Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1916, p. 2

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bohn atflom in krlii oilhiituuv march ituli 1010 to mr aii mn 1 victor wauoi h thaufxhter uvimiicil al act mi ihtmiuoiiinu on 1ug day march uth umli lo mr mid mru x v uuddick a aoii john htewart matriiktumm at movatt raak an ferlday march lolb idlll to mr and mra itamea m maolhereon a eon wllllahi gordon mfcp vihm in kriu on tueedey march i4lh 1019 harah kleeuor tuiwry wlf of a 1 vrr in lier mlh year deux at chatham an tuesday slat uurcli 1011 uuun lunn ilauabter of the lt jatne thjnn formerly of acton wtiiikuirroxtatthareldenoecfhreon dr ii m fmlunung preeeolt on thursday march oth 1010 mr urh eatharatoae formerly of neleon ajred 70 year abc ctttit arm tuursdayuanoh 1010 ed1tobialnotes gov daviiwu of nwfcudhind in opening tli miaul uguutur tut wmv uaounoed hie hitentiot to enforce air icily lb newly enacted fctklutujh uw which roe into effect th preeent y ear ontario khows up willi greet credit in the matte of ealutmeat fur overtee mr- vlo about inoooo med have enllud in caned kuarly 118000 of whom r from odur i uogu from manitoba awl uv- fclebewen soooofrow jeuhee end 05000 wch from llritith columbia albert end th uaritlm proliww qvebee i now coming into li cm lb prehlulio quettlon th llowlnlort alll- tno in iihimi at motitreaj on tuwday de cided to eak hlr lome oouln for a referen dum cm provincial prohibition tit anil aloobol ttjilt la frteed tooooperal la aproawkhlttff tba iriniur and la lb nib etquml campaign ii th proil kjrre4to the rurulum propoai yukwik ai xiluav of central huron at cluuii ba utuaimoutly decided by tt cldtlou to atk th ivxalulo lovwuaitlo tfa ktut f oru bf eoaurlptloa la rtlltig tu nionry ululloas lvth county ui uku uwltir action huafonl city c6atmll am yniiil rfc6lutlo urtua k fltmttiiidt to at otai rotflour till aud- lojuj im1 of tallllury llfelrlf ctriwil- tlad tw tiiflnnry lililoonl la uwloblaaoatbil46t um ktook tuukku larg lou wu at 110 00 to 1 p itatklrvj wifttt uiljuj off tyu luba alio toufckd uw blgli uvu la ik tttiwy of tu load ud ouuuag at tl3s0 to 11373 pr luojr1 jlt ck uum art pwlttflt aa 4w uf64 aa a rtult tf way danutula tlialr triilaota hiving advaooaj to u1j whuli bavwougntu4n unsutj profiu ooiru lt ftdaral aaj tba provlnolal ottmutoli at ulll wrtllaa with tho ptombltim quamlon a dotdluloa act in trojaofel uiuiwalf glvaa provlnoaa powr to aaaot oouputa prohlutlod ly vwural uglautloa ualileg sab lrovmlal acta uw wbtl tkphvlttmtiavorbavanot u ttibmiary ugi hjttiu in thamlva izaavy puultua ara provulad for ablp- bunt of luxoor uto ptovlnou wtlob bv daoundfor ptluttoo buppar earrw aad rtelvr a duuu llablj to criminal prawfentjod in ew liquor u nt into prov- laaaa undar pmltltltioa a uaw with ui oarmab or baxon nam of sw4eay baa wrltua to ilia kw york tittm to nay ttat tk euaxa and btrtpm aw uawd kuuw tbay appar la ca w wpiw tka adltor of tba vlwa kow ua bualaavi imi ganaral auuwanu of tkla daaadpuoti ar not oalfiuutad to ineraaaa tu tput with wblob tfm tlm la hau la oatuja ttai a raally uo fonadatloa for tool ataucoanl it u unfortuaau tbat it abonld fcaln olrouuuoa in auh papa u tt tjnim whar huay raadam uay b uuud by it yhar ara a ibouaanj unltaj statm ttag fn canada for avary dritub flag tbafc eoukl ba found aeroa lha lordar w ar only too oowpuowib to- watxblbasuraaad strlpaa rh u no taaaoa wby w aboutd tak tba traubld to bla it awl wa dont- weakly sun laadldff ajltotlal la baturdaya mail