Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1916, p. 2

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married cniriouhuarjuhu at tlio mmum of ui utiilted lraaliythii clmroli mittimi- wood on wednesday mcroh 1st huh by lv mr martin willum ahsawlor cliuliolro o a rutin muimi hmiillwood itotli of acton died obituary llonin at lila ute residence jo meaulief avanul toraiilo march 7 10ii itev ulolierd hobbs ud 0 mittimv aa lite itome nf mm wit w a murray ore weon camera on friday lrd meroli lolirt murray lit ms hslh yur llvmav at tits residence w kim avenue toronto on monday march 1 1010 reverend uyouwaii m a ik in bin rultli yur fflljc ctow 3fr ra thursday march 0 1010 editorial notes aixxiiuiimj to braylurim presented to lit luultur tbere wu reduction in u hale of lienor over tlio liars in ontario in 101 of slft0107fl0 oter tie twevlau- yw tti mjwwllmtiu for tlvunkemibsa in tle provlno wer correspond inrjly re duced being 0011 lee for um saw period puniiinitiow lsoisiairiow appear to b popuur them far provincial speech from it tkron this uplo was rafsrred to favorably in ui speech at th opening of the ontario house end when tu drltlilt coiuutu house opened last thuradey th ijeuteaantoovertior saldi a measure to provide for tit turolilljtloti of ui sal of liquor will lmtmwlthl to tllfllfoum iwalrkcrom ikuvu 611 th atuatlak of tfc school trust of the county in hi shoos report tt ut fact that new regula tion this year introduce into th schools usweerte of ut books which willforoi tb basis of ayatetriatla moral training the are um flouii kola bookh ealouuud to furnish tuaurui for the direct and indirect inculcation of the hioheat ideals in uw bodily 1ntellatiiel social eeononile civ to sad aesthetic llf gawauiak hawks im arranglny for a credit to tlio drltuli reverainent by mean of wbiob um t70mooo worth of muni tions will ha contracted for herein addition to th enormous purchase already mad this tup a not onty fniwuant for it direct bhnjr on ota war tut will uur ft canadian bianufacturw wodtahl hui- loa i bat will eugajpi kiyoia tar many uontba toeotpa it will utuaraflutonltta whouflnaaelalandootiimarclalcomtnunlly yiik coututkti lyaauctlona aloaa tlw gauara utoo of i0u and lbir rutilta im aa follow a i j una 1011 hamilton wwt coiirvatlv majority ui1 bjaauctloita cdwrvatlv majority m juna idu dud- thuooaavaliv tdajorlty 073 hyaauc txooa otsavatlva uujorlty fl2t ll cm aarvatlvuajaty 037 iya auouoaa lib aral uajoflty 905 in hamilton wut htloi tba aovruuat uajarlty was mjucj by istsj id duadaa by oil and l 1j tk oovtttttuaut lost tba wat with a chaog of tuz in thom tbra by-alac- tloda tbatafora tb ebina alnt tb goratoant aoouatad to m1b or an avr- mji of aluoat a thouuud tbla la aofa what tlguiiloaiit- iiimm m iia tutili murray if onuvuoun corimr- lina lcuii rntliinlly fuulnjr lint tnftuml itwuy vory iiiieuicitilly liml friday about ulx woliii ttith ullcr lutrlauln of a boatty tiicnl hn tkiti a falntlnir umll from that tliuo ho nijililly iimiuiiwi a ooiiplri nf honrm ixifom iiih lath bu oonvfiraail with fho fill i i ly ntitl balilbnwattullrlurhthiicithat thoy wr to mtlru onliik to itla roi llltlo intnr to neo if hn waa oomfortuhlo iih itrtiinttr lit law foimj lia had wkuhi xaao fully hwii tlinro waa no vlilcitoa of ttruyylc ho iliuply alojtt away deoeaaml wtu tliitomaiitaon of the into lterlry murray anil waa born in invar- new bootland in 1h11 whan a ilttl laj of tbrnara iiim tarnta brought blin to catnula tlio family drat aottlod on a farm near churchill but thraa yearn latar r- niowl to lot 1 third linn kriti wbara ha aiwnthlo youth in 1w11 hi fathar illatl leaving