Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1916, p. 3

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ffwl wedding xydl birthday presents wedding uingn imm china mid cut chum i ii 1 7 lttijtorn hilvcrwoic novultloii in kdiivunr uiiiidii marriage mtciiiioii iwiticil geo flynbs ontaiuo heal estate avasinb fs mnln in unit oil eel md wellington how rnrtuu lor tale every uuc ii yuu wnut a lournl write tue for rnttilouur or if you wluli u kcii or exelmiwe write sue we liuvti ever t urlllty for truiimiirllnu liiwlmwu to your com till mutluracilutl oitl imtpdetir e nollrllctl j 1 wllxts ciiiiv inrui hffllim hptrluhut 4corueown he jvctoit jfrcc vc thukhimy maiicii 0 1010 brief local items ti lenten bcanoii opened jostorday the price of hugnr advanced 10c per 100 but week old winter in going and gey miring 1 on tlie way now ash wednesday iurvftoo word bald in the churches last o onlug w j lowes majority in tholkl bye election s offi o i lly statod to 1 320 hoow hail rain lightning nnd tbun tlr wu monday nighla prnaramma mr lwli atkinsons aalo on tuesday was a great success tho attendance was urge district llepreotitati o htrong o btuilngton was here on monday on a bus in visit tluro la quite a domund far inadium prlcd lioutcs hath for purchase and rout j just now lenten service will bo held in hu albns clmrcli on wednesdays at 7 1 p m and on vrldays at j 15 p in the thumlorandlightnliii accompany lug uie easterly billiard of miow and kioci oo uandsy evening were vary unusunl uim cormle of luolph uang very sweetly the nolo cant tliy ii r call upon tbo waur in tbo methodist clmrcli ou bun day availing an interesting meeting of tbo arton high school litorory hncioty in uiiticijiat d for friday march iutb tit imlf tiast lhr the public are cordinllj invited to b pteesnt mr w n mckay fonnorly of loorgi- tovn lis been transferred from lort howan tobjtuooe where bo assumed tbo manage ment of die hank of hamilton brunch on march 1u herald mr join perry of chinguacoiiby town ship boa purchased a 100 uiro farm at mono road belonging to mr john dotiairiiy of llramptan hatovau mado by j a wil loughby uoorgotown out jubuflo and mortgasro burning theuillon methodist church will hold jubilee services on hundu end monday uaroh lfllli and huh tbo pulpit on tbo sunday will bo oooupiod by uoi v w holllnrejie it a of owon hound an ol uiltoa boy on tbo monday ovcnln utere will boa public mooting and an tbo church debt itai iteon wijwm out the mortg- tft w lo hurnod 4463 pupils inhaltonschools wo hava 00 toaohors in tho county or whom all but six aro ladloo averaoe sauries gentlemen 010 ladies 505 the annual report of j m lonyon n a inepector of rohoau fur this enmity hjui isany featurea of intorosu the fctatli- tloal uliln bhowe thoro wore lant year 00 uaeheni in the county of whom sti only woir kotlomnn of tbo tojehom 0 hold flrl ouu certificate 01 necond clafuiccrtl- ooaue and 2 third clans oertillcatiw tbo uutabar of pupil enrolled waa 41111 un lneam of hi over 1uu tho nvome lteodance wom 2f73 an iiicronw of 101 over 10u salary aarnon wore an fol low i g untie men in mm bcliooln piw i udlu in rural aclinolfl q17j i bontloman in urban uboola 8073 udlu- in urban wohoali 377 tlio avorajro for tbo cuunty u whole wan t yentlomon 8h10 ladioa 80di the teoaliera ami mtarioo in tho town school were oh follows 1 acton w ii btewart principal si30i vmula luker h23 ulunlez llennott 7a lu wmlo fiaj uary a maaaua 00 0ly voutr m mary a dtuk 00 iciiubeuia wu4011 oio nununotos d e biului a a shoo luoy oheut lb a hw kathleen lankan slorenoe kerr wi kvello a lalwl 000 huutlvin uliubeth melklo ml jrtrtuie wh l uwtu wnodlay 00 vlarella thompson m ok0iu1etown a1iu orean annie v ilyati haul harmon nehlioiloe tttuta ilobohaon by 1 via arnold milton j kuahmllua i a jain ii vlnmltin oaohdnm young ulllemln anuauuie lfellle kulott laura beou kluabatli nnrtliwool evelyn d cooke lleleaa bow oak villi k vhanderton siwo vred v iowihioji ilda m warwick kdythe a common uiluo m mnrrttt uurna llrown ztlpbalurdy marhreb