and btnplra ara u atrlklngly uaw to tba ool- uuna of tbat uatropolltaa journal tbal w ut puatwl to glv tbainftirtbar publicity i at what bidding u it that legltuturea avrywliara ara butaulhtf to pot on lbs autua books laws dlraotad asalnrl tba liquor trasot tharala aomeuilnx takably poraotptory in itortlpuhlauenta of so many of our prowlnoo of tba doiuln- loaltaalf and of kawfonndlaud would not ba found fallluff into tba waka of tba nuin- afoua atatoa wblob haw enoctad nooaauraa tkat ho far to wlpa out tba trada titan a a vary uubad dufawnoo utwaaa tbo utuparaom aantluaat now awartjoff ittolf and tkat wblob toaila lualf fill in otlior eaupajtta sjnt tba bar what bltiar tbaln la haard in tba prownt dauand tliat brlnfta aub prampt racpouu from tba law- taakara la uraotloally all oouutrlaat uii- doutadly it u tba apirlt of aalf raforra in tba paat tbara baa baan too lltlla of uia plrlt of aalf ralornt and too uuoli of tba bplrlt of eoaroloh it wadding balli ar hnglhg utwaen tlia stli una aj umabouaa ur vbobtu uoclura luu pardtaaad tba 100 aora farta baioulhs to ibaatuu of tha lit bluaaon ibluula mr 11 j blnelajr baa purobaaatl a 100 aera fartd from ur jam mokaohnla w baair tbat mr laonjud harding baa alao boogbt a 100 aetra farto tbar inttat ba aotombltik doltif tbla laap yaar vba uuutal itaprovauant boolaty itttaad bavlutf a tioaeert tba laat nlbt of tba the municipal council britr sotnlmomhiy soofllon tif ou town father counoll tiint on mutiday euoituitf in lobu lar mhuilon meinltor jiriit leu ifytnu ueave ami gounollloin a llell c a llalley 1 a homlarii ami xv if hmltli tim commit u on vlnanca presantl tholralittli roort and roetn mewled vny metit of tie following aooounta i hviiun kiwrun vlexluo conduit co kuppllm 01700 n v moore vnimtom etc ifu t iurdn k hon lalwir tui tallmall ilroa ca huppllan hm cn otn iie couppllt h14i c lllaolhull aupiilim ih aolon lre lru printing 1044 llhllui alxolyff itratl roonl ulior and auimllm tllflo john lurvey aq0 w ii culluijr ubor 120 lloht pory labor loo v aril repair j 11 mukttule rapalra 70 jamaa ifandarmmi wood h2j luwiarmti a co buppllea 470 actoq fera r printing iu movail ly a h luiuy mooiuled by w ii bmltli tkat tba 1uav ba uttruotad to puroham a naw for tha tawn liall thabutlnfcm of tlt aaloa wb tom puud at a quartar to uhva miutary parade at hamiltom the imth batuhon turned out 000 strntr with arauahd and plfa and drtitn dad actom platoow w0m laubel3 uia 1rl iitohiliution of tba variou putoona of tha hi lib lulton ittifurln iui talloiiuuwmlf wbjiqullaanavant forbotb oliloani ami mad the oooui waa ui aooapuno of tha inviutlao to partlctjuu in tba big pawl ami kwlaw at habilllon tk various units at acton ilurllagtoo oachtowu oakwiu orauftvllu hui lkurna and tlraad valuy iiuhilixd at mlltod tha h4jquarur of lit iltlalioi on vrtday morning tlta tfumoon waa ijtaiit in itattallon drill ami for tb flril inohilliatlon of lb 104th tlia tnan du end it to tuaulu6i and tlwlr onicar col lloalvliu lb ollumt coolblindlllg wu muck iuaud iti tha 000 oftkwta and man who putulpatad afur aa auly brkf at tb ulltom boula tb utulun hua1b1 by c p 1l for hamilton to pattlclpat in tlia bl paid with tba llftaao ubar bituliou and uaturua which uoblllud for lit ravuw tlta trut proved to ba tba utfgw uilttary avent vr an in llamllloo tharo wara 0030 oalowr and man in tb parada which waa mad up aa follow i uouaud rltu i luut col w c urooka w0 hlih luu- t luut col w r fltawatt floo ullh lult t luuucol w w buwut io00 mth uatl i luulcoi