u family of flvo aona and two duurhtara laavhto tho raaponalbllitlaa luryoly umii tlio nlilar toil who chor fully did tha duly of a faithful wn hemarhad in fu7 iihtalth daughter of tha lata tolm hwoolthumar ona of tha ploii of clila uittlon for fifty fllbt ir tly hvad happily totfthor and two and a half yaara ao mru murray iauaad away tlialr two hani jamsa a of acton cotii- marelal travellai ami william a otjcraw- aona camera rotlrad farmer aurvlvr afur hla marrla cioaaaoil llvl for flftaen yenra on lot 4 fourth lino erin and than ramovad to lot 27 con 7 natuga waya ller ha oonlinuad fanning until fftit ytara wiwmi ha eaino to aoton nnd built a comfortahla hilok ridiioa hera ha and mr murray raaldad for a time but town ufa dij not appaal to him and ha bought a houaa and lot at crawaona cornera within ilaht of bla old farm hera ha enjoyed ufa until ibadaatbof mrc murray tilnoe than ho lived alternately with bla una mr murray waa an estiva nun and ona of tltoqtaat joyaof hi yeara of retlrauent wu to convert witlt tbaoldnalgltltorai eariilinf tlto old locfllajr baaa and bam raining in bam raising coubuto ho waa m popuur tnan for captain ilia bnowudga offraulhg and auolut fearlaunu gave him a pwtlg over many other among bla tuot latlbiata frlanda in tlio aarlur- ilaya waro tuch wall known raldante aj citrutophar hwaohltauar tlaord martlti david tllaok david kydar witlt all of whom ho epaut many plaaunt days only nam mstuber of hie futbara family eurvivaaamlraw murray kwj of tlto flrtit line erin i6ciucd was a tiian of klmlly diipoaltion ha enjoy ufa and alwaya deetrod hla family and friaiula to havo a fjood tluo and averted hhnaalf toneur pudura tar all ha waa a manibai of tit method ut church crawaont camera and eojoyvd tha wviooo thara tit funeral on hurulay waa 00a tluotad by his paetor itev tlaorg w bwltltarnuji auktad at tit grava in fair vuw catneury by tur ii w avuon m a h d ha alpa ulda hla balovad partner in tlio family plot piuuihb hsabat and mr n w itow11 tilaaej tit dabato cm lb ddra in lit luuatur boui ilacuring for advanowl uodpaaoo buiuutloo oa tb prlaolplo at pmhlbltioa tht wu pftotically no dl gadoa of opiauanpda ut epc at tb two uade in tho lgulaturo in mpjy to th spawji from tho throo tb oovatnuaat baa 60a to tt oooelu- jod that tb hue haa arrived wbaa furutar uguiatloa ulbt b aaaotad without la- trodafijitxaur than t w aro atuojpufljf to daetroy waa ut dochuailon 0 prwiw irain wblu mr ro ii aadrd th iloua i au ppari to co- duuy tupfkwt lb covarnuont in oarrylaj odt tb p4auwal they eubatlt if th po- pdaal aw a i usjafaund tby ar to b joaulb4dlnuthpaobfroui th tbrooa cbkw co tb aaulvaraary aarvloa oxt sunday will b at 3 pibt intead of moruloff anil vaalng aa pmvloualy etaud ut runday bobool will uat at 3 oclock a t-ut- fajf will b bald ou monday svanlna afaitar krai crippa young ton of ur wu crippa la in tha sick child ran uoep4ta tiwoato whar an operation wan tw onrted 01 hie anku but weak it u bepj th operation will b itonerolal and that b will bav tb full power and uaa of his hub wltd h iwturna tha iyupathy of a wide circle of frlanda 1 ejaundad to tho faulty and frlanda of ur john murray who pueod away at th boa of ble son ur w a murray hut amday th funarat took puoaon hunduy to irhlw oeuaury aoton and waa urgtly attoadad by many old frlanda and ttajfrbbora th following aotlng aa path baarart uaaurt joel laalla itourt wana- borouah jaw usuue john brown ueorg orabam awl abmander crippa ur and mr algar crippa and mr u wwaon aotoa vultad frlanda item on sunday it j 1 boarrow epant hunday with fruod bar mr and mr w j vanmonnan and oblllhn tiualpb apant