighs 1 hayrack 1 buggy pole 9 doi grain bags 1 hay fork car rope and pulleys 1 crosscut raw a hsckyokei 3 sots whlmetrere l daisy churn 1 wash ing machine forks chains haea too rod no 9 irout wlro various other articles too numerous to mention iiahhess 1 set single harness white rubber aood oa now 1 set alnglr harness 1 aot double team hem 1 et double driving harness a string bells 1 robes aomoodd collars and horse blan kets a quantity of straw tuumqi10 and under cash over that amount 19 months credit on furalsh- lug approved joint note five per cent 0i1 for cash fowl fat cattlu and straw cash u j uaffth a l wyant clerk auctioneer olbsabiho auction sale in btrlh yowhshir farm stock imtijjffi- mjbnt9 gdain and 1xay tha udcfalgned has received instruc tion from w m lahktkjht on lot a third una erin four ml tea north of acton to soli by public auction on yumajuav uui op hahoh at oh oclock sharp the following iiorbe 1 bay raaro carriage 6 year good ilugbs or doublet 1 hay bonia carriage 11 year goo double bay bora heavy a worker bay mare agtfcultural years grey gelding 1 year ptrcheron j a aood ana bv uii aged aired by elmore bay filly foal perch eron o good one by elmore bay mare willottghby exchange farm helongna to jfonmm uokeehnl of ataqueaing town i wrongly ajaeeaej 92b2 mr prydo 304 thlp anil itenul mckaehnt of ehntown i council adjourned to uat on march i bhaw of alton bat was made by j a ship imth wuiaughby jaorgetowik cattle i heifer year fraah wllh calf at foot 1 red cow supposed lo calf april ist spotted cow supposed to cv in may red cow supposed to caf lit june 1 fat cow 1 red heifer ruing year 1 a spring heifer calve 1 steer calf 1 calf j weeka old 4 steers and one heifer partly fat weight about 000 lb each these cattle are well bred and in good condition iioqs i vork sow supposed to far row fn april 7 aomts 3 month old 7 fat hogs fowl 40 plymouthrockhena about so pullets two geese and m gander a flrtt chut collfo dog ii4pleubntr 1 good medium waggon with box 1 democrat waggon t top buggy good 1 masaeylilarru binder lu good shape wltb truck 6 ft cut mas eyllairia mower new uaseayllarrltf drill spring tooth new masaeyharrta is hoodiak in good shape 1 set of bob sleighs cutter 1 uaseey- harris sulky hoy rake wilkinson turnip sower in good repair 1 land roller 1 truck scales booo lha 1 ut of beam scales 9 pleury plows n li matsey harris set of har row 4 section new a anil 5 horn doubletrees no 13 fleury plow i set of iron burrows funning mil belt pulper wheel barrow a scufftera atone boat 1 large sugar kettle 3 dosed grain bags t hay rack a logging chains car and slings and b ft of rope new 1 liaj fork 1 grain cradle s soy the and sualtb a quantity of lumber i pick axe tt white ash tongues ittoue hammer 1 hay knife 3 acoop shovels t kutlle 4 iron wedge 1 grind stone hoes forks chains devices etc etc harness i aet of heavy harness nearly new complete b net nf single bartteib set of plow harness in flood shape 6 odd collar n ttrlng of bells 1 iialr of new horse blankets 1 pair of stable blankets a good robes curry comb and brushes etc t household furniture man- sayharris cream sopcrator in koj working order 6 goml kitchen chair 1 fallen iraf uble 1 bureau a bedateads 1 wooil cook stove favorite barrel churn with lever attachment iron pots 0 butter bowl ladle butter print 5 fifth ion oilcan cream crock nails etc hav and gra1na quantity of hay isobuahulof oats wlittajewej fit for seed j some barley and buckwheat tbrmb 1000 atld under cash over that amount 11 mouths credit will be glvon ori furnishing approved joint notes plve per cent off for cosh drain bay fat hogs and fowl cash positively uo reserve a the farm bos been bold pa weleaa clerk jkctioueer grocery specials wo pay particular attention to our jroccry department and cin guarantee choicest oualitv closest prices aylmer corn peak and tomatoei lsc tin choice prunim 10c lb tiger brand salmon tkc tin september die rc iiitc il ello 3 pl4h ill mivors we valencia haimna b lbs for zftc seeded raisins s iba for sjsc seedlcsu roivinu i ii lor ssc glycerine soap tic cake orange special big sweet iedle- orannes regular 50c mzp tbii week 48c doz lay in a nack of sugar before it toeu up dent granulated now 72k per loo ibp henderson co mill st acton onl xkxxdooooooooooooooxx h try this on your piano the following little uong wan taken from a circular issued by the hearthstone of chicago and is by e f mclntyre they do not ntatc whether it ia to be sung to the tune ol the 515 neither do we but you iniplit try it there wao an old geezer and he had a lot of cense he started up a business on a dollareightycents the dollar for stock and the eighty for an ad drought him three lovely dollars in a day by dad i well he bought more goods and a little more space aud he played that system with a emileon his face the customers flocked to his twobyfour and soon he had to hustle for a regular store up on the square where the people pass he gobbled up a corner that was all plate glass he fixed up the windows with the best that he had and he told them all about it in a half