Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1916, p. 4

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t riai xtz it5 fllulutday maitoir 10111 naturies ways very n wo l imlcdd tlio ic0 yet tlmrnu nta nu iho mi in happy boon that it iko ilin iihih y have lhlrlliigor trwi uitlt tin oh how ir nutut flin iholmit hut it grnttn in nil kv hurra thoss uro imlj frtiiku w n u mo merely curious wiiy of hem never mind ueye not complain lug or wo lava damn nature i uny ii who muds i ho gaiillo nhour band the bright mill hlltmy tiiya i the moon fu opinion a htmens hiiomh ton tho fathom inv wlill ura nro hliilng brightly in natures crown tjtiove school losboii x flrat aunrlcr maroh 6 igia fori ieilletts jfflaffistfll danger in gasoline 0 little morngtl of mink hoiiuilnuh in uui huah or tbo tuning btiir inn thy ulinumvii civuf from ihti utwt i think of hit twilight snnfiu you wll ami tlit luty ion inlliil o tv t thu woo lltoo im ullli tliu tqu ulitl lend i init ions iu wro wn thluo- i uouritr if luiiutiuuifu you long for hint boy o lllilu mother of iiilnol mid niih hu linu toinu to mans itilnto iron ii ntdlwurt in body mid plroug mid md bnrtlly know that ho ww llio 111 vwinui ou lullod wllh your dumber song 1 hu jtrn linvo nlttirod the form mid ilia lire hut liln heart u unchanged by tliu and sill i im ouly thy boy an of old o mills niotbor or uilnal wallop ii llrowu shauhiho dead an irish soldier writing homo from wanes tajs i u and i wera uut offan a llttentng patrol lo reconnoitre m houso cloui by tl o onsmy patrol lino ug didn t unow whelhsr thay were in tha hotiaa or not but thought thay were to ojt w want juit m sin i the ho aw bad bean blown up by artitlsry ira and not much re mained but lh shall t still it made good oorr for an obearvare part we crept to lha door and from room to room upauir and down with hi moon bluing through irt porthole here and thu hut wf fatlnd only two dud ur buna at u foot o lha stair lying hud duj and with the contorted faoea that we thought dead man only waar bo we want hack and reported that which we found wat dlalllavr why didnt you prick hie dead taen with but fa v the w carry of 00110 for close quaitara ao w oould only ikjl gallty to a braacb of dlacratlon coma bebmd ha btli of you bo luiou w want with him tha two hantaan war lying bj w utt them i oua with hfi baad ovar hla ana um faoa hidden i tli ouur oa tila baok with barad loath and a look of barvor in bla flsad ey thayw oura aald i ihought m and ui two oaum to ufa- but thro daaparata mao r biff argunant agalnut two who hav taan playing ailly without um so tha nlghta bag paid for tha hunt ehimua a houwtaih by bail movlnjf hill avan a faw faat provod too biff a jab for mohammad but to day noth lag beam impoajlbla and in california a budauln la being ahlppad thraa thousand talua to rannsyvania bltaatad at lonipoo santa barbara county trtla mountain la raally a heap of ullllonaaiul million of tiny deoompoaal m abelu it la aold aa infutarhd earth aajbua hlgb value for inaulatlug pur poni and for jawelara grinding paate tlaaahji la while in oolor fluffy in con alaudoy and akaeatllngly floe in grain aflftaaa eara ootttalnlng fifty ton aeon to ufc monuily whett tha but oar roe oat it will be potalbla to tell prmlaely haw uuch tha mountain weighed castoria in for oww so vaitt 41tawd ju1m alijpittattaf watsby it vae a brand new milkman and look lag utawudomof mora aifperlanced mom be of lha apaolaa knew not that on oar iala aabjeota lid bliouhl at all hum main tela a frigid allanoa it looka like rain thl morning mum ba uld plaaaantly gailng ttkywarda aa ha poured uk milk into bla customers jug ib alwaya doea eab tha custom or with quit unnaoaaury aeporlty 8hk could ukduhslfawp wttrl6tvjalto u letter frow my aoa arthur uylnff lie haa won a aohourahlp i cant tall you how pluaad i am huauo 1arty i can undaratand yer faallaa uuttl i fait just tha aama