Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1916, p. 3

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wedding and birthday presents wedding llltigii hniitii clilnn mid ctit glaus 1147 llcguru hllvorwnro novoltlcu in kouvcmr ooodw marriage ucohrou ituuod geo i1yjstds real estate syauttt tor bale in ualtoti lcl nd wclllustou 4uo tartan tor mile every suo mr you wnut u otruwrlm tale for rutulogue or if y oil wluli to urll or exchange write kue we liuve every inrlllty lor truntmrtlua imuiiicuu to yonr complete uallulhrtlom 4orreu- pondeuee uollruet j a willolitlillly farm welling wiieclnllst tleortfetowu ffibe ttin tit jwss thursday 11 aucii to mill brief local items the ui running now sleighing l nnllruly plujul out april will lie mhorod in on haturdev these hind bimy ittjo for tho ttugar tuskers hprlng work ii looming up in volume klotor cars ero iwhig lurhuhcd up for the fcssid ebuurdsy will la alt 1ocli day tlobtna aro hero in numltor now a hook of d ticks flour northward on monday uv ltynd was at hilton on tuoa day aiundluif 11 masting ol tlie county cotuttiu the mild weather imw cut out the short drfv over tlto ice of fairy i alto from the first line into town the yum im h 1 cm supply nil ordorn lot butw wrappara promptly and printed will your own design tbeorllliaclot6- tho woman who u not engaged in had cvmw worb bssdass good an oxamo a tliu man wlio is not lo khabl t eddlllonal tin d school in llalton will umii ugriootiura tlilu juir limiting in all twur that lio undertaken thin uorb up to the ptwllt today iaw acliild go down lhomct smllleg with pusu willow i utl in liuml the downy cat lint opened tor my fcot din gates of fairy iuiij ur ii w ttinruiu of chicago 111 a former acton lioy haa kindly mint to ii i uoore bocrotary acton patriotic i- und a cheque for 81000 like eating advertising hhould bo con utmous whan to tiny 4 dintier will no twerfar to morroit advertising limy enfoly be done on tho tamo principle tlie people who failed to loup their pavements clean uoro re ioiihiiiio lor cry slushy walking for iwdcuriann on tlunday sad or b day or two afterward- the liaavy thaw fouid wilier ootirnoa jul slaru bsera full of ico in mima pluxcs in town and e number of collaru wvrodnm pad with wucral ftiot of untor ybe eaquanlug fannar who nogtoclod hl llw ftloeu and uat proauntud hy tho uuuutt society was llnod j1 00 and coats by uaschitrau lko of milton laktwcuh tlunbari who u ooiitinuallj knocking to town and evorj thing in it li a nulaanoe and n aborai nation wly doca ancli a tun nralan in u town which it not to iiim 1 1 wing in an effort to du u blimu towurd hhater protluctioi a hen i thinking to mr jfiu bwrklatritklaiilmiigutlii ualgli j m ox kitd iiuaiiril 1 j in ly u in uflmld rv k ooanoll of momumer unlor ilty toronto who pro mho i vury ckcollont neratona in tho hap ut church lustunility u aitfmoted to oeoufiy tho put pit again next ftuiuuy itonotlons to tho itol crow fundi hive juat iteen rccckcl and nro liorahy kindly aobnowlwlgcd aw follow hohout beetlon no 0 nutmignucgii mlv annlo uadanald ttiachor jh nnd fnim dun- uookltumbohoo lmpioning mlrn a uroti teioher u 00 ur u ialtern0iiicnt for th- tonl totirlogctjr basu gootl atoou of tliom h uur and low prjod motor earn ut hh gar iff the btinauitcomont in another col- uuh u worth tho caintltlorutlon of all who wlib to provide for healthful enjojmont for ibeuwlvee knuttlioir fatnlllou llltloutoilyiicoik hnightcr of corp cook fell honoiitli tlio runner of a furmoru iuigh lml wednoaduy if tm nonn on mill street whllo hanglngonlwln thorunnor etruok her log hmllng ltptfiifiillytiurtho tirnierwaji driving slowly mid iitqipnd ut onoe the liltlo laio in uunt nil rl1it hassaoaweya bid iul pathetic wah tho uuihlen ilunth of william o addcrooii oon of willlnm andarftan who htoly rdinat ml to luolph whowa kllll in tho ruiluii wreck at ldtt ordlt taut ivlduy tnnrftliif dint lwo week before u1i0 tirlgtit youiir nnin loft hlalioihato taboo fioiitlqii 111 liitnnan on uwo t m tlio niuialint wtu hrouuht totlia