sunday at ur jama oaublva ur and mr ii hoy waniborough clualpb vltltad fruudii hor thla weak motohtt awarded h3760 daimasu frank darbw of toronto county en- glmar for york county and a formar mil ton boy auad tb city for 95000 for in- jurlw raouvad when hi autorabll itruak pll of craabad roek in july raaultlng in injuria to hluaalf and hla ear if wu award 13740 dantaffai by chaooallor br jobb moyd in th aaalic court catarrh cannot be cubed wiu looaii avilioationb aa thy eannot raaob th aaat of th dlaaaw catarrb i a local dlaaaaa graauy inhuano ad by eooaututlonal oandltlott and in otdar to our it you inuet take an internal tatnady ifallo catarrh cute i taken intarnallyand ml uirough ute blood on ut bauoott aurfaoa of th hyatttw hall cktarrb cnre waa praorlbd by oite of tb beat phyalolan ih uil oonntry for yoan it i oooipoaad of aonui of the beet tonic known oomblned with tome of ut bb buod ihirlnoro the narfaot oomllnauoa of tb leurrodlont ia llall oatatrrh calw i what ptodooa auoh woodarful raaulta la oatajrrbal ooodluons band for ueumonl hfraak i f j ohekev co 1w toudo o all drotfajuto 7se 1 hauft family 1111 for ooiwulwtlon i miutarv motes it curano i at tha we pant a day o two uct vak in toronto il luvld hail lb at toronto vuitd acton fruoda during tit waati corp itolnli bwacbhamar and corp cook war boiu from milton or bualay carp b oaorga vullad frlanda at ifelhl while on a four daya uava hut waak it john joseph keanady of tit uth lutulllon of toroulo was hoot for a wak cod vult- capt isippiatt ha baan attached to i conipjny of the ittaih lutlaiion ac too and ha boan bar thla waak yba ou way to avoid con arl ttioa which i now fry talkad of u to aolut in tha icilh lutuliou at onoa tb onloera and roaa of acton dtoao will b atrtjnd by tit bulla of knox church in th uhool romn this evnluf pia thofiu haory haaimond of hoth laniltana own rattalioa ltrolia j apwidlng a fw daya with mr turioa willow btraat acoofdlng to ut iuvfw only uira hd bav anllatid for ovars aorvloe a burot- vlll tb patriotum of tlmt yllug wm to hav oozad out tb ornoara and uau of acton itatooa paraded la full atrangui to knoi church on sunday warning luv j c wiuoa it a praao an abl and appropriat artdoa on courav j w hnllowayc v wlokeasajiow- croft and j it pkrr bav baau appointed to th uptown recruiting ojlle to take tha plan of other who luv joined thamaeblae gun eeotlon cuelph harald ninety ihiukhobora bav joined on of th new battalion in ut canadian wait shouldnt hat fact put eoma glngnt into aomo young canaduna of thla amtloa and induoa thaia to don lit kings uniform itav w a moaiplna lb a d d aaoond v ioa praaldeiit of the haptlst con- vontlon of ontario and quebec fortuarly pastor of ut fjapuit church hero ha anliated ua a privet in ut isoui ilatulloii leeda and tiranvilla whll aoton platoon was drilling on fairy iake on thuraday near ute toronto suburban hallway bridga it darr wont through tha loa at a waak spot it j coonoy promptly rauued hiui and there by ha won the flrat tuedal aeourod by a member of tha platoon th loeui lutullon hand milton and the physical drill aquad went to george town on tuesday of hut weak and ajulated by local latent gave a coin urt in th town ball there whloh waa a great aiiooeaa prooeedago towarda buying oowfotu for uieuaorgalowii platoon th fallowing raorults have beeneuliiled for 1 company ifiath battalion during the week 1 andrew decker john kaaaon luy daforeet isikiy ttadford the regular meeting of lodge wood green will now beheld monthly indeed ol twice a month bluoe th war etartej 41 member have entiated out of uember lilpof 10 tha idgv financial oondi- uon liowevar