whan utrpltf won a medal at tha agricultural haw ohildreu ory ror hetchers c yuk bq tha grut atrataglab of tltairunt war aid bluon pord at a banquet wew york im uarahall voo illndetiburg hut llln dmburfi hlmaalf la nothlntr to a chap i know in uottou title boaton cliap got bu aaury ralaed a year tfto and bla wife baant fobwl it outyt the international series twt of lla laaaon acta vll m to will 3 mamory varaaa 60 go qeldan yxt hav ii 10 comii pr- pnrtti by nv d m stemrne kliilutii ucoim to litno rcmiiliiut i iriil lhtf ii lilu ncniucru iinill mm liluli jultwl iinlnl am hiciiii hiiiiku sov i lllmi irdlllllllljt wllh llio llij n lut of tlio jihi or luiy lo abrnliiirii huiimed llio blulory or larnol down in iln hum of holoim it and tlio liulldlim nf mm tiiuplc imuhliiir from tlnil to llliu uid hioi out lllinmir nu ibu 1diii id ulilih ilo iinlil if tiny dfroiil tin ivould ml o it iii hiu third thiy unu til fl loliii ii m ml ilo nftrrod in lhi tit liy in lht riilllllinriil of iho iininilce u aliriihiiiii hit uuirtrlnjia hint ikller linu tif jokopli hie noilon rtfiiiuil nf mokiti hut intlf dioko of him iih tie ilvtitr mill ui oirji ttii hoi 1 ilium tc u it in urn 1 1 ii a all tlio iniquity of lliilr fiiuiura b mimluilnic tlio luut ou nlit inn iwk1 i roril uut o abrnham mill lueea nlid fortuluidoweil in i mine nntl fomrnli mid sutucii mid koliiuion althoimli joncpli ntid mojirn utro re riihisl for n ii mo jod umd hit in u lien hit time niiit nntl ho ho it 111 uao iho rejected criiclflod nnd risen clirlal nl tlio apiioltiled tlmo an truly najoiwpli rnuio to iho jilnco or powtr nntl micm dolhorrd larnol bo surely nlmll jnauu clirldt lomato tlia thnuioof dnldniid iw blug over o redeemed laruol lim tlio fullntwa of 1 1 mo ahull iibo couio au usual ibu ae nllou of belno lb tunrdcrera or their lvualnli cut ibini to tlia heart cliaier bj and mndo thetu ausry ciiuucb lo kill fttcplton which they succeeded in doing ah thy giiuahed ou llm with their tehi ranw am ho warn aecinliigly oliirloua to it all for bo saw jejuu in glory tha xprcuilou ouflahlug or t colli waa usa just bovcd dfefowat tlmoa by our im coiimildfl tha toruient of tha loat find nlwaya roncdmlng tlioa who were proresumlly reilgloiia but not tlly ilia malt vlll 13 xllf 42 co lull 13xivql xxv 110 hiuokiii m siephon wn filled with iho llplrlt to mrvo tnbloa to work uilrncloa lo bear tcetltuony nnd now in bla groat hour or ihcd to roe jcaua chrut in ctory nud ilia triumphantly ivl a b h 10 vll b3 ooi to ijo hum wllh and controlloil by tbo holy spirit is our great am nu prcmo need for ovory occasion and nil manner of aervlcc for ouly turn aball we took up steadfastly and ra the glory or hod nnd jeeun at his right bnnd aomchiing which wo naod lo do in order to be a tend font in aervlc and rwady to lire or dla this upward look nud btoadraat boholdlnff or jesus at tlio right hand or tlio pother always an ucecbunry wore iiovor mora neodful limn now in ihtuio nwful days of tha uronoan conflict and this very morn ing may a mm an tbo papers an bounce bo sinking or tbo lusltaula yesterday by torpodoos near qumils- lown with tlio loss of perhaps 1000 lives wo surely do nedd to look up stcadraitly with iho cartli no mil of unrest and tbo rago of tbo dovll the destroyer and murtloror ao ntauiresr there can bo no peaco or tnlnd unless wo aoa heave opanod and tbo bon or won on tha right bund of god and hear film aay tu huii and know that 1 am gad i will bo nutted in the earth and reuoiqber that de atone can make wars to ceaaa on earth rs xlvt oll bleptions dljcourse began with tbo god of glory and ended with the glory of god verso 2 os and wo must soo tha qod or glory and rejoice in the bopo of tho clary of gad if wo would be patient in tribulation and run with patience the race sat be- fore us rom v la heb zll 10 i am always hstped and enabled to look up better by a study of the pflhaagea whom heaven