lanfftry o alloe price kvelyn l uekty the children of aohool ag h to u in alaalve in uie towtte of the nnunty ar aeoa 23 burlington wm learttaown 00 jtawnssfl oakvlllo 350 t total enrollment of puplu of all aj ww i aeton l43 1 uurllnutoa 30tfi oiwre- town 244 l mil toe 330 1 oakvmie ml thwuoiiletf received for itchool purpose wuu fellowe 1 acton nilllt t hurl inijtan o7w6fl oeortowii w7ao iiuum ou30fi oakville smihiw 81010 100 ffmi kilt nm mt 47a sinoo tuh iiir flflo aoo coo ooo aoo aoo news op local import tlio mothodlut church noxt kuntlny in llo uikiunpu f hov mr avlknn iiaut uiinduy uov w it miavilliiinix ii a if victorln unliurhlty toronto will prnuoli nioniinjf and ovoiilnif uov mr mowil lluiim la highly upokon of w n preanliar mid hax vol in it red nu u mimloiury to illl 1lonso iirvo tho snow shovollod tho pnvonionte look in aeveral plurtts a imiit towitnu if the liiforocdidiitof tho cm- rollout by law rwinlrin tho uconniuutlona of utiow to tut nhovelled olf after each tnrm wan belnu raluvwl rlevcral ownern in louu hnvi not hail tbolr waltm oliatiw oirthla winter now brick storo contraotod for mr mnrru save bni tot tho contract for n now hrlrk ntore to lie ereolwl on thevao- not lot mitt htrent nont hi own a torn work will commence nu noon rj aprlno ojwna and thobulhtitiu la to lieooinpleted by jmio flrxu it wilt le a building of com modioli diinenalcnn pastok called for baptist church a congregational meeting waa held in thn ilaptut church uat sunday momlng jo rail a new punier a uuaulmoua call vn dntendbd to ilov w m mcdonald lain nf illind itiver mr mel ten aid la well known anil highly citaemed here and it li hoped ha will aocepu ha waa for a ttmo poator of tbo church tit churchill rod cross toa on saturday rbroiigb iho bindneuiof mra ilov j v wilson tho uiim of the hod croea aid rociety will hold u hm1 cros tea at knou church inanmt ou saturday afternoon and zoning from lbro to nine oclock tea mil cako ton centa proowoda to purchaw umforta for acton eoldiorh of 1 company iwforo they laave ac urn for niagara ceiii p horno ouarda reiumlntr thll copt pepplatt held a itwtlng of lnur- ettwl cltitcna in the council chamber lit ening to arrange for tlie re erganiulloti of acton home luarda he la prepared tonnjiply rtfloa awwunluon and targls for iractlco it la opctl a new inter ot in tho llama tuarda who will drill mxlor tlio latent military ruu will be crctul waves incroatod 10 per cont moiisra ilaanlmora and co of the aala eathar tannory and the acton tanning 7a hate increased tho waga nf their workmen who work by the day liy ten par cent thladooa not include pl6ce work cii and fortmon the iiicrejj moan a a vory contl turahlu aggrgat to tho um1 or 1h men citdctod und will i10 ganerally npirucialid prohibition petition prow n tat ion tlio great event of tho presentation of tho piohibition petition to the ontario lciphlutura took place jeeterday at the purliamont iluitdinga tho monster par udo will go down in history as one of the oulmandlng otonta in connection with the wadd wldo movement for piohibition ito j c wilaon it a chairman for acton went to tbo city oil tuesday afternoon to attend i he great prohibition banquet in willi nj hall mcairu a t ilroun c metbowa n forties j h coleman j l warren and ii i mooro uont down otorduy for tlie iarado and proientallon of bbe petition improvement at tho trout ponds tiia iinprotamciitnat tbo trout panda of momm john aed v a fl rat brook which uoro commenced laat eeaaon will be pro cewlod with a soon as aprlng opena a new trout pond i under conatruotion eoat ol tho hatchery und a larger pond for lioating lu being considered far the late below with tho aplandid bungalow completed last vonr and the landscape giirdonlng inaugurated this aummer home of ho moaari firathrook will not only lie n romantic rural camping ground but a moat attractive and comfortable country homo for them and their friends whenever inclined to come out to this point looofeet above the city where natural beauty and purct oxane abound halton childrens aid