la gooil and the member in khaki are kept in good eland lug by the lodge until uch time aa they return ueul a il duggan of uteltoyal flying corp he been eerloualy injured in an aooldent in kogland aooordiug to a me- aag reealwl on monday by hi rather ur r w duggan of ilraupton ueul ihig gan who iealtouttwentyon year old waa graduated from vfotow oolleoe but year awl on october 6th aoured lbeodrtla y- log bebool in totonl leaving ut in ut fall vor england successful baptist anniver- sarv ablo sormonn by hov ur clark or mauaator university lahoe cohor tflesent tlio haptlit oofigroitatioii ba been with out a regular plor for afvarnl tnnntha but ther wiut no laok of intarafet on thin aronunt maiilfenletl in thn anndtiraary htrvlooa laht hunday the attendance who lurgd ixitb morning and ouenlng and rarely imve tlio annlverutry aervioeii been more noon fill at the morning aervioe hev if w avlaon m a ii and the methodut congregation attended anil in the evening hav j c wlleon ii a and ute oongre- gatlou of knox church war preaent the visiting uutor aaelftted in the aervloea owing to the illneaa of hv lrof muttbewk whoavpooted until saturday to it able to attend be wa unable to fill the engagement i lev mr clark of mamaeter unlteralty tnadoa very acceptable iiltl- tula however ill aermona were able and inleretlug and full of oldtime goie1 fervor ho fore proceeding wltbliladlaoottrm itev mr clark paid a hlgn trlbuw to vrct mattbewa who waa eady hluptolnled at itelng unable to bepreunb lr matthew ha tald waa in lermany at th outbreak of the war he auooeedod in getting out of the country but waa obliged to leave boolta and otlter tomaion in lermany whar utey are alii upon reaching london bo offered lo enliet hut waa rejected owing to being medically unfit itev mr clark morning aeruvon waa from ute tent 1 ami when utey were 00m to lit place called calvary they cruel fled him and the potle etood behold lug luka 23 1 s3 s3 jeu waa bai ing tit burdon of ut what world fclrt our thought naturally gather around th mauag of ui oroe thar waa a mul- feeutlon of aupratn courage jeeu atep- ied from heaven to earui to fled bla wand ering aheap hdraadad tit eifpairunoe of calvary but b nvr faerad il hahaa baown ui itaro of ui aga becaum it had a clear kuowudg of ut fat awaluntr lira yet for uo aak of thoy tltat waa ut befor bins of teeing a way opened up wliereby sinful man might it brought back to ood again b waa ready to endure it all- find it wa a uanifaatallon ef iwvirt love for ood eo lovaj ut world that he gav hla only begotten ton that whoeoever hallevath on him jul 1 1 aavad it wa a purpoaaful love he waa wounded for our tranfigraaalona 3rd it was a forgiving love iod not ojly forglva but b bring the hinuar back into hi conodanc again 4th calvary wa a huulfaatatloti of eub mulv love notwiuiataddlng all hie powr haauhmlttad to th ignominy and ltam of ut eroa for ua if lab utetn crucify hiiu because b loved ua aa tb people who beheld ut cruel dead ware ecu of utem ut anemia of jeaiie 1 tom were the men with tho brain bahhvd ut tragedy 1 eom laid 1 ilia blood b upen eur children and blatory tall ua itow epeadily thalr eln cam back to utem thar wr indltferaot one in ut crowd at celvr but bow oau any man b lndinr- eot to ay t how can w look upon ut crom and miatala jeau for any other uian ut eat lour tha faithful oaw war there john and mary and ut other thee hav ujuved and war falthful thla aoleodld llooura ooncindj with taodr aihoriauoos to aooept joau aa a pwaonal saviour at utevaolngdlaoaaraatrogaariuod on chrutiaa citlaenuilp wa preaobad tb uit wae luk 20 1 25 lunder utarefore unto oaaear