la onenod and wo see visions of god for thoro is no rcat of soul in things that an seen but only to tho unseen and eternal gen xxvlli isis kxok i i 2028j matt hi 10 17j john i bit acta vll m x 11 nov iv l xlif li lot it is restful to rotnoni her that there is one on tho throuo who is always quiet and unmoved and can lo n ho pleases ami tins nil power sud no thought of dis emi bo hindered lsa v i p cxvmr o job xlll a margin he has told us not to bo afraid to he killed for to the believer to die is gain to depart la t be with christ which la verj fur hatter to bo aluumt from tho body is to bo present with tho lord matt 2s ii cor v fl pull 23 our golden text does not toll us ttmt wo will lie saved ir wo continue faith ful till we die but that us belloicru saved nnd kept by hlu rallhrulnosa wo must jucnect the hatred or hie dovll nd if wo uro faithful ocu though wo dlo for it wo will twelve a crown of life which m the special rownrd for patleut endurance seenhutjah 112 stephens texuaouy as to what be ww lod these servants of tho dovll to top their ears at what they consider ed bis blasphemy rush upon hltn cast aim out of tho city and atouo blm to dath then ho saw indeed that which ho had seen a few moment betor from bis mortal body and bo was for ever with hu lord far boyond tba wch of all ms tuemles iris last words nro memorable lord jesus rwelvo my apirit and lord lay not hitu uli to their ebargv varses www 1ho rem hid ua or two of the seven sayings uf riiriat on the etu as w- corded in yiikr null i 04 40 saul was rotisenlliur unlo ida death hnd krpt hie rnlment r ilu m who t him mul he tityer it mi nu mi it ivii i alllalllahdcomscibhcb a hi huh girliimir u tn iminiiivrlng hwny nt llio hilioiiinr hl wlimliarrom mm sun thj uhaiihiauiriliirriuluiittnhlin mhi iiion hiio usftl lined ynuro unking ii dmulfu ulnliur wlmt willl iho iielghluiiirahay t kmor nidi i hid norghhaiir roluriud her lihhbinl t iiiniin get mnmnrrow inriilll tilt lint iwhi luiri umng to work on iboh ihtiiilli proleulcil tlmgi yo ought o u w ecrcmii voman had ncr vous trouble lydia e piruvjum vegou- blocoriipound hfjped her west dauby n v i have had norvous trouble all my ufa until i took lydla k iinkhams vegetable com pound for narvwi and for female trou bles ajwl it straight- eril me out in good shape iworknarly all the urns as we live on a farm and i havefourglrls i do all my swlng and other work with their help ho it shows hiat i stand it ral wall i took the compound whan my tri yjar old daughter cam and it halpod mo a tot i have alao had my okfoat girl take it and ft did har lots of good i kep it in tiie house all tho time and recommtirul it mr dtswrrr btucuaxvau wast danhy n y ruepleaimeus nervousness irvlubll- ity haekach heailachi dragging sn satjona all point to fmalo drnng- monta which may lw overcome by lydla k plnkhams vegetable compound this famous remedy tlio meulclnal ingrodlcnta of which aro tichvcd from nauvo roou and herbs hu for forty j ears proved to bo a most valuable tonle nnd invlgorator of tlia female organ lam women evarywharo bear willing testi mony to tiie wonderful virtue of lydla rinlchamk vsgtible compound thu bubataini is 8 van ylmaa mar stino of th agv a madadaeoar plant that can drlv powerful than dy nam it a b fc- io you know that gnsollim gns is m wuh p mven union mora miworfiil than dyna- i aw tu rnb iwcullar nud 11- tnatornbkh tlio niuhmal ossh h whiter t rtlng plants mul craturos ihnt nowm in nn nrllclo mi tho uso or gsso- nlwuu l mmlugnsear pro1 nono linn with enfoty in the homo gasoline m nhslhtf and dlucoiieertlnb is n thin wnlet whllo huld which tttfy tro c0 wlllch a bvnporaloh rapidly nnd throws off vast trco i a climbing plant xho quantlilos of vnpor very intlammabta i owing incident quolud by mr nnd oxplostve whon mixed with air hlbrw i h g h hi a nut- millorj worm 1owdsr holng in de mand otorywliare can bo got at any ehem ists