horns of ida alitor mia hurninn urberifdo and from tliuro t 10 funeral una bld la moffat on htind ly aftonioon tbn wen a very largo nttoiulanco tba iroada have lon very laid tliiauoek la driving to aoton on momla hov mr carutw cutter w41 npoot in u oouplo nf feb of viur tlid mlhundurhtuiijmg an to romutilrj hon for tlio wrulma of mr xv ii ta lor tb urolilltiot of kluniekor church lmtucon bint and tin trunleo hoard nf thn cliurth istma before a board of urhltration ut acton on monday tha hoard wm oomposad of fuevecawpliell iloofollyiidh or aoton and if uooro j v afior inuring atnauof vldenca on laith biiium an award off 160 wa made a tint luilunoo duo to mr voylor cbewb co tbemlld westwof the fhthb fow di hfc apolled tlio blelglilng but rnory one will bo gbtd to welcome tlio firing ur x bumalde mw the flmt rohln reported around hero lat uocl in a tree in hie yrd hm idl aid met in lliootiurolillero yesterday afternoon mr and ur a crlpjm acbm ujient ottnday with wood hero news of local import wnnttid 1 good tlvo moway mown ifuio j on any uowutaunlthandltort cnnoiiituliuhit huppaii to inoothhii utotlio tuloiliono or dm mull von will ho help lug to mako yonr town mier of uroaur in- toroht nnd ihorchy iiorio i ho gnoral oom miiiilty uu woll nu lmo a good foaling of hoipfiihieuujourmlf mrs john c watson crltloally 111 for oaviirat woeka mm itotm c wauon of tho fifth line waa troubled with an iilccrntcd tooth wood polfouliigfollovted and thla week gangrene ut in au a hult mru wataou la in a critical condition mid ery allht iooii are entertalnad for bor reoovory tho caito oalla forth finer id aytnpatliy clonn up for spflnar now that spring la at band hit doulrahle thntovoryhouaebolder oiould arrange for a ganernlatoan up when the loo ami know gat away tim hoard of health i anxloua to enniire good oanltnr coudltloua in town nml clliwii generally can lend n band ao that tba good work will be thorough and itntufaotory durnod churoh kfortgotfo at the nlher jubilee aervloeaof tliemeth ouat church milton which war held hut wool one of thu innat inureating featurm uaa the burning of the mortgage the piutor hov c 1 drafkor and the inein lr of the trust and ofllalal lloanla bate iteen muoh gratldwl at the auomau tnarbing tho juhllae tervlou aa a mllmtone of j 1 ro re in methodist missionary armlvortary mlhalonary anniversary brvloa will 1 bald in tho methodist church next buujny much inlcrfht la felt in the vltlt of rev a t crutchor mlulouary from clunatu china who will praoh morning and avau ing thepromnco of an acthe miulotiary from the foreign ilald will add a neat to the healthy uilmlouary activities of the church on hit inlay heal bad roads mow the mild wtather and rain hava preolp lutcil had roada with a ruili tlvo deap snow and tlio altico of froian hollows after the thaw in itobruary mails the roada dangorout on monday ami tuesday- home of tho farmer who atlempud lo gat to town found it mtaafe travailing and return cd horns hod roada are likely to prevail in uomo tiartara until ilia froat u out destroy tho first ply the bright auuny daya of march and april aro au induromant for lha bouts fly to awir an early alart in dcclrojbig tliobo iotu ahould l made on tlio flrnt ily tmiti mid tlio gooil work ohauld lo conniat iitlyandirotvolycurrlod on the dee ti net ion of tho early fly will mean tho aav ing of vnluahls livoa aa there la no itioro porl stent carrier and distributor of 1imm than the house ily llout a 0 hondareon injured 1rov lloui a o ifonderaon of tho 20tb iuiinn uiltaa who mat with an accident ut tho hohool of inutructlon toronto laat friday and baa boon in tho tmorgenoy honplul over iilnco la roporud to be mab ing futl fnatory prog nun lieut ifan- dorton bad a bad full oa tho roault of which tho vertebra of bianecb ware brokan but fortunately without injury tothoanfnal cord ifo in evpoctad to reoovor got position in georgetown mr jamot fobey has been appointed irotubor of the high school building and grounds at floorgo tow 11 ifo ootnmenood biadutloa in the naw