ut ullage that ar caeear and unto uod ut thing that are loda man owe a duty to ut aauoe and a duty to lod in order to tha propar dlecharg of the dutto man uueb live right and in onur to do eo b muet aub- ulthimelf to ui guldaao of ood in all uilag tb choir was ably aaj during ut day by a male quartet firtei oeoygelown oompoaad of bargt- uciaeb ur wttt hortop auj ueaart blair droutara masd tov k mil too carur b a paetor of ebaneilar met bod let church has ur sol- diar broutani at ut froat h bopa yt to ftt into khaki himealf oaptalu uahoa ha rented hi farm and ur uabon and chlldreo bav taken room at kd uahafla a auooaaoful patrlouo oonoert w held in lb townablp ball at brook ill laec friday evening tb pograutn wa of a high claw oharactar the report of bb no 0 for february la as follow 1 iv john kingebury tons ntgtttlngal caueroo kltohlng ilaiel wilaon claieno wiuon kathleen uennla bk ii olady hhrlve heeale kings bury emet wlleon olive uolaiigblltt kia nolii deit nighungal thomaa uiuuu ida nellla jr iialioe uoorgor jr ii hobble ktuoabury haggle wu aon chartls mclaughlin mary derby violet shrive fkiuauv edith nellla tommy uo- laughlln ueorge nlghtlagal a ucdokai i teacher rev j c wilson d a of anton moderator of the lveabytetlan cfaureb her visited tits oongregatlonj at 0up hellvltleand bodotnoa uotulay to moder ate in a call tha caupbellvllleootigreg- tlon was quit prepared tobukeacell but uiebodotn church is not ill to unit upon a mlnuter loans i the following la lorn kalioul report for int month 1 hli iv olarn lanli alvlli uydar isn itella watklu john wulklno jit iv caroline uydar itonald m- dougall kill mokaciiem c ami iii klmora dohnslon wllmer wntuli arnold mclonald uouald mn- llachom hugh hrown luur luimltert clawi ii jeuln hyder hewie mellon- idd hector molkiald hoy john ton marie lentil ciauu i j onion johnmnnti campltell miller atigum mofachertt a cuim- harold swaokhamer charles lambert h ovum jack mohougelt kaudeen miller iaur murray tlordon mohougall n a j mm mc teacher bbcbu1tikq s t past week offloora or tho 104th haltonduitorln battalion think many mora should enlut helton county honor itoll of men in the iflilb helton and dnuerln luttallon o k v now eland at 1uvl it ought lo it at least dodb that nuinltar the ollloer think of ui men in the klllh 77 per e ar alnglo atvd 23 per cent are married recruiting in helton hu been rather alow during the past week and tha war auxiliary are requested to etir thing up no utat full strength may aoon bo reached judging from the number of fin looking men aeen on ute streets of tlio vnriou towns in ut county there appear to be a lot ef good material yet available all cuaaa of trade are needed in a battalion and uiere will be good opportunity for advancement for a number of men when full strength i reached examination for th flrat n c o and signalling clatae will soon b undar way after whloh other classes will b commenc ed a supply of vide itaa been received at headquarter mil ton end ere being du trihuted ti th various detachment muaketry evareiaa will it gono on wlui right away so that by lite time tit flat- talion goea tocawpuie man should show good prograas laws fob boy scouts there war bin point in scouts law as follow 1 1 a eoouta honor la in ba trusted if it daolare t on wy honor it is so utst aattla it 2 a eoout i loyal tit obligation of loyalty atdbraoe country and ruler par aata amplnyare and auut masur 8 a eoout duty i to be useful and to help outer us must try hla beet to do a good turn to aomahody each day 4 a eoaut la a friend t all and a brouter to every other scout no matter to what social olasa ut otltar batonga 