or drug simp at vtry small ooat thay are a ktandard retudy for woru troublw and can be fully rud upon to spel wonns frotn tha nyttam and state tho sufferings that wortue cause there are many motlkera tliat rajolco hiat thay found available so effacuv a remedy for the relief of their children whan sinardej man la in doubt shoot anything ha can prove uiat ho isnt by arguins hie matter wllh his wife itid osploslve when mlxod with nlr sulmlnncom llko totloti linen silk nspoctally when unwanhnd nnd undyedy becoma mora or lo electrified whan rubbed or moved quickly in tt bnth of gasolinb tho gnsollno lutcomlug nega tlyely cbargoil guuolliio lug n bad conductor tho genernlod electricity ac cumulates nud reaches such tension hint npurkh uro possible igniting the gnsoihid and causing flro uud explosion weather condltlomi alfoct uio results decidedly tho 1ry air of winter being tnoro dniigeroiiu ihnti moist summer nlr gasoline explautous in gsrage are unen broiiaht nbout by stntlc electric- ity a tact deflnllaly proveil iii ctiso or tire tight chub are llrthlo to vxplode throwing the bum lug gasolliio nil over the premises thereby niigmnl lug the tfre vol ihis reason gasolliio should he store outside the house preferably in xsfely tjpo cutis cans with flue wire gtnrio in tieck and spout gasoline uued for cleaning should b uued oufdoorw at least fifty feet from uny tire hunt or burning substance never in an inclosed room the heavy vapors travel oug distances and are highly explosive nover clean glove ou th hands the rubbing or agitating of elotblug in gasoline should im conipllsbed by meeua or a dry stick gasoline slovs should ttevar be filled wltb a light or firs within arty rest of the stove ok t th weldsi dark flpou lvu today inland new guinea u ono of the worlds dark spots the country hi b nightmare or glgautio prclplcea hug ravlues grvat swamps nnd soaking forts itf iu 1001 the dn uh axplarer rntersou with thre com psulons dived deep into hie heart of this unknown country they wr cspturd by a tribe of oavagas who billed their carriers and made them prisoners por long they wr bar luvvd to b daaid then to mry ones anuuutaant a bitter la plarsoi writ- lag was brodgbt by a natlv to tb coast it told of bis tnuarabla plight tool au axpedluon was at once sent la- hind to bring him boms londou fipecutor ihkiimiea af celufla mew au educated wen filter through th eomtdunlly reforuia nr oblalnad that sweuty years ago seiod nilllenutsl the oapdrahon of locnl rrom slats source or revnu the separation of local from national slectlous be trat taeut of a fraucblae os valuable prop- irty the dlscrtm inn ling between or ijinnry industry ami uitural monopoly tbo practice or scientific charity and penology the conrentrntlon or rvapon ilbllliy in govern men t the and a itcore or other good ihlugx which one iicemed as far nbore iopuliir rompre- tibuslon as four ftlmenslnnnl spnee lave cous to pash thnnks chiefly to tha radio mann from the cluasrooms century mag l ne ural lut in mnduuintcnr hlumtrniem lha palufill result or contact with the ugy llio mtory s told by n mr slontgom ery walking under some trees nnd push liiit nuldo iho rccdn uud utuhu i was fturth d by n middoii huglhig nnd prickling ueimnllou iatr tho haekh of iiiv iminli nnd oiimru i nopied in uilllilfji hiirpiluc for iho nilu wiim hi tirtj mid hnd lotirhed nothing ex- cit iho grnss lint in iiikilher minute iho pnlu increneod tho tingling burn lug uetiuiihun hceiiuhl in ltd extending tttlilly up hiy rials nud 1 could s iiothhig to came it as i lowered my hind lo look at ulilhig pnhi shot into my turn nitd nrk uud grew worse every lusiiinf dnxihl nnd iwwlderd i stood ii few setomlu iu helpleshiiomh for i could iiollhor sco nor giicau at the causa of tho terrllilo dlutress then i got back to my company with agony writ ten plain enough on overy lino of my face lha men surfed up when they saw me crying