poiltion on tuoatley and will romao to oeorgetowii shortly mr anil mm lackoy havo been roaldflnta of acton for twenty joara and will uavo many warm friend hero mr lackey has liaou a uooful citlien and haa dons hia bit in puhlio ollloe 11 woll in church slid frionilly aocioty olrclea tho itoat wuhav il all go tilth him paris franco ulustratod ivuima cliurah ima urrangad with a rtlnhaconlui id on to yhe hla popular io- tiironn iaria illustrated with baautifu lantoiu viowh in tlui town hall on monday evening i oth april thaw who hoard hov mr davldaonu lecture on london a oouplo of month ago are very anvloua to boar thla lecture ami aoe the plotures of thl beautiful oily so prominent jiut now he- oiuaoof its intlmata relation to the war the tcnturo u 111 lw well worthy the atten- anoo of tho general public boys and girls 1 sond us mows honiatif tho hoyn mid girls who liavo iniulu a fciiocoaa in life woro at one tluio ntry cirroipondontji for nowapspers tliorouro faw liatter wai that a peroo cun help dovolap bis or her oduoatlon than byoorrospondlng for a boms pjpar like the fiiih pocua at tho aama time ilia pnliluhinirof theaewa from a tooillty ad vortiiou it and helps to build it uji vou til tw doing tlio community in which you llvougooil oervioo if you writs tlio local a to youi homo iapor prom general mllltla ordern ith rsgliubiit hal ton ulfloa to bo cjptnlu liautonuit w j popplatt 12tli nly idin to bo provisional lloutotuntu in porn umnnir i hugh lnnnur i lumulou fmiloricb henry raid frank holmrunii mncunnull hugh buchanan muoplieraou foul vvoimtor froden burgh joo huo llmitor james henry ivdloy kdward tiunot mruirs harry j rover ilrooka john jordan kupnedy william kdward cans huturt wealoy powell fiydnsy wllaoti oirjmnm maeleod itutchoion william aubrey rolilnaon lr g t r wroolc at georgetown there wna a big wreck on tits grand trunk at goorijctowit early friday morn ing which cninpletoly hooked tho road fur ulnhfc hours it was a fluht hir end coh lialoti latuol lulling ooveral caw ami mend ing one of the engines into scrap in lis ditch tho vjttwkag wan piled high for nomodlatauoe bub fortunately no peraoo was hurt the paiengers from toronto woro transferred from one lua of tta wreck the othor and tbaao duo in acuin kmchul hereabout noun tliere weim no torontu fiapora dulkored until a id in the evening and oonaiquuntly many ure dia uppolilod thoaeieu tiloa mul 1110 a m trains from the weu came as far aa aoton and then returned togualph obituary catarrh cannot be cubed with local applications as thsy can not reach tho aesb of tho ulaeam cbtarth la a local diam greatly inhueno lujltious hauiu john maluknxiu when mr h d markouxle lfl aalon ullb hu aoii and family luvt dune fur ooorgetowu hla frlnnd horrt folt that it wuu not likely ho wauhl roturn two yearn ago in january he uufferod from n at rob o of paralysla and while he was able to ixi alwut ha never was very ainart after word hx waoku tfora his doath bo waa oomplatoly paralysed olionoaljo tonthir- ly he was mlnuterod to during bis weeks of halpieaaneu and bo passed peacefully away ou tlmraday evening illrdlnat looeam1 mmn a native of kuptealug towiuhip and ttasbsrncn lot 21 con 1 on tlio farm which hla father the late john maokenxle recoked from tho crown for hla services as a ilritkh soldier hla father fought in the battle of waterloo and later as a member of tholtoyal happen and miners waa sous to do garritaii duty at quebec in ih14 lis received the above farm and there in ih10 ida son hatnuel john the subject of this bkatoh was born he was marrud in ih7o tollartiara lloyd of huron county their family oonkltted of a son and a daughter john uoytl architect and contractor of abton and leorgetcwu and mrs john millard who with her huihand reside on tlus bomealeail mrs maokenile died twenty years ago last june tweheyears ago the family left lha farm sod cams to acton moat of that time mr maokenuls lias resided with hla sou ite waa a man ef qulot deposition a good neighbor and highly esteemed he was a member ef