ha rom hoo 120th kuu llulcol j u faaruian ww i2th uatl i llaulcol m e i cutciict 10o0 120tb uatl i luut col w e 8 knowua ioo 47lh uatury c e v i major tum 121 lolth lutt liaul col i dooivtll coo 173rd 1uu i llauucol w ii uruoa 000 auth lutl t luutcol r it uoodl 300 plret can engine i iiuu l lloblawmi 20 istk ilagluant i luutcol r- h- rohlnaon 400 olst iiigblindar i lutitcol w dallay 400 obituary 000 100 rtaxskbdaspood atlauaad baa baan known uwwgbout bls torlo unio to poaaaaa woodarfdl food and uadlolnal pfoftatuaa tfco itobuuia fad it to alavaa to kaap tbata la ooadluou and bealtib tba etvluaad pauta au xonarally raballad at ita llnaaad odor and taata it ba ntaaload fora pbyalehut to dlaoavar a aaathad at drmng okygan oat of tba llawad all by alaqbloliy ebanglng tb oil into a waala odorlaaa and tattalaaa at aureb yt laavlair food and uadlelaal proparuaa uu cjbanfad thla la bow uaod in dr jaokaooa fonianmaaltjaltndtbatbatnoatnoaruli- in food bold and a poaltlva rauaf to tba i dyapapuo and oonatlpatad moac krooara tall it uadaby iioohui uaal company toronto canada hotna guard i capt a a p powla raturnad aaullara i major v l duoluuun total 80s0 tba tiluung baaa waa id cora park ek- taoaloa on king btraat and sir john a naodrl raoalvad tba ulutaa wltb him at tb baa war brlgadleroaoara w a lost ooo 2nd military du- ulot col 8 g mewbura aao i llauuool labatt ilaadquartera i col caldwell rce t ami col abu vraser adc to tb uautanatoovaraor and a number of recruiting aad other military and civ a official mr n w rows k 0 u p p waa preaantat tha invitation of mayor walters under who initiative tba parada waa arranged tba parada led by prlgaillervtlanaral log la officer commending tb second dlvlilonal area marched off promptly from tba armorlea on tha utroks of 2 oolock tb route waa aean mllee in ungtb tba men traveraed jamka street king to sherman avenue hirton jamaa king juaeo iferldmer luy main and john streeta unite join tba parade at arloua point jnnt e they did in toronto at tha partula there on tlm ut march it u estimated tliat ao000 to 00000 people wltiumaed lb tuuada tb city wan bright with tli union jack and tba oanadun emblem tlannore and bright hunting were dlaplayed aoroaa jamea and king streeti in korgooua pioluiloa and wa war wearing mlulatura union jaoka every wbera tba omoera und men of acton platoon who participated were an followa i cait ptdliatt 1111 t iuv llllv klishuhy car codk pie layoock hwackhaiiior lnuttet coorgo 11 mlllaj mattliowa 11 mbtnviali sinelhural mille w j lie andanon manb atklnaon lvrry lurr paw creamer perrytnan cooiiey j j pdltar ooonay u uudman clifford radford cook a uljohn deforeht a bomr deforeet r swaokhamer kaadewn boarrow kieon rtewart il vtutr buwartkc kaley waum uataluk walur hi has lts trrilily audden wn uto he to thn friend bera of tho iltwtli of mu huuti dunn of chatham on tueaday bit bail iteen in gooil health but was taken with haute indlgattlon which waa follower by heart failure ami her brother and other frlenda itero were overwltebntxl with the newa of berdeath on tueeduy mlw dunn wan the daughter of tba ut jamoa lunn bitdwaaltorti on lot 21 eecond line km qumlng twenty aeven year ago alia removed wflh iter fatlter to paterboro and ebortly afur to chatham bhe waa the oompahlon of iter father durliig bin declin ing year lie mollier died in ibm and bar father a veay ago ul ueoember of the tan aorta atld daugbteru of tba home all nurvlve but two mua ihinnwaa a devout member ot tba roman catbollo church