you hare liecn stung by the agyl some or thrm led me to n seat others rushed for water from tho river and two or hire brought uaud heaped up in heir hands then they chafed toe with the suud nud water lo lake out the ml using hulru which they knew caused the mischief as they rubbed tue i felt tho pain abate and after thy bad ihafod tna for nbout a quarter or nu hour i wa com parauvely fre from pain while the wan wre rubbing me i wsa able to ducru to some extent the cause or my dlstrsajt couuua44 hairs like hoy ar rows almost irsnapsrout nolnled at either end and from a third to a fourth of an inch long bad dropped on tns in an lavbdbl ebower from the ugy tro as i stood under it before i cniuo away that afternoon very cautiously i veuturnl to examine iho irre nt a illtle dulauc aud fouud that the tiny iln grew outside a thkklxh uxl or shell not quite ao large na n muoll baunna the hidti were fully rlpo uuilucllly for wet just ut unit time and the light wind wan scalierliig their roreriiiga honestly believed ie was ooihq iito consumption dr woods norway plna syrup cured hiwl mr ivstuc it anthony flo eud fitreet winnipeg man writes having takth several bottles of de woods norway pine syrup during the past few weeks to relieve a chronic cough end general throat trouble allow ttie to ex- prasa my unbounded satisfaction and thanks as to its sterling qualities a short time ago i became suddenly subject to violent coughing flu at night and directly after riling in the morning for about an hour and found i was gradually toeing wehjbt all my friends cheerfully informed em that x looked as though i wtre going lit consumption and x honeiuy believed such was the cose however after having taken several bottles or tdf woods i am pleased to rtlata that the couth has entirely dis appeared along with all the nasty symptoms and i have sine regained the lost weight 1 bave no hesitation in recommending dr woods norway pine syrup as a sure cure for all those troubled in a like manner when you oik for dr woods sea that you get what you ak for it is put up id a yellow wrapper thnu pine trees the trade mark the price 38c aud 60tf manufactured oidy by tha t mllbum co limited toronto oat the twelve juryman a prisoner is tried by tuclio of his fellow couutrymeu tiilj mutom la thousand yearn old anil o lot it from the vikings tho rlliln dh idad ihclr country up into enntans which nerv subdivided into twelve porihiiib cm ii under a chleflalu when n nuilffmior waa brought to jimthe ii ua uuimt far each chieftain to eolcct n in in from the district over which ho mkd nud compel blm fo try the prisoner u verdict of theus twelre men holnu tie dared by the judge lo be finul felsen ih veung rattlesnakes observations on live rnttleuiiii show that tba poison nlnnds licmiuo functionally active as umhi nu the snakes begin to shift for llicumslrca which must be very soon nftor mnh ttxperiments on tho young uiiom six day after birth proved tho profleute of venom in email quantities ksicrl ussdu nude three months itrter birth showed that considerable venom is secreted as a pigeon luocnlnted nt this lima died in two hours wllh the usual symptoms of poisoning battle af the herrlnqi iho bsttlo of iho lurrhigj i hu houikul uouio given tu ii iiliii itcltoiu su i ugllsh funo mid a i rvmli doluth tnsut not far from origin hi h20 ihe lugluh wm coimylug a large quantity of uupflllcu moluly borrluga far it was lent to tbo uruiy that was besieging orleans thu lugluh had 1 000 mu tho french aoort the for mer repulsed tho asiuilluutu and saved tho herrings su iho itattle was tin nud iu honor of the supplies loudou tel sgrsph tried to lly john uhton in or tain to the con quest ssys that in youth king har old last of the buxoos strangely as plrlug had mado uud fitted wings to his hands and feet with these on tits top of a tower spread out to gather the ah- ha hew more than a furlong but