society preaident j m llenyej ofthechildrena aid boolety of hatton liu kindly handed thofuktipukkaoopy of inspector nortons report for tho ruut year the society was eaubluhed in ihlttfar the protectlou and earn of dependent and neglected children the abject la to provide a homo for borne- teaichlkl tboro were 21 children nude uarda undor the societys supervision dur ing tlio year one uu sent to the indus trial school the inspector visited 70 places attended polloe court off uniea aciit out 40 warnlnga to uiose clurgeil with neglected children end travelled 4001 mlloh the flnanclel receipts for the year 91131i inipcctor norton is u mot cfll- clout ofllocr and hie work la of a cbirtcter whloli manna much to any neglected or or phaned children in our county happily woddod at hantowood munsowood it p manse was tlie scene nf u very inippy wedding an wednesday march 1st when two young people from acton vera joined in holy wedlock the priuoinulu woro mr william alexander cliluholin of ho firm of hurferd and chit- holm luikors aoton and mluannls maud hnisllwood slater ol mrs hurford llev mr martin pat tor of ho church per formed the ceremony tlio bride was at tir od in hur truvolllug suit of navy blue wore a white aalin hat with pals bluo plume anil had a carnage bouquet of carnations awl hialdon hair fern after tbo oarcmony tka weddlno party proceeded to the home pf tho grooma father mr john chlwhoinj first lino 13wjueing whero congratuutlons uore eklcmlad and the weddlnffrepul par tulon of mr and mr chltlrolm liavatak on up their residence on main flrccl homo garden contest for boys too often tlie llttlo home gard111 lui hoen neglected tlie men have beeo ruthed with their seeding and harvest and 1 ho women are pruned with houielicld ilutios the boy does not bike as much in turent in it because ho doea not feel that lb is hla own why nob give him a piece of land und tell hlni to go ahead t why should wo not all hava gardens to ha proud of in which to linest spare time willi a vlewef stimulating a greater in terest in tho kltchoti garden encouraging u greater uto nf a greater variety of vege table in tho farm borne as well as iniprov- inffoti vurlelloa we now use the depart meiit of agriculture at hurling ton lj offer- lug liberal cash prises to the boys between ijund ll who lire auoeuful in the home harden contest flee larger advertise- moii t and wrlto at once to the district ilep- vosentatlve w f btrong iturllngtoti who will supply you wllh aeexl and give yw full information uoy wlio ore just out of kcltoel tills is your chance to show what you oaii do in looping a uloe pardon i social andpersonal mi dor t cook vhttod tunintu fi loud- over sunday mr it a- limum iih hmno from tor- nntn for 11 day or two mr 1 mn ton konuey waa hma from toronto far the wook end kk- alderman john m warren toronto waa in town mi tuoaday the mmm hartley of milton wero guests thu week of the mlusi lindsay mr kev if w avlson and children are visiting at her fathera home in call pte j d smith or the oath usttallon toronto vlaitml acton friend a this week pte and mrs divld umilh and mono of toronto wore with frlendahere during the week mlas anuto it6goraof freelton waa the gueitt of miaa wilms itobnatciio for the week end mr jooeph holmrm who has itoon ter loualy iii for a month or no is able to ho about again mr alice floury of markhaiti i upend ing tho week with hor daughter end ollior friends here v mlas minnie fraaer of tho ilaplut ltook iloom toronto wan a gnent at mr j l- wurroiis over sunday mr t james moore city clerk ouelplt ejkint fiat unlay with his motlier mm t t moore veung street mr samuel mcktmile father of mr j ii mokeuiie has been confined to his bed for some weeka the reault of a stroke georgetown haruhl mr and mru itobert wellington scali of south porcupine announce tlie engage inent sf their niece mua msui olive mor gan to mr leorge ijile fonnorly of eorg6town ev ii w avlson m a ii d went to dotrolt on monday to spnd lite week with itav mr halniar hli uurla who la conducting bvangiutio