5 a eoout 9 courteous ha must furthermore take no reward for his cour tesy 1 this maina no tip l a eoout i a friend lo animals he must not giv pejn to any cratur un- neoaaaerily 7 a scout obeyordera he mut too reodar obadlanc without queation but after carrying out an order it may state reasons for objection to it b a eoout amlla and whuue undar all circumstance the duty of cheerfulness pi aasond only to that of obadleao 0 a scout i thrifty h opens a aav lag bank aooount scotch block at mr nell oil lie recent cow brought aa high a 8100 and ona war sold for 2fl000 tit total amount brought lo by ute sal was 94000 the fall of snow last weak gave sleigh ing a naw lease of life itueuyfor good man to make bad break a woata neoeuuy in rood because our ancestor ate coarser waste with their food utey developed a long bowel moeuy n muscular tube this muscle was not intended for digestion purpose bub to carry off waeu we have inboritcil this muscular tub waste con taining food is messenual to it proper futifluonaslighb is to ut eye ileoeus modern foods have lltue waste u human bowel muscle have weakened from lack of evercle constipation and indigaeuoo have resulted dr jackson who practised for years as an intestinal spealalut has devised itotnan ueal a fowl which has plenty of waste to etferole the bowel mus cle and is also highly nourishing it prevent indigestion and eooeupauoa uoetgrooer sell it uad by us itoman ueal oowpany towatey panada lmakifho auction sale im ubih yowmmulf fabm stock imple ments ghain and wav the uoderilgned has received instrao tloti f roiu v m laumsn on lot at third una erlu four miles north of acun to sell by public auction on tuiuoav t4ut 09 mahoh at ona oclock sharp ihe following horses 1 bay mare carriage 6 kears good tingle or double 1 lay orse carriage it year good alugte or double hay bora heavy p year good worker uy mare agricultural is year grey gelding 1 yar trcheron sired by elmore uay filly foal perch erorj a good one by elmore uay mare aged cattlki heirersyeararrcaltwitb calf at foot l red cow supposed to calf april ist 1 spotted cow supposed to calf id uay t red cow supposed to caf injuue 1 fat cow j 1 red heifer rialng s year 1 s sprlug belfer calves 1 ateer calf 1 calf 3 weeks old 4 lie re euid one belfer partly fat weight about 000 lbs each these cattl are well brod and in good condition hogs i york sow supposed to far row n april 7 uheats 3 months old f fat hog powl 40 plymouth rock heus about ao pullets two geese and a gander a first thus collie dog luplituents 1 good medium waggon with box 1 democrat waggon i topbuggygood 1 uajueyiiarrli binder in good ahspe with truck a ft cut uos- iu hhi onapo wiiu iiuum o iivuij mm- eyiiairla mower new uaueyifarrla drill spring tooth new mousey- ii arris it ho disk in tfood shape t set of bob sleight 1 cutter 1 money- harris sulky hoy rake wilkinson turnip sower in good repair 1 laud roller 1 truok scales s000 lbs 1 set of beam icales a pleury plows no at masaeyiinrfli set of har rows 4 aectlotib new 9 and 3 horse doubletrees no 13 pleury plow 1 ut of iron harrow fanning mill bell uulper wheel barrow s aouaterv stnna boat t large sugar kettle 3 donen grain bags 1 hay rack 0 logging chains tar ana slings and i8 ft of rope new 1 hay fork 1 grain cradle t scythe and snnltli a quantity of lumber 1 pick axe a white ash tongues t stone hammer hay bnlfe 9 scoop shovels 1 kettle 4 iron wedges 1 grind itoua hoes fork chains devices etc etc haknttss i set of heavy harness nearly new complete a set of single harness a set of plow hsrneu in flood shape 6 odd collar 9 siring of bells l pair of new horse blankets 