the presbyterian church the funeral was held on baturday afternoon from tho home or mr and mru john millard and inter- ment took placo at falrvlaw cemetery i lev mr camarou of leorgvlowu and itev mr wllwin of aclon cunduoled the fuueral sarvlcea not anxious for liquor business many druggists would generally prefer not to bo publla dispensers the now prohibition law as introduced latt woeb practically hands ovir audi sales of liquor as are permitted to the drug atora of the province each aale to he registered in the name of the purchasar drugslau go n orally do not relluh lliia aeotion of tlio law many of them having dlacoitinued tie sale of liquor and occlud ed it from their mock tho ouelph mercury interviewed the irugfllsta o that city loit week and the larlouu drugiflata interv cvkhi cnjirewod llionioohoauu follows i j o mckue the now law tuabss no difforenoo to us it is eight yearn now nhioe i quit handling liquor in any form liquor has no pluoe lo n drug store i do not want the hualneaa mr hroaufoot i have always steered clear of it and i certainly am not been to tor the buslnoaa ut all as a matter of fact thoro la very little used in prescription work mr hogardun in the last 13 years ws havo aold nono hero oicept wliat uttlo light ha in proacrlptlona and that was vory little it remains very largely with tho druggists themuheo if they do not want that claa of business they can put their foot down on it very fust we are not compelled to fill a prescription from a doctor mr aiox btowart i think the now provlulon 1 a mistake i have already written to several of the members of tho legislature in toronto with reference to it and liao taken it up ub a member of the council of pharmacy i dont suppose we hat o sold a gallon of liquor ite re in the but twoyoars in prescriptions in foot we have always discouraged tho aulas h potrio i haent sold any liquor btro for tho hint ni no years und i dont wmil tho hualnma ut nil we dont even havo it horu for prescription purposes and tharo ih not a drop in this more we havo eten discarded may lines of wines and invalid medio loos for tlio same reason i do nob want the buslusas at all mr sib stewart i have never bail any liquor here aluce i startod in business thedomaud that la often mab fair lb in a drugstore isllugitlniata itonlytakaaone- half the time to tell a peraan uwb you havo not got any in stock that it does to en plain to him tho reasons why you cannot asll lb to him having it for aale would only get druggist into hot water a drug store la muoh bettor without it mr w it noattleihugglats goner- ally do not want ilia business but x am certain they would do their utmost to curtail the wds as much ai possible mr a t brown aoton aayai i have always discouraged ths sals of liquor by druggists bonis years ago i decided to discontinue to stock liquor for any purpose but tho doctors requested that i keep a little for pretarlptlons th new law will make nodiltiironoe lo me and sale of liquor will not bolncressod in my store when the new law goes into effoat cd by mnsutulloaal i iditiotim and in order to cure it you must lake an internal remedy halls catarrh cuia u taken internally and aou through the blood on the inuoouh surface of the system halls catarrh cure waa prescribed by ou of the liest physicians in thl country for years it is composed of some of the best tonics known oom blued with seme of the bees bleed purifiers th perfoee combination of thtt ingredients la halls catarrh carols what produces suoh wonderful results in catarrhal conditions bend for testimoni al free fj ciiknbv ft co props toledo o all ihugsjuts 7ae halls family pills for ecstlpauoti a porher aoton boy eh lists pto wm andrew jr of bumbaak han bonds rollowlnif inter esting- noto teo years ago mr jsmos andrew left anton and settled at uurnbsiik man no lefe nutnuroua frlsudsbera who have bean pleased to learn from time to time of hla auoocsi in the wol tlio following loiter from his son william who enllstoil some tlmosgottt wlniiliwg will ho read with intonst