tha wind being loo high ho came fluttering to the ground maiming all his limbs yut uo conceited waa ba of bla art that the cause of bis fall was attributed to tbo wont of a toll as birds hava which ha forgot to tauke bweet and palatable u other graves wornikxleruiltor is aoseptable to child ren awl it does iu work surely snd prompt anybody osn give advloe but it takes a mighty good man to live up to it be sure you can obey good laws before you ulter bad ones itmkln llauy a promulno business man baa bean spoiled by retting to the private offlos stage to quick you think this an up to data age why theres more people doing business on an old fogy basis today than aver before if a man hasnt got horse eense hed beuer leave horses alone i and if ho hasnt got store sense hed better get into something nearer tha else of his brain pow only the uninformed endure the agony of his rasa wat covered hfhi naples pimples aro not a serious trouble but they aro very unsightly pimples are earned wholly by bad blood and to get lid of them it is uooes- nary to purify tiie blood of uli lu ins purities burdock blood bitters baa made many remarkable cures tho pimples have all disappeared and a bright clean com plexion left behind mr lemiox d cooke indian path n a writes i am writing you a few lines to tell you what burdock blood bitters has dotw for me last winter my race was covered with pimples i tried different kinds of medicine and all seemed to fall i was one day to a friends house and there they advued mo touiwbbb so i purchased two bottles and before i had them taken x found x was getting better x got two more and when they were finished x was completely cured i flud it is a great blood phrlqer amllrecommendltto oil burdock blood bitters has lieen on tbo was hit of i btlvr matt mttkattb he skasjnatv htfsi aw all ww mohammads carpet one a year a strange ciislum is oh served tn cairo a pleco of tnrnei oa which according to tradition holm in mad one sat and which l tho must famous uacrod relic f islam i car had through tbo streets and the the- diva and bis troops nil receive it in review order aud salute it uh they pass tba rello is guarded most care fully at ordinary times and the officer w charge of it each morulug must salute it with bis sword raised whllo th bugler blows three blasts before it im going to tha dau lists to have this tooth out just mind the baby iii i coma back uusbgud wltb iucfityvoa ml ml the baby jessie til go and gst a tooth pulled out- bxchuago a breaeh rinks- youdg mr pllghhlgh la car mltily n nun or promise jinks so i tsar i itaderstnnd allu butterfly is itthjjf blm for titty ihiniwind judg tsldestenpsd mix can you loud roe ha for nvmlb ld tui dlxwtint i lie detiro does uuulh uld iny wuiil with iv reduced by asthma tha ooustanb strain of asthma brings the patient to a dreadful state of hopeless exhaustion early use should by all means he made of tha famous dr j ix keloggs asthma remedy wbkb more than any oilier sots h wi i l j surely on tbo air puusgss and tfjs22 i ui wp l rfc no horns wbero asthma is preuab in the least degree should be wluvout tills great rem edy tha knahsh pheasant it is claimed that tho pheasant of the kagllib preserves can trace its ped igrea directly to the brluunt bird or the amo species lu japan about the middlo of the idueteentb century a few live pbeasautu were brought from japan and crossed wltb tha common pedes the result of this was it is said that a uow race of birds was in troducad and tbo beautiful pheasant with he iridescent plumage was pro duced and stature llxed as an uugilsb bird one way to out brass to cut aheet brass chemically tbo fol lowing motbod moeta with great suc cess alako a strong solution of bichlo ride of mercury lu iilcouoh with a quilt pou drnw n lino ncross tho brass where it la to bo tut let it dry uu and with tbo bouio pen tlmw oier this line with ullrlc ndd tlio limns lutiy