1 pair of stable blanket 9 good robes curry comb and brushes eio household puknitimbuaw wyiiarrli cream separator in good worklug order 6 good kitchen chairs 1 fallen iraf table t bureau 1 bedsteads 1 wood cook stove 1 favorite barrel churn with lever attachment iron pots a butter bowls ladle butter print s gal lon oilcan cream crock pal etc hav and ok aw a quantity of hay isobushslor okls white jewel fit for seed 1 some barley and buckwheat thkuu 1000 and under cash over that amount 11 mouths credit will be given on rurulahlng approved joint notes flvo pr cent off for cosh groin hay fat hogs and fowl cash positively uo reserve as the farm has been sold p a wclean clerk auctloi groc sp wc payjpnrticular attention to our grocery doptrtmont and cirt juarantcu choicest quautv closest prices aylmcr corn peas and tomatocii 10c tin choice prunes 10c lb tiger brand salmon 17c tin september cheiuc klc lb lello 3 pkb ill flavors 28c valencia raisins seeded raining seedless raisins glycerine soap orange special bir sweet heedless oranges regular 50c size this week 40c doz lay in a sack of sugar before it goes up beit granulated now 72tt per 100 lbs henderson co mm st acton ont i lbs for sjkc i iba lor 2kc i lbs lor iffc tic cake ccui alrrliaimtitlb try this on your piano the following little nong was taken from a circular issued by tlic hcartlmtono of chicaro nnd in by e v mclniyre they do not state whether it io to be sung to the tune of the 515 neither do we but you might try it thercjwan an old geezer and he had a lot of ccnee he started up a business on a dollar-ctghtycentb- the dollar for staclc and the eighty for an ad drought him three lovely dollars in a day by dad i well he bought more goods and a little more space aud he played that system with a smile on his face the customers flocked to his twobyfour and soon he had to hustle for a regularstore up on the square where the people pass he gobbled up a corner that was all plate glass he fixed up the windows with the best that he had and he told them all about it in a half page ad he coon had em coming and he never never quit and he wouldnt cut down on his ads one jit well hes kept things humping in the town ever since and everybody calls him the merchant prince some oay ito luck but thatu all bunk why he was doing business when the times were punk people have to purchase and the gceser was wjse for he knew the way to get em was to advertise successful gardening us hi first condition la good iioed legirdener wbnther for plea sure or profit cannot afford to gamble he must have the lveit seed that money can buy our business is selling critically tested carefully selected 1411- gree seeds with good seeds good soil pro perly prepared and the ueces say care the gardener may expect results because nil uaturo is working for him uegln right by planting perrya tieeds d it rettrv v co wlojaer oalstlo w fine glove table cutters to cut import ed and domes tic cape piece work 95c per dozen apply 0 hudson bav knitt ing company montretl the superior bakery wc have opened a flrbtclase bakery our goods are baked fresh every day by a practi cal baker who has had a wide experience both in can ada and the united stateu any order small or large can be put out at a days notice all kinds ol lancy cakeu pastry and our quality bread is known for its goodness give us a trial and be convinced delicious cream puffs and uclnireo every wed nesday and saturday hurford fo chisholm superior bakery acton onlarl iijujlyji g actons electric chopping mill h0bt h lasby proprietor ftljr ilfstllforblut fchurcir arton if w avibon m a oo mlnuus- oundav m all oh uth