servicaa in his church in that city luv mr avlson will aulat in the services and preach there neat sunday a hsppy event took place at kncv church manse milton on tburvlay feb 21th when miss ida flarnce btirrlt of otn willlams ikocame the bride of mr k darractough manager of thsoien woollon hlflla limltwl tlie bride and groom are among our niott popular oil mm and thsy lisvs tbo bast wltlian of many fncdu for a long and hsppy life herald the schools roll op honoh list and standing or tho studonts at tho february examinations in im man and public schools th fallowing is the uhoul utandlng auardad at the february eiauilnatlons 1 minnti htuimk fllku iii cinu i 1 harvey m maloan a odriiii ci ttii lit v itartoy u wilson c llrown j wilson l qoott h mowst r mowal iliglisst in tleography 1 harvey and m mclean in physics 1 harvay and a obrien fnau ii cjhu i o mowau oum ii o anderson a orr m clatrldgo m stowart a snyder u mc ieod m carlv aguew h llrown l uritton i kennedy it plnnk citii iii w ilea ii plank ii stewart i mclherson w mcdonatd illghcst in spelling- j anderson and m clarridge 1 in elementary science i molharoon and o mowat t in leography i llrltton vnum i clahh i o soper p joe a johnstone citiui uu mclaughlin m itoblnson e starkmsn if kennedy u mo donald d lihhona cuom iii s mclam m wlltlaine m symon w allen ii ritchie l camp bell j hynda b mo isaac i crawford k puffer ii hunter m maialu j allan h karly m mokvoy highest in algebra o soper 1 in art o mclaughlin w ii htluaut principal v 7 luuut assistant plulil biikmii hu iv duff wilton ww ilesale wood- hall 100jule mowat itui gltla stewart 1w1 florenoe robertson 1h kenneth hsnderson 17 j llsdys huffman 17i jn iv maxwell hell ihi vida ander son iflo willie stewart 178 charlie man 177 elmer henderson 171 agues dahlia 170 total 300 m vu ilkkhirrr teacher hu ill alloa james 2ol pearl walbua js13 jennie ijwby mo sabra nelson 2fl arlliur henton qoo oeonre taylor 2oh jh lessle anderson clfl leorgo ijlshop qrxl d i mm le haas 211 martha orr 213 jordan iawsou 20m jean moffat 100 total 300 i wiiitk teacher su ii mariouowatl49 140 jciui kennedy 130 margaret morga- san 131 marguerite kyder 103 ceorge jlgglns 100 total 170 jr ii agnes mann im jeuiemonabb 141 itobert suwaibl jean jeurber 137 lurl cooper 123 james hwing 110 total i bo m h ftkiiuv teacher hk i myrtle uyder 2u2 mlna savo 241 walter ilsuar 21k icv moatora 201 clsronoo dsbcock 200 erneat cole shi sidney smith 1b7 toul 300 ju i stewart lasby 221 kugens mo- pherwn 210 joe hurst 207 thelrna gamble 201 helen mcdonald 1h3 cordon elliott 17h total 2a0 no on roll 00 i foutvhu teicher skhiou puimhr cimiui a ctiaille joyei dolible lsppjn edna morguon norman deforest elian kyder llnnrla burkman clans rwiiroae held harold held charlie ilell howard btathatn herurl fryer jim prloe claim o willie idauoock ulke uusli- apook willie little charlla irevost an nlo obliiw oiaafl d helen con annie dunui cordon lluffnun frank kelly m a iliauu teacher jitmnupmimrv ciam ahllllard prloe cordon smith jock ewjng thelub straaur frank hoi- loway and marlon molean havel jmme ciaue iljolin jlhbctik dessle outojug- albert hall ida caitollo iue brlsbow arthur henderson cmih c johnny morgason dorwald ifeforest florenoe hlllott zells bavlll note promoted to ii class t johnny morgeaoa u a wijjon teacher- bnbtshakbh a soldi br at nliifttilnvak huosla lha ntlisr duy n workwomnii named murhi llmurova waa uued leforo judgn tie pain by 11 sewing inaohlimi contjuii hire of her hinuhl what have you to say t asked the judgo nothing evoopt it ut that i am uualilo to uy hi i was wounded a short time ago lull ting tho austrian hore are tny papeni on my wonlonalamiid the judgo aha fpiuiks thn truth murlu limarova is a woundeil soldier in that case said thn plaintiff i withdraw tlio numinous pat and forty ttantf hints ker btout peepu who wteh o reduce in walfjhl coltlng fnt ineiniu unit there is phislcnlly smakliig clthtir nn otfees- ulxo liicoiiib or n ilollclcnt outgo or liotli from this tho remedy would np- innr simple