then bo brokeu nrroaa tllo glass that has been cut willi u luuiiioiid kxchanga reoemmsndatlen not naessaary bo jonro gulug ii leave us alary r w inuiu 1 le gut to aud tlu you want tue to fjlve you a lelter ot rcmiiimiidiihonr it ulut uoiehtuu uiiiin tbo man im going tu woru for is tvltllng to tuko iiiiiiich i in um in in gel mar ried tlllitll 1 ut iurni tha spirit of charity tin aufull noro hiu my mango uieiita procnt my nllciidliig yonrilinr- liy tiimirt liui nhuli lie wltb jon lu spirit splotidldl aud whore would yon llko yonr nplrlt lo hiiy i hure hckete bcro for mm 5 nud i0 flt iuls iortt dhipatclt touehlna bioyour filcnd jims was hero i hiu morning asking for vnu and told mo audi a touching story n nb- amifmlmlrdlyl kor how uiiichl ibil tlmore amsrleaa children cry for fletchers castoria tlio kind you ixuvn alwayu juoagiit and wlilrli iiuu loert lu uuo for ovor m iusi linu bonm thu l trim t uro of uihi ltuu lioon feiimlo under lilw wir- htiiiitl hlilwirvlhluii ulttcn fig infancy allow no ono to dm nfvn you hi this all coiiiitorfolth itiilfiithitih mid 1uiutnniohl uro hut islhrlmiitit thnt trlflo i llli mid oimlnnitf tlui iicnltlt of lufuutu mul chlldrmi ixpurlunco iiuiiiht uxtrhuunt what is castoria caiitorlti im a hiirmh nu miihntlttito for cantor oil x corlo xrph iiimi hoothlnjf hy niph it 1 1 plfuhtint 16 tcontalnu iioltlmr opliini moiihln wr tli r nureotla vibntnnca utt no in hh fiuiriit tu it thihtroym worttim firul alluym iovrlulinhh i or moro tliun thirty yr ifc liilh boon lu coiihtaiit una for tho rwlt f ol conwtfputloti x iniiilonoy- xviml collr nil ijthlnu trotiblnu and xlarriiona it rcaiatim tho ktoiinuh tintl xlowhs dssltdllatw tho kwhl flvlnir in filthy mid vmtural shmin he childrens luuua tho illotltorh 1rlcud genuine castoria always ttata the slrnnturc of the grand trunk railway rit ii tndllu n 1 willi ililh sl arlon ill bl mrllr it v mr ii si til no ui so ij no f viub in 1tj m ii ufa ii 71 j l s ua in ii ik n wvnv in nm i vji 1 1 hi in use for over 30 years tho kind you hvo always bought droaulcd b bealhallluestihrrs lmlngahlstolilpf ohsmberlalna ooub lumady at band hglvarufstonre hllqultui llysxpalhwl niiraleupthesore oodgh racked throat anil prevents furtiier altarks vor croup wliooplng tli dangsroiu choking iililegmsoit is saallysxpaluil cough rmcksiltlirfutaujpreveutsfurhier altarks s ooocb bronchitis as w1luiinpleoodguandroms chamuarilncou l iimiihiiii h wi kaiiiiitcuu i uiu iiauiunriaiii aoougu lufbodylsatafeand vjiahimdihne olva i tat tha vsryfind symptom k- cvamuiu tat kj all brgguu 53o aj hoe cough remedy himaihttml exchange your western town lots wc will nil a f i tjilun for u limihil inn dint i iioiifithin and u llm h r tl f wisit rn i n 1 i i liiuiin wllh a tint in i rf f r uiii r ttimi or i ill in i i vi i im ulo pntptr mf- in i in iik ff i tilrii nr mlli inihiditig iwtr wnlcr iimiui ilili hum ittniiu ndc uol hltti i caru puht iirt i crlim ihki in uill hnllt up fucurv lti- timl ihtlrtmiuntinl thtto rtirtus turn oukk und nro rikht m ti mo urltw for par ticuliri in ovo m raihbiikld u7 woolwleli bt ouklkll a representative wantcd at once for actov and litrict for tho ol 1 nud kellamo ronthill nuh3kuie3 iasurss whyrsmalnldloall winter whin jou cun take up a paying agency choice htl of varieties far spring planting liberal terms ifandiua frj outfit i xtluliveterritny write now for particuars stone ol wolllyititorv toronto ontario reduced sale this week do not fail to come and have the bencht every ro oo purchaser will ret a box of candy worth i oo free ol charge mens ileito lined nnd wool uuilcrwcar ovenoats ngtilnr sis oo for kaiucoutn uoitli i for a nice lut of wool mitts and gloves at a lot of minb slippitb leather tolcs rcg si oo for 1000 rst 03- yurd gootlujkg 15c for lace gooda rcg joe for ladies lnce goods rcg 30c for laillon evury day droocen for 19 mti ittotoasj to koo dont forget that with