i kditor acton full ihus ikurir moore i ilalugafarmar acton boy i thouflht i uouh drop you a ifmt to uy that 1 tuul enlisted with tho 100th l i v ilalulloii tiowauttoned at witinl wg recruitlug is being done very fast in the woalorn provinces you will perhaps know my father james andrew belter than you do mo i was juat twelve fnra of ago when vio left ac ton i vlaltod acton two winters ajpi and igavajou acall oneday while i was tliere i au now twenty two j ears of age i ma by tlie fuku iukas that a lot of aoton bojahavotgoue x ihlnh lb is every mails duty to fight for king and oountry if be can pomilhiy do so wo aro going to have a ute spring this year wo had a terrible lot of snow hut winter nod lb hasnt gone yet- this is the first day of iprlug but it a not muoh ilka it 1 am on leave just now for ten days and 1 havo to rport nest monday with klud regards and fond tnsroorles of old anton i am your sincere friend wm amumw llumhank man march 2ut win the iron jma1den hsi dread bmhrsoa msant crusi and csrtaln datb ill mi iincumt ion or ut nuromlwrg n nhniilio lluilhi in ubown to lultorw it in iillnt tho iiuiirnv jlliijffrntl iron miiukin boiuiliiu it hmkn lluo u woman iliimmd in rimly iron at nlmut tho unlwl mo txmi tiiimlku by inoiinu of nlilch iho front nf tho llgtiro is opened m hlnifin llbo two duors from tlio i liln down louvltiu tlio fneo tuibep urn led llio iuniy nnd itinusho doors bristle hmtdo wllb uplkcs nil nlinrp nu dac ucrm iiliont tuonty of which point liv wind lounrd tlio chout nnd two of uiilii loimor thnu tho olbors ore fixed ttiuldo iho furo behind tlio oyes llio klucriio jutigfmu wnu mi inslni ment of tikccutloii rcucrvod for shnmo- lesu woiiion wliou ono of thoso was condom nod to dentil alio wnn placed lu- ulilo tho llgnro mid iho doors were tloacd tills forced tho uplkcs into bev vltnl nrgoiis mid tlirotijjli hor oyes into lar hrnln death wan quick or alow accord ingto tho upced with which tho doors woro closed tho imso of iho ogiiro is n trapdoor wliou iho doors woro opened and ths victim freed from tlio nplkos tho trap door was apning and her body dropped tlirouah a deep liolo into n torrent that still flows under tlio caul to a lip of a fow pfemiluu will 1 1 live the nolo lltthted willi electric latnpa nnd tlio visiter can look down mid nee the dnrk water thus completing llio trauody lu bis lnv agluatlou now york world when a woman rides horseback like a knati she might to know enough not to get off a street oar backwards shail food- yhey are aa neurlshlhd aa calfs pee jelly and ttaay to raise all snails uro idlblu mid nutritious says cntion horltiy in ii book on ilrlt- isli bind nnd frvnli uatcr molltisks iio gaea on to sii that orcn llio com moil or cordon xiinll tboiifth insliild is as nourlslilng nu rnlfa foot jolly til pro u ii inroo wlilto shelled nuall called iiulu wmndii hint u common ly cnten l caiinohincuni in tho noulli of ciibland wlilto nil over irnnco it aly und spain uovernl hucicu nro used ns food in irniko tluro nro mmiy aiiull fiirniu whlili i itid n good profit to tholi owucro in tho ironch und italian quartora of nnv vorb annllo may ho brought clllicr nllo or tnobod nnd nt inuat of tho irt nib ivotn urn lit w llioy nro ucnol ituuruotii fnrrln lw ing thu iiiont tiauiil form nf iho dluli himllo nro ciluy to nihil in ini no qnnu titles tbcy need llnu for limiting ihclr abollu hut llioy dn uui imto to bo fed us llioy can und iliolr om fimid wlihh la ckcluuhclj mm immu or innny plunlu th nro iiiunt dolldous when proiwrly propnnil nnd niukod ami na cun on iluiuk miu ns iiour- uhlug uu inlfu foot jcll tloinsthlnrj wronq aontswliars a tuonillcont stood forth nrrujed in a cloud of rilooui nnd ii phunrd twnrliig tho legend i am dwif nud dumb co men old fostus pool or bearing grouch tbnt wouhl hnvo put n hyena lo slinmo nuhl ho minr led whntu tho noed of that sign i uoa you ero dcof nnd dumbl llko hock you cant roturnod tho nolle tod ono you dont sco deaf nnd dumbness you plcblo hendod fool you bear itl icnnsas city btnr the blue of