hermans morning and uvonlng by rev w it mcwilliams of victoria unlvornlly toronto antiilmk morning jlhuh will bo my friend evoiiliig prnhe jo the pntlior hunriny school at jjn j in alt wuloowb wantkii lllilil apiil uljn t 1i0x 1 aaloti haviiij purchased from mr b p caldwell the electric chopping mill outfit and uoodwill ol the business i desire to solicit a continuance of the generous patronage of the larrnera and general public mill will be upun every day careful attention given ever order and satisfaction as sured r h lasby hum wantkii llrl l clovo cittifr v tnre i1 slui riooawitb bum if t limit iirailvancail ol tlmi aldrms iu ul thkt vuvm ulea attan itilt jost itlkjf vr h riul tlrui ueji i ul i i i av u miliravrrl wu- wl tim tim lbl oftlc i wu if v lost on if 1111 hv lihi lull a laltly lsy m lilnnl an i ian honn i antwr o ilia titmaof ut i an lirarl wlitu fntlowlus alniuiliiu in 1 1- illrlru nf hpylie auy iraniiltiiuwliiui hi wlim4tauia will iiuim iiokwi fmusaik ouu 1vloauln nil v i huh njji oiiaina riilna tljrtu itir iik llicroustily lirnbaii alui mar lu f al anrl camlfcjj lusta rliltia llva yssra iiidi iq i unna itoubl iii ahl v inmatrum lulllcifij lit llir con ivn self brfck iekidknuk koh ualkti tiler comfirlalla i irk rl1tie nn lit uainar i mill t ivtlllrtplnn hutau aetnn has liiruarr alnrla until an i j la ilallilooiililr iian stily lo h v itykmtkh tll hn a alimi wanted mics lo rclsll iulflfli ilndud tows eej coullry urntl hit brtl liu oii ol ilia ol i it i an i lariiro o anltj lu ilia vuu fjlh smtrlm iw raluhl ua uaiil nuly lntuliouj uini lio osu aarn kj on ui lur uimtlli ab imi uiui ikvo iiicaim tar tlsrllurf id jitraai tlane1 i- two ua at ii tlwkeiuli froto bill veiiida an i fi tosl1anv i valuable iksidencc for hale in acton tiut a oa v u 1 u licl iadecvd liotiari tifpri neii la r jraya ionif ali uair and slab liftiu cguvaouui kud wll tti 1 and ly far itaiieaelal ii ui 1 a apt irtllmi in jl1u wuii lllil liorcli li asian pkopkrrt fu sale tnc firm ol 11 t ut uctwiwj atcrawaeae cariira imtiu t 0ii1 eorotr lot at kilo about i 0 acrv mci or lu tv7a walu ian are mn l msa au i ltto and oth bull lln tin mil item aeion and lour ml la i ram kocuttoo aiil in ui1u ii cue whom vrluouion tirt aloa oot fill sale 11 dultara vrlili fur ham itkcriuts wanted foltttiellslun and duffoilo lukaltnu at youno t im saolloii ulie aau tjmlwtr should iiruiuiiur da unlr iluiv ao i snliti lar snltl lilviicnol llialrlicuiai tlialr eeublry siid tlialr klud kulltt your in omu iowa iu ul to now for wet weather footwear kenney bros main st acton spring is coming and we hsvvo a full assortment of boots and shoes and rubbava and rubbt boots aullabla for tha vat weather savaral ilnss o slatcsra regal aueholiisia for men empreki claiile for ladles wa have school boota tor children and farm boota tot man and woman nubbetraand kubbar boota to suit all naad repairing reeelveaprorjipt and careful attentloa hek0 rakijev for hatg aoo biirtlioltt ol uuluctcil manchuria heotl itarloy for tmle ornlnnl bcod canio from h x porl men tut ftinn at ottawa hood inst carulxty litiliuln to tlio acre biminlu nf weed will lw mnilcil in moan- inr tnircliruuni hctd im uxlilhltion at our wlllmirliby i lllcu ooorfiotown prtco o vouth per imnliul j a willouoiliwt d new wonder land theatre vnidavmaii 10 1 tlio irolly hlmtir of jfnio 5 pntta with mnriincrilu clitrtt monday maii ul two ijtilo llrlionn turtn a ironclt oovcniniutit war picture 1 part cliurllo cltaplm comedy 1 imrt wkonbsdav harb knlwmlo 7 of the uonianuo of iilahic comin3lii6l iyiiiiu 6 larth r l gregory l p

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