every 1 1000 cash nuichntc a st 00 box of candv i is glvun a quantity o bllpnern bii i to clear at 1w saxe i the brlok store opposite now post office the iioue ot quality groceries anj provisiona pourlniporluntiilntr cuaillhaa snality price birvltc you are ilid to hum groceries ilrcud and meat pittur and ilittry vegetables fruits and confectioner the nobility ilucuils the beat bodaaon thu market j h livingstone mill t acton boots shoes eubbebs the hade in canada empire typewriter saves jou 40 to 60 try before you buy at our expense empire typewriter co 8 atlald st wml ronohvo ont all lines cy footwear at right price o k all mens rubbers at r bargain fncea g w wliiliams mill street acton imiy uu uatniormeu enuure tue agony ot uuiu hu iiiers mts neen on tno uoxes 10 oosna the knowing oas apply hollo- 1 svxjfcjtek v i d n ta i wnofactured only by the t mubum 1 prlc by wsya cera oura and gat relief co limited toronto out toroota vale nti writes x tuu not much of a believer in medicines but x mutt sy mltburns heart and nerve plus are on tight some years ago i was troubled with smothering spells jti the night i would waken tip with my breath all gona and think i never would get it back x was telling a friend of my trouble and be advised mo to try mubums heart and nerve mbs ho gavo mt box andx hadonlytakeaa fewof tbemwhen xcould sleep all uliht without any ttouble x did not finish tba bos until soma years after when x felt my trouble coming back ao x took the rest of them and they cured me mltlhiras heart and nerve rills have been on the itiurket for the post twentyfive years tha testimony of tbo users should bo enough to eot- ylnoe yoti that what we claim for then la true ilandnxmllsarejsocperboavs boxes for vi 20 at all druggists or dealers mailed direct oa receipt ol rje by the t unburn co limited vttooto onl children ory for fietchers c rjirt tvswtu wb wit funtlyt why it r ihort bun imuillna t0 klm ui1 wadwn ilk m ihumun irolntf up vmuviuh t fllli ait lut it uou u trylog to em t uu mooll of tlu enur l nbiuj awnuuiwulgltluliimu imddlos wllboot s dslitty buulkwobur suffered awfully phom bilious headaches when the liver becomes sluggish and inactive tbo bowels become cotutloated the tongue becomes coated the stomach foul and bilious headaches are tha upshot uuburas logoliver puis wul stimu late tha sluggish liver dean tho foul coated toague do away with tho stomach gases and banish the disagreeable ulioua headache w j s llbuft lx utr puls tot bilious h tuffeaod awfully until x started to tafca they wests tho only thing that x nerves have any thcai any good luous headache any mora mubums tajtsvliver plujaro 35c per vh vials for ii oo at all dealer actons electric chopping mill b0bt h lasby proprietor having purcharcd from mr 13 f caldwell the electric chopping mill outfit and ooduill ol tho business- 1 desire to solicit a continuanco of tho generous patronage of tho larmcrs and general public mill will be open every day careful attention givon ever order and satisfaction as sured r h labsy hct0n liivekt and bus liw6 ilavlnp purchased the livery ihisluesa and ffoodhflll of tho estate of tlio lais jok wiiiisms i r3pctfully solicit the patron age of tho public comfortable rigs wilt alwaya be aupplled at rentonabla clmrffeg bus ukkto alxittiahta ambrose mccann mill st act on on saturday specials handsome new neckwear for saturday special ssc new colored shirts very choice line special is see the new suiting cloths show ing today r e nelson tu uur uujj t oaw lu ux rmlcjdinctoflmiitotlesbrlia urn ot nounk t mlibum oa usum ttocooto oat tlwlor akiirulu winddluutt abml jj oubwh ont j c k c00peu acton cement contractor for bridges silos walks floors walls etc albo agent for de laval silot separators etc high grade portland cem ent for sale atents promptly secub marion hauok hi vnlvonlty si montreal

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