tli remain were brought to acton but evening to tba bom of mr john ihinn her brother main street tlie funeral will i held tbla morning at ton oclock to st joaepha church and tbeno to dublin cemetery fw intermeivt a historic house ptwllher tboy oattaluly made afln looking aqtuul u tbay marched ujt mill street to taka tba alght oolook train on vrlday morning it baa bean freely auted that for aoldlerly bearing afneunoy lndrlll uanoeuvr aatl tnarohlbg aa wall aa for good conduct throughout tba two day outing aotots plataoa mad a bauar ahowlng tluw any other platoon in tba lattaljoai aoton baaalwaya baan proud of bar tnao and wo congratulate tbetn upon ut apuodld rpu uuon tba bay alr earned bhawa bttaloaaa rcboola toronto ara reomlungyoung woman in paruonbufto train for tba reaka in baabmaa fjf tbal demand for btaoograpliarb andotba aaala i tantawmanavaraokaaa tbawaobooudo i ttot oloae durlnn tba witn aaontae ww tvfidat burud to yranclau tha blbu ihta khqiuii about two tallea from tbu uld mar ket town of chipping bodbury eng land atanda an old tlm bouaa buown aa fjltlo bodbury manor boua wblch qulto apart from ita celebrity aa oca of the oldeat example of domeeuo ar chil ecturo in aiouceaterablra haw bead juilly atyled tba blrtbpuca of tb eusllau ulbu lu otio of tba old rootaa wutum tyndala who lived tbera toe two yeara coucelved tb idea and eoai- tneucod tba work of traueullng tb new testament lota engluh lu 121 blr john wauh owtuf of tb tuanor bou bad uwl o a chap ulu mid tutor toe hi children aad hu cholca fell upou tyudala who bad juat compuud hu uulverelty careat tyudala waa in grwat favor wltb hi tnaater who aueouraged blw id tb great work ba bad undertaken it la quit poaalbl tbat tba tranau- lion would have bu computed bar buttyndala hiving axproeiod bucpla- louu too freely to tb neighboring eur- gy fouud llmeelj aacratly cbafsad with bereay and aututuouad to appear before- tb chancellor of tb dlooeaa although at tb tlm bo waa merely admouubbd b did uot couakler it hf fo coutlouo lu lha inauor bou tltervby luvolvlug lite patron in dau- gir ao b left aud proceeded wllb ida treualatlou fa london chrulun bcl- utca monitor rachel at reh a ftle a6blun that inaolrvd th qrt yragedleth ut u rwlato to you a llttlo ramtnu- euc which marl laureut cave to of rachel klua falls rachel famou wftacb tragedutiu sua aald tbat one wbetl tb waa rabaralng lb aulvaut in lea horae racbol waa dutraeeed bacaus aba could uot put iufflcleot expreaaloa into tb cure tlmi catuul pronouocad oo uor brother aft- w b bad alatigbterod bor lover wbll tb waa laborincr in thai at tempt culag dryer orery moment a aha baraelf expraaaed it no into via tbat wu being turned at rapid paw by a larga acrew eauffbt a hncr of ona of tba atago ucbaula aud ertuibed it till tba blood ran down kv- ary on screamed rachel fdlntod on rocoverlng conaclouaneaa aba aald bom drops from the uiaiinlfrd tlncor of a utrangftr made ma faint jot i could look at a aword covered wb th ur blood of tuy dcaroat mid only rant blia then burled forth tba fa tuous imprecation do camilla in a way that brought every hammer on lha augo to a atandatlll and atruck ter ror to ua all prince laurovlcb- ixrebeltanovlcb in century uagatlna bowlaf hat although according to blr jam uaton th bowler hat was wora by tho auclaat oroeka ii baautla war uot ducovewd by kuglubtoea uttui about a century ago ur a m w stirling tb blogtn- pbor of ook or norfolk taya that it waa flrat mad faablonabl by cokee uepbaw william coke who decided