fjspphlrsa gtnr sapphires aro gooornlly of n grayish bluo tint and tho alar is ex hibited in 11 greatest perfection whou looked at by tho light of tlio sun or u candle llio sapphire is found of all tints and shades of bluo but the color which approximates to tho ahndo for marly colled bleu do rol la tho moat valuable a really flno sapphire should appear bluo by artificial light nu wall as by day this atono is found in crystals generally of much inrgcr uuu than tho ruby tlio name imppulro u perhaps tho only ouo which runs thronch all languages with vory slight alteration tho ilcbrow name asppulr tho chahla sapirldou iho ureek aai flros tho latin aapphlms etc mlaeleilppl quamboallntf tho steamboat ago on tho ulsslsatppl began about 1121 mid tlourtaiiod for fifty years as early aa 1u34 tho nuui her of stuninboata on tin mhuilnslppi and its tributaries lu cstlnmtml at 230 nnd in ib 13 thoro woro 4au vomois with u a1uo or 2itooauoo nut llic golden era was from ikim till iho war motor did tho vulloy mid utuiimuoatlng prosper inoro than ihon thouaauihi of tulles of cotton were ininunlly shipped to aouthern markets mid thu wharf of fit louis und memphis nnd vlcks- burg mid othor lurgo ports were stuck cd with piles of tnorcbnodlso nnd lined with scores of steamers trmcl hag- aslno he khsw h she hegate dear there is aoroethlng of tho old tluio lovollaht in your eyes tonight suuiothlng about you that re minds too ot those awset days of lotut go i hope you liitve he yes i hnvo a little left dow much do you want this time household mlrurals gold silver copper qulcksllvsr or tniircury iron nickel tin sine lead und aluminum are ths ten uiluerola generally to be found in every house a fools heart is in blal tongue but m wise mans tongue is in hhi heart- qua rlos posvlsluioss cover with lis dark fesj even the tuost dlahut boruoaulch lor social and personal mrs a andsraon and master clarenoo vulted frtemla in herlln last week the mlsaea hamahsw spent humlay with miss marlon ijiwson ouelph mlaa clara hoomer of toronto wastto guekb of aoton friends on baturday kir mac hmltli ami mlsa jennie bmllh wore borne from toronto over bunday mr john ti moore of ira ml a toy toronto waa homo for a week end visit mr joaeph watson leftlast week lo tuke apoaltlon with theo t u at btratfor1 mr koliert wallace and mias wallace hnvo returned from wtngham and have re oimtied their home here mr itobert boott uower ave wlio has i con conflaed to the bouse for n couple of weeks is now recovering itev and mrs c y kraui of ilresuu were guests en tuesday of mr and mrs a auderson willow street mr and mrs harold flralbroob i rjughba weekend party to the trout poutlu frotrjorooto lost kfeek itev ii wravtsontm a h ix was ab toronto and bakville this week fn con- neottot with bummer school arrangements- mr tuglriald johnstone left on tuesday for bis borne at saskatoon bask mrs johmtotm ami children will follow in a few weeks you can now feel the full strong pulse beat of throbbing spring life in all this great big store spring in here thoroughly cstabliuhcd with all ita magnificent array of new merchandise htmw mil unary- with the utmost chars and ptctiirocqiienetui that can poaalbly he embodied in hat creations naw sulla from new york and from our canadian makers in an assemblage of wide detection jftces ranging up to s35 anddown sktownaqiiahoo qrjrovdrosaooocfainnnu perh aiuinrtment of dependable colors and of serviceable weaveu prlceu being osceptloiinlly low in the face of prenent day ucarcltleu metvr suitings in a splendid range of nolecllonp particularly so in serges at iter yard 40c to loo new wtsah rnbrloa-nx- qui si to- in pattern nnd coloring nnd no wldo n range that inlb of ncarclty seems hut mythical umw clothsa for mn bmort swagger styles for young fallows and conaervatlvoly smart modes for men of conservative tnutu now bulls coats hats neckwear and all mens furnishings in won derful selection lu n lug modern metin store the moat up todatcnf its bind in western ontario come to guelph to macdonaldtu