thoorotlcully it would be cither to limit bo income of fnt pro ducing foodu or unco ihoy nro enton burn tbcin up and got rid of them or both nud presto tho chnngo is rnadol in practice however nflor certain hab it n of cut in a und ihtug iiflvo been in dulgcd in for from thirty to forty year it la not fllwnjs- tho tnulcot thing in tho wmld to fonn now luiblth only those ft uu ntniiidanco of ulh power will auc- ccrd jell ii nil with jcllydoli bock- bom e mid jclljrflolt kitiiiinntloii will uminlly c on rliiemlilliig mora nud mora tho proicrblnl jcllynsli oraackof men i in llgure tlirro la llttlo hope for the m for thoao who menu business bow cer thcro u mucli hoic much can be uciotnpllahcd nud tiilih mora praveut ed li obccnliig tlio following auggca tlons drlnl llireo qlauueu of hot wa ter o which has been added half a icuioti half nn hmir before entlug breiikfusl tor bronkfimt induleo hpnrlngly in bnkl apples stewed primes or silmllar fruit omlltlug cereals itlgar anil cream let illnuar constat very lartfaly of salads and reffe tobies such let tuce tomatoes turulpsi cabbage greens spluncu celery etc let sup per con a la t largely of tho inula things twine careful to avoid cakes eiweeui mushes bread especially freali bread or eocgy biscuits ilnrd toaetod cre tin m nbenl bread uiny lio toloratod in sninll amounts for tho beet results it la blfthly t- aeutlnl tluit bulky rather than nourish ing foods and laiatlvo rot her than con stipating foods bo eaten lly nil means lire work and aleep in itio open air flurn up nil excess avoir dupois luumiblo by brent hi nu cxcrcum by walking nud by encrebdiig rather severely every ony get up a good weal eiery day avoid a alakguii indolent indifferent life and dlsnoel- tlon lie act ivo toe u tally nud physical ly in other words keep busy prlm f a tulip in holland tho tulip became about the tnlddlo of tho novontieutb ceutury tbo object of trado uuparollelad lu tho history of cenimorcial aneculauoua from 1034 to 1037 ull clauses in u ujo groat cities of holland becamo lu- foctod with tullpomnnln a single root of particular iipeclee called tho vice roy waa xehniigcd in tho true dutch tasto for tbo following itrtlcles two lasts of wheat four of ryo four fat oxen three fnt an inc twelve fat sheep two hogsheads of wliio four tuna of boor two tuus of butter 1000 pounds of cheese n complete- bed a suilt of clothes and n slhcr builer the whole being worth 2000 11 or ins the dainty mushrst tbo muakrat is otio of ibe lunn animals known not tinl u ll 1 mc hj of what it cats but before witii root or anything clao iln lltt v inmi patiently acniba it five fnmi iliil not until ovory pnrtlela is icimiiil u 111 ll cat it tlie unnio imn imtt iinuu in fluenco lu keeping penpto fnm entlnt tho flesh than anything tiae li la cm aldored great fun to inlihiiu u umbo in entlng maakrat ho in mid that it la squirrel or tiny 0110 of 11 rioxuu other animals to induce him in cut ii in nlnotyulno cases in n hundred tin novlco is converted nt onro nfter thf first mouthful nud former ufierwunl nover urea of singing tbo praise of the meat exchange blood stains en btu to remove blood ainln made by h ttrlcked flngor on nn mhu iimterlul place about four luchea nf vihltr kow lug silk lu be mouth nml nmbm 11 thou roll into n boll nnu rub the hput ajently and tbo stain will disappear 111 if by magic just fry it nud mo wo man homo companion a royal traoady frederick 1 of prusalj una kilted by fear hta vrlfo wnn i inane mid una day she escaped from her kccorw mid dabbling bor clothea in blnml niuhod upon bar husband ubllo ho wuu iioxiuk lu bu chair king proderlt k illumined bar to bo tho white indy whoso uhuai ta bollovod tn nppciir whtiiovci tliif death of a nipmlwr of o roynl fnuilly la to occur und lie won throw 11 into n fovdr ami dlod hi six wooka his practice mary jane why do you allow that young fellow in remain so loug wbeu ho callal you rco pn bsh a lawyer nud no mntlcr how i try in make btui go b nlways mnnrirea when bo cornea to court to secure a atny ii nit i mora