that a bat originally dealgned by wil liam rowler n bntter in tba borough would suit bu requirement to lb popularity of iillly coka la generally aactibad tha word billycock but ttb cfttoe murray thinks otherwla ttio new unomiih dlcuonary traeen ita origin to uully eockd need mi probably ucaulng cockd after tb fiahlou of th liulllaa xondott opinion hauaahold halpa orton it u difficult to run th rod through freably laundered aah ear- talua thu can it mad rur by plac ing an old glove finger over lb and of- tbo curtain rod often a comparathely new hot water bottlo will get a little hole in it tho bolo cau it ihcndexl by covering it with aavernl applications of court plnalernl- lowing each nppllrnttnn to dry be for another u ndded a taahpoonful of mmmoii unit puced in tho itotloui uf n uprowiio luiui will tunk it give n cleur ilulil and prevent it from amoklng womnna magualna pletarlal waah llat pretty ohl inveiithuix nrt nur numlern wnah iui the old tlennuii hoiia wlfo hnd nn odd vuy nf licvpliig traik of the gnriuonth h- gtitp nut to be wnalied phi bud ti plrliire of enrli ffrtlcle iw wrote down hie miiiilier uf everything iipoulit to it will n piece of chalk which uu ruldusi mil when the a hide won rrlurimhl to ite used again tbu uuxt veek it wum rtinlly a pictorial und iurtiiin wnlt iul whan ha waa lavlah u prcauuie you atlll tvnuinlwr your wedding trlpr yea indeed and i often wuh that tny huibatid lind conflnned to rnre an lllth far tuoney ne ho aominl to on that oret journey w took mgctliar detroit free praaa hla detlnltlan deakle belug tlreaouto that fellow baa u voice which goea right through you yea ive noticed liev aouoihlng of bore balumor american a dd reaaan what nuke yon think air ibut i will not b able to auprutrt your daugb tv walb 1 bavat beau ahb to my balf tb man of bralna tlirucnilloa anruotint or nvoldatbeni the fool nodlfllcaltua fj lliiiar piptietiiwe d amniversahy mr and mrs rtohard arahnm i georgetown colobrata tholr ooldeh wedding l on ivuhiy mutch hrd the rnldoiire af rlohard orahum mnpln avenue fuornit tokti wm llm ftcno ol n very happy tivenl when their children und grandohlldroit uumlterlng n lu all gathered tut a uurprlite to litem looelcbrutelheflliletliannlvenary of their wedding mr omham lived on lot l- aevonthllne kuptealng tlte urin on which be waa itorn on tli iath january imh until a few month ago he waa married to alio ann coyn on tha jlth january 1h00 at the home of the hriileu parent the lata mr and mm tleorga coyne trafalgar after their marriage they vront to their home on lot 12 oon 7 ewquatlng and there lived for fifty yeara iiicm were itorn aeven children an follow a mr e o huffman etqueelng j xlra n v lindaay acton i mr joint il crahain l ura j e llalnea toronto i mr o w c flraham toronto i dr w j graham ilreokllu n y ami mr it j oralum on tlte itoitumlead all were preeent at tit oeubratlon with tlia exception of dr and mra w j oraliatn urooklyu n v mr graham itaa built a very oomforiable itorn on mapu avenue georgetown where tliey now reside mr and mra oraham era metltodula mr oraltath wu reeve and councillor for tit township of e qumlug for twenty ave yeeiv ii 1m haa nett a member ol the im and helton iiieurano board for thirty years of which h u atllla member th family luretented mr and mra creham with veluahu tremata may utay belong itpared to enjoy them her aid cbews0h3 cohhebs th mthojit church arvlc her wr withdrawn on sumuy morning to tiij th member to atteiul tli anniversary aarvloe at slloam