for cxcluuivo tityle for broad selections for moderate prices have it made by wallace overcoats of fashion bulla with snappy style tailored lo ymir measure or ready all the while clolheawith pep and vxijr moduh slick and new koch suit with a mesaage for a man like you lot us fake your measure when the cloth youchoosp have it made by wallace you can never lose have it made by wallace hear thi young men cry do it once yotirtelf and see just the reason why furnlohlnga for fastidious folks correct in every measure lsvorythhip from neckwearon selected at your leisure everything for men to wear and for lite youngster too rach thing of tlio very heat hniippy bright and new oh t you who own a motor cat have jou tho latest seen j nut get our aulcunlon suit twill beep your clothing clean su is for the young men suits for lha oldv and satisfaction every time with everything thats sold wora always glad to see you we hope your fnvor to gain looking forward to serving you promptly uygood frlenda i beg to remain george wallace ouelph ont d e macdonald bros l guelphs leading and largest store wyuhuun maedonntll and canton slrula guelph ont u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l4wmkhl iiiiuiii hhhihhimh chevrolet four ninety the product of experience price complete sh500 f b 0s1uwa baulr kqutamenl uolmlr tolloted top enoiop ana blilo cutlolnm elcltlo uom clar vllmi vnlllaliiik wlnilaiilow bpiiedoiiuler bloclrlc surtliib and uluhlfnk bytcm anrniaur and llceum droclieli notkowlnu lo llio groat tlcmand lor till car w would iubh placlnit yourordtr ly lo iniuro delivery wo un iho stewart bnwdoniotor two unit auiollto otarllok anil malitlnk system wllll beudlm ilrlve lnio tyn and grado an ud ou llio htgli priced care ja willoughbv propriotor ceorgetowm james woods sales hmar ptt h i i i i i i 1 i i 1 i i i i i i i 1 i ml h-m- lllltllllllllllllllllllllllllll uadbimcanatl 1 ford touring car price 530 take a little comfort an jou go especially if you can combine it with profit the man who owns a ford has provided healthful enjoyment for ins entire family and equipped himself with an economical servant as well tlie lord ruuaboul la 9ro all price are f- o u pord ontario all care compulely equipped mcludlug electric headlight car on aale at pattersons garage hill wt aovom sorc k n wi ii p ebsse5t nnnnnn tmnrir1ft russells bread pure clean rl sweet in order to cut the price of bread you must also cut quality and wtiiht our brcnil is mide up to a stiinltrtl quality not down to an 8 cent price in two months our hread liuginess iiau incrcaued over 400 loaves por week this surely in sufficient evidence that our hread is riving jood satisfaction our drivers and salesman are at your service try a loal today and be one of our many satisfied customers russells mill st acton ont 3s ilibh bbdrthb why why why can we selt bread of such high quauiv at 8c per loaf because we biro no help we havo no boob keeping uupinm we havu small runt ihorcfore the ton- himiur gtls thu benefit why not patronise tho roan who looks afur the welfare of tho people and who gives them a product that uuosurjuuwd for quality there is no waste far our bread keeps molu so long that it is often hard lo couvlm0 soma people that it la the day befores baking watch our window for fancy baltinq httrford chisliolm superior takery phone 20 actod opt illlllllllllllllllll specials for this week 10 u8s j 12 9y2s i mens winter underwear rce 100 for mens shnet rei 500 for another line of shues rep 375 for i rubbers reg ioo lor heavy rubbers and socks rcg 235 for all soap 0 for 96c sugar a few other lines it reduced pricea this week only a lot of mens pants at clearing prices i tk skxe i the brlok store oppoallo now poatofflee 7 he duxtex raincoat something entirely now in raincoatb s liuht handsome and waterproof priced from to g our new tweed raincoats tho very lat- i est styles all new goods priced rom b 8sf to sib- r e nelson me4ntbabt tedlos wmdhsuu mcvmk oumlph ont r

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