american bsved by th telephone tho word hello has iwon saved to popular usage by bo telephone and by that nlone thlrtyflvo jeara ago there was real crusado ngnlnat the aocallod atnng pbraoo and ho groat conversational invention caws to tbo roaciio just lu time aoe at race hereee tbo ago of rnco hnraom la token from ho and day of january hi tho year in which they nro horn tints n horse foaled in march wmild bo counted as a foul until tlio following jon 1 just tho suime as au anlmnl born hi decem ber idlnneus is tho sepulcher of a itvlnjr inuu ausoitn paper mooay s soft but hard to get it is sotnthlng more than true love if the girl retains her appetite whoever heard nf an oelress seeking m dlvoroe without publicjty t haveyouweakuings jki colds settle 011 your cheat or in your bronchlul tubea t do couglia liangou or sre you subject to throat troubles buch troubles should hnv liuttiulloui treatmoiit with tlio rare curative powtirt of scotto hmulslon to huanl against consumption which so easily follows bcottaltmulaloijeonbjjnspurtooduvcr oil which peculurly atrengtlieus the rea- plnitory tract and fniwovc the quality ol tho blmhl tbo glycerine in u soothe and benla the lender membranes pf the throat scotts is prescribed by the best special lts you can trot it at any drug store hcoll st llawils yvmohio flat ladies man- tailored suits and coals for spwno and summer our expert liau jutit rn turntd from now york whero he hat secured nil tin j latent styled fiiiown by the leading now york tail- orh and worn by all tho bmnft drehserc individuality tailored to your own meauurcmentn with your own preference for trimming on account of the great hhortau in iitlcrial it in advisilile to place our order early our expert will be at our htorc every wedncfdi af ternoon during thih oeapon george wallace guelph nt young men in demand drlght fellows too young to enliut are la great demand far uuilneu three calls offering 850 each to start were rtclivcil at head ofllces of shaws schools in one day it will eoy to prtpnre write us w ii how vn vonge st toronto the hub a tlio nirl of a null nu want is otio whitli fits and bccoinea you nnd which conforms to the other demands nf both stylo and the money if men really knew juu liow the ciutlils wo make look and wear they uould all coma here order our sprijig suit now nnd got your choice of the new spring geo f agnew ousitotti t tlos mill si atlas a a ohfesiiunonsd vouho womhh anil udj voana uan wsntil t nnaa la iralu lor lialce our prulllona tlis la- maud on ilia talyotiaa fltm tonomto ohvnnio ulullvavatlmasntiradrirw wrllastooee to pari leu ian uniar now weavers wanted girls and women for wool len weaving can be quickly learned and good wages earned harris ft co ui bockwooj oat advocating and carrying out our policy of j 1 pr epa redness i i g3 au the stalwart cuntodian of a thouiiand canadian homes watching their t c interertfi in tho mooting ol daily needw this big departmental store closely guards jo b against the inroadn of inforior qualities and exorbitant prices ever alert ever g gj nttauncd to the slightest fluctuation in market condition4 wo are able to foroscc t ot and loreutock against impending ncarcitiea und price increanen in a very big and rg 5 cfjcctual way all department now look forward to tho spring leiyon inanpirit gl of confidence and preparcdneiin tiicbo arc brief departmental assurances tg y v sull are fastaaanm- bling in splendid styles and nt notable prlceu nevw wevah oooda have lieen iraiight heavllv and are now almost complete hi range the dr oooda dpartrnnt in realur ing ninny early purchnuoo at special prices tho hoaleiry dopartmant hi utocked to nt- mniit capailty ugalnnt inovjlnblo hoalury fnmiiiliiu th marts store in prepnrvil on nu tiiormonu initio ngnlnut acnrcltleu lu munn nnd hoyr clothing nud fn nil nh luja naur wnllpapsra und mouuu fiiriiislilnuu nro cmpruhunrtvo in rnngc a miienomenal corsef sale typlcl or dopimmontal snlo lvnli l wctvi upulol conn sulo iklmok i amw l ii l con ompiinv in a dcntanca llioir travllori