mr morgan crewwm jr and umlly moved from pudlnch ukt week to their foruer horn iter tholr many fruml welooiit theia back again mr uorg iximpar who itad bean working in lualph cam itorn about two weeka ago aufiwing wltb a tor throat which at irt ut doctor utought to ba totutllltu it later davelottad into dlplt theru th hoitveliaabn quarantined to prevent tit tprwd of thu dreaded dima hct0n i j i v jii xi x and bus lik16 havlug purchased tho llveryaud goodwill of 111 huulneu from mr a mccann i tollclt with confidence the patronage of tho public comfortable rigs aupplled at rroaonablo rated special attention to supplying conveyance for wedding and funerals motor cars furnished when re quired bue ubr all tbalhej l e atkinson mui st acton oiit tliriloueoy quality groceries am provisions pour i mporunt point clcaullne quality price titled o tbeni service you are en- areceile bread and meat flour and pastry vegetable vrulta aud confecllonery the nobility dlaculto the beat soda on the market j r livingstone spring novelties in bright new goods x new waists in silk crcpc and voileii in white black and natural ohant- ing all the new ideas lone nleevcn twoway collant etc very attractive valued new collars in profuiiion of stj lei and materials verv special french kid gloves in white hlack tans and browns- scarce goods at 110 a pair limited quantitv ladies plain caahmetc hose black sizes 8j to 10 at a pairiific iloc 3tfc 4dc imported ginghams in checks and fancies i c and l4jc a yard special valves in linen hand toweling thin week from old contract five patterns at lijjc a yard henderson co i mill st acton oni x i iijmiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih byes right military social event to be held in the town hall acton on thursday evening march 20th leishmanu orchestra mt clasa floor under the auspices of actons own platoon co mo and enjoy yourselves ltcol p domvilie o c i64th battalion admission fitc euchre at 8 30 p m god save the king children dry fob fletchers oastor1a j ihsl start now tlieroa no time like tha preteut put off uavlng and you will never accum ulate a competence start a kuvlug account at the dank of hamilton today small atmit recelvad from iao upward capital paiduo fjjm0bm w nt urpma imrtm oeoltgetown branch llaaaiar bread 8c per loaf as we have a large contract lor hour we are prepared to give to the public of acton and vicinity our superior quality bread for 8c per loaf and our high grade ol quality will be the tame it is also wrapped in waxed paper which keeps it clean from dirt arid germs it beeps the goodness in tho bread we do not claim it to be never 1 stale but we guarantee it to keep fresh at least four or five days take advantage of this price watch our window lor fancy baking hurford chisliolm superior bakery acton ontario free a poet card addreaaed to u a below with your nam and address onlyou the other aide will coat but ona tnt drop it id thapeafeat mall hoicnnd uwluhrlmf prompt ly a copy of our louatrated dpnile catalodu for 1018 with it will coma alio free a j be packet of byron fink tomato a porfotiiy formed tomato tho byron pink la uniform lartlo and nttrnctlvi tito lloili u firm oml llie llavor uellclou and fullbodied it 1 1 i robust grower mid a heavy cropper it u nn ideal tomato for fofcintt you are linlnil to buy rood anyway then you hildht juit n well send for our cutuloiiuo midget tlila freo premium for youreelf prtmluma wjilch uti ffhv vuk vwrj njr daucii hurnrtn seed ca liurrcu london ontario