page ad he soon had em coming and he never never quit and he wouldnt cut down on his ads one jit well hes kept thingb humping in the town ever since and everybody calls him the merchant prince some say its luck but thats all bunk why he wau doing business when the times were punk people have to purchase and the geeser was wise for he knew the way to get em was to advertise k mum vbos ojlsroarai a 14 vtsui rrft txmxt f v hh twutbj s thar- ferrys seeds successful gahdenino the drat condition is good seed the gardener wlmtber for plea- sura or profit cannot afford to gamble he must have tlia best seed that money can buy our business is selling critically tested carefully selected pedi gree seed with good seeds good soil pro perly prepared aud the neces- cay cure the gardener may expect results because all nature is working for him begin right by planting ferry beeda d ummvoco wer osjsrlo incvbators brooders tanilln lnfillih notlluiwll hot water incubator made under oovdrdtuout ett chatham imtjuhatohh chatham iltoodkrs for sale uy alexander mckenzie rnklw welimatton mum x xxjzi superior bakery we have opened a firstclass bakery our goodti are baked fresh every day by a practi cal baker who has had a wide experience both in can ada and the united stated any order small or large can be put out at a dayu notice all kinds ol kancy cnkca pastry and our quality bread is known for its goodness give us a trial and be convinced delicious cream puffs and uclaires every wed nesday and saturday hurford do chisholm superior bakery acton oatirlg rln umirrllsmtrnlfl actons electric chopping mill f0bt h lasby proprietor having purchased from mr b f caldwell the electric chopping mill outfit and goodwill ol the business i desire to solicit a continuance of the generous patronage of tho larmcrs and general public mill will be open every day careful attention riven ever order and satisfaction as sured r- h labsy ti ftik jllrtlitali tcimrtli acton iv w aviion m aiid hlritxuf ounoav m all oil btrt a m jlujitlht church anniversary no ucrvht i i lio cruhii of jutiiu wlmt doc it nn- in tn yon cliircimu unto mr ilnautifiilkmiiih liluutay hclinnl ut 3 30 p m all wcicom el lost illstm iat h ijl 1 ilnu with tiltlslu av u i niiiiruvrl ui li itr tlia iost ofllee louts wnoli sun iln 1t nwnwrvml 1 1111 iukiiuoltldb 91 s lost i lllll altv lllli 1 jin eflily liasvy l lunu hiii iai lntm 1 aiuwri in hi if ii11 w ul liavl whkif fnllomlug iiiik in ili iiiimiiio ol hnitlt any fanihihii m wliiroaliuiu mill usm a jawfcov 11 u h 1 1 oio fluonitltwii m lllnu ji hn rltli u ritti holt tlw obi ks koitkaik ii 4 nit v nn riyuiwuu iri iiri vsr aint llirrnuslili ir lu friil ami catfliua lusia i rir an frmi teiuiqiiaua 111 ahl v innattku liftlunsfajl vor m if vvantki mvh u retail htwlduh imlnen towu stul rnuttrr iar k mii i loit una una ol tliaillolsli i urumt comiarilm it ilia wwld even lcl rim m 1 raiiclita g irvlc low lieltjl i v wain nnly in fudrlnua man wlla ran mrn vhviwi an i up ixr i110111i1 aud ai entf uum tava mtiaiia tor matting aa iiit aiil luriiitli cintraal algnol liv iwn rmiamlw- iiibii a 1 liou w rumwtioii louiasv liuilel t rou to ontario filln ajb occuiallfju anil rafaroucmi laa valuable hohiilonco for sato in acton npllat atlrtvlu new ltltu vanaavaj liooea naat it dr jrfya iiuu antt waiar ami aidb illjlil xnuvaulaot and wll i sixl iailv ler immsduu cliurati hl aalou pi10pkrtvfik sale titufatrij olitia lta u crawanrjatorwaa cnrnara lot i con i south eoruw itvl el urlu about 10 acre maionru 1 wo walla two umvi aiona in uta and tiaia and mhty bululntii tlirba aiiilu trmn aalou and taui dillu from iloctiwooi siiiiv to urn vi cutjwaon wtulnuion hirtt aiuia oat fou salk bhick raiultici no main hlivti w lere 1 t liar i ml fli wnr fruli rah ltctrla actiit irolln parlor tieu tlula iea klldian it i 1 aniry woortaliit four miua aujeloam muir two callsra willi ittbea alao llaii v 1 l01111i t kane and mbw lorai turaalukmi new lor asla a or paruaulate kkciihts wanted tervlcala ailtuc sad ilislrbldd vi to iii pufftin naitajlou a n wlio aeu uejliy ii iuit an i aelui w ilihr lr ium tblr eeuaify iiit four in own lowu ap iteerulilag ksasr aataa weavers wanted girls and women for wool len weaving can be quickly learned and good wages earned harris fcv co ltj bockwooj oai w fine glove table cutters to cut import ed and domes tic cape piece work 95c per dozen apply to hudson bay knitt ing company montreal tenth dispersion sale oi the m4pic must herds ol pure bred york anil berk hofi will uo botil nit lot iq first hue erlb two mile went of oprlnfte thursday march dili 50 lings in bowh in furrow boiro ready for noivlco 30 tihcurliiig kwcu a iiumlier of cow and young cattle plymouth rock fowla o a c ontaoml liny r j kerr auctioneer d new wonder land theatre o fnidavmaiia tlio clur 3 pirtn with blanche bweut monday ma ii upucinl ftnliiro by all features a comedy with clinrlio chaplin wtcuneodav mara kplnmlo 7 n tho romance of ici id tii cominu tins pretty bister of joho n piutn with uarguerito clark l gregory d

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