imnipli ntia llicoinpltu lines all liljjli graita in overy dutull i d e macdonalti bros lm j j ouelphs mbadino and largest st0be j w wyajkitra maedanncll and cardea siki guelph oal jg me chevrolet one look at the car one rido in it nod youre convinced that nothing oan oompoto with the chevrolet now note what the chevrolet offers these features would not ho so very remirlublo in n auvaral thousand dollar car but this car sella for but 676 whlcu makes those epocifkatlona not merely interesting thoyr umaiug lets start with the engine he heart of tho car and in the case o the chevrolet o heart with a dependable action quiet nnd smoothrunning to the last degree ho valve inhead motor driven with a steady stream of power up the steep hills the chevrolet climbs with easealready they are calling it the wliartl of the iiuij it has been found that the lever remains in high gearoj percent of the time tbo feeling of ease and tecurity you have in a chcvrolot cornea from ito low centre of gravity it clings to the road although it has especially high road clearance so that on any kinds of roads you have control of the car and an upset is not to tie feared vou wont tire in the chevrolet whether in the fiont seat driving or in the tonueau reclining first became its roomy seats five people comfortably second because it has cnntllevor springs 00 rear and double acting pat- nted front springs no shock abooibers necosury third because its comfortably upholatorvd in pabrikold on display at wil loug hbys show room georgetown ont j a willouohbv proprietor james woods sales manager wwwwwwkwv vou can buy from us a genuine victorvictrola for 3350 by paying ij 00 down and 300 monthly isnt that a bargain come to ua for a catalogue c w kelly son 39 lower wyndhftm st free a poet card ad to us aa below with your uaraa andaddrosiohxyoo use other tldd will coubut on oant urop it in tho nearest mall boaand it will brlnd prompt ly a copy of our illustrated bopaifo cauuogua for 10 ib wlthlt will coma auo boo a 15c pacaat of byron pink tomato a perfectly formed tooutdv tbo dyton pink is ulfofttvlardo and s1ioheslsumi bvaest ha tosuto attractive it hnrobust grower and a heavy cropper it is an ideal tomato for forcing you are indtobuyaemuonyway then vou might juttaa well soad for our cataloguo anil get this free premium for youneu jiu catatoou uiu about on oikir tmhitiu pfiiwiuih imck uu ew with toatp orjr dabcii fit huktcu sekd ca liurreo londoh oktvaiiio gahada si s3 rut lihfihimwon l1 -mirimm- uh russells give our bread a trial liargg8t loaf best quality try our delicious cream puffs and our chocolate eclairs nassagaweya trip every tuesday and friday russells mill st actors on t aeroti from qowraaual bulldlag i fmrmtib hhhwwhddaunqnddaaanadnndacaddnnadnnnadnanarjrjnadhhhaaa 1000 cash will bo glvetblu prises to the boys having the beat kept garden from j sood we supply free at charge in the i home garden contest opob only to boys between is and is years of age uot attending school and living ou farms g in flalton county n applications roust be made before march 35 to b ontario dbpabtsent op agriculture g b bubunqtoh w fstbono bentwunuuv e uhhhwhuanndcnadandaaanduddddnnuacmadndddnnddnnahxhm bcbgli mm ddbgg rbeparkdness iltulneu opportunities come to the young man who is prepared to meet them a growing bank balance no matter how small la on evidence of busi ness ability and force ol character our having department will help you save georgetown branch caiduiahetlsedwowjm w m m- usasjetf capital paidup tajooonoo surplus imumo dont wffy vou can have your doya bult tnado to measure here our boy a made to ueasure hult department has caught on icvery customer is perfectly satisfied the ktyle fit and teylorlng of the 1i1est prices o 00 to sisoo a suit 300 patterns of the very heat cloths nud serges to select from urlotf your boy nud lot ua make up a suit for him to his measure usui thss hhw bkrinor hatej r e nelson h hettei vuvestalssm wyttdhautt bltvt auhilkh m ont

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