canada tntd wad lauaie specials for this week mens winter underwear reg 100 for mens shoes reg 500 for another lino of siiucb reg 375 for rubbers reg 1 00 lor heavy rubbers and socks reg 325 or all soap 0 for 2tfc sugar a few other linos at reduced prices this week only a lot of mens pants at clearing prices 40 j 385 1 ml r2s 7u shxe i the brlok store opposite new poat office hkm wanted r irinniljlnn miliar on uortuj klut 1 ilaoq wntw stonily ha it 00 la uwatiemt rwtaj linn ataniuu uok 101 fliun itium obh aclon oni ilehi livfjlifirtincmfiun at huihabiu ffajnrth acton it w aviuon maud mlnleuf sunday makloil uutut am suhjiilt nvwthtittnuntmulli olik tlnit nliiilu 1ivl iiiiiiutu uormou to tho imyii aud lrln allllloiii i icniin lltu vory iliougllt oflhlu p m h11l1jclt tim ulucoril of bin anlhuiii 1 in liliivtnly love abid ing 3 lndfli clmnia all thy woikuiilibll lr lino tiill hiimlay sclionl ut 3 m n in itevlow siiinhiy pnuornmil miviiir pklurou hiltlnl nun kul pructleo for eauter s u 11 tiny atih wtclgomu skttmnfl estates will v you imvn lnil lvirtlititf hwaa4ry in e nn nor ii 011 ulll llin inliliiijt ol kit fiatatn lull tnur uwvnt v wlalilllabarluarlai in lha atlloh khli illlluh ht1 toil hale kuuov hitter two iiiikhmi eoitiltluii k ona oclock any day i brick itehldknce voil halm kt cdiiilorulild liilcu reilltuae nullie ntner of kllll ail wslllnulnn hlrt 1 llio hiiuinr olcrtrla llalil auj u la ill i con juiot i inu nuwlv ruililil atjly ii wtltmiml lllt naailan carktakeh wanted cauutakuil wanlml far aaatawn ilub hclinnl lutu in o tniusnoj 11x11 ut tilts waul ibtitl lumll 1 i null i nil lot mtil44e wauling iiqiii work atv lor furlnar piruaa- j a wltlolioiuiv chairman ol utah lulioil urj jtorgdtawuoiil hordes for salie limkan also mar in foal ami eariufee tuara rlitua tlva yaara- irlra ami urtua tmwuail ii v a k i v innatruu lialllnafaj 1 lit tlirar eon eavou m if for babe main urea willi ii ml anil uiiw frolt it halo buiou roilli ni hani am anil water fro it lodlrlo halm ilonlila itarlnr rtii eluld koom llialian ami iilrv wtmlulie1 roar badisooca a iil oloala uiuulru two cellar wllli fnrmae alaoa happy tiihuqiii lano aiut etlar rtuwl- turalnioit naw fur ula vor twtlauuta n p uoeixu j- rwrmaj in alt rnunlrico auk for our inventoh avuvlslii which will ho ncnt fwa mai1ton a hajioh kit unusnilty ht montukal p new wonder- land theatre p pntdav man s4 llttlo pal s pnrtn with mary pi lit ford batundav mali so tho garden uf lien with jane ccuil in 5 1 art monday maii 07 ipincidu 3 if the nrokon coin stnrtlnk with tliuradoy april 6 thin tlil c v 111 iwi open every tluirnil1 wailh thiunpace neat week for n liat uf pox production to be houn nn i liursdajn d rl gregory d o the hub tho fori f n milt mi want la 0110 uliuh tito nml ihoiniea ou ami uliuh liiiifnrniu to tho other kmiunlii uf both mylu nnd the iniiiilj if mui ruiliy know juut hw llm ttluh mi- in iko imiv and unr iiki wmild ill liinju bare ordir voir spiinif hull nnw nnd rli imr thoko of ilm now uprinif ucmlllll geo f ariicw ouslom tnlloi mill st aelon a spring furnishings our ltiriiishni dcpirt- mtnt iw alreidy in spring arriv it bhioms hku a gaidtn with tll the latest ttyles and noveltifh in neckwear shlrls gloves hosiery underwear hats caps the mipcriority of our selections makes every art icle of haberdashery a bargain you will find here tho now thingh that havent yel reached the other chops george wallace hattbsh and iiuikiidabhkla guelph ont

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